
Just so you all know - "Anita" (one of the commentors on this thread) is our research associate and works tirelessly at ferreting out graduates and information on the WEF and Bilderberg. She is combing through the comments to update our list. Thank you Anita!

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Robert and Anita:

I want to clarify that Tulsi Gabbard is not part of the WEF. I appreciate you warning people about who is affiliated with them, but Tulsi Gabbard is not. They made her a "Young Leader" in 2015 without her having attended their seminars or courses. She never attended any of their programs or worked with them, and then they added her bio and number to their website without her knowledge & permission. They recently took it down, probably because she complained. She's denounced the WEF publicly in her tweets and I was on a livestream where she confirmed that she's never done anything with them. Here are her tweets calling out the WEF: https://twitter.com/TulsiGabbard/status/1531576031307395074

Tulsi Gabbard: "While we struggle to afford food and fuel, the elite gathered at Davos/WEF to discuss how we should be allowed to live our lives. Their totalitarian dream of a so-called “Great Reset” where people own nothing and are tracked/monitored with every step, must be condemned by us all."


"“Global Pandemic Treaty” espoused by WEF, Biden Admin & WHO is a despicable, thinly veiled attempt to override our Constitution/sovereignty. If enacted, WHO could dictate US policy & track our every move via universal digital IDs. We must not let them usurp our freedom."

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We know she’s an alum of the YGL program, so whatever that alleged verbal distancing was, it’s suspect. She’s just not trustworthy enough for consideration. If she starts blowing the whistle on the organization and network, maybe someday that will change.

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They do often deny involvement when confronted. There is a clip of Mark Rutte (the WEF-associated Prime Minister of the Netherlands) claiming to know nothing about the book "The Great Reset" even when confronted with his written thanks to Klaus Schwab for sending him the book. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbn_hDnhW-k

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wow what a PILE OF EUROTRASH HYBERBOLE.. man do they know (they) know how to lay it on thick. well that was fun.. of course he knows nothing .. busted.. too.. I have heard of it many Great Reset.. in fact I cannot remember right now. oh yeah there was some kind line about China getting a cold.. I remember now. I am just so tired these days. I will let gladly let the next generation take over the debate: I am just trying to get a doctor's appt these days who won't demand my VAXX status.. which is of course NOT .. mo later. :)

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looking now. have a few minutes

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Gideon van Meijeren is very good in that. I hope he's taken him to task since then as well.

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she was also a member of the Council on foreign relations....https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1644280971445.png

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I wouldn't rely on Wikipedia. They make things up. What better way to sabotage the opposition than by smearing their leaders as clandestine allies of the enemy?

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The Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales is a WEF graduate as well.

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Oh wow! No wonder trouble there. Thanks for your work, Anita.❤️🙏

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And -- he now very strongly and ongoingly criticizes Wikipedia’s current corruption by deep state. He is a hero and you should inform yourself rather than destroying Dr Malone’s reputation !!

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Wiki has no page devoted to Klaus Schwabs father for example.

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Look deeper; Nearly EVERY Human Being who's been NEAR DC, even just for a visit, has been invited to join the CFR (Which just 30 yrs ago, OUTSIDE DC, was denied to all us 'common folk' as not even being 'real'). Then there's the "Keep Your friends close & Your Enemies Closer" position; I'd readily consider the latter Sitrep for Tulsi.

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Gabbard is also PsychOps, lmao... Why is she entitled to the benefit of doubt?

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We just don't know.

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Man...they are evil...they know how bad it looks after Trudeau megalomania...so now to hurt an opponent’s chances the pretend they have attended and “graduated”...

Haven’t seen anything where Dan Crenshaw denies involvement, but if you have that let, please post...

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Tim Pool talked about having Dan Crenshaw on his show and that Dan had said he was not part of WEF. I can't remember what episode it was.

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Maybe the Globalists have targeted leaders that they fear knowing that their constituents would turn on them if found out they were WEF YLG…

…but I want intelligent leadership that is aware of the opponent (Satan) and they should be prepared to defend and denounce

I have yet to hear a strong denouncement by these non-members…sadly Crenshaw disqualified himself with anti-Trump, anti-America 1st and just plan obnoxious as if superior to those he supposedly “represents”

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Thank you Anna for that clarification. I'm a big fan of Tulsi and was concerned when I saw her name on this list.

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:) I also like her and I saw her on Greg Gutfeld last night and she appeared to be her usual forthright self without guile.

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I agree with JR. Your explanation is untrustworthy. Will be interesting to see if Robert therefore takes her off his spreadsheet.

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Thanks I just now found this and was doing some quick checks when I saw Jaimie Butler's name.. and Joseph P Kennedy: I did share though.. thanks for correcting that.

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There are a lot of Davos Disciples spreading their foolishness around. One from Atlanta Georgia, even managed to squirm into the Chicago Treasurer’s office to con Chicagoans within the precincts of our public state university. It’s flabbergasting.

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Not sure who you're referring to there.

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Mar 25, 2023·edited Mar 25, 2023

For example, John Hope Bryant is a DD. He preaches black capitalism. You have to listen to him to get the flavor of it. He drops names a lot (that’s a turn-off for me, and makes him sound like a scammer). His good friendship with the Crown Prince of Norway, formed during his Davos visits. He sucks up to European monarchy and nobility as if old money is worth courting. These people have a horrible agenda.

John Hope Bryant has an NGO called HOPE (the egotism) and he has burrowed his way into the Chicago Treasurer’s Office (Melissa Conyears-Ervin, Treasurer, whom I voted for, to my distress). Last year he was allowed on campus at the University of Illinois-Chicago, to show poor people how to build a college fund for their kid with just $10, among other financial nonsense. The treasurer announced that he will be invited back this year.

This means that WEF has another foot in the door of local government in a U.S. city— Although he is not the first (Rahm Immanuel is another one). I expect there are bigger numbers.

NGOs have no place in government!

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I am just now reading this and the comments and will come to this.. I have a doctor's appt shortly. podiatrist but getting there. :)

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God bless Anita!

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Cotton and Stefanik are troubling to me.. Gabbard I knew about and think she might have flipped to the good side... Will have to watch all three very, very closely... The rest of the list are all the usual suspects and are carrying out the Anti-American agenda like good little WEF minions...

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She hasn't flipped to the good side. She was also a member of the CFR for 5 years and in 2020 dropped off the list. Sorry, she is cleaning up her record in order to run in 2024. Erasing her questionable past because she knows as it sits right now she doesn't have a chance. She is NOT to be trusted and we cannot afford to take a chance on anyone that has ever had anything to do with the CFR, Tri-Lateral Commission, Bilderberg or WEF.

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George P. Bush Texas General Land Office Land Commissioner (2015–) - I won't say George P's political career is over. But Bush family fatigue, plus his opponent Ken Paxton being a very effective TX AG, resulted in Bush's loss in the May primary.

Daniel Crenshaw United States Congress Rep. from Texas, 2nd District (2019–) my congressman, won his primary w/ 75% of the vote. He had extremely weak opponents. I sure as hell didn't vote for him. He claims he had nothing to do with his designation as a "WEF Global Leader." His story is, they put him on a list, and he didn't even know about it until after the fact.

If anyone knows of a way to prove Crenshaw a liar, I'd love to hear it.

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I detest Crenshaw along with his red flag laws he promotes. So happy to see George P lose to Paxton in the run off. Hope we never see another Bush in any office.

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I believe we have had dominion voting systems in our Texas elections for at least a couple of decades. Crenshaw and Cornyn are universally hated and yet they always see their elections safeguarded. Texas is under intense internal attack in the Blue Cities. If I lived there I would get myself on down to the election monitoring and board of elections and get that worked on

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Too much money in his ads for him to just be the simple military guy he claimed to be.

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They literally all claim this. It’s so unoriginal and laughable to say the least.

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Ivanka Trump is one of the Young Global Leaders

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How come Ivanka isn't listed on the WEF's site? There are no Trumps at all. I don't trust her because I don't trust Kushner. They are friends w/ a woman accused of being a Chinese spy.

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I will come back to this thread .. and look it up.. again. I am always interested in the Trump family..

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Important distinction: having associated with WEF doesn’t automatically mean someone is a YGL alum, although it’s still noteworthy.

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She still isn't listed on the YGL graduates site. You can find just about anyone in a leadership position listed in the WEF site. If you became president of the USA tomorrow they would list you as well.

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I agree. I think Ivanka is a lib. Only my opinion and would love to be proved wrong.

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You are correct. JaVanka are both Left of Center. They are also Globalists. Not America First.

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Ivanka Trump is most definitely on WEF web site as a young global leader. https://winepressnews.com/2022/03/08/ivanka-trump-is-a-member-of-the-world-economic-forums-young-global-leaders/

Pay attention who is with her at this event!

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Yes and because of Ivanka, Trump is out!!!!

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Not seeing or hearing much of Ivanka with her dad since 2020. Mostly the boys and their families. Could the WEF have some influence?

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I meant President Trump distancing from Ivanka and her hubby because of her connection to WEF. Would be nice if that question would be asked to President Trump and his view of the WEF.

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I think Javanka were ok with the election steal. They are both Dems.

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And Donald Trump has participated and spoken at the WEF meetings. So much for draining the swamp!

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The Swamp.. is actually a living entity comprised of unethical unelected bureaucrats who are paid for the Feds and will never be drained because this DC area is made up of Democrats come hell nor high water.. who embrace the most nonsensical and sick nonsense that I have ever heard in my life. WEF meeting mean nothing to any of them: what matter is their grasping hands on POWER, Money and other Climate religion. Rape culture on the open southern border. don't get me started on Monday morning when I am not feeling well.. anyway. sigh

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Yes but he made it very clear that the US will never be a socialist country. He made many statements that made it clear he isn’t playing ball. This is why he and Putin had to be destroyed.

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What proof do you have other than what the fake news tells people??

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No proof at the link you provided. She was HONORED as a young global leader in 2015. I find no proof that she was nominated, attended the course and graduated from YGL. Words matter and the words about Ivanka have been twisted. She is not listed as a graduate of YGL and the WAYBACK has no record in 2015 of her graduating from the class of 2015 or 2016.

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I think if anybody’s even mentioned near the words WEF, they are in. 

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Ivanka is a Globalist. She is not America First. I am not sure why you are fighting this.

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I will have to come back to this post.

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so let me also take a look some of this is sounds hinky.. I mean the anti Ivanka.. that is his daughter.. so I find that hard to believe.. I know people didn't like Jared.. Oh well.

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wow. that is really interesting. I knew that she and all of her siblings were democrats, but after what they have been through, and I can hear it and see in Donald Trump Jr. extremely brilliant rants and analysis: PEOPLE CHANGE. I speak from experience in life. not politics. my eyes were opened in 1993 by personal betrayal from very close family and friends. that is all I can say. READ that IF POEM. by Rudyard Kipling. for women too.

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When we are looking at someone that will probably run again for President we cannot take a chance that she has changed or is she doing what the left does.....deceive. We have other candidates that have been true conservatives for their entire life to look at before we even consider people that were leftist and now want us to believe they are now conservatives. Same goes for Dr. Oz. He has been totally the opposite on every issue he runs on today. He is a Muslim that served in the Turkish army but never stepped up to serve in the US military. He holds dual citizenship even though he was born in America. He VOTED in the Turkish elections in 2018. He is good friends with Obama and Oprah. Now should we take a chance on him?? No. We cannot afford to take chances with these people when there are other choices.

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She is not listed anywhere on the site and I have looked many times. Perhaps you could provide some proof that she is a member of the Young Global Leaders.

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..Tulsi was a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader and was also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations before she "resigned" because of how bad the optics looked. https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1644792001016.jpg


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I saw this before...eye opening

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Tulsi is our heroine. Remember how she courageously stood up against snake Hillary while Bernie collapsed into boot licking...

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Obviously you are completely clueless of how this all works. I’m also a Princess. I swear!! 🥴🙄

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It looks to me you are a clueless parrot instead

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She will say the right thing.....except when it comes to "HEALTH FREEDOM"....Crickets. I don't trust her one bit. I used to think she was CIA as well.

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Tulsi Gabbard: "While we struggle to afford food and fuel, the elite gathered at Davos/WEF to discuss how we should be allowed to live our lives. Their totalitarian dream of a so-called “Great Reset” where people own nothing and are tracked/monitored with every step, must be condemned by us all."


"“Global Pandemic Treaty” espoused by WEF, Biden Admin & WHO is a despicable, thinly veiled attempt to override our Constitution/sovereignty. If enacted, WHO could dictate US policy & track our every move via universal digital IDs. We must not let them usurp our freedom."

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~ Thank You, Anna ~ I have been sharing these Tulsi Tweets all day, because I just don't have enough time to respond to every single comment against her, or questioning her ~ though I wish I could, respectfully...

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Isn't this exactly what you would expect someone who made the mistake of joining the WEF and is now hoping to be president would say?? There is NO proof here. Just a statement. Time will tell and actions speak louder than words....As more and more of our troops face either expulsion or forced vaccination and possible death.

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No proof is possible when it involves someone's future intentions.

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I agree. Each time she is confronted about the past WEF association she just ignores it. If she was truly red-pilled she has to be transparent about it, and we don’t see that. I would consider her “controlled opposition”.

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That would be my take...She has on occasion said she doesn't support them and this is used as evidence...Personal statements are not EVIDENCE. She has also not spoken out against the forced experimental vaccines that are slowly disabling our military...and she is medically trained....Odd combination....

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I am coming back to this thread really briefly: I did watch Tulsi Gabbard with keen interest after those posts: she really does have an amazing presentation style: I have never actually done any kind of oppo research on her and took her for face value since she is in the Navy reserve. I will watch her again. I don't see any guile in her.. but with that kind of background which I will verify myself, it is right to be wary. thx.

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I have all of the registers from the CFR from 2014 to 2020 and she was listed every year except 2020. The WEF had her picture posted as a graduate of the Young Global Leaders and just recently scrubbed it off BUT I had saved a screen shot of her and also have a screen shot from the Wayback machine. She is surely scrubbing and covering up her background.

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Jun 8, 2022·edited Jun 8, 2022

Gabbard is no good. I do not trust her 'flipping".

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I don’t trust her despite the things she is saying these days. Just think of Kevin McCarthy and Lindsey Graham. They spit out just what we want to hear when they need our support but they lie and absolutely can’t be trusted. Tulsi could be a Trojan Horse so I would advise everyone to avoid her.

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She seems a little too slick to be believed.

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Exactly...At first I thought she was CIA...WAY too well informed but no passion behind her words.

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Can’t stand McCarthy or Graham. Traitors …and they don’t hide it. Tulsi has some leanings to the left on certain issues sure, but has stood strong on certain important conservative issues. She pushes back against the radicals, calls out Biden, the socialist demoncrats along with several other Rinos. I’ve been watching and am feeling good about her. I’ll always watch cautiously, but she has been pretty transparent. I like her…💁‍♀️

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~ With respect, please don't advise everyone to avoid Tulsi ~ Please join us on TulsiLocals.com, to learn more about her, and experience her honesty with us there... You can also watch any of her noble speeches, Town Hall meetings, and video clips, on her YouTube Channel... Some of us have been supporting and researching Tulsi, for many years, and she is absolutely someone who is most qualified to be our Commander-in-Chief ~ for All of We The People, not just one party or another, and not for billionaire lobbyists and donors, and Corrupt Power Elites ~ She is in an entirely different league than most other "leaders" or politicians... She is Service Above Self, in nearly everything she does...

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I follow Tulsi on Locals. I’m a Republican and there are certainly things I don’t agree with her on but she has earned my respect. One thing that had given me cause for caution was her ties to the WEF, I have expressed those on her locals. I have seen her now condemn them on numerous occasions (some of those have been listed above. I have seen her give speeches at conservative meetings, the most recent at the Western Conservative Conference in Denver and I believe on many issues she is more Conservative than many so called Conservatives. On others issues not enough for me so not sure I would support her for President, but somewhere in a Republican administration (Security of State?)

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She never says word one about Health Freedom....

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~ Aloha ~ Tulsi was on active Army Duty (Civil Affairs) for 4 months last summer, and when she came back, she began to give interviews again, and on Megyn Kelly's show, she said that she does not agree with vaccine mandates~ And then here is one of the Tweets she posted last week, denouncing the whole WEF/Global Elite Agenda (along with their vax IDs and passports)~ https://twitter.com/TulsiGabbard/status/1530482799655780352?s=20&t=Eghb98_H08xadNAmqVxP0g

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Jun 9, 2022·edited Jun 9, 2022

I didn't see the Megan kelly interview but this quote isn't impressive. It is something she has to say at this point but it does not tell us why she spent 5 years training with WEF. She has A LOT of explaining to do there.

"“Global Pandemic Treaty” espoused by WEF, Biden Admin & WHO is a despicable, thinly veiled attempt to override our Constitution/sovereignty. If enacted, WHO could dictate US policy & track our every move via universal digital IDs. We must not let them usurp our freedom."

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~With respect, Tulsi did not spend 5 years training with the WEF~ She never even attended their meetings~ Even her mother has said, on Instagram, that Tulsi's photo and name were used by the WEF without her permission~ Tulsi also confirmed this, during a Live-Stream in our Tulsi Locals community~ I am sorry that you don't yet know her, as well as many of us true supporters do... but she already has enough Corrupt Power Elites threatening her, and Hillary vowed to "destroy her career" ~ and she is now a Lt. Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves~ so she often has to be careful about how much she can say... She doesn't want to be banned from Twitter, like Dr. Malone and other Truthsayers have been.... https://twitter.com/TulsiGabbard/status/1531576031307395074?s=20&t=1JtkYAINUSvKp1iTXD0E2A. https://twitter.com/angelgirlfaith/status/1534322662767575043?s=20&t=1JtkYAINUSvKp1iTXD0E2A

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well my computer is acting up.. yes to Lindsey Graham. I truly don't understand him.. is the that emotional or whipsawed.. ? well I need to go..

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I’m not sure about that. But really does seem like Gabbatd has genuinely been red pilled. She’s not supporting their agenda.

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I’ll believe her when she leaves the Democratic Party. Otherwise, she is just talk.

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Hasn't she already?

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Wait until she gets elected. She’ll sell America to the highest bidder.

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We disagree. But that’s the beauty of debate and dialogue. We are all still entitled to our opinions. 🇺🇸

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With Gabbard, the juice ain’t worth the squeeze. She is not worth the risk. There are consequences for ever having been affiliated with WEF and that is that.

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I think you are probably correct on this one. I will probably tick everyone off, and say that because Tucker likes her she is more suspect to me. I think he is controlled opposition. His father was heavily involved in intelligence disinformation and propaganda.

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~With Respect, Sir~ This is not true at all!~ Please join us on TulsiLocals.com, or read her Twitter posts, and YouTube videos~ She also recently spoke at the Western Conservative Summit, as a keynote "democrat" speaker, and she is one of the few truly speaking out against the Biden Regime, the Global Power Elites, Military Industrial Complex, and more~ She was criminally called a "traitor" by both Hillary and Romney, who both are corruptly funded by Ukraine businesses~ and she is a modern-day JFK, yet more~~ I don't believe she will run as a Democrat, even though her father is still a Democrat~~ She may run Independent, or on a split-ticket with another Freedom Fighter (like Rand Paul?)~ I have been supporting and researching her for 4 years~ She is for Real, and she often interacts with us personally, in her Locals Community....

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I don't know for sure. There is no dynamic difference in her voice... it's always the same.

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I’ve seen her come out hard…at her own peril…against them. I’ll try to find the links where she blasts the left and their tactics over the last year and a half.

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I have learned one thing since the election and Covid scam has endured. Patriots are just as ignorant and gullible as the left.

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~With respect to you, Tulsi is all good~ and she has always been for the Good~ And she will always honestly apologize, if she is not clear or has evolved on a crucial issue ~ I'm sorry, I just wrote a much longer comment, that accidentally got deleted ~ so I did write much more about the integrity and nobility of Tulsi, but I simply don't have the time to write it again... I will try to come back tomorrow... Please see my main comment to Dr. Malone, if you wish~ Thank You....

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Tulsi Gabbard quit Washington. She'd had enough. Her dad, a state politician, is very anti-fluoridation which is good. She also said something to the effect when chastised by the DNC that she didn't realize she had to check her freedom of speech at the door when she became active in the party. She also stood with the Native Americans at a pipeline stand-off in North Dakota a few years ago.

But again, unless she changes her mind, Gabbard is not a factor. That said, she could be an ally. She is a wildcard.

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A wildcard who refuses to embrace health freedom

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American health system totally based on profit. Socialized countries never had the for profit system that exists in the USA. Even Obama cut deals with Pharma and insurance companies. Some politicians know they cannot deliver in this area.

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Double checking Cotton, Stefanic and Trump, they were all from 2015 and not on my original list but came with data from another source, going to check with them. Trump and Cotton do have profiles, but without much in the way of info.

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Jun 9, 2022·edited Jun 9, 2022

Dear Anita,

Did you see this links for Elon Musk allegedly being a YGL for North America in 2008?



Maybe this is helpful. Bloomberg should be serious although nowadays you never know 🤷‍♀️

Thank you so much for all your work!!

Much love, Bettina

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Elon seems to have sincerely moved to the right. He's voting Republican. He has the money to stand up to Soros, and he and Gates hate each other. I believe Elon is genuine in wanting to help restore our Freedom of Speech.

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Bettina yes, we have a list from 2008, recently supplied to us from Wikispooks (thank you) which certainly puts Elon on the official WEF headed - Young Global Leader Honorees 2008 - As of 16 January 2008.

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Yes, closely watch Gabbard! I know Gabbard seems in the eyes of many, to have flipped to the "good" side with her support for the perceived "anti-globalist" Putin, supposedly cutting off the head of the globalist snake in Ukraine. Klaus Schwab by mid-March 2022, just weeks into the invasion, had excluded Putin from the WEF agenda.

However, in the Russian-Ukrainian war narrative of dubious Western mainstream media, one requires its hero – Volodymyr Zelensky – and its villain – Vladimir Putin – both of whom I regard as flip-slides of the Globalist coin. In short, in this world of rampant duplicity, we are being played by both sides in this war and Putin is not our saviour or knight in shining armor.

I cover this in depth in my sourced blog article with a preceding 26 point summary at https://vincebarwinski.com/2022/05/15/the-russian-invasion-of-ukraine-the-globalist-engineered-conundrum-of-deceit-deception-confusion-and-subversion/.

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Another thing about Gabbard supporting Putin, is that Putin, like Zelensky, in the true Globalist spirit, is a staunch advocate of pseudo-vaccine mandates. See for example https://vincebarwinski.com/2022/05/15/the-russian-invasion-of-ukraine-the-globalist-engineered-conundrum-of-deceit-deception-confusion-and-subversion/#sdendnote53anc

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Really? I didn't think Putin was a globalist now.

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Jun 10, 2022·edited Jun 10, 2022

The way I see it, the globalists and our corrupt media, while cheering for Ukraine, in reality, want the war to drag on and on to promote world wide chaos and economic collapse for their Great Reset. See for example this 7 minute video from Indian WION at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tbgMKk0bEM.

The military help Ukraine is getting is only enough to barely hold out but not enough to drive Russia out. Putin as I said, in this scenario, has to be the bad guy and Zelensky the hero, but what Putin is doing, as I see it, is all for the benefit of the globalists. It's all about duplicity in service of the globalist agenda. For one thing, both Putin and Zelensky both luvvv their pseudo-vaccine mandates.

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Again in relation to Putin, which pertains to Tulsi Gabbard's support for him, there is the ideological cult of Nazbol (National Bolshevism) or Duginism, as espoused by Alexander Dugin – himself closely linked to the Russian elite including Vladimir Putin himself. His father was also high up in Soviet intelligence. Dugin has a raging hatred for the West and its traditional NON-WOKE values – and indeed for Ukraine itself, bordering on genocidal.

See the Facebook post of the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies which has the original Russian text and English translation at https://www.facebook.com/canadian.institute.of.ukrainian.studies/posts/in-his-facebook-post-kremlin-ideologist-alexander-dugin-calls-for-genocide-of-th/888907811138789/ of Dugin’s genocidal thoughts on Ukraine.

Dugin’s original post from late August 2014 is at https://www.facebook.com/alexandr.dugin/posts/838095516200490. See also https://archive.ph/8CfRi. His book, the bible for the Russian elite and intelligence – ‘Основы геополитики (геополитическое будущее России) / Osnovy geopolitiki: Geopoliticheskoe budushchee Rossii’ – ‘The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia’ reads like Hitler’s Mein Kampf.

See https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2020/04/08/aleksandr-dugin-part-1/ and https://archive.ph/PD0mc#selection-693.0-697.293 and in my BLOG article at https://vincebarwinski.com/2022/05/15/the-russian-invasion-of-ukraine-the-globalist-engineered-conundrum-of-deceit-deception-confusion-and-subversion/#sdendnote177anc.

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Yes indeed Trump Won --- Trump Won! :)

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Jun 9, 2022·edited Jun 9, 2022

Maria Bartiromo and Peter Thiel are graduates too. It is very difficult to know whether some of these people have changed course - or they are controlled opposition and concealing what they really stand for from the public.

It explains a lot about Stefanik and Cotton because I have always been uncomfortable with them and couldn't quite put my finger on it.

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Pennsylvania PAGOP is all-in for the WEF darling couple of Dave McCormick and Dina Habib McCormick. It took such little money for Klaus to buy a key State.

PA is in so much trouble with our Republican Leadership we may never recover the swing State.

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They can not “flip” to the “good side”. It doesn’t work that way.

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Cotton voted for the $40 billion to Ukraine

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Jun 8, 2022·edited Jun 8, 2022

Posted to the wrong comment

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Dan Crenshaw just did an interview where is was leaning back, perfectly casual, pretending he had NO IDEA about Klaus Schwab or his “The Great Reset”...he lied so easily that it is disturbing...now I wonder about Tulsi and Elise...

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Yeah, add Thom Cotton...they couldn’t resist pandering to Davos Man...

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Boy, I hate to see Cotton in the same breath as the lying Snake Plisken (Anti-American) Crenshaw. Hate it.

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The problem is they deny the Schwab/WEF own admission to place their “graduates” into high level leadership...Trudeau...

...then they deny the actual “Mission Statements” and FUNDING of the WEF

Becoming liars...

...if they don’t know that’s what they look like then they shouldn’t be in Republican Leadership

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I am so glad to see people awakened to Crenshaw. I've known that man was a snake for years.

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In what way(s) do you think he’a a snake? I’m genuinely asking. My husband served with him and he was good, honorable and courageous. He is very smart on the Constitution and has been fairly transparent on his voting in Congress. I do think he comes across at times as arrogant and having little patience for those he perceives as unserious. I think that has been his approach to the WEF/Great Reset, which for some reason he thinks is not an legitimate concern. I’m willing to consider the possibility that is a front but it seems out of character.

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It's interesting that you'd bring up the Constitution as it relates to Crenshaw, seeing as an incident that occurred regarding the Constitution, particularly that of the First Amendment, and his response to and handling of the situation is but one example that has led me to believe he is, at best, insincere about his principles, and, at worst, an establishment phony.

If you know anything about the controversial manner involving the anti-BDS bill and movement a few years back, you'll know that Dan doesn't actually appear to support Americans' Right to freedom of expression, mobility, speech, nor to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

When confronted as a hypocrite as it pertained to his position on the anti-BDS bill vs his supposed stance on the First Amendment, he had a meltdown and levied accusations of thought-crimes and hate-mongering in much the same manner a Democrat would.

I've witnessed him seemingly flip-flop on multiple occasions, which tells me, he's either severely unprincipled and doesn't exactly understand that which he preaches, or he's disingenuous and flaunts himself as whomever everyone wants or expects him to be, like a showman.

He's also seemingly easily influenced and can turn with the wind.... Yet, ironically, always seems to maintain these comfy-kosher positions that keep him out of hot water.

In other words, he's a man of talk and little action. And when called out for such, he'll show his real colours.

I don't consider anyone who operates like that a man on my team. But I would surely call him a snake.

PS Does anyone recall Dan's position on both COVID policies and the 2020 election?

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I see a change in Crenshaw in his writing in Fortitude that describes his very honorable service to his country and injury and difficult recovery to his post Havard school of public policy and WEF education. I believe he is a true patriot that supports and still serves his country. Mr. Crenshaw's views appear to have shifted left based on his post service education that I believe he really believes is best for our country.

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Me too….i am sooooo disappointed and angry

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If in fact you just get placed on a list as a “Young Leader”...then it is time for politicians to be aware of what they support or oppose...they now KNOW they are on the list, but deny knowing anything about it...not one of these WEF YGL who has been exposed and come out adamantly against the WEF and their globalists plans...

...it’s always, I don’t know anything and was placed on the list

OK, FIND OUT and denounce or YOU are on the list and suspect...

Do I believe any of these leaders don’t know Schwab and his evil globalists plans...The Great Reset...

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Traitors. I wasn't aware Cotton/Stefanik was part of the club. I'm aware Ivanka is part of the club and Trump hasn't renounced the WEF nor the W.H.O. treaty and thus I no longer support Trump due to the vaccines and his lack of opposition to the WEF/W.H.O.

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I also cannot support Trump based on his lack of outrage over vaccine fraud and injuries piling up.

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He calls himself the father of the vaccine and it disgust me. He's no patriot. I voted for him both times. He failed to save our republic. Grew the budget far greater than Obama and joined Central planning as the solution. Promoting America First while supporting WEF candidates.

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Trump lost me when he signed the EUA into law while still in the White House. He is nothing more than a lower level minion working for the elites.

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I agree with you, I have been critical of the so called “Operation warp speed” and his push on the vaccines”. If I have to chose between him and someone like Biden, or Harris, or Clinton he’ll get my vote but I’ll support DeSantis or Cruz or a few others on the Republican side.

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Everyone I know who took the covid vacine and then had covid fared better than those who did not get the jab. I do not agree with children or pregnant women taking it. Much like the polio vacine. There were negatives. Every drug has a negative because it can't be tested on everyone long term. We are 76 and 79, I'm very healthy my husband has COPD. High risk. For us it was essential to protect him. I'm voting Trump.

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How is this possible? I know four people who died from the vaccine and an endless list of those with minor-major adverse effects. Taken the Trump/Biden jab has altered your DNA forever. My friends daughter who was 13 died this past August. My lawyer from WA died in August as well and two more died this year.

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Jun 9, 2022·edited Jun 10, 2022

Emphasis on "the jab has altered your DNA forever."

A simple yet profound statement that seems to be overlooked by too many.

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Maybe, it's that they don't understand its significance.

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Jun 9, 2022·edited Jun 9, 2022

Heartbreaking. So sorry.

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And I know unjabbed people who got covid and fared better than their jabbed friends. And I know people who got a booster, then got covid a week or two later. You do realize these shots were supposed to PREVENT covid, right?

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Margaret, darling, just the fact that people 'get' COVID after receiving the shot is proof of the shot's ineffectiveness.

In what world do we accept that as a normal function, or consequence, of receiving a 'vaccine'? If for no other reason than that it disproves the establishment-approved "safe and effective" narrative.

But, moreover, the anecdotal example you provided is nothing more than just that..... anecdotal.

We all have different bodies and will react differently to a miriad of vast scenarios -- whether viral, disease, illness, drugs, medicine, or even homeopathic treatments.

That's why this 'one size fits all' approach to COVID doesn't work and is severely inappropriate.

For the record, the only people in *my* family and social circle who experienced COVID were all previously vaccinated or boosted, and not a single unvaccinated person in my family or social circle has ever been ill for or tested positive for COVID.

Based on everything I've seen, including even the replies, here, I'd say these situations vary person to person.... But that your scenario is a-typical.

Or a result of your age.

Did you know that a recent report from the UK revealed 9 out of every 10 COVID cases, hospitalizations, and deaths were all in the vaccinated?

The WHO has even admitted that immune systems become weaker with increased doses of the shot.

It's in the genetic makeup and material of the shots and how they operate within the body that accounts for this.

Furthermore, even the Pfizer documents proved that there was little, if any, protection from the shots vs the placebo group... And that was even after they'd manipulated the way they collected data *in their favour.*

If you've an hour to spare, I'd implore you to watch this video which explores the UK report plus more:


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Another thing...if you are vaxed and you still get the virus, you have probably lost the opportunity for the powerful natural immunity that the unvaxed will, in all likelihood, get. Dr. Malone still got the virus a second time I think after he was jabbed.

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Astute point.

We musn't forget the significance of natural immunity.

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Jun 10, 2022·edited Jun 10, 2022

I have natural immunity. Never get sick. 76, no meds. My husband not so fortunate. Breaths at 25% for 13 years. COPD. He's a miracle the Dr. says. Very active. Flu can kill him. He has been hospitalized for that. I took the jab for him. I know a 50 year old hospitalized who did not get the shot. Many who had COVID who had the jab were over it in 5 days. We are in an area of AZ in the winter with many older residents. None died. It's a matter of what's best for you. I do not believe children or pregnant women should get it. I think the politicians had zero right to mandate it. In AZ we were pretty unrestricted regarding masks. It was a decent place to be. My issue is with people saying they will not vote Trump because he encouraged getting the jab. Truthfully if he hadn't. It would have been 3rd attempt to impeach.

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It may have been a tactical move, and, in all likelihood, you're right.. Had he been dismissive of the jabs it would have meant certain career death for him...... But that's not the point people are arguing.

They're upset that he's not appropriately responded to the growing concern for the safety and efficacy of the vaccines.

That he's been rather dismissive of it, along with the unethical and intrusive methods at the crux of the mass vaccination campaign.

And that as concern, push back, and anger over vaccine injury/harm and death is mounting, he's boasting himself as the grandfather of said harmful and lethal vaccine.

Totally oblivious to, or intentionally dismissive of, the fears and concerns expressed by his base.

It's almost as though the patriotic, America First, "for the people" stance he held for years was for naught.

He's not listening to the concerns of his loyal citizens, but rather pandering to the vaccine-zealous in an ego-trip..... And people are rightfully upset.

Let's not get it twisted.

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Our friend in his early 50s, not vaccinated, previously healthy, hospitalized and put on oxygen. My step son. No vaccine under the care of an immunologist for over a year. He became ill before the vaccine was available. My daughters friend was infected by his 7 year old twins. Obviously many different examples. I don't agree to vaccinations for those under age 18. Elderly people, probably better off.

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Again, Margaret, you are citing anecdotes that offer little more than proof of anomalies.

Nobody is saying a 50 year old unvaccinated man can't get ill for COVID.... We're merely citing the fact that vaccinated people are also capable, and even likely, to also get ill for COVID.

Government data and statistics PROVE as much. They SHOW that vaccinated people can test positive, end up in hospital, and even die from COVID.

I'd also challenge your daughter's friend to prove he/she was infected by his/her children, as, again, statistically speaking, children are not known carriers of COVID.

Do yourself a favour and watch that video when you get a chance.

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Jun 10, 2022·edited Jun 10, 2022

Did they get early treatment (within 72 hours of contracting COVID) with ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine?? I suspect not. Because Fauci and Gates vilified such cheap and effective treatments because they did not serve their greed. Early in the pandemic, they rather recommended the dangerous and expensive REMDISIVIR which Bill Gates had shares in.its manufacturer Gilead Sciences. Basically, the motto of Gates and Fauci is D.I.E -- Dangerous, Ineffective, Expensive. Just read Bobby Kennedy's book "The Real Anthony Fauci" https://www.amazon.com.au/Real-Anthony-Fauci-Democracy-Humanity/dp/1510766804/ref=sr_1_1?adgrpid=91101313630&gclid=CjwKCAjw14uVBhBEEiwAaufYx1cTwU7iN2cZrEuq3woUnHPMAql6KZ6-_w_9TcKt4xh1V0EOV0Si0BoCY9sQAvD_BwE&hvadid=583954579167&hvdev=c&hvlocint=9069218&hvlocphy=9060266&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=14235266109498989117&hvtargid=kwd-921452161835&hydadcr=15784_329500&keywords=the+real+anthony+fauci&qid=1654867725&sr=8-1. See also https://vincebarwinski.com/2022/02/06/summary-of-covid-a-second-opinion-conference-washington-dc-monday-24th-january-2022/ about the "COVID A Second Opinion Conference Washington DC Monday 24th January 2022" chaired by Senator Ron Johnson and attended by Dr. Malone and many other such illustrious and brave doctors.

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Our friends 75 and up. No deaths. No hospitalization. Short period of testing positive. Usually no more than 5 days. The vaccine obviously prevents the disease from being a death threat. The elderly have proven they are in the high risk category.

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And 2 of my husband's golf buddies, one 75, the other 80, both got covid in November and December of 2020, before the "vaccines." One recovered at home, one had a brief hospital stay. Neither needed oxygen. My unjabbed son had covid and worked from home all day, every day during it. His boss was shocked because his jabbed and boosted wife had covid at the same time and couldn't get out of bed.

We could continue going back and forth on this forever, but the bottom line is the government and media lied. These so-called vaccines are a total failure, and anyone who claims they would have been worse off without it is just lying to themselves, because there's no way to prove that.

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Again, the entire point is that we were sold a "safe and effective" vaccine, and even the government's own statistics prove, at the VERY LEAST, that they're not effective.

Thus, why does the narrative continue? And why do people continue to argue that they are?

.... I guess denial is a more comfortable reality for most than conceding they've been betrayed and lied to.

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MOST people will not end up in hospital or dead from COVID. That's just a statistical reality.... Especially for healthy people.

The death rate for Americans is less than 1%, and of all the recorded COVID 'deaths' only 6% listed COVID as the sole cause of death.... That is, 94% had 1 or more comorbidities, with an average of 2.5.

In other words, you can't be sure that the vaccine provided protection rather than experiencing a statistically typical scenario for getting COVID.

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However for the elderly and those with health issues the reality is that they are at risk. We winter in AZ. Masks were mandatory for a shirt time. No one was as crazy as in other states. All my friends are elderly and Republican. None died. All git the jab. Same with my friends in Britain. Worked for us.

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You were lucky. I am high risk and it nearly killed me.

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Vaccines are supposed to prevent Transmission and infection. The very fact that your jabbed friends and family got Covid should be a huge wake up call. People like you are brainwashed into thinking it’s better to take an experimental injection to minimize symptoms of the very thing the vax is supposed to prevent. How did people get so stupid and lacking critical thinking skills ??

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My grandfather went to work in a coalmine at age 8. He smoked non filter cigarettes. A pack a day his entire life. Died in his sleep at age 85. Never ill. Never hospitalized. Does that mean cigarettes don't cause cancer? If you use him as an example, it does.

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Jun 10, 2022·edited Jun 10, 2022

The government lied for decades about the Health risks associated with cigarette smoking. Wasn’t until the whistleblower came forward in 80s that it all came to light, Back then journalists were doing the job. now unfortunately our media is infiltrated and owned indirectly By big pharmavia the billions they spend on ads and so the hundreds of thousands of deaths and or vaccine injuries ate not being reported to the masses. The government and so-called health officials and entities are lying about the safety and efficacy of the jab just like they did with cigarettes. DDT,

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Jun 10, 2022·edited Jun 10, 2022

I'm far from brainwashed. Name calling usually comes from the left. I don't watch any news stations as all are opinion over fact. As I said, we reside in an area of elderly residents, we regularly attend jazz in the evening with 90 year Olds. They all had the vaccine. Of my husband's 90 friends 4 had Covid after the jab. Out and about after 5 days. 85 and up. My step son came down with it over 2 years ago, prior to the jab being available. He was health and close to 60. He is still under a Dr.s care. Very weak. I know a few in their 40s in England have the same situation, the virus still working to keep them sick. No vaccine. I go by what I know and who I know. Denying that the elderly were not dropping like flies prior to the vaccine tells me your ignoring that fact. Those with health issues also,.were the first to die. Each person has his own individual health history. I'm fortunate to have excellent health at 76. I worked at it. My husband does not. COVID would have killed him.

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Margaret- you’re living the lie being fed to you by Big pharma and evil globalists that the injection of the mRNA is safe, and effective. God bless you and may you look deeper into the research and studies to reveal truth. The truth hurts especially when you’ve been deceived

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They watch tee vee propaganda.

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Usually I only hear that kind of criticism from the left. They love telling those who do not agree they are brainwashed,.racist and anti trans.

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I didn't call you brainwashed, nor did I call you names. I give up. I suspect you're experiencing cognitive dissonance. No one can help you with that.

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"Everyone I know who took the covid vacine and then had covid fared better than those who did not get the jab."

Prove this statement.

Unless you have a working crystal ball, what you said is pure speculation.

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Silly...President Trump has no idea he was surrounded by swamp and how deep it goes...we now know “six ways to Sunday” threat by Schumer is real...

The Intelligence State Rules and did manipulate President Trump...hindsight on Trump is difficult due to gaslighting and straight lying...who would you vote for now...

DeSantis has NOT faced the DC Intelligence State head one, just wait...

I think the anger and chip on President Trump’s shoulders will be needed for the. Outage to have Public Military Tribunals of the Intelligence State leadership...until Comey, Clapper and Brennan peep walk, the Intelligence State Rules...

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Exactly. Me too!

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I love how you call it out. Foreign Agents. That is exactly what they are.

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The Conservatives/Republican/patriots, or whatever you want to call them, are guilty until proven innocent for being part of the WEF. If they don’t stand up and thoroughly describe why they got involved with this group and ultimately renounce what globalist brainwashing the WEF stands for, they need to go. No more complicated then that. If they are making a political calculation that announcing their WEF involvement will harm their careers then TOO BAD! The right thing to do is ask for forgiveness from the American public. Make that statement honestly and they will be amazed at what support the American public will give them. Don’t ask for forgiveness and suffer the consequences of having your political career ended. That means the responsibility is in us, the public, to make sure everyone in your orbit knows that these people are capable of selling out the country.

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we need some legislation requiring them to register. Didn't they go after someone for not registering as an agent for Ukraine? Should do so for Hunter and the Pelosi's son.

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Robert -- Great list. We have a book coming out this summer, Reality Prism, and just delayed it to get an appendix of attendees at WEF 2022 in Davos. Here is that appendix. https://www.johntrudel.com for info about me. I too do periodic substack newsletters.


The World Economic Forum 2022

The American contingent will include twenty-five politicians and Biden Administration officials.

US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo will join Climate Czar John Kerry as the Biden White House representatives who are there.

They will be joined by twelve Democrat and ten Republican politicians, including seven senators and two state governors.

• Gina Raimondo Secretary of Commerce of USA

• John F. Kerry Special Presidential Envoy for Climate of the United States of America

• Bill Keating Congressman from Massachusetts (D)

• Daniel Meuser Congressman from Pennsylvania (R)

• Madeleine Dean Congresswoman from Pennsylvania (D)

• Ted Lieu Congressman from California (D)

• Ann Wagner Congresswoman from Missouri (R)

• Christopher A. Coons Senator from Delaware (D)

• Darrell Issa Congressman from California (R)

• Dean Phillips Congressman from Minnesota (D)

• Debra Fischer Senator from Nebraska (R)

• Eric Holcomb Governor of Indiana (R)

• Gregory W. Meeks Congressman from New York (D)

• John W. Hickenlooper Senator from Colorado (D)

• Larry Hogan Governor of Maryland (R)

• Michael McCaul Congressman from Texas (R)

• Pat Toomey Senator from Pennsylvania (R)

• Patrick J. Leahy Senator from Vermont (D)

• Robert Menendez Senator from New Jersey (D)

• Roger F. Wicker Senator from Mississippi (R)

• Seth Moulton Congressman from Massachusetts (D)

• Sheldon Whitehouse Senator from Rhode Island (D)

• Ted Deutch Congressman from Florida (D)

• Francis Suarez Mayor of Miami (R)

• Al Gore Vice-President of the United States (1993-2001) (D)



The World Economic Forum’s 2022 annual meeting in Davos happened. At 2,000-odd participants, there were fewer people at Davos this year than in 2020, which saw about 3,000. But there are still plenty of big shots and famous faces.

Let’s take a brief look at the attendees, according to the official list, which was last updated May 18.

🌍 Global audience | Attendees include 🇺🇸 583 participants from the US, 🇨🇭 220 from Switzerland, 🇬🇧 211 from the UK, and 🇮🇳 109 from India.

💼 CEOs reign | There are 612 chief executive officers in attendance, and only 22 CFOs. The top bosses include:

• Adar Poonawalla, CEO of Serum Institute of India

• Adena Friedman, CEO of Nasdaq

• Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce

🏦 Finance folks | Despite the small contingent of CFOs, the finance world will not be underrepresented. At least seventy-five participants from global banks will be around. Financial players include:

• Jane Fraser, CEO of Citi

• Catherine Bessant, vice chair for global strategy at Bank of America

• George Soros, chairman and founder of Soros Fund Management

💰 World’s wealthiest | Bill Gates has some competition this year in the net worth department. Gautam Adani, chairman of Adani Group, is in Davos, as is Mukesh Ambani, chairman and managing director of Reliance Industries. Depending on the day, one of these men is Asia’s wealthiest person.

Climate, tech, and media participants:

🍃 Climate cohort | At least 42 attendees have the word ‘sustainability’ in their job title, including the chief sustainability officer from Unilever, Rebecca Marmot. Other climate-change experts on the attendee list include:

• Nigel Topping, UN climate change high-level champion for COP26

• The New York Times’ international correspondent for climate change, Somini Sengupta

💻 Tech turnout | Six representatives from Google, five from Microsoft and IBM, four from Meta, and not even one from Apple or Amazon. Other techies include:

• Michelle Zatlyn, president and COO of Cloudflare

• Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia

• Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft

📝 Mix of media | Reporters, editors, and representatives from the world’s major publications will also be in attendance. There are more people from CNN on the roster than participants from Microsoft. Also:

• Sally Buzbee, executive editor The Washington Post

• Martin Wolf from the Financial Times, Andrew Ross Sorkin from the New York Times, and Ina Fried from Axios

• Quartz’s very own Katherine Bell

Political and Culture figures in Davos:

Political players | The former prime minister of Denmark, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, will make an appearance. Other political operators on the list include:

• Henry Kissinger, chairman of Kissinger Associates and former US secretary of state

• Nick Clegg, former deputy prime minister of the UK, now at Meta

• Former White House director of communications Anthony Scaramucci, who also is the founder of SkyBridge Capital

Some critics of Globalism suffered “mishaps.” It is unclear if they were allowed to attend fully, or restricted. “American conservative journalist Jack Posobiec and his film crew were detained in Switzerland while he was covering the summit of globalist elites in the ski resort town of Davos,” with commenters noting the Swiss local police wearing “World Economic Forum Police” patches on their uniforms.”

Whatever happened, Posobiec was released. The most significant news from Davos was what did NOT happen. The Biden Initiative to surrender U.S. Sovereignty to the W.H.O. at Davos failed. This collapse came from Geneva, not Davos.

Post Trump, the U.S., sadly, is on the wrong side.

“WHO withdraws 12 Biden 'sovereignty' amendments amid fierce opposition.”


WHO Forced into Humiliating Backdown

“The World Health Assembly has spent the past 7 days considering Biden’s 13 controversial amendments to the International Health Regulations.

Official delegates from wealthy developed nations like Australia, the UK, and the US spoke in strong support of the amendments and urged other states to join them in signing away their countries’ sovereignty.

The first sign that things might not be going the globalists' way, came on Wednesday, the 25th of May, which just happened to also be Africa Day. Botswana read a statement on behalf of its 47 AFRO members, saying they would be collectively withholding their support for the ‘reforms,’ which many African members were concerned about.

Multiple other countries also said they had reservations over the changes and would not be supporting them. These included Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran, and Malaysia. Brazil said it would exit WHO altogether, rather than allow its population to be made subject to the new amendments. In the end, the WHO and its wealthy nation supporters were forced to back down. They have not given up though – far from it.”

An Orwellian moment was this speech from an Australian Bureaucrat:

Julie Inman Grant, the Australian eSafety Commissioner, said at the WEF that key human rights, such as free speech, must be subject to “recalibration.”

“We are finding ourselves in a place where we have increasing polarization everywhere, and everything feels binary when it doesn’t need to be,” Inman Grant told the panel, saying that people would need to think about a “recalibration of a whole range of human rights that are playing out online.”

Free Speech and Open Information must no longer be permitted anywhere. Too bad for America and our Constitution. It seems Australia is reverting into being a penal colony. The woman sounds like a female Zuckerberg.

The most terrifying announcements concerned deploying new Chinese technology worldwide to allow population control via “social scores.” China already has such systems.

With widespread cameras, 5G Internet connections, and facial recognition software, the new reality is “prisons without walls.” You can be locked down in your domicile with only paper tape. Break the seal, and you can be punished. When you purchase goods, including food and fuel, what you are allowed to buy and how much you pay can be set by your social score.

World Economic Forum Pushes Facial Recognition Technology

The dangers posed by digital IDs cannot be emphasized enough. As the researcher Brett Solomon—a man “who has tracked the advantages and perils of technology for human rights” for well over a decade—previously noted, the mass rollout of digital IDs “poses one of the gravest risks to human rights of any technology that we have encountered.”

“Shanghai went from being the largest, most free, most prosperous city in China to the world’s largest internment camp in 24 hours by a total medical lock-down. Team Biden is signing a treaty this weekend (It failed at Davos) to allow that in America and worldwide.”

There is silence about such things from Fake News and Congress. Those in power do not want voters to know about the Davos setback, The Great Reset, or the movie 2000 Mules and the stolen 2020 election.

Beware the Devils of Devos!



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'Committed to Improving the State of the World'

Nothing's wrong with the world except for the WEF.

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They should write it like this: "Committed to improving the STATE...of the world". The only thing they want is more Statism. FTWEF.

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"Committed to improving our bottom line" fits well.

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& satanism at core

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Fabulous list.. thrilled you're doing the investigative research and a book is imminent.. big time kudos and thanks can't wait to see the published work!! :~)

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Thanks John, we will be updating our list with 2022 over the next week or so.

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Thanks very much detailed comment

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I am trying to square Gabbard's devotion to the US Constitution with the teachings of the WEF fascists. Either she is lying or the WEF is going to adopt The Bill of Rights!

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I still don’t trust her. I want to. (Don’t they blackmail everyone? who steps outta line?)

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I think she changed her mind. I think she found what they were doing and is now actively working against. IMHO.

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That would be nice to hear her say so because I like her message more than anyone's right now.

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. I’ve been praying for her.

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Agreed. I think she has flipped to the good guys. She is speaking out against this agenda.

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I, too, think she may have evolved and changed her mind, after rubbing shoulders with liberals. After all, many of us have changed in our political revelations!

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Exactly right, how many of us had groups we admired twenty years ago turn out to have dirtbags funding them with different aims. Most folks who signed up to do USAID work aren't doing it to give cover to CIA operations. Live & learn.

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Indeed and exactly correct. I myself have experienced the Great Awakening in the last few years and I know I am not alone. In fact, many millions have been going through it and are right now. Billions will eventually result and we'll have a different world. I guess I'm just an optimist.

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Yes they do -- they get their" sponsors"/ " funders" to do it - Soros, Pharma, Larry Fink- Blackrock etc.

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when is the last time she was there?

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~ Hello ~ Tulsi has never been a part of the WEF, though they tried to recruit her~ She is absolutely against all of the tyranny and corruption they stand for ~ Please see my main Tweet to Dr. Malone, requesting to take her off this list~ She is not a graduate, or part of them in any way~ She is one of their adversaries~ Thank You! https://twitter.com/angelgirlfaith/status/1534322662767575043?s=20&t=1JtkYAINUSvKp1iTXD0E2A

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Same! I just commented on this. I do wonder if EVERYONE on the list who was coronated by those depraved racketeers remains loyal to the objectives.

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Upvoted for "depraved racketeers"! Nice.

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She kinda talks out of both sides of her mouth. I would vote no on her. If she speaks out against WEF, I may reappraise my opinion.

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It would be amazing if someone -- an independent journalist -- cornered her on this. Easy for me to say...ha

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Tulsi Gabbard: "While we struggle to afford food and fuel, the elite gathered at Davos/WEF to discuss how we should be allowed to live our lives. Their totalitarian dream of a so-called “Great Reset” where people own nothing and are tracked/monitored with every step, must be condemned by us all."


"“Global Pandemic Treaty” espoused by WEF, Biden Admin & WHO is a despicable, thinly veiled attempt to override our Constitution/sovereignty. If enacted, WHO could dictate US policy & track our every move via universal digital IDs. We must not let them usurp our freedom."

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I'm not on Twitter. I want her to address her participation in the Young Leaders ordeal.

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She has spoken out against them several times, you can find some of those listed in this string. I haven’t always been a Tulsi fan, don’t agree with her on many issues, but after following her on Locals and other platforms I believe her to be a patriot.

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I agree. I also think it is entirely possible that one might learn about an organization (even willingly, to be informed) and then choose not to support it. I know many people that work for companies that they do not agree with politically. Association is not always support. People change political parties, etc., all the time.

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I like this position.

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Jun 9, 2022·edited Jun 9, 2022

~ Hello ~ Tulsi is completely devoted to our US Constitution, and nowhere even near the corrupt insane tyranny of the WEF, WHO, Biden Regime, and more~ She has Tweeted recently against the WEF/WHO Global Control Agenda ~ but those of us who have followed her for years, know that she could never associate with them ~ They try to recruit many young leaders, but it seems only sociopaths will accept their Agenda ~ You can watch Tulsi's recent speech at the Western Conservative Summit, and also CPAC, on her YouTube Channel ~ where she speaks out against the desecration of our US Constitution, in its very essence ~ along with all of her other videos speaking out, where even most of Congress will not ~ And last summer, while she was serving active duty with the Army Civil Affairs Unit, she requested a t-shirt to be printed up, with our American flag, and the words of the 1st Amendment written across it ~ You can also join us on TulsiLocals.com, to share and learn more ~ Tulsi sometimes interacts with us personally there, and shares very down-to-earth experiences... https://twitter.com/angelgirlfaith/status/1534322662767575043?s=20&t=1JtkYAINUSvKp1iTXD0E2A. https://twitter.com/TulsiGabbard/status/1530482799655780352?s=20&t=Eghb98_H08xadNAmqVxP0g

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I was a monthly donator to her US Presidential Campaign and have watched a lot of her YouTube uploads, and yes I watched the summit speech. I am not on Twitter so haven't reviewed her discussion of the WEF. As an aside I didn't vote in the last two presidential elections so I wouldn't be held responsible for any of the final choices. Basically the end of this country as we know it. I sure was right with Trump and his failure to hold off the pharma-freak show and all this injection event entails. He is so disappointing. I would have voted for Tulsi back then, but I want her to flesh this WEF thing out. I'll look at the locals group thanks.

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She gave patriotic speeches. You and some other people really liked her for a long time. She made a T shirt. You find her grounded and charming.


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Please tell her to renounce wef & her affiliation with klaus.

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I don’t agree with her on everything but I think she is one of the good guys. I hope.


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~Thank You for sharing this blog link ~ I did see her entire inspiring speech at this Summit, yet it is nice to see someone writing about some of the very crucial issues Tulsi spoke about~~ Tulsi 2024! ~~

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Gabbard is a naive neocon sadly

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I don't think you know the definition of either naive or neocon. Tulsi Gabbard serves in our military and has spoken against most of our foreign entanglements that support the military industrial complex, not our country or soldiers. Her demeanor may be opposite Trump, but her policies and awareness threaten the deep state equally. Not everybody who "graduates" from a program becomes indoctrinated. Know thyself, know they enemy."

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Completely agree with you. I believe Tulsi is a good guy (gal)

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yes, I was too harsh. She is a mistery to me.

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I'm conflicted on Tulsi, too.. For me, as long as she has a (D) by her name, she hasn't seen the light yet.

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The letter is meaningless. You think (R) next to Crenshaw, Romney or Cheney is a sign of anything remotely good?

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Agreed, but the (D) removes any doubt!

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We have a uniparty, D or R is for shit shows to distract us.

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Manchin and Sinema remind me of professional wrestling characters acting out scripts.

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Jun 9, 2022·edited Jun 9, 2022

Agreed. Tulsi will get the opportunity to show her true colors. Until then, remember the sons of Korah. Lesson being: Not every son/daughter follows in parental footsteps. I first started paying attn to Tulsi when I saw this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxaRt-LlpEk

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Well said. The only issue I don’t agree with her on so far is gun control. So, that’s a tough one.

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When she spoke this month at the Western Conservative Conference in Denver she talked about the second as well as the first amendment. She may not be completely there but I think she is coming around at least I hope that to be the case.

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Some people take longer to get to the correct (less government) idea on various issues!

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Neocons are warmongers, that is not what she espouses. But she could be a Trojan Horse.

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Tulsi, in my opinion, has maintained level-headedness, poise, and principles probably better than any other household-name 'politician' in the spotlight.

It could be that our hesitation and apprehension derives from a 'too good to be true' mindset combined with the obvious betrayal we've all experienced by our "representatives" the past two years..... Or she really is one heck of a Trojan Horse who's manure we're getting waft of.

Time will tell: when she's cornered into an ultimatum.

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I agree.

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The complete capture of neocons and neolibs by the MIC makes it clear that anyone willing to speak out against the war machine has gone rogue. These days it takes even more courage to call out lies related to the Ukraine propaganda than it does to call out vax problems.

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Good point.

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yes. I was too harsh.

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I think we should be careful to not tar everyone who "graduated" from WEF training as being in agreement with and promoting their "principles" and methods. I think differently about a lot of things compared to when I graduated from high school, college, medical school and every other educational experience I've had in my work as a physician. I can see the flaws because I was "there" at one time. Tulsi Gabbard professes love of the U.S. and its constitution. She left Congress. Continues to serve in our military. Performed the Crossfit Murph workout on Memorial Day. Actions speak louder than words. Sounds like, even if she "graduated" that she didn't learn much, which would be good.

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Why doesn't Gabbard actually disclose her situation with WEF. She has NOT been transparent at all

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Because there's nothing to disclose, she doesn't have a situation with them. I posted this in another thread, so forgive me for repeating myself but I don't feel like typing it all over again:

I want to clarify that Tulsi Gabbard is not part of the WEF. I appreciate you warning people about who is affiliated with them, but Tulsi Gabbard is not. They made her a "Young Leader" in 2015 without her having attended their seminars or courses. She never attended any of their programs or worked with them, and then they added her bio and number to their website without her knowledge & permission. They recently took it down, probably because she complained. She's denounced the WEF publicly in her tweets and I was on a livestream where she confirmed that she's never done anything with them. Here are her tweets calling out the WEF: https://twitter.com/TulsiGabbard/status/1531576031307395074

Tulsi Gabbard: "While we struggle to afford food and fuel, the elite gathered at Davos/WEF to discuss how we should be allowed to live our lives. Their totalitarian dream of a so-called “Great Reset” where people own nothing and are tracked/monitored with every step, must be condemned by us all."


"“Global Pandemic Treaty” espoused by WEF, Biden Admin & WHO is a despicable, thinly veiled attempt to override our Constitution/sovereignty. If enacted, WHO could dictate US policy & track our every move via universal digital IDs. We must not let them usurp our freedom."

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Fair point. I feel the same way about Tulsi although the affiliation troubles me. I've never understood what being a WEF "grad" entails. Is there an oath of allegiance, a secret handshake, an embedded chip?

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Only they know that and they are not telling!

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Huma frazzle drip Abedin should be in jail but our alphabet agencies “ lost” the wiener laptop, allegedly.

This update is so important! Thanks.

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That laptop supposedly had a file titled "life insurance" that had nothing to do with any insurance company. Too bad it got disappeared.

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Allegedly. lol. That joke will never get old.

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That list is scary long and contains names of some good people, or so we thought

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Have you heard of the „other secret society“, the Bilderberger? They exist since 1954 and consist of political leaders and experts from industry, finance, labour, academia and the media. About two thirds of the participants come from Europe and the rest from North America. The 68th Bilderberg Meeting took place in Washington DC from 2 - 5 June 2022. See website: https://bilderbergmeetings.org/index.html

There is a book available by Andreas von Reyti who is a popular German „parascientific“ author who specialised himself on secret societies and also wrote about George Soros. His book is called “Bilderberger: Das geheime Zentrum der Macht.” (meaning like Bilderberger: The secret center of power). This year well-known politicians and businessmen from Austria participated in the meeting. I have to admit that I am quite aware of Klaus Schwab (student of Henry Kissinger who was already notorious in my personal environment so to speak) since years. But this year it was the first time I heard of the Bilderbergers... Maybe worth a look deaper - also for you in US?


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Yes- I have written about them, but intend to dedicate a full substack soon.

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The Committee of 300??

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The old club of Rome alumni.

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Jun 8, 2022·edited Jun 8, 2022

Please don't forget about Mehmet Oz https://www.weforum.org/people/mehmet-c-oz Oz was a member of the Global Leaders of Tomorrow from 1999-2004

Living in Pennsylvania I am concerned about him.

Dave McCormick's wife is a current WEF contributor https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/dina-powell-mccormick

McCormick attended World Economic Forum Annual Meeting(Davos) in 2014 https://www3.weforum.org/docs/AM14/WEF_AM14_Media_Participants_List_kho257j.pdf (see page 44) https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/01/what-changes-to-global-and-regional-cooperation-will-2021-bring-here-s-what-business-leaders-say/

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This is bad for PA. Dave McCormick who just conceded the primary to Oz is good friends with Tom Cotton. He told me himself. The best choice for us was Kathy Barnett who was sabotaged by Sean Hannity. Did not know Toomey was on the list but it makes perfect sense.

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Jun 8, 2022·edited Jun 8, 2022

Toomey is a weasel. I agree about Barnett - I think there were some shenanigans with the voting.

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Sen. Cotton is a well-known war hawk. So, not to be trusted on that issue alone! Same for any other insane Russia (China, Iran, etc.) or bullies on American Empire war-hawks! U.S. has no business interfering or meddling in any foreign countries political or economic areas! Those reckless and dangerous war hawks would also dislike it if a foreign country did the same thing to the U.S.!

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Barnett was a Ross Perot. I'm glad she's not up there.

Who can we write in?

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I can’t believe there’s not a libertarian running

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Thanks for that yes we have Dr Oz on our main list but not as a politician... Dina is on with her maiden name. We can only offer people to be aware of if they are verified listed by WEF, not by association, but certainly good to note that association in these comments thank you!

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Doing everything possible to ditch WA rep Jaime Herrera Beutler - GO Joe Kent! Elise Stefanik, what a disappointment, as well as Crenshaw et al. What's with Nikki Haley acting all pro-republican, pro-Trump too, when she previously stabbed him in the back??? Go find a palm tree and retire...

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She was Remarkable Governor; but no friend of Trump. Her mansion completed on Kiawah Island. She was a disgusting backstabbed. Most capable too.

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What about all the politicians taking money right and left from Koch Bros funds, does that count? What about those kept aloft by Blackstone? Or any huge corporate conglomerate, where does one draw the line?

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Jun 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Agreed this is just a tip to the iceburg! One of the bits we can kind of see.

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Happy to hear that, thank you. Too easy to get stuck on one side, which serves no one.

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Since the WEF has a goal of 90% depopulation, they should be labeled as terrorists and tried for premeditated murder or at least the planning there of. Based on Schwab's background, his actions and overall beliefs I am shocked the WEF isn't considered directly a Nazi organization but I supposed they have bought just too many people off to not have that labeled as misinformation.

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WEF, WHO, Gates-GAVI are terrorists organizations.

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Some of these people Trump has strongly backed...

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He backed/endorsed Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell & Kevin McCarthy. All 3 turn our stomachs as RINO's who'll turn on Him in a Second.

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