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Apples and oranges, my friend. From the creators of the seatbelt analogy, we get the airplane analogy. I do not fear death, but I do fear the consequences of entrusting my body to the people who have said, on record, that we are nothing more than 'hackeable animals' and that free will should not be a thing anymore.

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Fear is a poor basis for decisions. But my point, for those who missed it, was the technology will improve. It won't make you fly, but will make you healthy, if you want it.

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I am already extremely healthy, more so than yourself now assuming you are triple-jabbed. I also prefer the 'God in the sky' to the men running 'the cloud' to paraphrase world class supervillain Yuval Noah Harari. If bodily autonomy was respected as a basic human right and medical discrimination wasn't a thing, I would say to you have at it while I and many others stay in the control group. But since the psychopaths aren't so keen on rights and would like to forcibly genetically lobotomize us, we have no choice but to put a stop to this.

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Autonomy, like all other "rights," is always conditional. There are no absolute rights, so any rights we choose to invoke must always be defended. Many people are unable to defend themselves so they don't try. Some hope that a God in the sky or their capitol will protect them. They're often disappointed. Eventually, everyone protects their own autonomy, or they lose it. Many have lost theirs in this disaster. Maybe they'll try harder next time.

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Your invocation of the law of the jungle to blame the people victimized by the psychopathic elite means you are in a psychopathic mindset as well. I would suggest you look within and connect with your innate divinity. It is there, I promise.

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So, if you won't defend yourself, who will? Divine intervention is pretty unreliable. Good luck with that.

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4 billion years of evolution isn't going to be wiped out by narcissists who want to play God. This is dangerous and should be stopped. 99% of those who have taken these injections thought they were vaccines, had they know the truth, I doubt most would have taken them. Informed consent is non-existent.

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Most of them will be more careful next time. And the products will get better. Life is full of risks. Some handle them better than others.

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David, it appears you simply are ignoring the exponential complexity of the interaction between the human immune system with the molecular biology of man-being-god, molecules or naive to man's inability to resist evil and quest for power. I am NOT an expert in these systems but am intelligent enough to "know what I [and molecular biologist wannabes] don't".

It is not the ability to "handle" risks but the ability to discern the risk LEVEL that is important. Warren Buffet, one of the richest billionaires in the world, will not invest in things he does not understand. He eschews those in which he can not put a risk LEVEL on. His success is some proof of this concept.

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The intricacies of financial markets are no less complex than human biology. Buffett's success has been based on superficial understanding of his investments which is often just a bit deeper than his competitors. The engineering maxim of perfect being the enemy of good is particularly important in complex systems. Otherwise we cease all progress and remain weak and ignorant.

We learn what works by evaluating what we know, giving it our best shot and seeing what happens. The sars2 vax didn't work. Back to the lab, make improvements, try again. Eventually they'll get it right.

The real failure wasn't the vax, but the public ignorance that built the panic that tolerated demands for conformity. We'll fix the vax. The social failures will be harder to repair.

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Hmmm, I believe I "get" your philosophical point of view: It's the fault of the great unwashed masses; someday they will be smart enough. Science and Technology can be incrementally improved to eventually prove that even "god-like" human AI is possible at advanced levels.

I must disagree.

-- humans will always be humans and therefore, subject to manipulation by evil intentioned, mass formation propaganda. "Public ignorance" will always exist because humans vary in intelligence, belief in authority, and spiritual tendencies. The NORMAL curve is real and no force will turn a populous into a mono-spike distribution which is required to allow your philosophy to have any potential.

-- Progress will never stop and mostly continue in small increments instead of emanating from disruptive events. [eg the last 100 years of transportation change from horses and wagons to electric vehicles]. The concept of Edisonion experimentation is not efficient and not how intelligent science works in industry. Designed programs of experiments, testing hypotheses moving to a new, higher level each time IS the way to make gains in complex systems.

-- financial markets are significantly less complicated, I would offer, than that of the human body and human immune system. [eg. proof comes from the fact that many and various Ponzi schemes by non-genius perps have been succesful, arbitrage events like cornering markets(SOROS, etc), Warren Buffet not being a genius but following his simple protocols yet striking it rich]

"We'll fix the vax." Maybe. Someday. That is a long way off judging from the history of vaccines.

"Dissolving Illusions", Humphries & Bystrianyk

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This guy admires the likes of pedophiles, he is a waste of energy. We get it, he doesn't. Onward

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What is it you get? It's common for stupid people to post insults but not be able to explain why. Maybe someday you'll get it. Probably not.

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Your mistake is reflected in assumption Buffett struck it rich. He didn't. Took him decades of persistent, methodical effort, and a lot of luck. Likewise, we'll see the same steady improvements in vax and other medicines, by the same processes. The greatest risk is efforts by some who fear progress to restrain progress. They've always been a nuisance, but we've always overcome them.

Buffett had some epic losses. Some said he's lost his edge and should give it up. He disagreed, and continued to succeed.

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Seriously, your logic makes you as bad as the ones who did this to millions of innocent people. You don't go "whoops" we will get it better next time when you MANDATE it for people to be able to work and live. But go ahead, take your experiments WILLINGLY

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So I suppose you'll tell us you never made a mistake? Or probably just never learned from your mistakes. That's exactly how progress is made. You're welcome.

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