May 28, 2023·edited May 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The only thing missing from this excellent summation, is the much needed discussion that this is also a spiritual battle. That it is man’s attempt to unseat God as Creator, in every aspect. (Pride and Rebellion) They seek to build a new ‘Tower of Babel’. “The fool says in his own heart, ‘There is no God’.” -Ps 14:1(a)

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Many are seeing full spectrum now and this leaves an opening for the Holy Spirit. I was watching a Glenn Beck podcast today with Adam Curry, the inventor of the RSS feed and the first Podcaster. He was an atheist who experienced a recent welcomed conversion.

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If you want to watch the podcast


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Thanks, I’ll take a listen.

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May 29, 2023·edited May 30, 2023

Very interesting. I remember Curry from his MtV days. I am happy that he has come to know Jesus, praise God! He has a lot of intelligent things to say, and he knows that he (and all of us) have much to learn about how God would have us respond to the evil around us. Personally, I believe He is showing us HOW far we have fallen so that we would return to him. The one area that everyone seems to want to absolutely avoid when they talk about the IC is Mossad. I am convinced Epstein was Mossad, maybe in connection with our IC. But what kind of leverage does Israel have over the US, especially in light of how we overlooked nazi connections in order to win, build the bomb, etc?

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Jeffrey Epstein? I haven’t heard that one. Hmm. Mossad, the master infiltrator. Probably knows more than 5 Eyes. Personally, I don’t think the holocaust matters all that much to certain Jews, either then or now. Certainly not the owner of the NYT at the time and not FDR who even refused to acknowledge what he knew was happening. It’s the long game, and Israel will eventually throw the US under the bus. 100% gene-jabbed nation for a reason. Tell me more about Epstein…

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And just so people are clear…

Half my adoptive family were Jewish, they came from Eastern Europe right after WWI, but some remained and were slaughtered. Most of them are completely secular. My father is now what he calls a ‘Completed Jew’, he believes in Jesus as the promised Messiah. The Lord knocked him onto his knees, after 19 years of me praying for him. He said Jewish people are some of the hardest to reach.

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A testament to prayer! For those acknowledging Judeo/Christian roots, we are all at least two thousand years away from those roots, but we live in God's world which is space and its timeless - eternal.

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May 29, 2023·edited May 29, 2023

I have heard this before, regarding the holocaust. I image this was true for some, probably for the irreligious. It is certainly used as a cudgel to shut down any discussion regarding Israel…and oddly other issues and people, like George Soros… who is an atheist. Israel is one of the most secular (atheistic) nations there are, so I always find it odd how much they use the term ‘Jewish State’. There are many things the American public is ignorant of, the 1967 attack on the USS Liberty is one. I am still learning much, although I am still not sure if we are on their leash or they on ours, but there is definitely a leash. As far as Epstein, his connections are numerous to different groups that promote an 'Israel-first agenda'. His pimp/girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell’s father Robert Maxwell has long been suspected as an agent involved in British, Mossad and KGB intelligence. I imagine much of what we did in the Middle East had to do with a quid pro-quo between our interests (oil and the petro-dollar) and Israel’s.

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From their propensity to worship idols and self, God punishes over and over before initiating a new covenant. Israel probably gets more religious tourists than any other nation. About that leash, good question.

Epstein was enabled and assisted in acquiring his assorted acquaintances and larger than life friends over the decades. There is a reason these particular people were captured and thus controlled. I do not think it was Israel, or any other country or set of countries. I suspect it was one or more founding families of the western world. Whomever it is has an agenda and the $ to get there. Maxwell’s understanding is superficial, ergo she is still alive. I believe Soros was also captured as a youth and has been doing their will ever since. All of the wars after WWII, including Korea through 9/11 and the Middle East and now R/U were privately authorized by the UN, if not mandated IMHO. The UN did not back Truman’s settlement for Israel. I wonder if those behind the UN’s establishment have since secretly adopted Israel.

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It is true that God will discipline His people and use our enemies to get our attention in an attempt turn us around. If that doesn’t work, He will give us over to a depraved mind. I believe that the ‘Spirit of the Age’ is ultimately behind all evil…along with our own sinful nature (unregenerated). We reap what we sow. I think what we are probably dealing with is a global type of Marxism for the masses and undeserved power for the elite. As to wars… I believe most wars now are proxy wars… and 'wars by other means'. None of the players are the 'good guys'. I’m not sure about the the whole founding fathers thing, I think that may just a *bright and shiny* to distract from more basic culprits at hand regarding the levers of power… yes, banks and overly powerful corporations. America’s government is idolatrous and rebellious, but still has many believers. We do have a problem of lukewarm churches that have been lulled by the broad road and wanting to be ‘nice’ over being holy.

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Indeed, it is not just THE SYSTEM, in need of change, it is us... and if we dont all and any "systems" will fail.


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Interesting. As a Christian, I have different things I seek. Primarily, peace… not primarily the state of political/societal peace (although that is a good thing), but personal peace with and from God, which comes through a relationship with Jesus the Messiah.

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There is nothing greater for every human than forgiveness, personal peace and a settled eternity

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May 29, 2023·edited May 29, 2023

Amen. To know Jesus on a personal level is beautiful, that our names are written into the Book of Life…how grateful??

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Yup, the Woke have to destroy God to have any chance. Reminds me of a note on a dorm room door from years and years ago "God is dead - Nietzsche", "Nietzsche is dead - God".

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Yes, that's a good one. Reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw years ago - Those who do not believe in God had better be right. On first reaction I thought it was wise and funny but after some reflection I realized it was an echo of Nietzsche's philosophy that one might want to consider there is a God...just in case. Which, of course is completely counter to the reality of believing without seeing, knowing within the soul not the mind.

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A question that has always bugged me: If God is known as a benevolent, loving God, and if a person lives by the same ethics and morals as church-going Christians do, then why would he or she be rejected at the pearly gates for finding and holding those values as a Buddhist, or even an atheist?

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I have an answer for you but you and/or others might not like it. First I have to warn you I am not a religious Christian. I'm a surrendered Christian, which means I don't follow a manmade doctrine. It's a lonely path, you'll have to trust me on this. So, to understand that I know what God requires of me and it's not being good and righteous. My salvation and ticket in the gates is not about me at all. It's about Him. If I know His voice and I pay attention, since He speaks to us in the way we, as individuals, with different callings, and listen, obey and trust, His will is done, not mine. I can't be good enough - ever.

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Voddie Baucham book "Fault lines" addresses the Christianity perspective. Available on Audible. A great addendum to this material.

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I listen to his sermons and talks frequently. He is dead on, in my opinion, in a lot of areas. I have not read his book, yet.

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Does it matter to you how people call God? I agree fully it is also a spiritual battle, it is without doubt to me.

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Considering I am a Christian, it matters to God what I call Him. He is open handed and welcomes you, if you would like to know Him.

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I understand what you say, thank you for your answer. I think it is logic that it is important how you call him. I was more wondering if it matters to you if others call him for instance Yahweh, like my friend does. I always find such things interesting as I also had a friend who had the opinion that was simply not possible and she refused to talk to people, or listen to them, when they did not call him like she called him. Somehow, I was an exception to her, since then I was very interested in how people think and feel about God. With respect to all religions, well, playing church-organs and being specialised in Christian Iconography, I must have at least a connection ;-). The only trouble with internet is, that it is written words without intonation and body language so I try to be more careful when asking things. Also difficult is the difference in culture, in mine, being Christian can mean you are protestant, catholic and a lot more and often they feel offended when you don't understand right away what they are....considering the differences in language, misunderstandings occur fast.

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Any scriptural name is appropriate, I don’t expect someone to speak English just to say His name. ‘Jesus' is greek for Yeshua.

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Check out James’ podcast called ‘new discourses’. He’s nailed it like no one else I’ve heard. There is a 3 part set of lectures on exactly that. Look for part 1 ‘the dialectical faith of leftism’ part 3 is where he brings it all together

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May 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wokeness is out of control. In less than a decade, a single ideologically driven cohort has captured the entire interlocking infrastructure of cultural and intellectual life. Every major institution has been brought down on one supplicatory knee by cultish, self-righteous, zealous, uncompromising, censorious, judgmental, dogmatists who celebrate neo-Stalinist uniformity of opinion and view dissent and diversity of thought as existential threats to their narrow worldview.


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Wokeness is in control. Massively funded. Usual suspects as you mention.

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Proper take.

It is out of control, but as you say, perfectly in control, measured by experts in the field of cultural manipulation, evil students of Jung, who bastardized his discoveries to bring this abonimantion into our social sphere.

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I like you post, however the "March through the Institutions" has been ongoing for many decades.

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As explained by Robert Welch in the 1950s, G. Edward Griffin in 1969 and by Yuri Bezmenov in 1980. The Communist Party USA used to march in the streets of our largest cities with their banners. The Party is still alive and doing well. They installed Joey in his first job as Senator from Delaware in 1973.

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I'm probably just blowing into the ether, but would someone explain, or argue, how this thinking has been able to infect large, multinational corporations?

I can agree with Lindsay, and how this is all just perverted Marxism, but if anything, that just underscores my incredulity on why large capitalist corporations would lose billions in share value to promote this idiocy?

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May 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

James is a gift, and has undertaken the intense, extensive research required to fully expose this destructive, pernicious ideology. His book "The Marxification of Education" reveals the harmful indoctrination being undertaken in an increasingly broad swath of America's public schools....

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May 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I watched Lindsay's excellent talk after seeing aldous huxtable's comment in this morning's funnies. So happy you highlighted it in a separate piece ~ 👍.

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I agree, this was a crystalline lecture explaining how Marxism was repackaged to make it palatable to Westerners—to immense success.

I didn’t realize James is at Substack—thanks for the heads-up, Robert!

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Stephen Coughlin at “Unconstrained Analytics”

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Also nails it. The Atheistic roots of Marxism from Hegel as refracted by Gramsci and Lukać up to Alinsky.


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This is an absolutely brilliant speech. A couple weeks ago when I stumbled across it I posted it as a comment on my Facebook page, with this in the main post (I didn't want to risk it getting censored): "'Woke' is Marxism on steroids. Marxism wants to equalize material & economic well-being. 'Woke' adds social & cultural capital to its redistributionist idiocy."

I like mnemonic devices: SCEM, a variation of SCAM. I'm mentioned the idea to several friends that SCEM is Marxism squared, and accounts for the Americanized Chinese Cultural Revolution we are living.

Great find, Dr. Malone. With your help, I hope others help it gain traction.

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May 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you ever so much for sharing this with us! I do get the points the video makes. I need to go through it again to better assimilate and commit to the perspectives it provides. I surely agree you have been tackling these issues head on with commitment and vigor. That's among the things I so appreciate as a member of the community you've provided us. Will be armoring up with these perspectives and watching for opportunities to make a difference!

As an aside, was checking out the GETTR Tok videos. One was of Bourla (our Pharma demon) in front of a WEF meeting wall in a white chair. He set off with all the Pharma goodies he would be providing. However, I did catch his final words of the segment. He said he felt they were on the way to reducing the World Population by 50 percent by 2023. Those videos come and go each time I log on, but will be watching for it if it shows again.

You Doctors are hugely appreciated! Take the best of care! You're making major contributions!

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May 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Rock and roll, get this message out and about.

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"The reason I told him I sleep like a baby is that I’m doing something about it and know I’m doing something about it. This sort of sleep-stealing anxiety comes from being nervous and feeling unable to do anything, or through the gnawing of your conscience when you know you should be doing something but can’t. If you know you’re doing what you should, it won’t chew at you and keep you up at night."


This is a great way to put it. I'm currently working on an article that explains exactly why "screaming" is important. Being able to sleep at night is certainly up there!

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Primal Screaming™️ Arthur Janov, a ‘60s-70s thing, that I participated in, was an effective, for some, activity.

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I laughed at it in my youth.

Not anymore.

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To state the obvious, in my view, we have a tyrannical government that has used its powers to allow these minority groups be it trans, gay, lesbian, blm, etc. to go after the majority, mainly Christian’s, using their weakness of tolerance and it’s openness to diversity against itself. We are all living through and witnessing a revolution which is made to take down (fundamentally change) America. I truly believe that this mainly democrat Marxist movement has shown that they cannot live and function in a free society. There are people that just can’t and should not be allowed to live in free society. The only solution to these revolutionaries will have to be a drastic severing of them from our society. Prosecutions and or removal of all who have participated in the witch hunts of political opponents, the suppression of freedom of speech, the suppression of the freedom to assemble, suppression of freedom of religion, etc.. Our bill of rights should never be allowed to be trampled ever again, it is the peoples sacred rights. J.Goodrich

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May 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You are a witness James, as we all are. It was approximately 100 years in the making - a slow creep works as each generation has a memory starting point. We've been warned: 1950s - JBS, 1960s - G. Edward Griffin,1980s - Yuri Bezmenov of the methods; propaganda and mind control, cultural subversion and escape; listed ever step for the takedown of every institution. 2000s - Alan Watt, Glenn Beck and other. No one generation can stop it.

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May 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for the wise and heartening message. Happy Memorial day all!

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May 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is awesome, thank you!

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This is known Dr. Malone; We know who we are fighting. Some people call it “wokeism” Marxism, socialism, progressivism, I call it communism. What’s happening at the southern border is the Cloward-Piven thesis coming out of Columbia U. The weaponization of our institutions is pure Obama who gets it from Alinsky who said reward ur friends, punish ur enemies, he also said never let a crisis go to waste. Alinsky spent a lot of time in Chicago, Is that not the putrid obama hellhole. The problem is: half the population is asleep at the wheel or in denial. We have a criminal Regime who is working around the clock to block the release of info; we have a mockingbird press that supports the Regime. WTH are we to do??? One step forward & a punch in the face. I do not see us winning & I am not a pessimist. This is why obama/with his puppet Biden stole the election. Everything since has been to undo & destroy America & Americans. AND yes, COVID was part of this scam, deceit, fraud & murder.

If you have any ideas how we get out of this kill box they have herded us into I would love to hear your ideas. Sincerely, Basina

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I choose to call it Statism, and it was little different under disparate pre marxism "religious" rule and pre marxism sectarian brutality.

..." History proves that the mytho-poetic idealism of statism only serves to legislate and codify “Power over Others”


...“This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector." (Plato)

Not a news feed, always free, never clutter your inbox.

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Marx was a communist. We should not be surprised now, listening to James, because there never was a failure to communicate. I'm old enough to have learned about it in high school, when it was still taught. In the early 1960s I joined a group called Up With People. We performed at USOs within commuting distance and another group performed overseas. My father called it a Commie venture. Fast forward two decades, I realized he was right.

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No, Up With People was an anti-war effort = learn how to live without killing people you disagree with - honoring sovereignty, law, and the holy sanctity of life.

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We can agree to disagree about its charter. UWP was an offshoot of MRA without its religious underpinnings, as suggested by Eisenhower. It was a US propaganda group. We went to USOs in support of military members. From the mid 60s thru the 70s its influence was to discredit the liberal counterculture. UWP were the clean-cut, short-haired kids singing upbeat, positive-minded songs in contrast to the protest movement with its hippie nuances, violence, and vitriol. Its goal was normalcy, status quo, government is good, American is good. Look who it sent overseas! As a non-profit, it was well-funded by corporations that wanted its branding. As with most inventions, it was eventually hijacked and became a tool for a different undertaking. If its members or those that watched/listened thought the message back then was anti-Vietnam war - so be it.

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Shelley, do you still have a copy of UWP's charter? I've never seen it. Yes, you could label their message US propaganda, in that it was definitely pro-USA, peace, upbeat, goodness, and not anti anything. They were calling to people's best, not our worst - not hate. Not even anti-Vietnam war. Instead: pro-peace at every level - inner and outer.

Sorry they were hijacked - I always wondered why they disappeared. They gave it a whole-hearted try.

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May 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Uhhh…that just blew my mind. Ed

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V.I. Lenin wrote: "Give me Four years to teach the children and the seeds I have sown (planted) will never be rooted out". As Dr. Lindsay underscores in his eye opening expose on the origins of the (WOKE) "culture" (that has quite possibly TERMINALLY infected mankind), generations of TENURED elite "educators" throughout Western civilization have - for whatever reason - deliberately aided, abetted, promoted, championed, and sanctified EVERY abstract, looney Marxist "thought" and literally spoon-fed Marxist (and Maoist) hogwash, gibberish and gobbledegook to school age children on a GLOBAL scale STARTING a half century ago, and It has gotten MUCH WORSE circa 2023 AD!

Its almost as if some mental WUHAN like virus wafts through the atmosphere and terminally infects

the BRAIN MATTER of (a) preponderance of human beings in the academic pursuits - who are supposedly dedicated to "teaching" their charges mental skills with which they can individually seek truthful answers to questions regarding life, morality, honesty, history, culture, folkways and mores', et al, - via critical THINKING - rather than the odious rigid conformity of mind-numbing Leftist propaganda dressed up as "social-justice", "equity", "inclusion", "Diversity" and radical environmentalist nonsense; in addition to abject slander of the ENTIRE so-called "white" race of human beings, NONE of which since the beginning of the species had ANY choice or say of what his or her skin color would be.

That almost the ENTIRE GLOBAL print and TV media are TOTALLY in on the Woke insanity is mind boggling - can it be only because of money and power (they) bullhorn the Global Collective Leftist propaganda - in any and ALL modes 24/7/365?? again, smells like some organic mental cancer has infected and metastasized (in)the brain matter of those that are part of, condone, support or champion the Collective Left mind set and world view as absolutely sacrosanct.

One pregnant question that begs a cogent answer is, IF what is happening and ACCELERATING is indeed a "mass-GLOBAL-formation" in progress, can it even be deviated at all before (mass) common sense and individual sense of SURVIVAL prevail and rid humanity of this pervading evil?

Or will it take global Armageddon to awaken humanity - or what remains of it?

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Incredible and concise talk. About 5 years ago I told my wife: "They are building an army. I don't know what for, but people are being recruited". Today I see these army's built with the divisions of society. It really is the kindest people who care that have been recruited into an almost militant group that spews hate toward those that aren't yet recruited. It was this talk that put the whole picture together. "Seize the means of production" explained like the outer limits episode "to serve man" when the person decoding the aliens book with the same title yells at his friend "it is a cook book".

Thank you for posting this. I had all the pieces they just weren't connected until now.

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