Mar 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am against monopolies, for many reasons Apple is not an monopoly. To be monopolistic a company must own access to an industry, application etc....

Apple owns Apple, I do not have to buy Apple to access the market or the technology. There are several competing phones several competing technology companies. Of those competitors several are significant in size and competition stature.

Is Apple the gate keeper of the applications third parties want to sell on their platform yes, its their business. There is competition,,, let the market decide. Its called capitalism

Does Apple take a higher cut of the third party apps, I believe they do(not sure) Its their business. There is competition let the market decide. It is called capitalism

Apple produces quality product Apple wins, its called capitalism.

Ten's of thousands possible millions have died defending capitalism, I guess that doesn't matter.

Ten's of thousands possibly millions have died defending free speech, I guess that doesn't matter either.

This one its about Free Speech, Privacy and the desire of some to deny the many of those rights. This is Worldwide, this is not just an American Constitutional issue anymore. This suppression of speech and rights is a global in nature. "The Globalists" are attacking on several fronts, WHO, Speech, Law.

The freedoms my American cousins hold up belong to the entire world If America falls we all fall.

A little over the top on an issue of corporation,, nope this is about free speech, privacy and rights and teaching Apple a lesson.

What happens here we will live with for decades to centuries.

IVERMECTIN/Hydroxy work Who knew,When did they know,Who suppressed it

Accountability Now,Now,Now


P.S. Competition and innovation are 2 pillars of several of the capitalist pillars. Somewhere in my site I have written the pillars of capitalism and their importance. I will look for those postings

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Mar 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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I agree for the most part, however, they do control half the phones in the world and Apple TV. To have the government control them would be horrible for the rest of us.

They also have the 'suicide' trigger on phones so if someone steps out of line, they have the ability to instantly remove that device.

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I wonder how LPJ, the majority owner of The Atlantic is dealing with this. Always been a Lefty.

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It seems like all those falling in line for the government abuse are left leaning.

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if you lean left, it is easier to insert things up the wazoo,

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They have taken the word capital-ism, and re-con-figured the definition to embolden


What ever the current bloody Admin gang @ 1616 Penn wants to do is their own version!

Changes are unannounced regularly, deceive about as much.

And Oh, by the way, they suck at too.

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I'm amazed at how much this regime is allowed to do and to get away with it all!!!

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Yes. We're getting a crash course in the perils of all enforcement machinery rolled up under one corrupt executive branch. How will other branches assert themselves and their status as co-equal branches? With harsh language?

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All roads lead to ___ everyone knows!


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Ana, that was quite the speech, selling those in the audience that they are the force the force that reckons with evil under God's plan. I hope that at least the majority are ripe to receive their specific calling and are on their way. The part about teamwork is essential.

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Be curious to know what agency of the USG has not been weaponized by the deep state. Saw today where the faa is going to further soil their dirty hands in agroculture.

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And the Post Office is involved with tracking packages from gun/ammo companies and handling (or not) mail-in ballots. What's not to like?

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I usually do my gun and ammo purchases locally, with cash, if I was not so damn lazy, I would get a re load kit

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Back in the mid 70's my hubby, now ex, built a small reloading space under the stairwell with a door on it. Reloading - what a tedious task. The space kept our young boys from bothering him.

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Mar 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

More insight from Jeffrey Tucker. Thanks for highlighting it Doc.

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The police state isn’t coming it’s here… most people have no idea.

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It’s been here for awhile now. They really truly don’t. That’s also what is frightening! If anyone hasn’t watched the film “Police State” yet, I highly recommend it. Should be able to find on Dinesh D’ Souza’s website

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Even D'Souza says it's not completely here, but is definitely forming. It's long past time to stop it.

One of the most perceptive comments I've heard of late is, "People wonder how Germany fell to the Nazis. We're watching how it happened in real time," and people don't even realize it. That's the point.

The answer we should take away from this is that the population was sufficiently inured to dictatorial power, such that giving it over seemed like the right thing to do, and anyone opposing it was a threat to Germany.

Something that Glenn Beck was perceptive enough to talk about more than 10 years ago was that widespread nihilism in the culture was a key ingredient which allowed this to happen. He saw a worrying trend then that this was developing in our culture.

Historians who have reflected on the psychology of the German people at the time have said that inside, people were so uncertain about what was true, what mattered, that they were drawn like moths to a flame to people, Hitler in particular, who were infused with absolute certainty about their own rightness. A consequence of this with Hitler was that he always blamed others for what were really his own failings, even in private meetings, claiming that *they* were the ones who'd failed, or betrayed him.

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3/25 Good News - appeared in Federalist today

Substack Payment Processor Backs Off Demand For Bank Data From mRNA Scientist


MARCH 25, 2024


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That is great news!! A win is a win is a win. Thanks Jean I needed that.

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this is why I will not take the wife into Asheville, the leftist rodents that ruin the police dept will arrest me if I have to shoot some democrat vermin trying to rape my wife,

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Pat how is North Carolina? My wife and I talk about moving out of Mass. all the time and talk about the Carolina’s but I know little about N and S Carolina. I know anywhere is better than here!!!

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flee while you can.

I moved to Asheville area in 1976, from Fla (I am known to locals as a "half back", born up north, raised in Fla, moved half way back)

and figured out then this was where I wanted to retire.

Weather keeps getting better (so far so good, love global warming)

Asheville is a putrid little leftist cesspool, I try to avoid it, but the rest of Western NC is great. Very little crime outside of the plantation.

Property taxes, Ok, if you get about ten miles outside of Asheville, house prices not to bad.

A decent hosp (I worked there for over 20 years, and still do some part time at a back clinic office) but HCA Mission is still a little woke. Staff cuts leads to patient dissatisfaction.

Lots of doctors in community though. A couple of tech schools, one UNC college.

So, Western NC, good, Eastern Tenn also good (I am remodeling at the house on Lake Douglas) We may be getting our first black Gov for NC (leftist vermin hate him, he is a repub) so NC looking more like a free state, and Tenn is a free state with a couple of democrat cesspools.

Asheville nice and central. 4 hours to Atlanta. 5 hours to Charleston, 6 hours to Savannah, 8 hours to Gulf Coast. We have a regional airport, with bigger ones at Knoxville and Charlotte (both about 3 hours away. A few play houses (I used to do Shakespeare with the Montford Park Players years ago. Big playhouse in Flat Rock.

Biltmore House in Asheville. Blue Ridge Parkway. Smokey Mtns. Woohoo!

Minutes from the mountains. And, there is wild ginseng growing all over the place here.

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Thank you I tell my wife we have to go there to see where to live if we want to move there eventually. We have a place on a lake in NH which is nice but the state has changed a lot and NH is surrounded by leftest wackoes in Mass., Vermont and Maine. The weathers tough also, yesterday was a great example snow ice a real shit storm, but still beautiful there. https://share.icloud.com/photos/065QLNbx_vpaw0FqZ7hvOuBlQ

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James I moved out of Mass. in 2020 after enjoying it for decades. My reasoning re NH was the same as yours. Since you like being on a lake, you might ck out Tellico Village in TN south of Knoxville.. 10,000 pop., geared towards retired people but there’s no age restriction for living/owning there.

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Thank you Louise looked it up quick looks beautiful!! My wife has nephews that live in Tennessee, I think cook county, if I remember correct.

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Yep, Lake Douglas and Cherokee Lake are near Knoxville.

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It is most definitely here! 👿

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Just more censorship and disinformation in Cyberspace and Fake News. This is very damaging.

"Blame them for what you do yourself." Saul Alinsky

“Like a dementia patient in decline, the US is regressing, becoming enfeebled, losing its knowledge, memory, coherence, and the ability, desire, and willingness to meet challenges.”

Good Source, A Patriot

“The victor will never be asked if he told the truth.”

Adolf Hitler

Solution: It is little known -- but mentioned in "Invisible Treason" and several of our other books -- that Obama *** legalized propaganda *** as he was leaving office, by canceling an a little known old bill from the end of WW II that had made it a CRIME to broadcast propaganda in the United Sates with a few words in the last "must pass" Defense Authorization Act of his tenure as President. Today, most of what we see is Fake News = PROPAGANDA.


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when leftist vermin and other rabid democrats point a finger at anyone, they point 3 fingers back at themselves

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Robert F Kennedy certainly has his work cut out for him. Let’s hope he joins forces with Donald Trump and Elon Musk to put teeth in the first amendment that no government agency and NO corporation and NO WEF and no NGO no matter how big , rich or elite can break!

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It's hard to imagine that Apple is in trouble for the lack of censorship.

They just blocked the Tommy Robinson Telegram channel from their phones.

There has to be another reason.

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Maybe they are already falling in line?

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This isn't the first time that's happened.

After Jan. 6, in 2021, Apple, and others in Big Tech took down the Parler social media app. from their app stores, all within a week. Parler was based on Amazon's AWS cloud service, and in short order, Amazon took down Parler's entire service, making it go completely dark for a few months, while the company worked to build its own server platform.

Big Tech claimed that people who organized "the insurrection" had used Parler to "plan their attack." It was not true. In fact, Parler had taken any evidence it had of those on its platform that were connected to the violence, and turned it over to the FBI. It subsequently came out that the violent actors that day had been using Facebook and Twitter to discuss organizing, strategy and tactics. There was no takedown of those two.

This sent a clear message that the regime had the power to take down any challengers to its narrative. Facebook and Twitter were controlled media, complying with government censorship. Parler was not. So, it had to go.

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I remember all that well. I actually had a Parler account at the time because I was trying to get away from Facebook censorship that had me constantly in jail and wiped out the Freedom group that I administered. As I recall it was mainly Amazon's action that took them down.

I believe they gave notice on a Friday night that they were going to shut down their servers in 48 hours. It proved impossible to find replacement servers on that short time line and in fact I think it was almost a year before they were able to get back online. After that happened I immediately canceled my Amazon Prime account and have never gone back, but sadly I guess there were not enough people who felt strongly enough about Free Speech to do them much damage.

I'm not sure removing the app from the Apple app store was that big a blow. I think if you already had the app it still would have worked, except for the server problem. Removing the app just prevented them from getting new customers. There was fear that Apple would do the same with the Telegram app, but it is still there.

It's harder to cut the iPhone out of my life, especially when Google took the same action against Tommy on the same day! I am eagerly awaiting Elon to introduce a Free Speech phone. Not sure what he is waiting for, but he may have been threatened that if he does they will shut down X, or at least remove it from the app store.

When the two major phone providers are acting in concert to censor Free Speech, then we do live in a controlled world. Unfortunately I have very little hope that the Biden Justice Department will do anything to stop this.

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I agree. The fact that Apple (and Google) took it off their app stores didn't affect the ability of people who already had it to access Parler. It just stunted Parler's growth. I also agree that Amazon's action was the most damaging, because even if you couldn't get the app., you could still get to it with Parler's web interface. By taking down their server, that was gone.

My memory is that Parler was able to get back online in 3 months, but it was still problematic. They were able to back up the user profile information from Amazon, before their server was taken down, but all of the posting data was destroyed. Parler didn't have the time nor the storage capacity to back that up. So, after Parler came back up, and people were able to log in again, all their posts, and comment history were gone.

Shortly after they came back online, they went down again for maybe a month(?), and then were back again. I don't remember what the second outage was about, but by that point, most people were frustrated with it, from what I saw, and left it behind. The service seemed pretty dead after that, with a few exceptions.

Parler shut down last year for lack of revenue. I remember another company bought them, and said they were going to turn it into (I think) some sort of e-commerce business, getting away from social media completely, because, "It's no use competing against Twitter."

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According to Wikipedia, new ownership bought Parler in Dec. 2023. I have been getting emails from them which link to a Parler blog that seems to be a news aggregator. Not sure if the social media app is up and running again, but they say they are going to try. Good luck.

I was one of those who gave up on them a long time ago, and the whole landscape has changed while they were out of commission. To be honest the original technology was kind of clunky, so unless they totally re-do that they will not get much interest.

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Other options developed, like Truth Social, and GETTR, after Parler was taken down by Big Tech. I think free speech advocates learned some crucial lessons from watching what happened to Parler.

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I had 4 Farcebake accounts, all in jail at the same time

good times

but way to much work, and I did not want to support a perverted pedopathic business

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I pulled this off of AAM thought you would enjoy. Was posted on 4/29/22 in topic Keeping Track of Biden. "Jen" in her own words.


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Not exactly 'enjoyable' Shelly...

I wonder if "Jen" has ever actually read the US Constitution?

My guess is fewer than one in 10 thousand "American" citizens have never read that Document - or keep a 'pocket' Constitution handy - or, worse still - could care less.

The Marxist controlled "academia" have all but eliminated "teaching" the Constitution at all.

I am truly fearful for the future of this nation.

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Jeffrey nailed the obvious. The once clueless public of the 70s was slow-walked into the information highway and the world opened. Oops, can't have that. I remember when Jan said that. I was aghast that it was OUT LOUD! In 2009 the media jettisoned all manner of journalism resembling the "free press" that guards the people from the government. O still says there was not one smidgen of scandal in his two terms as President and no one dare fact check.

This house of cards must implode at some point and hopefully that will be before we have another fairest, safest, freest and securest election ever.

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I think another reason is they are not giving enough money to the dims.

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100%. We now have a Justice who not only can’t define what a woman is, she also believes the Gov should be allowed to censor information it deems harmful to the public. Last I read the simple black & white language of the 1st Amendment, it was for the sole purpose of denying Gov from censoring, period!

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Dangerous times

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This is just never ending. The bullies in the White House including our puppet President can’t stand it that people disagree and want all the information, not what their communist tyrannical administration wants to feed us.

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Thank you for bringing this truth to light. Totally makes sense! Podcasts are one of the last outlets for free speech.

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El Flako and his faux Regime issuring dictatorial orders to protect specific financial interests!...If this doesn't show , where its concerns lay...nothing will.

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