Nov 30, 2022·edited Nov 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“It’s not too late to stop being a tool of oppression”—this was the central message of the piece I directed at what Christopher Browning calls “desk murderers”:

• “Letter to a Colluder: Stop Enabling Tyranny” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling)

That was over a year ago. Frankly, it does feel too late. They had their chance. Now it’s time to put them on the stand for serving as accessories to mass murder.

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Desk Murderer. A phrase to add to the lexicon and use often.

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Indeed, ’tis an incredibly handy term these days!

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Agreed. Nothing short of holding a full accounting will stop this nightmare and prevent a repeat.

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Excellent article and video clips. Powerful and well stated. Thank you. 🔥

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Thank you, Grace! My pleasure and glad you appreciated it.

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for your tireless efforts, Dr. Malone. Now for each of us to keep the vision of how these freedoms will not be lost. How we ourself must work to assure a different future than their 'playbook'.

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Trying to provide guideposts and an alternative vision. My primary mission now. The mRNA story is a sideshow. A skirmish. This is the battle.

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Disagree! MRNA is the battle! Man deciding on interfering with the integrity of human cellular function! When over 100 drug companies are developing these nano drug injections creates great fear for the future of humans! Dr. Malone…you should know better than most researchers since you codified the process!

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I prefer to focus on the strategy, not the tactics.

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The ultimate goal of the globalists is not just control of humanity, it is transhumanism and using the biotech to practice eugenics.

If you doubt this, just listen to this lecture from 2018 in which a Gates proxy, David Roux, all but predicted what we have lived through (social trauma and a tsunami of innovation we keep being told about). Perhaps, more importantly towards the end of the lecture and in the question-and-answer session he details in the that we are on the cusp of man being able to "engineer his own evolution." David Roux states that the agenda will not be stopped because of the unscrupulous businessmen and corrupt politicians. And he should know given his line of business.

Furthermore, since before 2014 he has been taking deliberate steps to set up a biopharmaceutical corridor in the Northeast and is working the agenda/plan of the globalists on several fronts.

By tracking Roux’s connections and his activities and moves since 2007---and the offshoots of his associations and influence, I suspect we are dealing with a well-coordinated and planned coup.


In 2010, another big investor, Noubar Afayen, funded the creation of Moderna. In 2014, Afayen was the chair of the WEF Global Council on Emerging Technologies. In a report from 2014 he detailed the top 10 innovations in progress/development, The list includes brain/computer interface and the RNA technology....Braun has a right to be concerned.

Roux is simply confirming in 2018 what he knows to be true…unscrupulous businessmen and corrupt politicians— and fin/tech elite are obsessed with the ability to engineer designer humans. They talk about personalized medicine, but Roux clearly gets more excited during his lecture speaking to the possibilities and potential for eugenics.

I know that Dr. Malone was surprised to learn that our Department of Defense has been working on cyborgs for some time. Those of us who have been in the trenches have known that since before the pandemic and our understanding of the underlying agenda preceded the toxic jab and we raised the alarm on the eve of the lockdowns/pandemic. One of the lead researchers I was in touch with said from the beginning that the pandemic was about demolishing the west and introducing social impact markets. Sadly, it appears she was spot on.


As noted above, Noubar Afayen founded Moderna in 2010. That was the same year that Charles Lieber, renown Harvard scientist, figured out how to use nano wires for surveillance of activity within a human cell.

Then in 2014, working in a Harvard-China joint key nano lab, he and his fellow Chinese researchers figured out how to get the nano wires into the cell using lipid nanoparticles without destroying the cell. Guess who Charles Lieber was working with on this new technology and its applications?

None other than Robert Langer of MIT, who also happens to be one of the original founders (now filthy rich from the pandemic--remember Dr. Malone previously characterized his as predatory in his practices) of Moderna in 2010. So Lieber and Langer were working together on applications for this technology relative to us.

Charels Lieber was arrested on the eve of the pandemic for his dealings with China and was subsequently convicted for failure to disclose those connections and the money he was given. Tried and convicted of tax evasion, etc. not spying or treason. I have to wonder if his arrest is merely a cover story. When he was arrested many speculated, he had something to do with the creation of the virus. I think if anything, he likely had something to do with the grand experiment of Pfizer's and Moderna's vaccine. A visit to the website for the Lieber Lab shows that Lieber was working on injectables for delivery of the nano wires into human cells. Things that make you go....hmmmm, especially given the reports of strange structures and graphene oxide in some of the vaccine vials.

Then you have the fact that the CEO of Moderna is reported to have had some responsibility in building the Wuhan Lab prior to becoming the CEO of Moderna. And keep in mind that he was hand-picked for his role at Moderna.

Now, a few tidbits about Moderna. Moderna raised enormous amounts of capital mostly from the fin/tech elite and those in the biotech industry. It did so on the promise of mRNA being the "software of life" that would revolutionize medicine by allowing for personalized medicine through gene therapy. But in the years after 2010 they struggled to get a product to market. In fact, the COVID vaccine is the first product to go to market for Moderna.

Moderna at some point shifted its resources and focus to vaccines. Some in the industry were scratching their heads as vaccines are considered a loss leader in the pharmaceutical industry.

By 2017/2018 Moderna talked about the vaccines in the pipeline citing ones like for the zika virus. Strangely, they indicated that they had one that was a secret and was in development. In hindsight, that seems rather suspect.


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More to the story....

Things that make you go Hmmmmm....

The two links I provided are definitely worth watching/reading....and behind them are several more research details I have acquired that reveal that nothing is happening by chance at this point.

An example would be that David Roux was selected to be on Gates Founding Board of the IHME in 2007. It is worth noting who he was rubbing elbows with on that board. For example, Tedros was on the founding board prior to becoming the head of the WHO. Also, on the board were representatives from Australia, India, Turkey, Norway, and the USA. Interestingly, the chair of the founding board was Julio Frenk, the Dean of the Harvard School of Public Health. Is it just me or do alot of roads lead back to Harvard?


Roux has remained on the Board to present. In 2013 Roux established the Roux Prize, which is an annual award f $100,000 given to an individual or institution who/that has made innovative advances in the area of global disease burden research. Each year submissions and nominations can be made for who is deserving. The Roux Prizer is certainly an effective way for Gates and Roux to keep a finger on the developments in data analytics in various areas and particularly biotech, research, health, and medicine.

The Roux Prize can also serve to by influence with the recipients. Consider that in 2019 the Roux Prize went to Dr. Richard Horton, who is the editor of the Lancet.

Then reflect on the fact that the Lancet had rushed to publish what turned out to be a bogus study relative to hydroxychloroquine in the summer of 2020. This was when arguments were being made that an EUA was necessary because drugs were not available to treat COVID. Hmmm....coincidence?


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Recently on November 7th the Lancet ran an article about the linking of climate change and health at the NIH. They are announcing their plans....the climate change narrative and the NIH COVID/pandemic (need for surveillance, yada, yada) are being more and more inextricably linked.

Meanwhile broadband is going up, farmers are being forced off their land. And in my state, PFAs have been discovered as a source of pollution and have fueled a hunt for contaminated land that is about to go national!!! Wait for it. What is happening in the Netherlands may very well happen here under the guise of an environmental crisis.



In the article above from our esteemed former governor and now Senator is a proposal for a national law related to PFAs and contamination. Incidentally, Governor King was the architect along with Apple computers of the first laptop initiative in education whereby students were each given computers.

That whole matter is a fascinating tale and one I would love to detail in a book someday titled "An Agenda Rotten to the core:

Apple Computers and Politicians remaking education to line their pockets and expand their influence. " That agenda in our state went full throttle in 2010, it took 8 years for Mainers to wake up to the harm happening to our schools. As of 2019, no improvements in performance have been documented since the inception of the Laptop Initiative. Rather, we have had serious decline between it and the more recent push towards mass customized learning and proficiency based learning, which theoretically was moving students towards learning on computers without a teacher (facilitator instead) at their own pace and with the right to choose their own focus before they are actually intellectually developed. The whole reform was more about creating a pipeline for the coming gig economy and would allow data collection on students thereby allow students to be sorted and tracked according to ability and assessments. But I digress.

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Back to how the pandemic and movements as of late tell us just how orchestrated matters have been....

What fascinates me even further about the recent article in the Lancet is that fairly new Director of the NIEHS, Richard P. Woychik, Ph.D., is the lead author on the Lancet article. He assumed his post as Director of NIEHS, I believe in October 2019.

He had been deputy director of the NIEHS prior to the pandemic. He is now the Director leading the charge.

Why is that so interesting to me....well, he previously headed the Jackson Laboratory, which is currently located in Maine, CT, and CA. Over the past decade JL has also expanded its operations in China aggressively. I have more details on that, but will hold off for now.

In 2010/2011, David Roux (who is on Gates' IHME board and who gave the Roux prize to the editor of the Lancet) gained a seat on the Jackson Laboratory Board. It was right around the time that Gates made his first grant to JL.

If I had to guess, the money Gates gave to the lab essentially bought him a say in new board members being added soon thereafter. Coincidentally, Roux was named to join the Board of JL. Imagine that!

Roux then gave his own large donation in 2013/2014 for a genomic institute (Roux Genomic Institute) and quickly became chair of the JL up until just recently. Again, they have been rather aggressive with their operations in Asia.

An interesting fact on who was selected to be the inaugural director of the genomic institute in Farmington, CT. His name was Yijun Ruan and he arrived from the Singapore Genomic Institute where he had been serving as a Deputy Director. The Director he served under was also now working at JL.

Not long after Charles Lieber was arrested as part of Trump's China Initiative, the FBI went looking for Yijun Ruan. Go figure.

So it is pretty apparent to me that Roux and Gates are working their magic here in my state laying the groundwork for the agenda. I also find the second grant made to JL by the Gates Foundation more recently (since the pandemic) to be fascinating as it is for research relative to reproduction and finding a means to control fertility other than hormonally. Fascinating. Just as the first grant raised my eyebrows given the nature of COVID---and it was awarded well before the pandemic.

Roux's actions since the pandemic and also his recent replacement for the chair of JL has me itching to do more research. The point is----they are way out ahead of us. And I see no signs of them slowing down on implementing their measures for the digital prison. That reality needs to be made clear. Not sure that strategy relative to trying to build communities with like-minded people is enough or could even work. I explain a bit later.

The plan has been in the works for some time. Those of us paying attention to what was happening in education are largely out ahead of those that only went down the rabbit hole as a result of COVID. In fact, it was in doing research around education reform in Maine that was pushed and funded by Gates (he was trying to change the entire education system in New England) that I first came across David Roux. He was in an article talking about the need for education to be a pipeline for the technology sector. He was taking steps in and around 2018 to set up the Roux Institute, which is located in Portland and is attempting to redefine education as basically job training and credentialing of skill sets. If you have researched this area, you know they have a whole lingo they use to advance the narrative and agenda in education. Just like the equity, diversity and inclusion mantra.

While talk of building a separate infrastructure and focusing on strategy is necessary to a certain degree....our inability to actually organize and communicate as time grows short is going to be problematic. If the coup takes place in its final stages, those we are fighting against do own the tech already to track and trace our every move.

I have moments when I think.....it sure will be easy for those of us that form the resistance to be identified and tracked/traced. We have all subscribed to the substacks of those that have become mouthpieces in rejecting the covid narrative.

How do we fight when the half man/half beast described in Machiavelli's "The Prince" reveals itself to be all beast?

I fear that time will come, and time is growing short. Our failure to comply will not be tolerated and they will have the means to do a virtual siege and real-life consequences of resistance hat will be more effective than guns in getting people to submit.

Their tactics will be fueled and fed by the propaganda machine that is weaponizing our neighbors, friends and family against us. We are in our silos....and they know it. We are not tired enough yet for them to make a final push. But it is coming.

Or at least I believe it is because all the mounting evidence that an epic fraud has been committed is being ignored. And that can only last so long. There is no other explanation for the obvious silencing and ignoring of facts. And then there is all my research that has me thinking my suspicions about the agenda and how it is unfolding are spot on.

I could be wrong, but we cannot afford for me to be right.

Once the digital prison is built...and it could take a few more years. The target date of the cabal of 2030 seems reasonable. in light of the very methodical and coordinated response to the pandemic and where we are now.

And I have often wondered how it is that Fauci seems to have no fear of being proven to have got so much so wrong. How can he still smirk and repeat his lines? Does he know where the power brokers are that have long since been placed to make sure the agenda goes off as planned?

I would remind people that this is not a left vs. right issue at its heart. There are those supporting the agenda on both sides of the aisle. This is an us against them issue. Perhaps that is why Fauci persists and does not seem to be worried about the potential repercussions for his lies.

The splintering of the health freedom movement is troubling because it does detract and disrupt a necessary cohesiveness which we must have if we are going to counter the coup. There is more than enough resistance needed to go around.

If we get hung up on heroes and place our hope in individuals rather than actually doing the work ourselves and building a culture of transparency, accountability and integrity we will end up back where we are currently at.

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deletedDec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022
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The founding fathers did provide a system with checks and balances. That system has been soundly abused by those it was entrusted to. Remember power corrupts.

What is to stop the new system from being corrupted if people once again put their faith in leaders versus actually teaching future generations self-reliance and critical thinking?

In addition to the transhumanism and eugenics background, we also can see the shift in our financial system that is underway and relates to the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Social impact markets will replace the markets we operate under now. Currently our market is driven by products and services. However, we will soon 'own nothing' which means that that market will not work.

We are being pushed towards "social impact markets" which will be all about the fin/tech elite (who will own those things that we need, even the air we breath and the water we drink--not to mention housing, etc.) managing us through algorithms and behavioral modification via tech. That is, the track and trace surveillance state through corporate collection of data.

The more automated things become the more we become useless eaters to the overlords.

They will be the ones that own everything and decide the terms and conditions of use.

This is a good time to remind people of the old adage "Figures can lie and liars figure." We need only look at the pandemic to get a taste at how adept these folks are at manipulating data for their purposes.

People have been eating up all the talk of a more just, equitable, fair and diverse future. What most do not understand is that constitutes a Trojan Horse.

What is happening as our government goes bankrupt through unbridled spending (often in the name of fulfilling these 'virtuous' goals) is we are in the process of handing our governance over to the corporations that already essentially own us.

The idea that it is our elected officials making informed choices on behalf of our interests and our wishes can no longer pass the straight face test.

Our elected officials have long since prostituted themselves to those who lobby them for policies that will line the pockets of those who are seizing power (and many of the elected officials have been more than happy to collect their own dividends through what amounts to an insider trading relationship). How many people know or understand that the politicians, 2/3 of Congress, who were not mandated to take the vaccine have investments in big pharma?

That is the reality behind why we are not seeing more pushback in DC. It is far easier for them to join the millionaire class through brokering than to do the right thing. And they can simply say they are deferring to the corrupt institutions that have long since been captured by the likes of Gates et al. Kind of like they get their cake and ice cream too.

Maine figures prominently in what is happening. We are a relatively poor, rural state with one of the largest elderly populations in the nation. We were ripe for the picking.

I am reminded of how the 9/11 terrorist entered the US on our border with Canada. It was easy for them to pass over the border because we are a sleepy state that prides itself on low levels of crime and nefarious going on. We are unsuspecting.

Roux, was a perfect fit, he is home grown. He has personal family ties to our former Governor Longley. So he is no stranger to politics and politically Maine is a small state.

Originally from the second largest city/Metroplitan area in our state. That same area has some of the worst problems with regard to homelessness, crime, unemployment, etc.

Again, remember what these guys are looking to do in the name of equity---social impact markets. They are demolishing the west and will make money off building us back up by providing for us and managing us…betting on their data, algorithms, and impact markets.

Roux comes to Maine and plays the part of generous patron motivated to help his home state with and through philanthropy. No wonder when the pandemic hit, our Governor (who I expect is fully apprised of the evolving plan) rushed to create an Economic Recovery Committee using the delphi method. That is, give it the appearance of taking many voices into consideration when what really happens is an expert comes in and sells a plan.

Guess who was listed as the expert to tell us that our tax dollars going forward should all go into tech, broadband, etc. The final report reads like a 4th Industrial Revolution document. One month before it was published Mr. Roux went to MA and set up a private equity firm called Baypine.

His partners are mostly his Harvard buddies and a BlackRock executive. And the mission of Baypine is to purchase ownership interests in traditional sectors of the economy and industry for the purpose of retrofitting for the digital future. I could go on and explain how his advice to Maine to go all in on electric vehicles is consistent with his first purchase as the head of Baypine. He is positioning himself to capitalize on the investment of our tax dollars.

Again, the more automated things become. The more AI is used to manage our affairs and existence, the more dependent we become on the fin/tech overlords. We will no longer have incomes by which we pay taxes for our governance. The money will dry up with the jobs.

And our governance will become all about fascism...the state being merged with corporations....that then become the controlling decisionmakers.

Can we fight that? Can we exist outside of that?

Here is the ultimate fly in the ointment. Over the past two years we have seen how committed they are to controlling the narrative. They have violated amendments to our constitution knowingly and without remorse as a means of coercing and controlling the public.

Once the coup is complete, do you really think they will not find an excuse or a means to continue to silence us.

There will be no authority to which we can appeal. Look even now at how our judicial system cannot keep up with the lawsuits relative to the nonsense we have endured.

The judicial system will not rescue us. I say that as a lawyer. It is too slow and cumbersome--just as regulating the tech sector has been impossible with the explosion of their "advances and innovations" that our government agencies and actors cannot keep pace with and as noted above the politicians have prostituted themselves and our interests to the same cabal.

And in places/institutions like the Supreme Court, do you think those folks are completely oblivious to what is happening? Doubtful.

They are some of the most critical thinkers trained in parsing out details....how could they not see the rampant inconsistencies that concern us.

Finally, when the Supreme Court reversed Roe....a great deal of hay was made by the democrats.

Setting aside the pro-life vs. pro-choice dichotomy for a moment, I was left wondering in earnest why now?

I fully understand that one can favor the reversal of Roe on the basis of federalism and also be in favor of a woman's right to choose.

Trump (who rubs elbows with Klaus Schwab and others at the water cooler) made sure to get judges that would consider the reversal on the bench.

Here is the very real thing I am worried about with the reversal of Roe....it eliminates THE RIGHT TO PRIVACY that had had been judicially created based on the penumbra of rights contained in the Constitutional Amendments. With that gone and the surveillance state on the horizon with digital IDs and CBDC and increased automation....on what basis will we object when the corporate fascists insist that their idea of greater good and communitarianism requires that we no longer enjoy any privacy?

Now might be a time for many to watch the 2017 movie "The Circle."


Dr. Malone.... I provided much of the research on Roux and Gates to Dr. Nass some time ago (just under a year--after my mother died from the pandemic). I also tried to reach you and others through e-mails, to no avail. I was desperate to alert you to the fact that much more was at stake than just the vaccine issues. I asked Dr. Nass it to forward my research to you. She asked, "For what purpose?" I tried to explain that there were people, us mothers who had been doing our homework before the pandemic that could shed light on what was unfolding.

I explained that it was critical for you and others who were just stepping to the plate relative to the vaccine to understand the interconnectedness of what was happening.

As far as I know she never forwarded it to you. I was disappointed. I feel like so much time could have been saved if the doctors, like yourself, had considered that some of us have been on the scent and trail for more than two years before the pandemic could have saved you time in realizing the role of the WEF and the UN, as well as the relevance of the climate change narrative and sustainable goals. All of which is about the "social impact markets" and the change they are making in the financial system.

I continue to be dismayed that there is not a place where we can collect the knowledge in the various states...I know those tracking in TX, OK, CO, etc. In different parts of the US, different predatory philanthropists are setting up the infrastructure and have been putting their people in places of influence for some time. And it is continuing with little attention given to that element of the transformation underway. To that degree...I do think the vaccine issue, while important, are a distraction. But I disagree that we can simply set up a different way of doing things when the time comes that they force compliance with tech and geofencing.

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I know I just through a ton of information out there. But I do believe the key is to understanding how, I believe different parts of the US are under the influence of different predatory philanthropists in working the plan. For example, my friend in OK has been tracking the Kaiser Foundation.

And there is evidence that the US will be carved up into mega regions. Pretty sure Gates has his sights on the Northeast corridor, which is not surprising given the commerce here.

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We need to have more than a Health Freedom Movement. And we need assurance that those leading the health movement are not vested in the social impact markets.

I will tell you that the lead researcher that saw this coming before the pandemic broke ranks with Kennedy over the fact that he had connections to the "social impact markets" being created and set up for the aftermath.

I agree with her that that is the real evil in our midst...the social impact markets...the changing of the financial system and the coup relative to our governance...the coming technocracy.

And just as in WWII, I have no doubt that there are some who are invested in both sides of the current war being fought. Not wanting to be on the losing side…they position themselves to win no matter who prevails.

Food for thought.

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I read an article once that had stated that he had talked to an elitist . The elitist said that their plan was to restrict worship services. Religious group are strong groups who band together for righteous causes. If they can stop gatherings then they can restrict strong forces for good. Religion is the heart and soul of any country.

America was settled to allow religious freedoms which were repressed in England. Religious groups fought for our religious freedoms and formed our now great country.

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Melanie, religious freedoms except for the native peoples. Such horrendous treatment of the children in mission schools is still being uncovered. The "Savages" weren't so savage after all, we were the savages. Not allowed to speak their native tongue, their religious ceremonies were banned etc. and we wonder what happened to the "poor, drunk Indian".

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Yes the children in the mission were treated terrible. It makes me sick. But if you look through history it is not the normal everyday good people causing the terrible injustice . It is the men in charge. Just like now. The elitists are the ones causing terrible in justice to the everyday good people. Men in power want more power.

I had ancestors who came over on the Mayflower . One being John Howland. He is my 9th great grandfather. The pilgrims would not have survived without the Native Americans.

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How delightful were natives to other natives with different beliefs, anywhere? It's not about seeking out who the "bad" are, the entire human population is that, here and there, in different sized clusters, different issues, etc.

It's about finding that gleaming thread of light and sharing it with those still alive.

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022

CW, that is a different issue. It's the idea that the pursuing religious freedoms has been done at the expense of repression and outright banning of Spiritual ceremony, language and freedoms, while calling these people savages. The children were taken from their families, forever wounded. What the government did, as well as the military arm to make it happen, is now happening here in the world again. Should it be any surprise?

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I see it as the same issue. People get together in groups of some size than come against other groups. For religious reasons and lots of other reasons. Go into the details of any of these and the data is there that it was quite horrible.

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"Religious group are strong groups who band together for righteous causes"

For THEIR righteous causes! All "righteous" causes are not similarly desirable or even commendable to everyone. Some religious groups' causes could even be seen as reprehensible to our Judeo/Christian views and not "forces for good" that we'd recognize. The basic flaw in perceiving the world through one's own prism may be to misread what drives much of the rest of the world.

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Why do we not agree to keep our immunity system front and center as being the key protector from pathogens of all types? Having an honest discussion about how to maintain and boost our, immune system is the best method to protect humanity, and not having mRNA injections that Have and will do great harm harm. A 7.7 % ADR rate tells the story, and if the 35% of Americans who eagerly accept boosters will further be compromised the ADR rate will continue to climb!

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Therefore, any public statements and policies on reduced infection and transmission were [outright lies].

Fixed it for you.

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true that

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent article! Thank you, Dr. Malone. I have one thing to say about Elon Musk. Although he seems to be defending our right to freedom of speech, we need to remember that he owns the company that makes chips for brains. I always think of him as "the brain chip dude". I suspect he is one of the global movement's agents who have accepted the task of attempting to win back the "trust" of the masses. Just saying.

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He also is silent on the protests in china, where he takes billions on the backs of slave labor like the nba Hollywood etc… Also child slave labor to produce batteries for his coal fired earth polluting vehicles!!!

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Elon also has a lot of business in China -his Tesla 'green' cars, and tell me how he is not compromised? He has praised Xi. He is en par with Tim Cook re: 'Eldorado' China

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Nothing shocks me anymore, especially attacks on Christianity. It is to be expected because Satan, who is behind this debacle, will do all he can to prevent worship of God. My atheistic brother, back in 2021, refused to allow me to visit our mother because, as he said, "conservatives and Christians are not taking this seriously and are putting everyone in danger." I gave in to his dictat because he had made a veiled threat against me and I believed he is mentally ill and might carry out the threat. Regarding the reality of this being a spiritual war, check out this very interesting video from Glenn Beck about a dream he had twice. (I don't normally seek spiritual nourishment from Glenn Beck, but this is fascinating.) https://youtu.be/JtQwAQeZ7HQ

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We are very near the point where a super-AI will be capable, via ubiquitous 5G wireless communication, of totally controlling the will of everyone -- at least insofar as the will is a function of brain activity. It's not hard to fathom that the chief priority of this system will be to prevent God from being freely worshiped. One wonders what God is going to think of that situation. He might feel moved to create a new earth and a new heaven.

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He might, indeed!

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Thank you for sharing that link. It’s very sobering.

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Just watched the video. It is indeed fascinating and I believe, on point.....

Thank you for posting it!

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

To me the essay points to the failure of globalist (health) strategies and reminds me of some lines in a book by Kahlil Gibran:

"Pity a nation that wears a cloth it does not weave, eats a bread it does not harvest, and drinks a wine that flows not from its own wine press." I will add; Pity a nation where the ignorant accept lies as truth and truth as lies.

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Such a nation as the last deserves no pity.

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Apple’s restriction of Airdrop by the good people of China who are trying to free themselves of their tyrannical leader falls in the categories in Bendell’s essay of “serving profits and power” and “disrupted alliances and collaboration for meaningful social and political change”. I can’t wait to get rid of my iPhone given it serves global elite power control. I use it less and less each day because I find it creepy. https://www.theepochtimes.com/apple-restricted-airdrop-access-ahead-of-chinese-protests_4893223.html

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Nov 30, 2022·edited Nov 30, 2022

Outstanding summary of what happened, why/how it was made possible, and in large part by whom. That said, what is yet to manifest in the wake of the mass jab campaign and all the other lunacy-induced mandates & unprecedented draconian utterly non-science/evidence based policies may prove to be a challenge many are unprepared to handle, psychologically, emotionally, & spiritually. That too was part of the plan, about which I have zero doubt. Some of us have gained strength throughout the last 3 yrs, despite the ridicule, derision, cancellation, excommunication, lost relationships, lost lives of loved ones & friends, etc. Stay strong everyone, there will be many more than we can even imagine who are going to need us and our strength to help them make it, no overstatement here...

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I was angered by the choices regional governments made as to which organizations and businesses were deemed as “unnecessary” (like churches) and which weren’t. I would like to see a list compiled of this hypocrisy according to region.

And of those businesses that remained open, such as Menards--they cordoned off the paint section so people couldn’t buy paint to work on home improvement projects while stuck at home. We were treated like “the ignorant masses”.

Churches provide essential spiritual food and guidance and spiritual, emotional and physical support for people undergoing a level of stress many of us had never encountered before. And pastors were arrested (in “FREE” nations) for trying to carry out their duties to help people in these ways. This is an outrage and needs to be addressed and prevented from happening again. The only sounds of remorse that we have heard from the global or national alphabet organizations is that “we need to be better at doing what we did.”

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What are the chances of getting an autographed copy of your book? Dr. B

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Please tell us how. I know I am not the only one who would jump at the chance to own one.

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Bravo! Dr. Malone. Perhaps your most powerful post ever. Words and truth are more powerful than intimidation and fear. Thank you.

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for everything you have been doing for us. Just got confused initially because your article says Bendall's article was written in 2021. But then read his article dated 2022.

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Sorry about that! Fixed!

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Luv ya Dr. Malone, but giving Jem Bendell any "airtime", so to speak, lends credence to his apparent sole purpose in life, namely to espouse a radical climate fanaticism and to help us all prepare for the impending and impending and impending (ad infinitum) societal collapse due to the "chaos" of climate change. This fellow is the bonkerest of bonkers with respect to climate alarmism and should be ignored...full stop, as you like to say. Read this and weep: http://lifeworth.com/deepadaptation.pdf

Otherwise, keep your finger in the dike...it is much appreciated.

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Am I wrong for cutting out relationships with people who fall into these categories? Mainly it’s because my relationships feel fake because I know they were easily manipulated and I can’t have honest conversations with them. I know they may not understand why so does that matter? Part of me wants to stick it out because it’s the right way to be but the other part of me is not wanting to give a crap anymore. I’m tired...

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In my experience, the severed relationships weren't cut but "us," but by "them." Cutting relationships to avoid hearing the truth is irrational, and those who slavishly adopt the oppressors' dictates are irrational. They don't recognize their irrationality because they're ignorant. Ignorance drives fear and fear produces irrational behavior, every time. It took several generations of educational malfeasance to produce an overwhelming pool of ignorance, and several generations of complacency to allow it. It's all our fault.

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Nov 30, 2022·edited Nov 30, 2022

Some are willfully ignorant.

I find there is a mutual cutting. I am more reluctant to cut a relationship with someone who I think was just scared. But the truth is that the relationship will eventually be cut. Or it will just fade. I'm with Jen. I am tired. There aren't many around me who realize what is going on. Pretty hard to put "you are a dupe" gently. Pretty hard to be friends with someone who probably blamed you for the spread of disease and denial of society with others and thought people like you were nazis. I really hope there are apologies, but I think hell will freeze over before it happens. I hold out hope that I am wrong.

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I’m probably more or less letting relationships fade. Maybe they think I’m not a very good friend because I am doing that. But quite frankly I’m just a bit exhausted caring too much. Unless they were friends I had a special bond with, I would put more effort into it.

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Surrender is defeat. Recent Desmet interview said tyrannies always fail if there is vocal opposition, and always succeeds if the opposition goes underground.

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If you cared about them before, they're probably worth the effort to save them. Nobody is perfect.

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I think I am sorting that out. Some refuse to be saved. They are the ones that didn't want people who refused the jab or would not mask up to be able to have careers, social lives, medical treatments... life - they wished people like me would die of covid. Of course only one person said it to my face. She sees no problem with what she did. She pretends that was righteous at the time and that I should get over it. She wasn't wishing ME in particular dead... after all "I am probably the kindest person she knows". If she only knew what was going on in my head she might want to take that back. I don't wish anyone dead... not even Fauci, but I am not feeling like pretending none of it happened. I think some of the maskers are feeling the same way about me. Every winter... back to the masks and the evil eyes. I am all wide smiles and fresh air inhaling.

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I get that. I think I just don’t want to pretend this never happened. It’s been really damaging and traumatic for so many in lots of ways. I’d really like people to honestly reevaluate how we did things. For me from the beginning, the emphasis should have always been on choice. I didn’t for one second buy into the crap about we can all do our part and be kind. I saw this guilt trip stuff happening way before COvID. I just couldn’t buy into it.

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As the Stones sang, you can't always get what you want.

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I wish I shared your generosity. I succeed sometimes. We don't need to save them all. I try to save them all, but focus on the ones that seem worth the effort. Especially those who were friends before the fall.

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We can’t save them, but God can — so rather than continue to try and reason with cult-like folks, like others have said I’m at the point of exhaustion. I barely have enough energy to pray for them, but in that i will continue to persevere - they need that more than anything I can say or do at this point.

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Oh I totally agree. I pray God rescues them from the death cult. I also pray for my Christian friends who are utterly UTTERLY consumed (still) with fear. I also pray for myself. I feel overwhelmed by the general and specific turn of events in my own life since the pandemic. I pray I will have grace and patience. And that I won't become mean and hard. It's a battle.

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That takes too long.

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That is a good point.

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In many ways I often feel sorry for people who judged me on my vaccine status. I see them as unread and willing to continue to poison their bodies with a foreign substance that they have no idea what it contains. I also feel extremely sad for their children…

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I am also at the place where I can’t just go on in relationships and pretend nothing happened.

Depending on the importance of the relationship--I am looking for ways to let them know how their actions or words affected me. Hoping for growth in understanding and reconciliation. If that can’t happen then we get the measure of the person and cut our losses. At least for the time being. As long as there is life, there is hope.

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If you find perfect friends, hold on to them. I haven't found any yet. If we do, they might not like our imperfections.

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I just feel like friends should be easy and mostly effortless unlike most of the families we’ve been blessed with. We put up as long as it doesn’t make us literally crazy.

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I agree. When I suggest time to “cut our losses”, it may be that I recognize that the person is not as trustworthy as I thought they were.🤷‍♀️

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No one is as trustworthy as we hope.

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A friend today can be a troll tomorrow

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If they were a friend yesterday, they're probably worth saving.

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I hear you and struggle as well … when you can’t stand to be with them pray for them.

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no idea on "wrong"

but actively getting a core group to share things with is a huge deal

the weeds in the garden doesn't make us deny the existence of lettuce

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core group of like minded folks willing to be honest that is :)

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Nov 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I just can't swallow this emerging idea that Lane is responsible for a country wide, much less worldwide covid reaction. Baloney. At best, Lane was sent on a mission to provide cover, deniability. The plandemic was almost seamlessly orchestrated from many different points,

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BTW, I'm not sure how many of Dr Malone's followers here also get the emails from the Children's Health Defense, but their email this morning was promoting Died Suddenly.

I sent them this notice and urge all here to do likewise:

"Promoting Died Suddenly is playing into their hands. it's half false, is click bait, and hurts us more than anything You know that! !! Cut it out!! 

Find another way to alert folks on the clotting issues-make your own film."

After Robert Kennedy Jr's Fauci book, Claire Dooley's trucker convoy coverage, others, it's such a misguided shame to see CHD lulled down this road.

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Could you just briefly mention a couple of ways the video is false? Thanks.

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Good discussion of 4 different points, unforttunate is that this smears the clotting/"worm" issues of embalmers, a very real problem. So is Stew planted opposition, for he is tearing apart the truth.

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Thanks for the reference. It always pays to remain skeptical of the things you see and hear.

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