How about an article on the mental illness to liberalism pipeline? The highest rates of mental illness by far are among liberal women, and the highest rates of happiness are among conservative regular churchgoers. Can’t wait for the guardian’s “church to happiness pipeline” article…

Serious take: perhaps the more distant you become from reality, including the reality of your own body, the more prone you are to impersonal dehumanizing ideological fads… This is why medicine is such a disaster today, the doctors have forgotten the basic reality of what a child is, what a woman is, what a human being is:


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"How about an article on the mental illness to Leftist pipeline".... there fixed it for you. Liberals are not present in the Left. They never were. The fact the "right" called themselves conservative, to be in opposition to liberals is where the disarray all started. Classical Liberalism is where the right wing has always been. The protection of the rights of the individual over the collective is why our country was founded. Nazis have never been a right wing philosophy yet for decades the media lied about the Nazis being right wing, so "liberals" couldn't be there so they unwittingly sided with Marxists in opposition to free markets to the detriment of the world now. The Leviathan Deep State encompasses all things against the right. It is all LEFTIST. There is nothing liberal about anything against MAGA. True Liberals are where MAGA actually resides, but so many have been lied to so for long its pitiful. There is nothing liberal about the mass indoctrination of the world to believe collectivism is better than free markets.

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I have often wondered why communism is placed on the extreme left and fascism on the extreme right. They are both forms of totalitarianism. A more logical scale would put various forms of totalitarianism (government dictatorship) on the extreme left and anarchy (no government at all) on extreme right. I’ e wondered if the current scale was adopted when the US teamed up w communists to defeat fascists during

WWII. Anybody know?

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Maybe this will help,

NAZI=Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterparte

National Socialist German Workers’ Party

They were the extreme Left just like the DemoKrat Partei clowns currently running our former Republic.

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Fascism defined as the merger of corporations and the state does not seem like a power structure anyone on the right could actually support.

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Correct. Nazis have always been a philosophy only to the right of communism, but still left of republican democracy and limited government of the self governed citizens the US of A created in 1776.

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its just a convenient way for the rabid comrats to point a finger at rabid gnatzis and blame them for what they themselves are doing, and vica versa

and both of these rabid pestilent rodents point 3 fingers back at themselves when they accuse others of doing what they are already doing

rabid little ocrses, these vermin are

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It wasn't a teaming up. It was a subversion by "scholars" from our institutions of "progressive" education...oops indoctrination centers. McCarthy was right on topic but bad on the logistics of exposing the subversion.

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"Blacklisted by History" by H. Stanton Evans

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I'm glad to see someone write this! It drives me nuts that people don't correctly refer to the far left nut jobs as leftists. The leftists driving all the craziness are emphatically not liberals. The Democrat party used to consist of what we'd refer to as liberals, but no more. The Democrat party has been completely taken over by radical Marxist leftists.

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Well said!

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100%! It’s as if we’ve forgotten that as human beings, we’re also spiritual beings as well: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-spiritual-perspective-of-reality-aa8

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Speaks to mind body connection and control ing stress through many forms of meditation! If you are highly conflicted

You are in chronic stress and prone to ill health. The left is conflicted.

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Thomas! 100% agree! As a fellow RPh, you may like this article on how spiritual issues manifest as physical problems — that unfortunately we try to fix chemically: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/spiritual-resistance-leads-to-physical

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The push to maximize return on human capital contributes to the problem!

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I am starting to think the mental illness in these leftist vermin, is rabies, and they spread their pestilence and disease wherever they infest

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Perfectly said! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"My good-for-nothing parents, even knowing that my UBI check usually comes this time of the month, had not yet brought in the mail. So I had to do it myself. I hopped on my mobility scooter and rolled to the mailbox at the end of the driveway. And this, this healthy man came jogging by. He smiled at me, the smug bastard. He waved, and said 'Good afternoon,' before continuing on, probably for miles. He WAVED! Hitler waved too, you know. I just had to roll back inside and calm down with some HotPockets and HoHos. I blame my parents for this trauma."

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Jun 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a piece of work. Thank you for reading this nauseatingly twisted diatribe, so that we don't have to. Dr. M, this merits hazard pay!

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...and hostile fire pay as well

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We are “ruled” by nerds who used to be kept in check until the anti bullying campaigns got into full swing in the 90’s. Not nice to say but true. We all need to be told that 99.9% of us aren’t special and need to work at life.

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Jun 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Puts NYT and WP to shame! They get the award for psycho babble!

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Jun 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Next up, stretching, balance exercises, Pilates, and a multi-mile walk to keep this elderly right-wing fascist in good shape.

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They want us all broken down and disease-ridden…without hope. In that form we are more malleable.

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deletedJun 5·edited Jun 5
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They literally want to create the world of both Brave New World and 1984: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-brave-new-world-of-1984-part-205

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Jun 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When I started reading this article, I was like “no way the Guardian said this. This can’t be real.” I then went to both Guardian articles to see the comments. First one had no comments and the second had hand selected comments. It appears comments were closed and the top few comments were “Guardian selected,” but for the most part, every other comment essentially somewhat disagreed with the position of the Guardian— which, thank goodness, is a positive.

I’m like there’s no way people are THAT gullible. Like caring for yourself makes you right wing and a conspiracy theorist? Lol - like wow!

Im going to share this article with some gym heads to warn them that their path on health may turn them crazy smh —

But on a more serious note, this is a very weak stance by the guardian in an attempt to stop individuals from taking ownership of their lives. I’m curious to who the “intended target” of this article is. Certainly not mature adults who have been through life, but curious if intended for those YOUNG ADULTS who are still very malleable in their view of the world.

Overall, thanks for sharing and I may write something on this as well!

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Your comment reinforces my belief that whenever we see an article like this Guardian piece, we need to ask ourselves "Why am I seeing this?" and perhaps more specifically "Why am I seeing this NOW?" Sometimes it is just the personal rant of an aggrieved journo, but other times it suggests that some narrative is either being introduced or reinforced.

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Jun 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love this article! Thank you for putting a smile on my face today 💯♥️

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Jun 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This reminds me of Jason Christoff. He advocates for the development of strength in different areas: physical, emotional, financial, spiritual. Being strong enables freedom, which -- coincidentally -- renders one less controllable by gov't. Now we have an article from the controlled media which, seemingly, advocates against physical fitness. Another one those strange coincidences we see so much of these days.

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Jun 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Ultimately, the current radical movement toward socialism is not about a healthy economy or a healthy anything else whereby everyone contributes through their work and wellbeing in order to leave no one behind. (this being socialism’s fantasy).

This current situation must have unhealthy, compliant, and dependent people who can’t support independent home ownership, who can’t drive freely and as far a they want in a gas guzzler, and who only eat whatever manufactured pap the elite throw their way.

A person being fit, seeking healthy foods, and finding natural ways to ward off aging is the sign of an independent truth seeker.

Can’t have that as when people don’t go along and become part of the blob socialists refer to as “society” they aren’t easy to control and exploit.

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This Atlantic hit piece was a two-fer in favor of BigGov by repulsing a truth: "Your life is a gift from God, and what you do with it is your gift back" hence there is no victim-hood.

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Jun 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Oh my! My PCP told me walking the halls of the busiest unit would not be the best exercise! This was in the 80-90s! When I married 12 years ago (August) to my husband who exercised I finally got busy working out! It can be overdone but exercise is great for body and mind. That article is laughable but sad! I went through the Cold War in high school! Maybe before then also but children don’t connect the dots on some of what was going on! We don’t need any of this stuff they are coming up with. Help us all! I hear the gym calling! See you later! And I am closer to 80 than 70!

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Once a sociopath begins to lose it, he/she loses all connections to the tenuous hold on reality they once tried to project. It is called psychotic break. I call this a good sign that this is occurring. A sign that they sense they are losing power and becoming desperate. It is also a time to stay out of their way and let them crash

That an editor of a major publication let this out reflects on the entire organization crashing. Yaaa! Got to love it, but be on guard for the violence that can follow.

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sounds like bad articles from the babylom bee but from the other side

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Jun 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Why do you think they were so keen on closing down all the gyms during the plandemic?

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Jun 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Good thought!

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Jun 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"So, why does the Guardian promote such nonsense?"

Just as the lies and programmed "misinformation" has become more brazen as the 2020s progress, so has the ubiquitous brainwash of social engineering efforts become more transparent. To see through it requires critical thinking, which, alas, most of humanity continues to demonstrate - it is simply not capable - thus enabling the brainwash, and lubricating the lies. The Guardian, like virtually all mainstream, legacy, and social media is under one control to this end.

Say it with me here: "5th Generation Warfare" on steroids.....

"The majority of men...are not capable of thinking, but only of believing, and...are not accessible to reason, but only to authority." Arthur Schopenhauer

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I presume fitness is also "racist?"

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We have been told for decades that mental fitness is racist

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We have also been told for decades that being a Christian means being mentally ill. Go figure!

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Ironically, the highest paid athletes are often--yep--black!

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