Jan 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I still believe the major inflection point occurred in the very late 90's when Big Pharma was allowed to advertise their poisons on TV. After that, it was no longer (just) doctors pushing potentially unsafe and unnecessary drugs it was the patients pleading with the doctors after having seen a commercial for it. "Doc, I saw this add for <insert toxin here> and I just know I have this condition! I need a script A.S.A.P.!"

If you build it they will come.

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What I keep harping on is how many of adverts are for drugs to treat autoimmune disorders that many if not most, may be caused by pharma

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Jan 16, 2023·edited Jan 16, 2023

Fascinating separation in society today- those who see that the Emperor is Naked and those still admiring his clothes!

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My sister sees the emperor as fully clothed; my brother sees as half naked; and I see as naked as a jay bird.

Sadly, my parents fully believed in the healing powers of Pfarma and Traditional Medical Doctors. Those beliefs may ultimately have killed them, after leaving them with years of suffering as they swallowed countless pills to counteract other pills that their “very thorough” doctor prescribed.

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It takes a certain arrogance and psychopathy to claim to know better than millions of years of evolution. Sure, some meds that augment mother nature are of benefit. But apparently those types of discoveries ended about the same time the FDA got bought out by big pharma.

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One of the biggest health problems in the elderly is polypharmacy - too many drugs.

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"Here's a third pill to treat the side effects of the second pill, which is needed to treat the side effects of the first pill..."

It's no longer a prescription it's a cocktail, and your pharmacist is the bartender. But sorry, no happy hour.

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And doctors are the pushers of the Big Pharma!

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Did you ever see the miniseries "Dopesick" about Perdue Pharma and OxyContin, with Michel Keaton playing the doctor sucked into the machine?

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No but wow! Thank you for the information. I will certainly watch it soon. Dopesick | Official Trailer https://youtu.be/x3Z4NFUPbZ0

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Beyond the Script of Hulu's 'Dopesick' and America's Real-Life Opioid Crisis 41:04 min https://youtu.be/x4KDmENOkYM

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The pill Nazi's!

No Ivermectin for you!

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and why do ladies seem to gravitate towards sunglasses that look like sleestack eyes?

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Children's Health Defense has a stellar article which got me thinking entitled "Vaccines, Gateway Drugs By Design?" which showed the profits from vaccines, substantial but not earth shaking, and the profits from the new blockbuster drugs used to control the symptoms of the explosion in various autoimmune conditions the vaccines create- those numbers are earth shattering, but nothing I imagine compared to the money that will be made off of the sick and the dying from the Covid Jabs. Trust me, they know exactly what their products do. And that includes the latest human experiment.

More people need to understand the reality of Sociopathy and Psychopathy, and the fact that it is running the Western World right now.

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It's so hard to inform people when they do not want to be confused by the facts.

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I have noticed that as well. I also find it baffling that they make ads for drugs for things like cancer treatment. It's not like I can go down and toss it in the cart at CVS while I am shopping for household incidentals.

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Cgg I noticed that too. The ones that they start to extend life. No truth in advertising at all. The ones for stage 4 breast ca aren't realistic. The 'patient" would be bald. She'd be very thin. Her skin would have a green or bronze tint, she move very slowly if at all and likely have supplementary oxygen. NOT bouncing around on the beach cooking for 10 other people. How about some truth in advertising Big Pharma? My opinion: charging $150k to extend end of life is just cruel. Extortion?

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That was the first thing I thought about when covid made its debut.....all the people on drugs that hobble their immune systems for autoimmune ( insert disorder here)

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They need a crisis to solve. If they don't have one, they'll create one.

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Look at all the rules they create just so they can break them

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IMO they are upside down. Mentally ill is normal and normal is mental.

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In my psychiatric practice it is the patients who are frequently the ones asking for medication and are the most unwilling to consider therapy as a primary treatment. I agree that pharm advertising has promoted and increased this, but it was true even before pharmaceuticals were allowed to be advertised. There is a codependent (what used to be called sado-masochistic) relationship between the passive (masochistic) public that wants to be taken care of, and the abusive (sadistic) pharm companies and doctors that falsely claim they can and will take care of them. Abusive relationships require the participation of both abuser and abused. It is important to understand that the masochist does not seek suffering, they seek relief from the pain of taking responsibility for their own lives and suffering, and take pleasure in putting the abuser in a bad light.

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Great insightful comment. Thank you.

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well said

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TV is a brainwashing psy-op. Remove it from your house and never led your kids anywhere near it.

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And off label prescriptions. Ozempic - rich Greenwich CT stepford wives are getting it for weight loss. Cost est. $1,500 a shot. It just goes on and on.

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that is so fucked up!

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Completely agree. I can't tell you how many times I have resisted this patient demand. The worst was when I caved for an RX for an anti fungal, and then the patient was mad at ME for how expensive it was!

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No need to gab paper and pencil.... "How are you? I'm okay doc but I just saw a commercial on TV for a new drug that helps my condition. I can't pronounce the name but if you name a few new drugs I will recognize it." One Boston Legal TV show went into drug territory. The lawyer addressing the jury at the end said there is a drug for everything, including illnesses that don't exist yet but they will after you hear their commercial give you your symptoms.

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deletedJan 17, 2023·edited Jan 17, 2023
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Thank you GLK. Their ads influence the mind by normalizing their products, making pharma products just another ‘for sale item’ one needs to have. Does investigative journalism disappear because of pharma ad $ influence or is it squashed by a coordinated effort? Their very well paid and commissioned sales reps frequent doc office more than patients. There may even be a reward scheme between the two. My take has always been - doc assesses patient-stated woes and uses big pharma's reference chart to determine the prescription(s). I saw a specialist for the first time last year and he suggested I switch my prescription and gave me 14 days of another. Said call the office and let us know how it’s working on day 12. I stopped after 6 days and left a message. Looked up the new med on my drug insurance plan…wow another $1,500 OOP and an increase in premium. Just found out this month that insurance is no longer offering my med and only offers one alternative – not generic. Have not found the price yet.

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My TV was Elvised from 1985 thru mid-2009 [can't play trivia because of that]. Oops wanted to watch Glenn Beck's new TV program. He eventually took it off air and went internet with it. I Elvised my TV again May last year because I never turned it on and Dish was gettinng $116 per mo. Going to my son's if the Chiefs are in the SB!

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More than you think do this...

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Doctors have been torturing women for 100+ years. I had my health destroyed by them as did my daughter. Between toxic dangerous vaccinations, tremendously harmful antibiotics prescribed to combat the immune system disfunction created by the vaccines, which themselves create depression, immune, and gastrointestinal problems, and artifical hormones which damage women profoundly and cause massive amounts of breast cancer, stroke and heart disease, we have been this industry's lab rats for generations.

I for one am done. Any new Kavorkian concoction they create can stay with them.

; ))

Mother Nature is always a better bet.

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deletedJan 16, 2023·edited Jan 17, 2023
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That is the TRUTH! They want to get the babies in the womb so no control group survives on Earth. Demons they are, IMHO.

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When pregnant with my second in 1968 I was anemic and my doc had me taking a daily iron pill for the term of my pregnancy. My son was born jaundice and had to bathe under a special light. When he was an adult his teethe just started to disintegrate. I blame the iron.

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Has he been tested for Hemochromatosis? (full iron panel)

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No. He has not been tested for anything that I know of. I just looked it up and he has none of the symptoms listed, although it states many people do not have symptoms. I thought the iron may have interfered with the proper formation of his teeth and weekend them not that he had too much iron later on. I will mention it to him. Thank you.

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"What Happens to Vaccine Clinical Trial Participants?"

Do You Mean The Ones That Survive?

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Poor Maddie

de Garay… They are gaslighting her like


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Jan 16, 2023·edited Jan 16, 2023

Exemption from liability is effectively the equivalent of enabling an abuser which is precisely what Big Pharma has become: unaccountable in its abuse of tens of millions and yet the power of the white coats in authority goes largely unquestioned. And even if/when queried, the agencies that are supposed to provide oversight are fully complicit in the abuse. Sounds a lot like a sadistic cult doesn't it?

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I think I may have mentioned this before, some 40 yrs ago there was a super tampon marketed that some woman in those trials experienced rather nasty problems. Rather than being reported as such those women were merely removed from the trial which went on its merry way until the wife of a higher up in c.d.c.died from septicemia. Took that go get any attention to their risks.

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To paraphrase Stalin, "If someone in my family dies from your product it's a tragedy. If a stranger dies it's a statistic."

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Ah, toxic shock syndrome. I think the brand was Rely - made of polyester blend if I remember correctly.

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Yes, the issue was, many women could use just one for a whole day - but that isn't safe! Bacterial build up resulted in the release of toxin which was the ultimate culprit...

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Always has to hit home hard before criminals and addicts get the message...

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Toxic Shock Syndrome! OB was the tampon.

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I forgot about that. I had a cousin die from "toxic shock syndrome" when I was in college. Horrific.

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So awful. I had a friend was hospitalized but who survived.

And listening to women who survived the Dalkon Shield was a harrowing experience; I cannot imagine the experience itself.

Pharma and their Minions in Medicine have wrecked the health of 3 generations now. Time to cut off their food supply- us!

Go natural as a moral choice. Align with Mother Nature, do not torture her with their toxins.

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https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Dalkon_Shield

There were others that injured for profit.

Why do they seem to target the feminine sensibility into persuasions with fear tactics?

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So basically, no one should ever take a vaccine, as they are most likely going to have some other ailment or death as a result. Totally disgusting. I thank God I did not get my kids the HPV vaccine, even though our doctor suggested and even said she had given it to her own kids. Who do we trust, because right now, trust is gone.

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Gardisil is seriously bad news

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What CHD is doing to the makers of Gardisil is seriously good news.

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This was a very, very sobering article. It's made me reflect back through decades of experiences with family members and reframe memories in a different light. A very bad light. A brother's death (AZT was there - did it play a part?), auto-immune disease ( vaccine related?) medical interventions disabling my dad, killing my mom in 2018. 2005 marked my divorce from the system - no more prescriptions, no more vaccines. There was just something strange about that last flu shot, something told me to stop. I remember feeling so concerned about getting sick without the protection of a flu shot and someday a pneumonia shot, but strangely, the years tick by and I haven't been sick - at all - since. Even the autoimmune issue seems to be a thing of the past.

But - as the Midwestern Doctor says, if the abuse is not addressed, it typically worsens. This last time, the abuse was nearly universally MANDATED. I haven't seen anybody but DeSantis take a stand against this. Instead, everyone is at Davos plotting to extend minute control over every aspect of life. Extending the "emergency" to climate change. In perpetuity. A boot stamping on a human face forever. They are all so disgusting. Revolting. This is a nightmare. What can be done??

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Read "The Real Anthony Fouci," and start raising hell with all of your elected officials, DOJ, NIH, CDC, FDA, and any media systems you can communicate with. Join Children's Health Defense, or ICAN, or any group fighting to bring accountability to these criminals. Join us, we are legion!

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Jan 17, 2023·edited Jan 17, 2023

So sorry for your loss. Fake Dr Fauci WAS the chief promoter of AZT thirty and more years ago. Homosexuals were dying in mass, Fauci was collecting the cash. This is what rocketed his career directly into his last government job. The absolutely highest paid former government worker in the United States of America. Plus royalties for taxpayer paid funding of Fauci’s research projects. American taxpayers pay for the research, and Fauci gets the royalties from the sales. Sweet deal if you get it. Plus any bonuses from the Big Pharma companies. Plus, the recent awards from God knows who which one, the something like the Nobel Peace Prize people for another $1,000,000 dollars. I usually despise anything Kennedy related. But Robert Kennedy, Jr. wrote a book about Fauci, “The Real Fauci” I tip my hat in appreciation for his recent book and I also disagree with maybe 90% of Robert Kennedy’s positions on anything. But on this issue, he is spot on correct. Fauci is a War Criminal, who released the worst new plague on human beings since the 1300’s with the Black Plague. Which of course came from China, probably Marco Polo’s big adventure to see his new world, the actual ancient ancient world, where diseases were breeding on fleas on rats for many many thousands of years before the stinking filthy, never takes a bath, European Marco Polo meets the most powerful Empire in the World. He could have gone on the Silk Road. He chose to go by ship.

“Nobel Peace Prize” recipient might actually work philosophically fit perfectly. Nobel made nitroglycerin safe to handle in common use. A chemical process of manufacturing other elements into it. It was named “Dynamite “. Dynamite built late 19th century and early 20th century America. The DuPonts from Delaware sold it in America. Between the Civil War, an enormous huge mistake of participation in The Spanish American War, the Pershing invasion of Mexico and the Great War entrance in 1917. The very most awesome and greatest period of time of American vitality and growth in our 250 year history. When there was no stinking EPA. Or ATFE. Or any of the other useless abortions of government waste and fraud stupid departments of worthless pin head dummies, they are all dummies.. Teddy Roosevelt started the Progressive nonsense movement. Dang New Yorkers. Unfit to serve anyone since TR was Potus. Now they are worse.

Did you notice Delaware? Isn’t that where President Biden comes from? Dynamite?


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When you see how they make the sausage, you'll never eat it again.

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Factual presentation of some of the  medical fraud that has built the half trillion dollar big Pharma annual sales business in the US. Over the last 50 years hundreds of books have been written reciting these issues from various points of view. The beat of the medical drum continues, and we continue down the wrong path in medicine at the expense of the health of the American people.  Where is our leader ship in Washington to change the course of medical research to where it really belongs! In the meantime, the truth seekers seem to wanna fight among themselves for leader ship rolls.

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I believe our 'leadership' in Wash DC is in the front of the line to get the grease to line their wallets.

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Sad and True!

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I have written an extensive substack piece comparing Big Pharma's relationship with the public with the relationship of abusers to abused:


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Sounds like maybe it can be extended to the government and three letter agencies as well.

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This is so important, thank you! I have said for a few years that our government has taken the role of abuser and many Americans are the abused..many of them seem to have Stockholm Syndrome as well

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leilani dowding 🌸🚜 ☮️ (@LeilaniDowding) tweeted at 11:58 p.m. on Sat, Jan 14, 2023:

And still the people didn’t see!! If anyone knows who this man is please tag him below. He’s spot on https://t.co/QTRRR0qGI4


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Some people -- too many -- simply don't want to see. When the truth is so utterly shocking ignorance becomes a shelter.

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In my small world of family, friends and work associates, I know of no deaths from covid. However adverse reactions to the mRNA shots are enormous. Most of these reactions were within 3 months of the third shot, the two original shots and the first booster shot. Heart attack deaths, lung blood clots, some that turned into a cerebral stroke, blood clots in the legs, cancers, many friends say they get winded easily, heart and lung problems in some young friends children. Many of these reactions have been devastating life changing conditions. Many can no longer work or play sports in the younger kids. Now as far as people I know with 3-4-or5 mRNA shots that I guess had no adverse reaction, most have got Covid several times. Some have been extremely sick for long periods of time. Amazingly they repeat what their doctor told them, your lucky you got 4 shots it could have been worse. I’m sorry if you got covid 2 or 3 times with 3-5 “vaccine” shots, something is very wrong. In my eyes they have and continue to wreck the government medical establishment, with all of their lies (disinformation), in this country. They can’t be trusted whatsoever. J.Goodrich

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Jan 17, 2023·edited Jan 17, 2023

I strongly believe that it also killed my friend. A very sweet gentlemen of 67 years with Type 1 diabetes. His mother is still with us. I am not cruel, I love her too. I can’t bring myself to tell her what may have happened. The doctors lied to her. The government is glad that he is off the social security system. No muss, no fuss, no more. It’s really fine. He was a layman that spent a year of so at his Seminary and could tangle with any Pastor or theologian. He despised Constantine for a good reason. Mixing God’s people with the state never ends up how you wish. The vampires crawl in, to eat. To eat…….Us.

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I listened to Dr. Malone with Joe Rogan again yesterday as a refresher. I have a neighbor Mary, who is dying now of a rare lymphoma. (My sister has also been vaxed and got a rare lymphoma). In the Rogan interview Dr. Malone mentions a change in T-cells which keep cancers at bay. Not a definite reason for cancer but there are so many lies I question everything. Mary is one of my favorite people I know in the neighborhood. She is extremely smart, great sense of humor, really great friends with my wife. She had worked several jobs as a ceo, cfo, and well let’s say is well off. Now she is cleaning her house out so her kids can sell quickly upon her death. It’s disheartening to see such a good person dying. Mary is 62. Her mother is in her 90”s.

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3rd booster or 3rd shot!!?????

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Actually one person I know had a Total of 5 shots unbelievably. He was going to Aruba and thought it was a good idea to get his 3rd booster plus the 2 original shots. He got Covid so bad he thought he was going to die. He finally admitted that maybe the shots aren’t a good thing. But I really meant 2 shots and a booster. 3 in total. Sorry some times when writing details slip past me….

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The first 2 paragraphs sound so familiar to me. My first husband was an abuser. I’m sure that is one of the reasons I didn’t take the vax. I have a trust issue. I have to analyze and study things out before I make a decision . My study lead me to Dr Malone and I knew he spoke truth.

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Soooo much fraud and deceit at CDC, FDA, VAERS, etc.

Check this out:

podcast 1 hr: Shocking VAERS Fraud – How The CDC Protects The Lie | Dr. Henry Ealy with Albert Benavides | Jan 9, 2023

This fraud illustrates just one reason why no one should ever be mandated to take any medical treatment and why WE MUST REPEAL every law exempting pharmaceutical companies and their administering agents from liability for injury or death. ‘

* https://www.americaoutloud.com/vaers-fraud-how-the-cdc-protects-the-lie/

Albert Benavides, founder of VAERSaware.com and expert data analyst exposes the extensive criminal fraud by the CDC and NVSS through the manipulation of VAERS data.

* https://www.vaersaware.com/

* https://rumble.com/user/welcometheeagle

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According to Sasha Patylova (who I gather is very authentic and often on Trial Site News) the clinical trials, health agency oversight, etc. for COVID-19 "vaccines" is all a farce and the whole operation is being directed by the U.S. Department of Defense et. al. (at least here in the U.S.).

So it appears we are in more trouble than many of us thought (if such is possible).

Dr. Malone and fellow readers, are you familiar with this?



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I am aware Dennis. Just found out about it yesterday. Noticing a couple of other people here have heard of it too. There's another woman Sasha does videos with who she discovered was doing heavy duty research it appears. Her name is Katherine Watt. Found some videos on bitchute and rumble. They say we are really at war. It's bioweapon, not a pharmaceutical drug as I am sure you already realize this and so do I.

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