You are really killing it on the interviews lately, Dr. Malone! I don’t know how you find the time/energy to do it all. I’m pulling 28-hour days, and I don’t do a fraction of what you manage to accomplish ;-)

PSA: For anyone who’s interested, the Washington State Board of Health is meeting right now (https://sboh.wa.gov/Meetings/MeetingInformation/2022/January12Online), and you can view the livestream here:


Dr. Zana Carver is planning to read an excerpt from my letter, which I published here:


I don’t know if she will be able to, though, because 7,500 people signed up to speak, and they’re only allotting 50 minutes with 1 minute per person (they mute after 1 minute).

In any case, I wanted to let everyone know I created a generic version of this letter that people can share and adapt for their own boards, legislators, policymakers, etc. to combat any legislation/policies related to mandates, quarantining, vaxxports, and any other restrictions related to and purportedly justified by COVID:


I encourage everyone to wield this tool to combat tyranny in their own respective states and nations.

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I have unread and unseen tweets (shadowbanned by those fuckers) from March 2020 documenting evidence that the China wuhan coronavirus could NOT have been zoonotic and was genetically engineered. My molecular biology degrees and pursuit of research in the viral etiology of head and neck cancers has given me the resources to understand the genetic alterations which were available to see in plain site when the sequence was published. The fact that this fraud Fauci has convinced so many journos and big tech/big govt types that he wasn't involved is truly astonishing given the evidence is now out in plain site. WTF

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The answer to this was in front of us all the whole time: a simple application of Occam's razor was all that was required. My area of science is unrelated but I had this figured within 2 weeks of the rumors of a virus from that location surfacing. It didn't take much effort and research to find the interview Daszak gave where he was talking about what research was being conducted at the WIV. The chances of the location of the original outbreak coincidentally being a wet market 300 meters away from the Wuhan Institute where they were conducting research on bat coronaviruses was exceptionally low. The only question: was it a leak or deliberate release?

Within a few months MSM everywhere were running these garbage stories: https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2021/06/03/the-wuhan-lab-leak-hypothesis-is-a-conspiracy-theory-not-science/?sh=24e01308dd8c

I have officially been a 'conspiracy theorist' and 'anti-science' scientist since then. I (along with my husband - both scientists) have even been ridiculed and called covidiots by non-scientists! We stayed the course knowing we were not wrong on this and in the end it is the others that will look like idiots (and best of all they will know it!).

He who laughs last........

Have you seen Arkmedic's substack?


As this is not my area it would be great to hear what you think of his analysis if you have the time.

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Jan 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The sooner people learn what information sources are gaslighting them, the sooner they'll learn the truth of the past two years and accountability will eventually follow. The nectar of 'mass formation' is 'big collusion' - the globally interconnected corporate-state propaganda machine responsible for our present nightmare.


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The same people who are telling us not to offend our Chinese ‘friends’ by blaming them for the virus or imprisoning and killing dissidents, are cheering the pulling down of statues and renaming buildings in their own countries.

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Being so absorbed in the Substacks I follow, it both scares and amazes me when I discuss these topics with people who aren’t as invested in this desire to be well-informed.

In my business, I speak with a group of people on a regular basis and have done so with this same group for many years. Pretty much every subject is fair game, and in what is a rarity these days, there is no rancor or arguing.

Some of these people are also close friends. However, on the subject of the jabs and the problems and the state of the world as a result, so many people are totally clueless, about the subject. I am shocked that people are unaware of the real risks from the jab. I really have to laugh when they all have gotten the jab and boosters, and have gotten sick nevertheless. Also, this group has suffered an array of maladies since the jabs, and yet they never think that the jabs could be the problem.

One of my clients was a very capable early 60-year old who overnight has been riddled with arthritis and pain that has totally robbed him of his mobility and high level of movement skills. Literally, a week after his second shot during the summer he changed for the worse and has never recovered…and it never crosses his mind that it could be the jab, even as he’s planning to get a booster.

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Similar here. Friends down the street, Triple Vaxxed, etc have had 2 "super colds" each since. But it can in no way be related to the shots. Nein!!!

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Just got call from client who was just boosted and masks everywhere …sick, fever…and so it goes…

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Jan 12, 2022·edited Jan 12, 2022

Dr Malone! We cannot talk about ANYTHING if it upsets 'international harmony'. Like the Beijing Olympics and pretending that genocide of the Uyghurs isn't happening because it would disturb the harmony 🧐That word 'HARMONY' being used in this way is so CCP propaganda. What a bunch of ball-less troglodytes from the west saying this bs- all useful idiots 🤨

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Check out Twitter post on Seb Gorka. Ronald McDonald house in Vancouver Canada is giving notice to anyone 5 years and up... if you are unvaccinated..you have to leave by the end of January. This where out of town patients come with their parents to be close to children’s hospital. This is what evil looks like.

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The full article and a six minute video can be found on


The young husband is making his case... his wife is in the background filming...this has to be one of the most gut wrenching films I’ve watched. His little boy has been battling leukaemia since October and won’t be finished till June. How has our humanity slipped this far in the space of a few years.

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Robert, thank you for standing and not flinching. First Question: What test is being used since they recalled the PCR test in July 2021 and supposedly has not been used since December 31, 2021? As a home wife and grandmother , I have been researching since January 2020. Family members who are in the medical field flew to NJ and NY in March of 2020 to help out with this C19 situation. Second question: What is the difference between an antigen test and the NAAT - nuclei acid amplification test? And my last question: Where is your merch? I like your current title..." FEAR SELLS-until you stop buying it" I would buy your merch :) You and your wife have been a blessing to all of us. God's blessing upon you all.

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I love your calm rational way of thinking and sharing.

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Jan Jekielek is the best interviewer hands down. (Sorry Joe Rogan - your inappropriate language earns you many demerits.) Finally able to watch the first part of the McCullough interview this morning, which is amazing. I've lost count of how many interviews/videos/presentations I've watched of McC's and yet he always blows me away with his excellent communication and knowledge. You're in the line-up Dr. Malone, but there are only so many times I can go to the gym in one week and I'm way behind because of vacation. 😄

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Thank you for all you're doing for humanity. The interview on Epoch News was incredibly informative, easy to follow and inspiring from start to finish: integrity, dignity, and community.

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The Stalin’s Soviet Union is a way better analogue here than Hitler’s regime.

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If anything it is to protect the NIH and it's mad scientists. I remember early on the Chinese saying the virus was caused by the US military. I thought they were trying to deflect responsibility, they weren't. The harmony disruption is that the world will blame the USA. Good Grief!

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Blame the USA? Yes...and rightly so. Fauci & Co, along with their willing servants — MSM —deliberately besmirched inexpensive, effective treatments. Very few people needed to have died by whatever was developed at Chapel Hill and Wuhan, and that supposedly “leaked” from the Wohan lab.

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The amount of damage done by unethical scientists, their technocrat filled institutions, tyrannical governments, and MSM is unfathomable. We will not even see the full effects possibly for decades still as the children of today that have suffered through the measures pay the price not only today but also as adults.

We must not allow the powers that be to pretend that they were innocent in this scheme. If anything being in a position of power over others demands that you are held to a higher degree of accountability.

All the ethical scientists that have been cancelled MUST be given proper credit for being not only ethical but also correct (!) if 'scientists' are ever to be trusted again (and I say this as a trained scientist). At this point someone telling me they are a 'scientist', implying that they should be trusted elicits a response of "Really? so what was your take on xyz?" Before I am willing to have any 'trust' in what they are telling me to be true I must first determine if they even adhere to basic scientific principles and ethics - or if they are just a sellout.

I honestly do not know if it is even possible for 'science' to recover from this - we need a purging from within and stringent ethical guidelines that if not followed are career ending. Even then good luck convincing the public after the full damage of this fiasco is revealed. I suspect it will be generations before public health is trusted again.

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Get that dog Fauci.

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I know I'm getting old because my short term memory is declining. But, I swear I read the DARPA information last year. Why is it considered "news" now? I'm confused.

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It had not been second source verified. Project Veritas obtained DoD documents indicating that DARPA had rejected the Eco Health Alliance proposal, and that Fauci green lighted it.

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I remember reading a copy of the Eco Health proposal to DARPA, that they turned down. I believe the Project Veritas reveal was that and more.

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Some of it reads verbatim from the Sirotkins article from 2021. Reading it today I was like whoa! There it is. Guys in white coats doing things they don't have a full enough understanding of....because of ego and $$$$


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