Yes. We're getting a crash course in the perils of all enforcement machinery rolled up under one corrupt executive branch. How will other branches assert themselves and their status as co-equal branches? With harsh language?
Ana, that was quite the speech, selling those in the audience that they are the force the force that reckons with evil under God's plan. I hope that at least the majority are ripe to receive their specific calling and are on their way. The part about teamwork is essential.
I'm amazed at how much this regime is allowed to do and to get away with it all!!!
Yes. We're getting a crash course in the perils of all enforcement machinery rolled up under one corrupt executive branch. How will other branches assert themselves and their status as co-equal branches? With harsh language?
All roads lead to ___ everyone knows!
Ana, that was quite the speech, selling those in the audience that they are the force the force that reckons with evil under God's plan. I hope that at least the majority are ripe to receive their specific calling and are on their way. The part about teamwork is essential.