Righto - a bit of activism please. A world class museum in Edinburgh (Chamber street) is hosting an exhibition titled : ‘Covid:Injecting hope’ . It’s pure propaganda sponsored by the Wellcome Group (Big Pharma) and Capula an investment bank. If you think museums are special public spaces that should be kept free of this type of propaganda write to dr Christopher Breward. The email is info@nms.ac.uk. His assistant is called Samantha. I can supply a template letter if you like. I’m at francoiseelvin@gmail.com. You could point out they’re behind the curve now that the US is pulling out of the WHO. 💪🎉🥳
Hi Everyone - please consider writing, even if you aren't in the UK. One strategy is to remind them that their tourism $$$ are at stake, as people can boycott such cities and museums that promote such propaganda. That a few well-placed social media posts and such a boycott could go viral.
Billions of dollars invested in RNA technology will be lost if they don’t keep pushing the pseudo science that has the premise that the medicine man can improve on God’s design!
Francoise, please post the template for your letter here! I believe it will have much greater reach. I have only a small chance of ever visiting France, but will GLADLY send a letter or email to further this worthy cause!
Subject: A Message from America re: "Injecting Hope"
Dear Dr. Christopher Breward,
I’ve recently been made aware of a planned exhibition at the National Museum of Scotland, to be called “Injecting Hope: The Race for a COVID-19 Vaccine.” As an American primarily of UK descent, I have an affinity for the culture and an interest in the wellbeing of its people, though I cannot yet count the UK among the foreign destinations to which I’ve traveled. Alas, developments occurring in the COVID era have given me pause where such potential travel is concerned.
I’ve noted the brave efforts of a relatively small number of UK citizens and politicians to draw attention to troubling issues related to COVID in the last five years. Issues such as vaccine injury; the global increases in excess mortality correlating to vaccine rollout; reports from coroners and funeral directors, such as John O’Looney, about serpentine amyloid clots found in large numbers of the recently deceased; efforts by western governments to propagandize and punish their own citizens to force compliance.
As you’ve probably heard, Donald Trump was just re-elected President of the United States. This fills me with hope for a better four years than the last ones. I’m counting on a rollback of global/government censorship, and an increase in transparency. I think what the world is increasingly going to find is that Big Pharma was not “injecting hope,” but rather something more sinister. One wonders indeed why they’ve labored so diligently to conceal so much data surrounding the vaccines for 75 years (?).
I believe we’re currently living through a historic moment. I’d hope that a national museum of history would want to be on the right side of it.
I just emailed them. I admit I didn't use your template letter. Mine was a one sentence message. "Regarding your 'Covid: Injecting Hope' exhibit: are you nuts?"
I was most astonished by Trump "holding court" in 2 different locations as he signed numerous executive orders. This guy, in his late 70s was answering a volley of reporters' questions as he signed the last set of documents, (including the one taking US out of the WHO), after a very long and arduous schedule leading up to and including the inauguration. Stamina!! No other politician could keep up with Trump.
Donald Jr. complains that Trump never sleeps, and his kids can't keep up. I think that he should be medically studied, because he thrives on what stresses everyone else out.
It seems that his only 'positive' health habit is that he doesn't drink alcohol.
Ana! Agreed on healthy eating. Habits can be changed. My Mom is 99 and i don’t think when her mind was clear she knew about healthy foods! Never drank never smoked. The Greatest Generation! She worked for Golden Flake Chip Company!!
I loved President Trump's boldness in calling out the Democrats' corruption and lawfare, with them sitting right beside him. What a wonderful day it was!
Agree completely. And he can do it without any physical manifestations of animosity or elevation in pulse rate.
I've seen a few speculate on what Barron said to Biden as he walked over for a handshake. I'd surely like to know, and I'll bet it wasn't conciliatory.
The lights are back on in America. When I first tuned into the inauguration, seeing Obama, Bill and Hill, Bush, Kamala, and Biden all sitting there together I got a sick feeling. It turned around 180 degrees when Trump began his speech. How refreshing can it feel to have lived through 4 long years of insane Marxist tyranny, the tyrants sitting right there, and hear Trump speak the Gods honest truth, of what we lived through under them, forcing them all to listen, how delicious. Who ever would have thought that things in America could and would get so insane that the President would have to write an executive order stating there are only two genders, male and female. We must never let the insane come back to power. J.Goodrich
My goodness, Dr Malone! Such a difference in 24 hours in your perception of the Trump administration! I was so worried yesterday after reading your post of despair. This is more like what I have come to expect from you: caution, but hopeful regarding America’s future! I enjoyed reading Reagan’s speech. Thank you for posting it. I Hope your gout has improved and you can stay on the farm for awhile and relax! As much as you can with farm chores! Glad you came home with some good memories, at least!
I cried watching JD Vance getting sworn in admired by his lovely wife and surrounded by his kids. I’ve read his memoir Hillbilly Elegy. What a career trajectory! & Trump’s perfect choice - a man of the people from the ‘rust belt’. Mamaw and Papaw would have been so proud!
What a magical experience that must have been for you both? I sat glued to the livestream along with millions of X'ers and I'm so glad I did. Energy, intellect, common sense, actions following words, promises made and promises kept. Pray the Almighty keeps His hand on the Trump family and all their compadres destined to make America great and healthy again. It's a new dawn in America, and I'm thankful! Appreciate your sharing -
Trump has regained control of the fed administrative state, for now, but it is incumbent on the states to regain the burden of membership in a constitutional republic. It will not be easy. In Texas, 36 House Republicans just voted with Democrats to install as Chairman a man (the 5th in a row?) likely to collude with Democrats to block conservative legislation. This prompted me to send the e-mail below to the editor of the Texas Minute. I wonder how many of you Texans out there agree with what I said?
Dear Sir
It is obvious that the composition of the Texas House has run from over 50+% RINOS in the previous session to the present 40+% now. This in the face of 80% of Republicans voting for conservative issues that are repeatedly shot down in a House controlled by Democrats.
I suspect a major faction of Texas RINOS can trace origins back to Wilson who offered us the poisoned apple of progressive socialism and those Democrats who bit the apple and swallowed the seeds whose germination have provided subsequent generations of camp followers to the movement. When LBJ fouled the pond in Texas for Democrats these pond scum simply changed their D to an R and went on being complicit new deal progressive wolves disguised in sheep's clothing.
So, if 80% of Republicans favor conservative legislation how do these RINOS keep being elected? The sad but obvious answer is that the greater percentage of Republican voters neither have nor seek more reliable sources of news than mainstream media which today are little more than Democrat apparatchicks. So they show up, when they show up, and vote for all the Rs on the ballot.
The obvious answer to this conundrum is to remove the R from those RINOS that enables their reelection. Presumably that is within the purview of the Texas Republican Executive Committee. So why have they not done this? Perhaps the question should be how many RINOS are on that committee and what can we do about it?
He predicted the outcome. He did engage in campaigning for true blues, but it wasnt enough. Hopefully some dedicated parties will document the Rhinos duplicity and additional in person campaigning, at the next opportunity will enlighten and motivate voters.
Doing as you are doing, encouraging media to step up and get involved should help too!
What a difference indeed! LOL. You were at the ball and you were already panicking yesterday? LOL. How cool you got to meet RJK Jr. again. Was he optimistic about being able to do some good? I am a writer, so it is our job to watch these guys, but I think much will be improved. He's already accomplishing so much. Reagan had a couple fabulous speech writers. I think Trump writes his own, ha. Yet he manages to communicate pretty well. Did you see the Reagan movie? Happy Tuesday.
That's so special that you and Jill knew each other as teens.
My husband and I met at ages 15 (me) and 16 (him) in high school, were just friends for 10 years, and we will celebrate our 31st wedding anniversary next month.
Let’s not forget Reagan was the one who signed an act repealing the responsibility of Big Pharma with vaccines. I’m not sure of the details - RFK Jnr help me out here.
Yes, he signed the bill that removed liability for vaccine manufacturers, which at the time was pushed for "good" reasons - to unstifle their ability to find cures for people, but to which end we all now well know became disasterous for the American people. It must be repealed, along with the PREP act and many others. Katharine Watt compiled a great list of the various bills that were quietly passed that led to the medical tyranny we have been living under. Check out her Substack: https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/american-domestic-bioterrorism-program.
I'm glad you feel better than you did yesterday, after the sleepless nights and constant foot pain.
It seems that we will need to give the administration room to work. When they get on the wrong track, they should be criticized, but we can't rush to judgment with hot takes on how things are going off the rails.
There are forces that seek to divide this movement and will constantly spread negative information on various individuals, through whisper campaigns and internet trolls. We of good conscience should give people in the MAGA/MAHA sphere a bit of grace and maybe up to five strikes before taking to the keyboard to criticize and share a gloomy take.
Not to say that the people newly in charge are not to be held to account. But keep in mind that they have to thread the needle, constantly keeping the deep state at bay/in the dark/lulled to sleep about what's coming, while still pushing forward with a clear agenda and greater transparency.
It's going to be easy to flip from euphoria to despair and back again, over and over. We just need to breathe, keep perspective with the previous 16 years, and pray unceasingly.
I am "giddy" too!!! This is the best news ever, looks like you are fully on the Trump train!!! Now the two people that I admire the most in this "movement" are in sync!!! I have been a Trumper for a very long time. I got totally engulfed back in 2016 after a many years lapse of even thinking about what Trump was up to. My husband and I back in the 1990's, started our own real estate company and of course read "Art of the Deal" and we loved him then. Following his tips we became successful. Time passed by and I lost track of what he was up to until 2016 and I have been a huge "follower" knowing that he was on the right track, he just needed to have everyone get behind him.
Wow, thank you for President Reagan's speech! And I am happy that Trump has actually fulfilled some of his promises at such speed, great start, hopefully there will be a lot more of such moments! So theankful for everyone who has been pardoned for 6th Jan... Trump's energy is fantastic! What I am so surprised about is the big difference between how he started and acted during his first presidency and how he started and acts now. Back then everything seemed bad, he seemed not happy with anything or anybody. Everyone had to fear to be fired - his approach was so negative. And now - a turn of 180 and his approach is so positive. He is full of hope and confidence and love even, he thanks the people around him all the time and tells who is special and who he admires... Is it just me or is there really this change?
I send my love across the ocean and hope that Europe will join MAHA as MEHA!
I think your perception about Trump's first term is pretty acurate. I do think this was the case, however, because the first time, Trump trusted people who in time proved to be his enemies and who worked tirelessly against him to sabotage his administration. This time around, having gained the insights from his first term, he went in with a brand new team of staffers and appointees who will remove the traitors in his midst to every extent possible. Big difference!
USA sends love to our brothers and sisters across the pond!
"What a difference a day makes" is a perfect header, both for you and us! Rest up and enjoy life and consider getting a massage and that infrared sauna a couple of us mentioned!
Might be good to look at the ingredients, even tho it was used in the "old days" including mine as a child. Petroleum jelly, for one. There are essential oils that are effective too. It's important to know the effects of anything used on the feet. The skin absorbs everything.
Righto - a bit of activism please. A world class museum in Edinburgh (Chamber street) is hosting an exhibition titled : ‘Covid:Injecting hope’ . It’s pure propaganda sponsored by the Wellcome Group (Big Pharma) and Capula an investment bank. If you think museums are special public spaces that should be kept free of this type of propaganda write to dr Christopher Breward. The email is info@nms.ac.uk. His assistant is called Samantha. I can supply a template letter if you like. I’m at francoiseelvin@gmail.com. You could point out they’re behind the curve now that the US is pulling out of the WHO. 💪🎉🥳
Hi Everyone - please consider writing, even if you aren't in the UK. One strategy is to remind them that their tourism $$$ are at stake, as people can boycott such cities and museums that promote such propaganda. That a few well-placed social media posts and such a boycott could go viral.
Billions of dollars invested in RNA technology will be lost if they don’t keep pushing the pseudo science that has the premise that the medicine man can improve on God’s design!
Francoise, please post the template for your letter here! I believe it will have much greater reach. I have only a small chance of ever visiting France, but will GLADLY send a letter or email to further this worthy cause!
Subject: A Message from America re: "Injecting Hope"
Dear Dr. Christopher Breward,
I’ve recently been made aware of a planned exhibition at the National Museum of Scotland, to be called “Injecting Hope: The Race for a COVID-19 Vaccine.” As an American primarily of UK descent, I have an affinity for the culture and an interest in the wellbeing of its people, though I cannot yet count the UK among the foreign destinations to which I’ve traveled. Alas, developments occurring in the COVID era have given me pause where such potential travel is concerned.
I’ve noted the brave efforts of a relatively small number of UK citizens and politicians to draw attention to troubling issues related to COVID in the last five years. Issues such as vaccine injury; the global increases in excess mortality correlating to vaccine rollout; reports from coroners and funeral directors, such as John O’Looney, about serpentine amyloid clots found in large numbers of the recently deceased; efforts by western governments to propagandize and punish their own citizens to force compliance.
As you’ve probably heard, Donald Trump was just re-elected President of the United States. This fills me with hope for a better four years than the last ones. I’m counting on a rollback of global/government censorship, and an increase in transparency. I think what the world is increasingly going to find is that Big Pharma was not “injecting hope,” but rather something more sinister. One wonders indeed why they’ve labored so diligently to conceal so much data surrounding the vaccines for 75 years (?).
I believe we’re currently living through a historic moment. I’d hope that a national museum of history would want to be on the right side of it.
Best of luck to you,
James Lord
I just emailed them. I admit I didn't use your template letter. Mine was a one sentence message. "Regarding your 'Covid: Injecting Hope' exhibit: are you nuts?"
I was most astonished by Trump "holding court" in 2 different locations as he signed numerous executive orders. This guy, in his late 70s was answering a volley of reporters' questions as he signed the last set of documents, (including the one taking US out of the WHO), after a very long and arduous schedule leading up to and including the inauguration. Stamina!! No other politician could keep up with Trump.
Plus ➕️ he was at work by 07:30AM early this morning 🌄 ‼️👏🙌👏
Donald Jr. complains that Trump never sleeps, and his kids can't keep up. I think that he should be medically studied, because he thrives on what stresses everyone else out.
It seems that his only 'positive' health habit is that he doesn't drink alcohol.
I know!!!
I wish that he would stop the diet coke habit!!
Ya, that stuff is nasty!
Ana! 😊At 78! Let him have his Diet Coke!! He is 6 months older than I am!
Margaret, for sure I don't have any authority to make him stop.
That being said, I firmly believe in feeding my loved ones ONLY THE HEALTHIEST OF FOOD ITEMS.
My husband, who is much older than President Trump, has outlived all of his siblings. He and his daughter attribute his longevity to what I feed him.
I lost my daddy 👨 when I was young 😢 and I have always thought and felt that his early death was because of the diet that my mom fed him.
Ana! Agreed on healthy eating. Habits can be changed. My Mom is 99 and i don’t think when her mind was clear she knew about healthy foods! Never drank never smoked. The Greatest Generation! She worked for Golden Flake Chip Company!!
Or he could switch to RC diet cola with Splenda (instead of Diet Coke with Aspartame) as a step-down beverage. Lesser of two evils.
yaaaaa, aspartame sux.
Maybe he subscribes to an old Jefferson Airplane verse: "Maybe preservatives are preserving you". :)
He doesn’t smoke either.
True, that. No dipping either.
Happy man's dreams coming true.
I loved President Trump's boldness in calling out the Democrats' corruption and lawfare, with them sitting right beside him. What a wonderful day it was!
Agree completely. And he can do it without any physical manifestations of animosity or elevation in pulse rate.
I've seen a few speculate on what Barron said to Biden as he walked over for a handshake. I'd surely like to know, and I'll bet it wasn't conciliatory.
He asked Joe what adult diapers he and hunter use? His reply was "Depends."
The lights are back on in America. When I first tuned into the inauguration, seeing Obama, Bill and Hill, Bush, Kamala, and Biden all sitting there together I got a sick feeling. It turned around 180 degrees when Trump began his speech. How refreshing can it feel to have lived through 4 long years of insane Marxist tyranny, the tyrants sitting right there, and hear Trump speak the Gods honest truth, of what we lived through under them, forcing them all to listen, how delicious. Who ever would have thought that things in America could and would get so insane that the President would have to write an executive order stating there are only two genders, male and female. We must never let the insane come back to power. J.Goodrich
I'd like to say the air got so much fresher in America overnight. (Cuz it did)
But then I'd have to thank the Canadian's for such below "0" cold clean fresh air.
And who knows...maybe our 51st state?
My goodness, Dr Malone! Such a difference in 24 hours in your perception of the Trump administration! I was so worried yesterday after reading your post of despair. This is more like what I have come to expect from you: caution, but hopeful regarding America’s future! I enjoyed reading Reagan’s speech. Thank you for posting it. I Hope your gout has improved and you can stay on the farm for awhile and relax! As much as you can with farm chores! Glad you came home with some good memories, at least!
Exactly what I was thinking! Yesterday I wanted to give him a hug, he sounded so down. But today!!! 🎉
I was going to post the very same thing! He had me worried and questioning yesterday! So glad for the turnaround.
I felt the same. Sad to read yesterday’s post. Much better today
He did mention a gout flare up.
I cried watching JD Vance getting sworn in admired by his lovely wife and surrounded by his kids. I’ve read his memoir Hillbilly Elegy. What a career trajectory! & Trump’s perfect choice - a man of the people from the ‘rust belt’. Mamaw and Papaw would have been so proud!
What an excellent book - so well written and engaging.
The movie's not half bad, either.
What a magical experience that must have been for you both? I sat glued to the livestream along with millions of X'ers and I'm so glad I did. Energy, intellect, common sense, actions following words, promises made and promises kept. Pray the Almighty keeps His hand on the Trump family and all their compadres destined to make America great and healthy again. It's a new dawn in America, and I'm thankful! Appreciate your sharing -
Trump has regained control of the fed administrative state, for now, but it is incumbent on the states to regain the burden of membership in a constitutional republic. It will not be easy. In Texas, 36 House Republicans just voted with Democrats to install as Chairman a man (the 5th in a row?) likely to collude with Democrats to block conservative legislation. This prompted me to send the e-mail below to the editor of the Texas Minute. I wonder how many of you Texans out there agree with what I said?
Dear Sir
It is obvious that the composition of the Texas House has run from over 50+% RINOS in the previous session to the present 40+% now. This in the face of 80% of Republicans voting for conservative issues that are repeatedly shot down in a House controlled by Democrats.
I suspect a major faction of Texas RINOS can trace origins back to Wilson who offered us the poisoned apple of progressive socialism and those Democrats who bit the apple and swallowed the seeds whose germination have provided subsequent generations of camp followers to the movement. When LBJ fouled the pond in Texas for Democrats these pond scum simply changed their D to an R and went on being complicit new deal progressive wolves disguised in sheep's clothing.
So, if 80% of Republicans favor conservative legislation how do these RINOS keep being elected? The sad but obvious answer is that the greater percentage of Republican voters neither have nor seek more reliable sources of news than mainstream media which today are little more than Democrat apparatchicks. So they show up, when they show up, and vote for all the Rs on the ballot.
The obvious answer to this conundrum is to remove the R from those RINOS that enables their reelection. Presumably that is within the purview of the Texas Republican Executive Committee. So why have they not done this? Perhaps the question should be how many RINOS are on that committee and what can we do about it?
I watched a Paxton interview before the election
He predicted the outcome. He did engage in campaigning for true blues, but it wasnt enough. Hopefully some dedicated parties will document the Rhinos duplicity and additional in person campaigning, at the next opportunity will enlighten and motivate voters.
Doing as you are doing, encouraging media to step up and get involved should help too!
What a difference indeed! LOL. You were at the ball and you were already panicking yesterday? LOL. How cool you got to meet RJK Jr. again. Was he optimistic about being able to do some good? I am a writer, so it is our job to watch these guys, but I think much will be improved. He's already accomplishing so much. Reagan had a couple fabulous speech writers. I think Trump writes his own, ha. Yet he manages to communicate pretty well. Did you see the Reagan movie? Happy Tuesday.
The final horseback scene in the Reagan movie was filmed near to where Jill and I used to ride all the time when we were teens.
That's so special that you and Jill knew each other as teens.
My husband and I met at ages 15 (me) and 16 (him) in high school, were just friends for 10 years, and we will celebrate our 31st wedding anniversary next month.
Good to take inventory on such blessings!
same, she barely 15, me barely 16. 46 yrs wed.
Cool! I am jealous you guy have horses. I'm glad you had fun. We watched everything all day. It was sure encouraging.
Let’s not forget Reagan was the one who signed an act repealing the responsibility of Big Pharma with vaccines. I’m not sure of the details - RFK Jnr help me out here.
Yes, he signed the bill that removed liability for vaccine manufacturers, which at the time was pushed for "good" reasons - to unstifle their ability to find cures for people, but to which end we all now well know became disasterous for the American people. It must be repealed, along with the PREP act and many others. Katharine Watt compiled a great list of the various bills that were quietly passed that led to the medical tyranny we have been living under. Check out her Substack: https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/american-domestic-bioterrorism-program.
See! Sleep in your own bed. Farm stuff. Out of the stress. Magic.
DJT is not perfect but he is the best we have seen in a long time.
Glad to "hear" Dr. M back to being Dr. M.
I'm glad you feel better than you did yesterday, after the sleepless nights and constant foot pain.
It seems that we will need to give the administration room to work. When they get on the wrong track, they should be criticized, but we can't rush to judgment with hot takes on how things are going off the rails.
There are forces that seek to divide this movement and will constantly spread negative information on various individuals, through whisper campaigns and internet trolls. We of good conscience should give people in the MAGA/MAHA sphere a bit of grace and maybe up to five strikes before taking to the keyboard to criticize and share a gloomy take.
Not to say that the people newly in charge are not to be held to account. But keep in mind that they have to thread the needle, constantly keeping the deep state at bay/in the dark/lulled to sleep about what's coming, while still pushing forward with a clear agenda and greater transparency.
It's going to be easy to flip from euphoria to despair and back again, over and over. We just need to breathe, keep perspective with the previous 16 years, and pray unceasingly.
Fantastic report, thank you so much. Happy happy we are out of the WHO!
Beautiful read! Thank you so much Drs Malone (one or both of you!)
So, I am French and grew up in Colmar, Alsace, France home of the birthplace of Bartholdi! His museum is there.
Best from our President Trump yesterday: “… and we won’t forget our God!…”
Best from Pete H : “… every last one of them…”
I am "giddy" too!!! This is the best news ever, looks like you are fully on the Trump train!!! Now the two people that I admire the most in this "movement" are in sync!!! I have been a Trumper for a very long time. I got totally engulfed back in 2016 after a many years lapse of even thinking about what Trump was up to. My husband and I back in the 1990's, started our own real estate company and of course read "Art of the Deal" and we loved him then. Following his tips we became successful. Time passed by and I lost track of what he was up to until 2016 and I have been a huge "follower" knowing that he was on the right track, he just needed to have everyone get behind him.
Wow, thank you for President Reagan's speech! And I am happy that Trump has actually fulfilled some of his promises at such speed, great start, hopefully there will be a lot more of such moments! So theankful for everyone who has been pardoned for 6th Jan... Trump's energy is fantastic! What I am so surprised about is the big difference between how he started and acted during his first presidency and how he started and acts now. Back then everything seemed bad, he seemed not happy with anything or anybody. Everyone had to fear to be fired - his approach was so negative. And now - a turn of 180 and his approach is so positive. He is full of hope and confidence and love even, he thanks the people around him all the time and tells who is special and who he admires... Is it just me or is there really this change?
I send my love across the ocean and hope that Europe will join MAHA as MEHA!
I think your perception about Trump's first term is pretty acurate. I do think this was the case, however, because the first time, Trump trusted people who in time proved to be his enemies and who worked tirelessly against him to sabotage his administration. This time around, having gained the insights from his first term, he went in with a brand new team of staffers and appointees who will remove the traitors in his midst to every extent possible. Big difference!
USA sends love to our brothers and sisters across the pond!
"What a difference a day makes" is a perfect header, both for you and us! Rest up and enjoy life and consider getting a massage and that infrared sauna a couple of us mentioned!
And don't forget trying Vicks VapoRub on your feet, wearing socks all night. It's an old remedy our grandparents swore by.
Might be good to look at the ingredients, even tho it was used in the "old days" including mine as a child. Petroleum jelly, for one. There are essential oils that are effective too. It's important to know the effects of anything used on the feet. The skin absorbs everything.