Movie VAXXED (free on Roku) connects the dots to autism for MMR vaccine, but likely many other vaccines cause autism too. .. And many other diseases, disorders. With MMR, a CDC whistleblower exposed data shenanigans. btw- MMR is STILL given at a dangerous time for children, 18mos. They destroyed data when push came to shove and peditricians do not care. They just jab away at those kids. Result - 1 in 55 kids now.
35 years of pumping up excessive use of unnecessary vaccines would have been exposed!
Movie VAXXED (free on Roku) connects the dots to autism for MMR vaccine, but likely many other vaccines cause autism too. .. And many other diseases, disorders. With MMR, a CDC whistleblower exposed data shenanigans. btw- MMR is STILL given at a dangerous time for children, 18mos. They destroyed data when push came to shove and peditricians do not care. They just jab away at those kids. Result - 1 in 55 kids now.