A relative is a retired law enforcement officer, who worked on international borders with multiple three-letter agencies, stopping human trafficking and drug smuggling (and more). He would completely agree with what this individual has written, based on intensive experience with a part of the world that most of us do not contact in our daily lives (or not consciously, anyway). On the other hand, a dear friend who is a barrister in Melbourne, Australia, has been shaking his head at our Second Amendment rights, but the way the Australian government treated its citizens/residents during the Covid Plandemic began slowly waking him up to the reason our Second Amendment is as important to a functional democratic system (constitutional republic for the U.S., of course) as it is. I, too, am a former Democrat. But initially not because of the gun issue - Trump's aggressive stance towards trafficking was the first thing to win me over, as a friend who escaped from Satanic cult abuse made me aware of this horrific issue. Thanks again, Dr. Malone, for giving voice to those whose views are changing in light of what we have witnessed these last few years.

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The Clot Shot was both a loyalty oath and tool to cull Alphas from law enforcement and the military in favor of the malleable and compliant - the type who would turn their weapons on Americans.

Think me wrong? Look how easily most doctors, nurses, and pharmacists happily played Russian Roulette with the lives of the people they vowed to protect.

Both vectors point to Leftist paradise: everything is policed except crime.

The ones doing the disrupting on behalf of the Utopian vision don’t realize they aren’t to participate in the Paradise. Look no further than Mao’s China. Redrum.

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And two physician-friends of mine (who thought I had it all wrong and it was my stance that was endangering patients) were led astray by the powerful MSM lies, such as the ones Naomi Wolf and her team continue to document in light of the court-ordered release of Pfizer's documentation. I give my friends a LITTLE slack because of how extensively the official lies permeated the airwaves (and these were medical institutions they had been trained to trust), but I also agree that, months into the Plandemic, it should have been apparent what was actually happening. These friends and I speak rarely now, unfortunately, but I hold out hope that as the MSM is finally removed (something we are told will happen with White Hat intervention), my friends will admit they were misled, express profound regret, and that what was so clear to me was true after all.

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As a physician who refused to take the shot, I think my colleagues thought I was nuts. I secretly tried to tell patients not to take it. I do only inpatient obstetrics, so many would come to the hospital already injected. However, I was pleasantly surprised that a good percentage were already refusing the shot. I think the American public is pretty smart and the experts are the mentally deficient boobs.

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THANK YOU!! That took courage :-)...

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You took the words out of my mouth.

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You piqued my curiosity. Did the other doctors think you were nuts because you were turning down the huge profitable kick backs for giving patients the jab, or were they so brainwashed by big pharma that they honestly believed the jabs worked or perhaps they knew the shots were not good but were not going to rock the boat and risk their license.

I am glad you recognized the danger and saved yourself and a few patients!

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We don’t get kickbacks. Maybe the hospital itself did. We are salaried employees of the hospital. I would say your second choice by far is the reason. I started really questioning pharma and western medicine in general about 10-12 years ago when I realized how we were lied to and in my case never taught about real nutrition. The food industry complex is killing us. I would say there probably were some who were afraid to lose their job, especially nurses. But this would be rare. You’d be surprised ( or maybe not) how indoctrinated our nurses are to just believe what they are told. Especially new grads. They are pretty ignorant of everything

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Thanks. It is always helpful to me to get a glimpse of what goes on in other professions. Merry Christmas!

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I will be your friend Sherilyn, because the same thing happened to me. If only on Dr. Malone's substack. I lost a dear friend and several less close friends, but none the less it was a loss, I will feel for the rest of my life. One of my fellow parishers told me things will never be the same and I said back to him, that he was correct. I did not invalidate his feelings because the reality is we will never have the innocence, nor the illusion of freedom again.

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Your experiences have mirrored mine, and others I know as well.

I've lost many what I thought were friends because of my viewpoints on the death shot. Although those people are no longer interested in my acquaintance, I have discovered so many more who were like minded, that I never knew before the planned-demic came about. These new "friends" are of a higher quality standard, so to speak, as because they are capable of seeing things for what they really are, they generally hold a higher standard for their own actions, beliefs, and honor and empathy of others.

In other words, I may have lost a majority of those I "thought" were of the like, but at the same time, I've been blessed with more honorable, more sentient, more trustworthy friends in the process.

Win-win, as far as I'm concerned.

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In today's world, maybe a good thing?

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Your friends suffer quietly now, but will they stand up and say NO the next time the government pays media with our tax dollars to tell them to treat a hospitalized patient with a protocol that doesn’t save lives? Will they provide informed consent to their patients instead a coffee and donut to take an experimental drug? We shall see how long the memory is of the doctors who did nothing and the citizens who behaved like sheep in what is still a free nation for now.

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And I'm not sure about the "quiet suffering" part. Unfortunately, they and their families all took the Clot Shot. I can only imagine how alarming it must be for them to realize how they have endangered not only patients, but the ones nearest and dearest to them personally (and themselves). Therefore, I might detect a touch of denial still going on, as facing that kind of reality would, to almost anyone, be devastating. One of my sons listened to his mother-in-law nurse instead of his "crazy" mom and took the shot. To this day, I've never heard him admit "crazy mom" was the one who really understood what was going on, so I'm not sure if he's still taking the boosters (a surefire way to wreck one's now-fragile health, apparently). Crossing fingers... but surrendering to everyone's right to free will and individual choice, even choice that was dramatically misled by lies and shaming.

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Like you, I tried to give my medical friends, and some of our own doctors, a little slack... But as time goes by and more truth is widely (instead of secretly) revealed I find myself with little to no heart for that anymore. At this point I feel that ANY US physician who doesn't know and believe they were lied to for 3 years and doesn't see the catastrophic consequences of the shots doesn't even deserve to be called a doctor anymore. They obviously don't bother to research anything and that alone bothers me greatly! Are they even keeping up with latest studies and treatments of anything, at all?? I wonder.

One of my husband's pulmonary doctors in late 2021 when asked for a prescription for ivermectin laughed at my husband and said "it works for horses." I was furious when he told me that. I'm not a doctor but I had long before researched the original SARS from a couple? decades ago and found they used both ivermectin and HCQ back then. One of the pulmonary doctors in the same group that I saw last year flat refused to remove his mask (just last year!) so I could read his lips. I'm hearing impaired. Point is he was still terrified of Covid which, by last year, was mainly a cold. I find i have no forgiveness for either of them and our family PCP agreed to take over all care - and said about those pulm specialists and ivermectin "they don't get it, they just don't get it!" I think some doctors' mega-egos or god-complexes will never ever allow them to admit they were wrong or mislead. And that's scary all by itself imo.

I'm at the point where my first question to any doctor is "does ivermectin help Covid" if their answer is no I thank them for their time and depart. I will not trust any doctor who doesn't choose to do his own research. I found that most truly caring practitioners started their own research almost right away in 2020 and weren't content to just do whatever the FDA and hospital conglomerates said, they wanted to find everything they could to help their patients. Some, like Dr. Malone, may have at the very early stages been ok with the shots, but only for specific populations, but quickly changed their thinking. I trust those doctors because they weren't content to rely on big govt or big pharma. Also like Dr Malone their thinking changed very VERY quickly. I wish there were more like our white knight doctors, specialists and PCPs. But I'm thankful their numbers continue to grow.

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I agree. I've been very surprised, frankly, by how the two physician-friends I had, did NOT use the tools you've described to ascertain the truth. It was contrary to everything I knew about them previously, everything they stood for and practiced. I've wondered if their choice to take the shot early on impaired their ability to do that kind of critical analysis, as some have suggested that the Clot Shot can also affect cognitive ability.

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I led my pain specialist to Dr. Malone and FLCCC (so thankful for them, especially!) when he was struggling with post-covid and post-covid shot symptoms and thankful that my wonderful doctor was open minded to read and learn. I sent him the flccc protocol for long Covid and he began the supplements and meds almost immediately, within a month was feeling much better. And I've found in our occasional discussions since then that he is keeping up with all the latest info and studies from these people and likely others by now. He's been a fantastic doctor to me for nearly 20 years now, he deeply cares for all his patients - and I'm glad I didn't have to find another.

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I tried that, too, but (only a guess) I suspect that professional ego is playing a role in keeping my friends from admitting error and seeking remedies from these wonderful folks you've mentioned. Thank goodness your doctor was more open and sensible!!

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Also I think more than the shot causing any true cognitive issues it's more a cognitive dissonance that they can't cope with (a thing Dr Malone and others suffered through early on and he has explained thoroughly in other posts and his book). Plus, doctors who lost patients or nearly lost them would have to admit they may have been at fault... not many today would be willing to do that, their psyche couldn't handle it. So it's easier to stay the FDA/USG course and force themselves to believe it.

My thoughts, fwiw.

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I believe that both are operative - the truly functional physical impairments and the dissonance. My chiropractor says that her clients that jabbed have undergone personality alterations...sometimes subtle, but still detectible. And sometimes the people themselves are commenting that they no longer "feel like themselves"...

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I (100%) believe that these shots IMPAIR ones ability to think clearly.

I personally know people who took the jab, and they now do not think the same they did previously, as something has definitely changed. They're more unsure, nervous, testy, spastic, and confused, among other symptoms.

I keep warning my wife that her friends who she has known for decades are no longer the same as they were previously to their jab. She is now seeing this for herself.

I've read this situation being similar from many on these boards.

I also believe that this is INTENTIONAL, but that is the conspiracy nutjob in me

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I think it makes a difference in how much of a spike load they got. Or perhaps if someone was super sensitive. Or if they got a bad batch. I have not noticed any cognitive changes in my husband, thank God (I couldn't talk him out of getting the first round) except a short, small bit of Belles Palsy I think I noticed shortly after the 2nd dose. Nor have I noticed any cognitive issues in my friends in our neighborhood. But I'm pretty sure none of them got boosters and none of them have gotten Covid to add more spike (not because of the shot, they just didn't get it).

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12/19/23: Please buy the hardcover edition of "Cause Unknown," The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022, Edward Dowd, Foreword by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. [1954- ]; Afterword by Gavin de Becker [1954- ]; Skyhorse Publishing, Inc. (2022 hardcover).

Also recommended: "Levi's Unbuttoned, The Woke Mob Took My Job But Gave Me My Voice," Jennifer Sey [1969- ]; All Season's Press (2022 hardcover).

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Also read The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK Jr

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Absolutely. Amazing level of research. VERY hard to argue with :-)... and I like that RFK Jr offered to correct anything that was proven to be inaccurate. Long after its publication, there have been no adjustments to the book's information, leading one to conclude - the "proof" is impossible to refute.

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I have it! Great book. And Edward is a Hawai'i resident, like me... just on a different island. Also read Jennifer's essay back in the day... I really respect all those who stood for the truth and often paid a big price on one level for that stance. On the larger level, where compassion, integrity, clarity of insight, and strength of character matter, they are brilliant lights.

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12/19/23: I thank you for your eloquence - what great writing to add to my book notes! Dowd et al will persevere and triumph in the end, as America goes through the last and final stages of its version of the French Revolution (1780s-90s).

While I'm here, "Napoleon Bonaparte" (1997), a single one volume, very readable history by Alan Schom, is warmly recommended (the hardcover technicals --- type size, ink density, paper quality, indexing, binding --- are excellent; spend the extra money. And ignore, if you happen to run across it, what Schom had to say about Trump. Likewise, avoid his botched history, "Trafalgar: Countdown to Battle").

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Youre correct. The bonus march is all one needs to look up to see that those "just following orders" will slaughter their own children at the will of their superiors

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Shining bright you are🥂

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Aw - thanks! And they say we can't see in another what is not also in ourselves.. so right back atcha. :-)

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Here is a vignette from Bari Weiss's Free Press this morning. This is exactly what put Germany on the path to the death camps:

Andrew Goldberg, the filmmaker, described how his 11-year-old was also targeted with antisemitic taunts. This past fall, he said, a fellow sixth-grade student at a public school in Westport, Connecticut, leaned toward his son as they were leaving class and said, “Hey, I have a fun camp for you. It has great showers. Camp Auschwitz.”

He then added that another Jewish classmate “has already joined.”

Months later, the same student jeered at Goldberg’s son in the hallways, yelling and laughing, “We must exterminate the Jews!”

But after Goldberg and his wife complained to the principal and superintendent of the school, the officials responded with a “support plan,” reviewed by The Free Press, which mainly recommended his son “try a new table at lunch.” Nothing in the plan referenced antisemitism.

Goldberg said he and his wife felt they had no option but to take their son out of public school and enroll him in a private Jewish day school. Through a lawyer, they asked Westport Public Schools to help pay their child’s tuition, and the district agreed—but only if the Goldbergs would sign a nondisclosure agreement swearing them to secrecy, he said.

The Goldbergs refused.

“We viewed this as hush money,” Goldberg said.

Westport Public Schools did not return calls from The Free Press for comment.

I live in Westport CT. The cowardice of the public schools, school board and Town officials is appalling. I am calling for the sacking of the richly compensated superintendent of schools and the resignation of the entire BOE. This is the madness that grips our leftist friends and will lead to grief and sorrow if not stopped.

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Any one that allows their kids to get infected with the democrat rabies, spread by public schools, kind of earned that problem.

Inoculate your kids against the rabid democrats and leftists.

You can do it, your kids will appreciate it when they get older.

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This cowardice and corruption of the Connecticut politicians is what lead to Sandy Hook. They took all the money that was to be used for school safety and squandered and stole it. The cover-up had to happen. Blame the guns, blame Alex Jones. It's all BS

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Good for you for calling them out! This MADNESS must stop!!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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More to my comment if the Westport Schools had a competent administration. This was in middle school. While what the kid said was awful, middle school boys say stupid sh^t all the time. It's in their nature. So this was a teaching moment. For the boy, his family and the recipient of the slur and his family. But what did the Administration do? Sugar coat it, tell the kid to find new friends and then try to buy off the parents. I know what I'm talking about having coached the Westport 8th grade lacrosse team for years. When my boys acted out - which, being middle school boys was common - they paid the price and I explained to them exactly why. Suicides (wind sprints) then a lecture and then more suicides if the lecture didn't work. When they rumbled with another town - over anti-Semitic slurs - I used a steel fist in a velvet glove. They had embarrassed their town and parents regardless of the provocation. In this instance the cowardice of the Administration failed everyone - the boys involved, their families and the entire Town. I am furious and disgusted.

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I was a kid once. Kids are cruel and mean verbally to one another, it's a right of passage.

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I know. But we can use this a a teaching moment. And they fumbled it.

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Oh how I wish my anti-Second Amendment Democratic friends would read this and more importantly, understand it! I belong to a group of Concealed Carry women who are prepared to defend ourselves, our families and our country, if need be. We are called the 2A Sisterhood and meet twice a month to train and for education. I am so proud to be a part of this group. My husband encouraged me to become proficient in firearm use and after he passed away, it became more important for me to be able to defend myself. As most women believe, I thought he would be my familiy’s defender. No. We are ALL responsible for defense of self, family and country.

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The democrats do not like, and have much fear, of armed women.

They really like it when they disarm their victims.

Mam, defensive gun use (DGU) is very safe. Much safer than the cops out shooting innocent bystanders (how much, we know longer know, the cops are no longer required to keep stats on innocent victims).

DGU involves the victim, and the bad guy, usually less than 5 feet away. We are all Annie Oakly at 5 feet.

You just have to have the will, to stop rabid democrats that want to harm you.

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👏👏👏👏👏👏🥂 aim small miss small

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Communist/Islamist Democrats want to be able to tell you and me, how to live, what we can and can't do. Communist/Islamist Democrats want total control of America. They want to replace you and me, with Mexicans and Muslims, eliminate our current population base. Communist/Islamist Democrats are evil, they lie, deceive, and subvert you through the media, educational facilities, and government. Communist/Islamist Democrats stole the last election, will steal it again in 2024, because no one was able to do anything about it.

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I believe you are right! The RINO$f aided the Democrats in the stolen election. Real evidence I believe would prove that Obama also stole his election. How else could he get more votes in districts than were registered to vote.

Hillary tried cheating too but was so hated she couldn't cheat bad enough.

They revamped their cheating and made sure to put that brain dead resident in office.

They are out to stop Trump any way the can. They are in a strange puzzle now because I don't think crazy Joe can keep upright till Jan 2025.

We may damn well need our OWN method of preserving our free country before it is all over!

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The 4 Judge Communist/Islamist Democratic Supreme Court in Colorado just kicked Trump off the ballot..I suspect this case will go to Supreme Court in DC

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I knew they were trying. Our upstate RINOs over rode what our Delegates were sent up with in 2016. What we chose to do in the rural areas didn't matter. They also screwed us up with our governor choice.

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Our government has been taking control of all of our lives over the past 30 plus years. We are so dependent on them at this point they could shut down our computers and most of us would be penniless. Years back I was going on vacation and there was a small soft covered book I bought at the airport on the American constitution and what our founders based it on. The founders were all historians and many used the history of Rome as a guideline for our rights. At the beginning of Rome it was required that every man must have a spare in the home to stop invaders from taking over the city or town. The idea of the second amendment and a militia in our constitution was based on this idea to protect our communities from invaders and yes tyrannical government. Rome of course began to get foreign armies to protect Roman citizens and we all know how that ended. When I hear brilliant historians like congressman Dick Durban say he wants to let illegal aliens join our armed forces I can’t help but think what complete fools we have running our country. Imagine handing felons M16’s. As they say, without the second amendment, there would be no amendments especially with the tyrants we are forced to live under today. J.Goodrich

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little dic durbin is a moron, letting illegals join the armed forces, what could go wrong.

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Only the gun allows the most helpless to stop the most predatory.

NO other tool on the planet can do so as easily and safely.

God may indeed have created man, built it was Col Colt who made them equal.

Until the invention of a reliable, safe multi fire pistol, you had to have a lot of practice, to be effective with a gun, at any range. Ditto with a sword. Us peasants did not have the time or money to do so.

The ruling class, and the thugs, did. Hell, a lot of the thugs were ex military.

Today, ANYONE that has very minimal training, can use this tool to stop the biggest predator, armed or not. Mainly because it is the victim that is right next to the predator. At 5 feet everyone is Annie Oakly. This is one reason why cops shoot so many innocent bystanders. They have to catch the bad guy. All we need to do is make the rabid democrats go away.

Well over 90 percent of the defensive gun use (DGU) in the USA, involves showing the rabid democrat your gun, and he scurries back under his rock. Up to 2 million times a year. Even the Gov that wants you disarmed admits to 800k DGU a year.

And yet, we have so many democrats and other rabid leftist vermin who work very hard to;

Disarm the victims (no gun zones)

Violate the law abiding (gun control laws)

While they protect more criminals (sanctuary cities and democrat SOROS DAs)

No wonder those rabid rodents want to disarm the victims, it makes it safer for them to practice their evil and spread their rabies. .

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Hi-rez is the man! Check out his video “Triggered“ on this subject!

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Nicely put. The problem with guns is not the guns themselves but the culture of violence that inspires people to use guns inappropriately. This includes the use of psychopharmaceuticals, the cultivation of hatred for opposing groups aka factionalism or identity politics, and a culture which fails to instill proper reverence for morality and ethical behavior as aspirational for all humans who cohabit this planet. Governments will always be prone to abuse of power. The second amendment is a safeguard agains this. The unanswered question is how we can change our culture to enable us to get along better with one another. Philosophers have been debating this for centuries and still have no answers. We still need the answers, and more so now perhaps than ever before.

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Yes, the use of pharmaceuticals has had a devastating impact on so many people due to mass shootings. Years ago the news of these horrors included info. on the shooters who had usually been treated for depression.

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It's natural to over-generalize about what humans are like at first. And politicians do their best to solidify false notions about that, for obvious reasons.

The truth is that people have different social and cognitive "styles" on top of hormonal differences, etc. These result in perspectives that are biased. Because the very goal of logical induction is to predict as parsimoniously and/or with the greatest explanatory breadth possible. We crave the simplest and, therefore, the most analogical explanations/predictions.

Unfortunately, this tendency to analogize causes us, until we learn better, to think the behaviors of others implies the same feelings and motives as we would be having doing the same behavior even though this turns out to be false much of the time. So false stereotypes are easy to reinforce by the State.

We're at the point that many on the left actually believe that disagreeing about what is right or wrong on a matter indicates a hate in the opposing party. It never dawns on them that disagreements work both ways and that such reasoning would imply that both sides are haters. Worse, they assume that State "science" has proved what they prefer to believe, and that, therefore, their opponents are anti-science/reason.

This state of affairs is both dangerous and hard to reverse since the State plays it like a fiddle for their own ends. The only hope of arresting the tyrannical momentum, short of divine intervention, is if enough of us realize who our real enemy is and resist it together. Praying for all of us.

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"Because the very goal of logical induction is to predict as parsimoniously and/or with the greatest explanatory breadth possible. We crave the simplest and, therefore, the most analogical explanations/predictions."

@Jeff so you are saying that the opposite of logical induction (propaganda) is to make predictions/explanations illogical??? are you using analogical and illogical synonymously??

Fascinating post by the way.

Would love to read some more of your writings.

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Dec 19, 2023·edited Dec 19, 2023

Not the opposite of logical induction. No. It's just that sometimes a thing can seem to be explicable by an analogical inference when there is actually a less analogical explanation. Take the racism claims, e.g. There are often other ways to explain the behavior of those who are charged with racism than by a racist motive. But it is simpler, for some, to just assume racism since racism does explain the same behavior SOMETIMES. They are OVER-analogizing.

And that is unethical. Indeed, it's always unethical to be non-rational in our judgments of others. Reason demands we weigh the evidence when multiple explanations account for an effect or action. Sometimes when people claim a motive that is explanatory of their actions, but isn't a motive that would cause us to act that way, we need to accept that they may very well be different than we are, NATURALLY.

Do some research on social styles. I have tested those theories over time, and they are very predictive. But they seem to mean that people are much more different, naturally, in their sensibilities and priorities than we would naturally infer or, more importantly, PREFER. Worse, they seem to mean that we all have emotional and cognitive weaknesses that make all of us irritating, etc to others. It seems to mean, IOW, that living the golden rule requires we come out of our comfort zone more than we want to. :)

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In Canada, the Trudeau liberals (our demorats) is progressively trying to disarm the country. He has abolished new hand gun purchases and semi automatic high capacity magazines. He has left the door open to ban more rifles in the legislation. On the other side of the crime wave he has reduced sentences for gun crime. So where is his thinking? I think you can guess. He is part of an organization dedicated to stripping Citizens of the rights and abilities to defend themselves from an over reaching government. I fully expect him to blame the rise in crime here due to number 2 above to not having banned all guns when the real reason is his catch and release program for criminals.

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Excellent article! I would like guns away from criminals & to think we’re safe the too. But our world isn’t like that. We’re actually safer with law abiding citizens being able to get guns. Since Covid I’ve learned just exactly how so many of our so called leaders & politicians are liars. Very many seem not to really care about the people other then being able to get a vote. I’m not comfortable any more letting those people try to convince us we’re better off with the government restricting the 2nd amendment. We’re not just as this guy says.

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Dec 19, 2023·edited Dec 19, 2023

And based on my experience here in highly-corrupted Hawai'i, "getting a vote" means being compliant with those who are manipulating election results. After I timely and accurately requested Cast Vote Records for 2020 from Scott Nago, Hawai'i's Election Officer, he declined to provide them (a federal felony). I documented the request and reply and provided all evidence to every elected official in Hawai'i (EVERY one). The state's response? They gave Scott a pay raise. Here's an election-observer whistleblower spilling the beans on HIS experience with the system: https://rumble.com/v2ig80s-hawaii-elections-whistleblower-austin-martin.html

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I tried getting CVRs for my county in MO and was denied. Others in MO tried also. The SOS put out an email to the counties saying, although the CVRs are not public records, please keep them until a court decides.

It seem several years ago CVRs were added to the not-for-public consumption. I wonder how the precincts validate their votes.

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I saw DOJ documents (yes, even THAT DOJ) that says these CVRs ARE public records. If I can find the link to those assertions/opinions again, I will add them to our conversation.

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Interesting. It sounds like the Feds think that when it comes to all things elections related they have the final say. Usually State Law prevails, unless it contradicts federal law.

I write in response to your request for records dated September l , 2022.

Jeff Fletcher Cass County clerk reply was a pdf I converted so I could post here.

I understand your request to be for the electronic voting records from the November 2020 election that include certain information contained in fields. As such, these records are 'processed ballot materials in electronic form." Missouri law provides that with respect to "process ballot materials in electronic form," the election authority "shall not open or inspect them or allow anyone else to do so, except upon order of a legislative body trying an election contest, a court or a grand jury" or until the twenty-two month retention period is met. Section 115.493, RSMo. In other words, the records are closed. Section 610.021(14), RSMo.

If you feel that I have misunderstood the nature of your request, I welcome clarification or additional information from you.

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Democrats do not want to take guns away from criminals, they only want to disarm the victims.

There is a very simple way, already a law, to lock up a bunch of dangerous criminals, BEFORE they kill again.

But, they democrats don't want that, it would allow people to actually be safer, not just have the hallucination of safety. And democrats NEED a crisis. If they can't find one, they will make one.

One way to lock up would be violent criminals, is to arrest them and charge them for breaking the law to get a gun (see also Hunter Biden).

Here we have Trey Gowdy explaining to Wolfe Blitzer why democrats only help criminals get guns https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMKosxGptKk and Wolfe starts out with a lie (30k people killed by gun violence, when he knows that most of those are people that killed themselves)

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Trey Gowdy would be a great attorney general

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Don't think so. He asked all the tough questions, to be sure, but somehow never took action. Consistently. It took me awhile to figure out his game. It was this: appeal to the base, but play for the uniparty.

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tragically, history seems to be favoring your version,

in fairness, he was up against a large number of democrat and RINO vermin.

Sidebar, when I was explaining RINOs to my 13 year old son, he said,

"Do you mean they are the elephants Ass"

I was so proud.

He is in leftist vermin college, on his way to becoming a radiologist, thank God I inoculated him against the pedopathic rabies being spread by leftist rodents,

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If he had the backing of actual repubs, probably.

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Figures don't lie and liar's figure. That is the democratic party.

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Democrats have not changed much since their KKK Jim Crow days.

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There was a study done many years ago on which countries were least likely to be invaded. The winner was the US, not because it has the best army in the world and not because of its advanced technology but rather simply because there are so many citizen with guns. The crazies aside, the old expression of a citizen with a "gun behind every blade of grass" (quoted by admiral Yamamoto as to why not to invade the US) is still true.

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I love reading about transformations like this. And they are becoming more common. THANK GOD.

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The media - both news and entertainment - have now politicized nearly everything in our society as an extremely powerful mechanism of control.

Most people will not act to secure their future, so long as they feel they have an advocate fighting for them in the public or political arenas. This is why Republican vs Democrat equals divide and conquer. The human mind is binary. Our thought process can often be boiled down into terms (often ultimatums) of – this or that – and our adversaries understand - very well - the art of this war.

They know that politicization is so effective at manipulating us because most emotionally connect their personal belief system to the belief system of their political party, and so then any attack on their party – legitimate or otherwise – is interpreted by their brain as an attack on themselves. Reason and logic then jump out the nearest window as raw emotion takes the helm, thus making them even more susceptible to the predatory controlling influences.

The flawed voting system was deliberately designed to birth the Frankenstein uniparty—that parasitic two-winged predatory vulture perched on our sacred Constitution like a toll-bridge troll and who uses that divinely inspired Document as a platform to pick and peck us clean down to the bone. Here is how to fix the elections and prevent this from happening again (once we get them back) https://tritorch.substack.com/p/solutions-volume-1-the-us-voting

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We lost our way as a society when we eliminated personal responsibility and substituted it with feelings. Feelings are emotional, can be irrational, invoke anger, desire, empathy and most often are fleeting. Responsibility is critical to self respect, determination, honesty, and achieving results. The everyone gets a trophy for showing up, everyone is a victim, has created a society of wimps walking on egg shells to avoid being shamed for saying the wrong thing or even looking at someone the wrong way. Losing builds determination, failure builds experience necessary for further attempts and eliminating the pain only weakens the individual and society as we now see. I’ve lived the transformation of the enormous progress of opportunity for blacks, gays and women only to see it squandered with a delusional illusion that anything short of perfection is absolutely unacceptable and deserves hatred and condemnation. Most of those calling others evil Nazis are themselves guilty of a vile hatred that is consuming their souls. The truth has become whatever hides the truth and those vilifying anyone who refuses to cower are complicit in the destruction of the progress we have all witnessed with our own eyes.

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and then you have shitheads like this who want to put our military gear into the hands of illegal aliens.

Sounds like a great idea, no ?


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