Oct 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, I'm so glad to see you on this subject. I work in architecture. We've been studying this issue for the last ten years. Everybody needs to understand that it's not just the so-called 5g (which is as yet not really being implemented on a large scale and has never been tested by any Federal Agency for safety) but the other lower frequencies 1g-4g which in many ways can be more harmful and have greater biological effect. These lower frequencies are used in conjunction with the 5g to establish connections and also to transmit less heavy data. The problem we face today is that we are literally drowning in extremely high levels of microwave radiation everywhere from celphones, wifi routers, "smart" devices and the increasingly dense network of multi frequency towers going up everywhere, including in the cites, sometimes at street level. The FCC, one of the most corrupted, captured agencies in history, using techniques borrowed from the tobacco industry to kick the safety testing down the road forever. They also use the 1996 Telecommunications Act, which removes all liability for injury and also removes all local control of cell tower placement to steamroll the technology on you whether you like it or not. We're now coming to the understand that the impact on health caused by this technology is vast and legion. It's also safe to say that all of the mainstream media are part of the "conspiracy of silence," many of them being partners in the technology. Ignore those who tell you this is not an issue worth talking about, They fall into three groups: Idiots, Industry shills and corporate shareholders.

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Exactly. The poison is in the dosage.

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Got a problem with you there. Think Howie clearly showed single exposure not harmful dosage. If you mean cumulative effects think he covered that too indirectly by explaining that IR is NOT radiation. Conversely radiation effects are cumulative which is why I avoid as much as I can having had a lot of exposure to all kinds of radiation and radioisotopes

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Yes, me too! I worked in ER as a young nurse and many times had to step in while patient x-rayed. Not the best, but not enough to hurt me. I watched my back, so to speak.

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That I consider one really difficult job. Hats off tovyou

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This discussion is addressing more macro effects. There is much at the biophysics level of concern.

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And even when you show people the science/evidence, they don't WANT to believe it. Plus there's the addiction issue at play.

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Yes. The devices are literally "digital heroin." The developers know this and exploit it.

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The same law allows you to put a satellite dish on your roof or in your yard, the local HOA's covenants be damned. See, sometimes they leave a crumb for the little guy.

Nobody seems to have mentioned this yet, but (in my opinion) the health risks posed by 5G/RF radiation probably pale in comparison to the dangers posed by the Covid-19 "vaccines."

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I definitely need to get some new conspiracy theories to think about...mine aren't theories they are truths.

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Heard someone say they're not conspiracy theories anymore, they're spoiler alerts.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Time to stop the federal administrative beast--starting with principled AGs at the state level. We can do more with less in our own states. Do like Tulsi. Be an American, first.

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Good place to get started in your state: https://alec.org/

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


Out today. Based on RFK, Jr’s book.

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Thanks. I watched it and ordered the DVD. Highly recommend.

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Did you see part 2? I could only find part 1.

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Thanks for putting this information in front of us. Many voices have been trying to raise awareness and have been censored or marginalized by being called conspiracy theorists. Well, recall the recent joke:

Q: What's the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth?

A: These days, about 6 months.

With an interest in amateur radio I can tell you that the information I've read about 5G is very troubling. And I recall seeing citizen journalists showing 5G being installed in NYC during the early part of the Covungabunga quarantines there. In the dead of night.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dear Dr. Malone:

I am an electrical engineer with instrumentation specialization (92 patents). A few years ago, in response to the possibility of harmful RFR, I recommended to my family and friends that they, with few exceptions, not place their cell telephones against their ears but instead, use the speaker phone and distance their telephones from their heads. I stand by that recommendation.

Murray Feller

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No worries here Murray Feller…I never get calls anymore, I am an unjabbed conspiracy theorist. 🏴‍☠️

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Funny, a year or two ago I wouldn't have even given this a second look and just written it off as a "conspiracy theory". I can't say that I've come completely come to the other side now and accept the arguments about '5G'; but for sure, I am going to take a very close look now before jumping to any conclusions either way.

I've learned my lesson

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Dr. Malone I know you will have many readers highly appreciative that you are looking at the 5G with a critical and concerned eye.

Having heard about the magnetic arms post vax I installed a bluetooth sniffer (BLE Scanner) on my phone and and when out and about I look to see how many devices are around me and even connectable. The very densest setting was my stepdad's busy eye doctor office complex. Hundreds of devices running nearby. No one has studied this issue when so many devices are used in such high concentrations, and in groups of people who might be vulnerable as in old people waiting for their eye exams and eye shots.

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You are talking about me. I have my appointment on Friday.

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Dr. Devra Davis www.ehtrust.org has been voicing these concerns for years. Unfortunately, Big Tech has the power and the money to control the narrative and influence DC politicians to go along to get along. No different than how the Covid crisis was planned and managed.

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No worries about 5G. AOC assured me that in twelve years we're all doomed anyway due to "climate change." Also, Al Gore told us that eventually the coastal 5G towers will be underwater ... that's running a little late, but any minute now it could happen ...

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Wow! Stepping into 5G! You’ll soon be so far out on the fringe no one will talk to you. In all seriousness you have a good post and it addresses the correct technical issues. Unfortunately you’ll next be accused of adding microchips in the mRNA.

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The shit in the shots has received validation in a formal published article in an international journal.

Conspiracy theory no more:


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This is even more surreal than 9/11. I am in mourning.

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I keep wondering just how many of our fearless leaders publicly jabbed enough to look like pin cushions were actually jabbed with vac and not saline? They should be dropping like flies otherwise yet not a single notable bad rxn. The daughter of a jabbed dem rep has died from what seems clearly due to a jab but she is a rarity.

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John Fetterman's stroke (Democratic candidate in Pennsylvania senator race) might have been due to the jab. It was also thought that Gov. Newsom in California might have gotten Bell's Palsy. No politician would want to admit to it.

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Yes, I wondered that myself. Why aren't they dropping like flies. There is the congressman from California, (hispanic last name) who is a physician, so he probably took the jab to do a job. He had a stroke. I think he is in his 40s. Then there is the congressman's daughter, in Illinois who took the jab and died. She was only 17. He is not talking about it publically, unless you know something more.

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Lies and deception are part of the stock in trade of politics going back to the beginning of civilization. Nevertheless, I can think of some counter arguments. In the first place, I am not saying the mRNA jabs are safe in the least. Nonetheless, most people who take them have no OBVIOUS issues. Of course that doesn't mean that hidden damage isn't occurring. That means that on average, politicians will "appear" healthy. Even though there have been some odd celebrity ailments, it would be difficult to prove it was the "vaccine" that caused a problem.

Finally, there are "true believers" who have taken the real magic potion. CA Governor Newsom's experience about one year ago might be instructive.

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The question is,what constitutes an acceptable level of harm. These jabs have far exceeded the norm in that regard and particularly so given the low risk of this now attenuated virus that was not all that dangerous to begin with

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I haven't looked at the article yet, but I really like your description! :)

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Lots of pictures, easy to read for the layperson.

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My God, Betsy, you lady, are on the ball. Thank you for posting this. I am hugging you from afar!

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Back atcha. But lately it is getting harder to please people on Substack. Nothing in particular, like most others try to say something supportive, inquiring or helpful. But it feels like the heat has turned up and people are more irritable. Understandable. But seriously, as I was saying to someone in another post, what would have been enough evidence years ago to make swift course corrections means nothing now. No matter how outrageous, disgusting or horrible. The frustration is building.

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One of these well respected voices, like Dr Malone, should partner with Steve Kirsch and buy one of these very expensive instruments while providing an underground safe place for scientists/microbiologists/pathologists of the world to meet and independently examine vaccinated blood and vaccines to reproduce this work. Just sayin😁

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Thanks for the link.

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This is hyperlinked in the paper, but here is a link to the author being interviewed about the paper, while the video displays all the photos:


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I thought I posted how much I appreciated you! I didn't see it my posting. I learn so much from Dr. Malone and his readers too. Hugging you! Thank you for posting this and I can't say this too much. We are awake now. We are paying attention.

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Recall last January when US airlines suspended flights due to the impending 5G rollout, which was delayed as a result and has not been reinstated as planned. I spent 32 years at Boeing and when I heard this I knew something had gone very wrong and there was much the public didn’t know. Modern airliners, meaning anything produced in the past 30 years, are hardened against electromagnetic effects. Wiring is heavily shielded, black boxes that control flight functions are heavily protected from power surges, lightning strikes and broad spectrum radio frequency interference.

For airlines to suddenly ground aircraft because of a looming deployment of cellular telecommunications technology was simply beyond any reasonable scenario.

I had reason to distrust 5G technology before this incident. Unlike other RF signals that surround us every day, 5G is much more directional and much, much more powerful if you are near the tower and in the directed energy path. But the biggest problem is that we now know that the players that are deploying 5G, including their main partner the US government, cannot be trusted. We are not being levelled with. Earlier this year I heard everyone’s favourite futurist Yuval Harari talk about the bio-activation of genetic mechanisms inside our bodies by the use of external RF. I immediately thought of 5G. Dr. Malone you are so right to raise this topic and we should not only all be on our guard, we should be demanding answers and transparency from our new government-industry overlords. That’s a very good objective and hearing topic for the 118th Congress

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The pulsing electronic signal is similar in some ways to the pulsing light and sounds produced by wind turbines in that it kills animals (like flocks of sheep) by disrupting their ability to sleep. They just drop dead in the field. Who knows what is happening to wildlife. So much for wind power being environmentally friendly.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I think it is obvious to almost all that the government has gone rogue, and one of the things that can slow it down is the Supreme Court. Also, lawsuits brought against specific government entities by the States can have a definite cooling effect on the mad rush by many unelected bureaucrats to overthrow the will of the people. Right now, the Department of education is busy trying to dumb down our children and propagandize them into woke hysteria. If we can't turn this around then we will no longer have a government of, buy, and for the people. God help us.

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Oct 18, 2022·edited Oct 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Why are the pearl clutchers suddenly worried about radiation from 5G, when they weren't for 4G and all the Gs before it, and microwaves in their kitchen, and TVs that used an electron gun pointed directly at the viewer and now uses an array of semiconductors? Your toaster radiates you. Your pool pump. Hair dryers are military grade radiators.

There is nothing uniquely risky about 5G. It uses slightly higher frequencies and slightly more power, but holding any transmitter beside your head for hours on end is likely to do some damage. 5G is nothing new.

One important characteristic of the physics of radiation is it diminishes with the distance squared. If you hold it a centimeter from your brain, you get the full dose, but holding it out 2 centimeters cuts the radiation to one fourth. At arms length, it's almost zero. Use the speaker.

By the way, bluetooth ear buds are also transmitters, though lower energy than the phone. Pick your poison.

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Military level frequencies? What's that? They use the same frequencies as everyone else. 5g is a higher frequency than 4g, so it has more bandwidth and can force more info through the same channel. The growing demand for cell devices is proliferating towers, so we'll likely always be closer to a tower than we were before, on average. If you stand beside a 4g tower you'll get way more radiation than from a 5g tower a half mile away. The most important radiation risk is the device we stick next to our head. Phone power is about the same as 4g, and 3g and predecessors, though early models probably emitted more radiation because they were pretty crude. The important lesson is minimize the time you hold your phone on your head.

The important question is, what is the threshold that worries you? Why worry about 5g and not 4g, or your microwave (which military uses as weapons!), or power lines, or thousands of other emf emitters. Yes, radiation can cause damage, and we need to learn to minimize it. Fearing "one more thing" doesn't help.

You can get emf (electromagnetic field) detectors pretty cheap. Fun to explore what really emits in your environment. You'll be surprised.

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I'm uninterested in your dealings with emf. If you know a danger threshold, and why it's violated by a new cell protocol, this would be a fine place to share it. The closest the hysterics get is "omg!"

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5G is the modern day bigfoot.

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Not just industry capture, but Gates and the WEF have big plans for it. And all those enhanced humans with nanochips they have talked about will depend on wifi. What people can do now is protect themselves by obtaining an RF meter so they can measure what is in their environment and become familiar with shielding products.

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