Aug 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Most of us would love to work with a doctor on our vitamin D levels to boost our immune systems. Unfortunately, most doctors are only interested in giving us more and more vaccines. My doctor is still trying to get me to take the COVID vaccine, even though taking the series now would be completely counterproductive to say the least. She says, "What happened to you? You didn't used to be like this." I said, "I started paying attention."

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Not trying to be flippant about it... your doctor's trying to get you to do something you're strongly opposed to.

Time to get another doctor. I did it myself a few months ago, for far less justification than yours. It's not as hard as you might think. I don't have a bit of regret. Not at all. I'm relieved.

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Around here it would be hard to find a primary care doctor who said something different.

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I agree, I rejected one doctor who pushed the jab and also believed in the CDC, and the recommendations from the NIH. I became very upset with him, as he was not even willing to discuss the matter. Adios!

So now I have a doctor who knows I'm opposed to it, also I told him I had had it. He never mentions the subject! Much better.

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Requestatest.com, you can get any test done, cheap. One test will tell you where you stand. If low, the general formula is 1000 iu supplement raises blood level about 10 points. And the "normal" range is pretty low, so best to aim high.

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You can purchase your own vitamin D blood test from life extension foundation (lifeextension dot com) and determine your levels and supplement accordingly. It’s not very expensive. You get an order and take it to a Labcorp lab -- or life extension will send you a kit to have the blood drawn and shipped.

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Mine was actually too high the last time I had it tested. It was in the 90 range. That was after I'd been taking high doses when I had COVID. I've decreased my supplementation, so I'll be interested to know what it is the next time I get it tested.

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A little terrifying that your doctor isn't paying attention. May be time for a new doctor!

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95% of them aren't paying attention.

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I think about 50% of them aren’t paying attention. The other 45% know what’s going on and continue to play along w the fraud and murder willfully.

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I think depending on your body weight you can determine what amount of Vitamin D3 to take. I would also control for the sun as your body produces a lot of it when exposed during the summer months.

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Yes, I take 5000 IU in the summer and 10,000 IU in the winter.

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In total agreement. !

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Whew, I passed the ten-second test on both legs—between that and avoiding the injection, I am probably good till my eighties or nineties ;-)

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I passed too - LOL. First thing I did after reading the abstract.

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I made it to 16 secs. Does that mean .6x longer? The way things are going the bad guys gonna get rid of us once we are OLD! Over 65 is old to them, plus get Medicare etc. Too expensive they say for useless eaters!!😫🙏🏻🤐

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Let's hope that means longer life! And yep, Jacques Attali said people become useless after 60–65, hence the need for a euthanasia program:

• "Letter to a Holocaust Denier" (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier)

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People over 65? Like the President of the United States and several of the people on the Supreme Court? And many people in Congress?

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I think my comment is a set-up in search of a punchline😊

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Barefoot for proprioception and then try it with your eyes closed....

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That's the killer - very few manage with closed eyes! You feel as if you're falling forward .......

I had always previously read that the 10 secs. should actually be 1 minute, which is rather more of a challenge.

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couldn't resist the karate kid kick at the end!

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Oh no, don't tell me that! Ten seconds was hard enough 😆

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Oh man, you had to up the ante! That was a lot harder, but I made it 😅

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Me too. Passed on both legs. Not so good once I shut my eyes though 😩

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I hope you meant, you passed the 10 second test on each leg! 😁

Sorry. Couldn't help myself.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Ten seconds! Is that all? I've been standing here on one leg reading this whole post for about five minutes. Now I'm gonna switch legs and read one of Margaret Anna Alice's REALLY LONG posts.

Just turned 60 this year. I think I'm still alive because we've lived out in the woods for the last twenty-two years and there's always something to work on. Who needs a fitness membership when there's dogs to hike up the hills, trees to cut, fields to mow, and firewood to be split.

I'm also probably still alive because I tumbled to the lies early enough and never got jabbed, started taking Vitamin D, Zinc, and other supplements (some listed here) that seem to help my blood pressure and general health. I'm not the young whippersnapper I used to be, but I'm still kicking Death in balls each day.


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It doesn't mater how long you can do this exercise, but if you can't do it during 10 sec - that is an important criteria.

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Same here! I’m on the far north side of 50 and can easily do it, so am I doing it wrong or something? I don’t work out like I used to, but I’m not overweight or anything. I’m also only 5 ft 6 inches. I think it would be harder for taller people.

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Those of us with low centers of gravity have an advantage, like Hobbits! Though I wonder if I did it out in the woods and fell down, would anyone hear it?

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Peter Attia also includes how long you can do a Dead Hang as a health/fitness metric. The reason is grip strength is correlated with assisting in getting up after a fall. I can do 1min 34 seconds and I'm in my 60s! I'm adding seconds to that time each week, and it's kind of relaxing as it also decompresses the spine.

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I like this one!

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Plank pose is another good one!

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This was so entertaining and fun to watch! Another funny thing Dr Attia said was that women often do better at this than men, as they generally have lower body mass. Thanks for sharing!

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As a former horse owner of riding horses, I am delighted with your photo today. I love it. Thank you for all you are doing to help humanity.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That picture is just delightful!

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Been racing/working out for many decades. EVEN doing some gymnastics stuff now. It's medicine. :)

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

not only do I stand on one leg for a LONG time, I even do handstands. It's how we're wired :)

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Yep! And I also do yoga Crow Pose for at least 30 seconds! Strengthens the wrist bones!

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yup. Same. ^ And back bends. :)

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👏👏👏👏 AWESOME 🤩

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Don't be obese. I try to do 60 pushups a day and also use kettlebells. On the weekends, I lift weights.

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Wow! Impressed

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We all know WHAT to do, the hard part is just doing it! Command that simulation!

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Disagree entirely-my daily routine x 5 days a week, is 40 laps in the pool. My body is so primed to swim and if I miss a day, it's really rotten. I walk minimum 5 kilometres most days. Just do it!

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Yes. It has become such a habit that I feel guilty if I miss a day.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Beautiful photo!

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Aug 31, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Try pickleball if you like racquet sports. It's addictive in the best sense of the word. You can really work up a good sweat and hardly notice because you're having so much fun!

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It’s the latest in vogue sport because it can be played with any age group and fitness level. I’m going to start playing!

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I'm certainly not in as good a shape as many others posting here, but wanted to chime in about exercise. I spent 2 months in hospital last year and came home with oxygen. I got started in a medically supervised exercise program in January and did it for 6 months. I was hugely skeptical that it would help, but 6 weeks into the program, my stamina had already improved noticeably. After 3 months I ditched the oxygen (maybe prematurely, but hey). At 6 months I was able to do most things without limit (still have to pace myself a little, but even that is improving).

Bottom line, I used to be quite a skeptic that exercise would help me, but I was schooled! I'm pretty sure I'd still be on oxygen and have poor stamina. These days, I walk every morning and live where there are hill options in my walk, so slowly ramping up.

Thanks for this article Dr. Malone. Its great advice and the studies are quite interesting!

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes, I can pass the test. :)

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Have to admit have always considered "exercise" something of a dirty word. My Ph. D. mentor was a jock and gave me a hard time.

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I work on the farm - and call it exercise...But I need to do more of the "real" stuff.

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If your time is limited, horses, dogs and working on the ranch qualifies for fun, fresh air (breathe deep) heart rate. Even if your time isn't limited...

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Get a yoga mat. Find a YouTube instructor you like - easy peezy.

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All the fun we have riding and working around horses (hay ,water buckets etc etc) inspires more stretching type activities like yoga ,gyrotonics etc so we can do the former even better ! Of course you can even incorporate stretching exercises into your ride and even our favorite-stall cleaning LOL!!!!!

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There has been something of a mixed message about exercise. At least one "expert" has opined that there are only so many heartbeats the heart can make. Hit that number and curtains. The early deaths of some noted athletes (Jim Fixx for example) serve as examples. At least good arguments for us sofa slugs.

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This is a shaky theory, Micheal. Sorry to say that, please don't take it personally. The biggest problem for well-trained sportsmen is that they know how to be on the limit of their heart capacities and how to overcome pain. One day every one who passed that way - they were having symptoms, and they were in fight with them.

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Totally agree. I am a saber fencer and practice 5 days a week. Fenced since I was 14 and I am now 60 years old. I made the U.S. Vet 60-69 men's saber team and will be gong to the Vet World Championships in Zadar, Croatia the first week of October.

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Aug 31, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I love the picture! I passed the test. I was in a car wreck three years ago. Before the car wreck I walk several miles 5 days a week. We went on a cruise ship to Northern Europe and walked many miles. That same Summer we went to DC and walked all over the Mall and city. I also love to water ski. Then the wreck happened and I can’t power walk anymore. I’m trying to get into a neurosurgeon as I have tried the other routes.

So being a person who has exercised for years, I can no longer do that. It was driving me crazy. My friend introduced me to water aerobics. I can do this as there is zero gravity in the water. I can move freely. I go 5 days a week at the local rec center. It has been a life saver for me. Exercise is so important. Keep on moving.

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