100% on board with this. Trump did it, and believe it was reversed on Inauguration Day on one of the 55 Executive Orders prepared for Joe Biden. In the meantime the screams from the underworld were withering. But it needs to happen BIGTIME!
I am not so sure. Trump Funded Gates’ GAVI While Bragging About Cutting WHO Funds
¨Trump gave 3 times as much TAXPAYER money to Bill Gates global vaccine initiative (GAVI) that he bragged about cutting from WHO. But that’s just the beginning. He gave 10 times as much TAXPAYER money to BigPharma and 15 times as much to do testing & tracking of YOU... ¨
The country was on lockdown and going down the tubes economically. The Vax opened up the economy . Trump assumed the Vax was going to be a legit Vax., not a bioweapon. Trump did the right thing with the information available at that time.
It is a cult. Trump said that his supporters are so loyal that he would not lose backers even if he were to shoot someone in the middle of downtown Manhattan.
This article shows the total WEF infiltration of the newly elected Labor Party in Australia. CEPI chair writes Australian future booster policy and directly advises new Health Minister Butler with no Australian input. Its shocking.
I think we have to be very careful to trust any public figure, politics or admin, including Trump and Musk. Left or right. It doesnt matter. The WEF infiltration is shocking. Labor just took over from National (pro WEF) in Australia and Health Minister Butler basically handed over policy writing for future booster admin to WEF. Just published an hour ago:
You are correct, it’s not fake news about Gavi. I see that he showed support, but I’m not finding anything that shows money actually went to it. Do you have a link to that? Thank you
I am changing subject now. CITIZEN'S ARREST - It is time now to arrest first at least those crooks at the CDC and FDA, Fauci, Gates and more. Take your Second Amendment and arrest those murderers. They are after your kids now. How long are you going to wait? Until they are all jabs? Ask Sheriffs to help you. What do you think your ancestors did in 1776? Same with Lincoln... It is Genocide in plain sight! They have an agenda and they are rolling out this attack on us in a military way.
Why does a pro American president get impeached by Nancy Piglosi’s house democrats twice for nothing, but Kevin McCarthy can’t impeach this this POS who commits acts of treason one after another even once. Kevin please grow a pair of balls and protect AMERICAN sovereignty what is wrong with these feckless republicans. Sorry, J.Goodrich
I know their as useless, I not delusional. They all have socked money off shore and have Gates private jets waiting to shuttle them all away when the next political caused crisis happens. Are we all supposed to sit and wait like a bunch of bowling pins to get slammed again?
It's absolutely positively likely if not for sure. Michelle Obama is a man. For God sakes Joan Rivers told us and was dead 2 weeks later in a routine nothing surgery.. Essentially anything we see can be a complete fabrication. The whole world was talking about a chinese weather balloon, spy balloon whatever and we don't have any clue if one even existed. The problem is eviil now totally controls what you see and hear. How can you trust any of it? You cannot.
Exactly why it's true IMO. Did you see it? The context is important. It was regarding her presiding over the first gay marriage somewhere as the "minister". Then was asked if we'd ever see a gay President, the interviewer clearly gay, and Rivers tells him to get over it we already have one now, Michelle Obama is a man.
Thanks for the clarity. Joan Rivers has always s been know as a great insultress. That was her comedic sword. Slicing right down to the marrow. Don Rickles had the exact precision in a mans body. The two did late night talk shows and NOTHING was off limits for either, when a camera was turned on the insults did immediately as well. Yes it was funny and needless !
Often when pressed later on about how cold and impersonal, the response was "its a joke."
To watch some of Joan and Dons comic jabs on older late night Tv like early Carson/ Joey Bishop was flat out murder for the person it was directed at. It became the source of the famous "Roasts". Your comeback at them would offer up an even swifter clever, on the topic, pounding. I often cringed at such cruelty. But that was their bread and butter for hollywood/vegas comedy called "Schtick" .
Do you mean for Joan? or Michelle? talk about 2 individuals that are a million light years apart.
But in retrospect both very similar in theatrical occupations. Always there for putting on their particular show. Not disagreeing with any portions of your comments. I'm Not an Obama fan.
If she commits treason impeach her. They should impeach Biden every two weeks so he is unable to continually sell America out. Put him on his heals and stop his agenda. Investigate him special prosecutors, indictments, whatever it takes to save this country. Sounds like what the dems did.
COULDA/WOULDA/SHOULDA/ But it "Does not" have the Steel for the Battle it could be and would be and with great hope should be. There is a lacking.....Sigh......
From Matt Taibbi's opening Statement to Congress, March 9, 2023, quoting Thomas Jefferson: “It would be a dangerous delusion were a confidence in the men of our choice to silence our fears for the safety of our rights: that confidence is everywhere the parent of despotism.” Worth the read and nix to anything that even smells globalist, like the stench of the WHO: https://www.racket.news/p/my-statement-to-congress
Without full Congressional approval (votes) the WHO/Biden agreement is meaningless. The executive branch has no power to make these IHR amendments mandatory! Being a member or not in the WHO has no bearing. Americans will never except the lost of their Constitutional sovereignty. Also Africa has already told the WHO to 'take a hike'. There's no way Africa is going to allow themselves to again be victimized by the evil white man.
The House Foreign Affairs committee has a House Resolution authored by Rep Andy Biggs AZ -R.
Use our form to contact the House Foreign Affairs Committee today to let them know that exiting the WHO needs to be a priority, and they must schedule HR79 for a hearing, reporting it out of committee with a recommended YES vote by the U.S. Congress.
Also use our form to contact your elected officials to urge them to cosponsor the WHO Withdrawal Act.
H.R.79 - WHO Withdrawal Act 118th Congress (2023-2024) | Get alerts
Introduced in House (01/09/2023)
WHO Withdrawal Act
This bill requires the President to immediately withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO) and prohibits using any federal funds to provide for U.S. participation in the WHO.
The bill also repeals the 1948 act authorizing the United States to join the WHO.
So we should assume if they are on the job we need to let them know we are with them and appreciate their stand. So if they aren't they need to be overwhelmed with our complaints. Unfortunately mine are clued I would NEVER donate or vote for them until hell freezes over.
I have written to my Washington state Senators and Representative repeatedly throughout the covid craziness and gotten nothing in return except form letters full of lies. It is very discouraging, but we can't give up.
I agree the US should withdraw from the WHO. But globalist puppet Biden and his puppet administration officials are hellbent on signing on to any and all WHO agreements and treaties. Biden and his cronies are corrupt traitors. I don't hold out much hope the Senate will overrule Biden.
Since most or many congress”people” are attorneys, it would be great to hear from the legal profession on the reality of the who doing any such thing. There is no system in the usa that ties together everyone’s vaccination record. Some got their covid shots at cvs, others at the local county health dept, and others god only knows where else. Pulling all one thousand healthcare insurance CO’s reporting to the who just ain’t going to happen. And if it ever does, there will be a lot of “manipulating “ of the data.
Those pesky little vaccine COVID-19 cards with a serial number were entered into the state public health system. If you lose your card, you go to your online state health dept and you can download a PDF of your vaccination record. i assume that the CDC also has access to that.
The video at the site Dr Malone has referenced has two relevant legal experts covering much of the legal angles. Long video but well worth the knowledge imparted.
Doctors Malone! Thank you for alerting us. Our livable future is at threat!
It is utterly unacceptable to give them any additional, let alone totalitarian, control of our public health.
Have been listening to and reading several postings on this matter today. One of the recommendations is to contact both our legislators, Senator Johnson and Speaker McCarthy. Its been pointed out that refusal to pass the funding bill until we are OUT OF WHO is an essential “MUST DO!”
For starters:
On January 9, 2023, Congressman Andy Biggs from the 5th District in Arizona submitted House Resolution 79 (The WHO Withdrawal Act). The proposed legislation was very simple.
H.R. 79 would stop all United States funding of the World Health Organization and it would also repeal the Act of June 14, 1948 that got the United States into the WHO.
This would effectively enable the United States to #ExitTheWHO.
H.R.79 - WHO Withdrawal Act 118th Congress (2023-2024) | Get alerts
Introduced in House (01/09/2023)
WHO Withdrawal Act
This bill requires the President to immediately withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO) and prohibits using any federal funds to provide for U.S. participation in the WHO.
The bill also repeals the 1948 act authorizing the United States to join the WHO.
The WHO May Amendments are extremely well covered in the materials available THROUGH THE
Put a stop to Vaccine Passports and the Mandatory International Health Regulation updates
WATCH | Webinar: Every Breath You Take: Big Brother’s Plan to Stalk You through the WHO
MATERIALS DR MALONE HAS REFERENCED. They have an extended video with Gaffney and other credited speakers covering the various legal aspects of this. Informative and worth the time IMO!
The two instruments are:
a) transformative amendments to the International Health Regulations: and
b) an entirely new agreement governing “pandemic prevention, preparedness and response." The former is expected to be approved in late May; the latter may be, as well.
Both accords are predicated on the global adoption of digital health cards or “vaccine passports.” when they are coupled with Central Bank Digital Currencies that can deny the unvaccinated or otherwise non-compliant access to, or use of, their money.
Also, I recently received a request from my MasterCard provider to detail my financial information (to permit them to direct appropo providers to me). Deleted it.
Bank failure Silicon Valley - Customer/shareholder reactions
Calling for #ExitTheWHO is the perfect way to celebrate the three-year anniversary of the WHO's pandemic declaration:
• https://interestofjustice.substack.com/p/today-is-the-three-year-anniversary
Biden’s a traitor it won’t happen. He needs to be impeached call Kevin McCarthy’s office.
100% on board with this. Trump did it, and believe it was reversed on Inauguration Day on one of the 55 Executive Orders prepared for Joe Biden. In the meantime the screams from the underworld were withering. But it needs to happen BIGTIME!
I am not so sure. Trump Funded Gates’ GAVI While Bragging About Cutting WHO Funds
¨Trump gave 3 times as much TAXPAYER money to Bill Gates global vaccine initiative (GAVI) that he bragged about cutting from WHO. But that’s just the beginning. He gave 10 times as much TAXPAYER money to BigPharma and 15 times as much to do testing & tracking of YOU... ¨
Vaccine Bait & Switch: As Millions Pulled From WHO, Trump Gives Billions To Gates-Founded GAVI https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/vaccine-bait-switch-millions-pulled-from-who-trump-gives-billions-gates-founded-gavi/
The country was on lockdown and going down the tubes economically. The Vax opened up the economy . Trump assumed the Vax was going to be a legit Vax., not a bioweapon. Trump did the right thing with the information available at that time.
Meaning he can send people to the gas chambers to save them? The information was available at that time.
It is a cult. Trump said that his supporters are so loyal that he would not lose backers even if he were to shoot someone in the middle of downtown Manhattan.
Oh, please.
Lastest bioweapon promotion was January 2023 in a phone interview. Around mark 16 min https://rumble.com/v25vtpi-water-cooler-exclusive-interview-with-president-trump.html
This article shows the total WEF infiltration of the newly elected Labor Party in Australia. CEPI chair writes Australian future booster policy and directly advises new Health Minister Butler with no Australian input. Its shocking.
I think we have to be very careful to trust any public figure, politics or admin, including Trump and Musk. Left or right. It doesnt matter. The WEF infiltration is shocking. Labor just took over from National (pro WEF) in Australia and Health Minister Butler basically handed over policy writing for future booster admin to WEF. Just published an hour ago:
I don’t believe you.
I don’t believe this either. Not sure where I saw but thought it was fake news quite awhile back
Lastest bioweapon promotion was January 2023 in a phone interview. Around mark 16 min https://rumble.com/v25vtpi-water-cooler-exclusive-interview-with-president-trump.html
It is not fake news. I witnessed all what he did since the beginning.
You are correct, it’s not fake news about Gavi. I see that he showed support, but I’m not finding anything that shows money actually went to it. Do you have a link to that? Thank you
You don't believe what?
Who are you campaigning for?
I am changing subject now. CITIZEN'S ARREST - It is time now to arrest first at least those crooks at the CDC and FDA, Fauci, Gates and more. Take your Second Amendment and arrest those murderers. They are after your kids now. How long are you going to wait? Until they are all jabs? Ask Sheriffs to help you. What do you think your ancestors did in 1776? Same with Lincoln... It is Genocide in plain sight! They have an agenda and they are rolling out this attack on us in a military way.
Citizen’s Arrest Laws by State https://solutions-institute.org/tools/citizens-arrest-laws-by-state/
Can we withdraw from our own NIH?
They seem to have already withdrawn from us.
And CDC, FBI, ATF, etc.
It's time for a massive pushback. Vaccine passports my ass.
It’s insanity- the vaccine passports did NOT affect the spread of COVID. All they did was increase surveillance and limit freedom.
A good kick to the one of whoever proposes it.
Why does a pro American president get impeached by Nancy Piglosi’s house democrats twice for nothing, but Kevin McCarthy can’t impeach this this POS who commits acts of treason one after another even once. Kevin please grow a pair of balls and protect AMERICAN sovereignty what is wrong with these feckless republicans. Sorry, J.Goodrich
Cause he's bought and paid for. You didn't see his Ukraine pin? He's FOS. JUST STOP WITH THE REPUBLICAN CHARADE. MOST OF THEM ARE THE SAME AS DEMS.
I know their as useless, I not delusional. They all have socked money off shore and have Gates private jets waiting to shuttle them all away when the next political caused crisis happens. Are we all supposed to sit and wait like a bunch of bowling pins to get slammed again?
The old sayin is, God won't take him, and the Devil wouldn't want him either!
Doesn't it make you wonder if the White House has a secret body double for Biden? Or 2?
Money is never been a problem to create any and all illusions @ .Gov .Com and a DOD Crew!
It's absolutely positively likely if not for sure. Michelle Obama is a man. For God sakes Joan Rivers told us and was dead 2 weeks later in a routine nothing surgery.. Essentially anything we see can be a complete fabrication. The whole world was talking about a chinese weather balloon, spy balloon whatever and we don't have any clue if one even existed. The problem is eviil now totally controls what you see and hear. How can you trust any of it? You cannot.
Yes but Joan could explain/deny that her statements were just another comedy routine line.
Exactly why it's true IMO. Did you see it? The context is important. It was regarding her presiding over the first gay marriage somewhere as the "minister". Then was asked if we'd ever see a gay President, the interviewer clearly gay, and Rivers tells him to get over it we already have one now, Michelle Obama is a man.
There's zero joke in that
Thanks for the clarity. Joan Rivers has always s been know as a great insultress. That was her comedic sword. Slicing right down to the marrow. Don Rickles had the exact precision in a mans body. The two did late night talk shows and NOTHING was off limits for either, when a camera was turned on the insults did immediately as well. Yes it was funny and needless !
Often when pressed later on about how cold and impersonal, the response was "its a joke."
I know her daughter relatively well. Carlin is another one that comes to mind.
To watch some of Joan and Dons comic jabs on older late night Tv like early Carson/ Joey Bishop was flat out murder for the person it was directed at. It became the source of the famous "Roasts". Your comeback at them would offer up an even swifter clever, on the topic, pounding. I often cringed at such cruelty. But that was their bread and butter for hollywood/vegas comedy called "Schtick" .
Yeah. I know. What does this have to do with it? Hung on the reality you've been told?
Do you mean for Joan? or Michelle? talk about 2 individuals that are a million light years apart.
But in retrospect both very similar in theatrical occupations. Always there for putting on their particular show. Not disagreeing with any portions of your comments. I'm Not an Obama fan.
I’ve wondered the same. At times, he looks slightly different.
The one problem is who gets to move into the president's chair. Would she be worse?
If she commits treason impeach her. They should impeach Biden every two weeks so he is unable to continually sell America out. Put him on his heals and stop his agenda. Investigate him special prosecutors, indictments, whatever it takes to save this country. Sounds like what the dems did.
COULDA/WOULDA/SHOULDA/ But it "Does not" have the Steel for the Battle it could be and would be and with great hope should be. There is a lacking.....Sigh......
Yeah.....I kinda think the White House Secret Service Crew would hold a vote and announce...
Sorry we just can't put up with this utter nonsense any longer...We quit! Bye and good luck Ya'll
He already sold them to the Chinese.
Cancel me....
From Matt Taibbi's opening Statement to Congress, March 9, 2023, quoting Thomas Jefferson: “It would be a dangerous delusion were a confidence in the men of our choice to silence our fears for the safety of our rights: that confidence is everywhere the parent of despotism.” Worth the read and nix to anything that even smells globalist, like the stench of the WHO: https://www.racket.news/p/my-statement-to-congress
Without full Congressional approval (votes) the WHO/Biden agreement is meaningless. The executive branch has no power to make these IHR amendments mandatory! Being a member or not in the WHO has no bearing. Americans will never except the lost of their Constitutional sovereignty. Also Africa has already told the WHO to 'take a hike'. There's no way Africa is going to allow themselves to again be victimized by the evil white man.
"Meaningless"? Truly? I certainly HOPE so. What is your source for that position?
The House Foreign Affairs committee has a House Resolution authored by Rep Andy Biggs AZ -R.
Use our form to contact the House Foreign Affairs Committee today to let them know that exiting the WHO needs to be a priority, and they must schedule HR79 for a hearing, reporting it out of committee with a recommended YES vote by the U.S. Congress.
Also use our form to contact your elected officials to urge them to cosponsor the WHO Withdrawal Act.
My US Rep. is Chip Roy. He has already made that proposal.
Also see Biggs
H.R.79 - WHO Withdrawal Act 118th Congress (2023-2024) | Get alerts
Introduced in House (01/09/2023)
WHO Withdrawal Act
This bill requires the President to immediately withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO) and prohibits using any federal funds to provide for U.S. participation in the WHO.
The bill also repeals the 1948 act authorizing the United States to join the WHO.
So we can sit back and relax our guys are on the job
So we should assume if they are on the job we need to let them know we are with them and appreciate their stand. So if they aren't they need to be overwhelmed with our complaints. Unfortunately mine are clued I would NEVER donate or vote for them until hell freezes over.
Thank you once again, Dr. Malone.
I have written to my Washington state Senators and Representative repeatedly throughout the covid craziness and gotten nothing in return except form letters full of lies. It is very discouraging, but we can't give up.
I agree the US should withdraw from the WHO. But globalist puppet Biden and his puppet administration officials are hellbent on signing on to any and all WHO agreements and treaties. Biden and his cronies are corrupt traitors. I don't hold out much hope the Senate will overrule Biden.
Since most or many congress”people” are attorneys, it would be great to hear from the legal profession on the reality of the who doing any such thing. There is no system in the usa that ties together everyone’s vaccination record. Some got their covid shots at cvs, others at the local county health dept, and others god only knows where else. Pulling all one thousand healthcare insurance CO’s reporting to the who just ain’t going to happen. And if it ever does, there will be a lot of “manipulating “ of the data.
Here - you can see how it works for the state of Virginia (but every state has basically the same software).
Those pesky little vaccine COVID-19 cards with a serial number were entered into the state public health system. If you lose your card, you go to your online state health dept and you can download a PDF of your vaccination record. i assume that the CDC also has access to that.
So yes -there is a system already in place.
The video at the site Dr Malone has referenced has two relevant legal experts covering much of the legal angles. Long video but well worth the knowledge imparted.
Thank you so much for this call to action!
Please communicate with James Roguski. He is a “captain” on the team!
I contacted my Rep to back Bigg's House Resolution 79 which I found out about on Roguski's substack.
Doctors Malone! Thank you for alerting us. Our livable future is at threat!
It is utterly unacceptable to give them any additional, let alone totalitarian, control of our public health.
Have been listening to and reading several postings on this matter today. One of the recommendations is to contact both our legislators, Senator Johnson and Speaker McCarthy. Its been pointed out that refusal to pass the funding bill until we are OUT OF WHO is an essential “MUST DO!”
For starters:
On January 9, 2023, Congressman Andy Biggs from the 5th District in Arizona submitted House Resolution 79 (The WHO Withdrawal Act). The proposed legislation was very simple.
H.R. 79 would stop all United States funding of the World Health Organization and it would also repeal the Act of June 14, 1948 that got the United States into the WHO.
This would effectively enable the United States to #ExitTheWHO.
H.R.79 - WHO Withdrawal Act 118th Congress (2023-2024) | Get alerts
Introduced in House (01/09/2023)
WHO Withdrawal Act
This bill requires the President to immediately withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO) and prohibits using any federal funds to provide for U.S. participation in the WHO.
The bill also repeals the 1948 act authorizing the United States to join the WHO.
The WHO May Amendments are extremely well covered in the materials available THROUGH THE
Withdraw U.S. from the WHO now!
Put a stop to Vaccine Passports and the Mandatory International Health Regulation updates
WATCH | Webinar: Every Breath You Take: Big Brother’s Plan to Stalk You through the WHO
MATERIALS DR MALONE HAS REFERENCED. They have an extended video with Gaffney and other credited speakers covering the various legal aspects of this. Informative and worth the time IMO!
The two instruments are:
a) transformative amendments to the International Health Regulations: and
b) an entirely new agreement governing “pandemic prevention, preparedness and response." The former is expected to be approved in late May; the latter may be, as well.
Both accords are predicated on the global adoption of digital health cards or “vaccine passports.” when they are coupled with Central Bank Digital Currencies that can deny the unvaccinated or otherwise non-compliant access to, or use of, their money.
Of late:
Trial balloons?
Wells Fargo associated with Globalist agenda.
Wells Fargo Glitch Causes Customers’ Money to Disappear, Leaving Negative Balances
by Jim Hoft Mar. 11, 2023
Also, I recently received a request from my MasterCard provider to detail my financial information (to permit them to direct appropo providers to me). Deleted it.
Bank failure Silicon Valley - Customer/shareholder reactions
Another invaluable source to follow:
James Roguski: The WHO’s Upcoming Power Grab
worldcouncilforhealth.org/multimedia/james... http://jamesroguski.com/
James Roguski is an author, researcher, activist, and natural health advocate.