Feb 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Every doctor and medical student should read this too. We are indoctrinated in medical school to trust all vaccines without question and to feel contempt toward anyone who questions them. I had no idea until I realized I was sadly indoctrinated. Thankfully, with the Covid shot, I woke up from my hypnosis…because it made no sense to push that experimental shot on everyone and deny immunity from infection.

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I wish for you new dreams, new desires, and new discoveries in every new day.

This is the breath of the well lived life.

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Feb 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Because this topic has become so highly politicized and weaponized to the point that any physician or scientist who questions the approved public health narrative regarding childhood vaccination risks public ridicule and loss of livelihood."

I will say this again and again until it's understood. When you are practicing political medicine, you're practicing politics, not medicine. You can scream from the rooftops that you "represent da soy-yence," as the demented dwarf ludicrously claimed, but if your decisions are informed by dogma, not data, you're nothing but a fraud. And when we talking about lives - especially children's lives - your an exceedingly dangerous fraud. When a potential therapy is mocked simply because Trump thought it held promise, that's not science. When a mask is worn as fealty to a political party that's not science. When a vaccine is mandated because the tribe demands it, that's not science. If the medical establishment doesn't clean up its act soon, they will destroy all the affection and respect we held for physicians. This should start with purging the leadership of the AMA and the medical schools.

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Well said. The MD/RN -Einsatzgruppen have already shown themselves. I’m not on board with the “Mulligans for Murderers”.

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Agree 100%. No amnesty for people who refuse to apologize or acknowledge their culpability. As far as the Communist Party of China - there has to be a reckoning for this bio-warfare. A cancellation of our debt, at minimum, as a down payment for the death and destruction they caused.

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The problem with laying this at the feet of the Chinese is that we (the US) funded the research. We share the blame equally - and perhaps 'we' own it, as it was our public health nitwits funding China to create new viruses - so that the Pharma companies could develop money making vaccines that would treat them.

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The Chinese are the least of our problems. The real terrorists are sitting happily in DC, London, Brussels and Jerusalem.

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Yes, Fauci got them funding and lied for them when he claimed in Jan 2020 that "da Choi-neeze ah beyun fully trans-parent" but that doesn't give them a pass. We can and should prosecute Fauci, Collins, Daszak et al but the real malefactor is the Chinese Communist Party. The party that killed its own brave docs who tried to warn the world and which deliberately spread the virus.

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And now it looks like Hotez will take his place. If you want to know just how really dangerous this man is watch "Who is Peter Hotez" on Rumble or "The "Covidians" LOVE Dr. Peter Hotez: A Redacted Special Investigation"

He is freaking scary.

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Hotez is just another freak in the freak show that the Democrat party has become. These people used to live under bridges.

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There are degrees of evil and this entire thing was orchestrated, funded, and deployed by the good old US. Our own government is warring on us. The Chinese are simply taking advantage of our own traitors and cultural suicide. We do far worse than that every day...

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I can only say, I did not agree.

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Nice reminder, as I thought the same vein of punitive for damages they covered up.

Oh and by the way.....they immediately covered every inch and speck up! Sigh.....

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The person that sent the tech to China along with large sums of money should pay with every penny he has and his freedom.

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Cancellation of debt? This is like saying bankruptcy is a good solution for reckless borrowing.

If that is the solution we are finished.

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Think about what your wrote. If I owe you $10K but you injured me to the tune of $100K and I obtained a judgement against you, you still owe me $90K if I cancelled the debt. China owes us damages far in excess of our debt to them.

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I understand your sentiment and want to agree. But Fauci and our government funded the research. They used China for cover. Given the money trail it is probable that our country is the primary instigator. So the idea has no merit.

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And Fauci needs to go to jail. That's the least we can ask.

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Think again. Our idiocracy put us in debt. Even when we finally corner them in the burning windmill, we'll still be saddled with the debt. At the very least the ChiComs were stooges. So canceling the debt - along with a permanent cancellation of our ruling "elites" - serves a very valuable purpose.

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I want the people responsible for banning ivermectin and HCQ , for withholding those medications, when they have been used for years and have a well-established safety profile............... I want those people to stand trial and be judged and sentenced to life in prison. They committed involuntary manslaugher at least., and if I was picked for the jury i would consider it manslaughter, in most instances.

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I understand. Clearly there are facts. Either these drugs were effective against Covid or they were not. Given that many serious physicians believed they were, answers should have been forthcoming. That the response was more akin to censorship and a witch hunt did the medical establishment no favors and convinced people that the decision was political, not medical. I wonder if there are any unbiased studies - either way - that definitively answered the question of the efficacy of these drugs against the Wuhan virus.

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Sorry for the grammatical errors. Haste makes waste, Can we get an "edit" function, Doc?

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You can edit your comments, click the three dots.

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Thanks but I see them on your comment. Not on mine. If an expectation of protection it is grossly misplaced. Perhaps time sensitive?

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This is a bug. Yesterday I could see the three dots on my Substack comments, but not today. So I can't change "8 million" into "8 billion" in my comment below.

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I am in the middle of reading this book.

As a veterinarian, I now intend to delve into my own profession's reliance on vaccination.....because, WTF???

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Please do. And watch this amazing 2 min. video of veterinarian Dr. John Robb, who advocated for changing laws to protect pets from unnecessary and harmful repeat vaccinations.


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I have a book written in 2003 by veterinarian, Stephen R Blake. In the book he says animal immunizations can depress their immune system and all pesticides do not belong on your animals - flea/tick collars or power - they're toxic. Here are websites he listed in this book that are still active.

thinktwice.com justsayno2vaccines.naturespharmacy.com/FAQ.html and vaclib.org/

And this book: Coulter, Harris, Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality. Berkley CA: North Atlantic Books, 1990

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There is also the practice of vaccinating with certain feline vaccines at a point near the distal (far) end of a limb since there is a high incidence later on of sarcoma associated with this vaccination that requires amputation.

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It's actually not that high. Please be accurate when making assumptions.

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If it's not that high then why vaccinate in a specific location that allows for future amputation?

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Why not?

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Imagine giving an apartment cat a rabies shot. Why? When that settled with me, I decided not to vaccinate my outdoor cats. Smelled scammy.

And this was not an easy choice, at first, being rural and raised to be afraid of rabies and (for humans) tetanus, so I talked to a vet in our group and was advised my olfactory senses were dialed in.

I think the only place you really get any mileage out of vaccines is in crowded herds living in filth with a short life expectancy and all the vaccines do really is mask the symptoms of poor living conditions long enough to get the meat to slaughter.

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From reading this book I am now also seriously questioning the vaccinations that my pets have been subjected to. I am now researching this to see what I can fine. It is truly hard to trust those in the medical field anymore.

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I haven't trusted anyone in the medical profession since I was a pharmaceutical rep in the early 70s. Doctors, nurses, and vets will do anything for a dollar, including accepting bribes from drug companies. Buyer beware is the best policy I've found.

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I am a nurse and will not do just everything for money. We are not all the same, otherwise Dr. Malone wouldn't be out there. Whole bunch of doctors and nurses are walking the plank. Even pharmacists are taking a beating.

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"Walking the plank." Great metaphor. Because the medical profession is full of pirates and cutthroats. I should know; I was one of them.

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Elizabeth Hart in South Australia has been working on the over-vaccination and inappropriate vaccination of companion animals for years. My limited reading of her work led me to have the highest regard for her work. She has also worked on COVID-19 quasi-vaccine problems and more generally on vaccination of humans. Here are some links: https://vaccinationispolitical.net, https://over-vaccination.net, https://www.bmj.com/content/365/bmj.l2244/rr-3 and https://odysee.com/@tassietigertalks:4/Elizabeth-Hart-25.05:c.

Part of the problem with vaccination in general is that many people really want to believe that a semi-sacrificial, penetrating, injection from a member of the priestly class (doctors, nurses, with the sacrament being developed by vast teams of PhDs in labs and factories full of the highest tech equipment) will serve to permanently ward off evil spirits - **infection**. This is a cleansing ritual which elevates the recipient into a higher class and clearly distinguishes them from the great unwashed.

Such base instincts, the general public's lack of interest and inability to cope with the messy technical details and a few genuine vaccine successes are the basis for a vastly profitable vaccine industry to over-promise, under-deliver and to cover up the harm and death they causel in the guise of saving society from disease. I haven't read "Turtles all the way down", but I recall a reviewer stating that even these authors recognise a few instances of genuinely effective vaccines which prevent serious disease, with safety profiles they apparently do not object to.

The best research shows that influenza vaccines do not reduce the risk of hospitalisation or death for influenza or for respiratory infections in general. See Anderson et al. 2020 https://sci-hub.ru/10.7326/M19-3075 and my two articles discussing this and related research: https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/influenza-vaccines-do-not-reduce

The COVID-19 pandemic response has been a cluster of crimes against humanity, regarding the suppression of vitamin D3 and other nutrients and of inexpensive early treatments, the problems caused by the quasi-vaccines, the lockdowns, social distancing, masks etc. https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/the-covid-19-pandemic-response-killed .

Please see the most important research on vitamin D and the immune system, cited and discussed at my long page (co-signed by Patrick Chambers MD): https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/ .

Getting everyone's circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D up to at least the 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L needed for full immune system function is by far the most important step we can take - individually and collectively (by education and support, not by coercion) to improve human health. The same applies to our companion animals. Most companies which raise cattle, pigs and poultry indoors already know about the need for vitamin D3 supplementation. Something like 100 tonnes of it a year goes to such purposes, which is, very approximately 4 to 10 times the amount used by humans at present. Only a few factories make vitamin D3 worldwide - none owned by major pharmaceutical companies. It involves exacting processes exposing 7-dehyrocholesterol, derived with difficulty from wool fat, dissolved in benzene, to a very specific, narrow, range of UV-B radiation around 297 nanometres, with exotic, multi-kilowatt mercury vapour lamps which are specially doped (with iron, I guess) to produce such light. See: https://sci-hub.ru/10.1016/B978-0-12-381978-9.10006-X .

There's very little vitamin D3 in food or multivitamins. It can be made by UV-B skin exposure, but this damages DNA and so raises the risk of skin cancer. See the daily supplemental intake quantities as ratios of body weight, with higher ratios for those suffering from obesity: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#sjw-updated-ratios . For 70 kg 154 lb, about 0.125 mg (5000 IU) a day is needed. This is a gram every 22 years - and pharma-grade vitamin D3 costs about USD$2.50 a gram.

Collectively, 8 million humans need about a tonne of vitamin D3 a day to ensure we all have at least 50 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D. A tonne a day would cost about USD$1 billion a year, plus the cost of splitting it into capsules etc. to take every week to ten days.

If medicine had been conducted properly, long ago we would all have been properly focused on vitamin D3 and other nutrients (and reduced omega-6 fatty acids, sugar and especially large quantities of fructose) in order to give the body its proper operating conditions. Then, interventions such as vaccines would be much less needed.

An honest account of vaccine effectiveness and safety would help to counter many people's idiotic belief in and desire for a quick, safe, perturbation of their immune system to give lasting protection from serious diseases. As far as I know, this is only rarely possible - and the risks are not zero.

The supposed eradication of polio is often cited as a great success for the vaccine industry. "Turtles all the way down" questions whether this disease really causes paralysis. Even if we accept that the polio virus does cause paralysis (as I do at present, not having read the book), see the latest account of the fundamental problems of trying to devise a vaccine to protect against paralysis and, ideally, eradicate the disease: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp2215257 . This is a nightmare of contradictions.

Medical professionals too use magical thinking to promote COVID-19 gene-therapy injections as if they were "vaccines" and as if vaccines in general are all much of a muchness, with the polio vaccines being a tremendous success and an example of vaccines in general.

Yet, collectively, the mainstream body of doctors cannot get their brains around the immune system's need for 4 to 10 times the amount of 25-hydroxyvitamin D that most people have without proper supplementation. They should read the research.

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"8 million" should be "8 billion". (The three dots to edit my comments do not appear at present, though they did until the last day or so.)

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I hope to hear from you about your findings. I left another comment to you on another one of Dr. Malone's sustack because you are a vet. I only read the acknowledgements of this book and broke out in tears! I never gave the covid jabs to anyone, but I have given plenty of drugs of all kinds over 40 years of nursing. It is so disturbing to me that I am part of the problem. We are not practing healthcare, we are practicing something else. We are creating, and complicating existing disease to promote drug use. I started taking Atenolol in my late 40s for high blood pressure. The Atenolol created a Left Bundle Branch Block (LBBB). That is where the electrical current does not meet the node in my heart. Now, I am on four medications and I don't sleep well. Everything you do, check out from other reliable sources. At this point in my life a medicine man is almost more reliable to me than my doctor. I am going to pick up that book again and start reading.

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Do you recommend the bird flu vaccine to stop the spread between wild birds and the birds being raised by poultry farmers? If not, what do you suggest we do?

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You did not ask me but my penny's worth: I believe that the avian flues have been modified recently to be at least more infection. This was done on purpose to warrant vaccines against the variants. I read an article earlier this week that said the avian flu is here to stay because in the last two years it has affected more poultry than the prior twenty.

You know once some strain has been released in the wild it will be hard to contain. We know Pfizer is modifying underlying human flu strains....

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The H7N9 subtype was killing a good number of people in China, making scientists worried it would go pandemic, until China instituted a nationwide chicken vaccination campaign about five years ago. It seems to have worked, unless it proves to be counterproductive in the long run (or China simply stopped reporting infections).

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I suspect wherever research labs are located, tests are run (not safety tests but infection rates and species cross-over rates). There are dozens of 2023 articles about avian flu on the internet, mostly worrying. In America its the H5n1. The CDC's last update with this year... Here is the headline on this link: "A leading bird flu expert says this 'nasty' outbreak is here to stay: 'There's something different about this virus'" https://www.insider.com/an-expert-says-why-h5n1-bird-flu-is-here-to-stay-2023-2

Easy way to put $$$$$ in your pocket, require poultry farms to vac entire flocks.... Get's me wondering. We've never been truly successful with a human flu vaccine so what are the chances a bird flu vaccine will work when there are numerous variations of it just as in the human variety.

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The book is excellent (I have it) — thanks for the review.

But let’s not make it so complicated, shall we? For me, it’s simple. No more vaccinations. Period.

I think many of us are vaccine-injured, in one way or another. We have these odd symptoms, and have no idea that they were caused by vaccines. The connection is not made, because no one thinks to make them and we shut up those who dare do so.

I’m remembering the 20-year-old woman I found dead in her bed in late 1976 when I was on C.Q. (“Charge of Quarters”) duty in the U.S. Air Force. An autopsy showed no heart issues, no drugs in her system. As a young woman myself, I was puzzled, sad and even angry at her (!!) for just dying like that for no apparent reason. All this was shortly after we were all mandated to take the swine flu vaccine (which I read in my journal made me sick for a day... I had forgotten that fact).

Later, I developed migraines, upset stomach, odd sensitivities to changing lights and loud noises... and never made the connection to all those vaccines I received in my 20s (military) and early 30s (travel to Africa, etc.).

And then there was SIDS (“sudden infant death syndrome”). Autism. All those “As”: allergies, asthma, ADHD, auto-immune disorders, etc.

We have these great immune systems, we know about vitamins and modern sanitation, and yet... we are doing this. Enough already!!

No more flu shots for me. I WILL NEVER AGAIN TAKE A VACCINE AGAIN, ever!

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I agree with you 100%. No vaccines for me or my animals ever again.

I developed Type 1 diabetes at age 14, wasted away to 60 pounds before being diagnosed. No one in my very extensive family had ever had diabetes. None of them do now, almost 50 years later.

Recently, I remembered that I had my one and only tetanus shot a few months before I started having T1D symptoms. I had stepped on a nail while barefoot. My mother insisted I would get lockjaw unless I got the shot.

I will always wonder if that shot caused my immune system to go haywire and attack my pancreas....

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I read this book a few months. It's terrific and eye-opening. And you're right, ALL parents and want-to-be parents need to read this and take it to heart.

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The best childhood vaccination involves zero syringes and naturally occurring childhood illnesses to kick start children's immuno responses.

Vaccinating for measles etc al, is like vaccinating against children losing their baby teeth...

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Sadly it’s not just in the area of vaccines that I have lost all confidence and trust in public health and corporate medicine. It is 100% gone, across the board. They earned it. As the saying goes, if you can trust for a little, you can’t trust for a lot(and I know that vaccines are not “a little”). The only way that I will go to a corporate hospital is Feet First, and if I am conscious I will resist even then, although I am very aware that alternatives are few and far between. I dropped my corporate employee PCP two and a half years ago with no communication, probably unfair to him but I was so angry at the system and what had occurred and I really felt for my own health and safety I had no choice. I literally considered corporate medicine to be dangerous to my health, and now that I know I am a Z28.310 that feeling is much amplified. My fear is that any corporate hospital admission with a Z28.310 code will earn me the Silent Protocol, which is a Feet First discharge. I have been searching for satisfactory alternative medicine for 2 years. It has been a challenge and is a work in progress.

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Feb 18, 2023·edited Feb 18, 2023

Check out the Seignalet (pronounce it "Saynyalay") diet.


I also recommend "Good Medicine" by Patrick Holford, although it's a little outdated in sections now.

I made 100 Seignalet legal recipe videos on my youtube channel: Chris' UHM


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I am that code too, but they never asked so I haven't said.

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They are trying to get their database complete and accurate so they don’t need to ask. I don’t know the status of that endeavor. They absolutely don’t trust the unvaxed to tell them the truth about their vax status and have no intention of relying on word of mouth.

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Alright, bud, you got me. I've been on the fence about you for awhile, mostly because its confusing to me how someone so deep in the system can come out like you have. There is a pretty solid record of people coming out and getting a response from the government that isn't good, how you have escaped that has caused suspicion to me. Just being honest. Its not personal, its functional.

But if, after the life and career you have led, you can come to the front stage and question the historic use of vaccines, I welcome you.

I could have made this comment with a monthly subscription and canceled but I am in for a year. Don't let me down. You offer great benefit to uncovering this medical atrocity.

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I will have to tell you, in all honesty, that to be in the middle of the "matrix narrative" and believe in the "goodness" and unquestioned exceptionalism" of the levers of government and academia can be a very insular and isolating (in the general population reality sense)lifestyle. for even the most grounded of fine persons. Dr.s Malones are those kind of people. They happened to be in the middle of the entire agenda, and it is blinding to the truth. Discernment tells me that Dr.s Malone have paid very very dearly for having been "so deep in the system " and "come out like you have". They have not "escaped" the wrath of the system. The fact that Robert Malone doesn't broadcast the harrassment and devastation doesn't reflect upon what they have endured for this cause. Glad you are still here

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You are right, I see it all the time from my perspective as the proverbial black sheep of the family. It's the old forest and trees line, that part I get. And I am sure Dr Malone has paid a real price for his positions, it is not easy to do what he has done.

What I was referencing, or alluding to, is most often, someone coming out this hard against the narrative and the system from deep in it, usually gets arrested and jailed or worse.

At least we have to look at this an anomaly in what I would interpret as whistleblowing, though it isn't direct whistleblowing, it is in that realm.

Like I said it was this that kept me on the fence, not anything Dr Malone has said or done. I am inherently suspicious. That is my opening position with most things until shown different. That one issue has been my hang up.

But this is a big move. Vaccine usage, just a few years ago, was sacrosanct, and I was in a belittled minority. The tide is changing on that and for Dr Malone to throw his name into this discussion is no small action and I welcome it.

This is how balance on the see-saw changes. I also really enjoyed his recent article on "was I in a cult?" Referencing what has become of the Democratic party, as a former D, I appreciated the resonance.

I would suggest that paradigm could also be attributed to vaccine faith.

But overall, from my perspective, it has been interesting watching people inside the system wake up to what I have been witnessing for years.

I guess I just wasn't there the day they handed out the blinders or I just never had faith in the goodwill of government. Makes life lonely. I am welcoming this awakening.

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Here is the first chapter of the book. The authors make this public via a link at the end of chapter 1 - they want everyone to read it. The first 1/2 a little dry - the second half of chapter 1 will blow your mind. I recommend buying the book and sending it to people if you can afford it. If not share the first chapter.


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Just checked Audible and there is a DIFFERENT book with the same title. Nearly fooled me.

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Amazon evidently offers a Kindle version for $9.99.

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Do you know if there is an audio version available anywhere? Thank you.

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You can't order this book from Barnes and Noble. ((I just called them and complained that they don't have it. Another censorship attempt?) As (I am not your Other) notes there is a different book with the same title. Amazon seems to be the only place you can order it. Sigh. j

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I've shared before about my son's DtP shot reaction when he was six months old and the aftermath with his vax injury and the lack of proper reporting, follow-up or treatment from the allopathic care system. I learned a LOT after that experience, and we were lucky - I was able to find proper treatment for his injuries outside of mainstream medical malpractice, and the damage wasn't as extreme or permanent as it could have been. Even so, with everything I already knew, this book is eye opening, and I HIGHLY recommend it for anyone who really wants to understand the approval process for these substances, what we think we know, and what is unknowable by design.

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I like to think of myself as an independent thinker and a pursuer of knowledge so it makes me sick to think of how easily I trusted the pediatricians that my three kids saw as children. My middle kid had more issues than the other two, lots of colds, coughs and ear infections. All treated generously with antibiotics and tylenol on top of all the stupid poisonings by vaccine. I could cry. He has had lasting problems and I often think that I failed him miserably as a parent.

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I'm so sorry you went through that. Please try to forgive yourself and keep looking to alternative approaches (like a reliable Naturopathic MD). I don't know how far back your experience was, but mine was 30 years ago, and there were only a handful of people who were even starting to question what was going on with the childhood vaccines.

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Yes, my kids were 90's kids. No one I knew was questioning anything. We will only be going to a Naturopathic MD for any future needs. We found one recently and have been encouraged by his approach.

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Feb 23, 2023·edited Feb 23, 2023

You cannot blame yourself for what you did not know. Even if you have the information, our society uses coercion. I interviewed for a job at the health department and the nurse that interviewed me asked me if I wanted a flu vaccine after my interview. I said no, I already had an appointment with my doctor. She didn't give me the job and hadn't intended to anyway and I was glad, because I wasn't going to give vaccines or jabs of any sorts. I was applying the RN position to study trends. I am hoping that states track trends in vaccine injury.

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They haven't truly tracked vaccine injury for ANY of them in any meaningful way. Read "Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth", and you'll be shocked at the decades of fraud. RFK JR has also done some excellent work on this topic. Because of DeSantis, FL may be the only state to even try to address vaccine injuries, but there's another great author who has done a really good job of analyzing what's available through insurance and disability data named Ed Dowd. The data on this one is so horrifying that it can't be hidden.

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Hi… I was just reading through this thread… my boy is 4 and is due for more vaccines so he can go to school….

To anyone - what are my choices here? …. I don’t really want to quit my job and home school my children is that my only choice? Is there some way to mitigate the harms done by these things.. and how do I find that out?

I just bought the book. Please let me know if anyone has any other advice. Thank you

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I don't know but perhaps there are exemptions available? Depends on the state. Personally, I homeschooled our 4 kiddos and it was totally worth any career I would have had. Not everyone's choice but putting your kids in public school is more dangerous than just having to get them vaccinated.

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I agree, there's a question there about what state, because in many states there are religious or personal exemptions. But also a consideration is the state of the schools these days and the psychological and emotional damage they are doing, as well as offering far less than a classical education. There are homeschooling communities and groups, such that you can share in the responsibilities and still work. There are also now private teaching groups - this sprang up as a result of some of the teachers opting out of these shots or finally getting fed up with the school system and opting out in favor of having small classes at their homes and online. It's usually far less expensive than private school, if you have some modest resources available. If your work schedule is flexible, that makes for a lot of possibilities.

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My children are completely unvaccinated. They attend a private school that aligns with our educational philosophy, enabled by a vaccine exception according to the laws of the state in which we live.

NVIC has good information about exemptions and you can research the state in which you live: https://www.nvic.org/law-policy-state

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That is some good information. Thank you!

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File a religious exemption for vaccine.

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Not all pediatricians…


A couple other points:

1. The AAP could have torpedoed vaccine hesitancy overnight had they forsworn any pharma funding. They claimed for years to care about convincing parents to vaccinate their kids, yet refused in all those years to give up their sweet sweet pharma money - even though I know for a fact that a major source of vaccine hesitancy is parent concern over the bias evident in AAP’s financial ties to pharma…

2. The point regarding 21st century vs 19th century diseases… I hope you’re right, but given our wide open border, I’m afraid of what “old” diseases will be making a 21st century comeback…

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I am pretty sure diptheria has been bleeding over our southern border for at least the last 50yrs or so. They were seeing it in the San Antonio schools in the '60s.

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Steve Kirsch says that SIDS is from vaccines. As you point out, as we are all different in so many ways, what might be injected into one person and be beneficial or at least benign might kill someone else. I'm glad I'm not having to make these type decisions.

Danny Huckabee

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I think there is a case for SIDS and recent vaccine injection. We don't know because they have never studied it.

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Hard for me to make judgements on vaccines and peoples choices to get them or not. I can only say I’m not a fan of utilitarianism. I truly think it’s a ccp concept where every decision is made for the greater good and individualism means nothing. I choose free will and liberty for the individual, and personally I don’t trust the medical establishment. They have lost my trust.

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Saterical follow up to my comment on utilitarianism and China. I first question if one human being is badly harmed by a vaccine trial out of 100,000 people, is the harmed person exempt from the hypocritical oath? If there are 6 people and by killing one, their organs can be harvested and save the other 5. Is this good medicine? In modern China there are about 5 classes of hierarchy. The bottom class is considered slaves (Uyghurs). At times they take a Uyghur, harvest their organs to save an upper hierarchy person. Our present government and many upper business billionaires like this system, and want America to mirror it. Our idiotic young have been groomed to believe America is racist and repressive. They like socialism. Well this is where we are heading with our new dear leader.


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Thank you for the recommendation. I bought it for my daughter who is planning her first child this year. Very hard choices… be banned by the public education system or be forced to let Big Pharma have their way with your children.

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The schools want you to think you are banned. But a religious exemption card can be filled out and notarized and you are good to go!( almost everywhere if not everywhere - CA is trying to eliminate ALL exemptions I know).

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Hawkeye, When my son was entering high school they wanted to have him have a booster that I had "missed". I used a religious exemption, but that was in the late 80's. By that time I had figured out a booster could be dangerous for a kid that age. There was No One telling me anything about informed consent, etc. Just my common sense working.

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CA didn’t just try to eliminate all exemptions; they did it. SB277 passed in 2015 removing religious and personal exemptions and SB276 passed in 2019, which made the remaining medical exemption virtually impossible to get. My family was affected, and relocated.

NY is also difficult.

Many states do have readily obtainable exemptions for attending public or private school.

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This is a sad statement about our freedoms. What little right to arbitration is left , we have given it away. There will be Hell to pay, as some old timers have said. Feel backed into a corner? Yup!

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Feb 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Read this book 6 months ago and that was it for me. My children will not be receiving any more vaccinations currently on the childhood schedule. I will carefully scrutinize each and every new vaccine as they come, for the rest of my life.

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Science can't function when politics gets involved. Solid vaccine science requires eliminating all mandates.

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