As I skim through this column (apologies to Dr Malone but it is just too dense for this old man to comprehend) all i see is wasted $billions£. I see huge buildings full of men and women coming and going doing nothing particularly useful except making trouble for the rest of us. It makes me sick. And lining their own pockets whenever and wherever possible.

I compare it to the wasted billions spent on the tunnels in Gaza. Imagine if all this money was spent productively for the benefit of mankind.

Thank you Dr Malone for understanding and dedicating yourself to helping those of us who don’t understand all of this.

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The lengthy analysis is really "inside baseball", intended for those who read this substack and are attuned to the details of what is going on at the WHO regarding the IHR and the "International Pandemic Treaty".

The REPPARE group invested so much time and did such a thorough analysis that I thought that their work product deserved the widest possible audience.

No problem if this is too down in the weeds for you or any others. Jill thought I should not have included it, but I thought it needed to be pushed out.

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It is way past time for everything associated with the words global or international jettisoned and a reappraisal of our needs made

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Would that we, the little folks, be able to impact on that.

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Maybe I need the "Malone for dummies" version, but I skim all the huge posts. There's so much news to digest and I spend too much time in this chair as it is.

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Glad you got it out. The more places it is written the harder it is to memory hole.

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I may not have the time to read every word of the REPPARE's analysis, but I appreciate your posting it. I read enough and understood enough to know that their team is on top of the details of this continued attempt to subvert national sovereignty. Knowing that gives me hope for the future.

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falsi and others like him must be getting tired of saying, "I'm glad I am fully vaxxed and boosted because it minimizes my symptoms each time I get COVID - again and again and again..."

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he seems to have neither self-awareness nor empathy. Signs of a dark triangle personality.

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Also of a pathological liar

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He looks peeked.

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Yeah, forging ahead in GOF research while at the same time denying it would require some anti-social personality traits. I think Karma is reserved for those who are not clever enough to not get caught outright. Fauci has managed to outmaneuver the whole world.

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Psychopath personality?

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'Now, “we” have “Joy” for Harris/Walz. Hope and Joy. Content and policy are so yesterday. Feelings are everything.'

I love great feelings, however, I must ask the question: Where is the JOY™ in genocide?

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Obviously in the hearts of those committing it

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Expect a Federal mandate requiring "JOY" vending machines next to the feminine hygiene products in every men's room

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Weaponization is the new, latest and greatest happening. Our Justice Department, world health and now an obscure DEI model with no known accomplishments of consequence to be the leader of the free world. A justice department acting as the antithesis of their title, a World Health Organization demonstrating complete ineptness at their claimed expertise and a clearly unqualified candidate media foisted as our best hope for the leadership of the U.S.A.. Harris cannot keep her own staff from constantly resigning, so weaponizing her with media gaslighting is the only remaining DNC hope.

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Fauci (just said that he) got 6 ouchie "vaxx'z" and now his (it was that guy over there not me...) tuned, tweaked, and manufactured virus has bit him a third time. Did he forget to mask up (remember General "Mad God" [oops] "Mad Dog" Mattis and repeated public service radio announcements: "Mask Up Washington!!!") ... or what exactly? ... Winter of Death said Joe.

After all is said and done, biology told us that the cure for SARs-like viruses was always going to be evolution to a more benign strain (if possible); and it was; and it is a cold.

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1. we need to dump WHO and stop wasting taxpayer $$$.

2. Kamala event photos are definitely fake. The reflection from the plane says it all! Her rally in the upper decks look like poster board people LOL!

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I'm sorry this isn't directly related but I don't have any social media and want to share this: The Legal Docket section on The World and Everything In It podcast highlighted the lawsuit against UCLA by Jewish law students for discrimination but the details are absolutely horrific and completely echo 1939 Hitler's Germany with the slogans, students being vetted for loyalty and Death to Jews in order to cross a busy section of campus whereby UCLA helped set up barriers for the anti-Semitic encampments and even issued wristbands!!! I haven't heard or seen anything so detailed except the protestors camping out and yelling with signs. This is so completely chilling that it should be on the front page everywhere! The MSM would be all over this if it LGBT instead of Jewish students. You can listen or read, the Legal Docket section starts at 6:20 https://wng.org/podcasts/the-world-and-everything-in-it-august-12-2024-1723212908

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Another nugget of hostility that is surely based on the Left's need for division. Religion may seem to be the heart of it, but it's not. The Left has been stoking division tactics for decades using gender/ religion, race, wars, and abortion for political gain. They are 'Our Democracy' and division, chaos, and poor economy are tools of power.

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I am all for peaceful protests, but UCLA students behaved immaturely, unfairly and aggressively by blocking access to Jewish students. I do find it chilling though that the world does not understand the difference between the ruthlessness of Zionism and the goals of orthodox Jews. A night and day difference.

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Enjoy Mountain View, a beautiful place.

What is the matter with Fauci's SS that they can't keep him safe from Covid?

Here is a risk that is not 'perceived' - the Heads of the Western nations are the real risk to our health, safety, liberties and our nations.

For all the commenters who deal with constant or intermittent pain, you all are remarkable people. I feel privileged to know you. While I have had bouts of physical suffering from short-lived pain, it has never been a constant in my life. I admire each and every one of you for your fortitude against an unseen menace that lessen the quality of life, which you rise above every day.

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Thank you for that recognition. Spinal injury 5 years ago. In pain every day since then. Hundreds of hours of various conventional and alternative therapies. Improved from being unable to stand up for more than a few seconds to being able to dance for a few minutes. Still a struggle every day, mostly emotionally.

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Totally get it

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Some days it is one day at a time.

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I hope he finds Mountain View enjoyable, too. I was born in the Bay Area and have lived here for many years. Even had a relative living in Mountain View. But I had never been there until a few months ago. It is one of several rather pleasant "silicon valley" communities, built on the wealth generated by the new power of integrated circuits and computers. As the West Coast becomes a retreat for the wealthy and the "chosen," the Bay Area is changing into something different than it was when I lived there as a child.

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I was born in the Bay Area also. We moved when I was five to SoCal. Raised in Ventura County and it has change a lot too.

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Great to hear you're from the Bay Area! I tend to feel a sense of familiarity with people from this place.

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We might be surprised by the number of shared experience we all have in common.

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Cupla thoughts - one, I sort of doubt Fauci actually had the clot shots. Why would he when he knew they caused long term health issues? And, two, the problem we have, other than flat out evil being given some latitude, is not so much with the minions of evil, but the morons who believe the minions and their fake lying propaganda. Because they make up the masses who give the minions their power. 😬

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How often during the recent pandemic festivities have you been told “stay safe”? How often has someone replied “stay free” or “stay brave”, or even better, “stay brave, stay free?” Why not? People were quite fearful at the time, so it would seem to be vital to remind others as well as oneself of the importance of not succumbing to fear. I encourage all to respond to “ stay safe” with “ stay brave, stay free”. What makes it so important? Acting and speaking as though you are not afraid will actually make you less so, and saying “stay brave, stay free” may help the other person retain his courage. The words themselves remind us that being fearful is part of the road to serfdom. Also, a fearful people may not speak the truth when confronted with the lies of the powerful. https://drp314.substack.com/p/stay-safe-or-stay-free

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Hope, Joy and ??

Are the campaign slogans the women from the View? The angriest women on television?

Are we to expect the next campaign to be Woppie or Sunny?

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I would suspect you can enjoy Mattia's new post. Feelings can and do change like the wind, yet the state of mind and heart have a predictable ascension. Peace, Joy, Love and Reason start the way to Enlightenment. Guilt and shame are at the bottom. I can only wish for tolerance of the word and meaning of Joy. This use of the word from K/W can sully the true meaning for many.

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wait for the essay on the historic context of "Joy" based political propaganda....

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Oh dear, I'm not sure I want to know what has been done in the name "Joy" politically speaking. Is there nothing that is sacred anymore? I think I answered my own question.

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Think maybe they have over indulged on kickapoo joy juice?

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The historical context you are going to divulge is suitable for these times. It surprising me greatly that they dare to use it.

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Great write-up Rob't.

I wonder if all of these characters from CDC, WHO, WEF, GAVI, etcetera did actually take the Jab and all of the Booster Shots? Or, did they know - question the science and merely gave us the illusion of taking these shots?

Also, during the time of 'mandates' were there any exclusions, exemptions, or waivers? If so, for who and what purpose?

I heard on 'X' that members of WHO, WEF, and GAVI literally have "Diplomatic Immunity" ... Could that possibly be true? If so, for what purpose and intent?

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First and foremost safe travels and much success informing and inspiring this audience.

Thanks so much for these discussions today.

As for 'Hope and Joy', for a fourth term for the Great O. It all strikes me as a candidate for a new version of Grimms fairy tales. The pics bring to mind another issue. Should our new candidate couple be campaigning from our official United States Airforce Two? They do provide bright and shiny objects to be focused on of course, as other grand schemes play out. I note the MSM are at work fabricating a platform for them

The many issues attendant the WHO Agreement and IHR. One hopes we end up with leadership to effectively represent the interests of ourselves and our fellow nations. I appreciate that when I consider public health I'm not wholly sharing these perspectives.

I start with promoting healthy populations - sufficient healthy foods (farms, crops, distribution - the elites bugs and weeds for the masses at the least aren't enough).

Cleanliness/sanitation. Identification of disease threats.

Medicines cataloged and assured available/supplements. Vaccines?. Certainly costs are an issue, but with an overall support in developing an optimum health facilitation - might Gates GERM surveillance and catastrophic funding be less oppressive?

Ah well - pie in the sky . . . fingers crossed

Do enjoy all your good friends and appreciations.

Very Bestest ♡♡♡

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How does Fauci even know he has Covid and not just the regular old SarsCov flu? Seems we are still missing a lot of regular flu in the data. As to his masking; I've expressed this before; being a woodworker, I have worn the N95's for decades and they do not even keep out all the fine wood dust particles let alone a microbic flu. I most always had to flush my nasal passages to clean the fine dust particles out after a day in the shop. Still see people here in CA walking outdoors and in stores with the blue masks on. Can't say anything to them, just shake my head and walk on.

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My daughters in laws ( her father in law is Dr) said he and his wife were not getting another vax. If Fauci had vaxes and boosters and still got Covid then the vax doesn’t work. We were silently cheering. As for those pictures, they are so fake. The democrats are so hypnotized that they won’t even notice. So with IHR does that mean that if a country doesn’t oppose by a certain date that they automatically take that as a yes? If so that is just terrible.

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