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Yes, in my opinion those nasty statins do nothing for the patient except reduce their quality of life. Get that book ‘The Clot Thickens’ from your library or somewhere - it is that very well-written, sourced, and in a very approachable style. Back in the 80’s husband wanted the fake butter product, but he soon came to see the light, haha. He is now low carb, no added sugar, no processed foods, and at 80 is on the lowest dose BP med only. Doctors are under serious pressure to increase the department net income, and are visited by drug reps seemingly every day. That in addition to sliding scale incentives for their practices/health care system to achieve certain levels of inoculations. The message they get is ‘produce or suffer accordingly’ (income, job security, etc.) There is supposed to be informed consent by the patient, but how can that happen without disclosure of full, clear, unslanted information being provided. We are on our own out here. Glad you did your research. Am thankful for these few brave doctors who have gone against the narrative, and have held the line to promote patient care first. P.S. I do not know the book author Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, and have no conflict of interest. Just had to say that, haha, as that’s more than we can say about those pushing the shots, eh? Take care.

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I did purchase "The Clot Thickens", & will get to my new book soon. I'm finishing "Lies My Gov't Told Me" (finishing this book is taking more time than I like, but as a new Grandma, I sure lose track of time lately).

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Glad to hear about both the ‘The Clot Thickens’ book acquisition and the new, very important Grandma position! When you are done with ‘The Clot Thickens’, and you want to be able to recognize criminal behavior and that special language criminals employ, read Dr. Stanton Samenow’s book ’Inside the Criminal Mind’. It is one of those seminal books that will totally add to your mental inventory of what to watch for in behaviors. Dr. Samenow was a witness for the prosecution in the DC Sniper Case. And, since one thing leads to another, he has written a few more books. Take care.

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I will definitely read "Inside the Criminal Mind"! My library of new books will be amazing! I always wonder what makes another person capable of horrific crimes, & appreciate this recommendation! Thank you so much!

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You are welcome. Please let me know if you find it informative. Take care.

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Thank you for your post, I appreciate it, & the recommendation of the book- I will definitely find it! It's is sad that "greed takes priority over the care of patients"- prescribing meds over healthcare. I also stopped taking BP medication, Lisinipril Hz12 (I think that was the correct med name); a few years ago- 2-3 now, & I felt something wasn't right one evening, & asked my daughter to take me to the ER. I'm glad I did, as my sodium level was extremely low, & the ER doc indicated I was very close to having a seizure. Thankfully, after staying overnight, & having several tests done, I was able to go home. I stopped taking that BP medicine, & my BP is now "normally low", & I feel better- especially at my age, 71, & I continue to monitor my BP & I'm healthy. I also didn't get any "alleged vaccine shots", nor have I ever had a flu shot! Enjoy your day, & thank you again!

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