I have ask myself that exact question almost daily since President Trump was elected. There will never be enough power or money to make any of these "slugs" happy.
Why not put those trillions of dollars to work making the world a better place for all of humanity? Silly me!
Simple: it's profitable for Big Pharma to destroy the supplements industry and limit consumer choices to their own Big Pharma products. Have a quick read of my Comment. It's a standard part of the Big Business-Government play book.
Yeah, for sure. If we can freely purchase simple materials that overcome health problems that we are marketed to believe can only be overcome by major corporations, those solutions will totally be opposed.
I suspect it has to do with the WEF plan for global depopulation. A healthy person lives longer and will resist the WEF's efforts to kill off humanity.
"They" can't leave us alone and never can. "They" are the forever Atilla the Hun. Coming to dominate and control every aspect of your life. This is what "They" do and who "They" are. "They" are enemies of freedom of thought, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly freedom of the individual. Period.
...there's one in every bunch. Have to be sure they don't get in power. We have not been watching the till, and this is what happens when we assume other people are as kind and benevolent as ourselves. They are not.
I used to buy straight aloe vera gel in the grocery store. Now I cannot find it anywhere on Earth except online. I have to order it. There are plenty of "alternatives" like aloe gel with menthol, aloe gel with suntan oil, etc., but no just plain, good ol', every day, from the plant aloe vera gel. Grrrrrrrrrr!
In capsule form I've been using True Aloe from Nature City for many years. Here in Florida, for those who like to apply the gel to the skin, many grow their own for that purpose.
The United States Constitution grants no powers to the federal government over health issues. That power is given to the respective states and the people. What we have clearly seen in these past several years is corruption and malfeasance exercised by unconstitutional federal agencies. We the People need to end this nonsense.
If as Dr. Malone advises we should seek out dietary supplements made in the USA, then shouldn’t that advice also apply to prescription drugs, the vast majority of which are sourced from ingredients produced in China and India?
It should, and I can verify that my med can't be found in the U.S. I happened to know the president of one of the largest manufacturers of industrial and home mechanical and power equipment. I asked him about foreign-sourced products, and his response was that sourcing from cheaper labor/material countries was necessary, because other companies do or will do this and take market share from them. This has been going on for decades, and the public is largely responsible when we so often buy from the cheapest products. Walmart is the best retail example of this, in my experience.
Do what I do and learn how to identify wild medicinal herbs and make your own if it comes to that. They grow all around us and are safe to use as long as you harvest them in areas that are not treated with chemicals or near a busy highway or RR track. In the meantime, stock up! Just in case. The Takers will never stop....not even when there's nothing more to take. At that point they'll probably turn on each other. Problem solved.
Agree. They're always interfering where money can be corrupted their way. As for "Products should be tested for purity, adulteration and contamination!" what a damn cheek after their deliberate weaponised attack on 5bn of the planet over the past four years and ongoing! And worse still their continued denial of any wrongdoings.
Oversight of RX drug manufacturing as well as in the nutritional area is lacking due to the allocation of funding for the approval of new Rx drugs for profit! Big Pharma wants to reduce the footprint of nutritional products! Senator Durbin is a major supporter of this effort! Vitamin D has been in the crosshairs for the last 50 years! It is essential for the normal function of 3000 gene expression when called for. Vitamin D role in supporting a strong immune system is ignored. I could go on, but that’s enough for today.!
My mother used to tell me to go outside and play because the fresh air and sunshine are good for you. Two things our immune systems need to function well are oxygen and Vitamin D and what was the first thing we were told to do??? Go inside and cover your face...these people aren't stupid...just sayin...
Most docs don't have any nutrition training, etc. They also don't have any training in what they prescribe for patients to take. They just go by what the pharmaceutical industry tells them.
Its matching symptoms to drugs, that's it for the most part. And, drugs over time cause other problems. The word doctor has the effect of NLP, in that it creates a mind frame that a superior being can help us, when so often they make things worse. Not against all western medical protocols, but most of them.
Dr. Malone- I vehemently disagree that the FDA (or any government) oversight is needed. It has been co-opted, and ALWAYS WILL BE CO-OPTED. You rightly point out free market alternatives to certifying dietary supplement quality. This is the ONLY way to go.
You are 💯 percent correct and never open the door to any degree. This is a singular vote motivator because any politician down w opening the door to any degree is playing for murder inc team. This is a litmus test issue and not forgivable. How many people saved their own and family lives w supplements in C19 and flu seasons w D3, zinc, and Quercetin or ECGC? These supplements are aiding spike removal and supporting repair pathways in the cascades of post jab harms. Any politician who wants to open any door under any explanation to limit the freedom of a USA citizen in any respect is playing for the NWO eugenics mass depopulation team. Leave me to the Wild West w fellow user reviews. Senator Durban of Illinois tried w Senator Hillarion Clinton when she was of NY to ram this through and they were bipartisan blocked by Senator Orin Hatch and Senator Tom Harkin — May God Bless Their Souls. Demons are still trying. The FDA is paid off and paid by Pharma to investigate their products so no independent review and since nutritional supplements can’t pay off big time, they will be pending review for eternity or hugely expensive and monopolistically controlled. We can get voluntary lab certification and consumer reviews - hazards and interactions are listed all over if people look. And I have zero interest in giving up my freedom or access to necessities because others won’t look — actually I’m caring for people so I look for them and share knowledge I pick up as a medicine reader.
For decades the democrats would submit a bill that would gut our ability to buy nutraceuticals and so far, they have always lost. Senator Orin Hatch was the primary one to put a stop to it, but he is gone. Thank you, Dr. Malone, for giving us this heads up. We need to win every time - they only need to win once - sort of like terrorists.
I saw a chart put out by the supplement industry showing that deaths from pharaceuticals are in the millions where as reported deaths from suppliments is zero!
Thank you Dr. Malone for calling public attention to this latest move in the despicable playbook used by Big Business in collusion with our government. The USA is an enormous market: 330 million consumers who use the same currency and speak the same language. Americans don't understand that the American market should be able to support dozens of companies in every type of industry, product and service. Instead, typically 2 or 3 companies dominate each industry--at most 5 or so. Why? One of the main reasons is the very regulations you're writing about today. Only the very largest companies can support the huge administrative departments required to comply with the vast ocean of US government regulations. Small companies would be suffocated under those regulations, or wouldn't be able to be founded. This is the real reason Big Pharma is coming after the supplements industry with their tried and true, gain of function-optimized, lethal anti-small business pandemic. "Comprehensive Legislation" will destroy the flourishing, innovative and creative ecology of the health supplements industry, and force these companies to sell themselves to Big Pharma or be crushed.
Big Business has done this many times before and it's one of the reasons productivity growth has collapsed and new innovations have dried up. Big Pharma will destroy the supplements industry--and greatly damage all our health.
We must stop them--thank you for raising the alarm!
I didn't take supplements b4 Covid but as soon as I heard that patients in India with higher Vitamin D3 levels had far better overall outcomes I began taking 10,000 IU daily with Vitamin K 100 mcg. I also took HCQ and Zinc and when I got the Delta variant I was fine except I lost my sense of smell and did develop pneumonia for which I stayed in the hospital for 2 days. My doctor remarked that my inflammatory markers were excellent. A few months later I got Omicron and it was mild by comparison. I got over it just fine and was taking IVM at the time. I have comorbities as well and I thank God I never took any Covid shots. I did get Regeneron also with Delta. Thanks Dr Malone for keeping us informed. I don't want the new pharmaceuticals and will supplement as needed preferably.
"Most physicians have almost no training in nutrition. There are very few continuing education programs to teach physicians about herbal and dietary supplements. They honestly don’t know - so rather than recommend something they know nothing about, they just advice their patients to avoid taking herbal and nutritional supplements. In my opinion, this is a cop out. Physicians need to educate themselves."
I am not sure I trust the FDA to oversee this market!
What happens when a dietary supplement cures a patient's illness? Nothing. Cured is not medically defined for treatments with dietary supplements. Cured is not medically defined for any disease cured by a dietary supplement. Even diseases like scurvy, where the recommended "treatment" is supplemental Vitamin C, cured is not defined and although all authoritative references recommend supplementation, not one uses the word cure. Dietary supplements are not allowed to claim any ability to cure. Our current medical systems are designed to test for risks and recommend medical preventatives like vaccines, but have no ability to test, much less prove cured for any non-infectious disease and many infectious diseases. "There is no cure for the common cold, influenza, measles, COVID, and more..." Not because these diseases are difficult to cure. They are cured easily in healthy patients with healthy diets. What happens when a cure of a case of COVID is aided by Vitamin D, zinc, and other dietary supplents? Nothing. Our medical systems make no attempts to study, much less learn from such cases. All such cases, all such cures are considered anecdotal - which does not mean "false", it means we're not sure - and then ignored. Our current medical systems have no interest in understanding such cases, even though many doctors have no problems understanding them.
Another sneaky way to go after Kratom. The neo-prohibitionist busy-bodies & their Pharma managers can't stand that chronic & acute pain patients still have access to a palliative medication that they can't control. The codependent busy-bodies, who clearly don't understand the 12 step movement because it originated precisely in response to the failure of Prohibition and emphasizes focusing on controlling your own behavior & not obsessing about monitoring & "fixing" others. They're now creating "opioid misuse disorder," a political construction w/ no more basis than masochistic personality disorder or intermittent explosive disorder. Withholding palliative management for even people discharged with amputations!! (see doctorr-patient forum among many)--and now even late stage cancer patients enables them to promote the teeth rotting Suboxone & also force patients to go to heresy-screening "therapists" to get screenings simply to have acute post-op care. Questionnaires exclude you if you've been sexually abused in childhood and they've now come up w/ a bogus mutation "study" so that they can not administer genetic testing to withhold meds.
It's euthanasia by another name. Canada has MAID. But for chronically ill, disabled people suffering from severe pain & fatigue for which cheap managed drugs can keep you functioning, we have a SSDI process as corrupt & chaotic as something like in Haiti, where even Stage 4 cancer patients w/ a year's life expectancy can't get approved.
And then you've got patients who've finally gotten meds that work but are kicked off for no reason as the DEA moves to disallow any use of opioids outside of hospitalization. The DEA will "red flag" you if you pick up post-op opioids (if you're lucky enough to get them--we've seen c-sections, fractures & amputation patients sent home w/ Motrin & Tylenol)--and you pay cash, because your insurance has immediately put a hold on it just cuz, which they do frequently. If you've going through multiple procedures like w/ breast cancer reconstruction, you might have to pick them up a few times--urgently--and you can't wait a week. And insu won't let you call them in early.
Then, if you got bad RA or hEDS chronically and the God forbid have an acute crisis and need multiple meds--even if all of your docs are talking to each other and everything's approved.--you get another red flag. Three red flags and you might be kicked off--or, if your pain doc doesn't kick you off, then s/he might be kicked off registry. At that point, all of the well managed patients are left w/o new docs--and it's complete bullshit that the DEA or their proxies do anything to help you find a new doctor. They don't. The Pain network alliance is helping these patients--but there are many reports of these patients publicly announcing they're going to kill themselves and why. It's understandable. That's because they're law abiding and don't want to buy drugs on the street. If they do, they risk OD w/ fentynal which comes through daily because illegal Americans are not policed, but 10th generation Americans who need palliation to function are criminalized.
Thank you for a detailed and specific and highly informative comment here, Loren Gore. I really appreciate your effort and passionate concern. This concern is in the top tier of ethical duties of the medical profession — to alleviate pain and suffering. This should never be a political issue but it always is. Part of the problem is that we are not using all the tools in the kit — accupuncture, trauma therapies, hormonal therapies (inflammatory reduction, sleep improvement), enzymes, and nutritional modifiers that detoxify and support energy — brain wave therapies, sound, devices, manipulations. Healthcare monies are misspent. Lack of accountability is spread across mainstream and complimentary venues. We have evidence and promising methods for so many conditions that are not integrated into practice — in part because the models of warranting practices overfavor the trials that only pharma can afford. Maybe if you cannot guide something without harming people, you should return to standard — First do no harm! Let people choose… give them information and analysis and love …and let them choose. This is all an extension of the war on drugs RACKET.
Thanks for this. I hope the physicians in Congress (including my rep Greg Murphy MD) will oppose this power grab by Pharma. I remember being present at a presentation at an ophthalmology meeting in the mid 80s where a private practitioner was literally laughed off the stage for suggesting that nutrition and supplements were valuable tools in patients with macular degeneration. Now of course it has been proven that a certain combination of supplements definitely slows the progression of AMD. But that took many years of studying thousands of patients in double blind studies. Most supplement makers cannot afford the cost of such studies to meet FDA’s standards, which is the point. And even the “proven” formula doesn’t use the best form of zinc or all-natural Vitamin E.
As for asking your physician, good luck. Most had only one day of education if that regarding nutritional health and supplements. Most adhere to the maxim quoted many times in my medical school years that vitamin supplements only result in “very expensive urine.” A few do have enough interest to be open minded about the issue, but no drug reps are knocking on their doors promoting supplements. A good way to gauge your physician’s knowledge in the area is the following: if you have been prescribed a statin without being advised to also take CoQ 10, look elsewhere for advice. Similarly if you haven’t been advised to take Vitamin D daily, don’t waste your breath.
If I didn't know my pharmacist and my Doctor personally, I doubt that I would ever again take any drugs for any reason. My immune system has worked well through many various infections including the "chinese/fauci flu with very few exceptions.
Why can’t they just leave us the hell alone?!? They want to control everything and everyone
I have ask myself that exact question almost daily since President Trump was elected. There will never be enough power or money to make any of these "slugs" happy.
Why not put those trillions of dollars to work making the world a better place for all of humanity? Silly me!
BG could clean up "The Great Pacific Garbage Patch" if he really wanted to, but he's way too run-of-the-mill evil for that.
Simple: it's profitable for Big Pharma to destroy the supplements industry and limit consumer choices to their own Big Pharma products. Have a quick read of my Comment. It's a standard part of the Big Business-Government play book.
Yeah, for sure. If we can freely purchase simple materials that overcome health problems that we are marketed to believe can only be overcome by major corporations, those solutions will totally be opposed.
They have been discrediting the true value of Vitamin D for DECADES!
I suspect it has to do with the WEF plan for global depopulation. A healthy person lives longer and will resist the WEF's efforts to kill off humanity.
That is just a secondary consideration.
Control is power and power acts like an aphrodisiac. Examples abound.
Or maybe it's yet another attempt to destroy Dr. Joseph Mercola. He's a major "threat to national security" you know. Lol!
"They" can't leave us alone and never can. "They" are the forever Atilla the Hun. Coming to dominate and control every aspect of your life. This is what "They" do and who "They" are. "They" are enemies of freedom of thought, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly freedom of the individual. Period.
...there's one in every bunch. Have to be sure they don't get in power. We have not been watching the till, and this is what happens when we assume other people are as kind and benevolent as ourselves. They are not.
because Teresa, they will not complete their plan without removing ALL alternatives to Pharmaceuticals. They are sewing up the hole.
I used to buy straight aloe vera gel in the grocery store. Now I cannot find it anywhere on Earth except online. I have to order it. There are plenty of "alternatives" like aloe gel with menthol, aloe gel with suntan oil, etc., but no just plain, good ol', every day, from the plant aloe vera gel. Grrrrrrrrrr!
In capsule form I've been using True Aloe from Nature City for many years. Here in Florida, for those who like to apply the gel to the skin, many grow their own for that purpose.
I use the gel to put on my face as a moisturizer and my hands.
The United States Constitution grants no powers to the federal government over health issues. That power is given to the respective states and the people. What we have clearly seen in these past several years is corruption and malfeasance exercised by unconstitutional federal agencies. We the People need to end this nonsense.
If as Dr. Malone advises we should seek out dietary supplements made in the USA, then shouldn’t that advice also apply to prescription drugs, the vast majority of which are sourced from ingredients produced in China and India?
It should, and I can verify that my med can't be found in the U.S. I happened to know the president of one of the largest manufacturers of industrial and home mechanical and power equipment. I asked him about foreign-sourced products, and his response was that sourcing from cheaper labor/material countries was necessary, because other companies do or will do this and take market share from them. This has been going on for decades, and the public is largely responsible when we so often buy from the cheapest products. Walmart is the best retail example of this, in my experience.
Do what I do and learn how to identify wild medicinal herbs and make your own if it comes to that. They grow all around us and are safe to use as long as you harvest them in areas that are not treated with chemicals or near a busy highway or RR track. In the meantime, stock up! Just in case. The Takers will never stop....not even when there's nothing more to take. At that point they'll probably turn on each other. Problem solved.
Agree. They're always interfering where money can be corrupted their way. As for "Products should be tested for purity, adulteration and contamination!" what a damn cheek after their deliberate weaponised attack on 5bn of the planet over the past four years and ongoing! And worse still their continued denial of any wrongdoings.
Can't stop the weeds ! 😎
Oversight of RX drug manufacturing as well as in the nutritional area is lacking due to the allocation of funding for the approval of new Rx drugs for profit! Big Pharma wants to reduce the footprint of nutritional products! Senator Durbin is a major supporter of this effort! Vitamin D has been in the crosshairs for the last 50 years! It is essential for the normal function of 3000 gene expression when called for. Vitamin D role in supporting a strong immune system is ignored. I could go on, but that’s enough for today.!
My mother used to tell me to go outside and play because the fresh air and sunshine are good for you. Two things our immune systems need to function well are oxygen and Vitamin D and what was the first thing we were told to do??? Go inside and cover your face...these people aren't stupid...just sayin...
I remember having rings of dirt on my arms, legs, and neck after being outside all day in the sun sweating and playing. Allergies? Yeah, no.
Dickhead Durbin is the same jerkoff who wants our military to allow illegal aliens to be admitted.
That son of a bitch is the spawn of satan, and needs to be removed from.....
Bought and paid for!
Education deficiency !
Most docs don't have any nutrition training, etc. They also don't have any training in what they prescribe for patients to take. They just go by what the pharmaceutical industry tells them.
Its matching symptoms to drugs, that's it for the most part. And, drugs over time cause other problems. The word doctor has the effect of NLP, in that it creates a mind frame that a superior being can help us, when so often they make things worse. Not against all western medical protocols, but most of them.
They have a travel brochure from Tene Rife. That's their formulary.
FDA & Safety based on their response to the millions afflicted from the poison covid jabs is NOT to be trusted at all!
Dr. Malone- I vehemently disagree that the FDA (or any government) oversight is needed. It has been co-opted, and ALWAYS WILL BE CO-OPTED. You rightly point out free market alternatives to certifying dietary supplement quality. This is the ONLY way to go.
Carla Howell
You are 💯 percent correct and never open the door to any degree. This is a singular vote motivator because any politician down w opening the door to any degree is playing for murder inc team. This is a litmus test issue and not forgivable. How many people saved their own and family lives w supplements in C19 and flu seasons w D3, zinc, and Quercetin or ECGC? These supplements are aiding spike removal and supporting repair pathways in the cascades of post jab harms. Any politician who wants to open any door under any explanation to limit the freedom of a USA citizen in any respect is playing for the NWO eugenics mass depopulation team. Leave me to the Wild West w fellow user reviews. Senator Durban of Illinois tried w Senator Hillarion Clinton when she was of NY to ram this through and they were bipartisan blocked by Senator Orin Hatch and Senator Tom Harkin — May God Bless Their Souls. Demons are still trying. The FDA is paid off and paid by Pharma to investigate their products so no independent review and since nutritional supplements can’t pay off big time, they will be pending review for eternity or hugely expensive and monopolistically controlled. We can get voluntary lab certification and consumer reviews - hazards and interactions are listed all over if people look. And I have zero interest in giving up my freedom or access to necessities because others won’t look — actually I’m caring for people so I look for them and share knowledge I pick up as a medicine reader.
I’ve used supplements for over 60 years.
Big Pharmakeia has tried many times to suppress these healthier products.
For decades the democrats would submit a bill that would gut our ability to buy nutraceuticals and so far, they have always lost. Senator Orin Hatch was the primary one to put a stop to it, but he is gone. Thank you, Dr. Malone, for giving us this heads up. We need to win every time - they only need to win once - sort of like terrorists.
I saw a chart put out by the supplement industry showing that deaths from pharaceuticals are in the millions where as reported deaths from suppliments is zero!
Thank you Dr. Malone for calling public attention to this latest move in the despicable playbook used by Big Business in collusion with our government. The USA is an enormous market: 330 million consumers who use the same currency and speak the same language. Americans don't understand that the American market should be able to support dozens of companies in every type of industry, product and service. Instead, typically 2 or 3 companies dominate each industry--at most 5 or so. Why? One of the main reasons is the very regulations you're writing about today. Only the very largest companies can support the huge administrative departments required to comply with the vast ocean of US government regulations. Small companies would be suffocated under those regulations, or wouldn't be able to be founded. This is the real reason Big Pharma is coming after the supplements industry with their tried and true, gain of function-optimized, lethal anti-small business pandemic. "Comprehensive Legislation" will destroy the flourishing, innovative and creative ecology of the health supplements industry, and force these companies to sell themselves to Big Pharma or be crushed.
Big Business has done this many times before and it's one of the reasons productivity growth has collapsed and new innovations have dried up. Big Pharma will destroy the supplements industry--and greatly damage all our health.
We must stop them--thank you for raising the alarm!
Agree 100%. In addition, they send their concoctions to China and other places for manufacturing.
Particularly generics
I didn't take supplements b4 Covid but as soon as I heard that patients in India with higher Vitamin D3 levels had far better overall outcomes I began taking 10,000 IU daily with Vitamin K 100 mcg. I also took HCQ and Zinc and when I got the Delta variant I was fine except I lost my sense of smell and did develop pneumonia for which I stayed in the hospital for 2 days. My doctor remarked that my inflammatory markers were excellent. A few months later I got Omicron and it was mild by comparison. I got over it just fine and was taking IVM at the time. I have comorbities as well and I thank God I never took any Covid shots. I did get Regeneron also with Delta. Thanks Dr Malone for keeping us informed. I don't want the new pharmaceuticals and will supplement as needed preferably.
Here, here on this statement! Thanks for this!
"Most physicians have almost no training in nutrition. There are very few continuing education programs to teach physicians about herbal and dietary supplements. They honestly don’t know - so rather than recommend something they know nothing about, they just advice their patients to avoid taking herbal and nutritional supplements. In my opinion, this is a cop out. Physicians need to educate themselves."
I am not sure I trust the FDA to oversee this market!
What happens when a dietary supplement cures a patient's illness? Nothing. Cured is not medically defined for treatments with dietary supplements. Cured is not medically defined for any disease cured by a dietary supplement. Even diseases like scurvy, where the recommended "treatment" is supplemental Vitamin C, cured is not defined and although all authoritative references recommend supplementation, not one uses the word cure. Dietary supplements are not allowed to claim any ability to cure. Our current medical systems are designed to test for risks and recommend medical preventatives like vaccines, but have no ability to test, much less prove cured for any non-infectious disease and many infectious diseases. "There is no cure for the common cold, influenza, measles, COVID, and more..." Not because these diseases are difficult to cure. They are cured easily in healthy patients with healthy diets. What happens when a cure of a case of COVID is aided by Vitamin D, zinc, and other dietary supplents? Nothing. Our medical systems make no attempts to study, much less learn from such cases. All such cases, all such cures are considered anecdotal - which does not mean "false", it means we're not sure - and then ignored. Our current medical systems have no interest in understanding such cases, even though many doctors have no problems understanding them.
They better not come after my supplements! Just saying.
Another sneaky way to go after Kratom. The neo-prohibitionist busy-bodies & their Pharma managers can't stand that chronic & acute pain patients still have access to a palliative medication that they can't control. The codependent busy-bodies, who clearly don't understand the 12 step movement because it originated precisely in response to the failure of Prohibition and emphasizes focusing on controlling your own behavior & not obsessing about monitoring & "fixing" others. They're now creating "opioid misuse disorder," a political construction w/ no more basis than masochistic personality disorder or intermittent explosive disorder. Withholding palliative management for even people discharged with amputations!! (see doctorr-patient forum among many)--and now even late stage cancer patients enables them to promote the teeth rotting Suboxone & also force patients to go to heresy-screening "therapists" to get screenings simply to have acute post-op care. Questionnaires exclude you if you've been sexually abused in childhood and they've now come up w/ a bogus mutation "study" so that they can not administer genetic testing to withhold meds.
It's euthanasia by another name. Canada has MAID. But for chronically ill, disabled people suffering from severe pain & fatigue for which cheap managed drugs can keep you functioning, we have a SSDI process as corrupt & chaotic as something like in Haiti, where even Stage 4 cancer patients w/ a year's life expectancy can't get approved.
And then you've got patients who've finally gotten meds that work but are kicked off for no reason as the DEA moves to disallow any use of opioids outside of hospitalization. The DEA will "red flag" you if you pick up post-op opioids (if you're lucky enough to get them--we've seen c-sections, fractures & amputation patients sent home w/ Motrin & Tylenol)--and you pay cash, because your insurance has immediately put a hold on it just cuz, which they do frequently. If you've going through multiple procedures like w/ breast cancer reconstruction, you might have to pick them up a few times--urgently--and you can't wait a week. And insu won't let you call them in early.
Then, if you got bad RA or hEDS chronically and the God forbid have an acute crisis and need multiple meds--even if all of your docs are talking to each other and everything's approved.--you get another red flag. Three red flags and you might be kicked off--or, if your pain doc doesn't kick you off, then s/he might be kicked off registry. At that point, all of the well managed patients are left w/o new docs--and it's complete bullshit that the DEA or their proxies do anything to help you find a new doctor. They don't. The Pain network alliance is helping these patients--but there are many reports of these patients publicly announcing they're going to kill themselves and why. It's understandable. That's because they're law abiding and don't want to buy drugs on the street. If they do, they risk OD w/ fentynal which comes through daily because illegal Americans are not policed, but 10th generation Americans who need palliation to function are criminalized.
Thank you for a detailed and specific and highly informative comment here, Loren Gore. I really appreciate your effort and passionate concern. This concern is in the top tier of ethical duties of the medical profession — to alleviate pain and suffering. This should never be a political issue but it always is. Part of the problem is that we are not using all the tools in the kit — accupuncture, trauma therapies, hormonal therapies (inflammatory reduction, sleep improvement), enzymes, and nutritional modifiers that detoxify and support energy — brain wave therapies, sound, devices, manipulations. Healthcare monies are misspent. Lack of accountability is spread across mainstream and complimentary venues. We have evidence and promising methods for so many conditions that are not integrated into practice — in part because the models of warranting practices overfavor the trials that only pharma can afford. Maybe if you cannot guide something without harming people, you should return to standard — First do no harm! Let people choose… give them information and analysis and love …and let them choose. This is all an extension of the war on drugs RACKET.
Thanks for this. I hope the physicians in Congress (including my rep Greg Murphy MD) will oppose this power grab by Pharma. I remember being present at a presentation at an ophthalmology meeting in the mid 80s where a private practitioner was literally laughed off the stage for suggesting that nutrition and supplements were valuable tools in patients with macular degeneration. Now of course it has been proven that a certain combination of supplements definitely slows the progression of AMD. But that took many years of studying thousands of patients in double blind studies. Most supplement makers cannot afford the cost of such studies to meet FDA’s standards, which is the point. And even the “proven” formula doesn’t use the best form of zinc or all-natural Vitamin E.
As for asking your physician, good luck. Most had only one day of education if that regarding nutritional health and supplements. Most adhere to the maxim quoted many times in my medical school years that vitamin supplements only result in “very expensive urine.” A few do have enough interest to be open minded about the issue, but no drug reps are knocking on their doors promoting supplements. A good way to gauge your physician’s knowledge in the area is the following: if you have been prescribed a statin without being advised to also take CoQ 10, look elsewhere for advice. Similarly if you haven’t been advised to take Vitamin D daily, don’t waste your breath.
If I didn't know my pharmacist and my Doctor personally, I doubt that I would ever again take any drugs for any reason. My immune system has worked well through many various infections including the "chinese/fauci flu with very few exceptions.