Jul 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Is it time? Or wealth, or lack there of? Not sure, but what has been left behind in modern convenience diets is homemade stews and soups.

A great dinner on a cold day is stew. We will take all our beef, sheep or game bones after butcher (Long bones are cut into 4-6 inch pieces and froze. We'll also freeze the bones remaining after roasts, etc for stews). We will slowly simmer them for a day or so. All the remaining meat, tendon, marrow, all of it, falls off or dissolves into the base. A half hour or so before dinner, add garden carrots, potatoes, parsnips, whatever else feels right for that pot, sometimes frozen green beans atop the servings. In our view, there isn't much better than a neck stew. Sections are complete, neither muscle nor tissue removed, 3 or 4 whole vertebrate depending on size and simmered all day.

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Funny, I just had a friend bring homemade beef stew, made the way you recommend. It was wonderful!

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Yep. If you are buying half or whole local beef from trusted farm, definitely take your share of the organ meats, and have the butcher cut and freeze your bones. If you're embarrassed to ask, and alot are, tell butcher you have a couple dogs. (you'll be amazed at the amount of liver from a whole beef)

One of the best traditional cooking books I've found is Dorina Allen's "Forgotten Skills of Cooking"

We quit grains years ago. Our spagetti now is sauce from our heirloom Roma type tomato-Black Pearl. Great. Boil down tomatoes to qt or 2 sauce, add couple pounds ground beef, maybe a little honey to sweeten, pour over Zuccini noodles--cut long in spiral, lightly sauteed.

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Sounds yummy!

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Jul 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

2nd comment from me today: Substack has to change its payment plan. Hoping you can add your voice to this Robert. Netflix allowed customers to see hundreds of movies and support thousands of employees (directors, key grips, actors, cinematographers, writers, etc) from dozens of companies with even more staff... for $9.99 per month. Online subscriptions to newspapers with hundreds of staff are a couple bucks a month. Substack wants us to pay a minimum of $5/mo to be able to comment on very important stories. Made by one sole person. Some writers will only allow you to read their life saving information if you pay (not dr. Malone, to his credit). I can't support the dozens of substack writers who need my support at $5/mo. There has to be a revenue sharing plan where you pay $9/mo or something and maybe you get to choose 20 substacks or something. Everyone will win. More paid subscribers and more writers getting supported. Everyone wins.

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I got tired of "the science" being used so carelessly. "The Science says" this or the science says that. No data cited to back it up... I wanted ACTUAL DATA. Soon after, other's put a finer point on it than I did, by starting to point out that "the science" was different than "science" - like it was a Trademark... but I was happy with my online handle by then. :)

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Jul 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have an autoimmune disease that destroys collagen, or so my functional medicine doctor told me. So I take a Collagen Complex of types I, II, V & X. It has the GMP… but it’s bovine and fish, chicken bone broth, egg shell and includes 'DegSEB Digestive Enzyme Blend'. Hopefully, my long term use is helping.

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That is my situation. The difference is: my doctor only speaks in medication and injections.

I do my own research and take bone broth but this article is a wonderful help. Hopefully, you ARE gaining much benefit. I will try this.

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Medicine has its place… however, it can be overused and they nearly always have negative side effects, as I assume you are well aware of. A Functional Medicine doctor might be a good thing it look into.

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Absolutely, no doubt. I prefer to do as much organic as possible and physical exercises / yoga first. So far, 33yrs and doing well without adding biologics.

Yes, Functional Dr. is great suggestion. None in my location. keep looking.

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OR, look into alternative docs e.g. N.D.s, O.D.s, and Classical Chinese practitioners.

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I left a comment on this for Dr. Malone, already, but try this Multi Collagen Peptides Protein Powder Hydrolyzed (Type I II III V X), but I will leave it again for you, because you probably will not see the other comment, it is WAY down at the bottom. It is not expensive, easy to take (it has no taste); I put it in my smoothie, and my husband puts it in his coffee. I got relief from arthritis hand pain after 3 or 4 doses, and my husband takes it for his bad knee.


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I know you’ve already stated you don’t want to recommend particular products, Dr. Malone, and I respect and understand that. Is there any chance you could point those of us who are interested to a website(s) where you buy your supplements from? There are so many scams out there, any information (keywords to search on, can we find this on Amazon, etc) would be much appreciated! Thank you!

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Cee, I can recommend Vimergy for quite a few supplements. They are as pure a product as I have ever found.

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Thank you I had the same question

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Thanks! Checking them out now. Do they make a collagen supplement? Not seeing one on their website unless I’m missing something. Appreciate the reference!

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I left a comment on this for Dr. Malone, already, but try this Multi Collagen Peptides Protein Powder Hydrolyzed (Type I II III V X), but I will leave it again for you, because you probably will not see the other comment, it is WAY down at the bottom. It is not expensive, easy to take (it has no taste); I put it in my smoothie, and my husband puts it in his coffee. I got relief from arthritis hand pain after 3 or 4 doses, and my husband takes it for his bad knee.


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Thanks so much for the link!

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Why not boil some bones, and make a stew? Heck, if you cant find any bovine bones around in your area, im sure you could find a liberal neighbor, and kill two birds with one stone. Get your collagen and eliminate one Joe Biden vote at the same time !!

Haha !

Just joking


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Yes, Dr Malone, inquiring minds want to know what brand of collagen do you use?? I am totally fine with your choice - you know what to look for...

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I left a comment on this for Dr. Malone, already, but try this Multi Collagen Peptides Protein Powder Hydrolyzed (Type I II III V X), but I will leave it again for you, because you probably will not see the other comment, it is WAY down at the bottom. It is not expensive, easy to take (it has no taste); I put it in my smoothie, and my husband puts it in his coffee. I got relief from arthritis hand pain after 3 or 4 doses, and my husband takes it for his bad knee.


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Thanks so much!

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This is not where Dr. Malone purchases, but we get good results from this product. I even left a comment on this for Dr. Malone, already, because it has all 5 types of collagen. Check out this Multi Collagen Peptides Protein Powder Hydrolyzed (Type I II III V X). It is not expensive, and easy to take (it has no taste); I put it in my smoothie, and my husband puts it in his coffee. I got relief from arthritis hand pain after 3 or 4 doses, and my husband takes it for his bad knee.


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I am so happy to see you cover this topic because I too have benefitted from Collagen. I had started having difficulty holding my urine. Yes, I am older (72) and have had 4 children, but I just didn't believe this had that much to do with my problem. I did treat it as an infection at first with no results, in fact had to then overcome the side effects of the antibiotics. At the same time that the bladder weakness appeared my arthritic knees became unbearable. I seriously felt I was just falling apart. As a side note, my finger nails have been weak and thin, would break easily and just would never grow my entire life. Well, when the knees started to literally feel like the joints were going to fall apart, I started a "combination of collagens" in hopes of consuming all available collagens. I had suffered with the bladder problem for about 3 months, when I took a terrible fall resulting from/in the knee deterioration. I started taking a large dose of the collagen (3 x recommended dose) along with Vitamin C for better absorption, for my knees. Within 2 months my bladder problem just disappeared and within 4 more months my knees began to feel much, much better. At the 4 month point I also noticed my nails were definitely starting to improve. The nails have been a problem for the longest period of time so I am sure they will take the longest to totally improve. I would like to encourage women who believe they need to take drugs for their leaky bladders, to know that their problem may also be due to a drop in collagen. I know this is a huge problem out there and drugs will never get to the root cause of their problems. Thanks again Jill and Robert Malone.

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Thanks for the info about collagen and the bladder. I get relief from arthritis pain in my hands, with this Multi Collagen Peptides Protein Powder Hydrolyzed (Type I II III V X). I take it once a day, so I will up it to 3 x day, and see if it helps MY bladder problem. (I will be 78 in Nov.)


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My late wife was helped by a vibrator device perhaps because we had age related sex issues. Kegels at 80? The couple that play....

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Me too. I don't eat meat but for years i.have taken a Bovine sourced collagen. I ran and climbed plus lifted weights. My knees started to hurt. All.better now. Age 77!, Glad your feeling better.

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Jul 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I salt my food well even apples. I have low blood pressure. I eat all of the fat on the meat and try to get the meat with the most fat. The technician said my carotid artery scan showed a cleanliness usually only seen in infants. As the article stated digestive power decreases with age. I am sure you all know that from experience.

Kefir will remedy that. Make your own. It is simple and easy. I convinced my friend to try it which was difficult because he is totally brainwashed by the eggs are good eggs are bad eggs are good eggs are bad crowd. He is a totally different person now. It even cured his extreme allergies.

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Jul 12, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023

Every store bought kefir is basically worthless, except for Trader Joe's goat milk kefir. However, it is only a shadow of the power in home made.

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Diamond? Mind telling your age? And how long on the high salt, high animal fat intake?

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70, ouch. All my life. Rack of lamb😋But I just realized I don't eat cooked salt. I don't like it it tastes lousy. My mom cooked every meal. It was real food. No packaged stuff no canned stuff, tasted great so I just kept on like that. Package stuff tastes lousy stuff with chemicals tastes lousy. I simply go by tastes, and mine are not perverted with chemicals. I would never listen to anybody with this is good-this is bad reasons and it looks like I was right.

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So do you use (real) sea salt?

(also) Very close to 77 - DOUBLE ouch!

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Jul 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you so much for helping us navigate through this. This is also true for your domestic pets. The dry kibble, even canned has little nutritional value, promotes dehydration and can drastically reduce the long term quality of life. Including lack of collagen. I am just adding this as an FYI. I supplement the kibble with various raw meats, bone broth and some fruits and veges. I can share the recipe for anyone interested. (pup loaf) :-) It's pretty gross, but they love it.

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My dog was not doing well at 14 years of age so I saw a naturopathic vet and she recommended getting her off kibble and cooking for her. Meats, veggies, some fruit and a good quality carb like yam, sweet potato, brown rice. Took her back to my regular vets a few months later to re-do tests for kidney and liver function. They were stunned! The improvement was dramatic. The next visit there was a book available to borrow in their waiting room on recipes to cook for your dog! Credit to them. She lived well to 17 years of age, which was terrific for a 37 pound dog. It was worth the bit of extra time it took to cook for her and it was an act of love that I know she appreciated.

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I cook for my dog. Breakfast, I tell her Daddy first then Sophie. She won't eat the same meal for days so I have to rotate.

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Do you know what the book was, and did you think it looked good? I’ve been wanting to improve my dogs’ diet.

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Please do share your pet recipe for supplementing kibble. And thank you very much.

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DJ, I feed my cats an all raw diet that is already supplemented with organic ingredients. They make both raw and cooked, and even a choice of grass fed beef. I am fortunate to have the food from Woody's Pet food deli in Mpls. The movement is catching on.

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Mary, thanks for your offer to share your recipe for the Pup Loaf. So please do. Several have requested it. Thanks!

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Here is the recipe, I've been off sub stack for a while, I'm sorry it took so long! https://drjudymorgan.com/blogs/recipes/how-to-make-homemade-puploaf

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Sep 21, 2023·edited Sep 21, 2023

I would do that too, but I'm not cooking Lamb. Have to have lamb, because one is allergic to beef AND poultry. She ate Salmon with her first sister, but wouldn't eat it after Lady Bug passed, 5 yrs ago. They were both allergic to rice and other things in most foods; Bug was even allergic to the sweet potatoes that Buttons eats now. When they have allergies, food selection is hard. AvoDerm does seem to be a good quality food. They eat the Lamb and Sweet Potato. Their canned food is Wellness brand; the same flavor, and has things like flax seed in it. The freeze-dried Lamb Lung, being organ meat, is good for them as goodies. They also eat frozen green bean pieces. They like most any vegetable if it is frozen. My avatar is their photo; Sassy and Buttons. Good luck with your babies.

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Jul 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for writing on this topic showing the science for supporting supplementation of collagen for OA, as I have not tried that before but now will. You had mentioned glyphosate and depletion of vitamins in the food supply, I just happened to find this article from 2014 that shows it was in 75% of rain and air samples. There is a study linked within: https://www.globalresearch.ca/monsantos-roundup-found-in-75-of-air-and-rain-samples/5371398

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Jen, if you want more info on soil and glyphsate, read Zach Bush M.D. He really knows more than the average bear about soil and travels the world educating farmers.

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Ditto re: Zach Bush - amazing human being/doc.

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Thank you DD, I will look into that.

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So many changes in American health they pinpoint to starting about 1950. I wish we lived near a farm. I have not had a decent egg since I arrived in the USA, except once, when my husband brought some from a farm in Wisconsin.

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You may be familiar with cardiologist, Dr. Steven Gundry. It's hard to miss him, he is everywhere on the internet promoting his various formulations of supplements, etc. He also emphasizes, in his info-marketing missives, the critical importance of a well-sourced diet. Because of his recommendations and since I still eat beef, I buy/eat only organic hamburger from grass-fed (not grain-fed) cattle. Supposedly, the omega-3/omega-6 ratio is far healthier for human consumption.

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Dr Gundry was also the first Doc to signal the potential problems with the vaccines. He interviewed me in 2019 about my gut wellness book on his podcast . . . he is a great Doc with a wonderful CV. And great marketing!

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Yes, I noticed how Dr. Gundry came out against vaccines very early; perhaps had the first clinical evidence of anyone on the subject. That was when I knew he was truly dedicated to truth and holism in medicine.

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He wrote the plant paradox, about the veg to avoid to prevent leaky gut. He also sells a supplement to prevent the adverse effects from plant protective mechanisms. His olive oil is very expensive, I find it at half the price on amazon. A lot of those on a serious carnivore diet I think fear plant lectins, but cooking will destroy most of them. Dr. Gundry eats mostly vegetables and seafood he said in an interview. I love the knowledge that Georgi Dinkov relays, he is not a doc but Dr. Mercola gives him much merit, and I think Dr. Mercola is on the cutting edge of health info.

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Jul 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So we should be eating the whole animals or at least a good bone broth occasionally from good beef.

My dd and I would crave a certain Pho that had tripe, tendons etc in it. I wonder if that’s partly why

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Jul 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm not sold on the use of collagen, though my functional med doc recommends it, so I'm kind of in the "maybe" camp. It reminds me too much of the fat makes you fat nonsense. Right, and eating hair will cure baldness. Logical, no?

Magnesium is vitally important with your heart issues. If you are taking any meds to relax your blood vessels, you can probably dump it and figure out how much magnesium to take instead. And you'll sleep better if you take it just before bed.

If you have any heart damage (who doesn't if they've had serious heart issues?), then you'll want to read Metabolic Cardiology by Stephen Sinatra and start taking his trio for helping the heart muscle to rebuild (can improve ejection fraction and thus reverse heart failure): CoQ-10, L-carnitine and magnesium.

Get healthy and stay healthy!

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Magnesium is the bomb! Yep - there are some good articles about how Mg has decreased in soil and commercial crops over time as cardiac issues have increased in inverse proportion over the same time. The charts are pretty compelling. I included Magnesium in a substack essay about a year ago but had many heart supplements listed, but it may time to do one just on Magnesium.

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This article on collagen and hydrolyzed collagen by Mr and Mrs Malone is very informative. I honestly don't know how they have the time to put together all this great useful information. I have been taking magnesium, taurine, vitamin D and K2 and will also look at hydrolyzed collagen. Thank you.

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Repair of tissue particularly takes place in the third stage of the sleep cycle (falling asleep, light sleep, deep sleep, REM), which becomes shorter with aging. So good sleep is a good additional factor here.

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Jul 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Good Article on collagen, Dr. Malone. Good helpers for collagen are vitamin C, 6 to 10 g/day, and citrus bioflavenoids, 1000 mg to 2000 mg per day. The bioflavenoids made a huge improvement in my joints 25 years ago. They have been functioning well with no pain since.

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My twin brother came up to stay for two weeks recently. Unable to practice his Keto diet at home, as his wife is a pasta/bread-aholic, he enrolled me into a keto diet and a period of fasting. Lots of beef. My overall health improved markedly, quickly.

Unfortunately, I too love bread, so the effects have diminished since he went home and my consumption of bread picked back up...though not to pre-keto levels.

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Look at Hero Seeded Breads, very low carbo for "bread" tastes good too

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Consider switching to gluten free bread. May or may not help.

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Do you recommend Einkorn flour? Great product with lower gluten, using an ancient type of wheat. jovial products.

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Once again, Thank You, Drs. Malone. This is wonderful information (with science!) for those of us interested in good supplementation.

I remain amazed at the spectrum of great information we enjoy getting from you both!! God Bless. Peace to all.

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We get 99% of our meats from a local company that sources only from regional small farms - all grass-fed and finished, pasture raised etc. In addition to muscle meats, we can get offal too.

We also get chicken skin, backs and feet and beef marrow bones. Easy to make up a great batch of broth by including a couple of carrots, celery, all of an onion or whatever other veg trimming we've frozen. Always have a two gallon jug in a fridge.

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