Re: the senate. I have another meeting with one of my state senators tomorrow. My binder of evidence is now over 400 pages. I’ll also be leaving this Republican Senator with Ed Dowd’s book CAUSE UNKNOWN and the DailyClout’s THE PFIZER DOCUMENTS ANALYSIS REPORTS as well as show them my vial of white fibrous clots. I have heard they are on our side. We shall see how committed they are to speaking truth. Pray the Lord touches their heart to do what is right for the residents of Ohio.

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Best wishes that your efforts to stop the push to inject humanity without safe guards to protect life itself! The Senate needs to invite the truth tellers into a day long session so they learn the truth!

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Ron Johnson has tried to bring truth to Congress, but they are unwilling to listen. Likewise, Andrew Bridgen has tried to bring truth to the UK Parliament, but they won't listen and have instead punished him.

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They all live in fear of being replaced by a new politician managed by Big Pharma. See no evil, hear no evil , speak no evil!

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Macbeth is afoot:

I am in blood;

Stepped in so far that,

Should I wade no more,

Returning were as tedious

As go o’er.

They will try to Redrum their way out.

In the 90’s, Congress shook down the tobacco companies for $252 billion to be used for “education”.

McConnell’s constipated smallness allows him to be bought off by Pfizer for $1 Million.

I’m voting for anyone who goes after Pfarma for the trillions on the table. Who knows, maybe some

Of it will trickle down to the vax-injured?

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Slim to none! $$$ rein supreme!

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Report on what has been happening at the WHO meeting in Geneva.

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Michele says no one from Congress is there. Also one of the members wants a world-wide simulation held this fall to ensure their treaty amendments are tight and controlling. They will reconvene in January and then vote in February.

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Thank you for sharing this info.

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You are welcome.

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We need to know exactly why.

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Laura, I will pray for you! Thank you for your diligence in educating people about this catastrophe. You have inspired me to do more!

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Thank you Anne. 😘❤️

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How about telling them to watch this video Dr. Rashid Buttar provided the day before his wrongful death. https://twitter.com/NextNewsNetwork/status/1660073799109206017?s=20

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I feel traumatized, first by the treatment the unvaccinated, such as myself, have received. Second, by the knowledge I have about the needless deaths due to suppression of early treatment and by the shameful treatment of the vaccine injured. Close friends who have been missionaries in Central America for about five years are going to exit the country because of the wife's vaccine injury. Since May of 2022, when she received a booster, she has been unable to return. One of my pastors has been repeatedly sick, with the most recent sickness keeping him out of work for about four months. He announced yesterday at church that he is transitioning to part-time employment because of his sickness (which I suspect is due to vaccine injury, but he doesn't).

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Yes Anne. These past 3 years have been psychological torture.

Like Dr. Malone, I got two shots. I woke up 6 months later. So far, no issues but that remains to be seen, doesn’t it.

I believe I was spared from death for such a time as this. Dr. Malone may feel the same. 🙏

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Romans 8:28. Our missionary friends, although heartbroken that they have to close down their ministry, know that God is sovereign and that He allowed this to happen, so that gives them a measure of peace.

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One of my favorite Bible verses. My dear father taught it to me when I was young. Believing that promise has gotten me through many times of adversity in my life. And it continues to.

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I am afraid of society and don't trust it. I have retreated to the mountains and spend my time with the animals and vegetation. Where people still are, are they getting it yet? Or is society still subscribed to this death cult armageddon cultural suicide?

Also, there is something humorous about Feinstein's red lipstick. Perhaps Fetterman should follow suit.

I appreciate this article, my problem is, or whatever, what I am wrestling with is, are people waking up? This has been a tough road for people like me, watching society set itself on fire and celebrating it.

I am not bragging when I say this, but I knew the day the schools closed and I picked my child up, that this was the big slam, that there was no "virus" going around, that government and industry was going to go tits up fascists, that this was the new "terrorist" threat to give power more power.

What cracked the sky in my brain is that I was mostly alone in this view, outside of my outstanding woman, very few saw what we were seeing.

Is it getting better out there? Are people getting it yet? I dont have any credentials, I got my bonefide hillbilly credit, but thats it, but thats enough, thats more than I have seen from most people over the last three years.

Is it getting better? Do people finally see what happened? I hope so. I feel sorry for everyone who fell for this, subjected themselves to irrational fear and panic, took part in villifying and ostracizing those in their family and friend circles, sad and frightened stupid people.

Tell me its getting better, because I gave up awhile ago. It was too lonely.

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I know how you feel, Aldous. As I commented elsewhere, I have recognized recently that I am honestly traumatized. It has been difficult to be attacked because I refused the vaccine and spoke out about it. Difficult also to see the carnage and the continuing blindness, whether willful or not. People are waking up. I feel a strong responsibility to continue doing what little I can to help them. I am a follower of Christ and have been so disappointed at how many of my fellow Christians did not have the discernment to question. Some of them are suffering as a result. Without a doubt, the only reason I can go on is because I know my God is sovereign, He works all things together for my good (Romans 8:28) and the perpetrators of this satanic evil will face His judgment one day. I pray they will repent and turn to Him before that day. I pray also they will be held accountable in this life. Be encouraged. You have a bigger community of awakened people than you might imagine.

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The frustration is that we want to see some judgement on these evil perpetrators and we never seem to be able to.

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I am no fan of Trump, nor do I hate him, but the treatment from the left towards him compared with Bush Cheney speaks volumes to me.

Thats everything right there.

Its like all that pent up frustration from non action fermenting in the lower bowls of the left was released on Trump.

Upside down world honk honk

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Aldous, I question your statement about no "virus" going around. From what I have investigated, reading and listening to Zach Bush M.D. and others, we are surrounded and loaded with viruses. We just never let it run its course. Read and listen to Zach, you won't be disappointed.

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There is a school of thought with proof that there were no or few 'COVID' cases, only colds and flus rebranded as COVID by false medical assumptions (before PCR tests became widely available) and then over cycled or false positive PCR tests. For example you may recall that virtually all colds and flus disappeared in 2020 in about equal proportion to the New Covid cases.

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Had the flu in 2007 and it lasted 6 hours with aggressive natural medications. Fast forward to 2021 and I was knocked low for 3 weeks without taking drugs or injections, but supplementing with nutrients. 2023 got it again and lasted 7 days. Took Ivermectin. The virus is real, it isn't the typical flu virus because it was man made gain of function. My opinion based on all the input on what has transpired. It was preplanned and intentional and is criminal and many belong in jail.! The problem is Big Pharma has invested billions in making mRNA injections and they are the golden ring of profit. They don't give a damn about the collateral damage being done!

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Not directed at you Thomas, but this was a good place to stick my thoughts!

It is a hyped virus in terms of its structure and advertising. Psychologically-speaking, if you feel ill and are told you have covid your mind will swiftly inundate you with thoughts of death, slowing your mental ability to assist your body in getting well. That is one of the ways the propaganda works. When admitting omicron was not that deadly, those infected had much better attitudes, which assisted in the healing process. Is it more transmittable than the cold, probably not. Is it more severe on the system then the cold, probably. Is it more deadly than the gene jabs, probably not. Do all the jabs contain the same dangerous elements, probably not. Will any part of government even acknowledge the purposeful misleading, probably not. We are sad, angry, looking for anyway to bring others to these facts. We want justice, we want our lives and loved ones back. I found a sadness lurking in this article by ‘A Midwestern Doctor’.

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Don't disagree with your thoughts. There is a psychological aspect to this because of the intense propaganda, but I still believe it is a man made virus and trust what Dr. Luc Montageniere said in June of 2020 and was immediately discredited. This was a prelanned event with specific goals in mind which have been hidden from you and I and the public.

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Yes, it is a man made virus, a weapon. Hyped in terms of it structure.

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My concern is future “testing” for cases of another pandemic and being able to quarantine anyone that tests positive symptoms or not. Too much power high up now with no accountability.

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Although I (and many others of us here in "conspiracy theory" land) no doubt assumed the virus was of artificial origin (I did, as early as May 2020 when various news stories broke -- when the sitting President and his top advisors say as much, even the leftist press has to report it.)

I've slowly gone slightly more to the dark side since then. Given the amount of fore-planning, the multiple government agencies demonstrably involved months, even years BEFORE the pandemic, and the obvious motives, I think a good case can be made the virus was deliberately released. If so, I give them credit: a virus that is exceptionally contagious, just harmful/fatal enough to stoke fear, and worldwide control of media and government to fan the flames of panic and browbeat the sheep into accepting lockdowns etc. OH, and the chance to rake in billions of dolllars in free money was a pleasant bonus.

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30 years ago I was knocked down for 2 days, never getting out of bed and then like that it was gone. My typical cold around that time lasted 2-3 weeks but I was up and about the whole time. Illnesses vary in length and intensity. If you didn't get tested reliably for "Covid" then are you sure you had it? There are more reliable tests for "COVID 19". Heard of one that costs $300.00. Depending on your body's current immune system condition you can get hit harder. Other factors weigh in to the mix such as nutrition, etc. My wife takes IVER these days at the first ill feeling and within hours it is gone. I have only taken it once for a toothache and of course it didn't do me any good.

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Tested at Mayo!

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With a blood test or PCR or other test? Just looking for guidance as to what tests work and what doesn't.

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I have an autoimmune disease. I haven’t had the seasonal flu since I made the mistake of getting a flu shot over 15 years ago. I’ve been terribly sick twice since then, once in October 2019 after a short stay in the hospital (some sort of upper respiratory illness) and then in February 2021 (took the FLCCC protocol)… they seemed very similar.

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Fred, I believe colds and flu are from the same family of Coronavirus. There has never been a successful vaccine for a cold and the flu vaccine is an ineffective joke.

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This brings up my question of whether COVID was a modified Corona virus (ie modifed flu or cold virus) from gain of function research. Just one of the many conspiracy theories that I entertain in the absence of proof otherwise.

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'War of the Worlds'

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Mostly incorrect: cold viruses are a diverse lot. Some are coronaviruses but many are not. Influenza is a more restricted group of virus but not a coronavirus. They are at most distant relatives, both being RNA viruses. And that's about the extent of my virology degree from Wikipedia University.

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Many question that. I have heard all the tales supporting there is a virus, and I have heard all the tales there is no virus and the latter has a stronger argument than the former, imo, but I have made a conscious effort not to bring this discussion into Malone's sub (even though I just did), and we can leave it at that if you wish, but yeah, I am not convinced. Neither is Dr Yeadon, this isn't crazy hillbilly talk here.

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May 22, 2023·edited May 22, 2023

What Zach details about viruses is not a "tale" from a triple board certified doctor. Somebody must have called you a crazy hillbilly, to need to emphasize the phrase twice. Sorry if that is true. (not that you are one, sorry if someone called you that)

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I guess it comes down to who's research you are convinced by. Triple board certified in a practice that does not have a convincing foundation means little to me.

I am proud of being a crazy hillbilly. It has saved my life on many occasions.

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He does have a very convincing foundation, if you look. My Grandma was a "crazy hillbilly" so I understand... (not so crazy)

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It is a purity of thought, not burdened by the noise most let in.

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May 22, 2023·edited May 22, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I remember requesting, with permission from the Dr., to have you reprint an essay. I am so glad you did. This work is deep, very well researched and on many topics of concern today. Thank you! (P.S. This person's gender has not been revealed as far as I know. I always hear a female voice in my head)

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May 22, 2023·edited May 22, 2023

The U. S. Senate cannot teach us anything about the great harm the injections have had on American’s! They have been gaslit just like the rest of us and haven’t got a clue how to move forward and stop the injections! The bottom line is that the medicine man doesn’t understand the central role our immune system plays in protecting us from pathogens of all types and stripes, including the mRNA injections. It is beyond my comprehension that with all the facts and figures known about the great harm, and the number of deaths that have been caused by using these injections we have not stopped the injections from being foisted on humanity, and especially our infants and children whose adulthood are going to be severely compromised! Consensus medical science has been embraced, rather than true objective medical research and that has to stop now! We are moving into uncharted waters with these experimental injections, and the risk of destroying humanity increases each day as they move forward in reprogramming the blue print of life itself.

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Did you read the essay?

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Yes! What do you believe I missed? It was well written and explains what we have known for a long time and there’s been no action. This reckless experiment on humanity.!

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I posted this on Sunday Funnies but everyone should know this.

Dr. Buttar, 57, a licensed physician and a retired Major in the US Army who served in special forces, died on Thursday at his home. He was named as one of the “Disinformation Dozen” by the far-left media along with Democrat presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

According to this article.A few days ago, Dr. Buttar joined Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, former co-host of The 700 Club Canada, to discuss “the Coronavirus Agenda: the real story behind the origin of Covid-19.” During the discussion, Dr. Buttar said, “I went through a very difficult personal health challenge a few months ago, I was in the ICU. I had been poisoned with this 200 times the amount of what’s in the vaccinations. And I’ve said publicly, you know, you’d have to shoot me in the head with lead, i.e. bullet because I’m never going to take the vaccine. So I was actually intentionally poisoned. And part of it was, I believe, right after that CNN interview.”

“The message I want people to know is, remember the importance of exercising free will, and then also as a default, as a backup, slow down and remember that God is in control,” he added.


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I might add that you should read the entire article. I am assuming with his rank in the Army he knew many other misdeeds and was taken out. because of it.

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Thanks for the link.

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I would add another public figure to your list. CA governor Gavin Newsome. Remember how he was "out of it" for about a month after receiving one of the covid-19 boosters? Rumor has it he had Gillian-barre syndrome and that he went to a stem cell clinic in Cabo, Mexico for treatment.

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Funny Kurt, when I read your post I read "Gavin Gruesome".

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Nuisance or Nonsense - his name not the fact he needed treatment.

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I personally have witnessed at least 12 severe adverse reactions from heart attacks, strokes, blood clots several cases of rare cancers, many resulting in deaths and losses of careers. I heard a R.Raegan quote the other day, Evil is powerless if the good is unafraid. A definition of fraid is damaged, weakened, or worn down by strain. This definition to me describes the house leadership on this issue. My total frustration is we have the good on our side. We have knowledgeable doctors with evidence to crush the evil and they are not allowed the platform by the house to speak to the public. Many make a decision to speak out. Many make a decision to suppress and take the money. Many make the decision to stay silent which allows evil to grow. Any of the three, aside from ignorance, is a choice we all must make. J.Goodrich

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Note: there are lots of good senators, the problem is the bribe taking affiliated communists control the senate. Any effort to persuade a senator to create a hearing that will get the principals (Fauci, etc.) in front of a board to be questioned will fail. It must be done by the house, and so far they have stayed silent. I think they are HOPING to run out the clock and HOPING to lose the next election, it’s easier and much less risky, and or confrontational.

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James, the "Mass Hypnosis" issue is very much a problem, all the way down the line!

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The mRNA injections are not vaccines. They are bioweapons. That's why the Chinese government does not allow them to be used in China, even though they make them here in the U.S. through companies controlled by Chinese entities.

Danny Huckabee

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Excellent article. Thanks for posting this! The degree of self delusion and denial in my medical colleagues remains baffling and frustrating. I think if you analogies this to Jonestown, drinking the Kool Aid was a manifestation of mass hysteria. Those who were deluded enough to commit suicide must have figured a gun shot to those less committed was reasonable.

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Thank you for trusting your audience, at every level of education, with the research that may touch the strings of infinite wisdom just enough to cause light to shine on some of most important issues of our time.

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I found interesting the costs in dollars. Our so called leaders show shallow disregard for human life as all these pointless wars indicate but money--that should get their attention, particularly if it can be presented to them is somecway hinting these lost dollars represent lost power or at least the ability to utilize it.

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It's our money, not theirs. Just look at the raising debt of our Nation and say they care. Just think of the $$$$ billions forked out by HHS to pay off hospitals, families of the dead; and its many underling departments paying off scientist, medical schools, doctors, media, BigTtech, etc.

I am in a very sad state after reading this very sad article.

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The Demet interview is fascinating. The lie regarding the 'trans movement' would appear to apply… getting people to believe nonsense, to deny biological reality.

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Thank you for posting this article. It is helpful when having vaccine discussions to have more info or should I say ammunition to use .

I wonder what the spike protein does in the vaccines now given to livestock. Does the spike protein survive after a cow or other animal dies? Does it survive and can cause problems to people who eat the meat from one of these mRNA vaxed animal. Can you give us an opinion on this matter. A guess.

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Who is the "editor" of your post? Yourself? It just looks strange to have editor's comments injected into this post without knowing who the editor is.

Both you and Steve Kirsch saw COVID shots injuries in your friends and this let both of you to start investigating. Good for you, and thanks. This was very good information on injuries to famous people.

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Doug, I believe the "Editors Note" is from the Midwestern Doctor after reading other articles. Referring to zeta is a whole article in itself recently.

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Valuable article and video. Very relevant in the face of the recent approval of the RSV (?) Vax for pregnant women to protect their offspring from respiratory disease. They say they will be assessing the merits of this Vax based on the results/after effects. The powers that be learned from the covid affair that they can get away with using our general population as guinea pigs. I don't find that as a conclusion I support.

Have a great day!

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Thank you Dr. Malone for reposting this article. I'm glad that there are professionals who CARE and are so insightful and analytical, and are willing to be honest with us all about what they have seen.

Reading this feels like a kind of "truth shower", one that we all need to receive again and again until the ugly, deadly Lies and Propaganda are finally washed away.

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I don't think this is a re-post...

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