LOL. Is this satire? If not, it should be. Though if not, you should also up your medications. As for your physiology argument, that's as lame as when vegans make the same stupid arguments about teeth. Humans pre-process their food before sticking it in their mouths. Regardless, I'm not arguing against eating other species. Why you think…
LOL. Is this satire? If not, it should be. Though if not, you should also up your medications.
As for your physiology argument, that's as lame as when vegans make the same stupid arguments about teeth. Humans pre-process their food before sticking it in their mouths. Regardless, I'm not arguing against eating other species. Why you think I am is further evidence of your mental illness, All I noted elsewhere in this forum is that there are much better ways to raise chickens than in CAFO's for both the producers and the chickens.
Here again is what I noted elsewhere:
Familiarize yourself with Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin. He raises chickens in agroforestry systems, both laying hens and broilers. He calls these tree-farmed chickens. This is how chickens should be raised.
Another option is what Paul Grieves is doing with Pasture Bird. Paul has taken Joel's mobile chicken coop model and enlarged it. But Paul still uses his self powered large coops to regenerate land.
LOL. Is this satire? If not, it should be. Though if not, you should also up your medications.
As for your physiology argument, that's as lame as when vegans make the same stupid arguments about teeth. Humans pre-process their food before sticking it in their mouths. Regardless, I'm not arguing against eating other species. Why you think I am is further evidence of your mental illness, All I noted elsewhere in this forum is that there are much better ways to raise chickens than in CAFO's for both the producers and the chickens.
Here again is what I noted elsewhere:
Familiarize yourself with Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin. He raises chickens in agroforestry systems, both laying hens and broilers. He calls these tree-farmed chickens. This is how chickens should be raised.
Another option is what Paul Grieves is doing with Pasture Bird. Paul has taken Joel's mobile chicken coop model and enlarged it. But Paul still uses his self powered large coops to regenerate land.