Sorry to hijack but I have another instance I wrote about a few months back. Chinese citizens who had their banks frozen planned to protest the move, but instead got their covid passes turned 'red' -- meaning they were basically shut out of society.

This also famously happened to the Canadian truckers (so no need to link), and more recently in Brazil. This is how they are planning to control you. That's why my rule of banks is the same as the rule of crypto: Only put in what you can afford to lose.



Last April, Chinese banks unexpectedly froze the accounts of numerous customers without a plausible explanation. Recently, would-be protestors trying to get their money back found their digital covid health apps ‘red’, meaning they lose access to nearly all public services.

This is a perfect real-world example of the tyranny of covid health passes. Obviously these protestors don’t actually have covid. They aren’t a public health threat in the slightest. They are a POLITICAL nuisance — so the ruling class simply turns them off.

And don’t worry, this is coming soon to an area near you. After all, it’s so unseemly to physically confront protestors — much better off to unperson them from a safe distance.

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Great examples!

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Dec 26, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022

One of the only "safe harbors" I can come up with, for any kind of wealth could be property and physically inhabiting that property. Thoughts???

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Some thoughts -- If such a solution caught on, wouldn't they find a way to ban personal individual ownership of property and isn't that one of Schwab's "promises" anyway - "you will own nothing".... Who is leading in this game? Who will have the power to implement the rules? Surely not us. OTOH, since over 65% of Americans own their own homes, one might imagine some spirited resistance were TPTB to seek to confiscate their major asset.

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I can easily envision Leftist homeowners fully backing government confiscation of property from those with whom they disagree politically. We have long supported stripping known (or even suspected) terrorists from their assets and freedoms. Now that political dissents are easily branded "domestic terrorists" for so much as a wrong-thinking Tweet is this really all that incomprehensible?

As it was under the days of the Stasi, you have as much to fear from your neighbor as you do your government.

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Then surround it with signs warning of anthrax or rabies, or......

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Was thinking something along the lines of like-minded friends and families but if that doesn't work, rabies might! :-)

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Obedient Subject ... listen closely to Paul Harvey , 1965.... quite telling . https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kcuzNe1OH1U&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Fading into Ignominious Oblivion. Getting exactly what we deserve. Strong warning from a gent who remembers history.


Are we at the edge of the cliff staring down into the blackness or have we already fallen?


There is a large number who still list their top 3 as

1. Trust in God

2. Love of Country

3. Self-Determination


Are there enough of US to put an end to stolen elections and end the Nanny State?

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That's certainly the most important thing.

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The Bible predicted this 2000 years ago.

Revelations 13 vs15 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

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We've fallen so far and so deep since 9/11. Who could have predicted?

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Ron Paul?

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And just look at how much the uniparty loathes both him and his son.

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A great movie about the Stasi is “Das Leben der Anderen” (The Lives of Others), a 2006 German film that won an academy award for best foreign language film. Even with the limited technology of the Cold War era, the data gathering and manipulative tactics are chilling to watch. And the picture demonstrates how easily such a system was used to benefit the corrupt desires of powerful people. Well worth seeing!

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes! I was thinking also at that very good movie : The Lives of Others | Official Trailer (2006) https://youtu.be/n3_iLOp6IhM

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A semi-fictional, popular version might be the German TV series 'Deutschland,' which had seasons in which the series name was modified by the year in which the true events happened - '83, '86, '89. The real Stasi HQ were used in filming it, and they interspersed clips of TV news shows from the time.

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I found it. It is different but it looks good : Our NEW EPIC THRILLER Series | Deutschland 83 10:04 min https://youtu.be/OfNQ5SOPYXE Watch the FULL series on All 4: https://bit.ly/39vZm8g

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We really enjoyed watching it. It's also on Amazon Prime, for those who have access to it.

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Dec 27, 2022·edited Dec 27, 2022

All due respect, I don't know. At this point I trust Putin and Russia a HELL of a lot more than I trust 90% of our elected officals, our corportations especially Pharma etc, AND THAT CARGO PANT WEARING FRUIT THAT JUST STOLE BILLIONS MORE FROM US, THE TAXPAYER. I always believed a benevolent dictator is the best form of Gov't. Only one man can be corrupted or not corrupted. Whether Putin is or is not corrupt is not something I know OR you know. Unless you know the man personally you don't know. AND EVEN THEN you don't know.

I have a question for anyone reading this. How many times in your life did you really think, even swear, you knew someone only to find out you were dead wrong?

SO, you knew them and you were dead wrong, BUT you know a leader of another country and because of him we have cargo pants taking billions and that's ok? You don't know him. No one does.

I'll leave it at this. I've been literally all over the world, all over. And I can say the Ukraine was likely the MOST corrupt place I've ever visited in my life.

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Maybe should ask Hunter for a critique. Bet he knows him

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Hunter Biden? I don't follow. You mean the cargo pant wearing fruit Hunter knows? That would make sense. If youre eluding to Putin he knows him how? Do you agree with what's going on? Cargo pants along with the hundreds of newscasters and Pelosi calling him Eisenhower? Jabs are bad but the media has this right? Please clarify.

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If you’ve misjudged the Ukrainian jester-president at all, then it has been only by judging him too kindly.

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I agree completely. Jester indeed. And that is too kind but one of many great identifiers for him. I still don't know what the PHD meant..

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So scary, and sadly we are so gullible.

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Dec 26, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Nice article. You cite Elon's "Twitter files" for their positive effect on exposing what you write about here. How to juxtapose that with NeuraLink, StarLink etc.? (Which you cite as evidence that Elon seems to pursue businesses in line with our enemies)

What a strange world. Beyond DeSantis, I can't think of any individual in America who has forwarded the cause of "waking up the sheep" more than Elon. Even more than you, Dr. Kory and McCullough, Senator Ron Johnson, Ed Dowd, RFK Jr. combined.

And yet, and yet ....

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I’ll put my money on Dr Malone vs Elon Musk. I really do not trust Musk. Can’t put my finger on it but I do trust my spidey senses.

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Perhaps that elusive quality you seek is that virtually every billionaire I have heard of is sociopathic to some degree--some (Gates) much more than others. The problem with that is, I suspect, they cannot truly feel much empathy being so immersed in their own ego. So, much of their efforts at altruism smack of play acting. Maybe that.

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Also in many ways I believe millionaires and billionaires lose focus of how hard people struggle to pay their daily living bills. They live outside of reality and think everyone makes 20 million from being an actor for a 6 month movie shoot, or like Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, etc once they are this wealthy they want to dictate their unhinged policies on the middle class. I can’t stand their arrogance!!!

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Arrogance seems to become part of the picture at those wealth levels. Odd since they all start out like the rest of us. By and large. We aren’t poor but certainly not anywhere near those leagues. We have gratitude for our things. Our home. Our paid-off status. We treasure our heirlooms - even the sloppy, grandchild-produced ones. We help others when we can. We try not to get sucked up into scams. We continue to work at things even though retired so as not to sit around and get fat and sick. And to be as self-sufficient as possible. We respect our environment and work at not polluting it as well as acknowledging that things constantly change. Weeds come. They change the ecosystem. Some things disappear. Others appear. We don’t try to assume we know better than the planet about such things. But if we were in those leagues….I don’t know what would happen to us. There seems to be a loss of connection and empathy and spirituality. I’d rather keep all that. So I’m grateful to be as we are.

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ForestDi56, I am 57 years old. I’ve been a contractor/carpenter for 36 years after a two year architectural engineering degree from Wentworth in Boston. My wife has been an OR nurse for about as long. We have both worked so hard over these years our bodies are slowly, how can I say, falling apart. She had spine surgery a few years back and they fused c5,6and 7, by going in through her neck. It didn’t work on the first time, so he went back in again. I have two bad knees a failing back, sore hips and I still go to work every day and pretty much outwork everyone I associate with. We do ok, but I have to work to survive. I will never listen to the elites dictate to me how I should run my life. They could never do what I or my wife does.

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Bless you both. My husband was military and I worked hard as an alternative practitioner. I understand what you just said. Hard work and learning to manage our bodies and trying to figure out how to do all of that is hard work. We don’t need other idiots telling us what to do since they have no clue. We are pulling back onto our land and becoming self sufficient as possible which is hard work. But necessary since what we both worked for isn’t guaranteed. So we are working to make that matter as little as possible. Look for an alternative practitioner in your area, though. Your bodies can be built back up and good health is more of a treasure than just about anything.

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The reality is that at some point this personal wealth has amassed into a self sustaining pattern of exponential growth. They could not turn off the inward flow of growth nor spend an amount to make a dent in this extreme large sums.

The force of which for the rest of us is unimaginable, and extremely life altering

If there ever was a current example of hubris beyond reproach it is Bill Gates.

He has become absolutely unaware of reality. I hope he takes the Howard Hughes road into mind delsion reclusion from the fears of utter germ Phobias.

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Maybe we could all pitch in buy him a one way ticket back to Ebsteins fantasy island.

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So long as we blockade it so he can’t get off and cut off his communications.

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I've always been very conservative, and have always been opposed to the "tax the rich" mentality of the lefties. I've changed my mind. Let me explain.

The dangers we're facing now are from those with a lot of wealth. They aren't like the robber barons of old. The Rockefellers, Carnegies, Vanderbilts, etc. grew their wealth by investing in productive enterprises, which helped the economy and the country grow.

Today's robber barons use their wealth to try to control US.

The Zuckerbergs, Bezos's, Gates's, and the rest of them use their wealth to control the flow of information, and to control us. They might try to make it sound like what they do is for the common good (e.g. "no misinformation"), but it's for their own benefit, not ours. Add to it, they use their wealth to influence the government in ways the old robber barons could only dream about.

Democrats aren't being sincere when they call for "taxing the rich" That's just for show. The rich are their most important supporters. If I were in elected office, I'd call the their bluff. Yes, let's tax the rich. And I'd take it further- not just tax income, but tax wealth- a billionaire's tax. For anyone controlling assets of over a $billion, tax away 10% of it each year. No exceptions. Including the so-called charities like the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. And Soros's Open Society Foundation.

The same way Chief Justice Roberts found Congress's taxing authority could open the door to ObamaCare, taxing authority can be used to neutralize the oligarchs who want to make us their slaves.

Sorry Elon. No exceptions.

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Fact is, those guys aren’t paying any taxes. If they paid taxes every year at the highest rate on their income they wouldn’t have nearly as much wealth. They funnel money to NGOs and play God with it. Wealth taxes hard to administer but a non fungible income tax on everyone - including Gates, Bezos, Musk etc would have limited their wealth and helped balance the federal budget.

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Yes, tax wealth. But no, it's no longer possible without rebellion. The big-money boys have gained too much control over the processes of governance, including elections and lawmaking.

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THAT I’m very knowledgable about. However they are psychopathic vs sociopaths although some are both. The difference is by hairs but a psychopath can be a good guy - sort of - who doesn’t feel the remorse at others’ harm from their policy decisions. Lots of those in corporate positions. Vs the sociopath who can kill and feel no remorse on top of the psychopaths’ quirks. I have my faults but neither of those. You got it right otherwise.

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Bingo....their mind has left this planet. It becomes nothing to do with serving others.

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Dr Nash I was hoping you had a great Christmas and hopefully a very freedom rich 2023!!

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Thank you for that. I hope all the same for you.

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Me too, per question: "Who is more likely to turn to be controlled opposition?" Elon over Malone all day long.

But I stand on my point: Controlled oppo or not, Elon has pushed the cause of free speech (on Covid and everything else) higher and farther than any single individual aside from Governor DeSantis.

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We can agree on that point.

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and yet .... still no way to hold anyone accountable.

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Yes. Maybe never will.

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Solid and timely reporting here. I’m conflicted about whether to “like” this but you are certainly performing a vital public service by bringing this information to your audience. Merry Christmas and thanks for all you do.

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Dec 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm afraid that we all have been dulled and desensitized to the encroachment of the state into our privacy and the destruction of our knowledge of our true history and our rights that who will really fight? I pray that there are enough people to do so. I'm painfully ignorant and trying to get up to speed. I listen to KrisAnne Hall, Patriot Academy and all you medical freedom fighters. I read when I can. But I'm just one. How do we undo this even if we can stop it? I won't give up but it does feel overwhelming at times. But then I remember.. God. For Nothing is impossible with and for Him!

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One massive step towards this surveillance state is digital currency. We all must never allow this to take root in America no matter how they twist it, it’s a step to total surveillance. I’m sure that our loving politicians will exempt themselves from this, as they exempt themselves from every totalitarian BS idea we pay them to come up with. Do you think we’ll be able to see what they spend their money on, or shut their bank accounts down, or stop their travel, shut down their ability to heat their mansions. I doubt it. Look at their exemptions from Obama care, mRNA shots, or our two tiered injustice system. How far are we going to let this go before they fence us all in? We used to say beat them at the ballot box but that’s been corrupted also. Not sure where this will end. J.Goodrich

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It seems to me we've already been fenced. In my opinion the only way out is to break down the fence by way of our only remaining power -- the power of superior numbers acting together in the streets for as long as it takes.

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I know I’m on the naughty “ freedom without apology” list. It went from exposing Big Pot & friending Alex Berenson to help keep it out of a suburb of Seattle. ( local vote to approve cannabis dispensaries) We won! David & Goliath style, but we won. S.A.M. Is another amazing site concerning high THC & our bodies. It’s bad. Then, Covid came & similar unregulated gov. policies and fake gov. & elite “ players” ( Fauci & Gates), took the field. Why is Gates even involved in vaccines around the world? Is he the true, caring philanthropist of our time? Umm.. let’s just say an emphatic “ Hell No!” And why has Fauci been allowed to stay in his position, causing a greater harm to all of our society?

“The Real Anthony Fauci”- a real eye opener.

“ Pandemia” by Berenson is another book that begins to explain the web of craziness we have all experienced. I sent a copy of this book to our Wa. State Board of Health. This was in preparation for a vote to include Covid vaccines to our public school schedules. This was in March 2021, well before the CDC had chimed in on their recommendation. There was a social media explosion when a meeting was scheduled at our Board of Health to vote & change wording about prior HIV internment camps ( basically), to Covid Pandemic ( or any decided “ emergency” pandemic). That’s right,.. internment camps. It’s still all there if you want to read Wa. State Board of Health guidelines for pandemics. I urge all of you to look into your individual state guidelines with this. I had no idea they had this authority. Police can be utilized and people can be removed from their homes if they are a health risk to others. Contagious citizens ( aren’t we all?), that refuse treatment can be forcefully quarantined if they refuse to self quarantine,.. blah, blah, blah. I’m obviously paraphrasing but you get the idea? Scary stuff. Well literally hundreds emailed their concerns and began picketing our Board of Health. They emphasized they were not creating these camps, just rewording old & outdated HIV guidelines. Turns out there wasn’t much difference- it’s still extreme overstretch of government. And like all left leaning Democrat agencies, they decided to form a focus group to investigate the Covid vaccine for kid’s issue. A month or so later, the vote was held and they voted to not add the poisonous vaccine, ( MRNA), at this time. They took a wait and see approach. Why? Public pressure, CDC hadn’t decided on this yet, or they were too busy collecting names of the protestors against future Covid containment camps. Or any other named emergency “ pandemic” they choose. They are most likely fluffing my pillow & rolling out the welcome mat for me. ✌🏼 Check your states.

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I love it! You're moving the needle! We need more people like you brave enough to pick an issue, confront the beast, and push back hard. More power to you. Maybe you should run for public office.

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I remember hearing of this in Washington state.

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By the way, Robert, we need to move on to the next phase. Planning to overthrow the administrative state. Your post should give us directions. Got it?

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Maybe just fine tune the data in these directions. We all have to make our own choices. That is the beauty and hardship of freedom.

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You have to keep your... Second Amendment and be ready to fight.

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Your right it’s one of Americans best defenses that’s unlike nearly any country on earth.

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I wish I could give you two likes!!!

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Our judges are not up to the task.

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Close!!! Should be: Many of our "Judges" are bought and paid for. Lock, stock and barrel.

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They are lawyers first

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Direct hit. For those who generate wealth by litigating conflict, generating conflict generates wealth. Same business model works for big pharma. Untethered from virtuous morals, business and government become predatory.

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Thank you Dr. Malone for bring up this topic. AP even included a tidbit on the U.S. However, the U.S. was data mining the old POTs network for at least 60 years. Back in the 1980s when US West refused to give the feds recordings of phone calls, the feds found a way to indict it’s president on trumped up charges. Most of the corrupt tracking was divined by O and Holder using what they called Choke Point. All business had to cough up tracking data or the DOJ found something on each and every one of them. Our country truly lost its way when the SCOTUS failed to force adherence to the Constitution when the Deep State decided to turn on its citizens after 9/11 and implement the TSA. That was the point at which I finally agreed with my two sons – we’d become a dying nation. The TSA is a prime example of once in, here to stay. Now the B admin is collecting data on 2nd amendment purchases through its own Choke Point with the mail carrier companies.

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What is so shocking to me is my apparent lack of understanding about how deep and pervasive the 'state' had become in what seems like a short time. I have to think that it was the coming to power of Donald Trump that brought the rats out into the open. It's all laying out on the table, now. We are in deeper trouble than I thought, even 5 years ago.

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This has been building a long, long time. Teddy Roosevelt to the present. Maybe earlier? There’s always been corruption but this has morphed into pure evil. Still a lot of good patriots that want to fight the good fight. It’s most important to keep educating yourself about this.

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Dr Malone your final sentence is the absolute truth but the republic form of government is the root of a corrupt government sadly. Very sadly. I have tried to explain this very fact for the last 20 years of my life only to see everything I explain fall on deaf ears. We are following too closely the fall of Rome.

Thank you for what you do and are trying to do.


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It might be the other worst kind of government except for all the others. I’m not sure the type of government matters more than the type of people running the government. E.g., a dictatorship might work just fine IF the dictator were unerringly benevolent. Rome didn’t fall because it was a republic. It fell because corrupt people were allowed to run the republic.

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V. I. Lenin put it bluntly: "Control of the Russian people can only be accomplished through terror", hence the creation of the commissars and legions of Soviet rat finks and tattle tales made up of the rank and file Russian subjects caught up in everlasting nightmares. The OPPRESSION by the FEW of the MAJORITY. SAMEZDAT TODAY - only via digital rather than brutal force.

Lenin also coined the title: U.S.S.R. ( Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) which sounds so benign. All Communist dictators writings use the words Socialist and Communist interchangeably as they de -facto mean the same thing. In the U.S.S.A. today, our mis-named "Free Enterprise Capitalist System" has over the past half century morphed into what amounts to an "Americanized" version of Benito Mussolini's Fascism... or CORPORATIVISM. The "partnership" of government and industry; SAME as exists in Communist China TODAY! This appears to be the "new" model for the Billionaires and Dictators to enslave ALL but the tippy-top "leaders", nomenklatura and apparatchiks + useful idiots

(read, Liberals and Progressives ).

To the question of "Can America be saved" from the coming Hell-On-Earth of Global Wokeism - meaning the absolute egalitarian insanity of Global Marxism applied and administered by international UN-elected and UN-accountable (lifetime) bureaucrats? It appears the preponderance of Americans

are not even AWARE of the QUESTION! Each new generation spawns hordes of naive 'youngsters' who LOVE the Bernie Sanders and AOC ( Absolutely Obnoxious Communist) agitators and "community Organizers"(all) non-productive parasites that infest federal, state & local governments!

That, along with the fact there will be (at least) two more years of the Biden administration - and Merrick Garland as the so-called "Attorney General", along with Christopher Wray and the unholy, ROGUE, FBI, optimism of or for returning to a Constitutional Republic seem , well, unlikely.

But, won't the Republicans - now that they are again in power in the House - change things for the better? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

While the U.S.S.A. - as yet - does not have (known) "re-education camps" as the CCP does, for the "hard'Core" Americans who will have NONE of this Bull-excrement WOKE "globalism" stuffed down our throats - can re-education of sentient human beings via digital surveilance and COMPLETE control of We the people and our property be somehow halted and ELIMINATED?

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It doesn't matter the country (minus a few cultural norms)... all of humanity deals with the same weaknesses of character. In biblical terms it comes down to pride, greed, lust and idolatry. I feel like we (the public) are the 'birdies' in a global badminton game. Keep us all confused and up in the air until the semi-controlled collapse is complete and the digital shackles are in place... then let the masses hit the ground. I don't think the Republic can be saved, it was hollowed out by the very ones who took oaths to protect and defend it a while ago. We just weren't aware the party was over already. It is 'REVIVAL or BUST'... it starts in your own heart. Surrender it to Jesus.

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I think it won’t fall without a bloody fight. There still are many armed patriots. The country may split…. I don’t want that but…

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