Dec 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, I cannot easily express the debt we owe you in continuing to keep us informed. During the late 1960s and early 1970s I participated in "counterinsurgency" against the Vietnam War. Now, about fifty years later, when I am no longer young, but in my 70s, I find myself participating yet again in the counterinsurgency associated with Mass Formation Psychosis and the continual propaganda from so many vested interests. I thought I could live the reminder of my life in relative peace, but that does not appear to be on the horizon. I am getting so tired fighting these "good fights." My ethical perspective remains high, but my energy level is being drained daily from my physical from. I pray that the younger generation can awaken and carry on this "good fight."

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At the end of this article are “action choices” for us. But I will add one more: Know truth, love truth, live truth, tell truth.

And who/what is truth? Jesus said, “I am the way the truth and the life.....”

Knowing this TRUTH is our wholeness, it is

our soul-ness. It is discernment, it is brain and heart health, and it keeps us full of life no matter the circumstances. Are we in a battlefield? Absolutely. Jesus is our sword and our shield!

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For what it is worth, my Mennonite husband has been rereading the bible a little bit each morning very early. It has been a long time since he had thought about any of this much but a strong foundational background in his upbringing. As I greet him in the morning with the executive summary of the day's latest jaw dropping news and revelations, there is always a perfect passage he has recently read to match the tenor of the news and the epic nature of the challenges we face. It is a good pairing and works well for both of us.

Whoever wrote and accumulated and wrote those words experienced something similar and were warning us.

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Proving that history is a cycling process. Everything old is new again--at least when it come to human behavior.

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Revisionist history has been infecting our education system for some time and has prevented the more recent generations from learning from history...I guess that was the plan all along.

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Reading the bible is key.

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I read a chapter of the Bible every night - amazed how those passages written so long ago are pertinent to what we see and live today. It is consoling to know that He is in control and with that faith we can persevere, especially if we let Him guide us.

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After a life of battling sea-monsters, it is humbling when I come upon a chapter or verse that had I known the passage before, I would have come out better in those battles, if not avoid them entirely. Should be required reading from an early age, as it once was.

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God is gracious and patient Betsy. He warns and warns, giving every opportunity to turn from wickedness and then he does as he promises in complete perfect justice.

God's word is and always be the perfect counterpoint to evil. Glad your husband returned to truth. The best counter to lies. You may want to pick it up and see for yourself. : ) It has utterly changed my life.

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He never left it, just lives it. But nice to read the old scriptures. He has also been reading all his old European history books from his college years at Oberlin. Again, with amazement that we have been through all this before.

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Marago, I'm with you. After reading yesterday's substack and much of the linked writings of Mathew Crawford, I have no idea who to trust or listen to. Good intentioned people make mistakes. Bad intentioned people mislead. I'm unable to judge people's motives. I do know for a fact that there is a global plan being put into place and that covid and the shots are part of it. I have always contended that the "method" behind it is satanic. I give up on trying to understand all the world's explanations and will continue to trust in Jesus. I will continue to try to educate people on what I perceive to be true, but the reality is, people need to consider their spiritual condition and their eternal destiny. Today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow is not promised to us, regardless of whether or not the globalists can be defeated.

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In my mind all of the Globalist/UN agenda 2030/climate/green new deal/Great Reset.... every one of those are really just collectivist religions. They are all FALSE religions. The only way to fight religion is with religion. I praise God that I know Jesus Christ.

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The action choice is to complete your OODA loop faster than your opponent.

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How's that working for you? Not very well most places.

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David, you asked a great question. I can’t speak for most places or Marago and Anne, but doesn’t how things work for us depend on the metric? What if we could measure peace and genuine friendship against strife and rancor?

E.g., I was raised in the church and had an exceptionally happy childhood. Around 15 years old, I rejected the “indoctrination” and chose what I thought was an agnostic, more material approach to working things out. I had faith in that choice. Forty years later, I should be writing country songs. I lost my wife, got separated from my kids, and then my apartment burned down. I got a little bitter, cynical, and misanthropic. That’s hard to hide. I was wearing it on my sleeve, alienating coworkers and old friends. My parents’ deaths unleashed hell in the family. Then I lost my girlfriend, my job, and another home. Those aren’t the only verses, and by any measure of peace and genuine friendship, my style of agnostic materialism wasn’t working for me. Fortunately, I was able to retire and plant myself in a small rural community almost isolated from everybody and everything that brought out the worst in me.

I was outside one day when a neighbor was passing by, He stopped and introduced himself. Nice guy with a sweet and kind wife. They asked me over for dinner one night and surprised me by saying a prayer before we ate. For months they wouldn’t stop being nice, sweet, kind, and generous. Words in their prayers and concepts I’d learned as a kid kept coming back to me: “Pray, praise, and give thanks. Love God. Love your neighbor. Taste and see that God is good.” I wasn’t having a road-to-Damascus epiphany, and the agnostic-materialistic region of my brain assured me I wasn’t drinking the Kool-Aid or taking a leap of faith. I was just choosing to look back into the “God thing.”

Rough paraphrase here, but to me, Hebrews 11:6 says, “Believe that God is real, and He will reward you.” I found that to be true. My choosing to look back into the “God thing” validated itself, and the rewards seem to snowball. They’ve grown into faith that a Jesus Christ-centered approach works. The more I focus on Christ, the more peace and genuine friendship I feel and find. I have more patience and empathy and less strife and rancor. I keep stumbling into things that make me happy, such as scenery along these country roads; and things that make me thankful, such as the good, honest, and intelligent folk on this site. I think I’m getting less obnoxious, less inclined to outrage and vitriol, and better at intentionally loving people. I’m closer than ever to my kids, and I’ve found friendly, interesting neighbors. I’ve connected with local grassroots political activists who are wonderful and making a difference. I’m discovering spiritual solutions to material problems. I’m convinced that good ultimately defeats evil in ways we may not understand and cannot fully control, but I believe standing up, speaking out, and resisting make a difference. I’m not losing hope. At least, that’s how it’s working for me.

I don’t expect everyone to make the choice I made, but anybody can “taste and see.” I think that’s at least risk-free. Anyone who doesn’t like it can always choose something different to believe in. If you’ve made a different choice, I’m interested in how it’s working for you.

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Thank you so much for sharing your story with us! You have encouraged me.

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Good to hear things are working out for you. I wasn't suggesting that faith is unimportant, just that it's insufficient for the task at hand. Unreliable, and too slow. In a recent article on my substack I discussed Arthur Brooks' articles on happiness. He proposes that faith is one of the foundations for meaning in life, which is important for focusing our actions, thereby enhancing happiness. But success is also important, and that requires action. Faith can motivate us toward effective action, or can make us complacent and submissive. I choose action.

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I think, David, that it all comes back to God's sovereignty. There are prophecies in the Bible which were written long before their fulfillment. The prophecies about the end times have not yet been fulfilled. I don't know if we are in the end times, but it looks that way. Never before have I understood how the "mark of the beast" would be used to prevent people from "buying and selling." Now, it seems so easy, and people have demonstrated during the last three years that they are willing to accept anything which will (falsely) promise them safety. Regardless of whether these are the last days, believers need to stay focused on our mission. In my opinion, part of the mission is standing against injustice and for the vulnerable, so I am doing what I can, while realizing that I, as a 70 year old grandmother, don't have a great deal of influence. I can rest in the fact that God's ultimate plan will not be thwarted. No matter how hard I fight, things may get very bad. I am ultimately safe because of Jesus. As Philippians 1:21 says, "For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." I'm in a win win situation!

To your point about faith making us complacent and submissive; one of my big disappointments during this time is that so many of my fellow believers were so easily deceived into accepting the shots. I don't understand why those who profess to trust Christ are so frightened. I have lost respect for those religious leaders who advised people to accept the shots, saying that Jesus would do so, or that we need to love our neighbors. The way to love my neighbors is to tell them the truth (both the Truth of the gospel and other truth). I offered Dr. Peter McCullough's book to one of our Bible teachers who has urged people to be jabbed. He turned it down, saying that this issue had been divisive and he didn't want to get involved. He's already involved! I appreciate that you are taking action and I am doing so as well, to the best of my ability. We have to work together and help others as we have opportunity. Take care.

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I wonder if your Bible teacher's name is Peter. Denial of the truth is a common human failing.

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That aligns well with my Christ-centered approach. James 2:26 says, “Faith without works is dead.” In that sense, if genuine faith inspires, initiates, and sustains action, then faith is action.

It seems an insufficiency of good people, too many unreliable people of bad faith, our misguided actions, and our misplaced trust all deserve some blame for this global hijacking. That all needs to be confronted with genuine faith.

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The action that is required includes policing those of bad faith.

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They win when we surrender. I won't. There is a time for war and a time for peace. We don't get to choose.

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If your decision matrix is inaccurate and not modelled on reality, then your decisions will be wrong. Make the wrong decision and the universe crushes you.

Up to light, liberty, and life OR down into darkness, slavery, and death. Your decision.

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Some are more easily crushed than others. They're never sure which way is up.

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Knowing where the hard spot in the sky is, how far you are from it, and fuel remaining, are critical data in your decision matrix.

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So is knowing when to avoid chasing rainbows in the sky.

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Hey Jillian, when things go south I want to join clans. :)

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I want to be a member of your swarm Jillian!

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I’d say your action choice subsumes “Love God,” so I’ll add another: “Love your neighbor.” If we’re to win a global war, we must win the hearts and minds of the people next door and down the street. Think global, act local starts with loving people on purpose.

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Thank you for your service, and I am sad that my father, a WWII Veteran passed away a year ago, and didn't get to see the miracles that are coming, when we coordinate together and make the stand for humanity that has been slowly, but surely, coming to fruition! Brave men and women can sense this, as they know that it always seems darkest before the dawn...

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So in other words, blindly believe what Gov, tech, MSM, schools...tell you to believe, you will be enslaved; use the brain God gave you to question and research for yourself and speak out your findings, you will be labeled a conspiracy theorist, racist...but you will be stronger, more prepared and safer.

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

More insidious is how school teachers have been taught to deliberately and deceitfully disconnect children from their parents and grandparents, a form of sabotage in this new war.

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And from their creator.

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I am questioning and I am researching, but there is absolutely no guarantee that I will be safe, at least here on earth. I entrusted my life and my future to Jesus in 1976 and my hope and security lies with Him.

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I always reply "Freedom isn't safe" Always get perplexed looks.

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I choose opt out and am producing a living arrangement apart from this planned economy. It takes time, time in dimensional thinking, time in gathering resources. Those starting from nothing should compromise and work for the economy using the finances to become resilient to the treachery. Start by planting a garden.

Fascinating Stack. Going to take time to process the idea of the new war - throw away those smart phones!

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and get rid of devices that make your house "smart!"

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"Smart devices" are spies!

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Yes, indeed. I am now considering letting loose of this hard wired computer - the addiction is overwhelming.

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These devices are the devil’s playground. Learn to navigate with the brain and discernment God gave us .

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I've taken up reading again.

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from books! Yes.

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Well, Robert, we still need that most powerful of smart devices to read your substack...

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Yes! And be on the look out for the lingo that is associated with the increasing efforts to set up the infrastructure and foundation for smart cities.

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'Good start here.. Only smart thing here ;) is my smart phone. Rarely let its smartness loose to impact anything. No smartness on my planning schedule. (No functional TV

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Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022

I never did get a smart phone because all my instincts were telling me it was one more way to spy on my daily life. The last three years have only reinforced those feelings.

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Me neither for the same reason mainly, secondarily I already spend too much time on the internet. I spent November doing a lot of hunting and might have been on the net for 5 days the entire month (no one knew where I was)!

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At the very least get rid of your iphone and opt for something else...

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A conundrum!

I don't have a smart phone, only this home computer, so I don't know as much as you!

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There is probably no way anymore to be completely safe, but there are a few pretty simple things to do that will at least cut down on the spying. I use a desktop computer, as at least it can't be hijacked to follow my physical movements, and refusing to use any type of Google product (including internet search) will reduce the internet tracking. I drive an 18-year-old car that has no electronics that can facilitate tracking, and I'm committed to spending whatever is necessary to keep it in good running order as long as possible.

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You get the point!

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Not sure myself Don't know what non-smart cell phones do. I don't do any money things on my cell phone. Some of the problem features on a cell phone can be removed or disabled. Mine offers a calculator, texting,, flashlight, camera, contact list - some stuff that's just useful in case of car breakdown or personal physical emergency.

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Basically connection to the internet, access to all the knowledge in the world at any time! But that's ok, you can think what you want.

As a aside I also have some thought echo that says gain the whole world but lose your own soul.

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Regarding brilliant female analyst/authors from the past—they’re there! They just didn’t get as much attention as their male counterparts.

Hannah Arendt comes to mind as I’ve just finished listening to her entire oeuvre on audiobook. She displays a formidable clarity of thought, penetrating observation skills, and a prescience that envisioned the very tyranny we have witnessed unfolding over the past three years.

I haven’t had a chance to transcribe all of the quotations I bookmarked, but here are a few I have on hand from “The Origins of Totalitarianism”:

“The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exist.”

“Never has our future been more unpredictable, never have we depended so much on political forces that cannot be trusted to follow the rules of common sense and self-interest—forces that look like sheer insanity, if judged by the standards of other centuries.”

“In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true. … Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived because it held every statement to be a lie anyhow. The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness.”

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She is not a good example of brilliance.

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Dec 12, 2022·edited Dec 12, 2022

I think I will just stick with Jesus. Read His word and pray for wisdom, discernment and the strength (in the Spirit) to stand (Ephesians 6). Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” -John 16:33

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...“the most successful [fifth generation] wars are wars that are never identified.” More importantly, the most formidable adversary is one that is never recognized. "When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." The adversary thrives in the shadows where his schemes are barely discernable. Some think that the antidote for darkness is some complex system. I vote for complete decentralization: individual piety via regeneration, resulting in saltness and light. "But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. "

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Isaiah 53?

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Hello from Germany. Biologist, now retired, unvaxxed as DRUG APPROVAL knowledge..I warned for over 2 years . They laughed about me. Lock down ..harrassing. / I just hope my 76 yrs old friend will survive . She lost one leg to microthrombosis, nie the 2nd leg is in danger . 😢/

Nobody listend / I warned/ the German government is denying/ RKI/Paul Ehrlich institute deny .


♥️Thank you to you and all the others courageous doctors to find the truth.

♥️ We love you

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The quote in the 4GW there is no distinction between wartime and peacetime really stuck out to me. There have been all these “little wars “ going on all the time. Korean War, Vietnam War, desert storm, IraqWar , Afganistán War, etc. It never ends. This 5GW is a war of the minds. It includes the whole world. In a sense it is a World War. A war that we need to work together to fight against the elitists . “You will own nothing and be happy” seriously !

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This is what come of letting the left take control of language. The words "own" and"happy" can now mean pretty well what they want them to.

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They have definitely commandeered the language for a desired effect...just as the “Ministry of Truth” did in 1984. It is by design. And honestly, once you learn the lingo of these bastards it becomes very easy to spot their influence and where they are busy implementing their plans.

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I salute you Dr. Malone. This is the ultimate red pill that opens our eyes to the Truth. We should be grateful that our fool’s paradise is evaporating, and we can build a new foundation on solid granite. We have a better chance of surviving now, and will have God and His reality when we finally shuffle off our mortal coil. This world wasn’t ever intended to be our true home anyway, but it is a priceless training ground and boot camp.

✝️ 🦁 🌲

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First I’m not picking on anyone... isn’t it ironic that we use terms like “red pill” ? Perhaps we should forget the fantasy fiction of the Matrix and others of that ilk and ground our thoughts and perceptions in reality and the lessons found in the great pretechnological literature.

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Allegorical stories like Alice Through the Looking Glass and The Matrix contain valuable ideas and lessons. Good ones act like a compass.

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Some would say that the Matrix in its own way constitutes a programming of sorts. I agree that it can be a good allegorical tale....but at the same time elements of it reflect so close to reality that arguably it also has a desensitizing effect....making some fail to see the actual reality we are currently in because they see the Matrix as pure fiction. I liken it to how drones and video games somehow make real life killing seem less real, especially when the bad actors have been immersed in those fantasy/virtual worlds more than the real world with its blood, sweat and tears.

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So you want a law against 'provocative' films? It's a work of art, in my opinion. In1999, when Matrix was released, everyone I talked to thought it was pure fantasy, and of little worth. I argued the opposite, as many others did. Now it looks prophetic. "The mind is its own place, and by itself can make a Hell of Heaven, and a Heaven of Hell." - Milton

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Gosh, NO....I don’t want a law against ‘provocative films’ at all. I think we are making the same point, but perhaps from a different perspective. I was trying to point out that the bastions in f the left are strangely complicit in the denial of the reality we face, yet their artwork, in this case a prophetic film, makes one wonder how they cannot see the significance of their creation. Or perhaps they do and did....and that makes me wonder about the desired effect.

I definitely do not think we need a law to prohibit such films. Rather we may consider that they may provide clues to just how deep the conspiracy we are unearthing goes and for how long it has been contemplated by a handful of very powerful and manipulative people/species.

I have the same reaction when celebrities want gun control which would take away my right to protect myself against tyranny. Those same celebrities make their millions off feature films that glorify violence. The hypocrisy is glaring and worth noting regarding a deep seated cognitive dissonance. They either think we are idiots or have lost their own ability to think critically.

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Good points. Our complex situation is made worse by dishonest double-standards and gaslightighting. It's heartening to be a part of this much more honest forum.

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Dec 30, 2022·edited Dec 30, 2022

Banning literature, speech, etc. is antithetical to a free nation. So, emphatically "no". You may have missed my point. With the infiltration of the education system by Woke/Marxist ideology, young people no longer have the ability to discern and appreciate the intended "take home" message of an allegorical tale.

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Your comment on "This world wasn't ever intended to be our true home" probably means something different to you, but none the less that is what keeps me most unafraid of death. I have met and read too many 'near death experiences' to imagine the other side anything less than loving.

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I must disagree, having seen Heaven and Hell. Since I was five, I actively sought God. I’m 74 now. We reap what we sow. Hatred compounds on itself, and genuine love does also. One or the other is our chosen destiny.

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Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022

This is a discussion of many layers, too hard to grok on the simple commentary. I would love to know more of your experience. I too, actively sought the council of the Higher Wisdom. I wasn't killed in a car accident at 4 yrs, that was the grace of Life. I haven't been the same since... And yes, we are held accountable for our transgressions. We are the judge and jury while the higher powers watch with compassion.

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Isn't it amazing how horrible Traumatic episodes, albeit we could experience. Can create the keys to unlock those spirit doors to great enlightenment of the mind. There are endless stories of the greatest understandings, thus revealed.

What a grand survival tool to have built in for our short period of existing here.

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Great article. A few thoughts: old school term for a pure “democracy” is mob rule. The new term swarmism is neat and its imagery helps highlight the lack of accountability, and is better suited for the information warfare of the 5th generation warfare time. But we must not forget that all forms of warfare exist within this 5th generation, and violence is being used which is the imagery associated with mob rule. Both terms are necessary.

Mob rule and swarmism is why our founders did not want a pure democracy because mobs are often wrong. This is why I cringe every time I hear that democracy is at stake. No... what is at stake is losing our Constitutional Republic. This is what the swarm and the World Overlords want, and they are sadly making rapid progress to that goal. They are ending individualism and the rights individuals have.

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I like the term swarm because it so fits the marxists love affair with insect social construction. Mindless mass obedience to a single individual (or tightly selected clique).

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Like the nanites (inorganic nano robot swarms) in the classic SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis TV shows. One of the Stargate team's most formidable enemies

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Afraid I have not read any scifi since Phil Wylie/J. D. McDonnald.

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There was an episode in the SG-1 series where Earth traded technology with another world called the Aschen. One outcome is that for perfect health and double the longevity they discovered that the vaccine they took to achieve it made them infertile, and eventually would wipe out the human species. Captain Samantha Carter, was betrayed by her husband who became an ambassador to the two worlds, and knew this in advance. So she and her former crew united and planned to use a Stargate as a time machine, leaving a message to their earlier selves to never go to that planet or do business with them. They succeeded. That episode arc started in 2001, which I find creepy now. Stargate series was often thought to be a release valve for some of the secret U.S. military operations and technology--putting out fiction so they can point to that as the source of tinfoil hat thinking and dismiss.

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I like the term swarmism because it is self-explanatory.

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How some have defined what the globalists are selling is “communitarianism.” It is like a hybrid of Marxist principles and swarming or mob rule. In essence, it says that what is best for the “community” as a whole is the thing which should govern actions. In short, how the “best” for the community will be determined is through surveillance, data collection and social impact. That is part of why I keep insisting that beyond the vaccine’s toxicity, it is CRITICAL that people understand that what is underway (and the real evil in our midst relative to the enslavement of mankind) is a shift/change in the financial system globally. The CBDC will go hand in hand with social impact markets whereby the fin/tech elite will insist that they are best equipped to decide what is best through algorithms and compliance models. The increasing automation that comes with the 4th Industrial Revolution will be what makes us beholden and dependent. We will be managed as assets versus the traditional market model or paradigm. Again, the digital ID/health passport and central bank digital currency is the line in the sand that we must not cross. We must not comply with these systems when they go on line. While we debate the vaccine, the fin/tech elite are busy setting up the new system. The old system is being bled dry.

In summary, fascism in real form is what awaits when our governance is handed over to the corporations that own the tech. And the new class order that Dr. Malone describes will naturally evolve as a result.

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Spot on. 100% agree we must say no to CBDC. Or all the other dominos will fall as they are already perfectly set up to spiral down.... along with our freedoms and rights also going down in flames.

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To be honest, I wish more of the leaders/experts in the health freedom movement would highlight the importance of this and also explain how the social impact markets will apply to everything, including healthcare going forward.

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

An excellent and terrifying preview of materials to understand to be resilient in the next round of warfare. I will endorse your purple heart for sure. You are a decorated general now with some spectacular war injuries, now leading the troops in the 5GW phase of warfare defense.

Navigating around all these purposely constructed boundaries to quality information saved my health and life and my husband's, kept us in the control group. If my science training and experience acquired over four decades ever paid off, it did in the last three years. And it looks like the best preparation going forward, alongside all the prepper items Dr. Malone advised many columns ago.

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I have shared your experience. My training has also saved my husband and me. We continue to prepare and pray.

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this offering. Well agree you are entitled to a Purple Heart! And not just for the evil jab. You're entitled on the basis of all the damages and aggravation you've endured since entering the battle for Truth and your work helping so many of us to arrive at optimum decisions re vaxing and on joining the fight to find a better future.

Follow your offering here, though to adequately get to developing my own approaches on FGWF, will need to re-read this and references and incorporate your next insights and offerings.

Reviewing your thoughts on the roles presently available, I couldn't be more grateful for the Community you've aided us in forming. and the ongoing perspectives you provide us, on your three internet services and interviews. I would hope by our participating in your efforts we will also see occasion to incorporate strategies in our own environments.

Wishing you (pl) a good week and continuing success. Bestest plus!

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is a great article on the complications of modern warfare. Everyone needs to be aware of how modern technology and modern social realities are used to harm and enslave people. Knowledge about the basic principles of slavery is also necessary. In my article, "The World Economic Forum has vulnerabilities you can hack," I explain the characteristics and weaknesses of slavery.


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love the focus on findings their weaknesses!

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Doc Malone's post and comments to it is all about writing the update to the classic Sun Tzu The Art of War.

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Dec 12, 2022·edited Dec 12, 2022

All principles of war, religion, and civil law are based upon more fundamental principles, the principles of life. All forms of life are organisms. They are called organisms because they organize. Life organizes because the physical laws of this Universe favor teams over individuals or anti-social groups. A simple example is: ten men can pick up and move heavier objects than an individual. Each part of an organism helps the other parts. Slavery is an anti-social structure, meaning that it discourages future social interactions and causes less organization.

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Agree. We are self-organizing in different ways by species. Like the observations of E.O Wilson on ants, his perspective on consilience or Nassim Haramein on fractals and geometry in physics and cosmology. Self reference, recursion, fibonacci formations and so on.

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Hannah Arendt cornered the Psychology of Totalitarianism. She nailed it and it rings true today. The Invisible Unaccountable Enemy is all around us from looters to Psyops. Anything that damages society and our culture are the weapons, from movies and literature to headlines. I believe her studies in Christianity provided her the clarity to see Truth while her study in Judaism provided her the Wisdom and Action to write and teach. A serious independent thinker that unfortunately is a dying breed.

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Purple Heart! Yes, I'd say you've earned it. I offer sincerely: "Thank you for your service". Let us now muster the troops.

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I'm sure Brandon is the mastermind behind all these machinations! Ha ha!

Whether it is 5GW, Mass Formation or whatever, it requires a failure of the individual's internal BS Meter to take effect. Constant gaslighting will be less effective in the long run because purebloods still standing can always see the truth. Give them all a fair trial, and then hear the necks snapping on the gallows, or smell the cordite from the firing squads. Not for Fauci, he will get his eyes chewed out by a million sand fleas.

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Brandon doesn't have the mind to master anything more complicated than ice cream. He's just another piece on the chessboard, being manipulated like the rest of us.

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He actually has been a manipulated sock puppet his entire time in gov employ. His current squat in our house his reward for faithful service to the politburo.

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People should take a look at the Center for American Progress (CAP) And then visit the Little Sis website and put in a search for CAP and have a look at donors, board members, etc. CAP’s website seems to cover the entire smorgasbord of distractions and issues under consideration by the globalist wannabes.

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I'm detecting a theme....

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these last two are bookends

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Dr Malone, have you interviewed Dr Andrew Huff? Have you seen the Christine Dolan interview? https://miamiindependent.com/livestream-1230pm-est-the-globalists-in-plain-sight-dr-huff-testifies-fauci-gave-wuhan-bioweapon-technology/

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His last interview with Dr Huff, a good while ago, proved to be a major success!

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