Dec 26, 2023·edited Dec 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We’ve all known people in our lives that have quit. It could be a person you work with, it could be a partner, and as we see it can be an entire section of the medical establishment that gave up trying to protect the very people they were empowered to protect. For whatever their motive be it financial, power or both these highly priced highly placed doctors knowingly lied to us saying these shots were safe and effective and we should see, they have quit on us. When the media ignores facts and goes after truth seekers they have quit on us. When the fbi censors people to hide the facts they have quit on us. This goes beyond us though, they have also quit on America. For government and systems set up to provide checks and balances, I see this as treason against we the people. We have all been disappointed by people in our lives that have quit on us. This goes 1000 times beyond that. This is corruption at the depths never before seen in the history of America. J.Goodrich

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I think it's important to keep in mind that the "establishment" - the oligarchs who basically govern governments, imo - don't care about babies and civilians in Gaza, Ukranian soldiers, etc., etc., they just want what they want, and anyone who becomes prominent in opposing what they want is not only subject to assassination but threats of all kinds which could affect their behavior. So I think we need to be careful in thinking we understand anyone's motives for things they do, they may be under all kinds of pressure we're not aware of.

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It’s obvious they have no love for the American citizen either. These shots were tested without the adulterations and still showed all the adverse reactions to pregnant woman, the unborn, babies, children, women, women of birthing age, adults etc.. We are all under pressure Jon. We all have made decisions. One thing I wanted to add to my post but stopped for the length of it was Dr. Malone and all of us subscribers are diametrically opposed to these forced “vaccinations” imposed by our government. Then add their knowing the shots are contaminated and still inject everyone they can is unimaginably evil to me. My sister is in remission with her cancer, so I apologize but I don’t feel bad about the pressure the elites are under. They exempted themselves and have all become wealthy beyond anyones wildest imagination. I hope they someday face judgement for what they have done.

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James, you don't even have to hope. I do understand from my own memories as well as others, there is a fair and equitable look at our lives and their ramifications. Sometimes that awareness is the only thing that keeps me going when it looks like anyone is getting away with anything. (including me). Imagine experiencing violent deeds you did to someone else and the effect on the families too. Ouch x 2

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I believe, at the same time I hope your right DD…

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Looks like they quit long & ever ago as the three letter agencies have been lying to us almost from the beginning. We were just blissfully unaware. I think it takes a shake-up like the Covid crisis for the information to be shaken out.

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Spot on

I’m still offended.

Will ie ever become de-sensitised to being offended, I wonder.

Should I?

Is it because I care too much

Is because I have done to much to help people. (my family have to put up with that)

In a neurological sense, we were always told “ don’t underestimate the power of the body (and mind?) to heal itself “ - if unencumbered.


australia- a lower case nation, now.

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Hey now,

I quit drinking booze about 3 months ago. Since then, I've lost 15 lbs, and I'm back in my sexy and single skinny jeans.

Haha !

Just dont tell my wife of 35 years, as she might get jealous over another woman checking out my backside.

(More than not it will be some dude in the gym, butt you get the idea)


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That's too much info, thank you very much. Ugh, now I can't unsee that. 🙀

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Just face it. One cannot unknown what one knows, unless one falls in a vey deep memory hole!

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I was innocently reading some interesting comments and all of sudden came upon that atrocity so very unexpectedly. The guy's been married 35 years and still considers himself hot in skinny jeans. Oh, to be a man...

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No man looks good in skinny jeans no matter what they believe Hahaha

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Dec 29, 2023·edited Dec 29, 2023


Its so typical to see the idiocy of internet users who can't detect irony, or jest in words printed on a screen.

You taking what a said literally clearly shows your inability to view the same situation from alternate perspectives.

No wonder your rants get so few responses

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Maybe you're just not a very good writer and you blame the reader for not getting it.

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Love you. :-)

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fyi {The parentheses mean I'm writing in invisible ink now...} (Further down this thread, btw, he starts talking about himself in the third person.)

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T. I'll bet you are a lot nicer to be around, without losing that wicked sense you have.

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No one ever said I was normal. 8-)

And the term normal has become derogatory at this point, with the sheep being addressed as "Normies".

I used to think being "normal" was a good thing, but now I'm not so sure.

What's it like to be around T ?

You can call James Goodrich, or I'll provide you a synopsis:


Happy times,

enjoying the occasional belly laugh,

flat out honest, hopefully without being stupid,

discussing life's experiences, both good and bad,

love of food, trucks, welding and cars, home remodeling projects

But most of all ?

dedication to the end, if you're proven to be a true friend.

Yes, I'm one of those idiots who would lay down their life for their friend without second thoughts.

That's from my "skewed" perception, so take it for what it's worth.

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Your one of a kind T, God bless you!!!!

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Thats what my therapist said before I threw him off the Eiffel Tower for calling me Shirley.

You can call me Laverne, but don't ever call me Shirley.😠

Imagine the horror of someone saying to you,

"Why Shirley, you must be kidding?"😳

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Well said. Thanks for speaking up.

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The establishment was known to fund both sides of a war they created. Covid was just another war to them, since Trump wouldn't give them a kinetic war.

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Good analogy. Follow the moolah

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Same happened during WWII. American/international oligarchs funded both sides, Hitler and US at the same time. Unbelievable how these criminal minds think alike throughout generations and also how they profit and gain even more power from the conflict that they create. The rest of humanity is that ignorant for playing into the hands of these conniving, evil geniuses.

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TREASON! Best describes the acts of traitors and betrayals.


See for yourselves what large sums of money/arrogance/and hubris does to some people

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Dec 26, 2023·edited Dec 26, 2023

Here is a word to the wise from a former journalist on how to avoid committing libel/slander on any public forum.

Please remember to add these few crucial words to any statements that are critical of others: IN MY OPINION.

As long as you attach that phrase, you are almost certainly preventing any legal threat letters from attorneys.

Use the phrase repeatedly and attach it to any sentence you write that could be considered a negative statement.

The First Amendment protects personal opinion, but when you don't say it is an opinion, your written statements are legally considered published facts.

Be careful in your criticisms.

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good advice. But I have learned much about defamation over the last three years.

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True; defamation is whole 'nother ball of wax.

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I’m actually stunned. Are you saying Twc is in part being operated by the CIA?

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Like what?

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So he should say, paraphrasing the Bard, “in my opinion these are tales told by idiots, full of sound and fury signifying nothing”.

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Not that they won't try anyway (In my arrogant opinion :)

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Josh Yoder could have avoided the challenge from TWC's attorney if he had just written those three words in his X post. The attorney specifically asked Yoder for the "facts" backing his words.

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I agree, he should have included those 3 words. What if he supplies the facts and backs them up? The attorney may be on dangerous ground him or her self. (Just asking for a friend). Words.

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I use the word, “if” as in, ‘if” this is the case, then…. Will that work?

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Depends what the definition of “if” is.

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Dec 26, 2023·edited Dec 26, 2023

Not a lawyer, although I took a semester of business law at LSU, so I'm almost a lawyer. :-/

To avoid tiring repetition of "in my opinion", there are other alternatives:

Various sources are reporting...

Some (people) are saying...

I'm not saying it happened, but what if it happened that....

I heard....

Or repeat the accusation with attribution to whoever made it, even if they are nameless or don't really exist. NYT likes to attribute to "well-place sources in the DOJ", or "High-level sources in the White House", or such.

This is bullet-proof so long at the one being accused is a public figure. It would take a lawsuit destined to fail to force revealing of the identity of the source. IOW, if the source doesn't actually exist, no one will ever know. Or if they are lying, they can't be held to account.

Obviously this allows scurrilous and baseless accusations, and empowers those w/ no integrity. For these reasons, Justice Thomas is lobbying inside the Supreme Court to revisit NYT v Sullivan.

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Thx. I have a book all ready to go but have been hemming and hawing over publishing it due to the "tell-all" parts. That certainly clears it up nicely.

I feel better about it already!

Thank you for adding that here. 🥰🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛

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Best of luck with your book!

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I believe it is well established that there is a "warp speed" effort being pushed to develop RNA/DNA cell alternating injections for maintaining the allopathic medicine model as the disease treatment protocols for the 21st century. Billions and billions are being invested in this endeavor and the two major beneficiaries of this push is BARDA (DOD Biowarfare Institution) that has been prolific over the past 60 years and Big Pharma which has the task of mass producing the injection protocols. Moderna has already been identified as a CIA creation and is the bridge between the two major players. If they want to put the blame on Dr. Malone, then they should start by putting the blame on Dr. Arthur Hayes, Donald Rumsfeld's go to guy for biowarfare in the 1970's who experimented at Fort Detrick with glycinated chemicals to be more efficacious in destroying the enemy. Rumsfeld ran DOD the first time around in the 1970's. He was so good at it; he got a repeat performance. Infiltrating, creating controversy and miss guiding those who are attempting to have the truth known about Covid and the injections is how you create confusion and discredit the efforts of the truth tellers. In the meantime, the massive marketing push to convince the American public that injections are good continues with masterful marketing efforts. Local paper ran the story "Good News" medical stories of 2023" on Christmas Day extolling the injections and RSV and etc. Author was a Patient Advocate well-schooled by Big Pharma. Moderna and Pfizer are doing their share with TV commercials spinning the injections as being good. This effort will intensive in 2024 as the money people start demanding a return on their investment. If the FDA's VAERS reporting system would be managed properly and the true extent of the harm caused was made public, then maybe rational medical research would prevail. Unfortunately, the FDA takes their marching orders from Big Pharma. Happy New Year?

I pray! I wish everyone well in 2024. thomasabraunrph@substack.com

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So we have to keep listening to the insurance actuaries.

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thanks for that observation. I hadn't thought of that. Insurance actuaries have to maintain reliable figures or their business would be completely undermined. When they become corrupt we will know that our commerical world is completely corrupt.

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I should have written, "if they become corrupt." Let's hope for the best.

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Indeed! A business that actually lives or dies by FACTS.

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fascinating article. This is a time of revelations, rabbit holes to traverse, lawfare to silence those that show the emperors new suit is actually his birthday suit. But most importantly, how many heroes have fallen and how many people are not what they seem but are the 1st to accuse others of what they are actually doing.

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Dec 26, 2023·edited Dec 26, 2023

Marxism requires you accuse others of what you are actually doing, so that the lack of clarity continues its muddling, and the veil of truth is never revealed

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I’ve noticed a new technique popping up: recasting yourself as something you never were - like Liz Cheney rewriting history as herself as heroine. No acknowledgement of the past - or maybe the past as I understood it never existed. there are so any twists and turns, it’s a bottomless pit.

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I thought that was what children naturally do, to throw blame off themselves.

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Children will concede if enough evidence is presented, unlike politicians who never admit fault, wrongdoing, or slanderous activity.

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A time of deep revelation indeed! Most of us have not been properly prepared to face this kind of well orchestrated Pysop operation. The shear volume of information to process combined with the huge emotional stress of such a unique situation can break some of the strongest spirits. The only way out is to learn to know your real friends, build strong tides with them and ask for God's wisdom to help you understand and overcome the confusion and the overreaction of emotional freedom fighters.

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It's like we are all living through 3rd grade again on a massive scale.

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You know, I subscribed to McCullough's Substack and just recently they've been pushing supplements from TWC. There seems to be something insidious afoot, I suspect it's the lure of money for Dr. McCullough. If I understand correctly, Baylor has done everything it can to strip his name from its medical school. Most people have a price, and some don't. Great work Dr. Malone.

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I have been saved from having to compromise myself by our substack subscribers. That is the fact of the matter. You all provide a decentralized small donor base which enables Jill and I to keep digging and writing without needing to compromise ourselves on the alter of financial conflicts of interest. And my longstanding policy of never accepting or holding equity in any client company has also served me well in these challenging times when everything and everyone is being questioned about conflicts of interest. So thank you for your support. And wishing you all a happy New Year.

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Just for the record, I hold no stock or equity position in any company other than our own RWMaloneMDLLC, Malone Institute (registered non-profit), and Cielo Azure farm.

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I appreciate this, it does work in your favor. On the other hand, it is unfair to reflexively question the integrity of those who do. Especially so in this day when independent-minded people are trying to establish a parallel economy to avoid risk of being de-platformed, de-monetized, de-banked, censored, shadow banned, etc. Not all profit is grift, not all promotions are corruption.

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I agree. Considering Doctors are being stripped of their licenses, they do need alternative means of income.

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I would just add that I doubt if Dr. Malone is "reflexively" questioning anyone's integrity. If that is what you are referring to.

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Some here are.

I like Dr Malone. He's one of many heroes of the covid truth tellers, and I say God bless all of those whom have endured defamation, de-platforming, de-banking, de-monetization, workplace persecution, etc.

In my opinion, he's also a little thin-skinned with regard to criticism. Today I came to Dr Malone's substack to see if he had answered any of the criticisms from Dr Paul Alexander wrt past statements about population control, covid vax effectiveness, etc. I take those accusations with a grain of salt, and want to hear Malone's side. But I'm having to sift through a lot of defensive answers and counter barbs that are wholly unnecessary and not germane. I'm tiring of it, from both sides. We need to stay out of the mud, and be gracious to one another, and not let bad actors divide us.

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Alan, being thin -skinned is not what I would call him in his responses to any of these constant attacks on all levels of his life. Unless you have been the recipient of these varied accusations for over three years and haven't ever let it bother you, you are not speaking from experience.

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Very good point. I think Dr. Malone should concentrate on publishing say one out of 3 essays with just useful information on the scamdemic and not include any complaining and barbs. I don't mind reading the dirty laundry as it gives me a different perspective on those associated with the Wellness Company however it does nothing to help me navigate the scamdemic.

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At least your lives have not become like the old episodes of the BBC hit show

Keeping Up Appearances. 1990-95 Best ever show about human behaviors.

Pride / Denials are an evil mixture. We luv yur style kid!! Ya got Good Bones Doc!


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Rock on Dr. Malone! Integrity is everything, cause like Molly Bloom said - "I've got one name and it's the only name I'll ever have..."

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Hello, Dr. Malone-

My name is K.C. and I love your articles! My husband and I have so much in common with and Jill, so I just adore the things you write about regarding dogs, chickens, horses, homesteading -- all of it! We are both airline captains and live on acreage, where we have a small family farm. Our dogs are also Australian Shepherds, which is the best breed ever.

I also love all of your commentary on CoVId and the shots. As pilots at a large west-coast airline, we had to deal with “vaccine” mandates, which we avoided. We have been following many people who cautioned the vax plan since day one. It was tricky at times, but I have been very helpful to my coworkers in this endeavor:)

I am also so sorry to hear that others have been so spiteful toward you! I’m really not surprised, as my life experience has shown that weak people try to take out stronger, more independent-minded people all the time. My husband and I have seen it many times.

Your past two articles about other people behaving badly are very insightful on human nature. I wish you and Jill hadn’t had to go through all that...

But I also wanted to let you know how important you are to so many people! You’ve never heard of me because I don’t comment, but I think of you (and Jill) like friends! I would love to meet you both sometime. You embody the traditional American spirit, and those are the people we adore!!

I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and I look forward to meeting you one day!❤️

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Well said! The Malones are very special folks and I love being a subscriber to this stack! God bless them! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Baylor may be shedding McCullough but have gone whole hog into d.e.i. And it is rated the best med school in Texas.

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It was interesting. On the day Dr M first testified in Texas several hospital heads were there. With expressions and so called body language one appeared hostile and defensive as related to Dr M and the hearing.

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That could have been any of a number of them. The med center is awash in nepotism. Baylor and Methodist hospital, where Dr. Bowen screwed for agenda impiety, joined at the hip. Faculty have hopped from one place to another like water drops on a hot skillet.

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We are grateful to you and Jill.

You have been :

able to keep us decentralised

able to enable us.

All the best



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Thanks, so much to you and Jill for your diligence and being true to yourselves! Thank you, for providing a huge ray of hope for truth and integrity. We the People, need leaders with those characteristics!

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Dr Peter M did not join TWC to get rich. Since Q2 2020, in pursuing outpatient protocols for C19, he became painfully aware of how corrupt the US healthcare system had become, and how impotent it was to actually help people. Dr M's last three years journey has led him to building a parallel healthcare path for those who want to reduce their dependency on conventional "sick care."

On a related note, TWC's attorney's are right to ask for a source for the CIA rumors. Seems like another instance of projection by the rumor mongers to me, if we're resorting to sniff tests. I like Dr Malone, and I like TWC. Can't we all get along?

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I agree Dr. McCullough has been a big proponent of the failure of medicine to treat covid early - which I agree with completely. My discomfort has come from all the ads for TWC supplements that are showing up on his/John Leake's SubStack. I would be surprised if he isn't profiting directly.

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I hope he is. I hope everyone involved is well compensated. I love what they're building.

With the obvious caveat that I pray they have enough integrity to not sell out when Pharma $$ or others come to subvert or co-opt their mission and message. Money is the root of all kinds of evil.

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I also read his Substack, a quality review. I'm not sure given his dismissal from practicing medicine how he can finance his future although worldwide he has become quite a speaker. And when, not if, we as citizens worldwide are the recipients of another "pandemic", we will need his expertise as Zelenko is no longer available to assist. A close relative with long covid was able to heal with the Spike Recovery supplement and a host of other supplements. Science is still at the root of practicing even integrative health. Let us hope and pray the elites will be named and judged guilty. The fooled are still deep in denial. Fear is still the catalyst for psyops and propaganda was never "the way the truth and the life". Only the I AM. Have hope for a better tomorrow. The meaning of Christmas came and dwells with us. Almighty and sovereign power is His.

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I would question your knowing about Peter's reasons for TWC involvement. Unless you live in his head...

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I have followed McCullough closely since he first began taking fire for his cov19 outpatient protocol. The soft spoken doc has proven his integrity repeatedly, at great personal and professional cost. Just like Dr Malone.

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I too Alan, have followed McCullough since the beginning, and watched carefully. Soft-spoken doesn't really have much credence in my book. Integrity can be forfeited for many reasons, ego, fear, and the call of power and money.

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It's not just recently, this push of supplements has gone on for a while. And I suspect the lure is more than money. Did you see the picture of McCullough standing on the street in front of the huge picture of him on the skyscraper?

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That was Times Square in NYC in front of the Nasdaq display screen

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I did see that picture, creepy. What's the old saying, 'when you invite the devil to dine, you never have a long enough spoon.'

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That’s a bit NPD. As is, talking in loud voice

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow the CIA seems to be everywhere. Dr Corbett mention in her interview that the vaccine was superior to natural immunity. They are still pushing that narrative.

When I was pregnant with my first child they tested me to see if I had antibodies for rubella. Of course I did. I had rubella as a child. Of course they tested it with subsequent pregnancies. Guess what I still had natural immunity to rubella. I’m not a scientist but it would seem to me the natural immunity covers the whole virus not just the spike protein. Therefore why wouldn’t natural immunity be superior to the vaccine. I can’t believe how many people fall for their lies.

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Interesting. In college I worked in an infectious area that was assaying samples for Q fever. They skin tested everyone (they had a vaccine and it was a bear). Guess who was the only one who tested positive….me. They tested twice and I passed both times. Did not have to be jabbed and I estimate that I was exposed to that bug when in the 4-5th grade when I assisted calf ropers practicing by herding calves for them. Pretty long lasting natural immunity there.

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I have always asked to have my titers run when a company asks me to get vaccinations for the childhood vaccines. I have been in the medical labs for 30+ years and I still have strong immunity for rubella. I did have the measles as a child and chickenpox - those were the days of chickenpox parties. Those parties worked out well. I had COVID relatively early so no reason to take the jab (I wouldn't take it anyway - no way no how) and used the immunity with my company. I came so close to losing my job - I think it was two days before deadline and the courts came through and the mandate for gov contractors was dropped. Natural immunity rocks

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Yes natural immunity rocks. My cousin’s mom had my cousin lick off of my sucker to get chickenpox. She didn’t get it. She finally got chickenpox in her 20’s . She went into a house where the children had chickenpox thinking she didn’t catch it from me. She caught chickenpox just by being in that house.

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What' I'd like to know is how much Travis Kelce got paid by Pfizer to pimp for their jab? And how much the NFL and FOX got paid for airing it? Best I can tell, the "science" demonstrates that Covid is not very serious for the great majority of people and the "vaccine" has any number of serious side effects, in addition to not being efficacious. What game is being played here? And as far as another game, maybe Kelce and his buddies need to focus on football instead of the diva in the luxury suite?

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Goes towards why I want to see greater separation between the words science and medicine because I for one do not like seeing blatant medical malpractice passed off as bad science. The latter spreads the blame way beyond logical boundaries.

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I’m guessing that his bandaid was staged for the charade. Unless he’s intellectually deficient, the risk reward of another shot of the so-called vaccine would not make any sense.

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In my humble opinion of course.

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She also pimps for pharma. And helps raise funds for antisemitic groups, FYI.

Perhaps she should heed the supposed vaxx harms suffered by other singers such as Justin Beiber and poor Celine Dion. :-(

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Dec 26, 2023·edited Dec 26, 2023

Ha ha.... Well, in my humble opinion she's quite a monument to wrong headed thinking.

Makes a crap ton of money though. The sheep can't seem to get enough of her.

Bread and circuses?

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Nothing worse than pimping yourself off for easy money🖕🏿wish the chiefs management would have a rule that players can’t use the team platform for personal gain, then again he probably is Bud’s with Hunter biden

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You were right to post this information, the more we know the better. I am so surprised that Dr. Peter McCullough is involved in a corrupt wellness company according to the article. I thought he was beyond reproach. OMG - Dr. K. Corbett's cheery and super comforting convictions have resulted in the deaths and harms to millions if not billons. Her take is very different to Geert Van Den Bossche's understanding of herd immunity. As the data continues to come out the tide can shift, she said, well it did, it shifted from safe and effective to unsafe and ineffective. She said it is not good that only 55% took the vaccine at the time of her interview, well now we know it is terrific for all those who avoided the clot shot. She said if we waited for herd immunity, 40 million could potentially die, we know that is nonsense. She talks about the potential of long covid, and no concerns mentioned for long covid shot harms. Her explanation of how the mRNA shot provides immunity is inadequate, and we now know its efficacy is negative. She is amazed in a positive way by Gardisil, one of the most dangerous shots on the market. She thinks these mRNA and J&J vaccines are doing a very good job for covid 19. She couldn't be more wrong, she is operating on a theory, the facts have panned out so differently. She does want vaccines to be a personal choice, but her educational messages are influential and wrong. Children can have the same knowledge as adults on the vaccine and should speak up to ask for them. Wow, children cannot make a realistic risk assessment, nor can most adults. This is the danger of a little knowledge, yes despite her education, when it comes to the complexity of physiology and how each person is genetically unique, she knows very little, as shown by the follow up damage in young and old from the shots, think cancer, strokes, cardiac arrests, autoimmune reactions and the harms yet to manifest. Oh, this interview is frightening.

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Why are you so quick to buy the notion that TWC is corrupt? And to sully Dr McCullough's name, whom you admittedly held in high regard?

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow, I just had an email from the wellness company this morning with the headline "sale on masks" i immediately deleted and am not sure why I even got something from them. Then I read this! Wow!

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TWC doesn't sell masks. Whom is sending you emails purporting to be from TWC? As a courtesy you might consider forwarding those to TWC legal team.

Or, just assume the worst and post it here.

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I will definitely forward them

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It doesn't say "sale on masks," it says "The Latest on Masks and 1-Day Sale!" The mask part refers to comments made by Dr. Risch in a recent interview.

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Dec 26, 2023·edited Dec 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well, no wonder Sasha L. accused me of being a "paid handler". It does take one to know one. The bizarre accusation was somewhat of a feather in my cap, being that I only was addressing the outlandish, backstabbing behavior of her and her "followers". And I got to experience firsthand the nasty, contemptuous responses to my statements. I have so much more understanding of the difficulty in having these accusations thrown around. These destroyers of faith and trust will experience some form of balancing out; sickness, loss of something dear to them, or worse, a guilty conscience.

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You are experiencing lefty rule #1: Accuse your opposition of exactly what you are doing.

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both sides practice that rule.

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Dec 26, 2023·edited Dec 26, 2023

No doubt some on the right have figured out that turn-about is fair play.

One might also consider that no leftys are really on the right, but some who claim to be rightys are really leftys.

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Some are amoral and have no compass and lack a conscience. Many work in DC!

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent! IMO Your research and facts are indisputable. Thank you. God Bless you! Stay the course. 🙏🏻💯♥️

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

George Webb was flagged as a 3 letter agency guy years ago. The rest of the hucksters on the list come across exactly as that, preaching a script. All with a car salesman vibe. I tune out and don't listen. It's sad that YOU have them on your doorstep regularly like dog poop in the tread of your shoe. While you are out collaborating & cooperating with other like minded folks CREATING SOLUTIONS and moving forward they are like small children running after parade floats trying to catch all the candy! Insignificant in the long run. Please stay the course, you've proven long ago that you're a distance runner and they are mere sprinters in life for short gains & sparkly objects!

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They would tell us that it's our fault for having treaded soles on our shoes, rather than being watchful of where we walk among the piles excrement they have laid all around us.

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for writing this Dr. Malone, I was going to look into the Wellness Company after the first of the year, I will move away from that now knowing who is behind it.

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank God for your courage to stand-up for truth, justice and human dignity. Your sincerity always gives me confidence in humanity. There was so much anger and geopolitical dumbfounded historical confusion on these sights (Paul's). I cancelled my subscription this month after having put up with his constant childish schoolyard name calling. You could see the smoke and mirrors when their extreme followers (the rubes) would bloviate the same childish anger trying to construct their illusion of righteousness.

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"...human dignity." Thanks for including. It is foundational, as are truth and justice. Because we are created in the likeness and image of God, and therefore have a standard to uphold. It is a notion that is widely overlooked today, to our detriment, decline and decay.

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Whoa, the games people play now

Every night and every day now

Never meanin' what they say now

And never sayin' what they mean

While they wile away the hours

In their ivory towers

Til they're covered up with flowers

In the back of a black limousine


And it their wake are the dead, dying, disabled, disenfranchised, defamed, deplatformed, derided. This web of destruction has formed a canopy over our entire existence as it include all; gov, medicine, science, media, sports, corporations, education . . .. One of these days the many spider species will turn on one another and those that never lost their virtue will steal in the back door for the taken-down, that’s my hope anyway. In the meantime, do what our Doc does, spread the word and name names.

As for the paid cult figures T.S. and T.K., they will both be has-beens at some point. Shame though, that Kelce is taking a good team down with him.

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Wow, Shelley, that's the first time I remember seeing poetry from your posts!

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Joe South song, 1968. I think I've posted it before quite a while back. It always seems to fit whatever...

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