Dec 14, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yeah, I’m struggling with forgiving the family Covidians. They’ll do it again if I just let it go.

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You can forgive so to take the burden of resentment off your heart. The Bible does not say we must forget; conversely, it does say to guard your heart. I agree, they'll do it again if given an opportunity.

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It actually does say to guard your heart. It does not say to withhold it though.

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hopefully not all of them. For instance, those that didn't take the boosters or stopped taking the boosters, it's a hint they are reversing course in a way . Of course it was an huge effort to bite my tonge instead of saying: I /told/you/ so.

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I have never once said, "I told you so" to my family or friends that judged, name called, and treated me poorly....some ending their relationships with me. My siblings stopped the jabs in the wake of my mom's death and are now scared. My in-laws continue with the shots and I suspect still see me as "the problem."

Without an acknowledgement of the pain suffered, I do not know how to move forward and to simply pick up where we left off. I am reminded of AA and the 12 steps. When an alcoholic is abusive and harms loved ones, part of working the steps is to make amends and acknowledge the harm done. It is part of rebuilding trust.

So here...how to rebuild trust? I do fear that by simply allowing relationships to resume without speaking to or of the pain just allows those who caused it to view you as weak and may even see the extension of an olive branch as an admission that you were wrong or somehow culpable. I am also quickly turned off by reconciliation efforts on the part of those who were weaponized by their rewriting of history. They do not seem to remember the nasty remarks, the shunning, the silencing, etc. It strikes me that because they did not endure the trauma, they make light of it and are more than happy to pick up where your relationship was before they turned on you because you would not comply. That is...they are eager to move on without having to look in the mirror.

And what to do with those that are still taking the jab....I find it hard to be around them. It is their choice, but coupled with the prior treatment of me how am I to believe they have any respect for me or my choice now? I am too old to endure somebody patronizing me on my convictions.

Trust is essential. I am not strong enough yet to open that door---especially those family and friends who still take the shots and act as if all is right with the world.

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Laura, it’s like you wrote everything I’ve been feeling! I suspect there are so many more feeling the same way. I feel betrayed, especially by my family who turned on the few of us not willing to comply after doing our research. Trust totally destroyed. Unfortunately, one of those is my mother. She still sits in judgment (which is her M.O.). Sigh... my mind wants to forget all the hurts but my heart can’t, at least not yet.

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Peace to you this holiday season. Know you are not alone. My best advice, buy a copy of “Braiding Sweetgrass” by Robin Kimmerer. Read an essay or two each day, spend time in nature, long walks alone if you can, pausing to see the mystery of life in the details of trees, water, lichen, moss, the birds and so much more…. let your spirit get lost in the natural and divine, all the amazing complexities and beautiful simplicity…the drive to live in harmony and survive. It is a balm for the soul. May we both find peace in the new year. God bless and struts your inner strength.

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The same as stated above -- ditto; OK, thanks.

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The Covidians were more then bullies...people died! To simplify "forgiveness" without acknowledging the harm spits on those that are dead in part because of the Covidians supporting of the horror. I have moved on, I harbor nothing bad in my heart...for I did nothing wrong.

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I meant to wish well those that went along whether they were unwilling or fully on for the mRNAs and all the policies that created so much transfer of wealth. It is my understanding that the top 1% gained 3.7 Trillion and the rest of us lost 3.4 Trillion.

In regards to the perpetrators, they have done harm to their own souls due to the crimes of lying about the help they were offering and poison they have injected into peoples arms as well as the isolation from our families, businesses and friends.

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All we can do is wish them well and understand that they have the same autonomy as we.

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Dec 14, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes, I suppose that could be true. Although all of our close family circle (all shot up) have gotten covid multiple times, usually twice since the shots. THAT could be the real straw that may or may not have altered their mindset.

Aside from the two initial doses, I have no idea how many boosters (or not) these folks have had. It's become a "don't ask, don't tell" situation. They know we aren't shot, and that we take prophylactic supplements and meds - and there you have it. They just keep getting sick.

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I’ve had the same experiences with family, friends, and work associates that gave me a hard time, they we’re all shot up 3 or 4 times and got Covid mostly twice. I never wish illness on anyone but it really figures.

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Dec 14, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022

It's not a matter of forgiving - because as you said, like a child that is never corrected, just letting it go guarantees an encore. And another. You cannot wish ill upon them, but you have to untie the rowboat and let it float away with regard to this issue.

Whoever isn't awake at this juncture is in a permanent stupor.

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The Nor’easterners are the worst. One actually accused me of not caring about people dying! He’s never asked my forgiveness, and I’ve never offered it. I just want to avoid him. Period. He is a true believer in his own brilliance. 🙄

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I had a former college friend call me and others dumb mother fuc$ers that should be treated like prisoners of war and denied medical treatment , etc. last year. And after my mother died from her adverse reaction his friends piled on telling me I had no idea what I was talking about (they knew nothing about my mother or what happened but ruthlessly maintained that I was wrong and a crackpot). Sometimes I wonder why I still feel compelled to warn people.

Anyhow, recently this individual and another were debating the issues relative to the basketball player released from prison in Russia....whether it was a good thing and whether she should be called a patriot, etc. I was not part of the discussion.

This person who was ready to excommunicate us from all aspects of society for not taking the jab, started talking about the need to be able to debate issues that we do not agree on in a civil manner. His friend then reminded him that last summer he was calling for us to be sent to re-education camps.

My former college friend then denied that he ever said such a thing. I have screen shots of his tirades because I had been horrified....he is an attorney for the state and also is an adjunct professor at our state’s flagship university campus. I thought about reporting his public comments given his role serving the public. But I also knew his conduct would likely be applauded rather than censured or condemned given the climate of my state on all things COVID...Governor and legislature 150% following Fauci et al.

When confronted with the specifics of his tirades, he then said...I simply argued that people have choices and if they make the “wrong” choice they should pay the price and suffer consequences. I have no idea if he is still getting shots or vaccinating his 7 year old with boosters. As I watched this exchange between him and the other person...I wondered if he did not see the irony of his comment and his defense of Griner as a patriot wrongfully held. She made a choice in a country that she knew was the wrong choice and there were consequences. But that aside because I do not want or need to debate her release. Like most, I’m glad she is free...and the terms and merit of the exchange is up for debate.

Should I wish my former friend a nice holiday? The continued arrogance of some at this stage (and the cognitive dissonance and unprincipled arguments) routinely astound me and is part of why I have a hard time finding space in my heart to say “bygones” and move forward. There are too many like him who even now can’t own what they did and said...and he can’t even see that his explanation suggests that there is only one “right” answer....his.

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I’m amazed the way some people, mostly left leaning, are so quickly willing to spew their leftist totalitarian freedom removing Marxist crackdown ideas onto people that are friends or family. It kind of goes to show how the Nazis rose to power. Either get onboard or be crushed….J.Goodrich

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The liberal paradox comes to mind...”If you are not as tolerant as me I’ll kill you.”

I find myself wondering how they can be so confident all the time that they have the “right” answer not just for themselves but for others as well. Why do they claim for themselves the right to decide for me or you without reasonable or fair debate?

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I went to a party years ago with some people I had done work for in a very liberal part of Massachusetts, Newton. So I was speaking to the home owner and gun control came up. She said that there was no reason for anyone to own a gun. So I new what could come of this so I said that people had a constitutional right to own guns, so what can you do. She said to hell with the constitution, if people own guns we should shoot them. So I said your answer to gun control is to shoot and kill people who own guns, she said yes. This is what we are dealing with. To this day I still am in awe of the thought process…

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it's a religion, religion isn't based upon facts. They only follow their dogma. Unfortunately it is a false religion.

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I am Canadian and very recently, Trudeau was denying before a tribunal, that he didn't say many insulting degrading things about the antivaxxing anti science grandma killers. People say so much dumb things these days in the name of liberalism and its really just stupidity. Then the conservatives say something just as stupid. Its all theatre to keep us distracted from the poisoning going on with our food, our air and now they want to inject us repeatedly to "save" us. F OFF! Trudeau was a drama teacher before he was the "leader" of Canada and every person I respect in my country thinks he is an idiot or they know that the alternative will have just as many dumb self interested and bad ideas for everyone's future. He will still be smug and think he is great even if 90% of the country voted him out. That is how idiots survive, they live in their own fantasy world of them being great. Look at all of them really, they are all circus barkers. We all have to stand on our feet, alone but really together. All we get to take from this life is our integrity. That is it

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Yeah, I'm 22 years into my second marriage. My wife, like me, grew up in a working class/blue collar family. So even though we're both over-educated, we both decided -- independently: "no jab for me or our daughter".

Now I've long said that I love my wife because she's such an amazing mother to our kid. But I can't express how deeply I admire her for her own "no jab for me or our daughter" decision.

I think back on my first wife, whose parents were a doctor and a teacher. I'm almost certain that she and her current family took the jabs. Although I've thought of her fondly over the years, I realized that had we not divorced in 1996, her (probable) "jab" decision in 2021 would have split us up.

I give Dr. Malone and some of friends of mine a "mulligan" for their own "jab" decisions. But I don't live with these people or share my life or business with them.

Also, my two sisters are in our "resistance" even though they live in Canada and there's hardly any of those in that (now) awful country.

So yeah, I feel you re your "family Covidians". Ugh.

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It’s such a deep philosophical divide, in my opinion. Hard to bridge it.

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"philosophical" ... yup, and I'd add "ethical" "moral" "intellectual" and a few other dividing lines

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Dec 15, 2022·edited Dec 15, 2022

I will never understand Dr. Malone's decision to get the shot. If you know everything there is to know about the vax, and you know exactly how to treat yourself (outpatient) with repurposed drugs, why ever go down that road? To travel? For work? Makes no sense. Zoom conference, no vax.

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Dec 15, 2022·edited Dec 15, 2022

I think he explained his decision in one of his interviews ... maybe Rogan? But, yeah, it's hard to rationalize his obvious intelligence and knowledge of mRNA with his decision to get the jab.

I mean, back in early 2021, when my sheep friends would ask me, baffled, why I refused to get the jab, I'd say: "It's cause I don't know if my immune system is racist."

That is, Phizer's own story was that the mRNA causes (some of) our cells to grow toxic spikes, causing our immune system to attack our own cells ... how do I know the same system won't attack the neighboring cells cause now they look kinda funny too ... i.e. autoimmune attack.

And what do we find within the long list of adverse reactions today? autoimmune problems.

Who was I to guess that correctly? I'm a lawyer and engineer by training.

How the hell could the good Doc, with his background, not come up with 10 good reasons to avoid the jab?

I'm guessing the Doc might have been in Desmet's 40% "just going along with the mob, even if they're not with the mob" a.k.a. "sheep" ... but then his adverse reaction popped him out to join (and lead!) the rest of us already in the resistance.

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Dec 15, 2022·edited Dec 15, 2022

He trusted the authorities, as many did! He had nothing to do with the Covid vaccine development. He only started looking into it after his own injury. His involvement with mRNA was decades earlier and involved cancer research. He was never an “anti-vaxxer”.

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True that. My point still stands though. Between the Doc and myself, I would say that he still could have come up with multiple good reasons -- that I couldn't even guess back in early 2021 -- for avoiding a gene therapy that had been in use for 5 minutes in human history.

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Dec 15, 2022·edited Dec 15, 2022

Especially knowing how Fauci was pushing it. I get your point. I’m just not sure how tuned in Dr. Malone was to the briefings etc. Wasn’t he basically retired from everything at the time? It could be that he had “dropped out” as they say. I rather look forward to doing that myself, I must admit. He did say he was in a high risk group and wanted to travel. He certainly regrets it now.

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Love these discussions. Yep, all of that is true. But let's say the gene therapy wasn't a probable poison in early 2021, but a certain poison like arsenic. And let's say the airlines required all of us to take arsenic in order to fly.

In that hypothetical, would the Doc or any of us taken the arsenic because he or us really really wanted to fly?

My wife and I own some property on a Greek island. Every November, since 1999, I've been traveling to that island. Absolutely LOVE it there. I'm planning on spending 6+ months there every year after our kid goes to college.

But during Covidland -- 2020 and 2021 -- I couldn't travel there. Well, I could have done so if I had taken the arsenic.

So we come back to this: Who was in a better position -- dufus me or the expert Doc -- to determine, in early 2021, that the gene therapy was closer to arsenic than it was to being a "safe and effective" treatment?

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I wonder if they'll do it again even if you don't let it go. It seems to me one can forgive without having to voice that forgiveness. In an environment where maintaining your own good health is critical, it also seems to me that failing to relieve stress and anger through forgiveness can be counterproductive. In a twisted sort of way it means the transgressor could "win" the battle of hurt in the end (but not the battle with covid). I find it's better to step back for a while, if that's what it takes. What I try to do in the case of my sister is calmly exercise my right of "truth-speech", bit by bit, as the opportunity arises during periods where emotions are not running high.

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Families are the best and the worst to go through the process of forgiving, because they will do it again and they expect that you will forgive them as you expect them to forgive you for any transgressions, knowingly or unknowingly.

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Gotta forgive them for they know not what they do. Don't forget though. If you can't reconcile then politely and firmly tell them you love them, you will pray for them, why you feel the way you do and walk away. They know how to find you if they want to reconcile.

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cloud and townsend

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henry cloud and john townsend, Boundaries

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I knew eventually you would be on twitter. Congratulations.

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Thanks, Doc for the kind thoughts. I will do my best to forgive and understand those that want me, my children and the majority of the population slaughtered by the poison shots. I don't expect any apologies or contrition, but Christmas Miracles can always happen!

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I think we do need to forgive each other, but that does not negate the fact Fauci needs jail time (as well as others) and loss of something he considered so important he lied about it, which is of course, is the money he received from Big pharma. In most other dealings, I would think, 'not so', because if you earn something, it is yours. But, did he earn it? In an honest manner? No, he lied and one lie piled on another lie,and so on and so on. And there will be others, that need to join him. Probably Walensky, but she seems so confused at times, people see her a an empty vessel. She babbles out pure nonense. Really, it is gibberish. I see her making a 'jibber-jabber' video and fitting in perfectly. And, then there is Baric-what to do with that guy. I just don't know. He is the evil genius. What can we do about him?

And forgiving Twitter employees who decided we don't have the first admendment, what to do with

them? So, Twitter employees may be seeing the inside of a jail cell as they collectively made a decision to censor doctors who were giving really good, solid (as could given at the time) science, real evidencial (at the time) scientific treament advice as any other health provider/publisher does, and their 1st ademendement rights were put in shambles. I think that it came out that Dr. Bhattacharya was removed from Twitter and he wasn't even saying anything directly against inoculations. All the people censored on Twitter should have some type of compensation for loss of reputation, income if that is how they made their money, and trauma. Trauma does really horrible things to the inside of a person. There is no X-ray or blood test for that can see how aweful things got for those people. But, we know they suffered tremendously. I suffered, I lost friends and I am just a nurse! We are all in this together, however there were plenty of people that were absolutely trying to throw us out of the boat. And too, my thoughts go to Dr. Zelenko. No I think he was going to pass away, but who knows if the stress of what was happening pushed him over the edge. Only God knows.

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With you.

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All important points you raise and I agree wholeheartedly!

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Your letter today brought tears to my eyes. You show the way to encourage peace and goodwill in this divisive world. I just got my book today and my husband and I are passing it back and forth, it feels like candy for the intellect and soul. I am so grateful to have found your counsel and to be able to communicate with other people on this platform and educate myself, even tho sometimes there is a dispute. I actually feel safe here and that is saying a lot! Back to the book...

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Hello Robert and friends,

I think that you will be interested in this very important court case in British Columbia Canada.

It is a class action suit against the Provincial Health Officer based on the science behind the declaration of a Public Health Emergency.



Mary Ballon

Chilliwack BC

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Thank you!🇨🇦🙏🏽 especially after watching that brave nurse eloquently face the evil in the hearing and tell them all “ Shame on all of you”

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Mary, FIND COFFEE & COVID SUBSTACK by attorney Jeff Childers. Today’s post will LIGHT your FIRE!!! I cried.

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One of the reasons I follow you and Jill is that you are a peacemaker. I am a peacemaker as well. I don’t like contention but I will stand up for what is right. Thank you for the Christmas e book. I am going to pass it around. I received my book in the mail on Monday and have started to read it. Thank you for all the work from the heart that you have put into the book. Have a Merry Christmas! I believe there are only 11 days til Christmas. My family is getting emergency preparedness presents.

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I am a Pastor of a small rural community church. This morning I have been scraping old glue off the concrete floor in the fellowship hall that we have been remodeling. As I was scraping I was thinking about you and felt that I should be praying for you and Jill today and often in the days ahead. Be Blessed.

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I don't disagree what you have expressed. We need love and unity to stop the division that is being created. I hope this means your 25 million dollar lawsuit will disappear against Dr. Breggin. He has been a good guy ostracized by Big Pharma for years for speaking the truth about SSRI drugs.

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I pray for justice for Dr. Malone and his family.

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The heat of the moment is going to make lawyers rich?

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I see your spidey sense was triggered by the "lawsuit" as well. Bad move, bad optics all around. These people, and whatever they've said, are NOT the equivalent of Tucker Carlson putting you on blast - I literally had never heard of them until this. And I've been following the covid saga since the very beginning.

In closing, no amnesty. Everyone involved with the creation/release of covid and the vaccine bioweapon needs life or a noose.

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Has Breggin publicly apologized yet? If so, please provide a link here. I’d like to read it.

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Read my post just now about Dr. Breggin’s concerns. It was expressed in a discussion with Dr Naomi Wolf and Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on the International Crimes Investigative Committee site.

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I prefer to wait for the facts to come out in the lawsuit. Either Breggin can prove his allegations, or he made them up. Time will tell.

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with a great message.

2 things:

1 - I thought the opportunity to listen to both sides of the constitution convention was great and thought provoking.

2 - I finally received your book from Barnes and Noble. I was worried they were holding back like Amazon

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you, Robert and Jill for inspiring and encouraging me. This is such a profound struggle. 😢. But I am hopeful with the news coming out of Florida that the tide may indeed be turning.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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Dec 14, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022

I’ve been thinking about this very topic recently as school gatherings, concerts, and parties brought me face to face with people that have hurt me. People that forced my kids over and over again to pull their masks up after they took a sip of water and forced masks on while playing and running in the gym. People that created a you tube channel for a Christmas concert last year, where kids were 6 feet apart and singing with masks on, these were painful moments not just for my kids but all the kids I love. My in-laws whom wouldn’t sign our mask optional petition to unmask their grandkids at school (while they ran around town unmasked), that hurt. The former co- workers and docs I see whom chose to promote the jab on our community and our kids… But you are right, we must somehow move on, yet as I wave and smile to all these people, there is still an internal pain that I hope one day will subside…

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You have a big heart and carry it on your tongue. So you always find the right words at the right time. You shine a light for all of us and people love you.

I recognise in the past years that the majority fears to die. Some fear to die due to a virus, others due to vaccination, others due to hunger when they loose their job. So this fear to die can be a common ground or a bridge to understanding and finding a way to get through to someone having another view of things.

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Those of us who do not share in that fear of death await such wisdom descending onto the indoctrinated and fearful. We pray, wait and hope. We are , after all, tested during hard times be they spiritual, physical or both.🙏🏽🇨🇦

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That is a beautiful way of expressing how Dr. Malone communicates with us. Wow, Bettina, you are just an awesome person. Some day we need to all get together at the coffee shop and have a big ole meeting!

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Awww, this is so sweet of you!! Love the idea of a meeting in person one day! This coffee is for you Helen ☕️

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well-said… Peace to all.

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Dec 14, 2022·edited Dec 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Started reading your book and it has already opened up my thinking and calmed me greatly. There really is nothing new under the sun and the current Psy-Op is just BAU for the powers that be. I read somewhere my job in this struggle is to live the best and happiest life I possibly can. Ignore the fear mongering and greet my brothers and sisters with a warm smile and willing ear. Victory is found by not participating in "their agenda"


You wrote:

"I internalize the anger, the hurt - and try to do what is best, to make thing right. To talk. To find common ground."

As a fellow walker along the path of life, may I comment? A strategy presented to me by more balanced individuals is:


Don't internalize what you don't own

Plan and act on what you own and can alter or improve

Be kind to yourself

That's it!


Best and Right mean so many things to each of us. That alone makes it a mental mind-fry to try to get to those imaginary destinations. FWIW, "safe" is another imaginary point in space and time. :-)))


I love the idea of allowing civilized open discourse and finding common ground. Take what works for you and incorporate. Leave the rest.


May our Father in heaven bestow wisdom, peace and strength upon you and yours.

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Dec 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

thanks man, and btw, love the pun "for which there has been no like in history"

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