They knew all this -- or better have known all this -- before they pushed the jabs onto everybody.....so what are we to determine from that?

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Its not a bug it’s a feature

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If I remember correctly, in the computer world, they call it a syntax error. However, I quickly realized I suck at writing code🤣. Ed

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Hey SC this is from the CDC: “In 2020, the latest year for which incidence data are available, in the United States, 1,603,844 new cases of cancer were reported, and 602,347 people died of cancer. For every 100,000 people, 403 new cancer cases were reported and 144 people died of cancer.”

The 2020 US population 331,449,281. I cannot find a way to make 144 dead people per 100,000 match the reported 602,347 people that died of cancer or the 403 new cases per 100,000 match the reported 1,603,844 new cases. They are messing with the numbers or there is something else going on. Any ideas?

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Looks like they're working with numbers closer to 400m population, or they exclude a segment of the population? (children?)

Where is this data?

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Here is where it describes Incidents and Death Rates (meaning we are never told exactly how many people have died from any caused. It's all statistical (divided by the at-risk population)


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Rates are the number of cases (or deaths) per 100,000 people and are age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population (19 age groups – Census P25-1130).

2000 U.S. Standard Population Age Groups

The population used to age-adjust the rates in this report is the 2000 U.S. standard population.1 2 In the USCS Data Visualizations tool, the 2000 U.S. standard population is based on the proportion of the 2000 population in 19 specific age groups (younger than 1 year, 1–4 years, 5–9 years, 10–14 years, 15–19 years, … 85 years and older); except for Puerto Rico, where it is based on 18 specific age groups (0–4 years, 5–9 years, 10–14 years, 15–19 years, … 85 years and older); the proportions of the 2000 population in these age groups serve as weights for calculating age-adjusted incidence and death rates. Cancer death rates in the USCS Data Visualizations tool may differ slightly from those published by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) because NCHS uses age groups as recommended by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in its adjustment of death rates. In addition, the 2000 U.S. standard population weights are not race- or sex-specific, so they do not adjust for differences in race or sex distribution between geographic areas or populations being compared. They do, however, provide the basis for adjusting for differences in the age distributions across groups defined by sex, race, ethnicity, geography, or other categories.

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I read that but using 2000 proportions for age groups should or would not affect the number of deaths in 2020.

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Look at the consumption now of processed foods = 1970’s vs. today. Also, level of stress and anxiety. Ed

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My guess is the age adjustment results in a higher rate, but as you say it's such a swamp it's hard to know for sure.

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Wow, what a powerful condemnation of the evil adulteration of the so-called vaccines. I wish I were an Attorney General.

I can guarantee that nothing will happen in my state of Washington.

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If anything, Inslee will open up a new Pfizer lab or two.

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Yeah, and he also wants to put in off shore wind farms, of course.

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Well, who can forget the horrors of having Hanford nuclear in the state for so long.......

Edit: Adding a link for the non-locals https://www.britannica.com/topic/Hanford-Engineer-Works

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Hanford is a disaster!!! Idiots! The hatchery fish production has been another! We used to tie flies that resembled a pellet (food). 30% of those fish did not want leave their concrete asylum. Those same fish would not go to the Salt and became river dwelling zombies. Ed

Edit - If it did not have an adipose fin, it was terminated on my watch.

Edit again - You can’t get non-farmed salmon in the uk. I have hunted.

Edit x3 = Local, very high quality restaurant, $200 for fresh Maine lobster, flown in. Uhhh, I think I’ll just have the pasta😂.

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Wind farms are stupid. I’m not an engineer; but, the company My Lovely Bride works for is looking at one my ideas. Show Me the money. Common sense is not that common anymore. Ed

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That guy so wishes he was Newsom

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During the worst of covid, I joked that Inslee was "Newsom, but a week later."

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Why is my wife’s Hospital in Boston forcing a fourth shot? Is it contaminated with SV-40 also? This is happening in the next 90 days. Not sure what I can do. Why is a major Boston hospital so ignorant to this?

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James-no income is worth that jab. There are plenty, plenty of other employers who would love to have an individual so experienced as your wife. Traveling nurses (large pay hike often) immediately comes to mind, where she might keep her area of expertise. Though I am sure you both have considered other options-tell the Boston Hospital to jump in the lake.

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Calgary Alberta, would be a good place, they are looking for nurses. Danielle Smith is the Premier not a L and Castro is filling his diaper, as she refuses to listen to him. I will say, the salaries are top notch.

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Not ignorant. More likely a willing participant. Primary care doctors got a $500 bonus for each patient in their practice that they vaccinated. I'm sure hospitals also benefited financially by mandating vaccination of their employees.

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My GP does not give out jabs in his practice, he does not even ask a patient for their status when it comes to jabs. He also gave me a script for HCQ and Ivermectin a couple of months ago. I know a friend that also is his patient and she kept asking him whether of not to get jabbed, all he told her was it is up to her,, end of story. Sadly she got the two, when she came home from the Jab site they called and said they gave her the wrong one, she wanted Pfizer she got Moderna instead. No more she said, as she started having huge issues with BP and palpitations, now on meds. God help us all. I am not, neither is hubby.

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“Up to Her”. Exactly…I have two elderly Friends that are both sick after their 4-5 “jabs”. I don’t “talk” about what I know unless very directly asked. Ed

Edit- Had one Friend that did ask. “Let me get a couple sheets of paper”. His brain was fried when I got done🏴‍☠️.

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Your right Ed, it’s up to her. I try to tell her and many times she says don’t tell me. She keeps saying she really doesn’t want to take the shot, I can’t say why, but you know when you feel something is wrong and it happens anyways something really goes wrong, that’s what I’m afraid is going to happen this time. She is a hardened hard core Boston nurse, I hope she makes the right decision, and let them fire her.

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Anymore, I just use Duct tape or Transpore for my mouth. I wish the Very Best for Everyone. Talk about Mass formation and mandates, coercion. I know what I know through research; but, it is Extremely Hard when You see suspected adverse events. The one correction I personally would make is not “tell”…explain. I finally got through to My Lovely Bride with printed documentation. She trusts My medical background. I’ve saved Her butt a couple of times.Very Best, Ed

Edit- “Really goes wrong”. I worry every day about My Best Friends/My Lovely Bride everyday about the choice “They” made. I have several Friends that do convey They have “vaccine” regret…”I should have listened”.

Like Ryan Cole, M.D. says, “Bring your documentation, I’ll bring mine”.

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I do as well have friends that regret taking the shot. I was working with one yesterday, telling him about Dr. Malones post after lunch. As well as my wife has regret. She’s still coughing from months back when we all supposedly got Covid. I’m unvaxed of coarse and am fine.

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Happy you were able to save her form the kill shot. God Bless.

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James, praying she does make the right choice. Sending blessings.

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Thank you Donna, you are all so supportive, much appreciated!!

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Awful! They were bought cheaply, $500 to risk the health of a human being.

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Refuse. Resign.

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Refuse and make them fire her. Print the information contained in this substack, give it to her immediate supervisor and let them know you’re going to take part in the biggest lawsuit ever known to man. They fire her, she can appeal while looking for another job. Best wishes for the outcome you and your wife want.

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Do not comply. Best of luck and get a great, smart, decent, not liberal lawyer. God Bless.

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They are not ignorant, they are complicit

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Aldous I just looked up her hospital. Over 3300 clinical and translational researchers work at her hospital. It’s over 1 million sq. ft. Of space. I’m not familiar with the word translational so I looked it up. Basically its research and science to make people healthy. So as you said they’re not ignorant they’re, I would say, accessories to a crime. Obviously they must be aware of the fact that the vaccine has been found to be contaminated with possible carcinogens. Am I saying something wrong?

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They are accessories because the hospital is a greedy beast. In addition, if all those supposed researchers had been paying attention to the numbers since the virus outbreak, they would have known without a doubt that masks, distancing and jabs all fail to stop a virus whose crude mortality to date is 0.33% to 0.36%. It’s also close to zero for many.

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In my best estimation, Virus = .6-1.4 microns, Bacteria = +- 5 microns,…Sawdust and concrete/tile dust +- 10 microns. I wear a chemical respirator mask for that “crap”. Bought air filter from Grizzly $200 working in small spaces. Ed

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Specifically, transnational translates into moving experimental suppositions forward into clinical trials. Where weakness enters here in my opinion is when the clinical portion is conducted by folks who do not have the creeds to correctly interpret what the lab is telling them and are driven by what they want them to mean. Alternatively, the lab portion performed by folks who are better utilized in other persuits

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Sorry. Spell check bit again. Meant translational. Wife got me an iPad…got tired of me cussing out the kindle. But not up to snuff on the thing yet

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Me too... also my internist told me that taking magnesium had no effect on leg cramps. He also told me to try drinking pickle juice....I think I need a new doc.

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Dr. Nash, sorry I had to reread your post a couple of times I do get what your saying. Most all of these doctors are brilliant well read people. I know many of them. One took the 3rd shot got 2 blood clots in his lung that went to his brain and stroked out. He’s brilliant and sent my wife a detailed message as to what physically happened to him while still not blaming the “vaccine”. I pulled his number up yesterday but couldn’t call because I don’t trust him. I renovated a large portion of his house years ago. It’s so political in this place, people still say oh what are you an anti Vaxer? He comes from a family that had a large construction company and is conservative but we’re still in Boston,

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James G . Noooo. Period . Margrit Pevost🎯

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Two words Jim, change

Unavoidably Unsafe to avoidably Unsafe.

Fight this tooth and nail. 🤬

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They are not ignorant of SV-40--they know exactly what they're doing. Why would your wife work for such 'evil'?

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It is illegal to force a shot that is contaminated, perhaps your wife can send the hospital a letter from her lawyer, and she will be spared.

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Check this out: "A comprehensive guide for folks facing imminent 'vaccinate or terminate' employment policies." https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/-coffee-and-covid-monday-october-4e1

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This was just one part of the "plan" to slowly bleed America to death. As no one has been able or willing to stop the horrific damage that has been done up to this point, our enemies foreign and especially domestic, have put the plan in high gear.

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Thank you for explaining the info on Adulterated and SV 40. This might be a huge turning point to get this poison vax off of the market.

My friend was telling me the other day that 2 young teenage girls in her church congregation have breast cancer. Terrible.

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Phillip Buckhaults testified that it requires 3 hours and $100 worth of reagents to detect the presence of plasmid DNA in the genome of an individual. In the coming years, if one were to develop an illness (e.g., cancer) that is rising in frequency, I would certainly expect interest in whether or not the cancerous cells contained vaccine plasmid DNA. If vaccine plasmid DNA were to be found to be associated with illness, the correlation/causality issue would have to be addressed.

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It is all about money. And maybe murder.

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I think in their heads they prefer the use of 'population control'. To save the planet you know.

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At this point I wouldn't put anything past the psychopaths.

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I tend to think all this is the result of evil conniving rather than innocent mistakes.

But with the state of the world as it is, these people will continue to grow wealthier than Croesus, and those who took the jabs will pay the price. 💔

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We passed innocent mistakes in May 2020 -- at the latest.

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We passed innocent mistakes way before anyone alive today was born.

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Another bullet to the heart, I was shot/jabbed twice. Calling them bastards or any other derogatory epithet would be insulting to the epithet. The arrogance of a bully, an absolute belief in a single viewpoint, combined with the evil that comes from the taste of power. Trump scared the shit out of them and they are flailing uncontrollably with their heads just above the water. The truth is the weight we must hand to them while they tread water in a sea of lies. IMHO They have a plan to create a global society and were forced to accelerate due to the appearance of Trump, which caused a reckless and delusional exaggeration and overconfidence leading to the exposure of their globalist plan. To top it off they don't care as, Fauci is quoted as saying, even if a few million must die the GOF research is worth it.

How depraved, how evil, how many more insults expecting us to accept absurd lies. Children should be encouraged to change their sex? Have they no shame, have they no decency? Dr Malone, Steve Kirsch, and many others have risked everything to bring us the information we need to understand the corruption we are facing.

Spread the word or accept more insults since more are on the way.

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

For your persistence, and that of the many, many others who also, together with you, continue to loudly proclaim the moral, ethical, and professional truth.... for that care and attention, we resoundingly say "God Bless you, Thank You". From the bottom of our hearts. We cannot imagine how you can maintain your focus, and manage all the slings and arrows. We are grateful that you do.

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Thanks for the molecular biology lesson.

I would never have thought that I needed to delve into to this fascinating subject.

It's come to something when self preservation makes it necessary.

I do feel this is heading in a positive direction now in the sense that people are becoming aware of the grave risks of the mRNA jabs.

Meanwhile in the UK most MPs skipped the debate on excess deaths. They know we know what's going on.

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shocking, I agree.

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Perhaps it was all part of the plan. Here is one pubmed from 1998...https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9689810/ & another from 2003...https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15202523/ with reported SV40/Cancer association. With Pfizer having recently acquired the company, Seagen, for 43B, a biotech company & makers of innovative cancer treatment products, it all sounds like a savvy business model to me. Produce a product that via multiple mechanisms causes cancer & then acquire a company that produces products to treat cancer. It's a win-win!

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Follow the money???

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Follow the money. Why weren’t we all more aware of what this really meant years ago? I’ve heard that phrase for many many years but have only come to truly understand what it means since COVID entered our lives. I think RFK Jr was far ahead of us in the vaccination scenario!

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Except we now know that Pfizer cares very little about human health. Not a good bsuiness model when the average person begins to say "no" to any Pfizer product.

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What is a valid reason for ‘the presence of SV40 sequences in common laboratory plasmids? Does this mean that monkey kidneys are still being used for “what”?

"The risk of false-positive results due to contamination by Common Laboratory Plasmids Containing SV40 Sequences has been underestimated. Studies of SV40 based on PCR methods require careful primer design to reduce this risk." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15451223/

And this post Reviewed by Paul A. Offit, MD on April 28, 2020, that states this “Taken together, these findings do not support the hypothesis that SV40 virus contained in polio vaccines administered before 1963 caused cancers.”


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No, there is no SV40 virus in these preparations. Only sequence fragments, and none of these come from the Large T antigen. And Paul Offit is a pro-vaccine propagandist. Not a credible, objective source.

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I find it difficult to trust batch-to-batch variance.. esp the potential for the intended kind

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I wish it were possible to provide a definitive answer, but there is, no doubt, multiple mechanisms of harm responsible for the dramatic rise in cancer since the roll-out of these experimental gene-editing injections as reported by many pathologists, with SV40 being only one possibility. There is also the damage to the P53 tumor supressor gene as well as key toll-like receptors. Not sure if you've seen this article by Professor Angus Dalgleish of the UK from 9/29/23...https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/mrna-vaccines-must-be-banned-once-and-for-all/

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I will check it out. Name sounds familiar!

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Oct 23, 2023·edited Oct 23, 2023

Pfizer's actions go far beyond "willful blindness". Much of what Pfizer has done falls more appropriately under "willful negligence":

-- the active falsifying of clinical trial data

-- the refusal to provide published clinical trial data (in NEJM) when requested

-- the use of a different production method for mass vaccination

-- failure to disclose SV40 on documents to Health Canada (and possibly the FDA)

-- poor manufacturing practices leading to lot variability in effectiveness and adverse events

-- hideously bad quality control because it may have been "too expensive" or "too time consuming" to purify the mRNA to meet production goals

Pfizer seems to have relied too heavily on the EUA and vaccine liability protection, thinking they had a "free pass" to do anything they wanted to deliver a "countermeasure" to the US government. Despite such protections, the FDA still requires non-fraudulently produced clinical trials and good manufacturing practices. Pfizer failed miserably on these two fronts, and these lies behind the mRNA vaccine are starting to catch up with them.

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Drs. Robert And JM, I honestly don’t know how You do it. For Cryin Out Loud. This has been printed and goes in the “Malone” section of binder. Thank You, Ed

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Guess we shall see what state AGs have the guts to do what’s right.

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If Process 1 was used for the original clinical trials, and Process 2 was used for the vaccines that were distributed globally, that suggests that the product that was distributed was not subjected to clinicical trials and the data on which the product was approved was - fraudulent?

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The nuance here is that the FDA appears to have made a determination that the manufacturing process change was not substantial. They do have the authority to make such a determination. And then we end up arguing about the Chevron deference.

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It was all fraudulent. Every. damn. bit.

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