To my best recollection, I have never once seen or heard any public figure challenge RFK Jr on the substance of what he wrote in "The Real Anthony Fauci" or "The Wuhan Cover-up." I dare them.
The most surprising thing about the Real Anthony Fauci book to me was the section related to AIDS and HIV. It flipped everything I thought I knew about that subject on its head. No pushback from the mainstream media and scientists on that subject was also telling.
The Real Anthony Fauci needs to be read by more folks in order for the nation to release this incessant reliance on the perceived “safety” of regulatory agencies. The book is fact checked by RFK Jr with 2000 plus footnotes which underscore his revealing details dating back to Fauci’s 1980’s AIDS abominations and includes many others who need to be held accountable, Bill Gates being one of the many. A must read, indeed.
For four years we have seen government pick its winners and people have made a fortune on it. From pharmaceutical companies, medical device companies, and weapons manufacturing companies. Politicians have lined their pockets with this administrations open check book allowing them to know who the winners are. With Trump and his plans to cut out all the waste is the motivation for the deep state to keep their gravy train rolling. People that work for all of these companies and maybe make a computer chip or a chemical, a gear or part that goes into a machine or missile have become wealthy because of this never ending money supply. This is why a dozen of eggs costs 7 bucks! They keep printing money to give to these companies. Trump is why they have derangement against him. It’s all about the money and Kennedy could put the kibosh on the money supply so they are going to fight like hell to stop Trump and Kennedy. They only have 2 years to get this right, maybe 4 but I wouldn’t count on that. I pray Trump can straighten this out, but I realize time is not on his side.
Realistically the great game will continue until the money has lost all its value. After that, well, let's just say there will be major changes, and extremely unpleasant for nearly alll concerned.
It really is amazing just how many people will immediately hysterically push for their own demise when the system that they have been brainwashed by is challenged~! Some people are just "too far gone" and trapped by the lies of the criminals of humanity, to be able to see that that are defending their own murderers. Many years ago, I received excellent training as a lifeguard and one of the most important lessons that we were taught was that when an Individual was struggling to stay afloat to keep from drowning that it would be common for them to put a death grip on anyone who was trying to save them, and very likely kill the lifeguard by climbing on them and drowning them in their hysterical effort to stay alive~! They would not listen to anyone or any commonsense reasoning, and all that they would do is get themselves killed and anyone else who got near them in their impaired desperate mental state~! Not more than a couple of months later I had that exact experience and fortunately my lifeguard training kicked in, so I was able to save the Individual and escaped unharmed myself. The training method was for the lifeguard to intentionally submerge and therefore show the hysterical Individual that climbing on them would not work, where they would immediately release their death grip and then the lifeguard could easily swim up behind the Individual to grab them from behind to swim them to safety~! It worked like a charm ;-) It is also common for the Individual that you save from killing themself to be very angry and to blame YOU (the lifeguard) for not saving them by allowing them to drown you by climbing on you in their hysterical panic~! Crazed people just don't "morph" into calm rational people who see their mistake and are thankful that you saved them from their own hysterical madness~! Whenever I read about these hysterical Individuals who are defending the very people who are trying to kill them, like those who insist that the US government is doing a good job of protecting them regardless of the obvious evidence to the contrary, I always remember that hysterical Individual that would have killed himself and me or anyone else in their insane panic~! Society can no longer afford to listen or pander to these Individuals who, for whatever reason, completely fail to understand the "death grip" that the criminals of humanity really have upon us all~!!! These hysterical Individuals who react with their emotions and without any commonsense reasoning or Intellectual capacity need serious mental help, but their "opinions" must be COMPLETELY ignored by society because they will always lead humanity into the darkest places with their ignorance~! Great job Dr. Malone and Bretigene Shaffer for producing such a critically newsworthy article~! M
I was not a lifeguard very long, because ironically, I was soon quickly engaged in a professional career in the business world where in fact I because a "lifeguard" trying to help folks from the ever-present threat of financial drowning (harm :)~! Over the past two decades or so I have been working as a "lifeguard" doing my best to warn folks about the increasing dangers of the evil criminals in government, big pharmacy companies, and the extremely dangerous and deadly Western Medical model~! Stay safe and I hope that you enjoy a great Thanksgiving~!!! Sincerely, Mike
Great analogy. It helps in avoiding unnecessary anger and bitterness toward confused captives of the enemy. Think of them as people who need to be rescued.
Yes, absolutely, the vast majority of humans are indeed struggling with their own emotions of anger and/or feelings of bitterness because of how they perceive that they have been treated~! It is very good to identify and understand when we have our "feelings" and why we have them, but the best way to deal with them productively is to ultimately understand that "we" are engaged in this grand learning experience where we have the power to control our emotions to use them for Goodness as that learning experience~! I strongly suggest that everyone reads the wonderful book "Radical Forgiveness" by Colin Tipping, especially if they are suffering from the effects of abuse, because too many become stuck in their own abuse unable to break the abusive cycle that can so easily entrap them and keep them from achieving their greater self~! At the age of 5 years old I became trapped in an old refrigerator and as far as I have been able to discover I am the only Individual in history who ever have successfully freed myself from that terrible "death sentence" that has killed SO many others over the decades. It was actually easy for me because God gave me an absolutely tremendous gift of being capable of understanding complex problems and quickly finding the best solutions ;-) Anyway, the extraordinary consequence of my own "escape" from that old refrigerator over 60 years ago was a personal level of strength and empowerment that few ever achieve~! Had I been "saved" by anyone helping me to get out of that refrigerator I would have been a "victim" for the rest of my life, however in saving myself I became truly gifted and incredibly empowered by my own natural abilities that have served me well all of my life ;-) This story is relevant today because "we" (Individually and society as a whole) is in fact being forced to "save ourselves" from the evil that has entrapped humanity for a great many years, so that the lesson is driven home and never forgotten~! No pain, no gain ;-] Oh, and for those who are still struggling with the "science"... the light does in fact go out when the refrigerator door is closed~! Ha! I am still working on the question of the tree making noise when it falls in the woods, and no one is around to hear it~! I am betting that yes, it does ;-) Ha Ha Ha! Few things in our world are truly as they first appear~! Have a great Thanksgiving~! Sincerely, Mike
Yes indeed, a thank you; except that having told us all how to survive a drowning individual, you still need to tell us how to exit from the refrigerator . . .
Of course we are discussing an old refrigerator, the kind that "self-locked" when they are closed... The easiest & quickest way to survive being locked into one of those old refrigerators is to push against the door to create an air gap (usually at the bottom of the door) so that you can breathe, and by shoving a piece of clothing or something into the air gap you just saved your life from suffocating until someone comes along to open the door. Of course, I was in more of a hurry to be free than that, so with my legs I kept shoving against the door, sometimes kicking very forcibly, and that cracked the enamel where the door latch was located. This in turn made it possible to "peel" the enamel away from the inside of the refrigerator, then I just pulled out the insulation in the door, which was probably asbestos, and it was extremely itchy as I was very hot, sweaty, and running low on air... Once I pulled out some of the insulation it was obvious that I had not only cracked the enamel on the inside of the door where the handle/latch was located, but that I had also cracked the enamel shell on the outside of the door where the handle/latch was located. After using my little hand with my fingers extended (like a karate chop) to "push" the cracked enamel "out" away from the door I had created a small hole big enough to breathe pretty well. I realized that the door handle/latch worked to open the door by pulling it from the outside, so I just "pushed" the handle from the inside by sticking my fingers through the hole and "CLICK" it immediately opened releasing me ;-) It really was easy~! Hundreds and maybe thousands of children were needlessly killed after being locked in similar refrigerators over the years and I have been trying to let folks know of the solution for decades. Earlier this year there was another child who died after being locked in a refrigerator and it always bothers me when that happens because the solution is actually very easy~! I was lucky and I also give credit to God for His gift of natural "problem solving" skills ;-)
There is more... Like too many people my parents reacted hysterically, and their emotional response was to punish me, which was the worst possible thing to do because until then I had not been traumatized to my core. Parents do need to better understand that it is their "reaction" to things that impacts the children the most~! So, after I saved my own life I was screamed at and severely punished by parents who could only show "hate & anger" to a little 5 year old child, which actually drove the details/facts of my experience deep into my phycology for about 45 years, when suddenly one day my complete memory "returned" (released) allowing me to remember every single detail as if it had just happened yesterday~! This is called the regressed or a regressive memory process. For the past few years there have been great efforts to slowly reveal to the general public the MASSIVE crimes against humanity relating to "human trafficking" (actual human slavery) that have been going on in the world and especially right here in the US. Many of these crimes against humanity involve the enslavement and horrors against children. These crimes against humanity do have a common link to the old and still ongoing "MK Ultra" program of the US government and especially the criminally corrupt CIA~! The MK Ultra process of mental torture involves the traumatizing over & over again of Individuals until the evil criminals achieve their goal of controlling the mind of their victim/s beyond their free will, very much in the way that I was traumatized after an already deeply traumatizing event... Humans are very reluctant to understand or admit just how fragile their minds really are and just how easy it is for very evil & powerful people to do enormous harm to folks. There is not one single American (or human) alive today who has not been subjected to constant "brainwashing" (mental manipulations) from their birth, and that my friend is the process that all Americans are currently undergoing to better understand now~! ;-) Happy Thanksgiving~! Sincerely, Mike
Thank you. You present a lesson everyone needs to learn, about how to remain true to oneself; to never let the b***s****s drag you down. From here in the UK may I wish you a merry Christmas to come. Chris.
You are most welcome, as I am "here" to help~! ;-)
Yes, you are very correct, in that "we" should all learn from each other as well as from our own experiences. Each of our lives is indeed a grand learning experience~! When "we" help each other learn in Good Faith we individually benefit enormously and our sovereign country, society, and humanity "glows" with Goodness~! Together, folks of all nations, can provide for a future where generations of children will be safer and more capable of common-sense reasoning that will provide them with the ability to achieve great things :) As an old American Constitutionalist who has travelled throughout Europe (including many happy times throughout the UK) may I also wish you the best Christmas~! Over the coming days, weeks, months, and even years many unpleasant truths will be revealed all across our world, especially about the way that humanity has been so brutally treated, so it will be the good folks like you who will have the great opportunity to overcome the natural and understandable "emotions" to take advantage of the extraordinary historic chance to build a FAR better world of unlimited possibilities for Goodness~! Here in our home, it is normal to celebrate Christmas all year long in a way, however we do not do so to "recruit" folks into our belief system, but out of a sense of sharing our Spirit of Goodwill with other like-minded Individuals all over the world regardless of their specific belief's~! Enjoy and thank you for your wonderful thoughts~! Very sincerely, Mike
Thank you, Teresa Parmenter~! I am glad that you like my humble words~! I have been walking the walk of an American Constitutionalist for many decades, so the words of Individual freedom come pretty easy for me these days ;-) The truth is that the words and sentiments are actually Divinely Inspired as well~!!! Have a great Thanksgiving and I think that you will really enjoy the rest of the year and next year... Sincerely, Mike
Yes, your life guard story is true. I was never one, but in college (ca 1980) I took a PE swim class that covered lifesaving and the lessons were exactly as you describe. I will also never forget the student instructress who filled out her maillot most appealingly!
Thank you for your kind words~! Having been around the water all of my early life I was always extremely comfortable swimming. I am very happy to hear that your college PE swim class included some basic lifeguard techniques because that is extremely important for all swimmers to learn~! Excellent~! ALL children should be taught how to swim from a very early age regardless of where that child lives. You did well to take that swim class and of course accomplished swimmers do have appealing appearances~! Swimming is an extraordinarily good exercise for staying in good shape ;-) Have a great Thanksgiving~! Sincerely, Mike
I was not aware of the changes made in 1962, but it does ring true. Talk about exploding heads: "Abolish the FDA, abolish the NIH, abolish the CDC. End all medical licensing and accreditation. Get the government out of health care everywhere. " There will be those that counsel moderation, but why, and for what purpose? A return to the status quo of 1962 sounds reasonable to me. I can't help but see a parallel with our abysmal education system. Let's also get education back to where it was prior to 1979!
"You will never understand bureaucracies until you understand that for bureaucrats, procedure is everything, and outcomes are nothing." - Thomas Sowell
“It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.” - Thomas Sowell
Excellent quotes. There are other perspectives too. One of these is that a bureaucracy is like any other organization, indeed like any living entity. That means that it will (almost) always display behaviors (and these may well be innate or emergent) similarly to the instincts of a living being: to survive, to defend territory, to preserve and if possible to expand its powers, for social acceptance among peers and to reproduce. In fairness, many organizations “do something”, that is they may perform one or more useful functions. But that doesn’t change the fact that a large fraction of their “energy” (budget, other resources) is spent in the overhead. To be sure, some of that is essential (nobody works for free, and inputs cost money) but a certain amount is probably waste. Probably, many organizations start their life accomplishing desirable goal(s) but as they age they tend to become more of a self-licking ice cream cone.
I agree 100% abolishing is but noone can put forth a better plan that will work for people who are already stuck in the system and a way to transition out of one way of doing Healthcare and into the new way then it can't happen. We have to have a plan that works and brings tremendous benefits.
I saw this same problem in mental health licensing. It all boils down to several professional groups protecting territory. None of it was about serving the needs of the public. I suspect the author of this essay is exactly right. If the desire is to serve the needs of people we can’t have licensing and professional organizations designed to serve their members over the people.
What a herculean task for Kennedy. There is no substitute for surgery, we can prevent many surgeries through lifestyle choices though. We still need a parallel system of therapeutics, with more emphasis on nutrition, body-mind practices etc... that would break the monopoly conventional medicine holds on the public. Even if we a great increase in medical graduates, people are still in the position of a service that provides pharmaceuticals to manage symptoms, a reductionistic model that doesn't heal anyone.
Here, here! I wholeheartedly agree that the agencies themselves need to be eliminated. RFK, Jr. understands what truly "free" market capitalism is, and that we don't have it now. Each of these agencies, and indeed many more, may have come into being for good(?) reason (giving their initiators the benefit of the doubt...ha ha). However, each one of them has proven the penchant of government to ever grow itself monstrously. It is only the misinterpretation of the "general welfare" clause in the Constitution that sanctioned these agencies in the first place. Agencies gave rise to the administrative state (another nightmare). Their creation is outside the purview of Congress.
George Washington warned us of "cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men". They have been with this nation since its inception. Their ilk are rife today. I strongly suspect they were behind the creation of the myriad 3-letter agencies. They understood how to achieve the long-term outcomes they desired by playing on the weaknesses of man.
My view: Redefine the mission statement of NIH and each of it's divisions. There needs to be a balance so the health of all Americans are protected. Getting the thumb of medical special interests off the health scale is a must. Many challenges not being addressed properly. Objective honest medical research. Manufacturing of prescription drugs without contamination. Generics out of India and China highly questionable. Power to remove deadly products from the market place quickly. Oxycontin and Vioxx come to mind. The list is long and challenges and road blocks are many. Big Pharma understands cost benefit ratio. Merck used it to keep Vioxx on the market as long as possible. Physicians at Merck resigned under protest because they knew early on that the drug Vioxx was deadly, but Merck would not make the decision due to ROI. We need a strong FDA that is not controlled by those they must monitor for safety and etc. Runaway RNA research, excessive use of vaccines should be top priorities. Unlocking adverse drug files which are under utilized a priority. Much to be done and there will be great resistance from the status quo. Support RFK Jr in this herculean effort.
There is a relatively simple solution to the capture of the FDA by the big pharmaceutical players: Make the FDA a strictly advisory agency. This was proposed back in the 80s but ignored by pretty much everybody for both political and cognitive-dissonance reasons. But it re-aligns FDA incentives perfectly. Their approval of drugs is still in place, but instead of it being legally mandatory by interstate commerce regulations, it's be advisory like the Good Housekeeping Seal of approval. This gives the consumer the option to ask, "Is this drug FDA approved?" and not use drugs that are not approved, or ignore a "No!" answer for any of multiple rational reasons: (1) the FDA being captured and no longer trustworthy, (2) the FDA being staffed by idiots who are trying to get nutrients, homeopathics and herbs off the market, and/or (3) the FDA failing to properly regulate either the drug or the dietary supplement markets. In one act passed by Congress, the incentives for the pharmaceutical industry to corrupt the FDA disappear. The perceived FDA legitimacy for drug approval would shift from itself to the insurance industry, which has actually had the greater influence on drug safety for the last 50 years. Efficacy would then devolve to practitioners.
For those who also see insurance industry capture as the inevitable consequence of this move, a legal provision would be required to qualify the financial adequacy of drug-liability insurance. For example, (1) specify minimum damages, or(2) specify that insurance carriers have to have their own insurance for insuring their obligations (i.e., double or triple-layered insurance), and/or(3) specify that coverage has to be proportional to the drug's market size in number of patients.
Making the FDA advisory-only would be an intermediate step between things as they are and a new Constitutional amendment to forbid any association of state with food, supplements, drugs, education, medicine, money, or [fill in the blank].
And an advisory-only FDA would cost a small fraction of its current budget.
Check out the FDA inspection reports. Vastly under performing to keep contaminated medicine out of the market place. FDA does not allocate the man power to keep us safe. It is allocated to push new more expensive drug development.
And to create the regulatory authority to use emergency approval for mRNA vaccines and remdesivir. This was extralegal at best, and overtly illegal at worst. So they sacrifice their legal responsibilities as a matter of policy, and sacrifice their regulatory responsibilities (including inspections, as you cite) as a matter of policy, despite this being an abject inversion of American jurisprudence (Constitution>treaty>legislation>regulation>policy). Thanks for the comment!
Well, that sounds good on the surface. . . simple, just make FDA "advisory". However, to get to that point, it is anything but simple-- attested by all the required rules you define after the thesis statement. I just do not believe anything is "simple" when re-constituting a Federal government agency.
When it comes down to it, the author's thesis "simply" makes more sense:
Good ideas. In my world, FDA approval also requires that government (or health insurance) pay for those things, but also that the FDA becomes the insurer against liability claims. There is freedom to use off-label or unapproved stuff, with the proviso that the patient pays for it and also that he accepts all liability (e.g. can't sue). How all this might work with individual State regulatory powers I don't know.
RFK, Jr. becoming the Secretary of H.H.S. is my dream come true. Whatever he might accomplish can only be to the benefit of our nation's health. That said, confirmation comes first. I want every Senator to answer whether or not they have been contacted by pharma lobbyists. Further, any Senator promoting disapproval must be asked to explain why. I'm envisioning a lot of pharma campaign donation money being dangled to block Kennedy's confirmation. The Swamp, ( AKA our current administration ), gifted pharma enormous wealth under the false pretense of a "pandemic" to be legally used to buy our Senators. RFK, Jr. is impressively intelligent with a super computer like mind. I do not know him to be anti anything, including vaccines. I do know him to possess objectivity, clarity and most importantly he is not for sale.. The NFS quality is a clear and present danger to pharma.
While this piece is directed to the Federal Government Medical Establishment, the same basic arguments apply to most of the Federal Government--just some changed specifics. Our government should limit its roles to protecting us from government as intended by our Founders.
You make a strong case for doing away with the health care regulatory agencies. I totally agree that these agencies are corrupt beyond saving. I’m assuming it would be up to the drug companies to assure their drugs are safe and effective or be sued. Am I right? I don’t trust them either. Of course, I don’t trust anything about our healthcare system right now!
To my best recollection, I have never once seen or heard any public figure challenge RFK Jr on the substance of what he wrote in "The Real Anthony Fauci" or "The Wuhan Cover-up." I dare them.
I too read the book and if it could be refuted, guarantee it would’ve.
The most surprising thing about the Real Anthony Fauci book to me was the section related to AIDS and HIV. It flipped everything I thought I knew about that subject on its head. No pushback from the mainstream media and scientists on that subject was also telling.
You don't see any mass media outlet covering the validity of his books! Why? The medical money men know the truth and keep it suppressed!
The Real Anthony Fauci needs to be read by more folks in order for the nation to release this incessant reliance on the perceived “safety” of regulatory agencies. The book is fact checked by RFK Jr with 2000 plus footnotes which underscore his revealing details dating back to Fauci’s 1980’s AIDS abominations and includes many others who need to be held accountable, Bill Gates being one of the many. A must read, indeed.
For four years we have seen government pick its winners and people have made a fortune on it. From pharmaceutical companies, medical device companies, and weapons manufacturing companies. Politicians have lined their pockets with this administrations open check book allowing them to know who the winners are. With Trump and his plans to cut out all the waste is the motivation for the deep state to keep their gravy train rolling. People that work for all of these companies and maybe make a computer chip or a chemical, a gear or part that goes into a machine or missile have become wealthy because of this never ending money supply. This is why a dozen of eggs costs 7 bucks! They keep printing money to give to these companies. Trump is why they have derangement against him. It’s all about the money and Kennedy could put the kibosh on the money supply so they are going to fight like hell to stop Trump and Kennedy. They only have 2 years to get this right, maybe 4 but I wouldn’t count on that. I pray Trump can straighten this out, but I realize time is not on his side.
Realistically the great game will continue until the money has lost all its value. After that, well, let's just say there will be major changes, and extremely unpleasant for nearly alll concerned.
It really is amazing just how many people will immediately hysterically push for their own demise when the system that they have been brainwashed by is challenged~! Some people are just "too far gone" and trapped by the lies of the criminals of humanity, to be able to see that that are defending their own murderers. Many years ago, I received excellent training as a lifeguard and one of the most important lessons that we were taught was that when an Individual was struggling to stay afloat to keep from drowning that it would be common for them to put a death grip on anyone who was trying to save them, and very likely kill the lifeguard by climbing on them and drowning them in their hysterical effort to stay alive~! They would not listen to anyone or any commonsense reasoning, and all that they would do is get themselves killed and anyone else who got near them in their impaired desperate mental state~! Not more than a couple of months later I had that exact experience and fortunately my lifeguard training kicked in, so I was able to save the Individual and escaped unharmed myself. The training method was for the lifeguard to intentionally submerge and therefore show the hysterical Individual that climbing on them would not work, where they would immediately release their death grip and then the lifeguard could easily swim up behind the Individual to grab them from behind to swim them to safety~! It worked like a charm ;-) It is also common for the Individual that you save from killing themself to be very angry and to blame YOU (the lifeguard) for not saving them by allowing them to drown you by climbing on you in their hysterical panic~! Crazed people just don't "morph" into calm rational people who see their mistake and are thankful that you saved them from their own hysterical madness~! Whenever I read about these hysterical Individuals who are defending the very people who are trying to kill them, like those who insist that the US government is doing a good job of protecting them regardless of the obvious evidence to the contrary, I always remember that hysterical Individual that would have killed himself and me or anyone else in their insane panic~! Society can no longer afford to listen or pander to these Individuals who, for whatever reason, completely fail to understand the "death grip" that the criminals of humanity really have upon us all~!!! These hysterical Individuals who react with their emotions and without any commonsense reasoning or Intellectual capacity need serious mental help, but their "opinions" must be COMPLETELY ignored by society because they will always lead humanity into the darkest places with their ignorance~! Great job Dr. Malone and Bretigene Shaffer for producing such a critically newsworthy article~! M
From one ex-lifeguard to another: Great analogy!
Thank you very much Lynn~!
That is very gracious of you :)
I was not a lifeguard very long, because ironically, I was soon quickly engaged in a professional career in the business world where in fact I because a "lifeguard" trying to help folks from the ever-present threat of financial drowning (harm :)~! Over the past two decades or so I have been working as a "lifeguard" doing my best to warn folks about the increasing dangers of the evil criminals in government, big pharmacy companies, and the extremely dangerous and deadly Western Medical model~! Stay safe and I hope that you enjoy a great Thanksgiving~!!! Sincerely, Mike
Great analogy. It helps in avoiding unnecessary anger and bitterness toward confused captives of the enemy. Think of them as people who need to be rescued.
Excellent comment~!
Yes, absolutely, the vast majority of humans are indeed struggling with their own emotions of anger and/or feelings of bitterness because of how they perceive that they have been treated~! It is very good to identify and understand when we have our "feelings" and why we have them, but the best way to deal with them productively is to ultimately understand that "we" are engaged in this grand learning experience where we have the power to control our emotions to use them for Goodness as that learning experience~! I strongly suggest that everyone reads the wonderful book "Radical Forgiveness" by Colin Tipping, especially if they are suffering from the effects of abuse, because too many become stuck in their own abuse unable to break the abusive cycle that can so easily entrap them and keep them from achieving their greater self~! At the age of 5 years old I became trapped in an old refrigerator and as far as I have been able to discover I am the only Individual in history who ever have successfully freed myself from that terrible "death sentence" that has killed SO many others over the decades. It was actually easy for me because God gave me an absolutely tremendous gift of being capable of understanding complex problems and quickly finding the best solutions ;-) Anyway, the extraordinary consequence of my own "escape" from that old refrigerator over 60 years ago was a personal level of strength and empowerment that few ever achieve~! Had I been "saved" by anyone helping me to get out of that refrigerator I would have been a "victim" for the rest of my life, however in saving myself I became truly gifted and incredibly empowered by my own natural abilities that have served me well all of my life ;-) This story is relevant today because "we" (Individually and society as a whole) is in fact being forced to "save ourselves" from the evil that has entrapped humanity for a great many years, so that the lesson is driven home and never forgotten~! No pain, no gain ;-] Oh, and for those who are still struggling with the "science"... the light does in fact go out when the refrigerator door is closed~! Ha! I am still working on the question of the tree making noise when it falls in the woods, and no one is around to hear it~! I am betting that yes, it does ;-) Ha Ha Ha! Few things in our world are truly as they first appear~! Have a great Thanksgiving~! Sincerely, Mike
Yes indeed, a thank you; except that having told us all how to survive a drowning individual, you still need to tell us how to exit from the refrigerator . . .
Of course we are discussing an old refrigerator, the kind that "self-locked" when they are closed... The easiest & quickest way to survive being locked into one of those old refrigerators is to push against the door to create an air gap (usually at the bottom of the door) so that you can breathe, and by shoving a piece of clothing or something into the air gap you just saved your life from suffocating until someone comes along to open the door. Of course, I was in more of a hurry to be free than that, so with my legs I kept shoving against the door, sometimes kicking very forcibly, and that cracked the enamel where the door latch was located. This in turn made it possible to "peel" the enamel away from the inside of the refrigerator, then I just pulled out the insulation in the door, which was probably asbestos, and it was extremely itchy as I was very hot, sweaty, and running low on air... Once I pulled out some of the insulation it was obvious that I had not only cracked the enamel on the inside of the door where the handle/latch was located, but that I had also cracked the enamel shell on the outside of the door where the handle/latch was located. After using my little hand with my fingers extended (like a karate chop) to "push" the cracked enamel "out" away from the door I had created a small hole big enough to breathe pretty well. I realized that the door handle/latch worked to open the door by pulling it from the outside, so I just "pushed" the handle from the inside by sticking my fingers through the hole and "CLICK" it immediately opened releasing me ;-) It really was easy~! Hundreds and maybe thousands of children were needlessly killed after being locked in similar refrigerators over the years and I have been trying to let folks know of the solution for decades. Earlier this year there was another child who died after being locked in a refrigerator and it always bothers me when that happens because the solution is actually very easy~! I was lucky and I also give credit to God for His gift of natural "problem solving" skills ;-)
There is more... Like too many people my parents reacted hysterically, and their emotional response was to punish me, which was the worst possible thing to do because until then I had not been traumatized to my core. Parents do need to better understand that it is their "reaction" to things that impacts the children the most~! So, after I saved my own life I was screamed at and severely punished by parents who could only show "hate & anger" to a little 5 year old child, which actually drove the details/facts of my experience deep into my phycology for about 45 years, when suddenly one day my complete memory "returned" (released) allowing me to remember every single detail as if it had just happened yesterday~! This is called the regressed or a regressive memory process. For the past few years there have been great efforts to slowly reveal to the general public the MASSIVE crimes against humanity relating to "human trafficking" (actual human slavery) that have been going on in the world and especially right here in the US. Many of these crimes against humanity involve the enslavement and horrors against children. These crimes against humanity do have a common link to the old and still ongoing "MK Ultra" program of the US government and especially the criminally corrupt CIA~! The MK Ultra process of mental torture involves the traumatizing over & over again of Individuals until the evil criminals achieve their goal of controlling the mind of their victim/s beyond their free will, very much in the way that I was traumatized after an already deeply traumatizing event... Humans are very reluctant to understand or admit just how fragile their minds really are and just how easy it is for very evil & powerful people to do enormous harm to folks. There is not one single American (or human) alive today who has not been subjected to constant "brainwashing" (mental manipulations) from their birth, and that my friend is the process that all Americans are currently undergoing to better understand now~! ;-) Happy Thanksgiving~! Sincerely, Mike
Thank you. You present a lesson everyone needs to learn, about how to remain true to oneself; to never let the b***s****s drag you down. From here in the UK may I wish you a merry Christmas to come. Chris.
You are most welcome, as I am "here" to help~! ;-)
Yes, you are very correct, in that "we" should all learn from each other as well as from our own experiences. Each of our lives is indeed a grand learning experience~! When "we" help each other learn in Good Faith we individually benefit enormously and our sovereign country, society, and humanity "glows" with Goodness~! Together, folks of all nations, can provide for a future where generations of children will be safer and more capable of common-sense reasoning that will provide them with the ability to achieve great things :) As an old American Constitutionalist who has travelled throughout Europe (including many happy times throughout the UK) may I also wish you the best Christmas~! Over the coming days, weeks, months, and even years many unpleasant truths will be revealed all across our world, especially about the way that humanity has been so brutally treated, so it will be the good folks like you who will have the great opportunity to overcome the natural and understandable "emotions" to take advantage of the extraordinary historic chance to build a FAR better world of unlimited possibilities for Goodness~! Here in our home, it is normal to celebrate Christmas all year long in a way, however we do not do so to "recruit" folks into our belief system, but out of a sense of sharing our Spirit of Goodwill with other like-minded Individuals all over the world regardless of their specific belief's~! Enjoy and thank you for your wonderful thoughts~! Very sincerely, Mike
💯 agree! Great post
Thank you, Teresa Parmenter~! I am glad that you like my humble words~! I have been walking the walk of an American Constitutionalist for many decades, so the words of Individual freedom come pretty easy for me these days ;-) The truth is that the words and sentiments are actually Divinely Inspired as well~!!! Have a great Thanksgiving and I think that you will really enjoy the rest of the year and next year... Sincerely, Mike
Yes, your life guard story is true. I was never one, but in college (ca 1980) I took a PE swim class that covered lifesaving and the lessons were exactly as you describe. I will also never forget the student instructress who filled out her maillot most appealingly!
Thank you for your kind words~! Having been around the water all of my early life I was always extremely comfortable swimming. I am very happy to hear that your college PE swim class included some basic lifeguard techniques because that is extremely important for all swimmers to learn~! Excellent~! ALL children should be taught how to swim from a very early age regardless of where that child lives. You did well to take that swim class and of course accomplished swimmers do have appealing appearances~! Swimming is an extraordinarily good exercise for staying in good shape ;-) Have a great Thanksgiving~! Sincerely, Mike
I was not aware of the changes made in 1962, but it does ring true. Talk about exploding heads: "Abolish the FDA, abolish the NIH, abolish the CDC. End all medical licensing and accreditation. Get the government out of health care everywhere. " There will be those that counsel moderation, but why, and for what purpose? A return to the status quo of 1962 sounds reasonable to me. I can't help but see a parallel with our abysmal education system. Let's also get education back to where it was prior to 1979!
Yeah, what a surprise.... The free market works!
"You will never understand bureaucracies until you understand that for bureaucrats, procedure is everything, and outcomes are nothing." - Thomas Sowell
“It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.” - Thomas Sowell
Excellent quotes. There are other perspectives too. One of these is that a bureaucracy is like any other organization, indeed like any living entity. That means that it will (almost) always display behaviors (and these may well be innate or emergent) similarly to the instincts of a living being: to survive, to defend territory, to preserve and if possible to expand its powers, for social acceptance among peers and to reproduce. In fairness, many organizations “do something”, that is they may perform one or more useful functions. But that doesn’t change the fact that a large fraction of their “energy” (budget, other resources) is spent in the overhead. To be sure, some of that is essential (nobody works for free, and inputs cost money) but a certain amount is probably waste. Probably, many organizations start their life accomplishing desirable goal(s) but as they age they tend to become more of a self-licking ice cream cone.
Yep, I will second that.
I agree 100% abolishing is but noone can put forth a better plan that will work for people who are already stuck in the system and a way to transition out of one way of doing Healthcare and into the new way then it can't happen. We have to have a plan that works and brings tremendous benefits.
I saw this same problem in mental health licensing. It all boils down to several professional groups protecting territory. None of it was about serving the needs of the public. I suspect the author of this essay is exactly right. If the desire is to serve the needs of people we can’t have licensing and professional organizations designed to serve their members over the people.
Vaccine manufacturer stock prices have been recovering over the past few days almost as if people are now betting on RFK not getting in there.
I hope they are wrong.
What a herculean task for Kennedy. There is no substitute for surgery, we can prevent many surgeries through lifestyle choices though. We still need a parallel system of therapeutics, with more emphasis on nutrition, body-mind practices etc... that would break the monopoly conventional medicine holds on the public. Even if we a great increase in medical graduates, people are still in the position of a service that provides pharmaceuticals to manage symptoms, a reductionistic model that doesn't heal anyone.
Here, here! I wholeheartedly agree that the agencies themselves need to be eliminated. RFK, Jr. understands what truly "free" market capitalism is, and that we don't have it now. Each of these agencies, and indeed many more, may have come into being for good(?) reason (giving their initiators the benefit of the doubt...ha ha). However, each one of them has proven the penchant of government to ever grow itself monstrously. It is only the misinterpretation of the "general welfare" clause in the Constitution that sanctioned these agencies in the first place. Agencies gave rise to the administrative state (another nightmare). Their creation is outside the purview of Congress.
George Washington warned us of "cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men". They have been with this nation since its inception. Their ilk are rife today. I strongly suspect they were behind the creation of the myriad 3-letter agencies. They understood how to achieve the long-term outcomes they desired by playing on the weaknesses of man.
My view: Redefine the mission statement of NIH and each of it's divisions. There needs to be a balance so the health of all Americans are protected. Getting the thumb of medical special interests off the health scale is a must. Many challenges not being addressed properly. Objective honest medical research. Manufacturing of prescription drugs without contamination. Generics out of India and China highly questionable. Power to remove deadly products from the market place quickly. Oxycontin and Vioxx come to mind. The list is long and challenges and road blocks are many. Big Pharma understands cost benefit ratio. Merck used it to keep Vioxx on the market as long as possible. Physicians at Merck resigned under protest because they knew early on that the drug Vioxx was deadly, but Merck would not make the decision due to ROI. We need a strong FDA that is not controlled by those they must monitor for safety and etc. Runaway RNA research, excessive use of vaccines should be top priorities. Unlocking adverse drug files which are under utilized a priority. Much to be done and there will be great resistance from the status quo. Support RFK Jr in this herculean effort.
There is a relatively simple solution to the capture of the FDA by the big pharmaceutical players: Make the FDA a strictly advisory agency. This was proposed back in the 80s but ignored by pretty much everybody for both political and cognitive-dissonance reasons. But it re-aligns FDA incentives perfectly. Their approval of drugs is still in place, but instead of it being legally mandatory by interstate commerce regulations, it's be advisory like the Good Housekeeping Seal of approval. This gives the consumer the option to ask, "Is this drug FDA approved?" and not use drugs that are not approved, or ignore a "No!" answer for any of multiple rational reasons: (1) the FDA being captured and no longer trustworthy, (2) the FDA being staffed by idiots who are trying to get nutrients, homeopathics and herbs off the market, and/or (3) the FDA failing to properly regulate either the drug or the dietary supplement markets. In one act passed by Congress, the incentives for the pharmaceutical industry to corrupt the FDA disappear. The perceived FDA legitimacy for drug approval would shift from itself to the insurance industry, which has actually had the greater influence on drug safety for the last 50 years. Efficacy would then devolve to practitioners.
For those who also see insurance industry capture as the inevitable consequence of this move, a legal provision would be required to qualify the financial adequacy of drug-liability insurance. For example, (1) specify minimum damages, or(2) specify that insurance carriers have to have their own insurance for insuring their obligations (i.e., double or triple-layered insurance), and/or(3) specify that coverage has to be proportional to the drug's market size in number of patients.
Making the FDA advisory-only would be an intermediate step between things as they are and a new Constitutional amendment to forbid any association of state with food, supplements, drugs, education, medicine, money, or [fill in the blank].
And an advisory-only FDA would cost a small fraction of its current budget.
Check out the FDA inspection reports. Vastly under performing to keep contaminated medicine out of the market place. FDA does not allocate the man power to keep us safe. It is allocated to push new more expensive drug development.
And to create the regulatory authority to use emergency approval for mRNA vaccines and remdesivir. This was extralegal at best, and overtly illegal at worst. So they sacrifice their legal responsibilities as a matter of policy, and sacrifice their regulatory responsibilities (including inspections, as you cite) as a matter of policy, despite this being an abject inversion of American jurisprudence (Constitution>treaty>legislation>regulation>policy). Thanks for the comment!
Well, that sounds good on the surface. . . simple, just make FDA "advisory". However, to get to that point, it is anything but simple-- attested by all the required rules you define after the thesis statement. I just do not believe anything is "simple" when re-constituting a Federal government agency.
When it comes down to it, the author's thesis "simply" makes more sense:
Delete them.
Good ideas. In my world, FDA approval also requires that government (or health insurance) pay for those things, but also that the FDA becomes the insurer against liability claims. There is freedom to use off-label or unapproved stuff, with the proviso that the patient pays for it and also that he accepts all liability (e.g. can't sue). How all this might work with individual State regulatory powers I don't know.
Going to be a 6 year street brawl to straighten this and the rest of the Deep State mess out
Get regulators out of the medical community and remove all legal protections of manufacturers, doctors and hospitals.
People and organizations will do the right thing only if they are held accountable for their actions.
RFK, Jr. becoming the Secretary of H.H.S. is my dream come true. Whatever he might accomplish can only be to the benefit of our nation's health. That said, confirmation comes first. I want every Senator to answer whether or not they have been contacted by pharma lobbyists. Further, any Senator promoting disapproval must be asked to explain why. I'm envisioning a lot of pharma campaign donation money being dangled to block Kennedy's confirmation. The Swamp, ( AKA our current administration ), gifted pharma enormous wealth under the false pretense of a "pandemic" to be legally used to buy our Senators. RFK, Jr. is impressively intelligent with a super computer like mind. I do not know him to be anti anything, including vaccines. I do know him to possess objectivity, clarity and most importantly he is not for sale.. The NFS quality is a clear and present danger to pharma.
Then why has he been unable to convince Trump of the danger of the jab, much less its cousins coming off the pfizer assembly line?
This point is a genuine concern. Why hasn’t Trump seen the light? Is his ego so big he simply cannot admit the jab was worse than a complete failure.
More to the point what is his cotton picking head honcho of the hhs going to do about it?
So much to unravel. You can't stop a giant ship on a dime. I see Trump's having nominated Kennedy as a big first step toward your / our concern.
Hope you are right but I have big doubts. His unk teddy also thought himself a medical guru.
While this piece is directed to the Federal Government Medical Establishment, the same basic arguments apply to most of the Federal Government--just some changed specifics. Our government should limit its roles to protecting us from government as intended by our Founders.
I wouldn't bet 5 dollars he'll be nominated. But I pray he will be.
Dr. Malone,
You make a strong case for doing away with the health care regulatory agencies. I totally agree that these agencies are corrupt beyond saving. I’m assuming it would be up to the drug companies to assure their drugs are safe and effective or be sued. Am I right? I don’t trust them either. Of course, I don’t trust anything about our healthcare system right now!