Still missing is the serious legal an financial accountability for the coverup of the first mRNA virus side effects by Moderna and Pfizer. Hopefully when that happens most of this will be put to rest

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As I told you before in a different context Dr. Myers: "Don't hold your breath":

It's not going to happen. Like the Kennedy Assassination(s) or 9/11 there is far too much at stake here for the truth to ever get out.

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Officially kicking off world war 3 is more preferable to them than dealing with any accountability related to covid shots.

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Gotta break a few eggs, they say....

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The truth is already “out”. And it doesn’t take a science degree to figure out what you should and should not do. My Amish community rejected all things Covid early 2020 as either morally wrong or just stupid. I say “speak loudly your non compliance” because, though big money is scary, it is full of mostly hot air.

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With the billions and billions invested in RNA research with over 100 projects active, Covid con is in the rear view mirror. The replicating RNA injections that function like a virus that replicates in human cells may accelerate the decrease in longevity of the Japanese people who have had the track record for longevity until Covid raised it's ugly head. Their population has diminished by 1/2 of 1 % each year since 2020 and who knows how it will accelerate with the new replicating injections. China may be happy since they have a long memory about the atrocities the Japanese army bestowed on the Chinese before and during WWII. In the USA life expectancy is down to 77.5 years. Was 79.5 years prior to Covid. In Japan was on average for men and women 84.5 years. Dropping at the same rate as the USA. I wonder why.

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Interesting stats Thomas. A decrease in world population is certainly a goal. US life expectancy is probably also affected by over doses.

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Must be global warming. (Eye roll.)

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Oct 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert, this is not about your article, it's about you and Jill and the question in my mind's eye, "How is Robert, with Jill so often at his side, able to accomplish so much in the time he has?" And I want to say thank you, thank you, thank you for being such a valuable asset for me in my life. Maybe you can share your time management system sometime?

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They rarely sleep and have paid help around their farm. That might cover about half of it.

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But, but, but .. they're everywhere.

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Same with Bobby Kennedy.

It's a God thing.

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I know. Just think they also wriote two books! Maybe they have clones?

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Love em. Keep in mind they offer some chapters as Substack essays first. Kill two birds with one stone, so to speak

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...And nobody took it?

Some/several weeks ago, I hopped on to listen to InfoWars. Alex had a caller who claimed to be a manager or owner of a trucking company, who said that orders for shipping MoneyPox vaccine all over the country were such that the industry, or at least this man's company, was having trouble keeping up.

I wonder; was that call legit? Where did all those doses go? And if they did go, somebody got paid big time.

And has MoneyPox psy-bioterror attack #2 (or is it more by now?) fizzled again?

These monsters surely are trying hard, aren't they?

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They are relentless in their efforts. They have shut down all debate, on all subjects.

" I have written President Trump’s campaign several times, suggesting that if elected again he start PSDs, or Presedential Sponsored Debates, where the issues are formally debated in front of the public. If the globalists refuse to come, have the debate anyway, with the globalist represented by a stand in making the media statements they currently make, but are not challenged on. I would love to see formal debates on Climate Change, COVID origins, the disease itself, the “vaccine”, the Biden administration response to Hurricane Helena, the modern categorizing of Hurricanes vs past storms, and even debates on the “fact checks” from the Presedential debates."

See my latest "always free, not a news feed" post here... https://anderdaa7.substack.com/p/are-modern-hurricanes-rated-to-highhttps://anderdaa7.substack.com/p/are-modern-hurricanes-rated-to-high

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Presidential sponsored debates is a great idea!

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Thank you. I suspect you may be far more capable of communicating that idea into reality.

All the Best....

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Brilliant idea. And follow that up by letting citizen taxpayers assign their tax dollars for or not every proposed spending proposal! An educated electorate with actual fiscal power is the best way to preserve this democracy!!

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There are "philanthropic" groups being paid millions to "do good" with vaccines in low-uptake countries; specifically African nations. Someone is getting paid for what they make, as long as they haven't yet expired. Scams worldwide.

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So, by not killing people outright and just creating havoc with the brain, makes the upside of no pseudouridine and lower doses of mRNA/lipid nanoparticle complexes kind of a wash. The threats against individuals and organizations for misrepresentation is extreme and downright frightening. All straight out of the playbook of PsyWar operatives. There really is no upside...

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🤔 un or insufficiently tested SEKF-replicating genetic material introduced into the human organism

Now what could possibly go awry in that experiment⁉️

I survived Swine flu vaccination 1976

survived Carter late 70s (I apologize- my first presidential vote, didn’t know any better)

Survived Clinton

Endured Obummer

Remain fearful of the Obummer/ 💩 💩 🧠/HeelzUp trifecta

Now I’ve come to wonder if the line from the Bhagavad Gita cited by Oppenheimer, "Now I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds" is now encompassing our smallest of tools. Until we get a grip on our utilization of our greatest science & engineering achievements…

Ya’know, we’re more worried about terrorists using Oppenheimer’s tech to usher in the end of the world when it seems to me that Malone’s tech may be our extinction level event.

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If it will make you feel any better, up here in America's Hat, I voted for Justin Castreau the first time round.. 💩 Had I been old enough at the time, I would have voted for his purported dad, Pierre Trudeau. 😱

As to your comment, "Now I’ve come to wonder if the line from the Bhagavad Gita cited by Oppenheimer, "Now I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds" is now encompassing our smallest of tools " I l eave you with this wee verset, may it give you a "quantum of solace" ... "in these dark times": 😘

There was a young man from Stamboul

Who soliloquized thus, to his tool:

"You've taken my wealth

and you've ruined my health

and now, you won't pee, you old fool!"

So may it be for the purveyors of the "Covid" Lethal Injections and all other mRNA formulations.

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Ya’know, you prolly don’t HAVE to be of a certain age to appreciate that wee bit’a verse, but it d’nae hurt

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Damn: SELF-replicating. —- if it wasn’t obvious 🙄

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" once it makes its way into your cells (cytoplasm, not nucleus) it will reproduce itself to yield large numbers of genomic copies, and in this way drive your cells to produce of large amounts of the “payload” protein. In the case of the COVID vaccine version the payload is the toxic SARS-CoV-2 “spike” protein" If that is so, all of the adverse effect attributed to the spike protein should manifest all the faster and more intensely, correct? Would not the massive increase in deaths cause even the Japanese to see the light?

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And speaking of massive new numbers of the dead, with them happening disproportionately among the elderly, I can't help wondering if this is the Brave New World version of Eskimos giving grandma a fur blanket and setting her off on an ice flow. (At least they gave her a fur, which is more than you can say for the monsters operating today.)

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Anybody listened to Del Bigtree (thehighwire.com) and Naomi Wolf? It's pretty damning against Pfizer and the FDA who knew what they were doing. I just ordered her book "The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer's Crimes Against Humanity."

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There was a photo on one of the Substacks with the first group of lab rats. The best thing would be, that they all turn into horse with a human face. Then we would know what to avoid.

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How about they all turn into Tony Fauci with little rat ears and a long naked tail?

Oh... wait... 🙄💩

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“As the manufacturer and distributor of Costaibe, we cannot overlook the fact that these things are being done with impunity. We must stand firm against subversive activities. We have a sense of crisis that the foundation for the provision of accurate information in public health in Japan will collapse," he said.

What did these pharma people expect after the big lies told from 2020 on. They brought the skepticism on themselves. A big hand goes to the Japan Society of Nursing Ethics.

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As with all evil, and evil intent, Evil is still attempting to eradicate the human race. And, with all evil and evil intent, it will take a power much stronger than the evil itself. to survive. If we call the evil, Satan, the greater power has to be, God. They are both under the control of "self", e.g. free will. Do I know by whom I was created? Do I know the "why" I was created? Do I know what my final end is meant to be? Do I know what I want my final end to be? Do I know that my final end will be my choice? Do I understand my choices are the determining factor of my final end? Do I know my final destiny is in my own hands? Who do I trust to give me the destiny I desire? Love? or Hate? God? or Satan? Who loves me and thinks my worth is His life blood? Choose wisely. "Our help is in he Name of the Lord, who made Heaven and Earth." [Pslam 124:8]

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Just say no. Maybe Nancy R was just warming us up decades ago. Lol.

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The beauty of a capitalist economic system is that NO one is forced to buy ANYTHING.

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Actually, you are. You have a car you are made to buy insurance...and have to have proof of in force policy if pulled over. Bet other examples abound but more covert

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If you have a home, you are forced to pay school and land taxes. It always gets me that if I don't pay mine that cover pensions with healthcare for teachers, police fire and all kinds of civil service so they can retire at 20 yrs or 55. I at 71 can lose my fully paid for residence because I didn't have enough left in my monthly SS and pension and one of them could conceivably buy it at the tax sale.

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And pay $300k salaries for superintendents who never seem responsible for anything that happens on their campuses. They just get paid umpteem $100ks as a golden handshake when the wheels start falling off.

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What I'm wondering is after The Great Reset and implementation of CBDCs, is how am I supposed to pick up a whore or score any crack?

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Just identify as Hunter. Easy peasy!

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Better to stick to idea 1 and lay off drugs. At least whores are natural (and maybe organic??)

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No one forces anyone to buy a car. Many people use just public transit systems - or private long haul transportation - road, rail and air.

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No, but when you do.....

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When the American "commies" completely take over, Michael, they probably will tax you as being "privileged" for having a PHD.

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Yeah and the 40 yr old single wide should be 50

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Think it will take them another 10 years Micheal? 2030 was the plan b deadline.

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Hold ON Tom, 5k is 1/2 the number of people than live in my entire county! That’s a midsize town not the kind common all over the countryside that necessitates a vehicle preferably a truck which is where this conversation started and you rather glibly said “use public transportation “. I have an address but my address “town” is literally not even a fork in the road. Everyone here are Amish farmers or forested hillsides. My point, a lot of people don’t want city life and virtually all of it is not essential except transportation. I can live without city water, electricity and sewer. I can NOT do without roads and a vehicle.

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Good for you, Barbara. My point was/is that you are FREE TO CHOOSE whether to own a motorized vehicle or not. Nuff said.

BTW, I was not aware Amish people owned trucks or cars...but prefer horse and buggy - and I have always held the Amish in high regard for their fortitude, integrity, work ethic and love of America.

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The Amish I live around do not use vehicles.

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Tom, you are still missing the point. Just because I am “free” to buy a car does not mean I am “free” to decline all the tax imposed, the insurance required, maybe whether it is electric or gas, etc. In the present, government prohibits tax on food because it is essential. Well, transportation by personal vehicle is even more so where many of us live. Excess taxation and regulation is a friction that harms the lower income earners and ultimately a drag on social mobility!

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So, Barbara, get a 'tax free' horse & buggy. Works for the Amish

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You clearly don’t live as rural as I do!

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Who is "You", Barb?

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Tom, you are the “you”. The vast majority of Americans don’t live where there is public transit. For us it is either private car or private mule or our feet. There are no taxis, no Uber, no buses, no trains within 100 miles. And no town, post office, grocery, doctor, or much of anything within 20 miles. So your comment about simply not owning a vehicle was a little useless for most of us.

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You DO live in a very remote area - and from what you say, I'm surprised you have a gas station! Where did you get the notion that the "vast majority" live in the USA as you do?

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That just proves we don't live in a capitalist economic system...

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Yes. Apparently "we" the (formerly) sovereign people in America are now subjects to a truly weird combination of rule by un-elected federal EMPLOYEES, aka "bureaucrats," that infest the OVER three- hundred (mostly un-constitutional) agencies, bureaus and departments, exacerbated by an 'elite' oligarchy along with a Socialist, Communist and Fascist economic system.

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I’m counting on Trump via Kennedy and friends to enviscerate them.

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Don’t forget an opportunity to be part of the Million Women event on the Washington Mall in DC on this Sat., Oct. 12, from 9am til 7pm Eastern…. (6am til 4pm Pacific, here in Portland, OR) fasting and prayer for God’s mercy on our country. It Will also be online…It will be in Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Wow! Like in the Book of Esther we’ll be Esthers and Mordecais. As Mordecai said to Queen Esther as the Jews were threatened w/annihilation, “Who knows…perhaps you were born for such a time as this.” Perhaps WE ALSO were born for such a time as THIS… 🌿🙏🌿

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But, but, look at the bright side. Maybe it will turn all the men into centaurs and all the women into unicorns. Actually, I think they are ignoring two immutable laws of the universe. Murphy's Law: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong." and Sturgeon's Law: "ninety percent of everything is crap."

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The peasants have not started eradicating the self appointed kings as of yet.

France did it once to several deserving rulers, Italians had enough of Mussolini and did it again. I think that is eventually where this is headed once again. They want to exterminate those of us who feed them. What goes around comes around.

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Thank You for this timely information. At the time of your departure, thought is was a wise time (as with Gt Britain) to go.I

That Meiji Seika Pharma is initiating legal action, to me me, may reflect the culture. I would think the Company would have to provide evidence supporting the efficacy and safety of this product. Given what we know so far, that would be pretty challenging.

The very heartening news is that professionals and the general public - in no small part - thanks to ICS and your efforts have been learning and thinking for themselves! Substantial numbers are saying strong "NOs."

If legal action is employed, one hopes publicity (even just the facts re the filing) will offer further red flags.

Congradulations on these additional "Goods" you've delivered!


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