Dr Malone, I am so sorry for Jill's and your loss. Thank you for posting this reminder.

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Yes. My deepest condolences. Deaths are very hard to adjust to—and senseless deaths add a level of anguish.

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Dr Malone I am very sorry for your loss. many blessings.

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Dr. Malone, may the Lord give you peace and comfort as you, your wife and all your family mourn. I am sorry for your tremendous loss. Peace be with you.

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My condolences to you, Jill, and everyone in David’s orbit. You honor David with your(as expected) reasoned, heartfelt tribute. I’m pretty sure I’d have liked this guy.

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Dr. Malone & Family. So very sorry for your loss. I lost my bride 11 years ago to a young driver on heroin, so I can relate. I've shared your post so that others may be reminded that these senseless losses happen so often in a nano second.

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Count me with the many who each recieve this message of sorrow with willingness to share and gratitude for your courage to share the reminder.

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Drs. Malone and family , I am sincerely sorry for your loss.

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My sincerest condolences

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Nov 13, 2022·edited Nov 13, 2022

So sorry for your loss, Dr. Malone. It seems everyone one I know, as well as myself, are burying loved ones these days.

Many are victims of the "Covid Con," while some few are life's tragedies, but given those combined numbers today we are all facing much more grief and grieving than ever before.

(Additionally we are all facing the fear of losing the jabbed that are still fine on the surface, knowing what we know.)

I pray that everyone in this battle for human life and human freedom has a way to connect with their own form of Spiritual Support, whether it's a traditional religion, a meditation practice, or a sacred space and time that nurtures their Beingness.

God Bless you and keep you and all your family Dr. Malone; may Angels watch over and protect you, and may you find Peace and Healing in their Presence.

And may we all live to fight another day!

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I'm so sorry for your loss. My deep condolences to both you and Jill. My husband was hit by a car while riding his bicycle. Miraculously he survived. Driving while intoxicated or distracted (texting or fumbling on the phone) is reckless. People think they are in control, until they are not. It happens so quickly. In a millisecond it can destroy someone's life. Thank you for sharing your message.

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Dr Malone, what a tragic and unnecessary loss of a precious life. Deepest sympathies to you, Jill and entire family. Holding you in my heart.

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My sincere sympathy to both of you and your entire family. What a terrible, tragic loss.

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Sincere condolences to you, Jill and all affected by this senseless tragedy. God Bless you all 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Condolences to you and Dr. Jill on your loss. As a lifetime motorcycle rider, I share David's passion and I am aware of the risk/reward balance with this hobby. I recently decided to sell my street bike (I still have my dirt bike) because I feel the number of individuals that are driving impaired are beginning to hit a critical stage. It is not just inebriated drivers (God knows there are enough of those), but drivers are taking their rage with them on the road and doing crazier than normal things. Plus, the plethora of people that can't resist making those texts and emails while driving! I still enjoy the hobby, and I make sure to always check my mirrors and blind spots for motorcycles every time I can when I am in my car, as I hope everyone out there will do, too.

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Yeah and they keep plugging "hands free" driving cell phones even tho studies have shown that it is the lack of mental attention to ones driving while immersed in a conversation and not merely monkeying around with the device that is a big threat. So yes the number of distracted drivers not paying attention are probably legion out there on the streets and staying off of any type of "bike" probably a good idea

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Deepest sympathies and prayers for his Mother. For both of you also. I have so much respect for you and your wife. This Thanksgiving I am so grateful for all you have done to enlighten those of us in search of the truth. Blessings always. Maureen

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I am so sorry. These preventable tragedies are so hard to get over. God bless you and your family.

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