Feb 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Drs. Malone, as a "Hispanic" ,a class assigned to me by the DemoncRATS😈, I've seen this invasion in a much different way.

I belong to the group whose parents became Americans when the border for Texas was assigned to the Río Bravo (The Río Grande).

We've seen 👀 how people lose their country when a group of immigrants conquers a PEOPLE!

I'm determined 💪 that my generation will fight so that we will NOT LOSE OUR COUNTRY on our watch!

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Ana, Texmex not only describes some of the best tasting food you will ever meet ( a story there) but also some of the finest and most patriotic Americans. I for one hate seeing this vital component of Texas being diminished by elements undeserving of being compared to them

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Michael, I really don't know where you're going with this.

I grew up on mostly American food like Hamburgers, French fries, Hotdogs, Fried chicken 🍗, Chicken 🐔 fried steak, Chicken Pot pies, Baked chicken, corn dogs, pancakes, meatloaf, chicken salad sandwiches, pimento cheese sandwiches, ham and cheese sandwiches, grilled cheese sandwiches, mashed potatoes 🥔 with gravy, turkey and dressing, Jello with whipped cream or mixed fruit, and some Mexican food.

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Well..my wife’s only experience with Texmex food was high school cafeteria and she hated it. Kept that to herself and when courting took her to a little place in the basement of the Aztec theater in San Antonio (both were airmen then) and she left that place saying she had found her favorite food. Been making guacamole for her 56 yrs now and she had thought avocados icky. Will repeat sayingTexmex some of the finest eating out there.

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That was also my experience. We always had Enchiladas on Tuesdays at our cafeteria.

Our cafeteria cooks were very good because EVERYONE LOVED ENCHILADA TUESDAY at our school 🏫 😀.

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Feb 23·edited Feb 23


My brother, who now lives in San Antone, REFUSES to eat any tacos or other "Mexican" fare when he comes up North. "That's not a taco." :-D

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JB, I resemble that remark.

I refuse to eat a any Mexican food restaurants because many of them are part of the invader cells infrastructure!

They provide jobs, shelter and conduits for the remittance back to their country!

Remittances that go to benefit their country!!!!

My husband and I travel around the country in our Motorhome.

We remember exactly when we were convinced about our theory. As we traveled through the MID-WEST and saw 👀 ALL of the MEXICAN FOOD RESTAURANTS with their employees who didn't speak English, we realized how extensive the cells had spread all over our country!!


We did our small part by not patronizing the demise of our country!!!

I firmly believe in NOT FEEDING THE BEAST!


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Feb 26·edited Feb 26

Immigrants have been sending money home for eons. Even the Odyssey is part of that tradition. Nothing to see here.

My great-grandfather came here from Sweden to work in the coal mines of Penn. He saved his money so he could buy a farm back home (just like the Mexicans do now.) (I know and work with them. They are admirable, and an American would not put up with what they do to keep their jobs.)

My great-grandfather left behind a few tow-headed progeny as well (just like the Mexicans do,) who my grandmother took a liking to, and here we are today.

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Thank you for your history.

There is a difference however with the analogy. I don't see a network of Swedish businesses designed to aid and abet the breaking of our immigration laws.

I also doubt that your ancestors sent $40K+ per month back to their country and also avoid paying US taxes on that money!

I'm an American and I have also found myself doing work that most "American" people wouldn't do, but I look at any job as a learning opportunity and not as an excuse for breaking the law.

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Had the same problem when in Tallahassee for 2 1/2 yrs. The El Chico there tried but…..

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I'm with you Ana G.

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Fight you must! The open border is negating the important contribution that Hispanics has contributed to the American culture! I know so many honest hard working Hispanics that contribute to making America strong!

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The open border is negating the IMPORTANCE of EVERYONE'S CONTRIBUTIONS to the CULTURE that We The People BUILT!!!

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Great post Ana, your such a nice person I always like your strong positive attitude!!

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Thank you 😊, my friend!

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Oh H Yes!

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I also look forward to January 20, 2025! I have a nagging suspicion that we are in for a rough ride. After everything we have been through for the last 4 years, I’m shocked when I find out friends will still vote for Biden due to their hate, & fear of Trump. How anyone can justify what’s happened the last 3+ years, is something I will ponder the rest of my days. Most of those friends voting for Biden are vaxed and boosted. They got sucked into the insane narrative over the years. They love seeing how Trumpis being stripped of his wealth, and prosecuted for pretty much nothing. It makes me literally sick to my stomach.

I would love to experience CPAC some day. Have a wonderful time Dr Malone and thank you for everything you’re doing to make this world a safer place for my grandkids… for all of us!

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Feb 23·edited Feb 23

Lisa, if you consider people who can hold so much hatred for a person because the TV told them to as friends, you need to seek out better friends. They sound like they have TDS, a mental illness that not only strips the brain of any logical thought, but also hardens the heart.

I’d love to attend CPAC someday also! I know we’d make some like minded friends!

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I have a brother with SEVERE TDS!!! 🤯🤯🤯

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God bless the WONDERFUL Malones! True heroes! 💜✝️💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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Feb 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

From your lips to Gods ears Dr.Malone. Trump is the only person/candidate that has the “cojones” to straighten this crooked government out. On Laura Ingrams show the other day he said “my revenge will be success”. I think if the democrats are able to steal this election like they DID in 2020, America will be no more. J.Goodrich

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I agree Mr. Jim - we need to get the word out that all conservatives are targets in the eyes of this administration. The divide in this country is undisputed and I will never forgive the community organizer who was elected president of this Great Country in spite of his pitiful political record, it could only happen in this country, and we are painfully living through it. Look at this list of Affirmative Action/DEI Allstars: Fani Willis, Mayor Bowser, Lecherous James, Cori Bush, Sandy Cortez, Ill Omar, Talib, Pressley, the list goes on and on. Not one of these reprobates has done a single good thing for this country. Vote the cancer out.

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Feb 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

James, let's think about it as the 3rd time WILL BE THE CHARM!!!

2016, 2020 & 2024!

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Feb 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

America won't go down that easily James, we are still part of Mother Earth and she is a formidable force. What we think and feel has an impact on the result. Stay true to your course!

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Feb 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I don’t know DD, 4 more years of this will be devastating. They just shipped in 20 bus loads of illegals into my town. All get three free meals a day, free health care free housing free transportation free schooling welfare food stamps free phones heated pools free gym. I want to be an illegal alien. My property taxes are going up 25 percent they say and I honestly can’t afford it. I’m going to have to sell my family home. I honestly can’t pay 1200/month to pay for all these people to relax around the pool, get their food cooked and delivered by a chef and free everything else. How can America possibly afford 5o million more people in the cart being pushed.

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My husband retired and we have two kids who didn’t have health insurance. Both of them applied for Medicaid.my daughter got it but only lasted a couple of months because she got a raise of a dollar more an hour. She started with $13 an hour and increased to $14 an hour working as a teachers aid at a private school. She is trying to save money for school for college. She is now married and her husbands job provides them with health insurance. Thank heavens. My son was denied Medicaid because he made to much money at McDonalds. He is also trying to work and go to college.It makes me very angry that my children are working their father is retired and they couldn’t get health insurance and the people crossing the border illegally are given health care. There is something wrong with this picture.

My son is adopted. His bio father was an illegal drug dealer from Mexico and his bio mom was a white drug addict on crack. I’m sure they got free healthcare. My son just changed jobs so he could get health insurance. He is getting married in April. He was a crack baby. He had been in 8 foster homes before we got him as a foster child and adopted him a year later. He is a great kid. When he was in school he would get up every morning at 4:30 and deliver 3 paper routes before school. He is a hard worker. He went on a 2 year mission for our church to Bolivia. While there he witnessed civil unrest. The was an election and some shenanigan’s with the election and the President was ran out of the country. He spent several weeks in his house with his companion. He got to come out once a week to get groceries and go to the Internet cafe to call home to talk to mom and dad. The roads into town were blocked. It was quite the scary time. Then several months later Covid hit. He was again in his house only able to go out once a week for groceries and to call home. He made it back home the first week of April. The church chartered a jet for all the American missionaries and all the Americans stranded in Bolivia because the borders were closed and so was the airport. There was two workers at the airport to hand write all the boarding passes. It took all day. But by the next evening he was safe and sound at home. He loved the people of Bolivia but not the politics. I can’t blame the refugees coming into America for a better way of life but they need to come in the proper way.

I pray Trump can get re elected so he can shut down the borders and let people enter in the America the proper way just like my grandma did when she came over from Wales.

Thank you Drs Malone for all the hard work you put into fighting for our freedom. You are our voice. Yes you should be celebrities. You deserve the recognition. Have a great weekend everyone.

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Melanie, your story is what frustrates me and so many. Legal immigration to people that are self sufficient and not a burden is fine. It’s not right that citizens are treated like 3rd class people while people that are here because they broke our laws come first. Thank God your son got home safe!!! The third word is here, I know you won’t be surprised when this presidential election brings civil unrest. I just hope Trump gets so many votes they can’t steal it again.

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Your story of your reality of life is so important to know , Melanie .There is a huge difference between real life lived and an ideal ( where is the grit to make it happen). You have made it happen, you are to be honored.

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I just try to put my family first. They are such a blessing to me. My son and daughter are hard working kids. My daughter just turned 20. She got married in August and my son is 23 . My 4 older children are all married with children and working hard. That is what you strive for as a parent. Sometimes kids have to find their way a different route and you hope they figure it out. You just have to love them. Life is a struggle . Thank you!

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Think you would enjoy Texas. At least for a while

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I’m sure your right Dr. Nash. It would take me a long time to adjust to all the freedom there!!! After living around so many with the mental disorder called liberalism, I’d need a period to rebalance back to a normal environment!!

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Feb 22·edited Feb 23

James, seriously consider talking it over with your family because we still have the option to secede if things go South.

Just a thought my friend!

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That is devastating James! We truly are living in UPSIDE DOWN WORLD!!!! 🤯🤯🤯🤬🤬🤬

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My wife said to me last night let’s sell this house. She’s right I’m having a hard time, I grew up here.

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Feb 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


A self-fulfilling prophecy!

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I agree James 💯‼️

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Feb 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I've been meaning to say how great it is to see a huge billboard of Epoch News and one of the newscasters (can't remember his name, not Jan) off the freeway to our house. Near the airport and Air Force military base. Good on you for getting the recognition you deserve and have earned for the countless hours of blood, sweat and tears.

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Feb 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes and leading the Trump Latino charge are a couple of guys from Puerto Rico who perform music under the name Trump Latinos. Check them out!

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Here is their latest, just out today with a country theme and a beautiful video!


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This is not unique or novel.

Look at the UK, for example, where Indian imigrants from the former empire, once they are in, initially aligned with the left/liberal wing that advocated for them, but then switched to the conservative wing.

I think because most of all, these people want security and safety. They also tend to be religious. So, once they settle in, they allign with their desires for a peaceful, secure, safe life and religious ideals.

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Feb 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Perhaps the simplest answer is that "hispanics" don't like to be lied to any more than anyone else -- and just like with every other racially targeted class, people are not as stupid as the Left likes to think.

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Very astute observations concerning Hispanic voters. How I hope they will remember all Biden has done to harm them and the country in general as election time nears. The Dems will try anything to make it seem like they are really trying to help them and blame all “bad” issues on Republicans. Common sense should prevail. Glad you are at CPAC. And of course so many people know you, Dr Malone! You have a huge following because you speak the truth. Thank you!

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Another slap in the face for those that come in the correct, legal way...is having to re-register for their resident alien status/card (green card). to the tune of about $600 bucks now. Not to mention the whole bureaucratic nightmare of applying for and tracking the 'updated' status and card. I know. My wife and son immigrated from England in 1986 (I am a US citizen).

So, not only do legal immigrants have to jump through hoops to stay, they also have to continue to pay to stay...while instead, the illegals are paid to stay. What a screwed up state of affairs.

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Feb 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone you never cease to amaze me. I have been to Central and South America on church building projects. These folks did not fall off the turnip truck yesterday. They are not so dumb as the arrogant elites think. Even many of those who come here illegally understand that what is being done in this country will not bode well for them in the long run. Many can be reached. You make CPAC sound like a very encouraging gathering. Hope I can attend someday. Thank you for the report.

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Pauline, do you think the principles that were being used in the Greek city states, or the Roman Senate, when it was functioning, or those used to produce the American founding documents have changed? These are the principles CPAC represents. They are ageless principles. Not that we all agree on every single aspect or nuance. We certainly do not, but on the whole, yes.

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Watch Nayib Bukele speech at CPAC link below

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Fantastic speech.

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Lots of work to do on the winning side, the Lord’s side.

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Pauline I’m afraid I misunderstood the meaning of your original comment. You are concerned people who are not really conservatives or Trump supporters are infiltrating CPAC. I do not know the people involved so I cannot speak to your concern. I will say that we need every freedom loving American to be involved in this fight. That is a pretty diverse group. Of course, I do not doubt that they are trying to infiltrate the organization and cause trouble.

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Know thine enemy

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Progressives would like people to believe that only white supremacists want border control, they don't want to talk about how immigrants who came here legally feel, especially those from South of the border. My up and coming Mayan friend from the Yucatan, (where I lived for a year and a half) said " There are too many people coming to the United States". Simple common sense that progressives eschew because their world view crumbles when it (common sense) is applied.

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Feb 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Either Trump is elected or we lose our Republic, it’s as simple as that.

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Feb 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Amen 🙏


Amén 🙏 !

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Perfectly said! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Most excellent report!

With likely censorship, data manipulation, propaganda and even an act of Congress, President Trump might not be the next president. We cannot rely on JB’s bad polling numbers to get us through. We must actively engage as poll workers, poll watchers, and educators of voters to avoid 2020 two-point-oh.

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Feb 22·edited Feb 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Good news! But let's remain diligent.

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Feb 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So glad to hear you're at CPAC and experiencing the way (beyond us here) folks see who the real Dr Robert Malone is! Looking forward to your threesome Saturday! Don't know if all caught it, the Rumble fellow is reporting on their coming expansion, soon to be announced.

Looking forward to you and your fellow UCS5 associates tomorrow. Most particularly your and Dr Jill's messages. It will be good to hear from all of you.

Good to get the news that additional citizens are joining us to elect a Predident determined to get us back on track, so we can pass along a world we a proud of to our children.

Enjoy these positive days, further winning friends and influencing people. Building toward tomorrow.

So glad to get to share all this along with you. Power and Success!

Bestest Always ♡♡♡

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Feb 23Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My daughter is volunteering at CPAC this year....I told her today if she's Dr. Malone, tell him "thank you" from me. She said, "Oh I saw him!"

So thank you from me, Dr. Malone!

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