Processed foods are the COVID injectable of the dietary world, and the USDA’s food pyramid is the equivalent of the COVID narrative in the food industry (e.g., Pfizer = Kellogg’s).

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Aug 16, 2022·edited Aug 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I think processed dog food makes dogs sick too. My dog eats like me. A meat and a vegetable. An egg and a vegetable. Fresh fruit for dessert. Etc.

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I make my dog's food. He sometimes eats a more balanced diet than I do. I'm working on feeding myself better but he's eating good in the meantime.

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Take a look at the CEO of Kraft food. I 1000% can tell you he IS NOT eating the crap he sells.

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Neither is Bill Gates. Heme. Gross. Among other things. Guaranteed he does not sit down to that monster fake meat. He wants the useless to eat that. He, meanwhile, enjoys cows. No need for heme. Or the adrenal glands of children. Haha. One or the other.

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I keep trying to tell my sister that things like Beyond Burger that is made with Heme is NOT heath food. It is highly processed. I'd rather eat steer.

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There is also a short movie. A must watch for the beyond brains crowd.

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Thank you! Great site and info!

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Absolutely! ‼️‼️‼️

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I am so happy you are covering this doc!

If you really want to see how bad the institutions and people who govern over our lives and health have lied to us I challenge you to do a strict carnivore diet for 6 weeks and report back on how you feel at the 6 week mark.

I started carnivore diet a little less than 2 years ago after my friend - who had MS - got off his meds and went from being bed ridden to living his best life. Recently - after 2 years on carnivore - he had NEGATIVE BRAIN SCANS.

Most of these chronic diseases from MS to Psoriasis to Anxiety to Depression to Diabetes didn’t exist 120 years ago. Certainly not in any countable numbers. There was a point in time where cancer and heart disease COMBINED for less than 1% human mortality. What changed the most since then? Our diets.

I started the carnivore diet because I started having horrible autoimmune symptoms myself. Within weeks I started feeling better.

Since then I have lost over 35lbs, had autoimmune disorder symptoms totally go away, stopped my chronic anxiety and panic disorder, stopped taking all medications and supplements (except vitamin D), stopped snoring, increased my metrics in weight training, had all my chronic joint pain and inflammation from 20+ years of jiu jitsu go away, watched my skin clear up, have increased daily energy, reduced brain fog, stopped needing caffeine, stopped bloating and feeling gassy after meals, stopped having chronic heartburn (actually I haven’t had heartburn at all in over a year now), started having amazingly fast recovery times from work outs, reduced my blood pressure, reduced my standing heart rate, increased my motivation and all around mood, increased libido, started sleeping better, stopped with daily sinus problems, eliminated typical body odor, and feel about 20 years younger overall.

Treating food as fuel and not entertainment has changed my life and many others. If you are suffering, maybe it is something to consider.

Here are a few articles I have written about my experience with the diet over the past year and a half on my Substack (The Rationalist is totally free for everyone):

Does Carnivore Diet really work for most chronic illnesses? https://joshketry.substack.com/p/does-carnivore-diet-really-work-for

My experience as a jiu jitsu athlete and carnivore:


What my first year on Carnivore Diet was like and how you could safely start it:


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I started keto in January or February and progressed to carnivore in July. It is so easy. No counting anything. Satisfying. I eat 2 meals a day. I did one meal a day twice and the second day I didn't feel well. So back to 2 meals a day and doing fine.

I stopped taking my diabetic meds in June. My A1C went from 6.8 to 5.6. Looking forward to the next visit with my endocrinologist.

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hell yeah! Love hearing this. Mostly how it drives a truth stake into the heart of these big Agra companies that are so obviously colluding with big pharma.

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Sure, but here I am at 71 only recently discovering all this. I assure you I am no slouch with information ingesting. I am constantly curious and read all the time in psychology, evolutionary biology, nutrition, and medicine.

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Never too late.

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Sounds like you are on the right path!!

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Does the carnivore diet involve high amounts of fruits and vegetables?? Have you seen the movie “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead”?

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Zero fruits and vegetables. Literally only ruminant meats. So for me burgers and steaks. No sides no seasonings. Just salt and red meat.

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Five years ago, at 58 yrs I gave up processed grains,Dairy, sugars . Started eating grass fed natural meats only and organic vegetables and fruits. After withdrawals I shed 60 pounds, Lowered my bad cholesterol and raised my HDL ( without cholesterol medicine ) eating meat every day including my favorite unprocessed bacon. Every cell in your body requires cholesterol. Keep a clean liver and it will regulate your cholesterol naturally. Unvaccinated never tested positive for Covid but have antibodies.

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That is amazing! I have to be a little more careful because certain plants will trigger autoimmune reactions for me. So stone fruits (like cherries, peaches or avocado), nuts, etc.

Even regular eggs and dairy will. If I eat eggs they must be soy and corn free (so pasture raised on bugs). Chickens do not have 4 stomachs to pull out the toxins in PUFAS. But cows and all other ruminants do. So red meat like bison, cow, deer, elk, etc are all cleared of toxins naturally.

As for dairy I have to have the raw A2 protein dairy which is harder to find. But it is SO much better for humans. My wife is allergic to milk (not lactose intolerant but actually allergic). She can have the raw A2 dairy as well. But it is also hard to find.

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I'm lucky to find unhomogenized Jersey A2 milk locally. I wish I could get unpasteurized but the Provincial government WILL and has arrested farmers who have tried. I used to get some in NY state but our kind still need to quarantine for 2 weeks getting back into Canada so that isn't happening.

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I have so much empathy for my Canadian friends. I live in Buffalo NY so basically I am half Canadian lol

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You got it! Grass fed - and finished - meats, no/low dairy & sugar, plus organic everything.

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Aug 16, 2022·edited Aug 17, 2022


lots of good work shows the amount of body cholesterol is far more a function of blood sugar than actual cholesterol intake by ingestion, like Dr. Malone says, less processed starch - Linus Pauling did that one famous study...

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Cholesterol is what I believe fixed my friend's MS.

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I don't follow a special diet but focus on natural food. I have to say, I feel the best when dinner is meat or fish and vegetables. I have fruit with a high fiber breakfast. I'm healthy at 65.

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Why do you not season your meat?

I eat a meat-centric diet but I eat fruits and vegetables. I use a lot of seasonings. I occasionally make sauces with sugar. I have no trouble maintaining my weight and I have an athletic body. I am curious if there is much to be gained by becoming a purist carnivore.

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What do you do for vitamin C? Supplements? Scurvy is definitely a thing.

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Aargh matey - Ye eat fruit and whole food supplements. That’ll keep the scurvy walkin the plank.

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You get everything you need from red meat except Vitamin D from the sun. There are hundreds of thousands of people on strict carnivore and none of us get scurvy. Here is why:


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just watch that purine intake to avoid gout

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My friend had chronic gout. He lost 140 lbs on carnivore and hasn’t had a flare up in over a year. He did have one when he first started the diet but not anymore. Red meat is not the cause. Our ancestors never had gout. And the Inuits who only eat meat for thousands of years don’t have it either.

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OK, I've done more reading, and it appears that scurvy is rare in people using the carnivore diet because fresh meat does contain some minimal amount of vitamin C. Now do you really believe that minimal amount of vitamin C is sufficient for optimal health?

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Also to be clear - I was a vegan previously

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To me the proof is in the pudding. Compare literally any strict long term carnivore to their previous self. Or to any long term vegan. Or easily compare me to myself 2 years ago. It is repeatable. Is it the most optimal? I’m not sure. But it is light years better than where I have ever been before.

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I didn’t see that movie yet

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Great movie. Also, catch Forks Over Knives if you can. But no matter how "healthy" a food is, it is always possible to have a negative reaction.

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Although I've never tried a special diet, I read the books by Atkins and the lesser known Newbold back in the 80s. Same general idea: major diet changes could lead to dramatic improvements in chronic ailments. One common theme in those I recall is the admonition to strictly limit, if not eliminate entirely, sugars, grains and simple carbs.

As a Devil's Advocate (not just doorknob 😉) I often point out that the doctor probably shouldn't be blamed too much. Even if wisdom says that a change in diet, or giving up known bad habits, would tend to better health, the sad truth is that few patients are willing to do so. Thus, the best the doctor can offer is to treat symptoms as best he can. None of this is to excuse government and other regulators from promoting certain foods, drugs, etc. that are known to be sub-optimal, and sometimes even harmful. It's hardly a new problem. The recommended diet looks (looked) that way it did, at least in part, because of the Corn lobby, the Sugar lobby, the wheat lobby, etc.

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...and the pharmaceutical lobby, which seems to be in collusion with all of these.

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Not to mention the dairy lobby. We are the only species that drinks milk after weaning….

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A1 dairy is not good. A2 dairy is pretty healthy for you. At least with my experience

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Especially when it’s raw milk, grass fed and finished.

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I think carnivore eating, along with fasting/intermittent fasting provides miraculous results. Looking forward to subscribing to your substack!

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Thanks! Appreciate it! It is not all carnivore. In fact a lot of it is about how we can fix the corruption in government and all the entities that govern our lives. Mostly using transparency, decentralization, and technology to prevent corruption. Thanks for subscribing!

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I will not kill anybody to eat but even if I would want to: just a little bit of meat will make me get a very bad food poisoning. It depends so much on your background, if your ancestors ate manly meat: you also can, other cultures can better digest fish meat. I'm from a culture of vegetarians so I don't have the right bacteria to digest it and can even die of it (almost did once as someone found it ridiculous and gave me something containing meat.

There are also people who really can't function without, just like you have cultures who can't digest milk and those who can, this has all to do with physical antropology: we are all different and for a huge part that depends on how we developed when we moved away from Africa. Happy for you you got rid of so many complaints.

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Also in order to eat plants thousands of animals are killed in tilling and harvesting. So when you say you will “not kill anybody to eat” does that mean you grow and handpick all your own foods?

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Sorry for having the feeling you respond as if I attacked you for your choices as to me you respond a bit as if you are bitten and ask for the so called "known way". I believe everybody is known with these cultures and I simply can't summarise years of study in a few words. if I'm wrong and you are truly interested in answers and don't see your diet as a religion: you start with Physical Anthropology, here you will learn, amongst many other things, how humans developed, migrated over the world, how they adapted their diets to where they live and how most cultures/people are omnivores: needing animal protein and vegetables, how some found a way to survive mostly on fish etc. Some ancient cultures only ate fish and meat on special occasions; it actually is a very interesting subject.

A bit of Biology will help you understand the physical basics to process food. Some Linguistics will help you to read (I think you can and this makes that I get the feeling you feel attacked and the need to try to do it back) as I think everybody who can read, does know perfectly well what is meant by "I don't kill…" -> the intention to kill someone purely to eat them. Not talking about when you breathe in an insect or step on one you don't see etc. It is about not calling someone into life with only one goal: eat him; I will never do that as I will not do other things: we all are different. aren't we, that makes humans interesting; their choices.

I've seen many people changing their diets to carnivore, veganism and everything in between, they all say the same: they feel so well, just great! If you feel happy with it, do it, don't be religious about it and respect other peoples choices as well, if they already have a choice. Some people really can't live without meat, it is just not possible, my best friend wants to be vegetarian but can't do without meat; it is as it is. To others it is not possible to eat the tiniest bit of it. As I did with you, I am happy for you, told about other experiences, no offend at all as I am in general a neutral being, having my imperfections as well: many of them, like a lot! I still can see facts apart from my beliefs, principles or situation and am sorry if I gave you the impression I intended any offense.

India is known for vegetarian cultures but is not the only place. Many Asian cultures/people however you put it, can't digest milk as many western people can. Just a hint. My family is vegetarian for generations and that is all private information I will give on this.

About your assumption you are right: yes, we grow our own food, make everything ourselves. Don't eat what you can't make yourself is what we practise in daily life and yes, some exceptions, when we eat at friends, in a restaurant, if you want, you of course can start now with: you don't make your zucchini yourself… ;-). Our closest shop is several hours walking through the mountains away: we hardly ever see it. No mobile covering, barely internet; not a problem, I seldom am on the internet outside study and work related usage of a computer, as such I always have to chose what I do, on what I respond or not.

We grow several hundred kinds of vegetables, herbs and fruits and are active in saving old and often endangered varieties for the future. We have our own water, collect rainwater and have a well, we have a compost toilet (and sure kill some microbes while composting, providing others with a good living environment). We make sure insects have a good place as well with making shelters, drinking places, feeding plants and always have some extra plants to move so called "pests" to: so the caterpillar has a cabbage, sharing it with others and we keep an eye on it, making sure they have enough and we have another. We have made places for all kinds of animals in the garden and they feel welcome, from lizard and snake to deer; we work with nature, not against it so no bare ground: everything covered, all plants mixed, don't plough, no pesticides, no herbicides (this is forbidden by our county for many decades already).

So we indeed pick our food ourselves and check it for insects and other creatures. After harvesting seeds and grains, we set the bucket aside with a stick in it and leave it alone for a day so every living being in it has a chance to get out before we grind it to bake bread or make pasta (for instance) and we check it an extra time; we do what we can do. The hens live with the roosters: enough room and older hens lay fewer male eggs anyway, there are many ways to prevent an egg from being fertilised so no worries about that part. The neighbours have cows and don't slaughter: a calf is needed only once and not every year. Bulls go to the bull-meadow behind our home; they can live together perfectly. From the milk that is left, we make butter, yogurt, cheese. We grow our own Soybeans to make tempeh, tofu, soysauce, miso etc. It can be easily done next to our full time jobs and studies as we both never stopped studying.

I always like to share our way of living, the only personal information I share without problems; hopefully it inspires more people than it already did up to now.

Wishing you all the best and lots of health; it is the most precious in your life after all.

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It took a while for my gut biome to change. My gut biome was used to Oreo cookies and deep fried chicken wings. Now it is used to meat. But it is true our gut biome is super important. But it is not permanent. It can change and adapt.

Also, what cultures of people can't digest milk? I have only heard of certain proteins reacting - namely the bad A1 proteins found in most store bought milk. But A2 protein dairy is digestible for most people - even my wife who has a milk allergy. Turns out it is a very specific protein in only certain milk.

Can you share what culture you are from that were vegetarians? Most cultures on Earth had meat as their main sources of food for most of humanity.

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I love the term you used of “ultra-processed foods.” There are so many who have been brainwashed to believe that milk can come from oats, soybean, or almonds. Those milk substitutes are ultra-processed foods. Imagine what has to be done to get any of those items to look and taste like milk. We learned over decades that margarine (fake butter) isn’t better for you than real butter. And, yet, many have recently been brainwashed to believe that vegetables can substitute for meat. Vegetables that have been reformed and laced with chemicals to have the taste and texture of meat are ultra-processed foods. When will industry and advertisers be held accountable and have to be truthful regarding healthiness of all foods? And when will consumers learn that ultra-processed food isn’t real food and isn’t healthy?

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When we get rid of the idiots complains about climate change which matches up totally with Ice core samples and the cycles of the sun, we are entering a cycle of lower sun activity as the sun burns down. It is not cow farts that is making high Co2 levels - check out all the cheap crap from China and their air pollution and read something besides the NYT lies and listening to CNN and then read Substack and do your own research to read what good people like Dr Malone, Dr Ryan Cole, Steve Kirsch, read a bit about old native methods and herbs and for heaven sakes stop and talk to the oldest neighbors and relatives who are minimum of 80 yrs old and find out about what they ate, mostly because you went to buy it at local markets, ate lots of meat, drank raw milk or less processed anyway, drank from a garden hose, played outside every day until the moon rose, did not have a cell phone to bury your nose in all day and talked to your friends and family if you could meet after supper or get the party line but then your gossip would be all over town before you got up for school or work the next day. And your garden or neighbors garden grew a lot of good things to eat. And what boy or girl didn’t break an arm once in awhile climbing in an apple tree.

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Hey it sounds like your killing Bill Gates Picnic products! That's not going to sit well with our would be lord and master from the WEF

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;) Absolutely Intentional .....

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Aug 16, 2022·edited Aug 16, 2022

My husband eats protein bars and drinks protein shakes all the time. It drives me nuts. He insists they are health food. I don’t touch any of that stuff, personally.

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I understand. I have those exact conversations with family and friends too. I’ve found that standing strong on my knowledge and beliefs along with accepting family and friends are adults who must make their own health choices works best for me.

By having the conversation, you have done all you can. You can let the topic go and enjoy every moment you and your husband have together. You don’t need to hold on to the worry or frustration. Enjoy life together.

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Oh believe me, this is the last thing I’m worried about. He goes along with the mask-and-vax crowd, which is not okay with me at ALL.

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That would really really worry me, sending you a lot of love and strength. i would not be able to cope with that.

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It has been a nightmare, especially since I believe the Moderna jab killed my mom.

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I’m so sorry to hear about your Mom. Bad covid policies killed my Dad. Once he tested positive the medical team decided he wasn’t hungry and stopped feeding him. He lost a lot of weight very quickly. The night before he died they let my sister and her adult son into see Dad. When family started trying to get Dad to drink water and eat, the medical team kicked them out due to needing to get “another covid test.” The next day my sister desperately tried to get back in to see Dad. She sat in the parking lot for several hours. The medical team finally let her back into see Dad minutes after he died. He didn’t need to die alone with his daughter sitting in the parking lot.

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Protein bars are candy bars with sugars. New Zealand whey isolate unflavored is healthy.

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Shoot - I eat protein bars and drink protein shakes after lifting - so these things are part of the ultra processed bad foods too? 😫

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Eat a steak instead. 🙂

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Organic, grass-fed, pasture-raised!

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I use whey and casein protein powder. I eat steak too but I wouldn't want to eat a steak right before bed (casein is awesome in this regard). It's a lifting diet hack backed by science.

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we should not see them as milk substitutes but as a product of its own, many juices of plants are called "milk". It is not difficult to "make them look like milk" because they already do. We drink milk, raw of course, but we also grow soybeans and ferment them to Tempeh or Tofu and depending on what kind of tofu you make, you get milk from soybeans, a rest product. You can also turn it around and make soy-milk and use what is left to make wonderful, very healthy other stuff most Asians know for hundreds of years. Dried soybeans, soaked in water, grind them, put through a sieve and you have soy-milk: white and tasting like....soy-milk. Almonds can be treated the same way and is also known for so long. I've never had any of those milks that tasted like milk, not even like milk bought at a supermarket (yuck per definition), maybe it differs per country.

Meat is often a substitute for vegetables by the way, western people never ate that much meat as many do, I've studied diets for many years, just out of interest, and you see in the West a rise of meat consumption after WWII, before that it were mainly the rich. Burgers have been made from everything, mainly vegetables and most animal proteins we got from insects. Many cultures all over the world have been vegetarian for ages, others mainly carnivores, others mainly fish eaters: we humans can eat a lot and can have a variety of healthy diets; thankful for that! The main problem with food, also meat, is the ultra processing, you see it everywhere. Gluten intolerance: when dough can go for hours, a night, most people with gluten intolerance can eat it. Many lactose intolerant people can drink raw milk. We really should step away from the industry, I love his post of Robert for that!

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Not all are necessarily highly processed. I have no problems with dairy, but sometimes I like a nut milk. I can't speak for what's sold at the store or used in a restaurant but if you make some at home in a blender, it's no worse than the nuts, water and perhaps spices added to it. As with many blender foods, tastes exquisite as long as you consume it immediately.

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I literally spit out my ultraprocessed coffee creamer flavored coffee watching that Babylon bee skit 😂

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There is no cream in the creamer. Just chemicals!

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yeah... but you can label it “Real Creamer Matters” even if it doesn’t stand as real creamer...

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Aug 22, 2022·edited Aug 22, 2022

Yep! Creative marketing can distort the truth! Happens all the time and the FDA does nothing about it! Dr. Kessler was the last FDA commissioner that did and felt the wrath of big Pharma big agra big tobacco!

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Aug 16, 2022·edited Aug 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi Dr. Ma-Lion! A patient cured is a customer lost!

Big Ag that poisons us with GMOs and pesticides, Big Junk Food monopolies won't like us eating healthy any more than Big Pharma and the Medical industrial complex like us being healthy. It's bad for their bottom line.

I wish Vandana Shiva was running the green reset because the practices she promotes are good for people, animals and the environment. Gates's AG1 energy intensive, monopolistic, pollution spewing, cruel "one world agriculture" creates hell on earth.

I tell my kids everyday their physical health is one their biggest assets that needs to be preserved as long as possible.

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I appreciate this Doc, I just cut out energy drinks from my weekly diet and traded them in for green tea.

I feel like the association to trading-in ultra-processed foods for organic fruits and veggies is similar to trading in cocain for water.

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I do worry about the quality of the drinking water tho. They put all kinds of stuff in there, and they don’t test for all the bad stuff, just the REALLY bad stuff. How to ensure truly clean drinking water?

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Perhaps read up about the fluoride added to 70% of Americans' water, which is not the natural substance found in nature but a toxic by-product of the fertiliser industry and sold to the public as "safe and effective". Supposedly intended to protect and strengthen teeth when ingested regularly, few people question its effect on other organs of the body, including the brain. Fluoride is the only chemical added to water for the purpose of medical treatment and accumulates in the body. Think about it. The history of how it was foisted on an unknowing public is shockingly described in Christopher Bryson's book "The Fluoride Deception".

For general information - Fluoride Action Network is a good source of information:-



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Our city’s water supply has long been fluoridated. We started filtering our drinking/cooking water in 1981. Prior to that change I always felt nauseated. Nausea disappeared soon after fluoride was eliminated. Now there are so many other contaminants in the water everywhere. We take a travel Berkley with us wherever we go, but most people seem unaware. “Dark Waters” was a frightening movie that everyone should watch. The jab is just the latest deadly threat from corporate America! The government/Big Money does not care about our health and well-being. The planet is being devastated and we seem powerless to stop it. I lay awake at night worrying about the kind of life my two young granddaughters will face. Our family tries to live wholistically, yet it feels like we are aboard a sinking ship. I won’t give up, but it is hard to lead a conscious life in an unconscious world. I am so thankful to have found the Substack community. Reading these postings and the comments of so many like-minded people helps keep me going. Bless you all!

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...and it shuts off the Penial Gland in the brain— theorized to be the spiritual connection to the earth/universe

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Thank you for this!

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I’d be shocked if it was 70% of Americas water— the water tests/specs that I’ve seen in every place I have lived (around 30 residents throughout my lifetime) has had fluoride added; 100% might be closer to the truth 🤯

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Unfortunately, personal experience counts for little where statistics are concerned. Please refer to Fluoride Action Network for information on fluoride in America. Thanks to their longstanding efforts and those of local resident groups, fluoridation has been stopped in a number of locations.

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Very productive, thank you so much for posting your knowledge.

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I was literally reading yesterday PFAS in rainwater are making it unsafe to drink. We have poisoned the planet.

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Berkey water filter. Used one for 10 years best water you’ll ever taste. Removes 99.99% of toxins and viruses.

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100% I use a berkey too. It is also a great holiday gift for anyone you love

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Does it remove fluoride, chlorine etc?

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Berkey removes chlorine and many other contaminants. You can even use it to filter unpotable water. For fluoride removal, you need their fluoride filters, which are not always available. I also use a pitcher filter system called Clearly Filtered that removes everything bad. And we have a whole house water filter that removes the chlorine and about a third of the fluoride, plus other stuff. Remember that if you wash your hands and bathe in chlorinated water, your body absorbs the chlorine very quickly.

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These fit in a Berkey and remove flouride:


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Yes! I have heard that the skin absorbs toxins from the water, just as it absorbs Epsom salts and other GOOD things.

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You can get additions that remove fluoride.

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Love mine. Made my own from stainless steel pots!

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I’ll look into it!

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R.O. systems for under the sink to a spigot on your counter really aren’t that pricey... and with all the other (seemingly) intentional toxins being (seemingly) everywhere I’d say well (<--pun intended) worth the investment.

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Get a good water filter.

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Most water filters do not remove fluoride.

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That's right. Several posters here mentioned some that do. So they are the ones to get.

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Just a note; since reading this article my subconscious brain is refusing to eat the same as before, thanks doc, I’m feeling healthier every day now.

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I've been living eating healthy organic foods for 30+ years. Over the years the more I read the more I realize the wholer the food, the better. IE Full fat milk, grass fed beef.

The less we mess with our food the better it is for us. Like go figure eh?

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Go figure! The nature part of human nature is becoming extinct!

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I think you were reading my mind this morning Doc.


Big Food and Big Pharma working together created a nation of fat and sick people


The Aging Viking

4 hr ago

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Over sixty years ago I was the typical American housewife...totally ignorant about nutrition; until I had a wake-up call in 1961. A friend handed me some books and told me I was listening to the wrong people...and I was taken back by this remark. However, on opening the first book I saw information related to hyperactivity and tranquilizers. My son had just been diagnosed with hyperactivity...and put on tranquilizers. The first thing I read: SUGAR created HYPERACTIVITY The second thing my eyes fell on: TRANQUILIZERS STUNT the developing ORGANS of children. It totally shook my faith in my son's pediatrician, because sugar was in every food he recommended. At this point...I started reading and took charge of our dietary program; eliminated every food that had white sugar or white flour; and if I saw an additive or preservative on the label I rejected it. Over the next 61 years I eliminated ALL PROCESSED FOODS and entire categories of food. it took years to learn, but I don't have any physical ailments today and don't need drugs. I follow the advice of other healthy elders: keep out of doctor's offices. The end result: I am healthy at 88!

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Good for you! Many are waking up to the fact that Medical Care is NOT Health Care! Health Care starts with being pro-active and not relying on the "foxes to guard the hen houses." Med school does not teach much about good health...no money to be made if people know how to stay well. Simple truth: the right food and living a healthy lifestyle. Although, I am not into any particular religion, I would also add having a good personal relationship with our Creator.

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Thanks for the education and review. I still have a hard time with those damn Lays sour cream and onion chips. 😫. In all seriousness, we are what we eat. 🙂

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A Lay is a superlative way to begin or end a day 😎

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The pregnant man video from the Babylon Bee is funny!

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We had a milk cow and raw milk growing up. Dad would milk the cow and bring it in for mom to strain the hair and stuff out of the milk with cheese cloth. I loved the warm milk from the cow. I don’t think I would like the warm milk anymore. In the morning mom would scrape the cream off of the top. I wish we could still get raw milk.

Mom taught me how to make everything from scratch. So I don’t buy a lot of processed food. Now I do have a love of potato chips. I don’t buy them unless we have a barbecue. They are too tempting.

My children have friends who eat alit of pizza pockets, and other processed foods. They seem to always be sick. My kids are rarely sick.

I’m afraid the younger generation won’t know how to bake bread , make cookies and cakes from scratch. Can home grown food.

We just made and canned raspberry jam last night. The beans are almost ready to can. The tomatoes from the garden will be made into spaghetti sauce and salsa.

The kids friends all like my Mac n cheese from scratch.

Thank you for all your research on good health . Have a great week at home.

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Raw milk is available in many places. https://www.realmilk.com/raw-milk-finder/

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I think it also really depends on how things are processed, crisps don't need to be more processed then fried potatoes, cooked or mashed. We make them ourselves, from our own garden (also from vegetables). We cut them thin, dry them in the food-dehydrator or fry them, sometimes first ferment them a couple of weeks.

Fermenting, canning, drying etc is also processing. Here we don't eat what is in the house, when someone brings us packed cookies, we put them in a cupboard and usually forget about them until we see them and think: how many years? O, 4 years past date, they actually look very much new, can't be good stuff. We throw them away, a waste, we know. We only eat them when someone bakes them for us, I don't like sweet stuff like chocolates. Only 2 or 3 times a year dark chocolate (at least 80%).

Our rule is: if you can't make it yourself, don't eat it. Of course some exceptions but they are seldom.

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Five years ago, at 58 yrs I gave up processed grains,Dairy, sugars . Started eating grass fed natural meats only and organic vegetables and fruits. After withdrawals I shed 60 pounds, Lowered my bad cholesterol and raised my HDL ( without cholesterol medicine ) eating meat every day including my favorite unprocessed bacon. Every cell in your body requires cholesterol. Keep a clean liver and it will regulate your cholesterol naturally. I only drink Berkey filtered water or reverse osmosis. Unvaccinated never tested positive for Covid but have antibodies.

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Aug 16, 2022·edited Aug 16, 2022

Where do bugs fit in?...and chocolate...

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Buy organic chocolate, read the ingredient list on the packaging: no funny items, colours or flavorings. Simple. In Belgium and Switzerland, chemical additions to chocolate and beer are forbidden.

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Aug 16, 2022·edited Aug 16, 2022

The very best chocolate I’ve ever eaten was on a trip to Switzerland just prior to the Covid mess. We were stockpiling chocolate purchases from the airport to take home it was so good. We need a “clean food” movement in the U.S.

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The Swiss consider chocolate a food.

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I honestly think I could live very happily in Switzerland.

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Bugs contain chitin. All bugs. There is no way to process it out of them. Chitin is extremely toxic to humans…. Probably why the globalists are pushing them as food.

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Aug 16, 2022·edited Aug 16, 2022

Well that is just great. Does Nicole Kidman know this?

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Just for fun, take a look at aluminum cookware and the effects on dementia. A friend's hunting dog lost its mind when we were out hunting and we couldn't get it into the vehicle. The owner used aluminum bowls. My vet told me aluminum causes dementia in animals. Highly processed foods are often cooked in......aluminum cooking pans. I tossed all our aluminum cooking pans 40 years ago, and quit processed foods about 6 years ago. Dementia would be horrible.

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So as for anything else I wan’t the truth about, a quick (any) search engine query seems to give a bunch of green-lights to go ahead and eat aluminum foil with little chance of it effecting an increase in Alzheimer’s/Dementia—

found this little NIH gem that is riddled with red flags such as; “This review article discusses reasons that mainstream science has largely abandoned the Aluminum Hypothesis and explores a possible reason for some in the general public continuing to view aluminum with mistrust.”

If the NIH and ‘mainstream science’ says it’s safe, keep it as far away from me as possible.

Ironically reading through the article they unintentionally state several facts that go against the “aluminum is safe to eat” narrative— such as; (summarizing-->) “Elevated levels of aluminum were found in ALL deceased dementia sufferers, but there’s no telling when that aluminum got there.”

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Well another little factoid is nightshade plants/food cause rheumatoid arthritis. I have two cousins that on my suggestion removed all nightshade foods from their diet and completely cured the disease. It's amazing, and they were crippled from it too.

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If you have removed teflon,would you mind sharing what are you using (if anything) for a non stick pan? I am finally ditching teflon and non of the alternatives look great. I'd like to avoid made in China. Tall order these days. Any experience with All Clad (non stick hard anodized cookware)?

I used to cook with aluminum. It heated fast which is a great thing when you are on a boat in the tropics. Hopefully I forget the era of COVID first. If I can set a priority for my dementia!

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I highly recommend cooking in cast iron. If it’s seasoned correctly, food doesn’t stick. I have used All-Clad & didn’t like it for high temperature cooking… food stuck.

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Thank you for that reply. I do have some cast iron and like it now that I have a gas stove again! Special thanks for sharing your experience with All Clad. Bummer.

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I have to keep my iron level low. So I don't use cast iron, but I like them orherwise.

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We use Italian pans that are stainless steel with a titanium coating by ballerina. Most awesome pans ever.

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The link is russian. Haha. But I will find it.

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I will have a look. Thank you for the recommendation.

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That's an old claim, and maybe some validity. It probably depends upon the type of food (e.g. acids like tomatoes) probably are a bigger risk. Although I "use" both, I would fear plastic more than any metal. Historical interest: some authorities think part of the decline of the Roman empire was due to the unfortunate discovery that lining copper cookware with lead made the food taste better. Either might give food poisoning, but turns out the lead could cause brain damage. It is not without reason that lead is all but banned from consumer products since about the 1970s.

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Well we eat a keto diet with no processed foods except maybe dressings and sauces.

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