My first utterance is HELP! This gradual descent into the bowels of backwards, up-side-down approach is what happens to most systems when the populace gets complacent. We forgot that the responsibility belongs to us for surveillance of the approach of our lives in all regards. Climbing back up that steep decline takes fortitude and determination like our lives depend on it, which they do!
When the majority of citizens don’t have the education and understanding of what is transpiring they just follow the thought leaders that have a agenda that doesn’t give a damn about the general population!
I hadn’t read this but because you posted it I went back and read, thanks. It was a great essay. One of the things that really got me was how people were staying calm as the flames were getting closer. Like people had been sprayed or fogged with something like lithium, and she goes through the regular chemicals they spray us with every day, you know normal stuff. The other really interesting point was how the officials are not doing normal things like setting up beds, keeping track of the dead or missing, general warnings etc. we are living in extraordinarily insane times. We certainly are under attack, with the overwhelming help of our own government.
True enough, DD, However (individual) self responsibility - which is the bedrock of a stable society - is long out of fashion in America with the introduction of the "Nanny" or "Welfare State" that was created by Democrat President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1932.
Since then, both Democrat and Republican administrations have - via law - created and funded an ever expanding BLOB MONSTROSITY - the "administrative state" - run and ruled by hordes of un-elected bureaucrats - who in the name of "doing good" have morphed into a tyrannical body intent on controlling and governing by endless unconstitutional edicts, rules, and regulations blanketing virtually EVERY facet of life and "living" - with virtually NO "oversight" by ELECTED members of the Congress, nor the Executive branch of (our) federal government - And PROTECTED by the Judicial branch for almost 100 years up until the "Chevron" Supreme Court decision that (hopefully) restores Constitutional authority rather than bureaucratic authority over the sovereign American people.
But, again, until the reconstruction of the 'nuclear family' and the resolve by mothers and fathers to TEACH self responsibility to their children, the same dependence on "the state"
and rampant irresponsibly of individuals that someone else OWES them whatever they 'feel' they need or want THROUGHOUT their lives will continue to destroy the "Fragile Experiment with Freedom" Ben Franklin spoke of.
I watched them dancing in their hospital scrubs / garb, in the hallways, during covid when there was no one in the hospital beds.
I know someone who works in a hospital, who shall remain unnamed. He is not a nurse, nor doctor, but one of the support staff. Overhearing the staff talk about how people who weren't vaxed should die, or how they should get zero help/ be turned away, when they got hurt, or even hoping the antivaxxers would all just die already.
I have a neighbor, and when I returned home from a protest against the covid lockdowns, she was outside, and came across with her dog. She had no idea where I was just at for the last 6 hours, and covid came up, as well as the lockdowns. She flat out said:
"I wish all those assholes who refused the vax, and are now protesting / demanding their freedoms would all just die, already"
That quote is verbatim.
I didn't say a word. Yes, she should have had her head handed to her, but I kept my big fat trap shut, simply because I knew now where she stood on freedoms, and the fake pandemic, she was profiting immensely, being she was a neonatal nurse in a big hospital, and was making huge money with all the "perks" and overtime.
SO.... At this point, I have very little respect for anyone who went along with that garbage, promoted that garbage, pretended that the "freezer trailers filled with dead bodies" was something out of the ordinary, when in reality, they simply stopped shipping dead people out to where dead people normally get shipped, stacking and stockpiling them in trailers for "visual effect".
I share your anger and frustration. My only recourse is to conclude the mRNA shot zealots really believed that the hesitant were putting everyone in danger. It was an expression of terrible ignorance. They are not guiltless for swallowing the propaganda, because there was enough information available to allow for critical thinking to see through the lies. I know several people who recently had strokes, and had boosters, they were not told by doctors that those shots can cause strokes. They do not believe there is any connection. They would though, if there was a billboard showing the relationship between spike protein and strokes on the boulevard, just like we believe it when we see the deaths from smoking on the billboards, it would seem silly if a neighbour disputed that smoking causes lung cancer today.
Even tho I would word it differently, I can totally see where you are coming from, and heard and got similar responses to the dismay and chagrin of my idealist nature. UGH
I wholeheartedly agree with Dr. Malone’s assessment about the difference between the public health paradigm, and hoe it differs from the medical model of addressing the issue from looking at the individuals wellbeing as opposed to the collective public. I have an MD Degree and an MPH Degree. One of my professors questioned me when I was applying for admission. She told me that being a Medical Doctor , I would have to change from dealing with an individual person’s problem to dealing with the public as a collective. She told me that in public health the primary concern was the treatment outcome on the group rather than the individual via statistical analysis of data rather than the well being of the person in front of me. Public health was not concerned with the individual. She asked me if I would be able to reshape my focus to using statistical data rather than seeing the patient as an individual. I said yes in order to be admitted to the MPH program. “I lied to her, and said yes. I had to struggle to keep my mouth shut and avoid engaging in any honest dialogue in many of my classes.The Public health approach to medicine has eliminated any feelings for the individual. It is cold and data driven without feelings and consideration for the individuals soul. ‘ “First do no harm “ has been forgotten. Their is no “love” for the person.
One of the favorite themes in my MPH School experience was the cry by the students for“Social Justice” Every vaccine was looked upon as coming straight from God to save humanity. I was soundly criticized by some of the other students for my raising questions about the effectiveness of vaccines and the world wide danger to all life on earth from climate change. Open and honest discussions about these 2 topics was not appreciated, even if you provided documented evidence to disprove them. My whole experience was like serving time in a gulag of indoctrination with mainstream narratives. Thank God almighty , I graduated before the COVID fiasco. Cary
My MPH degree is wonderful, and I wouldn't have it any other way. When I found out that my (M)ulti (P)uppy (H)ousehold required lots of love, affection, snuggles, licks, scratches, head bonks, and a few missing teeth on the floor, I jumped right in !
Not only the MPH but also hospital administration. These are the clowns who are basically in charge of hospitals today and are the ones who informed my wife in one of their cancer hospital employee training sessions 30 yrs ago to refer to patients as clients. That word alone summarizes what you now have in medicine. The almighty dollar replacing the concept of care.
Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine , 2500 years ago was a physician.who taught those who aspired to study medicine. He did not promote what is called medicine today, which are toxic drugs and vaccines. Hippocrates knew what created health, He said, "Let food be your medicine; and medicine be your food. In addition, he prescribed a healthy lifestyle. Nutrients from wholesome food NOURISH and STRENGTHEN the IMMUNE SYSTEM, which protects people from disease. In ORDER to HEAL and CURE illness: STRESSES of all kinds MUST BE REMOVED. .The wrong foods are stresses. 95% of illness is created by putting the wrong foods, alcohol, drugs, and tobacco in the mouth. Putting the wrong substance into the mouth or injecting any kind of elements into the bloodstream, other than nutrients from food, does not protect or heal, it destroys the Immune System. It is a major STRESS! .MEDICAL CARE is NOT HEALTH CARE! Hippocrates taught HEALTH CARE.
Only a few foods contain vitamin D3, and the quantities are so small (except as noted below, in breast milk from 25-hydroxyvitamin D replete mothers) that no practical amount of food can supply anywhere near enough vitamin D3 for us to attain (via hydroxylation, primarily in the liver) the 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L = 1 part in 20,000,000 by mass) level of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D which the immune system needs to function properly.
Ultraviolet B light on ideally white skin can create sufficient vitamin D3 for full immune system function, but far from the equator, this is only available naturally in sufficient quantities in the middle of cloud-free summer days. UV-B always damages DNA and so raises the risk of skin cancer.
Fortunately we can now supplement vitamin D3 to attain the level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D our immune system needs all year round without raising the risk of skin cancer. This is an important exception to the principle that we can and should obtain all the nutrients we need from food. Average weigh adults need about a gram every 22 years.
This is true for everyone except for those who already have substantial year-round UV-B exposure of ideally white skin and babies substantially breast fed by mothers who have good 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels.
Both vitamin D3 and 25-hydroxyvitamin D are present in breast milk, in proportion the mother's circulating levels. The research on this is quite scattered, but Tsugawa et al. 2021 measured these low levels very carefully and found approximately equal amounts of vitamin D3 cholecalciferol and 25-hydroxyvitamin D in breast milk. Only about 1/4 of ingested vitamin D3 is hydroxylated to the circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D the immune system needs, while ingested 25-hydroxyvitamin D is easily absorbed and goes straight into circulation. So the 25-hydroxyvitamin D content of milk from 25-hydroxyvitamin D replete mothers plays the predominant role in boosting her baby's 25-hydroxyvitamin D level.
Since breast milk is food, this is the only instance in which food can be sufficient to attain the good levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D the immune system needs to function properly.
Its amazing how our ancient ancestors lived for thousands of years without any supplements at all and were healthy enough to propagate without medical assistance. Could it be they were in a warmer climate and had no clothes? Perhaps, the atmosphere was free of pollution and the sun rays were not blocked. Today, people need supplements because pollution hs destroyed the air, water and soil.
Many of their recommended foods...leave much to be desired. Genetics passed down from one's ancestry who came from certain areas of the world dictate food choices. The people from India for thousands of generations have eaten foods grown in their area of the world. Where did your ancestry come from? It does affect one's food choices.
There are ways, I’m sure, that thinking of “the health of the public” makes sense: making medications available in all 50 states, for example, requiring physical education AND RECESS in schools, or paying attention to what additives go into our processed foods. But when it comes to each person’s health, the relationship between individual and doctor/health care provider must be primary.
true words Doc Malone: "As both physicians and as citizens, we must wean ourselves from the false idol of centralized planning, utilitarianism, socialism, a nanny state bureaucracy and a conflicted medical elite that seeks to optimize equality of outcomes, and return to a belief and commitment to the ability of free people to make their own decisions about how they live and their own health."
rationally, logically would it be ill-advised or wrong to extend this in this manner?
So, subsidiarity, summarized so nicely as you did here, could that also be extended to the act of abortion, and a mother's right to do so as an extension of this concept whereby a mother really DOES have the right to make the decision, yes or no, on abortion of her growing fetus? To me, this naturally extends and is logical from the perspective of the mother and that of the infant growing as a part of her body during gestation.
Here I go, sticking my neck out. What I have read and believe from a different perspective from most, is that the soul enters the body at or just after birth. That doesn't mean that the responsibility is lessened for starting the process of a new life. This is a deep and complicated topic with no absolute answer, as far as I can tell.
I also believe that DD-- a version anyway. . . that the soul enters the body at conception or sometime during gestation. This subject regarding a mother's authority and responsibility to this new soul really does appear to be an unsolvable paradox viewed from an abortion perspective.
Perhaps God meant it to be:
The action each mother in this situation makes causes her whole life to change in ways for better or worse. This chain of events, good or bad, allows her to learn and grow and understand life-- or not, depending on the person.
Could it be that such experience and the resultant learning process is what "life" IS for human beings? What we learn, change later, and improve could be what life is mostly about. Until we see real life as spirit, we will likely not solve the paradox though.
On the other hand, it is very hard to morally rationalize when a soul never sees human life as a result. (The mother is able to exemplify the ultimate in "subsidiarity" perhaps.) Although I value human life; I value the soul more; yet, I apparently am forced to still come down on the side of a mother being the ultimate responsible, authority in this "decision". Subsidiarity. . . or not.
Still, if I was king I would insist on all pre-adolescents being firmly educated about these issues and the paradox, and that both sexes "see" a live ultrasound of a baby growing in a mother before facing this decision. However, to truly educate utilizing public education, learning about God is required(another paradox in a democratic republic). But then, I am not the king.
Subsidiarity is also fundamental to the concept of Salutogenesis that Aaron Antonovsky wrote about that is the grounding of human health. As I point out in "Common Sense Medicine: Making America Healthy Again" (available at Amazon) it is fundamental to the health of all complex systems--and even our country qualifies there. The book explains how to do it.
One of the most important parts of decision making is looking at the human individual as having value in and of himself; that we are each made in the 'imago Dei'. When pragmatism, progress and cold logic are carried out to their fullest, this is forgotten. People become widgets, means to an end… this is what I fear may get lost, ultimately, if the incoming administration gets caught up in what may start as noble goal, but without the restraining hand of compassion, humility and empathy. There are ditches on either side of the path… the Holy Spirit is an excellent bumper guard to unchecked, sheer drive and determination. I’d hate to be in Musk’s way… Can you see where I am coming from? Praying for those whose physical lives, homes, jobs, and futures were disregarded for the cause of *progress*… whether for a socialist dream (which is always a nightmare), retribution, world domination or ‘UN Smart Cities’.
Totally, and as Bret Weinstein has often characterized it, "COVID was a coup of Public Health against hippocratic Medicine" (my paraphrasing). When the world is sufficiently nihilistic and doesn't believe there's anything worth dying for, then Public Health is a perfect vanguard for diabolical control. Good thing we (mostly) beat that evil back into its hole, for now.
I am of the opinion that Public Health as it exists today shouldn’t exist, never should have existed. Emphasis here is “as it exists today”. It is ancillary to the Individual vs the Collective and just like the ideology of collectivism everything associated with it became corrupt. In the case of Public Health it was money that corrupted it, followed by its cooption and weaponization by tyrants. Such was the journey and destination of Public Health. So many lessons learned that perhaps could have resulted in a different outcome had they been understood and acted upon much earlier. As it is we should have stopped at Clean water, public sanitation(sewer) systems, the identification of disease contagion(mid 20th century full stop), antibiotics, anesthesia/pain management. After that it all went down hill.
Excellent and very timely topic for discussion. Thank you
Hopefully, Mr. Kennedy and MAHA will get the approvals needed to open a golden opportunity for beneficial change.
Today, I came across an article covering recent study conclusions that "After age 55, people have up to a four in 10 chance of eventually developing dementia if they live long enough." The article ended with a physicians recommendation to live a healthy lifestyle.
It seems to me that many of the areas the MAHA effort has expressed interest in pursuing could impact this issue. For example, small poisonings from food enhancements. Longer-term effects from current farming practices. Better assessments of medications/"vaccines" effects.
As particulars are identified, appropriate considerations can be discussed by physicians (and support they engage ?) with their patients. Patients, thus armed, can further study and/or take beneficial actions to enhance their families' healthful progress.
For reasons I haven't surfaced, I admit to an aversion to public health and social psychology. That said, I've felt our education systems, government, and media focus on encouraging us to depend on the experts, the governments. There is no need to think for ourselves or assume responsibilities. To me, the CA LA situation personifies the strategy.
I couldn't agree more with the need for 'subsidiarity.' Major job ahead to get individuals willing to investigate, consider opportunities, and make decisions. Making decisions, being 'responsible' oft requires courage.
Doesn’t it seem to always be about keeping people sick so big medical can draw every penny out of the public that they can. I saw this clip the other day and would love to hear your take on it Dr. Malone. BASED Mel Gibson has discovered the CURE FOR CANCER : based_mel_gibson_has_discovered_the_cure_for/?rdt=39289
I didn't get into the details. However there are many cancers and many factors impacting on what works. Lots of folks are studying in hopes of more answers. The FLCCC, Dr Merrick is conducting a major study.
We have every reason to appreciate any and all significant contributions.
I’ve always thought there was a cure for cancer, but they squashed it because they make way to much money on horrible treatments. I’ve read about cancers being a virus and ivermectin fights this along with the other drugs mentioned by Rogan. I wonder if this may add up to something??
I believe that the reason that some think ivermectin cures cancer is they also believe that parasites are partly responsible for the cancer, again going along with the idea of being out of balance.
I was told years ago that every single human, dog, cat, fish, etc., all have the capability for cancer to emerge within them, and its when something fails in their immune system that allows it to prosper, it does.
Here's another thought... if illness can wake us up and often does, then there is the possibility that if cancer goes away something else will take its place? Having cancer is not inevitable, why are some people at risk? Genetics or a mindset or an emotional stress? We are holistic Beings, therefore at the effect of imbalances, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Whew...
From a very personal standpoint the medical establishment has at times horribly let me and my family down. With my mother it started with a pain in her back which lead to a quadruple bi-pass surgery. Only a couple months later after they butchered her from her ankle to her neck she said something is not right I don’t feel well. So after, at that time, a 300 thousand dollar heart surgery, the back pain was pancreatic cancer, within 3 months my mother died. My father had prostate cancer that metastasized into his bones and that poor man suffered for nearly 2 years dwindling down to about 100 lbs horrible, no relief for him. My sister took the shots and ended up with a rare type of lymphoma. She actually got a test done today and the what they believe is cancer in her other lung has not grown so they say that’s good news. There have been successes though, 80 years ago in England my father survived for 40 years after having a lung removed in WW2. Without that I wouldn’t be here. Different time, different place. America needs slaves like me!!
My understanding is that cancer causes and types are multitudinous, so I don't believe there is a pill or an herb or a procedure that can cure "cancer". To the extent that we don't maintain homeostasis, then diseases, including cancer, have an opening. Basically, if you're out of balance, very likely you're going to fall over.
Christine from Curing Covid Related Diseases substack talked about how genetics plays an important role in determining how our allergies, disease tolerance, likes, etc are determined.
One person might be allergic to bee stings while another is very tolerant of stings. Everyone is individual and it may become more common place to analyze their DNA to determine their tolerance to a wide variety of irritants, foods, chemicals, allergens and drugs.
The FLCCC said it this way: "Let Doctors be doctors." With standard of care medicine being taught in socialized fashion in medical schools, will there soon be any true "doctors" left?
As a public health professional I object to the characterization of public health that was laid out in the beginning of this column. The goal of public health has always been to create the environment that enables all individuals the opportunity to achieve the best level of health possible. This requires public health officials to collaborate with other agencies and elected officials to encourage laws, regulations and spending priorities that optimize health. This can compulsary in nature, such as seatbelt and helmet laws or non-restrictive such as planning more green space and bicycle lanes to promote general wellness. But this always done through the democratic representative process. In other words, the people DO get a vote. That's not top-down centralized planning. Recently, there has been increased focus on health equity - this is simply the realization that some demographic groups are experiencing lower expectancy and poorer health overall. The goal is to identify the underlying factors and identify ways to mitigate these factors- not to reduce the health of others to achieve "equality of outcome." That being said, the COVID pandemic showed that there is much room for improvement when it comes to public health. Much work needs to be done at the federal level - particularly in the area of vaccine safety. The entire vaccine program needs a serious reboot. We need to do ACTUAL safety testing of vaccines against real placebos, and we need to look at the potential for vaccine interactions- work that has NEVER BEEN DONE, despite propaganda statements to the contrary.
My first utterance is HELP! This gradual descent into the bowels of backwards, up-side-down approach is what happens to most systems when the populace gets complacent. We forgot that the responsibility belongs to us for surveillance of the approach of our lives in all regards. Climbing back up that steep decline takes fortitude and determination like our lives depend on it, which they do!
When the majority of citizens don’t have the education and understanding of what is transpiring they just follow the thought leaders that have a agenda that doesn’t give a damn about the general population!
You really need to read Naiomi Wolf's "at war" article on substack. I've sent it to quite a few, and the replies are ....
Well, just read it.
I hadn’t read this but because you posted it I went back and read, thanks. It was a great essay. One of the things that really got me was how people were staying calm as the flames were getting closer. Like people had been sprayed or fogged with something like lithium, and she goes through the regular chemicals they spray us with every day, you know normal stuff. The other really interesting point was how the officials are not doing normal things like setting up beds, keeping track of the dead or missing, general warnings etc. we are living in extraordinarily insane times. We certainly are under attack, with the overwhelming help of our own government.
True enough, DD, However (individual) self responsibility - which is the bedrock of a stable society - is long out of fashion in America with the introduction of the "Nanny" or "Welfare State" that was created by Democrat President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1932.
Since then, both Democrat and Republican administrations have - via law - created and funded an ever expanding BLOB MONSTROSITY - the "administrative state" - run and ruled by hordes of un-elected bureaucrats - who in the name of "doing good" have morphed into a tyrannical body intent on controlling and governing by endless unconstitutional edicts, rules, and regulations blanketing virtually EVERY facet of life and "living" - with virtually NO "oversight" by ELECTED members of the Congress, nor the Executive branch of (our) federal government - And PROTECTED by the Judicial branch for almost 100 years up until the "Chevron" Supreme Court decision that (hopefully) restores Constitutional authority rather than bureaucratic authority over the sovereign American people.
But, again, until the reconstruction of the 'nuclear family' and the resolve by mothers and fathers to TEACH self responsibility to their children, the same dependence on "the state"
and rampant irresponsibly of individuals that someone else OWES them whatever they 'feel' they need or want THROUGHOUT their lives will continue to destroy the "Fragile Experiment with Freedom" Ben Franklin spoke of.
We just rolling down that same old road,
And more of what we "DON'T" want to have happen....
Just keeps showing up!
Seems to me that hospital employees have lost faith in themselves.
So I'm setting new expectations for myself,
in the form of knowing for certain they can no longer will ever get it right.
There is no profit in cure and 1986 grows deeper like mold.
Unless you eradicate every tiny spec...It returns unabated!
lost faith in themselves ? How so?
I watched them dancing in their hospital scrubs / garb, in the hallways, during covid when there was no one in the hospital beds.
I know someone who works in a hospital, who shall remain unnamed. He is not a nurse, nor doctor, but one of the support staff. Overhearing the staff talk about how people who weren't vaxed should die, or how they should get zero help/ be turned away, when they got hurt, or even hoping the antivaxxers would all just die already.
I have a neighbor, and when I returned home from a protest against the covid lockdowns, she was outside, and came across with her dog. She had no idea where I was just at for the last 6 hours, and covid came up, as well as the lockdowns. She flat out said:
"I wish all those assholes who refused the vax, and are now protesting / demanding their freedoms would all just die, already"
That quote is verbatim.
I didn't say a word. Yes, she should have had her head handed to her, but I kept my big fat trap shut, simply because I knew now where she stood on freedoms, and the fake pandemic, she was profiting immensely, being she was a neonatal nurse in a big hospital, and was making huge money with all the "perks" and overtime.
SO.... At this point, I have very little respect for anyone who went along with that garbage, promoted that garbage, pretended that the "freezer trailers filled with dead bodies" was something out of the ordinary, when in reality, they simply stopped shipping dead people out to where dead people normally get shipped, stacking and stockpiling them in trailers for "visual effect".
Fuck them.
Fuck the chemtrail pilots
Fuck the elites and their "test run".
I share your anger and frustration. My only recourse is to conclude the mRNA shot zealots really believed that the hesitant were putting everyone in danger. It was an expression of terrible ignorance. They are not guiltless for swallowing the propaganda, because there was enough information available to allow for critical thinking to see through the lies. I know several people who recently had strokes, and had boosters, they were not told by doctors that those shots can cause strokes. They do not believe there is any connection. They would though, if there was a billboard showing the relationship between spike protein and strokes on the boulevard, just like we believe it when we see the deaths from smoking on the billboards, it would seem silly if a neighbour disputed that smoking causes lung cancer today.
Even tho I would word it differently, I can totally see where you are coming from, and heard and got similar responses to the dismay and chagrin of my idealist nature. UGH
"9 out of 10 Doctors choose Camels...The healthy Cigarettes' !" 1948
A million or so bought that hook/line/sinker as well. Hahaha
I bet 99% are in an early grave too.
I bet
My point exactly. Lost in a world of conglomerate disillusion .
We need many more realistic and common sense ladies like you.
I am with you, no poisonous vaxx ordained by the daylight murderers, since 63 years !!!
You talkin to me? Well, gosh dang nabbit ! I,knew there was a woman inside of me !!
Just gotta let her out more often.
My mom used to say something like,
Don't let my femininity side get the best of you!"
We all should be so lucky to know our somewhat softer side.
Put a sweet litttle putty tat, or pup in my hands, and the metamorphesis takes place
I wholeheartedly agree with Dr. Malone’s assessment about the difference between the public health paradigm, and hoe it differs from the medical model of addressing the issue from looking at the individuals wellbeing as opposed to the collective public. I have an MD Degree and an MPH Degree. One of my professors questioned me when I was applying for admission. She told me that being a Medical Doctor , I would have to change from dealing with an individual person’s problem to dealing with the public as a collective. She told me that in public health the primary concern was the treatment outcome on the group rather than the individual via statistical analysis of data rather than the well being of the person in front of me. Public health was not concerned with the individual. She asked me if I would be able to reshape my focus to using statistical data rather than seeing the patient as an individual. I said yes in order to be admitted to the MPH program. “I lied to her, and said yes. I had to struggle to keep my mouth shut and avoid engaging in any honest dialogue in many of my classes.The Public health approach to medicine has eliminated any feelings for the individual. It is cold and data driven without feelings and consideration for the individuals soul. ‘ “First do no harm “ has been forgotten. Their is no “love” for the person.
I like to say that the MPH degree trains people to be sociopaths... The scary thing is that the MPHs pretty much run HHS.
One of the favorite themes in my MPH School experience was the cry by the students for“Social Justice” Every vaccine was looked upon as coming straight from God to save humanity. I was soundly criticized by some of the other students for my raising questions about the effectiveness of vaccines and the world wide danger to all life on earth from climate change. Open and honest discussions about these 2 topics was not appreciated, even if you provided documented evidence to disprove them. My whole experience was like serving time in a gulag of indoctrination with mainstream narratives. Thank God almighty , I graduated before the COVID fiasco. Cary
My MPH degree is wonderful, and I wouldn't have it any other way. When I found out that my (M)ulti (P)uppy (H)ousehold required lots of love, affection, snuggles, licks, scratches, head bonks, and a few missing teeth on the floor, I jumped right in !
Tonga make joke.
my mph degree of different sort; high mph better than low.
Not only the MPH but also hospital administration. These are the clowns who are basically in charge of hospitals today and are the ones who informed my wife in one of their cancer hospital employee training sessions 30 yrs ago to refer to patients as clients. That word alone summarizes what you now have in medicine. The almighty dollar replacing the concept of care.
wow, amazing story. It IS hard to imagine this woman saying such a thing with a straight face.
Like Remdesivir(run, death is near) I will at least walk the other way when seeing MPH after someone's name!
Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine , 2500 years ago was a physician.who taught those who aspired to study medicine. He did not promote what is called medicine today, which are toxic drugs and vaccines. Hippocrates knew what created health, He said, "Let food be your medicine; and medicine be your food. In addition, he prescribed a healthy lifestyle. Nutrients from wholesome food NOURISH and STRENGTHEN the IMMUNE SYSTEM, which protects people from disease. In ORDER to HEAL and CURE illness: STRESSES of all kinds MUST BE REMOVED. .The wrong foods are stresses. 95% of illness is created by putting the wrong foods, alcohol, drugs, and tobacco in the mouth. Putting the wrong substance into the mouth or injecting any kind of elements into the bloodstream, other than nutrients from food, does not protect or heal, it destroys the Immune System. It is a major STRESS! .MEDICAL CARE is NOT HEALTH CARE! Hippocrates taught HEALTH CARE.
Only a few foods contain vitamin D3, and the quantities are so small (except as noted below, in breast milk from 25-hydroxyvitamin D replete mothers) that no practical amount of food can supply anywhere near enough vitamin D3 for us to attain (via hydroxylation, primarily in the liver) the 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L = 1 part in 20,000,000 by mass) level of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D which the immune system needs to function properly.
Please see my two comments below and the research cited and discussed at:
Ultraviolet B light on ideally white skin can create sufficient vitamin D3 for full immune system function, but far from the equator, this is only available naturally in sufficient quantities in the middle of cloud-free summer days. UV-B always damages DNA and so raises the risk of skin cancer.
Fortunately we can now supplement vitamin D3 to attain the level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D our immune system needs all year round without raising the risk of skin cancer. This is an important exception to the principle that we can and should obtain all the nutrients we need from food. Average weigh adults need about a gram every 22 years.
This is true for everyone except for those who already have substantial year-round UV-B exposure of ideally white skin and babies substantially breast fed by mothers who have good 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels.
Both vitamin D3 and 25-hydroxyvitamin D are present in breast milk, in proportion the mother's circulating levels. The research on this is quite scattered, but Tsugawa et al. 2021 measured these low levels very carefully and found approximately equal amounts of vitamin D3 cholecalciferol and 25-hydroxyvitamin D in breast milk. Only about 1/4 of ingested vitamin D3 is hydroxylated to the circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D the immune system needs, while ingested 25-hydroxyvitamin D is easily absorbed and goes straight into circulation. So the 25-hydroxyvitamin D content of milk from 25-hydroxyvitamin D replete mothers plays the predominant role in boosting her baby's 25-hydroxyvitamin D level.
Since breast milk is food, this is the only instance in which food can be sufficient to attain the good levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D the immune system needs to function properly.
Its amazing how our ancient ancestors lived for thousands of years without any supplements at all and were healthy enough to propagate without medical assistance. Could it be they were in a warmer climate and had no clothes? Perhaps, the atmosphere was free of pollution and the sun rays were not blocked. Today, people need supplements because pollution hs destroyed the air, water and soil.
Me likey !
(Tonga go look for Lana..... zug zug, woo hoo)
Many of their recommended foods...leave much to be desired. Genetics passed down from one's ancestry who came from certain areas of the world dictate food choices. The people from India for thousands of generations have eaten foods grown in their area of the world. Where did your ancestry come from? It does affect one's food choices.
I am not recommending eating foods from India. Ayurveda is a way of learning about dosha imbalance and eating foods that balance the tridosha.
There are ways, I’m sure, that thinking of “the health of the public” makes sense: making medications available in all 50 states, for example, requiring physical education AND RECESS in schools, or paying attention to what additives go into our processed foods. But when it comes to each person’s health, the relationship between individual and doctor/health care provider must be primary.
true words Doc Malone: "As both physicians and as citizens, we must wean ourselves from the false idol of centralized planning, utilitarianism, socialism, a nanny state bureaucracy and a conflicted medical elite that seeks to optimize equality of outcomes, and return to a belief and commitment to the ability of free people to make their own decisions about how they live and their own health."
rationally, logically would it be ill-advised or wrong to extend this in this manner?
So, subsidiarity, summarized so nicely as you did here, could that also be extended to the act of abortion, and a mother's right to do so as an extension of this concept whereby a mother really DOES have the right to make the decision, yes or no, on abortion of her growing fetus? To me, this naturally extends and is logical from the perspective of the mother and that of the infant growing as a part of her body during gestation.
Quite the acid test of this concept.
Here I go, sticking my neck out. What I have read and believe from a different perspective from most, is that the soul enters the body at or just after birth. That doesn't mean that the responsibility is lessened for starting the process of a new life. This is a deep and complicated topic with no absolute answer, as far as I can tell.
I also believe that DD-- a version anyway. . . that the soul enters the body at conception or sometime during gestation. This subject regarding a mother's authority and responsibility to this new soul really does appear to be an unsolvable paradox viewed from an abortion perspective.
Perhaps God meant it to be:
The action each mother in this situation makes causes her whole life to change in ways for better or worse. This chain of events, good or bad, allows her to learn and grow and understand life-- or not, depending on the person.
Could it be that such experience and the resultant learning process is what "life" IS for human beings? What we learn, change later, and improve could be what life is mostly about. Until we see real life as spirit, we will likely not solve the paradox though.
On the other hand, it is very hard to morally rationalize when a soul never sees human life as a result. (The mother is able to exemplify the ultimate in "subsidiarity" perhaps.) Although I value human life; I value the soul more; yet, I apparently am forced to still come down on the side of a mother being the ultimate responsible, authority in this "decision". Subsidiarity. . . or not.
Still, if I was king I would insist on all pre-adolescents being firmly educated about these issues and the paradox, and that both sexes "see" a live ultrasound of a baby growing in a mother before facing this decision. However, to truly educate utilizing public education, learning about God is required(another paradox in a democratic republic). But then, I am not the king.
Subsidiarity is also fundamental to the concept of Salutogenesis that Aaron Antonovsky wrote about that is the grounding of human health. As I point out in "Common Sense Medicine: Making America Healthy Again" (available at Amazon) it is fundamental to the health of all complex systems--and even our country qualifies there. The book explains how to do it.
One of the most important parts of decision making is looking at the human individual as having value in and of himself; that we are each made in the 'imago Dei'. When pragmatism, progress and cold logic are carried out to their fullest, this is forgotten. People become widgets, means to an end… this is what I fear may get lost, ultimately, if the incoming administration gets caught up in what may start as noble goal, but without the restraining hand of compassion, humility and empathy. There are ditches on either side of the path… the Holy Spirit is an excellent bumper guard to unchecked, sheer drive and determination. I’d hate to be in Musk’s way… Can you see where I am coming from? Praying for those whose physical lives, homes, jobs, and futures were disregarded for the cause of *progress*… whether for a socialist dream (which is always a nightmare), retribution, world domination or ‘UN Smart Cities’.
love your comment
Thank you. (btw, I cannot *like* the comments… do you know what the problem may be?)
I have had that happen to me before - and I don't know why. Substack can be glitchy on occasion?
Maybe they're just uploading:
posts, comments, names, address, IP Address, color of skin, age, religious beliefs, and type of beverages the folks on your site are into,
all to the blob that watches.
While I am aware of this, I hate it.
uh huh...
My "likey" is working.
Maybe the fact that I change the oil and filter in my likey button on a regular basis. 3000 miles, or a year. Whichever comes first.
I knew is was the Rockefellers before I read the name. A truly evil family of narcissists.
Totally, and as Bret Weinstein has often characterized it, "COVID was a coup of Public Health against hippocratic Medicine" (my paraphrasing). When the world is sufficiently nihilistic and doesn't believe there's anything worth dying for, then Public Health is a perfect vanguard for diabolical control. Good thing we (mostly) beat that evil back into its hole, for now.
I am of the opinion that Public Health as it exists today shouldn’t exist, never should have existed. Emphasis here is “as it exists today”. It is ancillary to the Individual vs the Collective and just like the ideology of collectivism everything associated with it became corrupt. In the case of Public Health it was money that corrupted it, followed by its cooption and weaponization by tyrants. Such was the journey and destination of Public Health. So many lessons learned that perhaps could have resulted in a different outcome had they been understood and acted upon much earlier. As it is we should have stopped at Clean water, public sanitation(sewer) systems, the identification of disease contagion(mid 20th century full stop), antibiotics, anesthesia/pain management. After that it all went down hill.
Excellent and very timely topic for discussion. Thank you
Hopefully, Mr. Kennedy and MAHA will get the approvals needed to open a golden opportunity for beneficial change.
Today, I came across an article covering recent study conclusions that "After age 55, people have up to a four in 10 chance of eventually developing dementia if they live long enough." The article ended with a physicians recommendation to live a healthy lifestyle.
It seems to me that many of the areas the MAHA effort has expressed interest in pursuing could impact this issue. For example, small poisonings from food enhancements. Longer-term effects from current farming practices. Better assessments of medications/"vaccines" effects.
As particulars are identified, appropriate considerations can be discussed by physicians (and support they engage ?) with their patients. Patients, thus armed, can further study and/or take beneficial actions to enhance their families' healthful progress.
For reasons I haven't surfaced, I admit to an aversion to public health and social psychology. That said, I've felt our education systems, government, and media focus on encouraging us to depend on the experts, the governments. There is no need to think for ourselves or assume responsibilities. To me, the CA LA situation personifies the strategy.
I couldn't agree more with the need for 'subsidiarity.' Major job ahead to get individuals willing to investigate, consider opportunities, and make decisions. Making decisions, being 'responsible' oft requires courage.
Doesn’t it seem to always be about keeping people sick so big medical can draw every penny out of the public that they can. I saw this clip the other day and would love to hear your take on it Dr. Malone. BASED Mel Gibson has discovered the CURE FOR CANCER : based_mel_gibson_has_discovered_the_cure_for/?rdt=39289
I didn't get into the details. However there are many cancers and many factors impacting on what works. Lots of folks are studying in hopes of more answers. The FLCCC, Dr Merrick is conducting a major study.
We have every reason to appreciate any and all significant contributions.
There is one big problem with the ivermectin paradigm.
Who makes it ? IOW, Who owns the processes for manufacture ? Gates ? Flim Flam Fowlchee ?
Is it tainted, or is it actually pure as it was intended to be ?
There is so much going on, being hit from ever side, by every disinformation and actual information site out there.
William Casey said "we know our disinformation is complete, when everything the American public believes is false".
Do you think it’s possible that this could work, would they let it?
could you be more specific as to which part you're asking me? My belligerent ranting usually encompasses multi-topics at the same time.
I’ve always thought there was a cure for cancer, but they squashed it because they make way to much money on horrible treatments. I’ve read about cancers being a virus and ivermectin fights this along with the other drugs mentioned by Rogan. I wonder if this may add up to something??
I believe that the reason that some think ivermectin cures cancer is they also believe that parasites are partly responsible for the cancer, again going along with the idea of being out of balance.
I was told years ago that every single human, dog, cat, fish, etc., all have the capability for cancer to emerge within them, and its when something fails in their immune system that allows it to prosper, it does.
Here's another thought... if illness can wake us up and often does, then there is the possibility that if cancer goes away something else will take its place? Having cancer is not inevitable, why are some people at risk? Genetics or a mindset or an emotional stress? We are holistic Beings, therefore at the effect of imbalances, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Whew...
From a very personal standpoint the medical establishment has at times horribly let me and my family down. With my mother it started with a pain in her back which lead to a quadruple bi-pass surgery. Only a couple months later after they butchered her from her ankle to her neck she said something is not right I don’t feel well. So after, at that time, a 300 thousand dollar heart surgery, the back pain was pancreatic cancer, within 3 months my mother died. My father had prostate cancer that metastasized into his bones and that poor man suffered for nearly 2 years dwindling down to about 100 lbs horrible, no relief for him. My sister took the shots and ended up with a rare type of lymphoma. She actually got a test done today and the what they believe is cancer in her other lung has not grown so they say that’s good news. There have been successes though, 80 years ago in England my father survived for 40 years after having a lung removed in WW2. Without that I wouldn’t be here. Different time, different place. America needs slaves like me!!
My understanding is that cancer causes and types are multitudinous, so I don't believe there is a pill or an herb or a procedure that can cure "cancer". To the extent that we don't maintain homeostasis, then diseases, including cancer, have an opening. Basically, if you're out of balance, very likely you're going to fall over.
Christine from Curing Covid Related Diseases substack talked about how genetics plays an important role in determining how our allergies, disease tolerance, likes, etc are determined.
One person might be allergic to bee stings while another is very tolerant of stings. Everyone is individual and it may become more common place to analyze their DNA to determine their tolerance to a wide variety of irritants, foods, chemicals, allergens and drugs.
I would opt out of having my DNA analyzed. I wonder where that record would go . . .
The FLCCC said it this way: "Let Doctors be doctors." With standard of care medicine being taught in socialized fashion in medical schools, will there soon be any true "doctors" left?
I’ve read the first few paragraphs and it is already eye opening and excellent. Must read the rest later! Thank you as always, Dr. Malone.
As a public health professional I object to the characterization of public health that was laid out in the beginning of this column. The goal of public health has always been to create the environment that enables all individuals the opportunity to achieve the best level of health possible. This requires public health officials to collaborate with other agencies and elected officials to encourage laws, regulations and spending priorities that optimize health. This can compulsary in nature, such as seatbelt and helmet laws or non-restrictive such as planning more green space and bicycle lanes to promote general wellness. But this always done through the democratic representative process. In other words, the people DO get a vote. That's not top-down centralized planning. Recently, there has been increased focus on health equity - this is simply the realization that some demographic groups are experiencing lower expectancy and poorer health overall. The goal is to identify the underlying factors and identify ways to mitigate these factors- not to reduce the health of others to achieve "equality of outcome." That being said, the COVID pandemic showed that there is much room for improvement when it comes to public health. Much work needs to be done at the federal level - particularly in the area of vaccine safety. The entire vaccine program needs a serious reboot. We need to do ACTUAL safety testing of vaccines against real placebos, and we need to look at the potential for vaccine interactions- work that has NEVER BEEN DONE, despite propaganda statements to the contrary.