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Hmmm, I believe I "get" your philosophical point of view: It's the fault of the great unwashed masses; someday they will be smart enough. Science and Technology can be incrementally improved to eventually prove that even "god-like" human AI is possible at advanced levels.

I must disagree.

-- humans will always be humans and therefore, subject to manipulation by evil intentioned, mass formation propaganda. "Public ignorance" will always exist because humans vary in intelligence, belief in authority, and spiritual tendencies. The NORMAL curve is real and no force will turn a populous into a mono-spike distribution which is required to allow your philosophy to have any potential.

-- Progress will never stop and mostly continue in small increments instead of emanating from disruptive events. [eg the last 100 years of transportation change from horses and wagons to electric vehicles]. The concept of Edisonion experimentation is not efficient and not how intelligent science works in industry. Designed programs of experiments, testing hypotheses moving to a new, higher level each time IS the way to make gains in complex systems.

-- financial markets are significantly less complicated, I would offer, than that of the human body and human immune system. [eg. proof comes from the fact that many and various Ponzi schemes by non-genius perps have been succesful, arbitrage events like cornering markets(SOROS, etc), Warren Buffet not being a genius but following his simple protocols yet striking it rich]

"We'll fix the vax." Maybe. Someday. That is a long way off judging from the history of vaccines.

"Dissolving Illusions", Humphries & Bystrianyk

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This guy admires the likes of pedophiles, he is a waste of energy. We get it, he doesn't. Onward

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What is it you get? It's common for stupid people to post insults but not be able to explain why. Maybe someday you'll get it. Probably not.

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Your mistake is reflected in assumption Buffett struck it rich. He didn't. Took him decades of persistent, methodical effort, and a lot of luck. Likewise, we'll see the same steady improvements in vax and other medicines, by the same processes. The greatest risk is efforts by some who fear progress to restrain progress. They've always been a nuisance, but we've always overcome them.

Buffett had some epic losses. Some said he's lost his edge and should give it up. He disagreed, and continued to succeed.

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