if we could roll it back to the very beginning in Africa, I wonder how much money the people who were responsible for selling humans into slavery would pony up and help pay for the reparations? The dead from the neck up POTUS who is supposed to be the adult in the room, but instead he's just another disgusting human, and is the epitome of a racist. Sorry but he truly is evil.

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Interestingly, Abraham Lincoln awarded reparations to the actual freed slaves. He sent Gen Sherman to meet with a delegation, and they asked for self governance, land, supplies to get started, and protection until they could protect themselves. Lincoln granted everything they asked. Then Lincoln was assassinated (just a coincidence like dying after the jab is a coincidence) and the democrat VP Andrew Johnson was installed as POTUS. Among his first acts was to repeal the reparations. Then democrats went on to enact a century of Jim Crow laws. Then democrats destroyed inner cities and created massive drug problems, and created laws to pipeline black youth to prisons. So in my opinion the democrats alone need to be the ones to pay for everything democrats did to the black community. And anyone who voted for democrats should be disqualified from receiving any reparations since they are complicit in repealing the original reparations. I can support reparations with these qualifications.

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Mar 30, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023

The one thing that never changed is that the Democrats are the party of racism. They brought us Slavery, the Civil War, Jim Crow and the Ku Klux Klan. Once blacks began to achieve some success in spite of the Democrats, the Democrats switched sides and established the Great Society programs that once again enfeebled blacks for generations by making them drug-addicted dependents of the state and vassals of the Democrats. California reparations are a win-win for Democrats who can give money to blacks to give to the drug cartels who will pay kick-backs to the Democrats to finance their failed narco-state.

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They brought us Biden too.

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I wish the modern day democrats would acknowledge that the civil war was fought to end slavery, also to knowledge all the bullet points you mentioned about who the democrats were then and who they are now.

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Excellent ideas.

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Nothing wrong with Lincoln doing that to the degree done, to assist those affected. EVERYTHING is wrong with doing it now. What about other slaves like the Chinese, Irish, etc?

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Cant be. Abraham Lincoln was a republican and all republicans are racist. Stop spreading misinformation!!

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I think the big surprise is the men selling the slaves were often black.

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Not just often, they were the slave traders and after the west banned slavery they continued to be the slave traders. Here's the funny, the ethnic scarves the DNC wore around their necks are the pattern for wealthy slave traders. So they were representing slave traders as they did their racist antics.

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Apr 1, 2023·edited Apr 1, 2023

Ah thank you for the lesson. That is very funny. Piglosi the slave trader. No surprise.

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With the obvious collusion against the people happening here, we need to UNIFY against our biggest problem: THE CORRUPTION IN OUR SYSTEMS.

We have answers. Listen to what Satoshi said about it:


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A favorite comedian of mine, Monty Python's John Cleese, had his microphone taken away at South By Southwest SXSW a year ago after pointing out that the British were enslaved twice and that by the reasoning for reparations going around presently, he should be paid them by both Italy and the Normans. Here's the story:


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I would like reparations from all who voted for Biden and mob.

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Would you settle for getting your contry back?

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Even if they agreed to it, they’d forget to pay it since they suffer from collective “dementia by association”

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With a few exceptions for those living in 'The Cave' with no appreciation of the outer world. Particularly an exception for all who ventured out of the cave, stuck with us and are doing their best to right the evils we've gotten ourselves into.

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i can sum up the wrong that Reparations create in an old adage:

"A fool and his money are soon parted."

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Unfortunately, it's OUR money. Who do you think bails California out when they're deep in debt, ready to be downgraded to JUNK?

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Depends on who is in the White House.

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That is key, the other states need to band together and refuse to bail out CA, NY, IL and DC. They need to fail and collapse and it needs to be ugly. The other states need to harden themselves to prevent the freeloaders from flooding them. Cut government, no "free" anything, secure elections and limit non-profit status to those that aren't subverting your elections and your institutions (ie. laws, courts..)

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It’s just a carrot in front of the horse. This is really about elections, who will vote and for whom. It is the parent who is never there and when he/she is bored they pop into your life and cause nothing but havoc. The parents says I will do better but I have to have your money and you vote, that way I can win and everything will be great. I will makeup for your lack of housing, food, clothing, livable communities but only if you vote, give me money.

They will never receive the money, the house, the clothes, the food. It is a lie.

It will go to court. Lawyers will get the funds.

You will see black and white people further escalate their animosity towards one another and fail to notice that they have been played again, and again, and again.

You are not stupid, but rather being used as a pawn in a game.

When is the last time you said no? You have been doing the same thing over and over. There is no change why not try something different? Accountability, responsibility, wrong verse right, want something better and work for it. It may come to nothing, but it might be something.

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Not even for the unvaxxed who were persecuted throughout 2021 and 2022??

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That was my first thought. If we all had a say, Big Pharma, Fauci and his cohorts would all be personally financially responsible for reparations to those harmed and the families of those killed. I’d add in hospital execs, pharmacy owners, etc. Their licenses to practice anything at all should be revolt and prison time should ensure. I'd like to see SCOTUS squirm also.

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Agreed! Big Pharma should make reparations to all who have received their toxic vaccines and drugs. Their abominable, prescribed products have destroyed the bodies and brains of all those who have been advised to use them. The AMA was promoted by John D Rockefeller who got doctors to join by telling them they would have higher incomes and greater prestige...nothing about better health for patients. John D. was out to sell his patented petroeum-based drugs. Politics was always known to be rotten...and these political hacks in California who are out to destroy the state...need to be penalized too. Let's see how eager they would be - to contribute their own fortunes to this reparations scenario.

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Reparations are just another Socialist way to waste taxpayer money, and to steal from the middle class of hard working Americans.

What would be more productive is a Nuremberg 2.0 to deal justice to for the greatest Genocide in the history of the world.

Some very evil people acquired GREAT Wealth from this -- Fauci comes to mind. After the public executions (I'd favor public hangings, as in the first Nuremberg) their wealth could then be confiscated and applied against the huge Biden deficits.


If we are to survive --and we may not, as the New World Order is ascendant, China is ascendant, we are near bankrupt, and both our political parties are corrupted -- it is going to take some drastic actions to return the world to sanity, in my opinion.

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The whole concept of reparations is just a con to enact socialist redistribution of wealth...more NeoMarxist idiocy. How can anyone take the idea seriously? Will there be deductions for affirmative action benefits, welfare, etc.? Dissecting out any "legitimate" claim to reparations would logically need to be tempered by any history of claimants' ancestors mistreating anyone else. Much of the Black population claims they are descendants of the Egyptians... so they would have some serious deductions owed to the generations of the Jewish population...and, what about the 600,000 Union soldiers and their descendants that died earning their freedom? How do you perform the accounting for mixed race individuals...do they pay themselves by transferring money from one pocket to the other?

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Blue states including California completely destroyed their finances. Reparations is an attempt to redirect blame and anger for when it blows up.

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Next thing Californians are going to want are reparations for all the small business owners who lost billions due to the Covid tyranny perpetuated by Newsom and his communist sympathizers. Cannot wait for that.

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Let’s not stop here! Hawaiians lost their ethnicity! So did the 279 American Indian tribes that were marginalized! Why don’t we focus on the matter at hand! Moderna’s key role in creating the push to usher in mRNA injections and discredit any other solutions to treating viral invasions. Creating the EUA was the master stroke that has created great harm and documented by Ed Dowd. So when will we stop the injections and Save our children? Have humans just become lab rats?

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https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/04/30/shrinking-gap-between-number-of-blacks-and-whites-in-prison/ Black men are 12% of the population and 33% of the prison population? no othe minority has the equation .

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A sad fact that family life has been destroyed in lower economic groups!

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I'm a former school teacher and I've taught a wide range of students in 6 states. The worst thing we can do is turn children into professional victims, where nothing that happens is their fault so they don't have to take responsibility for their lives. Unfortunately, critical race theory and the black lives matter movement are teaching professional victimology to a new generation of kids, including those in college.

Yes, of course we need to do something about all the children (and their parents) who go to bed hungry at night or who don't even have a bed to go to. That America has hungry and homeless children is a great shame and disgrace. But children of all races and ethnicities are in this state and we need to take care of *all* of them.

Reparations will only enforce victimhood. I grew up watching the Civil Rights Movement on TV, so I know all too well how horribly black Americans have been treated. But the Movement was about equality under the law and resulted in the Civil Rights Legislation of the 1960's.

If legal immigrants can come to America with little money and without knowing English and make a life for themselves, then black Americans--*all* Americans--can.

We need to focus on what people can do for themselves and provide help when they need it.

But no reparations.

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Have always been not a fan of those civil rights laws for several reasons not the least being that they enshrined the idea of entitlement.

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Ah, the Great Society! How many trillions down the drain to eviscerate thriving black communities, complete with responsible fathers, to be replaced by high rise dungeons where real fathers are no longer needed.

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Equality under the law, not equality of outcomes. Big difference. The former enshrined in the Constitution. The latter, a prescription for tyranny.

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Mar 30, 2023·edited Mar 30, 2023

Agree. An absurd proposal from some unserious and intellectually bankrupt group of bureaucrats. I have lived CA for 10 years (just left a little over 2 years ago) to return to ID. CA is one of the most beautiful parts of the country but idiotic proposals such as this are why all but the extreme rich and very poor are fleeing this once great state. Sad.

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My white ancestor was kidnapped from London and sold as a slave in Jamestown. Do I get reparations too?

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Yeah. In many (most?) cases indentured servants were treated as bad, sometimes worse, than slaves

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The survival rate of indentured servants was only 20% because they were worked to death.

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There is so much wrong with this it is hard to know where to start. Anything, and I mean anything outside of real solutions is the ultimate commitment. This is the social equivalent to nitris oxide, it'll feel good for a moment, but when it's done, its done.

They refuse to build a decent school system in America, absolutely refuse. Absolutely refuse to encourage and incentivize small businesses in every direction, decreasing the outlets for talent. They refuse to have a normal healthcare system. They refuse to incentivize family unity and strength.

No, just give em some money. Nevermind the stories from every other race that has come to America, willingly or unwillingly. Nevermind the first people who occupied these lands first. Nevermind the coal miners and the soldiers and the factory workers and the indentured servants and the migrant labor and every other fucking sin this nation has, just focus on this one.

Is this going to help? This is going to go as well as peeling an unboiled egg.

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It seems that slavery exists in present day. Is today's slavery any less reprehensible than earlier slavery? To me, this isn't about slavery, injustice, righting wrongs. This is about dismantling the founding principles of this country, the nation state, and doing it a cruel, inhumane fashion: Making people believe they are victims and then getting their hopes up when it's all just a scam. Remember, we're going to own nothing. I don't think there's a carve out for SF long term blacks (but what do I know?) Catherine Austin Fitts points out that there's a relationship between the areas of cities where riots occurred and proximity to the Federal Reserve Banks. Pricey real estate soon to be available at much more attractive prices.

And this is all just a distraction. Congress has not stepped up to pass laws to protect property rights for one's own DNA. Talk about a God given right! And yet, even it is under attack. What good is any reparation if someone else owns your DNA - or takes it from you and alters it for the greater good?

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Congress is a formalized collection of puppets dressed up in expensive suits. All have faces painted on opposite sides of the head. One side babbles nonsense to the public while the other side repeats, "Yes sir, thank you sir." over and over again to the big-money boys working the strings.

Many years ago I was a member of the audience. No more.

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