Know that there are a whole lot of people who truly admire you and that they are real people unlike paid shills and bots.

Know that it is dawning on the masses that paid shills and bots really do exist and the masses are starting to be able to tell the difference between them and real people.

Your response is great.

Hang in there Doc, you are over the target.

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Sep 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this cathartic reporting. Stamina of mind, body and soul are required to face such an onslaught. We admire your steadfastness and adherence to principle. Still, that shit can wear you down.

You have supporters on your side and detractors on the other side. Unfortunately, the detractors are far better funded, covertly. The legions of detractors have agencies behind them that specialize in nefarious dirty tricks; they weaponize anything that can be weaponized. They have engineered rage to be a directed energy weapon. They use modern warfare tactics of massive salvo firing to overwhelm any defense.

Please take care, keep safe and be well.

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Sep 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, most of the great people in this world who have made the biggest difference, were attacked the most. You are a very important person and hero to so many of us, the powers that be which seek to destroy or defame you are very confused. I cannot imagine just how much pain this must cause you, you have taken immense financial and psychological hits in order to be a truth teller and working towards helping heal the world from this horrific plague which has been thrust upon us. We honor you and pray for you and your family. THe truth will always prevail.

The nearly 90 year old controversial doctor who is further tarnishing his lifelong reputation by Viciously attacking you and others, is not going unnoticed. It’s a huge shame he is doing what he is doing. I pray he changes his ways. We need Unity now more then ever. I cannot imagine our dearly departed friend Dr. Z who wrote the intro to the Breggin book would be supportive of these horrific attacks on you and the others. It’s a damn shame this is happening.

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How true- about Dr. Zelenko- Breggin’s actions dishonor a Great Man’s character!

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Sep 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I was watching fox live when you appeared with Alex berenson. The way he attacked you was out of left field, opportunistic and unprecedented. Prior to his sidewinder attack on you I had a modicum of respect for his contributions on the topic of the century. From that point on his cowardice left me with a bad taste in my mouth. I will suspect everything he says about anything. He has lost my respect completely.

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Alex is troubled. He wants to be on Twitter. He wants his job back at the NY times. He wants to please his psychiatrist wife. He can’t do all that and be authentic. He serves too many masters. Plus, he’s really kind of a jerk, honestly.

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Normally I wouldn't name call but "jerk" is a fitting description of berenson.

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His behavior is just so condescending and disrespectful at times. Very disappointing. He can keep it together sometimes, and when he does, he is tolerable.

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Sep 6, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022

He is REALLY bad when he’s trying to discuss Ivermectin. He clearly either knows nothing about it, or has an agenda against it. It’s pretty shocking, actually. That Dr. Kory interview made me laugh at loud, Alex was so ridiculous.

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Sep 6, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022

Clearly, Berenson wanted to be back on Twitter. His case has opened the door on the coordination between the Biden administration and social media/tech companies.

What proof do you have that he wants his job back at the NY Slimes?

What proof do you have that he "wants to please his psychiatrist wife? As I recall, she was the one who alerted him to the connection between marijuana and psychosis. He didn't believe her and set out to prover her wrong. She was correct, and Berenson wrote a book called "Tell Your Children" about the risk of marijuana use, especially in children. He's taken a lot of crap from all sides for his stance.

Berenson may be a jerk. He's certainly confrontational. He was one of the earliest and loudest voices pushing against the lockdowns, school closures, masks, and vaccines. Other people (Dr. Malone) were later to awaken.

I'm really tired of the infighting among the counter-narrative "leaders". But you've just made declarations as fact that are really opinion.

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Agreed. This infighting is awful and counterproductive. Divisive; maybe planned?

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Sep 6, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022

I can't say. The people standing on the frontline (Malone, McCullough, Kory, etc.) are taking a lot of incoming and they've paid a heavy price for their activism. IMO, they are reluctant leaders who have stepped into the gap. I appreciate their efforts. Not everyone is able to tolerate the attacks. I doubt I would be able to.

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I call it like I see it. You are free to disagree.

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You're part of the problem. You don't know Berenson. You don't know his wife. You have no idea what his motivations are.

I didn't understand his attack on Malone's credentials. It seemed kind of stupid and off point. But this fighting back and forth is counter productive.

I first heard Mattias Desmet speak on his theory a year ago. I recommend you listen to this interview. He warns against the infighting.

Start at 32:50...


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Sep 6, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022

Talk to Alex. He’s the one who is publicly fighting. I’m just a subscriber.

I’ve listened to Desmet for hours and hours. I don’t owe Alex a dime. I will listen politely to what he says, and will form my own opinion on it. Thank you. I’m not joining YOUR mass formation either, btw. I’m immune to that kind of thing.

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Mass formation? That's funny. I'm not defending Berenson. I'm calling out your nonsense.

Yes, I've listed to Desmet for hours and hours as well. I first heard him on Jerm Warfare over a year ago...long before Malone went on Rogan. BTW, you liked my comment above in which I also included a link to that interview. Did you realize that?

In the interview, Desmet warned that the opposition failed to stop previous totalitarian systems (Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany) because they couldn't stop fighting with each other.

I don't understand why Breggin is going after Desmet. I don't know why Berenson went after Malone or why Malone keeps stoking his readers against Berenson. Perhaps it's ego or jealousy or who knows what. I don't really care why. I wish they'd stop.

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I am a paid subscribed to both Malone and Berenson. Other than the Fox ambush interview (which I don't understand or condone), I've never read anything by Berenson about it.

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Wow. I watched this last year but forgot this very important point. Thank you for the pointer.

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I still like Alex Berenson. He is a science writer. but anyway I need to go. have another busy week without.. which only I can deal with.

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He is a trolling pirate, looking to profiteer... why might be what you just said but he still engaging in Character Assination for profit, greedy, money sucking, pirate! No different. He still is playing a deadly game for the person he is attacking while stealing from others for economic gain. What makes them different then a murder?

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Berenson seemed interesting when he first starting hawking his pamphlets on the Tucker Carlson show, but I couldn't help but notice how sick he always appeared. Apparently that sickness went below the surface of his skin.

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I lost respect after the public unprofessional attack. It was completely a benefit free statement except to bolster his ego. He is IVM denier. Not interested. Too many other good things to take my time.

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RemovedSep 6, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022
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I experimented with marijuana for 53 years and never found it to induce insanity or murder. Interestingly, I once worked with a woman who married a prisoner that claimed his use of marijuana led him to stab another woman 37 times. Several of my co-workers joined me in a contest to see when the newly-released murderer would kill the lady we worked with. If there was a tie vote, the tie-breaker would have been the number of punctures inflicted.

Good Times.

I will concede that, as a social worker, I met several young people with pre-existing mental problems whose difficulties were exacerbated by the Devil Weed.

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I agree. I subscribed to Berenson’s Substack page expecting to get thoughtful, well written articles. He doesn’t spend much time on most of his posts - to the point he seems frantic to get something out there. He’s all about the money, which explains why he took a pot-shot at Dr. Malone. I think he saw it as an opportunity to create controversy and get his name out there. I believe insincere and unpleasant best describes him.

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He was my first subscription to an author on substack. Seemed knowledgeable...until he made the exact statement "there is no such thing as long Covid" and proceeded to essentially say it was all psychological. Having dealt with it in the family I knew better, and I didn't like that his "reporting" was opinion not actual reporting or the fact that he was so closed-minded to what so many were experiencing*. I unsubscribed the same day. If I'm going to read an opinion piece I at least want to feel they have done their homework and are open minded to being wrong. Otherwise opinions are like noses, everyone has one but some are just full of snot. 😊

*Admittedly my instant adverse reaction to his statement was also colored by years of doctors saying my back pain was all in my head... until it finally showed on MRI that it wasn't. By then it was too late to help without major surgery. I really despise any "all in your head" dx 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Totally agree with you. I got Covid in Oct 2020. Lost my sense of smell and taste. (nothing else and I am NOT vaccinated) I still have not totally gained back my sense of smell ! No long Covid ? I have a friend fully vaxed who got Covid six months ago, she is suffering from horrible headaches, brain fog and tiredness. Been out on sick leave for six months ! I have been sending her anything I can about treatments that do NOT come from the establishment.

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The FLCCC protocol helped my son in law overcome long Covid and fairly rapidly. I think IVM and steroids (plus the supplements of course, to include NAC and L-lysine) are crucial to overcoming long Covid. I got it for the first time this past July (from grandkids who we thought just had a cold), and I started IVM at home on day 2, only had a "cough\cold" basically. All of us just had a cold. Several of my elderly friends, many with comorbidities, are just getting over having it and just had bad cold symptoms - thankful for that because most got the original vaccines (but didn't get the boosters. 🙌🏻)

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thank you so much, I just sent the protocol to my friend, and I'm going to see if I can find a doctor in France that will subscribe me these things (not so easy...)

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All except IVM is non prescription, supplements avail (in the US) at any grocery or health food store. They will help some even if you can't get ivermectin. Prednisone helps as well. I ended up ordering a 50 pill supply of 12mg IVM from another country where it's non-prescription because I couldn't get it here at the time. The price was very reasonable (but the shipping was high, naturally, equal to the cost of the pills actually). I found out in my recent illness that my family doctor's office prescribes it (a huge surprise because they're part of a large conglomerate in my city, and had been prescribing it but getting the prescription filled was the problem).

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I lost all respect for Berenson after seeing this. I've stopped reading his column. He has a HUGE blind spot.

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Alex is desperate for attention - and money. Sad.

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WOW . I did not know that about Alex Berenson. He has put himself out from before day one of the Corona incident. I like him still maybe he should take a vacay and get some much needed sun.. he does look pale.. WOW sorry to hear that.

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Sep 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone- keep doing exactly what you're doing. Yours is the one sane voice that keeps me going some days and I'm sure a lot of others feel this way too. If people felt that Breggins were on the right track and had something useful to offer, they'd be buying their book. Enough said.

Please know that there's a huge group of us out there who support you and Jill 100%!

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Sep 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“The dogs bark, the caravan passes.“ Arabic proverb. You have to stay center Dr Malone. It doesn't matter what they say. Don't let this touch you. It is only words and you are a master with words. They will never win against you. You are invicible.

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Mario your well meant encouraging words are commendable, but Dr Malone is not by any means invincible. This DAVOS WEF GATES SOROS WHO NIH ad infinitum agencies combined trillionaire cabal has pulled off the most egregious evil coup ever planned against humanity in this century. Doctors, military officers, political representatives, leaders of countries and the media have and will continue to be destroyed for voicing anything against their wealth transfer, land acquisitions, medical pharmaceutical genocidal dictatorship narrative. Look what happened to Julian Assange for sharing to the public actual documents of proof of out corrupt beyond comprehension so called leaders. “We the People” must wake up to the driven intentional media manipulated divisiveness. Families are at ideological war with each other, neighbors and communities which is, by plan, exactly how “they” will ultimately win. Of course our truth tellers like Dr Malone will be smeared, attacked and every attempt to publicly discredit campaigns have been in full swing from the very first “wait a minute... this makes no sense” questioning. It’s we the army of information and truth supporting our warrior truth crusaders like Dr Malone and Jill who must stand strong, stand by him and others, speak out, get involved, and be prepared. None of us are “impossible to defeat, destroy or kill.” Together, supporting each other, standing up for those like Malone who are viscously attacked “We the People”... humanity... may have a chance to survive this unconscionable onslaught.

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Definitely! United we stand, divided we fall. We must not turn on one another.

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I totally agree with you Maureen. This is why we are here. Next time that Dr Malone planify to have a discussion with those kind of people, he should advise us so we could be also be there to support him with our comments.


We live in a kind of hologram. We can create with our thoughts and voice. The cabal knows that. So when they planify an event in the futur, they help themselves with that kind of show. It was seeing by millions of people. All those people have that in their minds or subconscious.

We can do the same but the opposite with positive thoughts.

Here is an example : In plain sight. Opening Ceremony Of Olympic Games In London 2012 - Covid 19 Predictive Programming 9:50 min https://www.brighteon.com/124e5f43-6ac7-4477-a669-6860b59d41be

Cymatics: Chladni Plate - Sound, Vibration and Sand 1:43 min https://youtu.be/tFAcYruShow

How Do a Plate, Violin Bow, and Sand Enable Us to See Sound? 1:11 min https://youtu.be/D03Q7DkWotg

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That is a fascinating post.. I hope it stays up so I can look at this further. I will take a short look. interesting. thanks.

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We have to stay together! (Not related to the group Lockingshields. I am using this video to rally the troops. Thank you.)

https://youtu.be/LWRfWr65rlg 1:25 min

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I love that proverb! I'm going to have to remember that!

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Sep 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As always, your thoughts are helpful and useful for me and my husband. We are forever grateful we found you on Twitter, and we're able to navigate this pandemic with knowledge and information. My husband is a microbiologist and when we first listened to your talks, I asked him if this all made sense. He said absolutely. You and Jill have been lifesavers! Love you both!

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Sep 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Breggins are destroying their own reputations with this nonsense. I say, just stand back and watch them implode. They must be horribly miserable people, as are all the other haters and trolls. Very dark stuff.

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Completely agree. Children in an adult world of more in common than not. No respect from us. Much for Dr McCullough and Dr Zelenko and a number of Front line Docs. Do not forget

Dr. Simone Gold, taking a hit for speaking at white house Jan 6. She was invited. Now in prison in Miami 6 months. Together, United we stand.

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I just can't accept that so quickly. Something is up. It needs to be further explored. I hope someone with the connections can bring these parties together for a great discussion.

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This issue has nothing to do with any of that.

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Thanks for letting me know who. I have never heard of them but will make sure to avoid them like the plague.

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deletedSep 6, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022
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I agree with you. I had respected Breggin before this. He has some interesting perspectives on the Covid debacle. He is only hurting himself. Hubris is a man’s downfall, every time.

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I bought and read the Breggins' Global Predators book early on and benefitted from it. I have not heard anything from them since and am sorry to hear that they seem to have gone off the rails.

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I read it a while back too. I thought it was good. I even subscribed to his podcast for a while but when it didn’t hold my attention I dropped it. I didn’t realize this whole conflict was happening until now. But it makes me want to read Desmitts book!

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I read Desmet's book and found I would rather listen to his interviews than read his writing. The book is well written, but I didn't need to get that deeply into psychology. I think the part specifically about mass formation began in Chapter 6 and I was tempted to skip the other and go directly to that, but I soldiered on and read it all.

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Thanks for making me aware of the interview with Professor Saad. I don't know how I missed that, I generally check out all the American Thought Leaders episodes.

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Sep 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I pray that the Breggins choose to have a conversation with you and Mattias, whether it's public or private. On my end, I stand by my earlier offer to host the conversation, uncomfortable as it may be, on my podcast, and put every drop of my good will into that. Nobody is benefiting from this horrible feud!!! Nobody.

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Sep 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And while having a thick skin is a prerequisite to being a public figure, I am sorry that you have to deal with it. The entire affair is heartbreaking. And at a time when we all need to be working together even over disagreements because our survival depends on it?!!!!!

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I just posted this to address the difference between the healing mind and the missionary mind. The missionary zeal is really not good at all, and there seems to be a lot of it involved in this heartbreaking schism.


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Yes, clearly some massive misunderstandings and incorrect inferences.

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It they "got the call" they are doing as told. Perhaps not worth it to engage at all?

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Sep 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Evil knows no bounds Dr. Malone, I thank you for what you and your wife are doing. Your courage is inspiring. Easy for me to say, but stay strong, we need you!

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Sep 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Divide and conquer works really well and has served elites for as long as human society has fostered them. If the powers that be can divide the health freedom movement, they will win. I do think the Breggins are upset that they have not achieved the celebrity that they think they deserve. That is just the impression I have from watching an interview or two with Mr. Breggin. As for "conspiracy theorists" I am sure you know that the term was never widely used until the CIA promoted its use as a way to respond to the cogent (and time has proved them correct) critics of the Warren Report. Mark Crispin Miller and others have documented this and can cite a specific memo that promotes use of this term. Yes, we are the victim of conspiracies, but they are easily traced from open sources as James Corbett often demonstrates. Anyway...even down here in the weeds many of us have a problem dealing with the unpleasantness, stupidity and fear all around us, and the rage from others and the frustration within ourselves. I can only imagine what it must be like to be accused falsely of being immoral and a criminal, especially when you have done so much good which is clear from the high volume of personal attacks against you. Those of us who support your substack know the truth. If people want to blame Dr. Malone for the evils of Big Pharma, technocrats, and globalists why don't they go and first have a conversation with their family doctor (if they have one) or their local hospital administrator and demand some answers for the crimes against humanity that have been going down. Sorry for the disjointed thoughts. TAKE HEART! WE SUPPORT YOU!!

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Sep 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I cannot read your whole post right now. But just want to say I’m sorry you dealt with that. There are many people in the world who KNOW that you’re just trying to do good and trying to help. (Joe Rogan says he never reads the comments. Good plan.)

Please take care of you!!! 💜💜💜

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You are doing God's work and it is much appreciated by so many. Thank you. I know the toll is great.

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I thank you, Dr malone, for giving me comfort in this storm.

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It's a difficult environment in so many ways. Trust has been shredded in our institutions and leaders and many see the elevation of 'experts' as a big part of the problem. We're all aware that controlled ops exist and the cumulative effect is to be hyper diligent to not get duped again. Difficult. I think the more dialog the more transparency the better, as we move along together. Differences of opinion are okay. We don't have to agree, but we also don't have to attack. Thank you.

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Sep 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for your courage! I'm sorry that you are being attacked by some of the "low lifes" out there that think the way to get ahead is to attack those that are genuinely doing good. I truly admire you and Jill and send prayers for you both!

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Sep 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It's difficult to decide which party is speaking truth when parties who were trusted and in agreement begin to tear each other apart. I'm seeing this happening in more than one place. Time for truth seekers to stop fanning the flames and use discernment in what to believe. You know you're over the target when you become the target.

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