The WEF’s Event 201 Pandemic simulation surely contained NPIs. The one that Johns Hopkins did surely did also. IMO the not-so-deadly virus was used for only one reason ‘People Control’ and that generated two outcomes. Total Compliance with mandates and riches for BigPharma.
Schwab’s WEF was 50 years old and the Council on Foreign Relations was 100 years old when the plandemic launched. A smooth and autonomous NPI response occurred in the main western nations because those world leaders get instructions from their Intel agencies. They knew exactly what the next steps were. Brix was placed up front for the public by Intel. NHS knew immediately to modify its systems to control outcomes with hefty payments to the entire medical establishment, including funeral expenses in exchange for NDAs signed by family members of the dead. The Dem governors knew what to do and the GOP ones were afraid not to follow along. When nation leaders are members of Skull and Bones, CFR, Bilderbergs, the indoctrination is complete and they don’t need to be a YGL
Not much has happened in the world since the end of WWII that was not planned and executed by those whose only job was to tow the line of the powerful in control [named above].
Let us NOT forger that one prominent "Skull & Bones" member - George H. W. BUSH* - was also a COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATION member - and was 'embedded' as Ronald Reagans Vice President - along with some 188 OTHER CFR members in Reagans administration who did MUCH to slow-walk and stifle what Reagan wanted to do for We the people.
* Some may recall that George H. W. Bush - in his FIRST State of the Union address to the Joint Session of Congress spoke of a "NEW WORLD ORDER"! And that - as I recall seemed to be unraveling what Reagan DID accomplish - similar to what CFR member - Joe Biden - did from DAY ONE to REVERSE what President Trump had done FOR all American citizens.
Might move that back 1/2 century. The League of Nations by wilson was probably, at the least, a toe in the water. Lucky that we had a Senate back then that held our interests above world government pies in the sky.
And let us not forget that the (fantastic) book "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin devotes considerable attention to the Council on Foreign Relations.
Shelley, Your comprehension of the unfoldment of the succession of leaders and their "duties" should be taught. It would probably need to be done in secret, and you would need to insure your brain for millions$.
DD, just regurgitating what I've learned from others who learned from others, who learned from others. First my sons who introduced me to Alex Jones, G. Edward Griffin, and when “O” first appeared I found Glenn Beck, Angelo M. Codevilla, Cleon Skousen, Robert Welch, and lately our “Mr. John Guy.” Dr. Malone is also joining in on his own ‘discovery channel’ – what I call his SS. Learning much from him too and others that post here.
"The only serious opposition to this arrogant Ruling Party is coming not from feckless Republicans but from what might be called the Country Party -- and its vision is revolutionary. Our special Summer Issue cover story.
By Angelo M. Codevilla – From the July 2010 - August 2010 issue"
There was a little bit of kerfuffle about Tulsi Gabbard having been named via Twitter as a YGL by WEF in 2015. She denies ever being a part of the WEF. Another politician, from Canada: MP Michelle Rempel Garner, states (link below) that she attended a conference at her own expense and since she was "right of center" in her politics found herself making comments that went unchallenged. She alludes that it didn't appear to be a "cabal". My take is, if you don't pass their "test" they aren't going to show their true colors or motivations or plans to you.
I thought about Tulsi as well, having watched her interview with Dr. Drew, in which (as you point out) she claimed she had nothing to do with her selection for the YGL roster. I have mentioned here before that I find Tulsi's name on the YGL list on the Malone Institute website. I also found her listed on archived slides bearing the WEF/YGL logo online, though I have no way of confirming their authenticity. Last time I checked the active WEF/YGL site, her name was NOT listed.
-Does selection as YGL require a nominee's cooperation? Training?
-Would the WEF willingly remove a YGL listee who complained about being nominated w/o permission?
-Is the YGL list retroactively revised to allow YGLs to "go dark" if circumstances require it for "penetrating ze cabinets?"
-Is Tulsi hiding something? Or has she just been involuntarily drawn into something she wanted no part of?
Some of the same questions apply to Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), a Trump defender and possible VP pick. Someone needs to ask.
And wrt to WEF's "true colors," what astonishes me is how unabashed and brazen they are about their goals, values, and intentions. They post their lectures on YouTube, for goodness' sake. I don't know how anyone loyal to the US could hear such discussion without returning home to raise the alarm for their constituents. Yeah, they should be concerned about "Rebuilding Trust." But as far as I'm concerned, they'll never get there.
It is a five year training program. Yes, they are selected and then participate and finally graduate. Tulsi went through it as far as I know. She later rejected it and apparently opted out of/rejected the WEF system. My sense is that she did so after receiving some benefits.
I also had “heard” Vivek was a YGL. He says he has no relationship with WEF. Does anyone besides me think the jackals at WEF want to hang that albatross around the necks of young, up and coming people who may lean right of center?
Before the COVID era, I gave little thought or attention to the WEF. And if I were a young person who didn’t know any better, “Young Global Leader,” might sound like something that would sound good on my resume. But knowing what I know now, I wouldn’t touch them with a 10 ft pole. I think it might shed light if someone like Tulsi or Vivek were to lay out the details of how the whole process or experience played out in their respective cases. My recollection is that Tulsi's account to Dr. Drew was a little vague.
Vivek requested his name be withdrawn He said all he ever did was get a 'loan' from WEF for schooling, like in college I guess. I say sure thing Vivek.
The WEF is very, very confident in its ability to get its goal accomplished. Every Pres since the end of WWII has played a part, except the real winner in Nov. 2020. [Think Kissinger] It has the banksters behind it and people embedded throughout the world. It cares deeply about hoarding finite resources for the extended future of the posterity of a limited few. The rest of the world's population is just a disposable inconvenience and of no consequence to them. This is what is meant by saving the planet.
Stefanik is a 'plant'. She's a Bushy. She was a nobody until she was given a chance to prove her DJT bona fides - to read questions and give remarks during one of DJT's impeachments hearings. That was to make her a star and those with the mouthpieces ran with it. And she was made third in command, taking Liz Chaney’s place when more seasoned reps were certainly available.
Tulsi was the least likely Dem candidate for Pres but there she was on stage. She is not my cup of tea because I think she was set up by someone or some organization, like Miss Stefanik. She has been polished. Politics is a ruthless game, with no holds barred, and every politician belongs to someone or is very controllable.
There are so many issues that connect the WEF and the planned Covid pandemic to a world wide communist controlled take over of the entire globe I wanted to add a definition of communism and let you decide. Although I certainly think some of the leaders installed by the WEF throughout the world are very totalitarian oriented I sometimes wonder if some have been groomed and are a Manchurian leader not positive themselves what’s happening but fully participate.
Communism; a left wing to far left wing sociopolitical, philosophical, and economic ideology within the socialist movement, whose goal is the creation of a communist society, a socioeconomic order centered around common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange that allocates products to everyone in the society based on need. A communist society world entail the absence of private property and social classes and ultimately money and the state or nation state.
(A great deception as we know is language; affordable health care act, deficit reduction act, and the new takeover “Digital Currency”. Digital currency is the lefts deceiving way to get to the end of money which would create governments ultimate control of every aspect of our lives. All but 3 leftist house democrats voted for digital currency.)
As one of the main ideologies on the political spectrum, communism is placed on the left-wing along side socialism, and communist parties and movements have been described as radical left or far left.
This in my mind explains the thoughts of closing businesses, taking control of what businesses stay open, slowing and controlling supply lines, sending checks out which in a way quiets any decent. This also controls the money. This I believe was a trial balloon to see how far and how much power they could acquire. We certainly see the deception of our government, this seemed to be a worldwide deception with our government taking a huge role in it. J.Goodrich
Actually, there is NO difference between socialism and communism. The USSR for instance (ground zero for GLOBAL domination) was the "Union of Soviet* SOCIALIST Republics"- coined by V. I. Lenin himself. *SOVIET is Russian for the english word COUNCIL - such as COUNCIL on Foreign Relations.
Whoever controls the "means of Production" (coined by Karl Marx) - controls the WORLD.
The THREE main elements of the means of production are, ONE: (ALL) Land & water, TWO: LABOR (all humanity) and THREE: MONEY (in whatever form, be it precious metal, fiat paper or DIGITAL). BTW, Janet Yellen & Jerome Powell are among more than a few Federal Reserve (regional ) bankers that are ALSO - COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATION members. Yellen is PROMOTING the GLOBAL mandate for DIGITAL "money".
So,Jim, - what it your OPINION (or) definition of what communism stands for?
Of course the "left" / "right" idiom goes back DIRECTLY to the General Assembly in revolutionary France - where the BAD guys sat on the LEFT side of the Assembly and the good guys on the RIGHT.
So, Tom.......I will be delighted to have a civil conversation with you. You seem very knowledgeable and polite. I'm so impressed that I vow, from here on out, to start all over with James G. (and you), although there's been no bad blood between us anyway.
James, I know you are a good person, and I will start over.
I do feel that I have to call it out when I see something that others don't see, so please have patience and I will reciprocate.
But Tom, I will have to reply a little later as I don't have time right now. But it'll be coming. You all have a good night!
I can relate to "calling out" the unseen - which I have actively been doing for over a half century, related to the purposeful deconstruction of the "Fragile Experiment with Freedom" Ben Franklin spoke of in 1787 - and the USA as a Constitutional Republic...from WITHIN, by "Americans".
I have an eye for spelling and grammar flaws too, Jim. But at this stage of life the need to correct anyone can be so belittling. Do you do this in your everyday world? I hope you are compensated. (perhaps the evil eye)
DD he started with me questioning my education because I spelled a word wrong. Now I say thanks and he insults me again typical liberal projection. I don’t pay to post on this sub stack to be insulted especially by Jim. Really thinking of exiting this sub stack permanently. I don’t need this aggravation.
This is what Dr. Malone goes thru every day. He doesn't need the aggravation either. Don't let one small minded control freak ruin your contribution, It's obvious that a lot of people benefit from your posts. Let that be your stamina.
I know Dr. Malone goes through much worse than this piddly BS but it still makes it not worth doing it for me. I’m not getting paid for this. Years back I played hockey on a team with a bunch of friends at a sports complex in Hingham Ma. They would put dozens of leagues together, each team would pay and let’s say every Thursday night at 7 we would have a game against another team in this time slot. There were probably 8 or so teams. When we first started playing we were pretty bad, but over several years we became very good, winning many championships (big deal right). I was definitely a bit older than most so over some years teams got younger.
One game I was skating back toward our defensive end and a young kid for no reason slammed me right across my back with his stick, not provoked by me at all. It actually took me a few seconds to realize what happened. I turned around and grabbed this little punk and proceeded to smash him off the ice on his back again and again and again until the referees were finally able to tear me off him. As I was slamming this kid off the ice I told him I’m not here for this, I’m not getting paid for this either. I was actually paying for this aggravation??? Honestly I wasn’t that great on skates but I just wanted to get some exercise and stay in shape, and gave some fun. I certainly didn’t want to be slashed across my back and want to kill this kid.
I kind of thought of this when Jim first insulted me, sarcastically questioning my education because in a bit of anger responding to his insulting reply to my post I misspelled a word. Well after the young punk slashed me across my back and I slammed him off the ice several dozen times, I began to think why am I paying for this aggravation? I decided it really wasn’t worth playing hockey there any longer.
Honestly DD I put a lot of time into my posts here believe it or not. I’m paying to read everyone’s posts and comment myself. But I’m not going to pay to be insulted by a “man ???” that adds nothing to this sub stack. I’ve seen him in action. He never actually makes a post himself, he just replies to people usually to get a rise out of someone. He even said that’s his goal. Well I’m sure my comment will get him going on an insulting rant again but that’s ok. This probably doesn’t matter much, it may even make some happy, but I’m seriously beginning to question why I’m here???
James, Well, from my perspective it's to uplift others. This has moved out of the realm of the ordinary. I totally hear what you are saying and have had the same thought myself and had to remove one of my posts, I was so disappointed. You are entering the realm of the "bodhisattva". Only the few get to play.
Now, perhaps you could check out his name calling directed at me which is by order of magnitude, way worse. He actually might learn from me, whereas he has nothing to teach me, he has nothing but name calling. Look it up.
I already know, he knows too. The need for playground bullies is way over, lets give everyone a break. James has worked on his delivery more than most. We started out as you have and have ended up in a completely different place. This is the true meaning of successful and healing communication. P. S. He does have something to teach you... I can start with humility.
Just to pick at random, the members of the WEF, under "P", we find PayPal, PepsiCo. and Pfizer. The last two are an evil conglomeration - one making "food" products that have made the population sick and obese and the other profiting from it by making drugs to mask the symptoms of the illnesses caused by PepsiCo's garbage products. And then there's PayPal - dedicated to government control over your finances - if you're dumb enough to give them that leverage. It is long past time to exact a price from these vampires. If you don't think Klaus is the poster boy for globalist evil, you haven't been paying attention. And under the letter O is the Open Society Foundation of the old Sonderkommando, Soros. Why are Citi, Chase, and other American companies in league with a man who despises America and all for which we stand? Connecting dots with these globalists is not too difficult, is it?
Thank you for this outstanding analysis to help in our formulation of hypotheses on how the "Covidcrisis" has come down. As we continue to be susceptible to further repeats, this definitely is of vital concern.
My computer is having DNS denial issues, so for now my pursuits of references are a problem.
I do note some additional elements to be considered for adding to the mix.
From recollection, the WEF reported an additional contingent for training and worldwide deployment. It was described as youth (late teens and into the 20s) to be trained re WEF visions, that they would be to promote such as participants with the youth in their assigned environs.
Then we have the folks (also) involved in the birth of the WEF.
Kissinger, Schwab and the Rockefellers (and their fellows?)
Do elements within the UN also have a role?
Thank you so much for your continuing pursuits and participations to guide us all to a more constructive world!
NO coincidence that Kissinger, the Rockefeller's, (and the REST of their "comrade" members in and of the COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS) are involved with the "Great Reset" to enslave the "masses" on planet earth - for their own good. of course.
What really enrages is the ARROGANCE of these so-called "elite" to assume they have a RIGHT to refashion the entire societal structure on planet earth to THEIR perceived reality.
What others are saying ...Francis Boyle, one of the world’s leading experts on bacteriological weapons, author of the Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act approved by the US Congress.
That document was one of the milestones that led to the annual elaboration of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) according to which all adhering nations must report to UNODA in Geneva (Office for Disarmament Affairs is a department of the United Nations Secretariat) all bacteriological laboratories that carry out dangerous experiments on viruses with a dual-use perspective, i.e. for research into vaccines or bio-weapons (DURC, Dual use research of concern).
Thanks to some BWC dossiers found in the ocean of WEB documents we have published the investigation into all the US bio-laboratories managed by the infamous virologist Anthony Fauci and also one in the United Kingdom which raises the suspicion that the last very dangerous phase of experiments for the creation of the artificial SARS-Cov-2 took place in England.
Together with the late Luc Montagnier and his colleague Jean-Claude Perez he was among the first to report that the COVID-19 pandemic virus 19 had been created artificially by man, as later confirmed by dozens of studies and scientific articles.
This is why the sworn report that he signed as an Affidavit in a lawsuit in Florida to stop mRNA gene serums should be taken as an explosive document confirming that such genetically engineered pharmacological products are “bioweapons of mass destruction” .
As in fact revealed by the disturbing and disruptive study published by a Pro-Vax medical journal such as BMJ in confirming the correlation between an excess of deaths in Western countries after the administration of Covid vaccines.
This is what the Italian biochemist Gabriele Segalla declares in light of his new study published in peer-review in the American scientific journal International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (IJVTPR), with the title “Apparent Cytotoxicity and Intrinsic Cytotoxicity of Lipid Nanomaterials Contained in a COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine”.
Occasionally I tune into Alex Jones. He seems to know what is going to happen before it happens. He mentioned the WEF ‘s Event 201 Pandemic stimulation. He brought the knowledge of the 201 event out when Covid was just showing its ugly face. I printed it out. It was on line for all to read. I was amazed at the accuracy between what the event was saying and what was actually happening. These are truly evil men. Thank you again for the voice overs
Alex Jones told Glenn Beck that he has been convicted in civil court of crimes against people involved in the Sandy Hook school shooting with a fine of 1.5 billion dollars. The plaintiffs originally demanded 1.5 trillion dollars. Jones said the lawsuit originated with people who want to take out voices that point out defects of the current administration. The prosecution was a trial foray for a technique of lawfare that has since been used against Trump and his lawyers.
The WEF put out a book regarding COVID-19 and its usefulness in achieving their goal. Thank God we are seeing it and the failure in its achieving their desired end….but they have not given up on their agenda driven goal.
WEF young Leader Justin Trudeau has a half brother Kyle Kemper who stated on Tucker Carlson that Justin Trudeau takes his marching orders from the Bildenberg Group. The WEF is just the disposible public face of the Bildenberg Group.
A search turns up a roster of 2023 Bilderburg Meeting attendees, plus more relevant details. Of interest our 'friends' the Rockefellers, Kissinger and several other Key parties were listed on the meeting list and/or in the additional details.
Just look at Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand and her unbelievable treatment of New Zealand citizens. And, her net worth went up multi millions before she left office!
I don't know if Justin Trudeau is a YGL alum, but he has all the trappings. Here's to our friends in Canada as we watch you wipe the smirk off the punk's face come the next election.
He has to be! What he is doing to Canada is criminal. And the Biden Administration is in lockstep. Thank goodness for the results in the recent European elections! How I hope our country follows suit!
Quick question: are the current vaccines directed against the original spike protein or the later mutations? The original spike seemed far more immunogenic, but if it's no longer about what's the point of administering a vaccine against it?
I feel surrounded and ambushed. it seems odd that there is no organization competing with the enrollment of young, wealthy people being taught skills like self- awareness, the value of integrity etc. Even then the organization would have to be carefully watched. I sent my son to a series of youth oriented seminars that were very effective for a teen, only to find out later the "Insight Training Seminars" were a little tainted at the core. Church groups are not enough to reach the youth, and waiting until "treatment" is needed is often too late. Maybe there are such groups as I speak of since I'm out of that loop? I always thought it a good idea to take teens to prisons and jails , to be able to see the reality of their actions if not really thought out. Before the gangs infiltrate. The WEF is a gang in the most violent way, it's just not perceived as such.
Hillsdale College has earned kudos for their efforts from some notable conservatives. They do not take.any government monies. They develop young conservatives to take roles in leadership. They also offer on line courses ( I think may be free) and a free monthly publication. You may want to check them out so you can decide for yourself.
Agree. I do regularly receive Imprimus. I went into DC, to their graduate facility there to hear Dr Malone speak. Ran into problems trying to find my car. Some very nice young men there rescued me, found my car and got me headed home. I'd lost my wallet so they paid my parking fee. I mailed the college a donation and the money to pay the young men the money they had advanced for me. Hillsdale emails me regular notices of their offerings.
As Jean said, at least get Hillsdale's Imprimis - it's free. Each one contains a rendition from its in-person speakers - given by the very best minds. You can access the speeches on line also. The one from Scott Atlas a couple of years ago was super good. Years ago I signed up my two younger brothers for it. Don't know if they ever read it though.
There is the Young America's Foundation, founded 1969. Then for free online: Hillsdale College courses and Prager University. There is Turning Point USA - Charlie Kirk successful endeavor. The Mises Institute University and its virtual University.
I am sure there are others but they only crop up when the Southern Poverty Law Centers does its hit pieces on them.
The WEF’s Event 201 Pandemic simulation surely contained NPIs. The one that Johns Hopkins did surely did also. IMO the not-so-deadly virus was used for only one reason ‘People Control’ and that generated two outcomes. Total Compliance with mandates and riches for BigPharma.
Schwab’s WEF was 50 years old and the Council on Foreign Relations was 100 years old when the plandemic launched. A smooth and autonomous NPI response occurred in the main western nations because those world leaders get instructions from their Intel agencies. They knew exactly what the next steps were. Brix was placed up front for the public by Intel. NHS knew immediately to modify its systems to control outcomes with hefty payments to the entire medical establishment, including funeral expenses in exchange for NDAs signed by family members of the dead. The Dem governors knew what to do and the GOP ones were afraid not to follow along. When nation leaders are members of Skull and Bones, CFR, Bilderbergs, the indoctrination is complete and they don’t need to be a YGL
Not much has happened in the world since the end of WWII that was not planned and executed by those whose only job was to tow the line of the powerful in control [named above].
Well said (again), Shelly.
Let us NOT forger that one prominent "Skull & Bones" member - George H. W. BUSH* - was also a COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATION member - and was 'embedded' as Ronald Reagans Vice President - along with some 188 OTHER CFR members in Reagans administration who did MUCH to slow-walk and stifle what Reagan wanted to do for We the people.
* Some may recall that George H. W. Bush - in his FIRST State of the Union address to the Joint Session of Congress spoke of a "NEW WORLD ORDER"! And that - as I recall seemed to be unraveling what Reagan DID accomplish - similar to what CFR member - Joe Biden - did from DAY ONE to REVERSE what President Trump had done FOR all American citizens.
Prior to H.W. Bush becoming Reagan's VP., he was Director of the CIA.
Might move that back 1/2 century. The League of Nations by wilson was probably, at the least, a toe in the water. Lucky that we had a Senate back then that held our interests above world government pies in the sky.
That's when the CFR (1921) invented itself. Took over Wilson's cadre of academics from Johns Hopkins that formulated his 14 points and L of N.
Yup already woven into the fabric. Already blueprinted on some parchment on a desk.
And let us not forget that the (fantastic) book "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin devotes considerable attention to the Council on Foreign Relations.
Indeed Tom.
Shelley, Your comprehension of the unfoldment of the succession of leaders and their "duties" should be taught. It would probably need to be done in secret, and you would need to insure your brain for millions$.
DD, just regurgitating what I've learned from others who learned from others, who learned from others. First my sons who introduced me to Alex Jones, G. Edward Griffin, and when “O” first appeared I found Glenn Beck, Angelo M. Codevilla, Cleon Skousen, Robert Welch, and lately our “Mr. John Guy.” Dr. Malone is also joining in on his own ‘discovery channel’ – what I call his SS. Learning much from him too and others that post here.
"The only serious opposition to this arrogant Ruling Party is coming not from feckless Republicans but from what might be called the Country Party -- and its vision is revolutionary. Our special Summer Issue cover story.
By Angelo M. Codevilla – From the July 2010 - August 2010 issue"
This is the only mag (besides Equus) I get. Codevilla was not only right, in his own way he predicted DJT five years in advance.
The Shape of Things to come moves at the speed of a Glacial event.
So slow it is almost un- noticed to most.
But for many we are feeling the cold chill that is coming.
Just not certain what level of prep will work at all to stop it.
Millions is chump change now.
With inflation factored in we need to bump it to Billions. Hahha
Warren Buffet can cover it from Omaha.
Nice work, I would give you a like but mine is out of order.
There was a little bit of kerfuffle about Tulsi Gabbard having been named via Twitter as a YGL by WEF in 2015. She denies ever being a part of the WEF. Another politician, from Canada: MP Michelle Rempel Garner, states (link below) that she attended a conference at her own expense and since she was "right of center" in her politics found herself making comments that went unchallenged. She alludes that it didn't appear to be a "cabal". My take is, if you don't pass their "test" they aren't going to show their true colors or motivations or plans to you.
Of course, you have to look at who published the above article.
Interesting piece Dr. Malone.
I thought about Tulsi as well, having watched her interview with Dr. Drew, in which (as you point out) she claimed she had nothing to do with her selection for the YGL roster. I have mentioned here before that I find Tulsi's name on the YGL list on the Malone Institute website. I also found her listed on archived slides bearing the WEF/YGL logo online, though I have no way of confirming their authenticity. Last time I checked the active WEF/YGL site, her name was NOT listed.
-Does selection as YGL require a nominee's cooperation? Training?
-Would the WEF willingly remove a YGL listee who complained about being nominated w/o permission?
-Is the YGL list retroactively revised to allow YGLs to "go dark" if circumstances require it for "penetrating ze cabinets?"
-Is Tulsi hiding something? Or has she just been involuntarily drawn into something she wanted no part of?
Some of the same questions apply to Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), a Trump defender and possible VP pick. Someone needs to ask.
And wrt to WEF's "true colors," what astonishes me is how unabashed and brazen they are about their goals, values, and intentions. They post their lectures on YouTube, for goodness' sake. I don't know how anyone loyal to the US could hear such discussion without returning home to raise the alarm for their constituents. Yeah, they should be concerned about "Rebuilding Trust." But as far as I'm concerned, they'll never get there.
It is a five year training program. Yes, they are selected and then participate and finally graduate. Tulsi went through it as far as I know. She later rejected it and apparently opted out of/rejected the WEF system. My sense is that she did so after receiving some benefits.
Then she was untruthful when she spoke to Dr. Drew. Here is the 10+ minute excerpt.
Similar to skull and bones members club??
Once you are invited can never leave.
Oh wait...that's Hotel California.
I also had “heard” Vivek was a YGL. He says he has no relationship with WEF. Does anyone besides me think the jackals at WEF want to hang that albatross around the necks of young, up and coming people who may lean right of center?
Before the COVID era, I gave little thought or attention to the WEF. And if I were a young person who didn’t know any better, “Young Global Leader,” might sound like something that would sound good on my resume. But knowing what I know now, I wouldn’t touch them with a 10 ft pole. I think it might shed light if someone like Tulsi or Vivek were to lay out the details of how the whole process or experience played out in their respective cases. My recollection is that Tulsi's account to Dr. Drew was a little vague.
Vivek requested his name be withdrawn He said all he ever did was get a 'loan' from WEF for schooling, like in college I guess. I say sure thing Vivek.
Tulsi is also a listed as a member of the COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS - which she said she also renounced via her sub stack.
The WEF is very, very confident in its ability to get its goal accomplished. Every Pres since the end of WWII has played a part, except the real winner in Nov. 2020. [Think Kissinger] It has the banksters behind it and people embedded throughout the world. It cares deeply about hoarding finite resources for the extended future of the posterity of a limited few. The rest of the world's population is just a disposable inconvenience and of no consequence to them. This is what is meant by saving the planet.
Deputizing People is a free and easy way to get new conscripts
Lots of young gullible lackeys just waiting to be important.
Stefanik is a 'plant'. She's a Bushy. She was a nobody until she was given a chance to prove her DJT bona fides - to read questions and give remarks during one of DJT's impeachments hearings. That was to make her a star and those with the mouthpieces ran with it. And she was made third in command, taking Liz Chaney’s place when more seasoned reps were certainly available.
Tulsi was the least likely Dem candidate for Pres but there she was on stage. She is not my cup of tea because I think she was set up by someone or some organization, like Miss Stefanik. She has been polished. Politics is a ruthless game, with no holds barred, and every politician belongs to someone or is very controllable.
There are so many issues that connect the WEF and the planned Covid pandemic to a world wide communist controlled take over of the entire globe I wanted to add a definition of communism and let you decide. Although I certainly think some of the leaders installed by the WEF throughout the world are very totalitarian oriented I sometimes wonder if some have been groomed and are a Manchurian leader not positive themselves what’s happening but fully participate.
Communism; a left wing to far left wing sociopolitical, philosophical, and economic ideology within the socialist movement, whose goal is the creation of a communist society, a socioeconomic order centered around common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange that allocates products to everyone in the society based on need. A communist society world entail the absence of private property and social classes and ultimately money and the state or nation state.
(A great deception as we know is language; affordable health care act, deficit reduction act, and the new takeover “Digital Currency”. Digital currency is the lefts deceiving way to get to the end of money which would create governments ultimate control of every aspect of our lives. All but 3 leftist house democrats voted for digital currency.)
As one of the main ideologies on the political spectrum, communism is placed on the left-wing along side socialism, and communist parties and movements have been described as radical left or far left.
This in my mind explains the thoughts of closing businesses, taking control of what businesses stay open, slowing and controlling supply lines, sending checks out which in a way quiets any decent. This also controls the money. This I believe was a trial balloon to see how far and how much power they could acquire. We certainly see the deception of our government, this seemed to be a worldwide deception with our government taking a huge role in it. J.Goodrich
It was a deception and those nations with Intel orgs knew exactly what to do when the Big C was launched.
Actually, there is NO difference between socialism and communism. The USSR for instance (ground zero for GLOBAL domination) was the "Union of Soviet* SOCIALIST Republics"- coined by V. I. Lenin himself. *SOVIET is Russian for the english word COUNCIL - such as COUNCIL on Foreign Relations.
Whoever controls the "means of Production" (coined by Karl Marx) - controls the WORLD.
The THREE main elements of the means of production are, ONE: (ALL) Land & water, TWO: LABOR (all humanity) and THREE: MONEY (in whatever form, be it precious metal, fiat paper or DIGITAL). BTW, Janet Yellen & Jerome Powell are among more than a few Federal Reserve (regional ) bankers that are ALSO - COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATION members. Yellen is PROMOTING the GLOBAL mandate for DIGITAL "money".
FWIW, I define using an analogy to biology:
Creator: Satan
Genus: Collectivism (traits: totalitarian; dystopian)
Species (within the genus): Communism; Socialism; Progressivism; Fascism; Globalism-Climatism
Subspecies (as an example): Fabian Socialism; Democratic Socialism
Mis-takes were made. But the script remained the same. The Show must go on!!
New stage actors appeared from out of nowhere. Canada and Australia come to mind!
......yer gonna hate me for this (you already do), but it's "dissent", not "decent", James.
Democrats are not "Left Wing" any more, also.
No, "Democrats" are NOW, TODAY 100% MARXISTS - meaning COMMUNISTS.
My definition of communist came from a left wing source, which clearly says communists are left wing. It’s a left wing source!!!!!!
So,Jim, - what it your OPINION (or) definition of what communism stands for?
Of course the "left" / "right" idiom goes back DIRECTLY to the General Assembly in revolutionary France - where the BAD guys sat on the LEFT side of the Assembly and the good guys on the RIGHT.
So, Tom.......I will be delighted to have a civil conversation with you. You seem very knowledgeable and polite. I'm so impressed that I vow, from here on out, to start all over with James G. (and you), although there's been no bad blood between us anyway.
James, I know you are a good person, and I will start over.
I do feel that I have to call it out when I see something that others don't see, so please have patience and I will reciprocate.
But Tom, I will have to reply a little later as I don't have time right now. But it'll be coming. You all have a good night!
I can relate to "calling out" the unseen - which I have actively been doing for over a half century, related to the purposeful deconstruction of the "Fragile Experiment with Freedom" Ben Franklin spoke of in 1787 - and the USA as a Constitutional Republic...from WITHIN, by "Americans".
Lastly, we agree on a lot of things. I think a big part of our problem is based on semantics and labels.
please forward to James
I have an eye for spelling and grammar flaws too, Jim. But at this stage of life the need to correct anyone can be so belittling. Do you do this in your everyday world? I hope you are compensated. (perhaps the evil eye)
DD he started with me questioning my education because I spelled a word wrong. Now I say thanks and he insults me again typical liberal projection. I don’t pay to post on this sub stack to be insulted especially by Jim. Really thinking of exiting this sub stack permanently. I don’t need this aggravation.
This is what Dr. Malone goes thru every day. He doesn't need the aggravation either. Don't let one small minded control freak ruin your contribution, It's obvious that a lot of people benefit from your posts. Let that be your stamina.
Ditto that DD!
I stopped getting emails from sub stack so I can’t edit my comments…..
I know Dr. Malone goes through much worse than this piddly BS but it still makes it not worth doing it for me. I’m not getting paid for this. Years back I played hockey on a team with a bunch of friends at a sports complex in Hingham Ma. They would put dozens of leagues together, each team would pay and let’s say every Thursday night at 7 we would have a game against another team in this time slot. There were probably 8 or so teams. When we first started playing we were pretty bad, but over several years we became very good, winning many championships (big deal right). I was definitely a bit older than most so over some years teams got younger.
One game I was skating back toward our defensive end and a young kid for no reason slammed me right across my back with his stick, not provoked by me at all. It actually took me a few seconds to realize what happened. I turned around and grabbed this little punk and proceeded to smash him off the ice on his back again and again and again until the referees were finally able to tear me off him. As I was slamming this kid off the ice I told him I’m not here for this, I’m not getting paid for this either. I was actually paying for this aggravation??? Honestly I wasn’t that great on skates but I just wanted to get some exercise and stay in shape, and gave some fun. I certainly didn’t want to be slashed across my back and want to kill this kid.
I kind of thought of this when Jim first insulted me, sarcastically questioning my education because in a bit of anger responding to his insulting reply to my post I misspelled a word. Well after the young punk slashed me across my back and I slammed him off the ice several dozen times, I began to think why am I paying for this aggravation? I decided it really wasn’t worth playing hockey there any longer.
Honestly DD I put a lot of time into my posts here believe it or not. I’m paying to read everyone’s posts and comment myself. But I’m not going to pay to be insulted by a “man ???” that adds nothing to this sub stack. I’ve seen him in action. He never actually makes a post himself, he just replies to people usually to get a rise out of someone. He even said that’s his goal. Well I’m sure my comment will get him going on an insulting rant again but that’s ok. This probably doesn’t matter much, it may even make some happy, but I’m seriously beginning to question why I’m here???
I like to read your responses James Goodrich , thank you .
James, Well, from my perspective it's to uplift others. This has moved out of the realm of the ordinary. I totally hear what you are saying and have had the same thought myself and had to remove one of my posts, I was so disappointed. You are entering the realm of the "bodhisattva". Only the few get to play.
James, please don't go! You can put on your bodhisattva hat . . .
Thank you for sticking up for Mr. Goodrich.
Now, perhaps you could check out his name calling directed at me which is by order of magnitude, way worse. He actually might learn from me, whereas he has nothing to teach me, he has nothing but name calling. Look it up.
I already know, he knows too. The need for playground bullies is way over, lets give everyone a break. James has worked on his delivery more than most. We started out as you have and have ended up in a completely different place. This is the true meaning of successful and healing communication. P. S. He does have something to teach you... I can start with humility.
Thanks Jim
yur welcum, James.
Just to pick at random, the members of the WEF, under "P", we find PayPal, PepsiCo. and Pfizer. The last two are an evil conglomeration - one making "food" products that have made the population sick and obese and the other profiting from it by making drugs to mask the symptoms of the illnesses caused by PepsiCo's garbage products. And then there's PayPal - dedicated to government control over your finances - if you're dumb enough to give them that leverage. It is long past time to exact a price from these vampires. If you don't think Klaus is the poster boy for globalist evil, you haven't been paying attention. And under the letter O is the Open Society Foundation of the old Sonderkommando, Soros. Why are Citi, Chase, and other American companies in league with a man who despises America and all for which we stand? Connecting dots with these globalists is not too difficult, is it?
Thank you for this outstanding analysis to help in our formulation of hypotheses on how the "Covidcrisis" has come down. As we continue to be susceptible to further repeats, this definitely is of vital concern.
My computer is having DNS denial issues, so for now my pursuits of references are a problem.
I do note some additional elements to be considered for adding to the mix.
From recollection, the WEF reported an additional contingent for training and worldwide deployment. It was described as youth (late teens and into the 20s) to be trained re WEF visions, that they would be to promote such as participants with the youth in their assigned environs.
Then we have the folks (also) involved in the birth of the WEF.
Kissinger, Schwab and the Rockefellers (and their fellows?)
Do elements within the UN also have a role?
Thank you so much for your continuing pursuits and participations to guide us all to a more constructive world!
Bestest ♡♡♡
NO coincidence that Kissinger, the Rockefeller's, (and the REST of their "comrade" members in and of the COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS) are involved with the "Great Reset" to enslave the "masses" on planet earth - for their own good. of course.
What really enrages is the ARROGANCE of these so-called "elite" to assume they have a RIGHT to refashion the entire societal structure on planet earth to THEIR perceived reality.
"THEY" are NOT perfect!
What would you expect narcissistic personalities to do?
Would MINDING THEIR OWN BUSINESS be too much to expect?
With their interests in more wealth, power and control - IMO probably.
Narcissistic and/or even darker forms of psychopathology.
What others are saying ...Francis Boyle, one of the world’s leading experts on bacteriological weapons, author of the Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act approved by the US Congress.
That document was one of the milestones that led to the annual elaboration of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) according to which all adhering nations must report to UNODA in Geneva (Office for Disarmament Affairs is a department of the United Nations Secretariat) all bacteriological laboratories that carry out dangerous experiments on viruses with a dual-use perspective, i.e. for research into vaccines or bio-weapons (DURC, Dual use research of concern).
Thanks to some BWC dossiers found in the ocean of WEB documents we have published the investigation into all the US bio-laboratories managed by the infamous virologist Anthony Fauci and also one in the United Kingdom which raises the suspicion that the last very dangerous phase of experiments for the creation of the artificial SARS-Cov-2 took place in England.
Together with the late Luc Montagnier and his colleague Jean-Claude Perez he was among the first to report that the COVID-19 pandemic virus 19 had been created artificially by man, as later confirmed by dozens of studies and scientific articles.
This is why the sworn report that he signed as an Affidavit in a lawsuit in Florida to stop mRNA gene serums should be taken as an explosive document confirming that such genetically engineered pharmacological products are “bioweapons of mass destruction” .
As in fact revealed by the disturbing and disruptive study published by a Pro-Vax medical journal such as BMJ in confirming the correlation between an excess of deaths in Western countries after the administration of Covid vaccines.
This is what the Italian biochemist Gabriele Segalla declares in light of his new study published in peer-review in the American scientific journal International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (IJVTPR), with the title “Apparent Cytotoxicity and Intrinsic Cytotoxicity of Lipid Nanomaterials Contained in a COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine”.
SCIENCEDIRECT: mRNA Vaccines' Diabolical Molecule can Aid to Develop Cancer. Danger confirmed by Intercontinental Reviewed Study
Occasionally I tune into Alex Jones. He seems to know what is going to happen before it happens. He mentioned the WEF ‘s Event 201 Pandemic stimulation. He brought the knowledge of the 201 event out when Covid was just showing its ugly face. I printed it out. It was on line for all to read. I was amazed at the accuracy between what the event was saying and what was actually happening. These are truly evil men. Thank you again for the voice overs
Alex Jones told Glenn Beck that he has been convicted in civil court of crimes against people involved in the Sandy Hook school shooting with a fine of 1.5 billion dollars. The plaintiffs originally demanded 1.5 trillion dollars. Jones said the lawsuit originated with people who want to take out voices that point out defects of the current administration. The prosecution was a trial foray for a technique of lawfare that has since been used against Trump and his lawyers.
The WEF put out a book regarding COVID-19 and its usefulness in achieving their goal. Thank God we are seeing it and the failure in its achieving their desired end….but they have not given up on their agenda driven goal.
WEF young Leader Justin Trudeau has a half brother Kyle Kemper who stated on Tucker Carlson that Justin Trudeau takes his marching orders from the Bildenberg Group. The WEF is just the disposible public face of the Bildenberg Group.
A search turns up a roster of 2023 Bilderburg Meeting attendees, plus more relevant details. Of interest our 'friends' the Rockefellers, Kissinger and several other Key parties were listed on the meeting list and/or in the additional details.
Just look at Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand and her unbelievable treatment of New Zealand citizens. And, her net worth went up multi millions before she left office!
A very evil serpent of Satan IMO
Off Topic:
The federalist has a very interesting take on Murthy v. Missouri given the Supreme’s decision in NRA v. Vullo about Free Speech.
I don't know if Justin Trudeau is a YGL alum, but he has all the trappings. Here's to our friends in Canada as we watch you wipe the smirk off the punk's face come the next election.
yes, he is YGL trained. As is his finance minister
He has to be! What he is doing to Canada is criminal. And the Biden Administration is in lockstep. Thank goodness for the results in the recent European elections! How I hope our country follows suit!
In Sept 2019 there was a Global Vaccination Summit which came up with 10 actions towards vaccination for all - which looks like a play book for lockstep
a summary of summit and players is at:
Quick question: are the current vaccines directed against the original spike protein or the later mutations? The original spike seemed far more immunogenic, but if it's no longer about what's the point of administering a vaccine against it?
Against more recent (but not current) strains
I feel surrounded and ambushed. it seems odd that there is no organization competing with the enrollment of young, wealthy people being taught skills like self- awareness, the value of integrity etc. Even then the organization would have to be carefully watched. I sent my son to a series of youth oriented seminars that were very effective for a teen, only to find out later the "Insight Training Seminars" were a little tainted at the core. Church groups are not enough to reach the youth, and waiting until "treatment" is needed is often too late. Maybe there are such groups as I speak of since I'm out of that loop? I always thought it a good idea to take teens to prisons and jails , to be able to see the reality of their actions if not really thought out. Before the gangs infiltrate. The WEF is a gang in the most violent way, it's just not perceived as such.
Hillsdale College has earned kudos for their efforts from some notable conservatives. They do not take.any government monies. They develop young conservatives to take roles in leadership. They also offer on line courses ( I think may be free) and a free monthly publication. You may want to check them out so you can decide for yourself.
Jean:Hillsdale College is a very worthwhile organization to follow. And I donate regularly ( although modestly) to them.
Agree. I do regularly receive Imprimus. I went into DC, to their graduate facility there to hear Dr Malone speak. Ran into problems trying to find my car. Some very nice young men there rescued me, found my car and got me headed home. I'd lost my wallet so they paid my parking fee. I mailed the college a donation and the money to pay the young men the money they had advanced for me. Hillsdale emails me regular notices of their offerings.
Nice experience and a good memory!
They have good speakers too Jean
Dr Malone spoke there in DC.
He needs to come and speak in Michigan
As Jean said, at least get Hillsdale's Imprimis - it's free. Each one contains a rendition from its in-person speakers - given by the very best minds. You can access the speeches on line also. The one from Scott Atlas a couple of years ago was super good. Years ago I signed up my two younger brothers for it. Don't know if they ever read it though.
Thanks for the info!
There is the Young America's Foundation, founded 1969. Then for free online: Hillsdale College courses and Prager University. There is Turning Point USA - Charlie Kirk successful endeavor. The Mises Institute University and its virtual University.
I am sure there are others but they only crop up when the Southern Poverty Law Centers does its hit pieces on them.
Anyone know why we were first ‘tested’ with really painful brushes high into our sinuses… and then we didn’t need to do that????????
Good, simple question I haven't heard.
Abusive behavior to comply
My off the cuff guess... collecting DNA