Oct 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Whatever path you choose be prepared for some pain and do not stop when you encounter it because the pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow. As Alexis Carrel noted:

"Man cannot remake himself without suffering for he is both the marble and the sculptor."

As for dismantling the administrative police state, protests will not work. They are honey traps. Agent provocateurs might land you in jail. What is needed is unrelenting supervision. Massive widespread civic participation is required to solve this problem. This is why the loathsome bureaucrats and politicians slit the throat of civics in schools: the LAST thing they want is someone looking over their shoulder.

Want to really make a difference? Go breath down their necks, read every bill, watch everything they do, and sound the alarm the second what they do or legislate is not in line with what their bosses - us - want.

Without this you will find that to the corporations and their puppet politicians, your ignorance and apathy are worth more than all the slaves in China. Because it is your indifference that enables these bottom feeding cockroaches to thrive in the dark and rob you of your wealth and liberty. The answer to this problem has been with us from the start:

“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.” ― Plato

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In the spirit of Dr. Malone's fantastic essay about how our carefully chosen path may work to our advantage against the monolithic administrative state, the following is a timely new article detailing how we can fix our broken 'First Past the Post' election system which always results in the uniparty control system we endure today: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/solutions-volume-1-the-us-voting

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ETV had two women on last night. They individually identified a problem and together formed 'Mom's for Liberty.' They identified the problems as of 'We the Parents.' The scope and depth of the cures they are seeking is impressive. Their takes incorporate the aspects identified and your comment. I was impressed on their way forward.

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for mentioning 'Mom's for Libery', Jean, I will seek them out. The following may interest you, it is a greatly expanded version of my comment in article form: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/apathy-is-the-fire-in-which-we-burn

We've all got to work together to take our government back because if we do not there will not be a future worth living in.

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Getting involved in school boards, election observing, poll watching all such things, we must do! Everyone.

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Another pioneer in changing the paradigm is Zen Honeycutt! www.moms across america.com Thank you Zen!

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Easier said than done! Passing corrupt legislation in the middle of night goes unnoticed!

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You mean like thousands of votes that appear in a van behind the voting location at 3am ?


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To paraphrase a line from the movie '300': then we will watch them in the shade.

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TriTorch, I can’t agree with you. Who will supervise this current police state the house senate or paid off media? We see that these solons don’t give a shit about the individual and the media stays silent. Just look at the mandates they force on us while exempting themselves. From government health care to government emergency use only kill shots. This entices and corrupts the once good politician to feel the sense of power. They are now part of this elite system. If everyone is to sit on their coach, be censored on social media, and I don’t think we have seen a scintilla of the governments use of this weapon yet, they will isolate us into our own little cells. Digital currency is coming and people like Mitch McConnell or Kevin McCarthy are definitely not going to stop it. We all can yell at our TV’s but the Christopher Rey’s, WEF, WHO don’t care. The sooner there is an organic sustained 2 million plus on the streets in DC the sooner we will see change. Without that happening we are going to get what we deserve, our own little controlled cell block with four walls and a roof and a list of government demands we must comply with or be cancelled. An added note: if they try, which they will, to put “honey pots” into 2-5 million demonstrators, they get pointed out and expelled back to their cell. Volumes of people are key.

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Those honey pots need immediate nullification at their discovery, by any means necessary. Watching the J6 infiltrators with their black hoodies and hand tools (CIA paid antifa) should have been stopped by the masses, but good people failed to intercede. Cant male that mistake again

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James, thank you for this comment. In 1932 President Hoover ordered General McArthur, Eisenhower, and Patton to unleash the US army on ten thousand impoverished WWI veterans who were protesting in Washington DC for not receiving a balloon payment they were promised and desperately needed from the US government.

At the time, the veterans did not and could not believe that their fellow honorable soldiers would do this to them, but they marched and destroyed all of the veterans belongings anyway. "The blaze was so big it lit the whole sky. A nightmare, come to life. The president looked out a window in the White House at the fire, and then retired for the night.": https://bitchute.com/video/4lWTkacTeWiJ [6:56mins]

The hero of this battle was declared to be Joe Angelo, who saved Patton's life.

My reason for mentioning all of the above is that even by 1932 the government was completely out of control which was excusable in a time when farms needed tending and clothes were painstakingly washed by hand, and keeping our politicians and bureaucrats in check with civics was an expensive luxury of time most couldn't afford. Now, with all the free time we are blessed with in the year 2023, it is time to take back control.

Maybe 2 million protesters in DC might make a bigger difference than ten thousand WW1 heroes, but more likely the media would either report on it like this: https://tritorch.com/degradation/mediaMindControl10.jpg [image]

Or not report it at all. We've got examples from both extremes with the lies told about the Jan 6 government operation and the unreported lockdown protests all over the world.

To your point about the digital gulag being built all around us, four words come to mind: do not comply _loudly_.

Vigilance and loud non-compliance to tyranny is the price of liberty, and we must pay that invoice or we will lose it altogether.

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I appreciate the back and forth on this TriTorch. I think this is how the best response to the tyranny we face is possible. After the Bonus Expeditionary Forces (BEF) were driven from government property and MacArthur, Eisenhower and Patton drove protestors over the Anacostia River bridge, MacArthur against orders pursued, pressing into the BEF camp on the Anacostia flats. The 10,000 people left in the camps were driven off by Calvary with tanks and tear gas. Then the infantry followed setting fire to the shanties as you stated. The exercise was seen as a success to the army. The Bonus Expeditionary Force were dispersed permanently. Some of the press saw this differently. Even the Washington Daily News, typically sympathetic to Hoovers republicans called it “A Pitiful Spectacle” to see “the mightiest government in the world chasing unarmed men, women and children with army tanks. If the army must be called out to make war on unarmed citizens, this is no longer America.” The political consequences were severe. 1932 was an election year and the economy (I would argue this is coming) was the prevailing issue. The “Pitiful Spectacle” of starving, ragged veterans being driven off by tanks weakened Hoovers bid for re-election. In November Roosevelt was swept into office crushing Hoover. This protest made a huge change in America, in fact the Republicans would not regain the White House for 20 years. I might add to the massive change in America these protests made, the WW1 veterans were paid in full in 1936. I love this piece of a letter written by Thomas Jefferson. I posted this just the other day from a picture but I rather write it, it has more feeling to me. The people cannot be all, and always well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to public liberty. We have had 13 states independent 11 years, there has been one rebellion. That comes to one rebellion in a century and a half for each state. What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.

The fight to preserve our god given first and second amendment, in my opinion, is well worth protesting front and center in their face for. Millions in DC can not be ignored by the media. If Biden wants to push the military to crush such a protest, as Hoover did to the Bonus Expeditionary Force, I would argue this would be the end of the democrat party. I would take 20 years without the Marxist democrats.

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"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way". ―Franklin D. Roosevelt

This back and forth is appreciated by me as well, along with your enthusiasm, and I do not disagree with your sentiments especially with regard to that parched the tree of liberty, but to the extent those veteran protests and the horrific government action resulting from them actually did spark the changes you mention - rather than that action being deliberately swept up into a broader media narrative designed to swap the guard to the other wing of the uniparty vulture - it could not happen today if the powers that shouldn't be did not fancy it because:

"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ―-Former CIA Director William Colby (Operation Mockingbird)

If couldn't have escaped the notice of anyone paying attention, that the media today is nothing more than a highly weaponized propaganda bazooka at peak performance. This is because these organizations at all levels have been consolidated under the corporate flags of BlackRock, Vanguard, & State Street who are all working overtime to dismantle the current global order. Never in history has so much narrative mind control been in the clutches of so few:


From the Congressional Record, January 27, 1917:

JP Morgan, Steel, Shipbuilding, and “powder”(gun powder? munitions?) interests hired 12 high-ranking newspaper execs to determine how to “control generally the policy of the daily press” throughout the entire country.

Answer: They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers.

…the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly SUPERVISE AND EDIT INFORMATION….

This policy also included the suppression of everything in opposition to the WISHES of the interests served.


If still in doubt, give this a watch: https://bitchute.com/video/gXE9QONmC9lV [1:36mins]

In this grave hour where the globalists have an unmitigated stranglehold on the purveyors of information, protests are not the answer and - as shown on Jan 6 - will be used against us.

Biden said gun owners would need F15s and nukes to take out the US government. This occupational force that ostensibly works for 'We the People' could have never achieved such a brazen and traitorous posture without the apathy of the populace allowing it to grow to into the ubiquitous vampire squid we see today―with its furious tentacles wrapped around the neck of every man, woman, and child in America.

This problem must be stopped at its source: not with fraudulent elections that at best only serve to flip the coin to the other side of the uniparty control system, not with angry protests that the fifth column journalists will warp into any shape of wonky treason that suits the malicious goals of the collective elite dark triad, not with pea-shooter rifles that will never even reach the deployments of swarms of tiny high altitude, armed to the teeth, stealthy predator drones, but with merciless, unrelenting, overt oversight.

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Thanks TriTorch I shall return!! I’ve been so busy I replied to your post at 230 in the morning last night. I will review your comment and for sure will reply. To be perfectly honest with you I’m not sure anything that is done right now besides much death and destruction will change the trajectory of this current take over of America. I am frustrated by people who have lived and benefitted greatly by living in this great free country smash the very pillars of what has made this country great. Biden, Merrick Garland, Mayorkas, even Obama himself come to mind. Thanks for your knowledge!!!

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I look forward to your reply James. Get some well earned rest.

Zoom out as far as you can and then read this:

Win or lose is not the point. It is the struggle itself that holds all of the meaning, and that is where your true personal victory lies. Nothing in your life has ever been about whether you win or lose, it has only ever been about how you conduct yourself the during these trials and tribulations.

"What you do in life [really does] echo in eternity." ―'Gladiator' script writer

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I can say amen to this. Amen.

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I choose warrior and will determine my own path.

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Critical thinking is being replaced with deranged views because reality and fiction are being blurred for a variety of reasons!

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Reality includes more than physicality and that must be perceived or there is a singularity, not a unity for us to truly find any way to be free, Wii, all the "I"s in the game of forming the future, must somehow come into phase for us to win the battle going on beyond the sight of most men. Rebels, as defined by the powers that be, are considered to have deranged views, as King James would put it, heretical words that deserve a beheading or at least the taking of the tongue. If they could write, cut off their hands, but surely not their head, for unless they make a better example that way, let them live to strike fear in all who want to speak freely, write what is condemned by church or king, and pay your tithings and taxes. Such times are gone right? Oh yes, no weaponry allowed, or dangerous words aloud, inside the kingdom walls.

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We cannot control others, but only our responses to them. Warrior here. Setbacks are learning experiences and of value, if sometimes painful.

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wholeheartedly agree. There’s no victim hood in my home. Once any of us smell it out in another family member, they are taken to task…gently but firmly. Internal control is paramount to success. We control our own destiny.

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I choose 'Child of God’. The Lord has been having me focus the first part of the 'Sermon on the Mount,' generally known as the ‘Beattitudes'. These are the heart attitudes that every Christian is to develop (in their life with Him) and to pray for. “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet. “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” -Mt. 5:3-16

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Yes. When you are surrendered to God, you accept your accountability. Being accountable means you seek to know where the boundaries of acceptable choices are. In this age of anything goes, the boundaries are not just blurred, they are being systematically removed and thus creating chaos. I choose to remain accountable.

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“You , alone, choose which way you wish to control your life.”


100% agree. Yes, with the "powers that be" passing laws that take away our freedoms, ultimately, what we can do, day in and day out, is to control what we can control: our thoughts and our actions. What I've found helps to consistently do this is: first, find out just who you are and what your purpose is here on earth and second, how can you begin to live out that life purpose:

How to find your life purpose in 3 simple steps:


How to live out your life purpose:


Once you have a good understanding of this, it becomes an innate part of you to consistently implement the "Warrior" archetype in many facets of your life as you tie in your thoughts and actions to your life purpose.


"Warriors generally are associated with two kinds of courage: (1) the ability to fight to protect themselves and (2) setting goals and developing the strength and skills to accomplish them. If we do not have enough access to the Warrior archetype, we may let other people push us around, lack direction, or fail to achieve our goals because we do not persist."

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent stuff and so important. I firmly believe that in today's world there are some who are literally addicted to victimhood. I did. video on this and offer some research that supports that idea. You can find it here if you are interested:


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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Three decades of dealing with professional victims in my former life.

Agree with Tom and Thomas here. Professional victims are addicted to the chaos and attention their status brings them. Most are largely incapable of rational thought as most here would understand it.

Great post Doc...and Larson with Farside is still one of the best cartoons ever.

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Addicted to victimhood or use it as a preloaded excuse not to succeed? Have seen that in a few persons and bet it is pretty common.

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The answer is “d”, all of the above.

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Professional victims also use their sense of being victimized to turn viciously on other people. Look at the cancel culture, look at the woke propaganda, look at the Sanctuary Cities that now have to put their money where their mouths were.

Then there's Black Lives Matter. Of course it's essential to do a thorough investigation any time a police officer harms a civilian, especially if it results in death. Most definitely.

But there are millions of children who go to bed hungry every night, many of them black. There are countless thousands who don't even have a bed to go to, again many of them black. Do the leaders of BLM, including Whoopi Goldberg, ever talk about them? And what about all the black teenagers and men in gangs? Thousands of black people are killed every year by black gangs, and many of them are innocent civilians. Do the BLM professional victims ever talk about them?

And these so-called leaders don't actually do anything except talk and get as much attention for themselves as possible.

This rant has be within me for years, so thanks for your patience. As a former teacher, I get nuts when children in trouble are ignored.

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You are not alone in this rant.

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Aren't they the ones wearing masks ?

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone, some forty years ago, Dr John Demartini developed the Quantum Collapse Process a technique which was based on the principles of Quantum Physics. When particles and their anti-particles collide, they annhilate and birth light. Also from the principle of nonlocality, in every quantum state, the opposing particles are linked (has been demonstrated experimentally).

Similarly, in our lives, for every positive there’s a negative and the opposite, except we oftern don’t recognize it (our disowned part). To evolve psychologically, is to dissolve the emotional charges and seeing that there is equanimity in everything. This is what the Collapse Process does.

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As the joke goes, want to make God laugh, tell him your plan.

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No one believes the truth so broadcast it as a fantasy until all know of it and then can believe in unity, to be free of the narrative but think logically, thus Be, not a victim, but a hero, a whistleblower, a legionnaire in the Light Brigade. Spread the Light of Truth!

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a meaty piece! It will take me a few goings over to delve into the whole piece, but I just love the nuances. Another important compilation, thank you. Now I don't have to wonder what I will read later!

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

For myself, I started out wanting to be Wonder Woman (comics version), with bracelets. My parents advised, get thru hs and get married. Don't let anyone know you are bright. Wandered through life basically bouncing off whatever I was confronted with and with my horse. I looked for someone who would reliably solve all my problems. However it finally occurred to me, I could do as well or better on that score, as anyone I was interacting with. Since that point, one might say I've evolved/am evolving into a warrior. And, brought on by adults willing me to act adult, have been an observer. Likely my occasion to becoming compassionate.

Much appreciate this essays focus on beneficial introspection and considerations in moving forward!

Have a positive weekend. Bestest plus! ♡♡♡

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

very nice. Do not go quietly into the night

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The funny thing about kids, is you do not have to teach them independence. They need to be trained to not be independent. What a world we would be in if the tree of humanity were left unpruned, blossoming and buzzing with bees, leaving a stillness in the earth. Such a complicated degree of shackles on people, they can no longer taste their own sweat, enslaved to ideas and false pursuits that are meshed into their finance, even if you can convince the mind, the wallet has veto power.

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Awakening to our own existence as an external entity operating inside of a gelatinous shell that is able to travel spiritually through the ether to reach remote sites to view, to communicate telepathically, to communicate through touch, and with intention, alter the course of lives, of the world if they are the right lives. Our ability to create dialogue makes us dangerous to those who are in power through narratives and the decisive elimination of alternative voices. From the days of Kings James, Gutenberg presses, & censorship on levels incomprehensible today... heretics like us burned at the stakes, kingdoms burned for agnostic faith, Essenes, or any who thought they were not victims, indeed, not answerable to the Pope and Rome. You stand out as a Light Brigadeer, the warriors with a Sword of Love, a Shielded heart but not yet body of Light invulnerable physically, but absolutely Spiritually. The body your vessel to help form the future today. Kudos for knowing you are indeed, not a victim, but a leader who does not use the sword of anger but that of Love. Both with Sharp edges, only one Merciful. https://tinytexashouses.substack.com/p/unstoppable-determined-unphased-by

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Oct 6, 2023·edited Oct 6, 2023

TTH, Very few people know of the Essenes, I read about them in a few different books, Edgar Cayce is one. Someone forgot to include those stories in the bible...as well as so many more. We got the shortened version. Do you know of the "Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ" by Levi?

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They wiped out the last of Essenes 69 years after the Day of Crucification that then gnostics, (can anyone say "Night of 500 Knives?") soon after and thus the libraries as well as condemnation as heretics by the Roman approved Catholic Church carrying out the Flavian plan for their bible to take control of the Messianic tribes, like those of the Three Wisemen who were there for the reincarnation/birth of Jesus. Remember they did not fair well after the Flavian Version of Christianity was initiated.

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In case you didn't check, Levi was no ordinary human.

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Still reading up.

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This book has been with me for a very long time. Whenever i read it I swoon. As I do with other revelations too. It might not be a book you can take in quickly, altho you are advanced in your knowledge, as far as I can see or feel , TTH.

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If you only knew of wht I speak of with others, of the vanquishing of these truths in this version you suggested is fascinating for not having read it, but I am also not one to think people died on the cross in 6 1/2-8 hours while in a coma either so there are truths that need be told to those who listen or be burned at the stake, ghosted, or censored over. Some of us did not come here with the same path, story, or focus. Perspicuity takes decades to develop and reaching maturity at 66-78 gives us much to celebrate if Wii survive without giving in to the temptations that destroy the vessels of most along the way. I have been blessed with a hard life I signed on for and ready to see the best of my life before my eyes, as it seems to be, daily now. I never would have believed this would be possible as a kid. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hV0R7d4qiw Is there fate, self appointed destiny or is this our plan before Wii came to life? The ultimate questions that are unanswerable for many, until you experience the full breadth of life as a human Being aware you are also a Spirit, Wubtron in the fantasy that will be finished when it is manifested as reality, a quantum story.

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I refer to Dannion Brinkley , a friend and hero whose book "Saved by the Light " And " At Peace in the Light' was my guiding Light to knowing , for sure, there is no death!

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I am unapologetically a Christian man striving every day to live out my faith in thought word and deed. The title warrior can seem inconsistent with the biblical mission of Jesus followers. Jesus Himself did not take up the sword because His mission on earth was much larger than what was happening in the moment. In the affairs of men, however, it is necessary to defend righteousness. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are inalienable rights granted to each of us by the creator. Unfortunately those rights must be defended from evil. Warriors, of various kinds are required. That includes prayer warriors, persons of deep faith teaching us the principles of righteousness, but there must also be persons of courage willing to standing up to evil in a material and physical way.

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I choose Warrior. The authority myth offers you as a victim, villain, or hero. You may have to be all three sometimes to keep 'authority' approval. Blaming 'authority' for anything keeps 'authority' in a place of power and control. So does agreeing, ignoring, or attempting to destroy it. Every story, movie, TV show, book of fiction, or history forces you and promotes being the hero, saving the victim, and destroying the villain. Pick a side! Regardless all sides are hero/villain/victims, frequently mirror images of each other. You are stuck in the authority's box and the escape instructions are on the outside of the box, written in a language you've never heard before. Those giving you the instructions, you cannot hear anyway, except for the occasional barely audible sound. Your intuition knows! You are not allowed to listen to your intuition either and forbid anyone from sharing theirs or yours. Take on Warrior!

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Exactly HOW does one "love" those who are intent on enslaving or liquidating (you),and you're family, or anyone "they" consider an "enemy" - as in, "an enemy of the state" or in the case of Communists, an enemy of the "party"?

Top of my list of 'positive' words is perseverance. But, you ask, how to persevere against the Leviathan bureaucratic state that engulfs virtually ALL of the United States? In a word: DEFUND.

The bloodsucking administrative state CAN be overcome, not with pitchforks and shovels, but by fairly elected CONGRESSMEN - who have actually READ, UNDERSTAND and (will) ACT to preserve the (7) Articles and (24) Sections written in the U.S. Constitution, as THEY (alone) HAVE THE POWER via Article I., section 8., and actually UPHOLD that document they ALL SWEAR TO DO in EVERY election.

Only theCongress can make it happen...NOT the judiciary and NOT the executive. IF individual liberty and freedom are to survive the Collective Left onslaught to capsize America and institute a (permanent) form of "Democratic" SOCIALISM, it will have to be savvy, patriotic members of the Congress - who have the power - to make that happen. Question is, do "they" have the WILL to save America from certain perpetual "Democratic" tyranny dressed up in the the Marxist ploy of social justice and WOKE insanity?

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All well and true but what is the course of action when we have reached the point of no return? When those who run for office are already compromised in the process of being advanced to the position of being a candidate? How do we alter the condition of those in power knowing how to cheat and thereby control the voting process? What now?

Well, the day comes when you must find quiet, alternate ways to effect change when voting is just performance art and being loud lands you in jail. I fall back on earnest prayer that others, who are younger and stronger can determine how to be smarter than those who think they have already won.

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The "course of action" is via the 'average' American citizen. Being "young and strong" but intellectually indifferent regarding politics - where the "freedom of the American people" is concerned - is of NO value whatsoever.

Thanks to the federal government so-called "department of education"; "teachers" colleges, the "National Education Association" and the "American Federation of Teachers", teaching and (TESTING) public school students about (the) most important Document they SHOULD be reading and thoroughly educated about, i.e., the Constitution of the United States is NOT EVEN a part of the (approved) CURRICULUM!

Again, thanks to (all) of the above entities, literally GENERATIONS of public school children have been purposefully "dumbed-down" for OVER a half century and mentally embedded (read BRAINWASHED) with ideas and notions that are totally "foreign" to the very idea of individual sovereignty, American patriotism and private property.

The internal (intellectual) rot accumulated (collectively) in all these past and present generations - manifesting in a hatred of America and what it stands for (INDIVIDUAL freedom),

may well be at the "tipping" point of no return - and the absolute horror of "living" in a Socialist/Communist form of government - "collectively" via the "fundamental transformation" of the "United States" Barrack Hussein Obama announced ( HOURS before his 1st Inauguration); with all Americans becoming "citizens of the world" - as Obama said he IS; and meld "Obama's America" into and under the absolute control of One-World-TRANSNATIONAL "governance" of the "United Nations", and CHECKMATE!

The "Fragile Experiment with (individual) Freedom " Ben Franklin spoke of in 1787 - is DEAD!

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