Feb 29Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If you want to see a legislator make short work of federal bureaucrats undermining the country and our way of life, I highly recommend Rep. Harriet Hageman's committee inquiries. As a freshman who replaced Liz Cheney in Wyoming's lone congressional seat, she's gotten off to a fast start. Ms. Hageman is on the House Committee on Natural Resources, and as an experienced attorney, she knows how to highlight the insidiousness and absurdity at work here.

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Hageman's family background is in ranching. Thus she's very insightful on producer's concerns.

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I thought I heard when she was running for the seat, that she was very well-to-do and a no-nonsense person.

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I voted for her. She is very smart, no-nonsense, and firmly committed to property rights. We need 434 more like her.

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The Democrats are doing exactly EXACTLY what they said they would do: “Tear down America”.

They have a deep hate for the American People and have the evil spirit to pronounce war, on us.

Everything they do, is because they hate America!

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29

I really wish everyone would stop using the misnomer "democrats" in every speech about what horrors are taking in America right now.

Do you think we could substitute "democrats" for "Uniparty", or "politician" in general???

When will we admit that this constant, and consistent blaming one side all the time, keeps this fallacy that it is only "the other side is bad"?

The reality, it is that BOTH PARTIES have betrayed Americans for decades, and will continue to play the good cop, bad cop bullshit routine, until ALL are called out for who they really are.

Let us all stop falling for the bread and circuses ploy, as it is getting old.

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Look at the Democrats in office on the local level. They hate Americans! Everyone of them! Look at the Democratic AG’s. They Hate Americans! Look at the run down, bankrupt Democratic Cities, run by: Haters of Americans. They hate Free Speech. They Hate !! They hate , they absolutely Love: CHAOS!!!

Wake up!!!

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You wake up.

Everything you said is obvious and true. I want. All who are guilty to pay fir their crimes against America, not just the demon-crats

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Ironic isn't it? The very place these demons have become so successful and powerful, they want to destroy. Makes no sense, unless you are looking at this as a spiritual war.

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They ( The demons), say they want to “ Build back better,” they say, “they have to tear it down, to build back better.”

Their words. Not mine.

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Rhetoric and changing definitions seems to be all things old are new again. It's a pattern of self destruction. I highly recommend watching Tucker Carlson's interview with Xi Van Fleet. She lived the 'cultural revolution' in China.

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Chuck Schumer was waiving a Chinese flag, and other New York politicians were parading around in Chinese regalia for Chinese New Year.

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Alrighty, when? I say again... when have you seen Chuck ie boy, hold an American flag, say the pledge of allegiance, or have anything but disdain for America?

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The Democrat party is spearheading most of the cannon fodder coming out of WA DC. The Republican party is impotent in stopping any of the destruction and far too many conspire with the Democrats. WA DC is broken badly, that is for certain.

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It is damn near to the point of needing an asteroid to fix the mess.

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Sadly, I'd be perfectly fine with this, as long as all the underground bunkered billionaires and the corrupt dod all went at the same time

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Complacency, is condoning, is directly responsible for where we are today.

Republicsns had the Presidency, the senate and the house, and they did nothing to stop this.

Paul Ryan, Bitch McConnell, all the way down to Mittens Romney worked behind the scenes with the Demon-crats, continuing the well established path of fleecing the American electorate. They continue today.

Both houses were warned time and time again that Marxists were infiltrating our political and corporate systems for over 7 decades, yet did nothing to stop it.

The left and right are equally culpable for where we are today.

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

Equally culpable? I don't think so. I think it's pretty safe to say about half of our "republican" legislators are really democrat lite, more commonly known as RINOs. Seriously, can anybody look me in the eye and give a plausible explanation why, for example, Liz Chaney or Adam Kissinger is allowed the "republican" label? The guys you listed T. are of the same ilk, maybe a little better camouflaged. That said: There are also some damn good people in the republican party, but they are sorely outnumbered. We need term limits alright, in America they are also called elections. If one thinks he/she is a conservative and he/she is voting for a loser like Liz Chaney he/she are part of the problem. What's really laughable is people who vote like this and then call for term limits.... All I can say is, seriously dude?

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1


So you want a pissing match here on how our govt representatives have screwed us over, time and time again?

Really dude? Our entire system needs to be cleansed, and term limits will remove the few, consistent patriotic American politicians out of a position they are desperately needed in, so thats just not going to work out.

There are standout, true patriots who love our country, and work for the American people, but their numbers are miniscule. Okay, I'll give you that, and those few standouts (Jim Jordan, Ron Johnson, Rand Paul, Chip Roy, Mike Braun, and a few others ) are exempted from the equally culpable comment, but OVERALL, the republican party doesn't coalese, and stand together for the will, for the benefit of the American people.

Instead of term limits, a written, single page social contract between politicians, and the people of America needs to be drawn up where they are only paid to be required to produce tangible results, benevolent and beneficiary, to Americans, never receiving a single dime in compensation, nor being allowed to be financially supported by any special intereat group, otherwise immediatrly finding themselves out of their positions, and back into Society, or prison if need be.

All dealings must be out in the open, and capable of public scrutiny before any bills submitted and or passed, either through referendum, or collective oversight.

End all omnibus legislation NOW.

Follow Trumps lead: for every new law enacted, two laws are to be nullified.

Every republican politician RIGHT NOW, should be doing hand-stands, spitting fireworks, screaming profanities on how our country is being systematically destroyed by democratic party rule, and yet, most remain silent, other than the chosen few who are actively doing what they were elected to do, feeding the cult machine driving, plowing our country into financial, chaotic ruin.

If they are NOT standing up against the machine, they are part and parcel, a cog of the machine, therefore they ARE culpable in this autrocity against the people of America.

Silence is no different than active participation, and you know this

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1

OK, why didn't you say that in the first place? And yes, doing nothing is still making a choice.

However, we (that is most of us) need to, as voters, relearn how it is that our bread gets buttered and where it is that the gov't gets the money they throw around so freely these days and what happens when people become dependent on that money. Not only people individually, but states as well because if voters understood the effects of free gov't money they wouldn't vote for people who want to just give it away. While republicans are not necessarily the answer to our problems, democrats are most certainly the cause of most of our problems

If I had my way we'd have a system where only people with real skin in the game are allowed to vote. Welfare leeches need not apply.

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There are some fighting hard, like Sen. Ron Johnson.

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He was supposed to retire back in 2019, but stayed on because of what he saw happening.

He would be a great leader if ever given real authority. Hes a real patriot

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Well said!

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It actually goes much deeper (should I say "higher"?) than Democrats. They are powerless "yes" people taking orders from NGOs. Same with Republicans (maybe not all, but most).

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Feb 29Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Lost 50lbs in the last 7 months eating a Carnivore ish diet. I do have a little dairy. Incidentally, I spent the afternoon at the Lancaster County Courthouse in PA in support of Amish Farmer, Amos Miller. The PA dept of Agricultural is coming after him. It's egregious what they are doing. We must stand up for our farmers.

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deletedMar 1·edited Mar 3
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Only 32 people were allowed in the courtroom. There were hundreds outside. We were told there would be a decision today on the injunction. But this is just getting started. There will be a trial.

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Feb 29Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great article, Doc.

Keeping some cattle is a good way to keep yourself moving. Think about it if you have some land. Guaranteed that you'll like it more than what you can buy at a usual grocery. Ours is yummy. The challenge is in finding a processor if you don't like to do it yourself. The regulators are trying to mess that up, too.

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Here the deer hunters seem to have mobilized a local operation. If they have an organization in one's general area it might be worth checking

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Processing a deer is an ok job to do at home. A cow is pretty huge and if you process your own, selling is very restricted. We sell about 16 a year as quarters and halves, and schedule with a processor a half year in advance.

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Hey weedom, I am really thinking of doing this but it could be beyond me to some extent. Need to know more. I have 10 ac in grass(hay) and 70 in woods. Can you guide me to a resource for a possible small beef operation with only, say, 2 cows? Figured I could elec. fence in the hay field.

Like your name, weedom. That has to be a tweak on Karmala's stupid story of here childhood, right?

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With good rain and ground you could keep 2 cattle on 10 acres for sure, and 1 inexpensive way is to corral them in a smaller space that rotates, so they'll trim down the grass, and crap that up, stomp seeds in the ground, then you move them to the next spot, to let that patch recover. Temporary, mobile electric fence will work as long as their food supply and water is constant. Look up gang grazing too. you could trim a little woods back to get more acreage. We use a fair amount of temporary fence to direct where the cattle graze, or where we can store round bales away from them. You have to design a pathway between the grazing and shade/shelter and water. Lots of homesteaders are doing this small scale method.

(As for the name- I wanted to write about using the weeds for health independence. One of my colleagues asked me what my title would be, and it popped into my head: "weedom rhymes with freedom". After I chose it, I found that the 4/20 people already had used the word in relation to legalizing their favorite weed :-D but I kept the name anyway, because it has a good sound.

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I'd be all over that if I was 10 years younger and my situation was a little (well, maybe a lot) different.

We used to do that stuff back in the 80s.

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Yaaaa. There comes a time when we’ll have to pass it to the kids.

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Whoa...Robert Malone...needs to be reprogrammed on so many topics the censors/brain washers will be chasing him forever (humor).... I grew up on the very type of generational family farm mentioned (hogs, chickens, dairy, beef, lamb) started in 1861...self sufficient...still own parts of it today. You're so right on so many points, I will not add...EXCEPT life is a journey and so is health...the farther you stray from mother nature...the less good is the short story. I grew up on organic, only then it was not called organic...we called it food. Then the big "food" manufacturers got involved kicked the mothers out of the kitchen and viola we now have processed foods, and genetically modified foods and pesticides, etc...then health deteriorates just like mine did...then transitioned back to real food...no more drugs, lost weight and all aches, pains, etc...and feel 20 years younger. Even though organic is more costly, you can eat less as your body is receiving more nutrients...listen to your body and it will tell you...eat lot of processed foods....your body will tell you to continue eating as it is never satisfied as never receiving enough nutrients. I simplify here as not the educated man like RWM...but how can he be so right on so many topics? I call it being a Truth Seeker...seek the truth and ye shall find it...and it will set you free.

PS: The final loop in health is grounding/earthing...we are all electrical beings generating electrical current, but where does it go? We absorb EMF, etc...electrical currents in our homes/business, all connect to earth ground...like we humans used to...some doctors finally waking up to it also...Dr. Stephen Sinatra has a good book/life story and now medical studies...if you want to know the real science, it is there...mother nature provides life in spite of us trying to fool mother nature. My 2C.

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Feb 29Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

One very irritating false belief is that cattle and elk compete for grazing. Filthy rich people buy ranches for elk and deer hunting and don't want cattle on the ranch.

They are then astonished to see their tall grass becoming a fire hazard and the elk grazing across the fence with the neighbors cattle.

Elk eat the short bottom grass because they don't like to put their heads down in tall grass covering their view while working for bottom grass. It is more difficult and blocks their view of predators. The cattle graze that taller grass off because cattle can chew it. Elk lack the incisors to do it. This high dollar hunting practice has moved the elk east in our area back onto the high plains cattle ranches.

On another note, Tall ungrazed grass is a horrible fire hazard. Rotting grass also produces methane without going to good use producing beef.

Climate lies and rich people paying up to 60K for a hunt with a resulting big rack mounted on a den wall raise land prices beyond what a cow can pay for.

Recently a local ranch brought $1500 an acre on land that needs 40 acres to feed a cow year around.

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Tweet from NY AG Letitia James (yes, that Letitia James) from yesterday (2-28-24), covered by The Gateway Pundit:

"I'm suing @JBSFoodsUSA, the world's largest beef producer, for misleading the public about its environmental impact.

The beef industry is one of the largest contributors to climate change, and JBS has falsely advertised its commitment to sustainability and endangered our planet."

Ms. James is reportedly a beneficiary of Soros, so we can see the will of internationalists yet again intruding on the American way of life.

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This woman is a one person plague to US/our well-being IMO Would. that she be led to something useful to pursue.

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Making license plates springs to mind.

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Yuri Bezmenov warned us about agents of subversion, chaos, and demoralization in the 80s. Some people immediately remind me of his prophetic warnings, and James is just one more of these.

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29

Would it be too much to hope Ms. James chokes on a soy burger? (I'd bet it's more likely she'd choke on a wagyu ribeye)

Honestly it is real hard to believe this woman can still show her face in public without a group of concerned citizens giving her the Maxine Waters treatment. Yeah, that's not very nice, but I have been told that turn-about IS fair play

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It is becoming more and more clear that the globalists hate us, our way of life and the food we know keeps us healthy. Hence the jihad on beef, pasture raised eggs and free range chicken in favor of grasses (which humans do not eat) seed oils, carbs and bugs. Isn't is long past time to declare war on them? People such as Klaus Schwab need to start feeling real fear and terror. But don't worry Klaus. We like healthy, grass fed beef - we won't eat you and your pals, even if simmered for hours. Better for the buzzards and crows.

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When will we have a real uprising against the elites that are out to destroy every American Worker and everything America? I know there isn’t 6000 cattle ranchers coming over the border every day, but there’s plenty of so called cheap carpenters and low wage laborers illegally entering certainly driving my wage down. You know for sure if there were thousands of senators or congressman coming over the border illegally, the border would be closed in about 30 seconds. I’m positive they’d authorize deadly force to protect their grift!!!

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As Trump has been suggesting - each of our successes, no doubt offend. Let's keep our offending them going.

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Indeed, the best retribution is success!

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Those people don't have a smidgen of your knowledge or talent to build.

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The french had the right idea...

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Stop !

You're making way too much sense, and i don't need that kind of excitement before dinner

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"Where's the beef?" is a catchphrase in the United States and Canada, introduced as a slogan for the fast food chain Wendy's in 1984. Since then it has become an all-purpose phrase questioning the substance of an idea, event, or product. - Wikipedia

Dr. Malone addresses this catchphrase question with his article today.

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As you know Ned, the fast food chains are the reason so many are overweight. Convenience and cheaper food is an illness causing catastrophe!

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Blaming the fast food chains is an easy out. Might as well say my spoon made me fat.

Laziness pure and simple is the culprit. No one is bending anybody's arm to eat at Mac and Don's supper club.

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Beef as a DIY is more difficult than it sounds. Keep in mind it’s the ruminate aspect of digestion and pre filtering of chemicals that is the goal -Venison, lamb and goat all fulfill the rumination qualification. Speaking from experience, a full grown steer is hard to load for slaughter and manage the huge volume of excrement. Sheep/lamb or goats or a deer hunter are much more viable options.

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Feb 29Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Very well-researched, well-written, interesting and action-provoking! Thank you Dr Malone!!

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29

Plant based diets are not necessarily processed in any way, other than cooking. My husband and I eat mostly fresh organic food and very little meat. The occasional Bison, chicken or turkey.(with no chemicals) We are not overweight or ill, with no medications at all. Nada. The land used for grazing cattle can be used for growing vegetables too, can't it? Not that I am against cattle ranching, it just seems skewed towards one side. The wheat I use mostly is einkorn wheat, first planted over 12,000 years ago, never hybridized and is well tolerated by those with gluten sensitivities. I'm sure many can talk with more knowledge about the pros and cons of meat versus fruit and vegetables, and I know I'll get flak over my stand, but it's worth talking about. (saying plant based is almost as reactive as "climate change')

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Vegetables won't grow in my area without irrigation. Native Gramma, buffalo grass and blue stem will. They are excellent cattle, horse or elk feed. It takes 40 acres of it to graze a cow and calf and a bull needs even more. You need a bull for from 1 to 25 cows to produce calves, unless you A I the cows. If you touch this land with a plow it takes about a century to come back. 160 acre wheat homesteads were the disaster that caused the dust bowl.

When we go to Texas Roadhouse I order a steak with two salads for my sides and skip the bread even though that bread is delicious.

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I hear you, most everything needs water to grow, especially humans. Regenerative farming and no-till are options.

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Unfortunately irrigation water is being bought up by cities at higher amounts than a farmer can pay. At least most golf courses now must used treated sewer water.

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Don't even get me started on golf courses!

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I think balance is the key to a heathy diet which includes meat, fish, dairy & fresh fruits & vegetables also wild game ,upland game, waterfowl. People better start practicing shooting and fishing skills.

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It is in the best interests of everyone except the elites (read ultra wealthy and globalists) when any household eats healthy and produces more of their own food. We know it in principle but it’s very helpful to review more of the details like this.

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Feb 29Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I was just 33 years precient. I enjoy children once they are past the age of pooping their pants; and, expect Myself to be an excellent Mentor.. Ed

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Doctors Malone, thank you 😊 for the reminder of how important it is for us to be more self-sufficient, especially during our uncertain times.

I understand that we need to be more prepared. I'm not a vegetarian. I just can't bring myself to raise and then kill my little chicks, calves, lambs or goats 🐐 .

I'm in a predicament

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I respect your choices. One thing to consider: plant agriculture does kill many times more than animal agriculture. Countless small animals (moles, mice, rabbits, etc., as well as deer, not to mention thousands or more worms and insects) are killed per acre of tilled land. Hence pesticides for example,;aside from what the machinery takes out and the deliberate killing of deer and other animals. On the other hand, a person who eats only beef, will account for one, maybe two deaths a year. Unfortunately, there is no eating without killing. Also - the sustainable environment is ruminant animals on natural grassland, which is what the Great Plains were, for example, for millennia (80 to 100 million bison, roughly equal to the current US cattle herd). It's now over 99% cultivated for crops, the topsoil has been reduced from several feet to inches, and has only a few dozen seasons left in it.

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Not to mention all the acreage bought up and now at the discretion of Gates and the CCP.

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I know

I'm just a sissy!

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Ha - no, you're very gracious about it all, really.

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Well, we can talk about killing animals as a bad thing, but the fact is if we don't kill them something else will and in a heck of a lot less humane way.

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Agreed. Everything living is always eaten, by larger or smaller organisms. Cows get the most humane treatment of about any animal. Rather that than prey in the wild.

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I completel

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Thankyou for this Dr. Malone.

It has always been family farms producing most of our US beef. Corporate ag won't afford the losses of beef when they can just have us absorb the losses, then work off farm to afford it. In case anyone wonders what farmers get, here's our last prices (Feb 19) at auction--slaughter cows ave .90 to .98 per lb, slaughter bulls at 1.09. There's no slack.

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