‘Kickback’ right into a prison cell! Lock ‘em up, take ‘em down!

And God bless Senator Rand Paul!

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May 23·edited May 23

We could hand AG Garland a confession of guilt written and signed by Morens, prepared in a video-taped ceremony, and affidavits from witnesses thereto, and Garland would still find a way to lose this in the DOJ labyrinth of "ongoing investigations." The only thing that might get Garland going is if Morens also admitted to being a closet Republican.

And yes, bless Senator Rand Paul. One of the few tracking this down with zeal.

"Like" still not working in the comment stream. Weird.

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There must be some way to charge AG Garland with ‘collusion’ or ‘impeding justice’ or some such legal maneuver. Any lawyers out there with a viable strategy?

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He should be impeached for authorizing the use of deadly force when he signed off on the raid of Donald Trumps home in Florida. Notice there was no raid of Joe Biden’s home or office never mind with the use of deadly force and Joe Biden had no legal right to having any top secret documents. They also didn’t raid Mike Pence’s home with the authorization of deadly force. There were secret service people at President Trumps home and the thug Merrick Garland never told the secret service the FBI was raiding DT’s home. They also had reviewed where the closest hospitals were in case people were shot or killed. This as Garland said is ordinary procedure, which it seems to be with the mafia in charge. Why wasn’t it ordinary with Hunter Biden? They called his lawyer and told him they were coming.

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Like the word thug as it is derived from the name of a gang of violent criminals in India. Very appropriate.

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I would like for someone to compare the 2 orders side by side!!!

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It's been recently reported that the House Oversight Committee voted to send a resolution to the House to hold him in contempt. Relates to withholding of Robert Hur's audio of interview with Biden.

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The so-called justice department uses resolutions and the Constitution for toilet paper. Nothing will be done without a change in leadership. It will still be a extremely difficult road to travel as so much damage has already been done.

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Red green 🚦, heaven knows how much damage has been done that we've yet to discover!

Every morning 🌄 I wake up wondering 🤔 what damage will be revealed today?

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I clearly understand and can relate absolutely.

God Bless

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"Like" isn't working on all the subs I read.

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I can like at the article level, or if your reply to my comment appears in my "activity stream." But I can't like within this comment stream under the article.

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Garland is more concerned about suing Live Nation and Ticketmaster over Taylor Swift ticket prices.

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What browser or app and computer/phone are you using? Have you tried refreshing the screen after you "LIKE"? Sometimes that's all it takes.

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The refresh was working for me in the first days people were reporting problems with "like." But now it doesn't work for me. I can "like" at the article level, and in my activity stream, but not within the comment stream under the article.

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Weird. What browser or app and computer/phone are you using? Can you try a different computer/phone/browser and have it work?

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For starters! Let’s not forget the US Bio warfare budget is 88 billion and if you create a bio weapon, you need an antidote! They believe the experimental RNA injections are the answer. Covid was a bio warfare exercise in my view. Those harmed are just collateral damage in the scheme of things to stay ahead of our enemies! I don’t see an end in sight to this nightmare!

Second: NIH et al. researchers went along with the goals of BARDA. Did the CYA all the way.

Third: Frances Collins, the man that guided the unraveling of the human genome missed his leadership role of making sure the research was not done on a cavalier basis. Pfizer and Moderna are the poster children..

Fourth: Big Pharma jumped in with both feet and over 100 RNA project are under way!

Five: Our leadership in DC has rolled over and is not demanding that we STOP all such research and encourage all other countries to do the same.

My view!

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Our leadership is indeed on an endless roll...(over) We have to stop them.

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How? They are all compromised!

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I would like to think we could ultimately avoid violence, but sometimes I am more inclined to agree with a comment I once read by a Cuban man..."I've seen such things happen in my country, and this will not end peaceably." I paraphrase, but that was the gist of it. I think if unvetted, unassimilated mass migration from the third world, coupled with hostile and (solely) negative rhetoric against conservatives and whites from the media and the government is not stopped...we are in for a world of hurt. Some will be forced to create "militias", just to protect their neighborhoods, which will then lead to more cries of white supremacy (even if all the participants are not white) and attempts at gun confiscation and on and on...I think Israel is the "canary in the coal mine", and I have been shocked by the number of people (even some "freedom fighters") who have abandoned themselves to vitriol filled diatribes against "Zionists"; seemingly oblivious to the fact that such rhetoric is highly incendiary and is causing (and perpetuating) violence against Jews everywhere. On the other hand if one even dares critique Islam, cries of "Islamaphobia" are sure to ensue. I also find myself deeply disturbed by the callousness and lack of caring exhibited by the left towards their fellow citizens, who live at the border or in dangerous cities and situations. They all seem to be wearing blinkers, and I doubt they'll remove them, until it is they who are affected. In light of all these things I do wonder if the Cuban may be spot on.

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We know Garland won’t prosecute Fauci, Morens, or Daszek, but there are state AG’s that can prosecute and jail these mafia members. These people are so corrupt and evil it’s like having the mafia controlling the US Treasury handing out taxpayer money to all of their loyal members and if you dare to say a word against the Godfather, “Tony” you’ll surely be censored and cut off from your livelihood. This censorship model is still in place today. Here’s the c-span hearing of Dr. Morens, just the opening statement gives you an idea of the disgraceful lying piece of shits all of these people are. I pray Fauci ends up in Prison. https://www.c-span.org/video/?535836-1/top-adviser-dr-anthony-fauci-testifies-covid-19-origins

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Totally agree James! Absolute scum all of them! And EVIL through and through! 👿👿👿

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When I watched “Dr.” Morens snicker as he answered the questions I couldn’t help but think of all the people I know that have died of heart attacks, had life altering strokes, blood clots, cancers, can’t eat properly, auto immune diseases, people that couldn’t have funerals for their parents after they suffered a horrible death alone in the hospital, we couldn’t visit sick relatives in the hospital, kids missing school, suicides, social distancing, masks on kids schools shutting down people losing businesses they built their whole lives. And this POS snickers and wants his kick back. Jennifer if these people walk it’s really hard for me to find hope, but I will keep moving forward. Life as changed as it is here goes on.

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This resonates even more for those of us who lost family members to this totally avoidable virus. Our 35 yr. old son passed in Oct of 2021 from COVID complications. Had he not gotten infected, he would be here today, and not a day goes by that I'm not reminded of that. How dare these sick bureaucrats snicker, and move on with their lives after literally destroying so many here and worldwide. I only pray that I live long enough to see Fauci and all these scumbags involved stand trial for their crimes. I'm not optimistic, but I am a Christian and I pray daily for justice.

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So, so sad and sorry for your loss. Do you think hospital protocols were part of the tragedy?

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Yes, absolutely involved. There were so many things done, putting him on a respirator, procedures that were questionable, and I couldn't do a thing because his wife was approving his care, I'm only his mom. I get sick to my stomach reliving what happened to him in the month long time he was there. No parent should have to witness that.

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Your son and you were victims of a war crime. The doctors went along with it to protect their jobs. Many knew the protocols were causing the demise of patients. I put the bulk of the onus on the doctors for not informing their patients of the risks of the shots, venting which was mostly not helpful, remdesivir and other dangerous measures. The doctors are still not warning pregnant women or patients of the dangers of experimental shots. They have all sorts of deflective answers such as 'rare', or false stats etc....This is the stuff of terrible history, and you were a victim, and a victim of those around you who ignorantly believed the propaganda. My sense (and of course I could be wrong) is that you will reunite with your son, I have had too many experiences with close family members leaving their bodies yet communicated with me at a non-material level. I hope that doesn't sound too radical; I think it is commonplace actually.

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Cindy, I am so sorry. I honestly don’t have words to say except that I also pray these un-humans be at the minimum locked away for good. Every description of harms I wrote have happened to someone I know, friends, family, customers associates. Moren’s to me is the face of evil, I hope to see more of them brought out into the sunlight!!

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and by the way, he is still receiving a salary

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All the babies dying in utero after colluding pediatricians assure pregnant women the shots are safe.

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Yes we move forward James knowing life has changed but it goes on! For me I try to LET GO AND LET GOD! I turn it over to God and pray daily! I am so grateful to be on TEAM GOD and TEAM TRUTH! These hideous monsters are on a team I want no part of! 👿👿👿

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Hard to believe this guy was running anything. In the hearing he called himself a scientist and it just felt wrong,,, and I don’t know dirty???? Does that make sense??? He looks like a character in the movie good fellas…

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He isn’t a senior advisor to Fauci. He his is hit man. All good leaders insulate themselves from direct criminality!

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It probably doesn’t matter because the entire government is in on the crime, but it still would make me happy to see people start turning on each other and the truth to come out. Even if no one goes to jail. Ultimately jail time would please me greatly!!!

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Because they refuse or are incapable of debate, they can only censor...and silence. So ensconced in their sanctimonious worlds are they that they do not and will not see the train coming. But if you see it, well your'e and anti science, climate denying, immigrant hating racist.

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With this committee, I often skip to MTG when watching after the fact; who I can always count on for the appropriate passion and outrage about what has been perpetrated by our own federal government agencies. But in the case of Morens, I watched the whole thing, live, with no regrets. It was a train wreck. An absolute train wreck. And I am not above schadenfreude where these monsters are concerned.

It's so bad that even Democratic committee members must make a show of being shocked, SHOCKED (!) to learn that unwholesome practices have been underway at our "health" bureaucracies. It must pain them terribly, to the point of inducing sweat. And, Holy Smokes, would they ever look bad if the smoking gun connection of C19 lab origin to taxpayer funds was ever established. The smoking gun of the type that Morens so assiduously and habitually worked to conceal.

My prediction is that AG Merrick Garland will continue with his stunning lack of professional curiosity, perhaps resorting once again to the cliche of "can't comment on an ongoing investigation" as a fig leaf for dereliction of duty and betrayal.

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Great reporting by Emily Kopp! Great article Dr. Malone. I am so proud of you for staying the course of truth. I couldn’t be any happier that you and Jill and all the crew are on the right side. The side standing for truth and justice and God and freedom. Thank you and God Bless all of us! Thank you Lord Jesus 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💯💯

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Totally agree!

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So many crimes committed by these sociopaths, along with conspiracy to cover up mass murder, equals criminal accessories after the fact!

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Two points. First heard today that NIH has banned Daszec permanently from ever again receiving funding. Second, folks at f.o.i.a. instructing how to evade f.o.i.a. do not need to be employed any longer but rather prosecuted for abetting criminal behavior.

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Permanently? Hopefully.

I worked in a federal FOIA office for a few years. You. Cannot. Delete. Official. Government. Emails.


And every employee is required to take annual training on what "official records" are.

And you cannot use any personal email for official government business.


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May 25·edited May 25

That's pretty much what James Comey, FBI Director said about Hillary Rodham Clinton's email excursions--but then decided not to prosecute.

Have you noticed that Comey, Clinton, and Abrams (as in Stacey) all have had mystery-thrillers published? Amazing how multi-talented these pols are--and they take care of their own.

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Does that mean all the emails that have 'disappeared' can be recouped?

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I think a good forensics geek or two can recover all of them if they get access to the servers. And if the emails were sent to other parties, they might still have copies.

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I think if you or I, had done this, the data would be in the courts as I type.

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Oh, no doubt!

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We could hand AG Garland a confession of guilt written and signed by Morens, prepared in a video-taped ceremony, and affidavits from witnesses thereto, and Garland would still find a way to lose this in the DOJ labyrinth of "ongoing investigations." The only thing that might get Garland going is if Morens also admitted to being a closet Republican.

And yes, bless Senator Rand Paul. One of the few tracking this down with zeal."

AMEN. It is past time for Nuremberg 2.0. COVID and the jabs were the greatest genocide in world history. Short ropes and long drops. Start with Fauci. Gates can go next.

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Ignore all those seemingly incriminating emails! He said he's sorry if he ever deleted any government records! And, besides - he said he had NO idea these were government records! As far as he knew, he never even SAW a government record!! You are misunderstanding all these messages about hiding and deleting information!

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Sociopaths never believe what they are doing is wrong!

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David morens, America, meet your covid patsy. The dem rep questioning him was worried about “throwing under the bus “. She is worried about poor Tony. Tony probably chuckled when he read the incriminating emails knowing that he had his patsy. Is faucis wife still head of ethics at NIAID? She of course was telling them all to be good boys I’m sure.

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May 25·edited May 25

She (non-practicing nurse) was at NIH--National Institutes of Health. Tony (non-practicing physician) was at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). That's a lot of government moolah, benefits, and pensions--what's that Morens said, "too much fooking money!" Oh, and a daughter at Twitter and I'd love to hear where their other children worked. Offspring of Comey and Co. have plum jobs too. Very well-connected folks.

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But nothing will be done by Biden's injustice department.

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In my opinion 100% of the focus and spotlight should be on the vaccines and the hospital death protocols. At this point I don’t really care about the WIV, about GoF research or about lab leaks or zoonotic jumps or about deleted emails concerning same. What I care about is the greatest crime against humanity ever committed. I’m not even interested in Operation Warp Speed, which was a fake store front operation at any rate, designed to fool Americans into believing that a real vaccine was being developed. Compared to the real crime, whatever happened at the WIV doesn’t even rise to the level of a jaywalking ticket

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Sometimes it’s better for Me🤬.

However, I do want to acknowledge Everyone here. I need My Safe space. It is in this Community where I feel I have NOT gone Nutz. Very Best Wishes My Friends, Ed

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As long as the so-called Attorney General - Merrick Garland - remains at the head of the so-called "justice" department - there will be NO real definitive "accountability", i.e., fines and JAIL TIME for ANYONE involved with the WUHAN Virus cover-up - nor ANY 'government' employee or appointed to positions of power by "Democratic" administrations - from OButthead to Biden.

The US Congress is POWERLESS to do anything but spend LOTS of TIME and taxpayer MONEY on "investigations" - and anyone caught LYING to Congress has NO consequences whatsoever - even with smoking-gun evidence.

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The entire make up of this stolen administration is pretty much so-called.

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Right-on - and, Yeah, I tend to use "so-called" quite a lot as a term of derision.

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Tom Daniel, so do I!!

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I am SMILING, Ana!

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These types always look so weak and rat like when confronted by the burning headlights of the truth.

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Your right Andrea the lies we’re pouring out of him like sweat. All of these people are a complete embarrassment to me.

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I Just watched Ted Cruz interrogate a prospective female Dem judge ( just another seemingly brainless radical) who signed off on putting a 6'2 man replete with male equipment, who is also a serial rapist... in with female prisoners. She said he was now all female because of hormones and hasn't committed any crimes while in custody. Clown world USA all the way! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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I watched that as well as Senator Kennedy's questioning. I'm 70 yrs old and never, I mean never, thought I would live to watch such insanity. What has happened to people in this country that they actually believe this is alright? It's beyond my reasoning powers to comprehend.

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Indeed...it is beyond comprehension.

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Doesn't it just make you so excited that you can't wait to serve the public from the nations capitols majestic and time honored hallowed buildings and offices like all these amazing trusting, noble, and honorable citizens??

I pray one day to be a 3 letter .Gov apprentice pawn. My dream job awaits me. Sigh....

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Every time I think they can't be any worse... they make a liar of me. Why do I still hold out hope that not everyone is corrupt? Because it sure seems that the vast majority are. I mean...where are all the employee whistleblowers? Where are all the people who actually care about the human race? Where are they?

Money talks, right?!

I thank my Lord (and family!) that money was never worth more to me than my integrity.

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