A deeply technical piece, largely over my head.

This much I do understand however: as more of our histories and communications migrate from hard copy to digital, historical revisionism becomes all the easier for the authorities.

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Ned B. And to erase history.

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True, but digital technology also makes it harder to find all the evidence that needs to be deleted.

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"They" are getting better at memory holing.

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Totally unrelated:

Brandon is not your Bro... what about Peter Henderson :P?

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KGB mole or Hunter Ponzi Biden??😝

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This is why it is important to have hard copies for posterity.

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Omitting Robert Malone's credit for the invention of mRNA vaccine technology from their Propaganda version of History is nothing more than a shabby effort to undermine his credibility. His (and your!) outspoken Truths about all of this frustrate their ability to control the Narrative. Similar has been done to Kerry Mullis, the inventor of PCR who, if he were alive, I suspect would have been an outspoken critic of its misuse.

Thank you both for shining the Light of Truth on the despicable on-goings of the Pharma-Government complex.

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PCR is interesting to me not only because I have used it extensively but also it marked the very first time a biological could receive a patent. Until then pharma had security protocols that would rival any government's. It opened a veritable tsunami of patents from academia, many uni administrators valuing patents from faculty (many if not most not worth a sou) more than publications.

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Thanks! very informed and informative. I think I just heard that IVANA TRUMP just died. Donald Trump's ex wife. .I have been doing research on other subjects and my sister just called me. ttyl: all of my and other's research is documented and a separate detached HDD and in hard copy. going to see if that could be true. wow.

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent Dr Jill — we all need to preserve the history of this nightmare and am sure you have hard copies hidden away! Time for a lawsuit? Del Bigtree’s ICAN might be interested in taking it on? Jeff Childers at Covid & Coffee would probably help mount a multiplier event.

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I know the feeling having had several discoveries, inventions, and research stolen and other names replacing mine! It goes on all the time in academia. That is why in large part I escaped academia. Robert found himself in a similar situation at Salk surrounded by other academics ready to steal his ideas and work. Despicable contemptible bastards!

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Yup so much predatory behavior and so few mechanisms to cry foul, engineered on purpose. The system designed that way.

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This is so effed up. I’m so sorry. This isn’t supposed to happen in the USA. I’ll be voting for the first time in decades (November). I also contributed to Ron Johnson’s campaign even though i’m a centrist/libertarian, and live on the W Coast. We all need to do what we can to stop this terrible malignancy.

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Me too! In disgusting WA...

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Yes, what a sorry "state" we live in...I love WA for it's beauty but not it's politics.

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They're creating a foundation to attack your credibility as an Inventor.

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They'll sow this as a separate article then reference it in a hit piece. If it was placed in the hit piece, it looks less objective. If they reference it from another article it looks more objective and like they did actual research.

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Seems to me this theft and rewriting problem is an example of what a snake does when cornered. Lashing out in desperation. And fear. The left falls and as it does there is nothing it will not do in its desperate failing defense. Including Offense. Shame. I knew biden would go to war long b4 he did. To obfuscate the Big Lie of his existence. And if a nuke falls during his term, he will have blood on his hands which history won’t forgive. Unless it is rewritten.

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I would send this to Senator Ron Johnston and request he correct the records.

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Love how your wife supports you! For being high school sweethearts you two make a real role model couple!! Big thanks to your wonderful and intelligent Jill for this great article!!! Whatever they seek to achieve with this malinformation, they will not succeed!!

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Dr. Jill is really the lion that stands behind Dr. Malone.

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WITH Dr. Malone :-)

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I often think of how little, really, the “history” here matters. YOU ARE MORE WELL-KNOWN AND RESPECTED NOW, DR. MALONE, FOR YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS THAN ANYTHING WIKIPEDIA OR “OFFICIAL” SOURCES CAN EVER INDICATE. Nonetheless, I can relate to Jill’s struggle: I (successfully!) fought for years with the Boeing folks and others to make sure that my late husband, Dr. Harold A. Rosen, was credited as the father (rather than just a “member of a team”) of the geostationary satellite. Fortunately, I had all the documents, awards (I always joked that he was on the “awards list” — once you win an award for something, then others start awarding as well) and old “Hughes News” newsletters that clearly documented this fact, and I am not afraid to speak up and set the record straight. Among other things, I was vindicated when he was awarded the prestigious Goddard Prize in 2015. I recorded his short speech from the dais (they wanted to put me in the audience, but I said “no way,” ha!) at the event in Washington, DC. His speech is a succinct explanation on what he accomplished. As his self-designated PR agent, I had him practice over and over again standing up (since I knew he would be standing up while giving the short speech). He died peacefully at home (no doctors or hospitals!) less than two years later. I had a marvelous third of a century with this amazing man:


And here is me, today, for those interested: https://rumble.com/v1boxcf-a-thought-experiment-that-explains-everything-and-lots-more...episode-99.html

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Maybe ask Sen Ron Johnson for assistance dealing with CRS, and amending their records, since their response said they only deal with Congress.

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Excellent piece Jill Glasspool Malone PHD. Protect and preserve history and the truth, always!!!🌸🙏

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is time to establish a parallel quasi government, medical/health system/network, businesses, etc where truth, facts and individual freedoms are collectively assembled and availed for access by like minded. It is frankly impossible to fight the large, established corrupt system.

I think we are best to walk away from it. It is already slowly in motion with alternative media resources and the doctors speaking out about Covid.

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As another poster here said, this is way above my level of comprehension. What I gleaned from this is they are saying to other scientists, Robert Malone’s life work, conclusions, experience, experiments, successes, and failures are of no note and do not contribute to the overall story of the of COVID. Those who are afraid, unable to speak up due to financial pressures, economics or level of specialized research that you want to do, should fall in line with current thoughts. No one should be counting on science, experience, results, as a benchmark of success or failure. We have an agenda, we are not going to tell you what it is, but trust us, it will be okay in the end. Who else can you trust?

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Jill Malone is a FORCE! This piece right here needs to be thrown in the face of the legion of the disgustingly smug scientific illiterati to whom the USG and .gov cabal are pushing this garbage.

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JHC Doc, this really sucks. Proper credit and citation for work is the lifeblood of your vocation if my experience as an undergrad has any bearing.

I'll be honest; I didn't go thru the entire article b/c I'm not a scientist and a lot of the stuff was beyond me.


I did read that you're being erased from official gov't records. Do you have any recourse that doesn't include hiring a freakin' lawyer?

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Jul 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Rewriting history has long been the technique of control freak governments and their minions. I’d be careful to have documentation in many forms and places. Thank you to Dr Jill for her record keeping. Not that the lying cabal Would be convinced. After all men can get pregnant today and if you deny that you are a “white supremest moron”.

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