Excellent review of the medical deep state. I for one no nothing , so I appreciate the education. Covid taught us who to turn to that can unmask this deep state. Dr. Malone, thank you. If the opportunity presents itself … please represent the people in Washington.

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I truly wish we had you here in Canada to educate the masses. The good news is that many of my fellow Canadian citizens know who you are, representing the truth, opening eyes, for that I am grateful. I can't wait for your book. Thank you Dr. Malone, and Jill. May God continue to Bless you and your family.

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They’ll never allow it. And neither will the hypnotized masses. They would rather serve their oppressors.

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unfortunately, there is merit to that. I suspect that the lawyers may have their way with the Administrative State over the next few years based on what is going on at the Supreme Court level.

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Dr. Malone, I’m not as upbeat regarding SCOTUS. Roberts and Kavanaugh invariably side with the entrenched bureaucracy on non-ideological issues. They are Bush apparatchiks. Voting “yea” to keep the federal employee vaccine mandate in place was egregious. They know damn well who Fauci is and what he’s done in decades past. But being such good Catholics, they vote to overturn R v W.Another example of ideological activism on issues that they align with, but zero integrity or scholarship with issues they helped create.A lose-lose. The Roe decision likely cost the midterms. The GOP cannot help but snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. The extremism of issuing inviolate abortion bans , insofar as criminalizing any infraction- some of the zealots have mandated prison terms up to 100 years!

Though I’m pro-life by choice, it is my choice. Fifteen weeks is sane. But forcing children, rape victims, incest victims, impoverished abandoned women, victims of domestic abuse, women carrying fetuses with severe deformities to carry a baby to term, go through the birthing process is beyond cruel. It’s hateful. This is where the Separation Of Church And State and religious freedom become blurred. Also, the ideological trespass fails to address the criminality of PP. Medicare/Medicaid fraud, cover ups of incest victims, sale of fetal parts for profit, the fact PP does NOT provide mammograms or other crucial diagnostic procedures( they refer the patient to other facilities for profit), prevent basic products from becoming available OTC- primarily bc pills and other contraceptives. The supposed “ non -profit” organization donates tremendous sums to Dem political campaigns. PP does not provide pre-natal care for pregnant women. How is that reproductive healthcare? Only if a woman does not “ reproduce”? All of this gets lost in the fray.

Congress has failed to do its job for fifty years, but this sudden and very divisive ruling isn’t the way to move forward. It would have been far wiser to use that power on every other issue of government overreach. God knows, the list is long.

I’m also deeply concerned about the vaccines causing fetal anomalies that will appear within the next few years. Then what? They, the GOP zealots included, are not addressing this crucial topic at all.

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Legally and constitutionally, the ruling was necessary. The Court didn’t address the moral issue. The people you call “GOP zealots” are mostly Christians who believe that it is morally wrong to destroy an innocent living human being. This belief has been held by orthodox Christians for two thousand years.

I agree that the cases you cite are very difficult. But aside from crimes (rape and incest), the more fundamental problem is again a moral one: the expectation that people should be sexually active without consequences, i.e., babies. When we abandon ideas of marriage and chastity, we get casual sex, and that always results in unwanted pregnancies. You can’t look intelligently at the problem of abortion without addressing its cause. No one wants to do this, of course, because our society believes that you can’t be a whole person without having sex. Thus we can never solve the abortion problem, any more than we can follow the directions for baking a cake when we don’t have the list of ingredients.

I personally do not believe that any state legislature would be so daft as to pass laws throwing women having had illegal abortions in jail, or condemning a woman with an ectopic pregnancy to explode internally, or otherwise allowing a woman to die rather than interfere with a fetus. Most would reflect the desire of the people to recognize real difficulties and establish reasonable limitations. If a state refuses to be reasonable, well, people move from state to state for all kinds of reasons.

The status quo allowed the deaths of 63,000,000 children on the basis of a “right” that doesn’t exist in the Constitution. That is unconscionable. It had to change.

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Kay, the states already had different parameters prior to the ruling and could curtail or expand. But this has created such divisive extremism . It’s now either all the way through delivery or no options. Sorry, this is unacceptable and so cruel. Both sides of the extremist spectrum are grotesque and devoid of empathy.

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Not sure I agree that the ruling wasn't appropriate but very interesting comment, thank you.

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I just don’t see the logic. Very few women choose to abort a post 18 week pregnancy. 20 weeks the latest.most are first to early second trimester. It is between the woman and her Maker. Not the government or politicians motivated by personal ideology. Because I chose to bear my children doesn’t mean I have the right to force myself on another.When the Abbotts, Patricks, Reeves, Cruz, Iveys criticize Islamic men of controlling women and girl’s lives, calling out theocratic regimes, they fail to realize they’re doing the same, often citing their Christian belief and practice. They have stepped on Separation of Church and State, Religious Freedom , Right To Privacy. By stating the Constitution says nothing about abortion… they’re basically making their own case,

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Gail… I need to tell you what happened at morning report (shift change) with a resident this am. I asked her where she was last month. She was on a rotation for family planning and they did a dilation and evacuation of a 16 week fetus. The resident did the ultrasound. Then took the woman back to the operating room and an attending (not the resident), removed the fetus part by part, then put all the parts together on the sterile table , like a puzzle, to make sure nothing was left behind. She said it has changed her mind on abortions.

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Is it disgusting ? Yes. Many states outlawed dismemberment abortion.

I became pro-life after what would have been the worst decision of my own life. My husband and I married in 1982. I was 21, he had just turned 24. We fell in love at first sight. He proposed two months later and we were married sixth months after our first date. We had no money, he had just embarked on his career, working twelve hour days, six days a week. During tax season, he worked a minimum of fourteen hours daily , often seven days weekly. I worked full time for low wages, but received increases with each review. Yet with that, at the time, we grossed 32k before taxes.

Six months married in a one bedroom condo during my yearly gyn checkup, My doctor discovered I was pregnant…. Even though I NEVER missed a pill, had no morning sickness, my usual scant cycle, commonly

didn’t bleed.

I was scheduled for a sonogram, startled to hear a very strong heartbeat. The PA suggested I was nine weeks along. I hadn’t gained and ounce. And I’m tiny. Weighed a whopping 102lbs. Same as I had since age 17. I wasn’t skinny, just slender and petite. She scheduled an ultrasound. My mom was with me and the ultrasound showed what looked to be a perfectly formed being swimming around like a fish. We welled up with emotion. Ready? She assessed the fetus to be 16 weeks! It was surreal. That afternoon , a Friday at 5:15, just before closing I received a call from one of the front desk assistants. Without any attempt to prepare me, she matter of factly relayed, “We reviewed your ultrasound and discovered a “ neural tube defect”. I asked what exactly did it mean?” Your baby has Spina Bifida. If your pregnancy progressed, you’ll likely miscarry . Should it go to term and the baby survives,

Your life, your husband’s and the baby’s will be miserable. The baby will need round the clock care, will never walk will be incontinent, develop organ damage, respiratory distress, require feeding” and on. “ It would be wise to immediately terminate, I’ve scheduled the procedure for Monday 9 am”Can you imagine? I told her I needed to consult with my family before making a drastic decision. She was so angry and annoyed.As though I was the monster. The weekend seemed an eternity. We were all crying, I couldn’t even swallow a spoonful of soup. I couldn’t do it, left a message. Mon morning I called a different radiology lab and scheduled another ultrasound. I wanted a second opinion.And got one. Not only was the baby perfectly formed, but my blood work correlated with 18 weeks!! Had my gyn exam not been concurrently timed, I wouldn’t have been aware until I began to show at 20 weeks. If I was single, without a support system , I wouldn’t be able to make the decision to have the baby. I would not have been mentally, financially , emotionally, physically equipped to cope. The pregnancy progress into a series of disastrous afflictions requiring access to specialists, hospital stays, infusions and three month relegated to bedrest. The delivery nearly killed me. The baby was 9.2lbs. I weighed 115lbs when she was delivered . 23 hours of labor and the OB-gyn became very alarmed when my blood pressure, already dangerously high, shot up higher AFTER delivery. Four more days in the hospital hooked up to God knows what.Nobody should be forced to bear a child . A woman/ young girl matters. Sane parameters? Absolutely. No right to determine bodily autonomy? No way.

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I’m not anyones judge jury nor executioner . https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uj1y6NGwqYk

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr Malone for this very comprehensive report of your findings! You have my vote for all of your listed amendments. I’m sure that it has been quite the undertaking to try to tackle all of our dysfunctional health care issues! I hope plenty of knowledgeable experts are stepping up to help you with these monumental tasks! We really appreciate you & Dr Jill and all you have done! Prayers for your protection & guidance!

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone’s direct, apolitical approach is the greatest threat to , no pun intended, the plague of corruption created by the duplicitous, do nothing, duopoly that morphed into a totalitarian technocracy.

This cumulative usurpation of power could have and should have been thwarted decades ago. It wasn’t and EVERY administration beginning with Ford has enabled it to metastasize. The devastating fallout from the Ford 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic vaccine mandate would have been enough. Coerced by the NIH, Ford was led to believe a Swine Flu Pandemic was heading to the US. This “ Pandemic” would wipe out the population unless EVERY American was vaccinated. The hype was extraordinary. The propaganda rivaled that of Goebbels. And once the vaccination campaign was rolled out, the injuries began cropping up. The “ Pandemic” never was. Pfizer suffered an epic lawsuit. The injury victims were never compensated and not a single bureaucrat was held to account.” Sixty Minutes” aired a tremendous expose’.And nobody knew who Anthony Fauci was.Yet Reagan appointed him to lead the AIDS “ Epidemic” Emergency Force. Even the lies, senseless deaths and collusion didn’t put a dent in Fauci’s power. Instead, he became more powerful. One must wonder if the real problem is with “ We The People”. So complacent we didn’t act. Hell, we barely reacted.

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Stellar list of concrete steps we can take to contain the corruption, Robert! The fact that regulatory capture is not outright illegal and punishable by severe sentences for bribery and fraud still boggles the mind. I think if the American people understood the depth of this corruption and the massive amount of taxpayer dollars being used to fund this drug cartel scam, they would advocate for the dissolution of the NIH, CDC, and FDA entirely.

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You hit it on the head! " If american people understood the depth of this corruption..." this is what Malone and others are doing, helping us understand. This is too complex a web for me to put together, but I understand the content.

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Jul 7, 2022·edited Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Dr. Malone. Finally, someone knowledgeable is writing about the State within the State. Ever since Xavier Becerra became HHS Secretary, I have had the concern that somehow he would end up as President. My concern was not unfounded, just not a necessary move for him. He already wields enormous power, and should that horrid WHO Treaty be signed in September, 'with enforcement power' Becerra might as well be Executive. Perhaps that is why they DO NOT seem care about how bad things look for Biden. An election might not even take place this November, or it may be entirely mail-in if Martial Law is declared because of an uprising. Even though treaties do not legally have the power to usurp the Constitution, if there is no political will to ensure that, it is irrelevant. Perhaps that is what the culling of our forces are about??

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

All the issues discussed were contrived and created to allow special interests to thrive!

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What an amazingly comprehensive analysis of our current situation. I really don't know where you find the time Dr Malone but I certainly appreciate everything you've done.

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Thanks for all you do. The rest of us are distractedly stamping out brush fires or trying to educate the purples like me:


If we ever get ahead in the polls, we need your analysis Dr. Malone.

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I half read your posting. I started to read it and and got depressed so I quit. I'm going to finish it later. I'm a nurse. I am used to seeing horrible things. I've seen children die, teens die, adults die from accidents and illness, cancers, etc., but I know that some things could have never been fathomable by families. We can prevent so many things. We can forsee accidents in many cases, illness and disease in many cases. Covid deaths could have been prevented if doctors would have had free reign to treat illness as they did every other sickness. What the hell is wrong with us? I can answer my own question. Nursing and Medical boards threatened us with taking away our license to practice our trade. Thank God for Dr. Malone. We really count on him. Sometimes, I worry that we are putting too much on him, as we know he suffered long haul Covid symptoms.

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What has happened within our healthcare system is evil. I can't help but wonder, if there had been enough doctors and nurses who understood and refused to comply, could it have been different? They couldn't fire everyone. My husband and I are retired. We have plenty of time to research and we learned what was happening early on. Research time is a luxury for many who are trying to juggle work and family responsibilities and the extreme censorship makes it even more difficult. Thank you for taking care of people. I'm sorry your profession is facing such challenges.

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Just this morning I phoned my doctor's office at the Sevierville, TN U. of TN Medical Center. The receptionist was gagging and having an awful time speaking. I recommended she try a homeopathic medicine that I've been using for two years - a tincture that has ended 72 years of airborne allergic reactions in my case.

The AMA effectively ended the use of homeopathic medicine in the USA before the American civil war.

When I visited Switzerland about 15 years ago I was amazed to find all their pharmacies loaded with inexpensive homeopathic cures.

Our medical system, more than a century before COVID, was a corrupt political racket.

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Here's a free download of my book, Butchered By "Healthcare"


300 five star Amazon reviews

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Your point re luxury of research time is so true. Same experience here for my husband & me. My “early ons” were Dr. Harvey Risch & Dr.Zelenko. ❤️🙏

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I think it was first Dr. McCullough for us, but it started when the lie circulated that Hydroxychloroquine was dangerous. We've taken that for months in Africa and knew better. I can't really remember how we managed to find those telling the truth, but once we did, we found more and more good info. One of my heroes is Senator Ron Johnson. If other members of Congress had the guts that he does, maybe some of this could have been stopped.

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Do your best.

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Jul 7, 2022·edited Jul 7, 2022

I felt like stopping but read more as I was awake in the night. Go back to the numbered list towards the end & his conclusion. Very readable & I pray hopeful.

Fellow RN here, retired, whose family do not listen. Quite frustrating.

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Me too. I keep telling myself, “ That’s it! Go to bed!” and the read the next comment… and the next…

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“Nursing and Medical boards threatened us with taking away our license to practice our trade.”

And they pretty much did take them away, whether you left or complied.

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I was already aware of most things you wrote about, but I appreciate you bringing it all together in your Substack. If I allow myself, I can fall into despair as I watch a 43 year old friend suffer from an autoimmune disorder that could bring her family's international ministry to an end, a 50 year old friend who had a stroke, and a 73 year old friend suddenly diagnosed with diabetes and soon after, with aggressive pancreatic cancer. All vaccinated, of course. I don't feel I should mention to them the possibility of the vaccine being the cause; they've already gotten it and can't change it. Perhaps the best way is to share posts like yours and let them draw their own conclusions, or not. The only way I fend off total despair is by looking to God and his Word. The Bible explains why this world is broken and assured us that God's plan hasn't been thwarted. Thank you again.

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow! Both parts were well done and are leaving my head swimming. So much to try to undo and fix.

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dissecting the deep state is a bit like delving into the inner workings of living cells. Until you really start to see it then not so much. The latter leaves one agape with its wonder, beauty and mystery. The former just smells like sewage. Your wading through it on our behalf is greatly appreciated. Now I need a shower and some zofran.

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Administrative state" is a great phrase for those that were literally turned off from hearing anything that included the phrase "deep state" via the psyop the intelligence community pulled on us with the help of legacy media and their plants with in it (such as James Clapper). I was one of those fooled and still have a knee jerk reaction to that phrase :) though I use it myself now.

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Would you even consider that prospective? Thank you, Dr. Malone. You and your wife (and yes, even your kids) help the rest of us. It has been a depressing year. The lies told, the income lost, and lives lost can never be recovered. Fauci is not alone in blame. We hear news from Uruguay. They are asking questions and the rest of us are very grateful.

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


I don't know if this is gmail targeting your email or this is just random. I suspect tareting. This was on a header on the email I received. I haven't seen it on any other email I've received. Just a FYI.---

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I've had some problems with substack comments not allowing me to do entries, but backing off and coming back in cured it. I didn't have any issues logging in here just now OS W10 Netscape. If anyone has problems would it help to know what they are using?

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Jul 7, 2022·edited Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thoughtful recommendations! Thank you.

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Got to the Biden *Vision with the POW in purple background, saved and will take a closer look, watching Laura Ingraham .. hitting all my favorite people to tell the truth about Liz Cheney for Potus. OMG. and AOC, the usual suspects.. back up and running again. :) thanks: Isabella

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Cheney is in this up to her eyeballs.Her daddy and his partner in crime, W, green-lighted Fauci’s “ Gain Of Function “ research that created the weaponized Anthrax, the subsequent cover up and the epic fail- “ Operation Dark Winter” Clade X. Same. cast of characters, too. Gergen, Fauci,Collins Johns Hopkins, Ashcroft ( who was already in bed with Pharma),

W awarded Fauci his first ( can you believe he’s received more than one?) Presidential Medal Of Freedom.She’s still shilling for Fauci.” The national treasure”

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I didn't think about that. She acted like she doesn't want anything to come out. I really am hopeful Robert Kennedy, Jr., will join the FDA, CDC, and NIH to oversee vaccine issues. I pray for his involvement. He is a good man.

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you definitely do your homework.. I am never surprised that even the most astute of the Fox News either don't do their deep research on the Cheney's.. Gergen. like you said the whole cast of characters. all this going on the backdrop of W. and 9 11. That is a lot said and to unpack. keen observation n your part Gail. When will Fauci retire. ? Fauci will take his claims to fame from anyone. ! Good Morning !

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EXACTLY! Fauci isn’t a partisan. He’s an opportunistic psychopath!

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did you see him "facetiming" from office when he had COVID AGAIN! still sticking to his story of Vaxxing? he knew all along which though some people including me get tired of the "post Covid" analysis but it has to do with NIH and NCI. He refuses to answer how much money he has made outside his salary. Fame and Money and Opportunistic I could say worse but won't right now. !

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He is SCIENCE! All 4’ of him.

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I must confess to being very weird😂. I’m plagued with the curse of a memory for bizarre minutiae. It keeps me up at night… an insatiable need to find patterns in puzzles. There is ALWAYS a pattern and ALWAYS a bigger picture. And ALWAYS predicated on a single, massive lie.

It is the reason I’ve lost all faith in government. The right/left paradigm is an illusion. What difference does some requisite partisan ideology make when the corruption is so entrenched that politicians will cover for each other to remain in power? What difference does it make when “ We The People” aren’t afforded protection from a global takeover? What have they done to deserve or earn our support?

Why hasn’t a single Republican called out Pritzker, Newsom, Buttegieg,Lachlan Murdoch,Lael, Nikki Haley, Chelsea Clinton, Sanjay Gupta, Anderson Cooper, Bourlas, Bloomberg, Stephanopoulis, Trudeau, Ardern, Hotez, Vivek Murthy, Zelenskyy,Crenshaw, Gergen, Dimon,Bezos, Gates, Wen, Alana Garza ( co-founder of BLM)Fauci,Nuland , Bush, and their ties to the WEF? The puppet installations across Europe, Latin America. Why won’t they call out BlackRock, Vanguard, StateStreet, Carlyle, McKenzie… basically making up the entire Biden Cabinet? Brian Deese, for God’s sake! We are fucking governed by China!!!

Hence, with all of Trump’s bloviating about the elites, China, Hunter Biden, globalism, BLM, the Deep State,Bush etc… Why hasn’t he said a damn thing? Why did he appoint such horrible swamp rats?

Why did the GOP cover for MCCain time and again? The “ IRS Scandal” they railed about but failed to expose John McCain’s role which included Henry Kerner, Trump’s appointment to head the “ Ethical oversight of Special Counsel”? He’s still there, which speaks volumes.

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Depressing. Heaven is our only hope. I have one big fear, and that is starvation. I hope I don’t live to see widespread global hunger and the resulting chaos that will ensue.

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You won't live to see that LOL.. please don't think that gosh. I don't know where you live but there is so much massive fear mongering going on.. you won't starve if you live in the USA.. in your lifetime. have faith in God but moreover have faith in the long time in place system which provides food to the world.. . I had my children in the 80s a time of low birth rates these same rumors continue today. I read a book now it has been a year about Shock economic theory .. where people are brought into submission and fear by calling shortages.. in corn, wheat, meats etc.. so we can all eat "insects".. etc. Heaven is the best hope. :) best news ever.. lol

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I am back looking at this thread: don't let it keep you up at night. just file it away and call it up.. when needed: Allex Corola wrote a book I have not read called Everything reminds me of Something because the human brain is designed to recognize patterns. I voted for McCain with a sense of holding my nose and posted at length because of his military background. Discipline yourself from spinning your wheels.. mentally. Let turds remain dry and vow to never repeat the mistake. I am back looking for the Biden's administration plan to post.

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Jul 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The swap creatures has made the "press" their incubator and unions their enforcer. Jobs wich are interchangeable.

The deep state won the round against WE THE PEOPLE.

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