A year ago I had my last “wellness “ visit with my doctor and it was contentious. One thing we disagreed on was my vitamin D3 daily intake. I told I was taking 5000 IU of D3 a day and she told me I would get kidney stones and to cut it to 2000. Luckily I had listened to Ryan Cole and did not cut my intake. She also was unsuccessful at trying to get me to be vaccinated. Obviously I have no faith in her and so far haven’t scheduled another yearly appointment.

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We had always trusted our Dr. until covid. My husband asked him if he thought children should be vaccinated ; "if we are to beat Covid . yes, I believe kids need to be vaccinated". That pretty much says everything you need to know and we are looking for new Dr.

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I’m with the two of you! My problem is that we have Medicare for insurance and it’s hard to find doctors accepting Medicare patients in our area. On top of that the majority of doctors are also puppets.

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Medicare is underwritten by Novartis.. in Northern VA.. and EVERYONE TAKES IT.. everyone over 65 is FORCED to take it unless you have Tricare.. something is wrong there.. Medicare.. I have medigap underwritten by United Health Care.. you can find out WHO actually underwrites your local Medicare. Medicaid is different that is federally subsidized. well I need to go.

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I took a look at it.. I found it thx looks good, I can read my own labs

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Thank you for taking the time.. to answer me.. I didn't mean to be so short, I am a Med Tech.. ASCP still active... and worked in hospitals and actually performed those tests interpret and read all lab tests.. and can read my own labs and have ordered my own labs,, I have a B.S in Biochemistry as well... I can actually do blood draws.. :) anyway I will take a look at those. I did just have my bloodwork done at the dr's office because I had corona and all my tests came back normally.. by Quest labs.. :) I am assuming you have a medical background.. a CBC is an easy one but the blood chemistries are hard and a lot has changed even since I was certified in 1993 but I still get my ASCP magazines, my specialty was Cancer blood chemistry which is among the most difficult to interpret.. but I can read any lab test and interpret correctly to this very day.. xoxo have a great day.. isabell.. :)

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deletedOct 8, 2022·edited Oct 11, 2022
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Don’t worry. Not doing ANY jabs.

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We need to understand that doctors are a business, and especially those employed by institutions have many conflicting demands. If they're straight with you, they're probably safe, but if they're straight with the next patient who is a hypnotized disciple of standard care, they'll get a complaint from their licensing agency, possibly jeopardizing their career and livelihood. We need to understand which topics are systematically stigmatized and be more diplomatic about discussing them. Those who avoid diplomacy need to expect standard answers.

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You do have to add Vitamin K2 so calcium doesn't end up in your kidneys or your blood vessels. Vitamin K2 makes sure the calcium gets deposited in the bones and teeth.

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... and Magnesium.

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The best place to find all the vitamins and supplements to boost your immune system is at FLCCC.net.

Bone health: Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Magnesium, Zinc and not quite as much calcium as you might think.

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deletedOct 8, 2022·edited Oct 8, 2022
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I have been following their protocols for nearly 2 years now.

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Indeed. I mentioned it before on here. After blood work, my good doctor put me on Vit D 50,000 IU once a week, also K2( MK7) Magnesium. I have showed him my ZStack from Dr. Zelenko. He was fine with that. My next purchase will be Taurine as mentioned here by our one and only Dr. Malone. I am in Canada, after my GP retired 3 years ago, I was with him for over 35 years, I was nervous with a new younger doctor. However, thank God, so far, he has listened to what I have to say, helped me out, had no objections to a specialist of my choice. The subject of the jabs never came up, as I would not take it, he never asked or suggested it. In the 3 years, I feel very comfortable with this young man, here is hoping and praying he stays that way. We have a shortage of family doctors, many have retired and the new ones fill up quickly.

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I am taking taurine too and added Tudca after listening to Dr. Berg on fatty liver disease. He has several excellent YouTubes on this topic.

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Thank you for that information, will check it out. There is so much good information out there, from excellent Doctors, at times a lot to absorb. Cheers.

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I can't find the Substack where Dr. Malone recommended Taurine. Could you supply me with a link?

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I am sorry, I have no link, but it was through a poster here that mentioned he got the jab and was taking Vitamin D with Taurine and it helped him with the heart palpitations he was having, a side effect from the jab. Dr. Malone replied to him, I can not recall what the words were, but very positive. Naomi, I apologise if I screwed up my comment.

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You didn't screw up anything. I was curious because I read every one of Dr. Malone's columns and had missed it. However, I don't read all the comments so if it was there I missed it.

Taurine is interesting. There is a lot of information on it if you do a Google search (or Duck Duck Go or Brave, etc). I started taking it for it's benefits for inflammation, blood sugar, eye health, brain health, fatty liver. Then I recently learned recently learned about Tudca from Dr. Berg. Tudca and taurine work together to clean up fatty liver.

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Thank you Naomi, I will go to DDD but I did google it and learned quite a bit. I called the health store near me to ask if they had it in stock and they did, good to know. I will go on Tuesday as our Thanksgivings is tomorrow and everything is closed. I will check out the Tudca as well.

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I used to go to my doctor about 1x per year. I no longer do. If it ain't broken, don't fix it is my moto going forward.

An acquaintance died at 93 having not seen a doctor in over 25 years. In her last few years, she developed type 2 diabetes and that led her to look for a doctor. Even the blood sugar issues were probably controllable by diet, hers was not good.

Read, research and live a healthy lifestyle.

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I both agree and disagree with you. Some simple blood tests can reveal conditions way before symptoms appear. I just this week had a colonoscopy because they no longer required covid testing and masking. Two polyps were found that would probably have turned into cancer a few years from now.

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Retired ICU RN here and I'm wrestling with my lost trust in the system. For example, using your example, the prognosis that the polyps "probably" would have turned into cancer comes from the people selling the colonoscopy product which would seem a lot less suspicious to me if they were also telling you about things like vitamin D and colon cancer:


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Thanks, you've said it better that I could have.

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I understand your point but for me, I'll take the risk. I don't hate doctors and completely see value in the medical system but mostly in emergency or acute care, not so much in chronic disease.

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I’ve taken 5,000 and even 10,000 IU for years, well before the pandemic. I’m “unvaxxed” and I never got COVID or if I did it passed through me with no symptoms or notice.

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Vitamin D is the best protection you could have. The common thread among those who ended up on ventilators was extremely low Vitamin D levels.

Be sure to take Vitamin K2. They work together to get the calcium deposited in the bones and teeth and not in the arteries and kidneys.

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I take K2 and Magnesium as well.

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Same here but I didn’t start until just before the virus came.

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Good for you, Hugh! You're probably in the top 10% of patients who don't just blindly accept what their doctors tell them coupled with believing you can largely control and influence your own health and wellness with making good choices for yourself.

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It’s easy when I know my doctor is peddling lies and propaganda.

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Not just that but also replace your quack-tor

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I now believe that most doctors are either uninformed quacks, or paid off by Big Pharma either directly or indirectly. This gives me no pleasure. Luckily, I found a good one.

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Most people think their doctor is special, much better than the rest. That's a form of Stockholm syndrome, where hostages develop affinity for their captors. Half the doctors are below average.

The important measurement is whether the patient is above or below average. We need to supervise our medical employees to receive the best service. That requires more effort than most people are willing to produce.

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I agree with you 100%. People need to pose as many questions to their doctors. If there's push back by any of them....fire them! There are good ones out there.

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They have mostly been corralled into thought pods that would best serve pharmaceutical industrial complex as the manner of treatment and thus the 5 minutes they spend with you is all that is needed.

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Bottom line: Dr. Manson's 5 year $30 million dollar VITAL study was poorly designed to discredit the true health value of Vitamin D that is responsible for controlling the activity of over 3000 of our genes.

Vitamin D abundance (over 50 ng's in the blood) is required for producing healthy babies, for turning on breast milk and stopping metastasis to name a few. The $30 million dollar study did not measure Vitamin D blood values and correlate it to health issues. If all Americans had a blood value around 50 ng's and not 25 ng's, we would reduce premiee rates drastically, cut breast cancer by 80% and drive down diabetes dramatically. Discrediting Vitamin D keeps the medical profession vibrant and growing as the enviromental toxins in our food and enviroment increase inflammatory diseases. This is KNOWN by Big Pharma and that is why they find and pay medical sources to discredit Vitamin D. For the last 60 years, the medical education included the warning that taking more than 1000 iu's of Vitamin D daily is poisoness! Including yours truly! I believed that nonsense for many years until I dug for the truth! There is no profit in selling Vitamin D compared to a mRNA injection. Flu and viral invasions peak when Vitamin D blood value in the general population is at it's lowest which is February in the Northern Climates! Rather that encourge boosting the immune system we push drugs and injections. Studies exist that you don't die of Covid if your immune system is whole and rich in Vitamin D. I pray we come to our senses some day before we destroy civilization by going down the nano drug injection route as the NEW drug delivery system. Amen.

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when i was newly pregnant last year, i asked to have my vitamin D checked (I was with Kaiser Northern CA). My OBGYN fought me tooth and nail against it. She showed me it wasn't necessary (according to the pop ups on her screen- because apparently as a doc she can't practice medicine without a computer telling her what to say). I insisted, because I'd been following Covid issues for a while and was taking a larger amount to get my range between 50-75. I told her I'd pay for it out of pocket. She had to click three screens telling her I didn't need the test based on my age/need. I'm glad I did, because the number was exactly what I wanted to fight Covid. She told me I was going to hurt my baby if I didn't get it down. I just nodded, lied to her face, and said I'd take less. Mind you, this is the same OBGYN who prescribed me pills BEFORE I even walked into her office to have my first pregnancy checkup. The medical establishment doesn't want us to be healthy. They want us to be sick so they can make money off of drugs. Oh, and I have a very healthy 5 month old baby girl now. We both got Covid a few months ago (she was 16 weeks old), and we kicked its ass within a day. Vitamin D is the best

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The normal false range for Vit D is 20 to 80 ng's. and since the average person has 25 ng's , we don't need to bother. WRONG! The problem is nutrition is not taught to physicians, only in the context of how nutrient supplements can interfere with drug performace. Actually, the reverse is true and drugs deplete key nutrients including Vit D. Prenatal care in the US needs to be revamped. They should be measuring the top thirty or so key nutrients and identify deficiecies in the first trimester. We have spectracell out of Houston that does just that. Japan has the lowest infant mortality rate. US on average has 3 times higher. in the low income areas of our major cities it is 7 times higher.

Happy to see you had the courage of your convictions!

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Congratulations and the birth of your baby and the good sense that over road the bad advise from your doctor.

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Thank you all! We're very happy and healthy. That's all we can ask for, really :-)

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Indeed. Everyone knows about the winter-driven seasonality of influenza and COVID-19 - and usually attribute it to temperature and humidity. However, that is just for outdoors, and in buildings and vehicles the air is usually hotter and dryer in winter. The primary cause of this seasonality is population-wide variations in circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels (apart from in the few people who supplement vitamin D3 properly): https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/covid-19-seasonality-is-primarily . Contrary to popular belief, influenza vaccines do not reduce the risk of hospitalisation or death, at least in 65 year olds who adopt the vaccination due to government campaigns. (It is possible that, population wide, they reduce transmission and so the risks of infection for all people.) https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/influenza-vaccines-do-not-reduce . If most people, or everyone, supplemented vitamin D3 properly, there would be almost no sepsis, influenza of COVID-19. The latter two would not spread very much since those who were infected would have generally mild or no symptoms and so would shed too few viruses to cause R0 to go anywhere near the 1.0 required for the number of infected people to grow.

For more information on vitamin D and the immune system - and of the corrupted groupthunk ineptitude which profoundly limits the ability of many medical professionals to provide proper advice and care - please see: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/

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Good detail ! Now how do you convince the 1 million or so docs to do their job!

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This information should be widely spread, it is essential.

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Great post, thanks.

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Oct 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

While working on staff at a PNW University as an adjunct Ophthalmology Professor, I was repeatedly reprimanded for recommending Vit. D to my patients, as it was alledgedly not "evidence-based medicine" (the evidence in support of its use is overwhelming, of course). I finally resigned in disgust. I am sure they are all well vaxxxed and boosted and pursuing their "evidence" to this day...

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Start a new practice, Truthopathic medicine.

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Way ahead of you. This was ten years in the past.

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I respect what you did in resigning, Dr. Dotson. Not an easy decision but sticking to your principles always provides some inner peace and is good for your conscious.

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Oct 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There is *no doubt* that Vitamin D suppression and disinformation is one of worst scandals in the entire history of our modern medical nemesistem.

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Oct 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the missing piece in all this is Mg. Our population is generally low in magnesium and magnesium is used in D processing (storage, pre-hormone, hormone). Mg also has a role in getting Ca to hard tissues (bones) rather than soft tissues (in the heart for example). So with Mg levels already starting out a little low for most people, supplementing with D3 further taxes Mg levels which leads to the calcium problems. Personally, I take a high quality Mg supplement as I take my D3.

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I never used to supplement with Mg. I have had problems with atrial fibrillation over the years and have recently discovered that Mg is directly related to how my heart functions. There's absolutely no mistaking it. For me, it's not a complete cure...yet as other factors are at play. It's a work in progress!

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I became vegan to cure my heart disease. It worked, but developed heart arrhythmia, found my mg was deficient, concluded it was due to overdosing on oxalate foods, which were staples in my diet. Cut the oxalates, didn't leave enough calories, so changed to carnivore. Heart Disease improved even more, and rhythm also improved.

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Thanks, I've never had an Mg test; I'm going to ask for it. I'll also look a the oxalates. I'm very glad that you were able to solve your problems.

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Oxalates combine with magnesium and calcium, making us deficient in those minerals for cellular functions, as well as causing development of stones. I discovered my deficiency when I learned that if we take more than needed, the excess gets to the colon and irritates it, causing diahrea. I kept increasing and remained mildly constipated. Cutting the oxalates, I soon got loose and reduced my supplement to keep balanced. Then I started testing to fine tune. Should have started that sooner.

Excess oxalates form sharp crystals themselves, called raphides, and get stored in bones, joints, heart tissues, places we really don't want them. Oxalic acid is not needed for any body functions, so it's supposed to be eliminated. Some bodies probably do it more efficiently than others. Good reminder to drink lots of water.

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Thanks for the great explanation. Very much appreciated.

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Every molecule in our body wants to consort with other molecules. The interactions are complex and dynamic. Too complex for comprehensive human understanding. We really need to perfect smart machine medical assistants, like the Star Trek medical tricorder. Soon.

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Yes on how nutrients interact widely with each other. However, I have found that a wide reading of nutritional research can produce a lot of healthful benefits. For example, look at the Health section of my substack The Menelaus Gambit (Seeing Beneath the Illusions).


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Very informative, well written site. Thanks.

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If it's too complex for comprehensive human understanding, why do you think a machine would be better at it? Any machine is only as good as the people who develop it, it can never be better. Perhaps faster, but not better. That's my opinion on AI as well.

It's an honest question, I'd love replies regarding 'why machines or computers would be better than humans'.

God made humans. To believe that we are capable of creating something better implies we are superior to God.

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Humans have limited bandwidth, both memory and access speed. Machines don't. A doctor with an internet connection can probably find the right answer eventually. The machine produces it now. Machines assemble what is known by a lot of humans, quickly exceeding any individual, as we have seen in strategy games like chess and go. Any repetitious task, including medical diagnosis, is likely to be better handled by machines. Human docs will still be useful for individual cases that don't respond as expected, and initially to supervise the machines. Machines will just be assistants for some time. Engineers went through the same phases moving from manual drawings and slide rules with stacks of reference materials, to computer aided design and internet access. Buggy whip makers are still remembered for their resistance to change. They eventually found work in Ford factories.

God also made machines, to make humans more productive.

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YES on magnesium. It is involved in over 300 bodily reactions. Look too at vitamin K2, vitamin A, and zinc. Discussed here: https://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2018/4/boron-an-overlooked-micronutrient

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I had a physician tell me that you cannot get Vitamin D from the sun. I tried talking to him about how much D the skin can make and he said it was fairy tales - I fired him and walked out. Main Stream Medicine is in a very, very sad state.

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They don't get much training in anything but memorizing drugs to be applied to symptoms. Probably wasn't purposely lying, just ignorant and arrogant.

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Not only is the sun the best way to get vitamin D, but the entire spectrum of sunlight, visible and invisible, can promote good health. For example, regular sunlight exposure is positively correlated with lower incidence of cancers, reduction in childhood myopia, and production of Melatonin, not just in the skin, but in the mitochondria of cells elsewhere in the body.

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He is wrong, but only partially. You won't get vitamin D when the angle of the sun is less than 45 degrees relative to your body (winter) and you won't get V-D unless your skin is exposed without clothing. Don't forget your body needs infrared light as well. In my opinion the best source of infrared light is a camp fire, which of course our species has been huddled around for tens of thousands of years

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It is not "relative to your body" but relative to the Earth! Any lower in the sky than 45° above the horizon and the UVB rays are effectively filtered out by the thickness of the atmosphere they have to penetrate. So at more northerly latitudes, one cannot get any vitamin D production in the skin for much of the year.

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If vitamin D wasn't such a mortal threat to the weasels that owned Pharma, they wouldn't be laying out so much crap to try and make it go away. One analysis of that VITAL study:


When stratified by BMI, there was a significant reduction for the vitamin D arm in incident metastatic or fatal cancer among those with normal BMI (BMI<25: HR, 0.62 [95% CI, 0.45-0.86]) but not among those with overweight or obesity.

If you aren't too fat (BMI < 25), 2000 IU reduced your odds of cancer by 38%. Roughly speaking. And that's just with 2000 IU. If applied nationwide, how much do we think this reduction in cancer incidence would cost Pharma in missed cancer-treatment sales? It would be simply horrific.

And if chubbier people took more than 2000 IU, might they see the same benefit? Wouldn't it be nice to run a trial and see? NIH? You're gonna do that real soon now, right?

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Yes! Overweight people need MUCH more vitamin D3 or it just "disappears" into the adipose tissue as a "vitamin D sink".

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Good Calories Bad Calories (Taubes) is a good discussion of the metabolic aspects of obesity. Fat disrupts a lot of metabolic processes.

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Keep up the Fight! You are a true warrior and I thank you!

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Oct 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

1. Washington (com)Post == Jeff Bezos == billionaire Davos Man

2. The disinformation about Vitamin D all comes from US Government agencies and Pharmaceutical company money.

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Another good example of the MSM slowly eroding their credibility , has a declining customer base and is on a on clear path to extinction.

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Magnesium and Vitamin D Deficiency as a Potential Cause of Immune Dysfunction, Cytokine Storm and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation in covid-19 patients - PMC

Mg is essential in the metabolism of vitamin D, and taking large doses of vitamin D can induce severe depletion of Mg. Adequate magnesium supplementation should be considered as an important aspect of vitamin D therapy


Magnesium Magnesium Magnesium


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I agree on magnesium. Look at vitamin K2 and vitamin A too. Discussed more fully in https://ernestdlieberman.substack.com/p/a-fuller-picture-of-natural-anti

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Don't forget your trace minerals like Boron either...

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Quite right. I take 6 mg. boron daily.

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Thank u for that Aging Viking

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Vitamin D with K definitely helped, but I noted that my blood tests and heart showed too much calcium, including calcification. Now, I have to chelate my blood vessels and heart.

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As do I, but that was before I was bumping my D levels up to correct prophylactic levels. Important to be careful about drawing conclusions based on small numbers!

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Make sure you are getting adequate Magnesium. It is necessary for healthy D3 and K2 metabolism. Most people are woefully deficient in Magnesium due to industrial farming practices that have depleted the soil of vital minerals and and nutrients.

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I've also read that alcohol flushes Mg out of your system so another reason to supplement (don't like tea totalling).

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Yep. Everyday.

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Hardly anyone other than growing children or pregnant or lactating women should be taking any calcium supplements. Calcium is a VERY toxic mineral. Most people get sufficient amounts in their diet alone. People do not need as much as the "official" recommendation. Maybe they are trying to poison us??? Wouldn't be surprising after what we have seen with COVID!

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This is despite a selective diuretic for hyperaldersteronism that spares potassium. Running out of K is a profoundly bad experience.

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The sun is a great source of Vitamin D...and people are being told to avoid it! It does not create cancer...the unhealthy american lifestyle creates it. If people ate right and led a healthy lifestyle they would have strong immune systems...and would not fear Covid or anything else. Those who tell people to avoid sunshine...know nothing about health. Since I was six months old my father made sure I got enough sunshine....and 88 years later I try to get my daily dose of sunshine. Fear sells! It has created a nation of sheep who listen to all those authorities with something to sell. When the temperature goes over 100...and its too hot to sunbathe...I use a vitamin supplement. It used to be D was fine...now new research has to be D3-K2.

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Everyone needs different amounts of D depending on their diet and metabolism and lifestyle. Blood tests are cheap and easy, often done routinely with annual physicals, and are the only way to definitively determine your level. I had a doc who liked to report "normal" and I had to request a number every year. The "standard" range includes very low levels, so we should insist on getting a number. The rule of thumb for supplementation is 1000 iu raises blood level about 10 points.

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Interesting about the rule of thumb of supplementation being 1000 IU = 10 points.

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That's the guide for low starting levels. On the Grassroots Health D Project site, under "Research", there is a paper "Vitamin D Supplement Doses and Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D in the Range Associated with Cancer Prevention". (Garland, French, Baggerly, and Heaney}.

They show an increase of 1000 units per day to raise blood levels;

From 10 ng/ml an increase of 11 ng/ml

From 30 ng/ml an increase of 8 ng/ml

From 50 ng/ml an increase of 5 ng/ml

Above 90 ng/ml the increase is 1.6 ng/ml for each additional 1000 units.

There seems to be a built-in safety feature. The higher the blood level, the harder it is to raise it still higher. Also, they regard the toxicity level for vitamin D to be 200 ng/ml. They said that in their study, no doses under 50,000 units per day, produced levels over 200 ng/ml.

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This is interesting too. It's new to me. Thanks

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My own readings agree on vitamin D blood levels being optimal in the range of 50 to 60., and on the starting dose of vitamin D being 5,000 IU (subject to subsequent blood tests). My sole quibbles:

1. Attention should be brought much earlier in the article to vitamin K2, even if developed more fully later. It is vital to avoid calcification of soft tissues such as blood vessels. Also, the dose matters. I discussed this two years ago in my post on natural anti-infectives. https://ernestdlieberman.substack.com/p/a-fuller-picture-of-natural-anti.

2. Magnesium is vital in activating vitamin D, and magnesium can be harder to get in many people's diets than calcium (unless, of course, calcium supplements may be needed too if dairy is avoided due to lactose intolerance. However, eating yogurt or vegetables fermented by lactose-digesting bacteria, or taking probiotic supplements, may be able to maintain good bacteria in the GI tract that can digest lactose. And, probiotics provide help in virtually every thing we do, and they are harmed by the pesticide glyphosate/Roundup--a subject too long for this note.) You can find these discussions in my post on natural anti-infectives too.

3. Healthful amounts of Vitamin A in the diet is very strongly discouraged by the medical establishment. Vitamin A works in tandem with vitamin D and each protects against toxic effects of overdosing of the other. (Vitamin A is also very important in fighting infections, and works closely with zinc in doing that, among other things.) Again, you can find these discussions in my post on natural anti-infectives.

4. Vitamin D should be gotten as vitamin D3, not vitamin D2 (of course, sunshine is best, but not everyone can or wants to get it in healthful amounts).

Good Health to You!

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Thoughts on boron???

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Life Extension recommends 3 mg. to 6 mg. boron for most people, good for bones and reducing risks of cancer. https://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2018/4/boron-an-overlooked-micronutrient

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