Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your exhaustion and hard feelings are totally justified, but please know that there are millions of people who have the utmost respect and admiration, for everything you and Jill have done. Being the bearer of truth isn’t always an easy path, but it is the righteous path and in the end you will be grateful you took it. Meanwhile know that the haters aren’t the majority - they are just louder.

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Thanks Tammy... I find it "matters" that those of us who still have two brain cells to rub together maintain our objective critical thinking and non-biased research in front of knowing truth. Not only do I read, listen, and watch Dr. Malone's most informative presentation I follow and study the references he provides to validate and legitimize his position. He is one of a hand full of Scholars I trust without reservation.

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Agree 100%. These detractors need to put in the work to actually read everything Dr. Malone publishes. It is apparent that they do not do their due diligence before casting absurd accusations. That's the tactic of the leftists.

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YES: " . . . a large fraction of the population has apparently lost the ability or willingness to read . . ." Dr Malone

I have probably said this 20 times in the last 3 years. . . NOBODY frickin' reads any more; not my neighbors; not my relatives; not my kids; not my friends. I really only know one person who, like me, reads for fun, entertainment, and / or technical / scientific reasons. I don't believe most people's doctors read. . . Don't get me started! arrrrggggh.

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100% trustworthy! An INVALUABLE RESOURCE!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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So perfectly said! Dr. Malone is an absolute hero and warrior and doing God’s work! ✝️💜

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Exactly. And we need to remember that Dr. Malone needs our financial, as well as emotional, support to continue his unparalleled work on our behalf in these most dangerous of times: https://maloneinstitute.org/donate

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Thank you so very much for the link to the institute. I have wanted to contribute financially but was unaware of the possibility. The world has gone mad! It is beyond my understanding that Dr. Malone would be vilified by some of those who have been fighting the same battle together these past 2 years. Divide and Conquer is more effective than I could have ever envisioned. The opposition to truth has been torn asunder. Please November - we the people must wrest power from those who malign the many of us who know that for democracy to succeed our point of view must be respectfully heard. Turning one against another will certainly allow have no good end..

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I think you meant the righteous path, Tammy? 😉

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To be fair, I think it's pretty riotous, too.

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I did! My faux pas!

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Freudian slip or faux pas??? ;)

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Maybe both!!!

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You can edit and correct

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Dear Dr. Malone:

WWJD (what would Jesus Do) Lately I have sought peace in my Bible. At first it started with a verse hear a verse there and soon active reading every morning to begin my day.

As I read your plight, I am not surprised that you are experiencing the “terrible 2’s” as most parents would call their toddler after 2 years of giving all they got to develop a well balanced and loved child, wondering why they still are not happy.

Additionally, It seems you are right there with toddlers and what God faces every day. God gave us all free will, with that he hoped we would see and respect Gods laws, (The 10 Commandment’s) as hard as we try, we are not perfect, therefore we have Jesus to forgive us for our sins.

You have been sinned against, people have taken your name in vain and persecuted you for your good deeds. God didn’t give up on you or us and HE doesn’t want you to give up the GIFT HE GAVE YOU and the GIFT we, your readers have come to trust.

Please know there are many of God’s messengers. You may be one and so may I and so are many people here who offer their message to one another.

If I may ask you to a little exercise, I call my labyrinth walk:

Find a quiet place and Go back in time and revisit -YOU- and who you were 2 years ago. What was your objective, what was your hearts desire, what did you hope to accomplish and have happen as you and Jill set out on your path to inform the masses. In that reflection, you will find your why, your energy, focus, truth, mission and perseverance to either correct course and press on or retreat, rest and reappear at a later date. At the end of your labyrinth walk (which may have to happen more than once) you will discover your new purpose.


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Yes and Amen

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022

Thanks Tammy. Count me in on that.

You know, after struggling, I'm now coming around to an hypothesis for why some among "our side" have attacked Dr. Malone viciously, e.g. Berenson, Breggins, Judy etc.

Here it is: I'm suspecting that they're not exactly super smart folks. Maybe even kind of dim.

How simple is the following to grok? This week, I read on Epoch Times that more than half of the world's population -- driven by 80%+ of the West -- has taken at least one jab (I love being in the minority :)).

That means billions and billions of people * very much moolah per jab = more money made in basically one year than anybody anywhere at anytime. i.e. infinite money.

Do where's the evidence that the evil Dr. Malone is swimming in this infinite pool of money?

Either he's the most diabolical liar of our time, coming across as a good-hearted, straight-shooting, and super-intelligent researcher dripping with integrity, all the while he's been stashing his infinite portion of the loot in a Swiss bank account and fooling all of us.

OR Dr. Malone is just the part of the previous sentence that starts with "comes across as ..." and ends with "integrity".

That the Malone-attackers from "our side" evidently believe the first option means that they must be STOOPID people who believe in a cartoon world. You know how the coyote runs over a cliff, but doesn't fall until he notices he's over the cliff? Then he's flattened into a pancake by an anvil, but shows up in the next scene like nothing happened? I'm suspecting these people still believe magical s*%t like that.

I've read the books of Judy, Berenson, Breggins (and many others). Didn't find them to be STOOPID at the time.

I suppose if I was to re-read the books like the lawyer I used to be, I could pick up on the weird vibe of Judy's "evasion of arrest", the off-putting nature of Berenson's mania, and the silliness of Breggin's cartoon world-view.

I guess when I was reading these books from "our side", I was handing out "mulligans" for these odd things.

Compare those books with Robert Kennedy's book on Fauci (one that the Breggins book pretty much tracks (plagiarizes?)). Like Dr. Malone, Kennedy struck me as a prudent, sober, researcher, not at all a "bomb thrower" (as a law-school professor of mine used to say), nor a writer who gets "over his skiis".

Now if Kennedy up and starts attacking Dr. Malone after I've written this ... well then I just give up.

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I am a retired 40 year RN. I read EVERY book and substack article I can get my hands on . To my best knowledge Judy Mikovitz (SP?) has never maligned Dr. Malone. I admire both of them tremendously. Alex Berenson is knowledgeable about vaccine efficacy, but has been absolutely wrong about Ivermectin and other things. People need to educate themselves and learn who to trust!

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Yeah, the Judy one puzzles me the most. That she's been attacking Dr. Malone is something I read from some earlier posts by the Doc. Surprised (and disappointed) the crap out of me.

Now I read Judy's two books back in 2020 when the howling lapdog press went after her for "Plandemic". She certainly nailed Fauci in her books.

And being the only one in her circle of researchers back around 2010 NOT to take the Pharma payoff to shut up about mouse brain viruses coming through the vaccines ...

She seemed to be the only honorable one in that circle. The only one with integrity.

But here's the thing: I came to those opinions only by reading the books she wrote herself.

Compare the past two years. I've watched videos of Tess Lawrie, Pierre Kory, Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, Robert Kennedy, Bret Weinstein, etc. etc. I can judge their credibility for myself.

Further, these people talk about each other, expressing admiration.

I hadn't heard of Judy since I read her books back in 2020, until her name popped up as yet another attacker of Dr. Malone.

I guess I'm starting to not trust books so much.

Sheesh. What a time we're living in. Covidland taught not to trust anything whatsoever coming from the MSM.

Now the attacks on Dr. Malone and Desmet have me not trusting books? Argh.

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Well said.

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Amen and amen!!!

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Blaming you for the clot shot, is like blaming the Wright brothers for 9/11.

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HaHa!!! Yes!!!!! I’m with you Dr. Malone!!! I’m so sorry you have to deal with this. I follow everything you write and deeply appreciate you and Jill for stepping forward and supporting us.

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Fantastic analogy!!!

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Hilarious, Im jealous of that joke

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Personally I have given up ........I don't have anything to offer the world and so I can do that. You have so much to offer. I hope that you will not give up, but how much can one take. We already were fighting an uphill battle against the "non believers" and now we have to fight against our own.

I am retired and divorced and I have no children and so for me it was easy to just step away. I did not get vaccinated and according to long term friends and family that is just not acceptable, therefore, I will go on with the rest of my life without them. What else can you do. Being around those kind of people is so bad for ones physical and mental health.

It boggles my mind that people can't see what is right in front of them. Why would all the countries of the world be forcing a vaccine on you that doesn't work and on top of that causes harm? Well I would say only because of nefarious reasons. I live in BC, Canada and we literally have no rights here.

I hang out at home on my half acre of land with my 3 dogs and a cat and grow vegetables in my garden and mind my own business. My neighbours of 30 years ignore me for the most part. It's not what I thought retirement would be!!!

I hope that you won't come to this conclusion ...........we all admire you so much. I wake up each morning and see what you have to say on GETTR. What you and your colleagues do gives me hope, even though there is none around me. We must win this war.

ps Judy Mikovits was on Info Wars with Mikki Willis yesterday and walked back what she had said, although didn't say your name. Mikki Willis did a great job of telling people to not be so ridiculous and petty, but in a nice way!!!

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I really enjoyed reading your response here. You sound like a wise woman, one that I would be happy to have as a neighbor. I think your days sound lovely—land and pets and fresh vegetables. You’re not missing anything out here in the larger world, I promise you that. You have a nice bubble to exist in and a great attitude.

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Thank you for pointing out the Infowars interview of Dr. Mikovits and Mikki Willis. I then went to watch the podcast and agree that Dr. Midovits did walk back any divisive dialog delivered intentionally or unintentionally and admitting that she had, after the fact, done her own research into the ACTIV program and thereby retracted any negative commentary generated by virtue of her not taking the personal time to be informed. Clearly there is informed, misinformed, and disinformed positions taken and perpetuated due to ignorance, the adaptation of "belief" never examined as to how, when, and where those "beliefs" made there way into one's acceptance of "what's so" and those who knowingly spread deceit for any number of reasons, compromise, threat of exposure, and ill gain being the most dangerous. No one want's to be found out as being illegitimate or busted for their crimes. At this point "they" are fighting for their lives and they have a 1000 pound gorilla chasing them down. My take away from the podcast was that the infighting with the medical professionals, Doctors and Scientists, is in fact yet another successfully executed and engineered campaign to divides us and divided we WILL fall. Mikki Willis postulates that it's time to move out of the never ending stacking of evidence (We know WTF happened and has been occurring for decades) and to rise beyond the "story" and focus on coming together in alignment on the one thing we can all agree on. Tyranny is the enemy and tyranny, in all it's manifestations, is winning. Let the focus be on the ways and means to fight this enemy and align ourselves to this mission the most important mission of our time.

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Fellow Canadian here...from Ontario. I've lost friends too. No family to lose so lost none. I'm blessed to have great neighbours; some have come to see the light, the others just don't care one way or the other. I've had friends who were quite vicious towards the unvaxxed. but I've been fortunate to have made many, many like minded new friends. I've also deepened my relationship with God, my Creator, Saviour and Best Friend.

Right now, I'm enjoying a nice glass of merlot. Cheers!

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I wonder how those *friends* of yours who have disconnected from you over the clot shot are going to feel when it is no longer possible to believe that there was ever anything good about the mandates and poisons.

The cognitive dissonance will probably be too great to withstand and they will likely never dare broach the subject.

As for me, the wheat has been separated from the chaff and we are not coming together again.

Enjoy your half acre, animals and nature and be thankful to God for your wisdom.

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Wow. Thank you for sharing.

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I wish you were my neighbour. I wouldn't want to ignore you - rather, we could have tea and dog play dates! I agree with Great Reflect - you aren't missing anything in the larger world. Dogs, cats, land, vegetables, and peace sound pretty darn good. Stay well, my friend.

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Good for you. Like I’ve always said to myself- I’m happy as long as I have plants and animals.

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dear Robert, once again I am sorry that you are dealing with it. I think it is true that people don't realize that unless there is unity in the "freedom" movement, we will end up in the same isolation camp. It is as if immediate goals of career or ego are more important than the spiritual purpose of "disowning" the very principle that drives the Great Reset! As if it is impossible to treat each other with respect even over disagreements. I pray, and keep praying, that under pressure we will all remember that without even-headedness, there is not much hope. So it might be difficult but we have to!!!

Here is an essay about facing the "tyrant in the mirror," the most important tyrant to face, in my opinion, because facing that one will give us the power to defeat the tyrants who are trying to suck energy out of us by scaring and dividing us.


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thank you, Tessa. Stay tuned for another "round table" interview with Mattias wherein he dives into the spiritual side of this as well as going back to the history and language of "truth speech" during ancient Greek culture. Quite novel, five camera, group discussion. Professional director and cameraman. The video has now finished initial post-processing for color and sound, and final edits are in progress. We will probably distribute via various channels as both clips and in long format.

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Thank you Dr. Malone for all that you do. I know how it is to be under the most terrible pressures but I also know that not only will it end it will produce only good things: patience, character, hope and "the love of God shed abroad in our hearts through the Holy Spirit" (Romans 5). Pressures and terribly hard times are not good things in and of themselves but God is good and the truth will win out. We are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

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Amen and amen!!! Romans 8:28.

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am greatly looking forward to seeing it, Robert!! Thank you

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I think the new Mikki Willis plandemic episode coming soon, will be of great acclaim to open wide many minds, doors, and windows for those still stuck in some Twilight Zone.

Maybe it will hard slam shut more than just a few as well. We need closure on a lot of em

Watch your fingers, you know who you are.

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very much same reasons why we did not counter the swamp after 9-11

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dear Dr Malone, I hate reading about all the horrendous things being said about you, I am so very sorry I can’t understand why the universe is making life tougher for you. Please know that you have my support and that you’ve helped me immeasurably. Hang in! 🙏

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The universe is testing him and the shills

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you, Robert and Jill. You’ve done more than your share and contributed enough for those of us who chose to read and learn. You don’t deserve what’s been slung at you. Time to enjoy your family, farm, pups and horses.

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What we are seeing is the silencing of dissenting voices and the demonization of those who dare to speak the truth. Dr. Mercola has been silenced and banned from the Internet. His words can now only be read on Substack.com.

I hope that someday soon Scott Adams will begin writing on this forum, possibly the last refuge for those opposed to fascism and the rising surge of totalitarianism, intolerance, and insanity.

The same characters who are slandering you, Dr. Malone, tried to convince us that General Flynn was a traitor, that President Trump colluded with Russia, and Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation.

The psy-ops being spooned out daily by the government and its compliant State Media will only intensify as they lead us into WW III.

You are an important part of the resistance. Ignore their lies.

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Re Dr Mercola - he gets regular columns on The Epoch Times ($1/mo for 2 mos and $9/mo thereafter). I find them ET to be a real deal, covering many things I'm interested in comprehensively and honestly. To me, money well spent.

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I also love the Epoch Times. Real news, real opinion pieces, excellent videos and accurate reporting. I take both the online and printed paper. They are collecting a stellar group of people to fight the crazy with real truth.

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Dr Mercola also does Epoch Times articles.

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It must be absolutely draining to be constantly villified and to deal with so much hate. Your statement about people not wanting to read and just be presented with a video rings so true about our society. I fought that as a teacher in public education. That, and the inability to sift through the information and evaluate for authenticity. So frustrating. Be aware there are those of us who do not believe the lies. So if you keep writing we will keep reading. Thanks to you and Jill for all you do.

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Welcome to conspiracy land. Alex jones and david icke

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dear Dr. Malone- My wife and I are so sorry and distressed over what is happening, not only to you, but our country. You have been a shining light in what is becoming an evermore sea of media darkness. Please don’t give up! There are many more of us than we sometimes think. The silent majority is on the verge of speaking out in a big way.

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Yes, Dr. Malone, don't give up but DO parse your time appropriately for your health and mental well being. Not everyone needs or deserves a piece of you every waking moment. Choose your moments to contribute and disperse them between rest and relaxation and time to clear your mind and heart so you can face the next battle. Many of those who speak badly, like Dr. Mikovitz, are not necessarily well received anyhow. I've listened to her and despite all her credentials, I believe she is a little more than a bit off the shelf (or rocker or whatever else represents mental balance.) Not all wrong but most definitely not close to all right (alright) !

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I get Stew and Dr. Ruby et al being so ignorant and clamoring for that click money - but McCullough!!?? He should know better. But there's always been something "off" about him and is why I don't follow him.

You know... this is exactly what "they've" done to the election fraud groups as well, divide and conquer - that's what REAL controlled opposition does. They've infiltrated the groups doing the MOST good in both Covid and election fraud - leaving the off-the-wall, crazy people alone.

Controlled opposition defames and ridicules (see Alinsky's Rules for Radicals) for personal gain. You and Jill have never done anything but fight against the vaccine for the good of the people. One must use logic and read all your posts and then wonder WHY would "they" spread these lies??? Divide and conquer. Money. Greed. God knows the truth, vengeance is His.

Thank you Drs. Robert and Jill. You will prevail -- because truth and goodness always does.

God bless you! Prayers continue 🙏🏻

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022

I agree about McCullough, extremely disappointing. McCullough has made some fundamentally incorrect statements and didn't correct himself and stopped following him. There is not one soul who has as much knowledge, insight and speaks the truth with so much clarity like Dr. Malone and I think many on both sides are threatened by him. We should all reach out to McCullough and let him know what we think about this.

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But they shouldn't be - unless they are pro-Covid-vaccine. Or money/attention greedy. There are no other possible reasons.

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Npcs. Demonic possession. Lots of alts

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We [the silent majority] really do appreciate all of your efforts and sacrifices to get the truth out there, Dr Malone, and you are making a difference, therefore, becoming a target of the enemies seeking to destroy most of us...please take a break - unplug - we'll be fine for a few days! Tune everyone out, except for your family and just enjoy them and don't talk about any of this! We'll see you when you get recharged to go on the front lines again, and please let your family know how appreciative we are for missing you while fighting for us! Blessings!

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am perplexed at the conclusion by some that Desmet’s “Mass Formation” thesis runs contrary to blaming the globalist predators for all that they’ve perpetrated against us. The predators couldn’t have succeeded in their crimes against humanity without a huge portion of humanity having succumbed to Mass Formation. If people were better at objective, critical thinking and weren’t so dependent upon being accepted by the crowd, and if they weren’t so naively trusting that their governments “really want the best” for them, then the predators wouldn’t have so easily accomplished their agenda.

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there is no incompatibility. Mattias has written and spoken about this in numerous interviews. This narrative is not being promoted in good faith, and in the most hurtful aspect is also being promoted by McCullough. It makes no sense because it is nonsense.

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It seems so obvious! It’s been a well known hypothesis, since at least WWII and the Holocaust, that it took some kind of “mass psychosis” in order for those atrocities to rage on with very little resistance by the public.

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I agree there is no incompatibility. I would add that globalism is not inherently predatory. It is a product of technology and economies of scale. Sadly we have failed to subject it to the sort of open democratic process that might harness it for the good of humanity. It has been left in the hands of manipulative authoritarian technocrats.

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Very surprised to hear McCullough would feel Mass Formation observations run contrary to observations of globalist predation. Wonder why he doesn't perceive the former as a "how" of the latter?

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Correction—the McCullough quote is in Terri Lover of Hills’ comment.

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Stew peters and others have succombed to fear. False events appearing real. On the hawkings frequency map,, they must reach 200 for courage at least to resist mass formation.

Politival views does not immunize a person to mind control.

Also stew and others are afraid of their powerlessnes. They find it frustrating they cannot jail or kill faucis. So they displace their angst to a safer target. U happened to be the lucky volunteer. But david wilcock david icke alec jones corey goode have all played that role as well.

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Afraid of their powerlessness, and perhaps of the idea that there might not be anyone with supreme power, in total control of the situation. The is comfort to be had in the idea of an evil sufficiently concrete to be utterly smashed.

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Dr. McCullough must have let the attention go to his head and heart...

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I'm very disappointed in McCullough. I thought he was one of us but it seems he is a traitor. There was always something slightly off about him, now I come to think about it. Something sly.

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I too am shocked that Dr McCullough has started to participate in such nonsense. It will start to erode my belief in him if he continues.

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deletedSep 24, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022
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Yes my understanding when I heard Dr Peter McCullough talk about this that he was not critical of Robert Malone but maybe I misunderstood his comment.

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Possibly the agent provocateurs are stoking the flames of peter s viewers. Just like dc j6

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I too hope there is a misunderstanding and McCullough does not see the ideas as incompatible. I can allow for tunnel vision though.

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I would say Dr McC is entitled to have his own view on whatever is going on here. He is a wonderful doctor who, like Dr Malone, is working around the clock to stop the real criminal nonsense going on out there. Both men have my utmost respect and gratitude. So what if Dr McC has his own view? We are not meant to be carbon copies in absolute agreement on every little thing. Everyone can have their own view. What isn’t acceptable is demonising others because those diffetences.

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That is exactly the impression I have. I started thinking some have fallen into the trap of if you give an inch on culpability then all will be lost. I also think they need to widen their definition of predator for this. They won't of course. People have lost their cotton pickin minds. It is exasperating for me. I can only imagine what it is like for the professionals that have provided sound advice and calm explanation must be experiencing. I am glad Malone (and others like Pierre Kory) provided some insight. It certainly tempers my personal rage. Of course that is no comfort to the heavily persecuted.

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The pandemic is over, and those who have benefited from the controversy risk falling into obscurity as people turn their attention elsewhere. So they gin up new controversy and they don’t care who they hurt. I’m most disappointed in Peter McCullough who I thought was a man of integrity. You’ve provided more than enough defense, and it will never be enough for the jackals. Step back and rest, you’ve earned it.

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, we do live in insane times. Some of it is certainly sui generis, and some likely sown by the globalists, and in particular the CCP, who seem to have perfected the art of obfuscation and confusion. You are a hero whose heroism can not be hidden from those with accurate perceptions.

Nowadays media hucksterism seems to do everything to get "likes", attention, and followers, apparantly at any cost. This is a kind of commercialism that is deadly to the truth and is certainly the basis of all that we are fighting against.

You have been a stalwart against the darker forces we are fighting against. If integrity can be measured by what one has sacrificed, no-one can say he has more integrity than you. Well, maybe Peter McCullough or Paul Marik. You are at the vanguard of our counterattack against totalitarianism, corruption, and evil. Those of us who see you as you really are can't be fooled. We will continue to honor you, respect you, and love you. Thank you for your heroic efforts, which have once again proved the old adage, "no good deed goes unpunished." Keep doing the right thing. We are right behind you, and in some cases, right beside you.

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Dr Malone - thank you for all you have done. Remember there are so many more people who appreciate you than not. It's just like Twitter - the people against you are just louder like the crazies who say men can get pregnant, the climate deniers, people who want to castrate their children, CRT the list goes on. Do not wear yourself down though - take care of yourself and enjoy your life with your horses. You're well being is the most important. Again thanks for a great substack!

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Jen, I think this is an important list with one qualification. People are being tagged as climate deniers who are not. The fear of covid is winding down and they are hyping up the fear of climate change. It's the same playbook, though.

There is an actual problem, but in hyping it, they come up with solutions that are illogical or counterproductive. There's obvious media manipulation, etc. Anyone who goes against the approved narrative will be labeled a climate denier. It's the same pattern as covidcrisis. Now we have climatecrisis to take its place and continue the march toward totalitarianism. I've personally done things to minimize my climate impact for many decades, I've been on committees, etc, but will probably be called a climate denier because there is a global solution that is being implemented even at the local level, ineffective and all about power. Anything other than what they mandate gets you labeled.

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for writing the Substack articles. I especially like when you write about health and wellness issues from your “red pilled” perspective. You are definitely helping. I’m glad you have a farm. So do I ( but out here they are called ranches). We are approximately the same age and I remember working as a lab tech in the 80s while in college, and being astounded with the potential of viruses to be used as tools in “DNA medical procedures”. Heady times.

Anyhow, I don’t travel much these days and instead busy myself with my Covid damaged medical device business and my ranch work. When life frays me, I spend time with my animals. May you do the same.

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