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Why is my wife’s Hospital in Boston forcing a fourth shot? Is it contaminated with SV-40 also? This is happening in the next 90 days. Not sure what I can do. Why is a major Boston hospital so ignorant to this?

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James-no income is worth that jab. There are plenty, plenty of other employers who would love to have an individual so experienced as your wife. Traveling nurses (large pay hike often) immediately comes to mind, where she might keep her area of expertise. Though I am sure you both have considered other options-tell the Boston Hospital to jump in the lake.

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Calgary Alberta, would be a good place, they are looking for nurses. Danielle Smith is the Premier not a L and Castro is filling his diaper, as she refuses to listen to him. I will say, the salaries are top notch.

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Not ignorant. More likely a willing participant. Primary care doctors got a $500 bonus for each patient in their practice that they vaccinated. I'm sure hospitals also benefited financially by mandating vaccination of their employees.

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My GP does not give out jabs in his practice, he does not even ask a patient for their status when it comes to jabs. He also gave me a script for HCQ and Ivermectin a couple of months ago. I know a friend that also is his patient and she kept asking him whether of not to get jabbed, all he told her was it is up to her,, end of story. Sadly she got the two, when she came home from the Jab site they called and said they gave her the wrong one, she wanted Pfizer she got Moderna instead. No more she said, as she started having huge issues with BP and palpitations, now on meds. God help us all. I am not, neither is hubby.

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“Up to Her”. Exactly…I have two elderly Friends that are both sick after their 4-5 “jabs”. I don’t “talk” about what I know unless very directly asked. Ed

Edit- Had one Friend that did ask. “Let me get a couple sheets of paper”. His brain was fried when I got done🏴‍☠️.

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Your right Ed, it’s up to her. I try to tell her and many times she says don’t tell me. She keeps saying she really doesn’t want to take the shot, I can’t say why, but you know when you feel something is wrong and it happens anyways something really goes wrong, that’s what I’m afraid is going to happen this time. She is a hardened hard core Boston nurse, I hope she makes the right decision, and let them fire her.

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Anymore, I just use Duct tape or Transpore for my mouth. I wish the Very Best for Everyone. Talk about Mass formation and mandates, coercion. I know what I know through research; but, it is Extremely Hard when You see suspected adverse events. The one correction I personally would make is not “tell”…explain. I finally got through to My Lovely Bride with printed documentation. She trusts My medical background. I’ve saved Her butt a couple of times.Very Best, Ed

Edit- “Really goes wrong”. I worry every day about My Best Friends/My Lovely Bride everyday about the choice “They” made. I have several Friends that do convey They have “vaccine” regret…”I should have listened”.

Like Ryan Cole, M.D. says, “Bring your documentation, I’ll bring mine”.

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I do as well have friends that regret taking the shot. I was working with one yesterday, telling him about Dr. Malones post after lunch. As well as my wife has regret. She’s still coughing from months back when we all supposedly got Covid. I’m unvaxed of coarse and am fine.

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Happy you were able to save her form the kill shot. God Bless.

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James, praying she does make the right choice. Sending blessings.

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Thank you Donna, you are all so supportive, much appreciated!!

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YOU go, I Go. Ed

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I was remiss… I sincerely hope Your Lovely Bride is “Okay”. Thoughts and Very Best, Ed

Edit - One of these days we’re gonna have that beer around a campfire.

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Thank you Ed for everything. I’ve always said if you hang with good people good things will come to you. I’d love to have a beer with you!!!

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You might get used to disappointment. 🔥🤣🏴‍☠️, Very Best Hopes and Wishes, Edit - Would You like to discuss Ayn Rand…Atlas Shrugged/The Virtue of Selfishness or Drs. Robert and JM thoughts. I’m A-Game on; but, I’m buying. 🏴‍☠️ Ed

Edit - Thank God we are not next door neighbors. 😁

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Awful! They were bought cheaply, $500 to risk the health of a human being.

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Refuse. Resign.

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Refuse and make them fire her. Print the information contained in this substack, give it to her immediate supervisor and let them know you’re going to take part in the biggest lawsuit ever known to man. They fire her, she can appeal while looking for another job. Best wishes for the outcome you and your wife want.

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Do not comply. Best of luck and get a great, smart, decent, not liberal lawyer. God Bless.

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They are not ignorant, they are complicit

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Aldous I just looked up her hospital. Over 3300 clinical and translational researchers work at her hospital. It’s over 1 million sq. ft. Of space. I’m not familiar with the word translational so I looked it up. Basically its research and science to make people healthy. So as you said they’re not ignorant they’re, I would say, accessories to a crime. Obviously they must be aware of the fact that the vaccine has been found to be contaminated with possible carcinogens. Am I saying something wrong?

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They are accessories because the hospital is a greedy beast. In addition, if all those supposed researchers had been paying attention to the numbers since the virus outbreak, they would have known without a doubt that masks, distancing and jabs all fail to stop a virus whose crude mortality to date is 0.33% to 0.36%. It’s also close to zero for many.

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In my best estimation, Virus = .6-1.4 microns, Bacteria = +- 5 microns,…Sawdust and concrete/tile dust +- 10 microns. I wear a chemical respirator mask for that “crap”. Bought air filter from Grizzly $200 working in small spaces. Ed

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Specifically, transnational translates into moving experimental suppositions forward into clinical trials. Where weakness enters here in my opinion is when the clinical portion is conducted by folks who do not have the creeds to correctly interpret what the lab is telling them and are driven by what they want them to mean. Alternatively, the lab portion performed by folks who are better utilized in other persuits

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Sorry. Spell check bit again. Meant translational. Wife got me an iPad…got tired of me cussing out the kindle. But not up to snuff on the thing yet

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Me too... also my internist told me that taking magnesium had no effect on leg cramps. He also told me to try drinking pickle juice....I think I need a new doc.

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Dr. Nash, sorry I had to reread your post a couple of times I do get what your saying. Most all of these doctors are brilliant well read people. I know many of them. One took the 3rd shot got 2 blood clots in his lung that went to his brain and stroked out. He’s brilliant and sent my wife a detailed message as to what physically happened to him while still not blaming the “vaccine”. I pulled his number up yesterday but couldn’t call because I don’t trust him. I renovated a large portion of his house years ago. It’s so political in this place, people still say oh what are you an anti Vaxer? He comes from a family that had a large construction company and is conservative but we’re still in Boston,

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James G . Noooo. Period . Margrit Pevost🎯

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Two words Jim, change

Unavoidably Unsafe to avoidably Unsafe.

Fight this tooth and nail. 🤬

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They are not ignorant of SV-40--they know exactly what they're doing. Why would your wife work for such 'evil'?

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It is illegal to force a shot that is contaminated, perhaps your wife can send the hospital a letter from her lawyer, and she will be spared.

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Check this out: "A comprehensive guide for folks facing imminent 'vaccinate or terminate' employment policies." https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/-coffee-and-covid-monday-october-4e1

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