Thank you for what you do. We live in Virginia and we have a 4 and a 5 year old. My wife and I have already decided if they decide to mandate to children we will sell everything and move to a place where rational thought still lives.

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We live in MA and have a 9 and 11 year old. We are thinking that we will move as well if they mandate the jab for kids. It seems like everybody here is completely fine with what is going on. Hopefully all those who are fine with it are just the ones talking about it. Is part of mass formation psychosis that people who disagree just don't speak up?

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Dec 29, 2021·edited Dec 29, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you. My cousin’s son is in complete liver failure after the vaccine. He is only 32 and does not drink or do drugs. He never had liver problems before. Of course the doctor is saying there is no correlation. Maybe he’s right, but I’ve never heard of that before in someone so young. The doctor claims it’s his diet! In the meantime, he is being worked up for a transplant.

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Dec 29, 2021·edited Dec 29, 2021

Might be a good idea to keep an eye on the organ donation statistics that get released in a few days. A significant uptick would be very concerning, if expected. https://data.hrsa.gov/topics/health-systems/organ-donation

edit: the numbers for 2020 didn't appear until April-May so it'll actually be a few more months before we get 2021 numbers

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Excellent idea

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Dec 29, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for all that you are doing——you are making a difference!

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Dec 29, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

To the Fauci Virus and the Fauci Economy and the thousands of doctators, WHO made it possible by withholding known safe and effective treatments...

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Why is it that the majority of people believe that the man who authorized the US Government to fund the “gain of function” man-made virus research at the Chinese Wuhan Biological warfare lab be the same person that is our savior from the ravages of the Covid virus that was created in Wuhan?

Dr. Fauci authorized and directed the treatment protocol for battling the Covid virus in May of 2020 and it had financial incentives attached to ensure that the corporate hospitals would be richly rewarded if the treatment protocol were followed. He also announced in 2020 that the mRNA man-made injections that trick the immune system and enter the cells of humans would reprogram cellular function be the only solution to the preplanned pandemic. All the expert physicians who publicly opposed his approach have been attacked by him through a multiple of avenues for their beliefs that there are several medical protocols for defeating the virus and saving lives that should have been used promptly.

President Eisenhower’s prophetic farewell speech which alerted the American public to the military/industrial/congressional complex that welcomed wars for profit should be controlled was right on. The speech writer for President Eisenhower removed the word congressional from his talk.

Today, we have a medical/financial/political (congressional in the US) global complex that has the goal of controlling the future of humanity that it is on a scale that dwarfs the US military/industrial/-congressional complex activities. The politicians from around the global are “going along to get along” and should be the solution to stopping the carnage that has been created and will be created as we go forward into the third year of a manufactured crisis. When it is recognized that only .2% of the population are at significant risk of dying from the virus and 99.8% will survive and have lifetime immunity speaks volumes about how the medical data on infection rates and deaths were and are being manipulated to produce an image of a pandemic which is not true. From the beginning, those at significant risk should have been properly sheltered and not exposed to those who had the active Covid. In addition, all voices in the medical discipline should have been heard for developing early effective treatment that would have saved many lives. The fact that those who acquire the virus and beat it have lifetime immunity that is reported to be twenty-seven times more effective is being totally ignored in the US and around the world. Instead, even though 50% of the US population has had the virus, the policies being pushed are violating the rights of the individual and their ability to live a normal life. Israel will be defeated, not by Iran, but the Covid since the population is almost 100% injected and they are considering a 4th shot because the virus is very active, but it is the injection that is perpetuating the viral invasion. Two years of failure indicates that the medicine man is going down the wrong medical path that will bring great harm to the world population if we do not turn around and stop it today!

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Dec 29, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sharing with all my friends, thank you for your work. Happy to help gather or organize anything you need, two kids start school next week. I’d rather spend my free time helping brave people like you.

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Happy to help Dr. Malone too!

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Thank you for compiling this valuable list of references about harm to children, Dr. Malone.

I know many people started compiling lists of vaxx-felled athletes a while back. Are you aware of any such compilations for children and teens who have been injured or killed by the injection?

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We are compiling such a list now - but we are trying to be very careful about it. In the video with athletes dying, there was at least one clip of an athlete who died on the field before COVID vaccination. This caused the family to be very upset. We have to be very careful in making sure each and every one is documented.

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I am relieved to hear you are compiling such a list and am especially grateful for your rigorous confirmation process. When I reference a source in my articles, I want to make sure it is as unassailable as possible, and I know if it’s coming from you and your colleagues, I can trust the credibility of the individuals and the integrity of the process involved in its creation.

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There was a rebuttal referring to a study outlining 400+ deaths of "FIFA" players from 2014- 2018 (5 seasons). I downloaded that study and the problem is that this was a project that targeted mainly recreational players, who normally aren't even included in media reports (42% were not reported by the media). Only 5% of the deaths over the 5 years (i.e rate of 6.5 per year) were at the elite amateur or professional level - 50% of the deaths they reported were from recreational players average age over 40 "who kick around with friends".

The study being manipulated to try to show that there isn't a problem is here.


Using this to refute the 30+ professional soccer players who died this year is pure misinformation. The rate is at least 3X conservatively since vaccination.

A brief analysis is here: https://twitter.com/BobLeithiserPhD/status/1475654023609004034?s=20

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Also close to 10% of the deaths that were included in the total from the cited study being manipulated were due to trauma - i.e. impact to the head or neck.

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P.S. Did you get my email, Dr. Malone? Again, no pressure, just confirming it reached you safely :-)

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Looks like Twitter zapped Dr. Malone. He joins the Hall of Integrity Fame 🏆 Congratulations! 🎉

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Dr. Malone, I am part of a group suing Penn Medicine/UPenn. We are hospital employees and ex-hospital employees both vaccinated and unvaccinated.

Thank you for your work.

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Dr. Malone, I wanted to share the profound impact the CCCA’s presentation had on one of my readers, as she just shared in a comment at my last post (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/early-blooming-parentheses-a-very/comments):

From Duchess:

Margaret anna alice: My hands are shaking as I type this. I am not a paid subscriber to Dr. Malone, but know you are. Could you please tell him that the video about the Pfizer trials from the Canadian physicians has my hands shaking and I am in shock. I was aware of most of the holes in the Pfizer trial, but when put together in such a clear fashion, even though I flunked statistics twice, well, I can barely speak.

I will help get this out anyway I can (and I am so glad you are getting involved), but please tell me

what you think is gonna happen if people start comprehending the enormity of this and its implications? Espeically for people who have been jabbed? I think we are already in mass formation, but I fear so much what will happen to the people who took the jab thinking everything was copacetic and now find out that they were lied to?

I am afraid. Really really afraid for when the jabbed start comprehending what the actual facts are.

I know like my sister they will refuse to hear it...but what if only 10% actually do hear and understand? What are they going to do? What are we going to do with a thorougly traumitized population? I mean, I am traumatized from watching, and I am not jabbed. Ordinary people are going to go out of their minds....

Do help, please? In the meantime, I am going to try and stop shaking and get this to every politician in my local state I can......OMG. OMg. OMG.

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Dr. Malone. Thank you for linking the Canadian video. I have spent an enormous time on these issues for the past 5 months, read hundreds of articles but very few journal articles, and knew that there were problems with the Pfizer trials, but that video also has me shaking like the comment from the person above.

I have heard you say several times that these new vaccines do not follow the rules. This example proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt to someone who has no experience working in the rule space of drug development and deployment

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Dec 29, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Since Reuters wants to fact check your data maybe take a look at their "expert" analysis of vaccine risks. Fun to see the credentials for their authorities on safety & evidence of safety in pregnant moms.

"Even if all of the cases were caused by the vaccine, the risk of less than one in a million would have to be set against the benefits of protection from COVID-19 disease; a disease which, in itself, causes clotting in many cases,” said Peter English, a retired consultant in communicable disease control and a vaccine expert."


"UK data shows good safety of COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy"


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Your links and a google search of Dr Peter English, surprisingly in the former and perhaps unsurprisingly in the latter yield only his bona fides. It would help your apparently critical(?) POV to produce searchable evidence of his lack of it.

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Maybe trying to be clear about your point rather than a word salad designed to sound impressive. How about you show us where evidence of safety for jabbing pregnant mothers is since you think the CV conveys infallible authority for science of human health? Feel free to add ALL cases where treating expectant mothers with drugs & without long term safety data has gone well and hubris not led to disaster.

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Apologies for my apparently impenetrable writing style (or lack of it :-) I'm agreeing with you in substance (if indeed you are being critical of him), but you are linking to positive reviews of his POV while apparently seeing them as negative--or something. Seems to be some kind of 'in-group' thing going on here. Not everybody automatically knows whatever it is that you know about Peter English. So what is it that you know? Please share if you want 'outsiders' to see your point.

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"“Increasing data from the US where nearly 9 million 12- to 17-year-olds have been vaccinated and the extension of vaccines to teenagers in Canada and France has provide reassurance that the Pfizer vaccine is safe with serious side effects being very rare.”

Dr Peter English, a retired consultant in communicable disease control, added: “The UK medicines regulator approved the vaccines from the of 12 years in early June, and other countries, such as the USA and Canada, have been offering the vaccine routinely to children aged 12+ for some time now, so we have an abundance of safety data for this age group.”


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Here's a list of 14 studies that also outline high risks to children from the vaccination from around the world, plus a pair clarifying the non-existing risk to children from COVID-19 -

http://authintel.com/covidresources/VaxChildRiskStudiesBobLeithiser.docx or you can also get it from my substack at https://boblphd.substack.com/p/studies-pertaining-to-risks-to-children?r=ubp8z&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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I don't know if this boy is on your list. He went to my son's high school. There is no mention of the jabs, but he had no underlying health conditions and died of a sudden cardiac event.


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Hi Dr Malone. You are my hero. Thanks for all the amazing work you do!

Regarding this article, I watched the video from the CCCA. That evidence alone should be enough to stop the madness and put these evil people on trial .

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May not be directly related to your response to Reuters, but in terms of conflicts of interest, James C. Smith was the CEO of Reuters and is now on Pfizer's Board of Directors.

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A real-life occurrence....

The family member of a friend (this person had Addison's disease) took their Moderna vaccine booster; pretty quickly thereafter, they had a horrible reaction (got quite sick); within 24 hours they were dead. They died on the way to the emergency room. I understand that this person's temperature when they reached the emergency room was 106, but, as noted, they had already passed.

It could well be that this person's doctor told the person to adjust UPWARDS their other Addison's disease medications and that doing so is what triggered the fatal reaction, but these vaccines clearly are not a bunch of inert saline.

For additional data sources, Alex Berenson's substack has a number of short blurbs re: professional athletes who suddenly dropped over dead.

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