Dec 31, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In case my post got lost in the shuffle, please consider interviewing with Russell Brand. Very large audience. Also truth to power.

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If I knew how to get hold of him or if he gets hold of me - I would love to! He is another hero!

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I emailed him via the contact link on his website. Hopefully someone will read it. Maybe if several people emailed this suggestion? Here is the link I used: hello@russellbrand.com I don't do social media (except this) but others could request on facebook etc.

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I’m going to do that now too. ❤️

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I did and on Instagram and YouTube haven’t done rumble yet

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I'm going to that as well.

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Haha, after Rogan publishes he'll have to.

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Great idea! I’ll make that suggestion on one of Russell’s Rumble threads, he gets over 4 million viewers normally

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Yes I send him your stuff and my husband Robert’s substack! I have suggested it! I will see if he answers me back.

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Fantastic news!! You and Dr. Peter McCullough are a one-two punch of Truth that have *got* to be waking up the masses big-time! 🥊

Now, can we get Dr. Mike Yeadon on? Seriously, I’ve been discussing it with him. Maybe you can put a word in with Rogan? :-)

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Dec 31, 2021·edited Dec 31, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone is on the second half of this week’s McCullough Report podcast.

Rebel Alliance Heaven.


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Wow, he’s really making the rounds! Do you have a link handy?

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

See above.

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Dec 31, 2021·edited Dec 31, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Damn it Robert, I bloody love you. I’m just a mom in Melbourne, Australia and we are still in hell here with mandates, even at 95% vaxxed. You, Peter, Mike and many other brilliant people have helped me understand that I am not going mad. I have clarity now because things just weren’t adding up. I am speaking out despite the pushback, denial, mocking and anger from people. No-one wants to be deceived by the govt, MSM and our trusted medical profession. Yet, that is what is happening.

I have found Joe Rogan, Dave Rubin, Russell Brand and many others of this ilk to have the ability to calm my mind, to offer perspective but above all to give me strength to continue in the truth, come what may.

The truth of all of this is SO so painful and scary…

🤬 Knowing that the world’s population is being denied life saving cheap drugs to SAVE lives…

🤬 Knowing that the world’s population is being forced to take experimental drugs that can END lives…

Please reach out to Russell Brand and see what you can do in terms of a discussion/interview/chat. I believe in what’s left of my soul that you will all be instrumental in helping end this tyranny and wake people up to the truth. Our lives depend on it.

Stay strong Robert. You have saved me and so many others already. I hope you can feel the love and the power of your worldwide support. ❤️❤️❤️❤️👊👊🇮🇪

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I sympathise, I`m in Cairns, Qld, and my daughter was in Melbourne all year, suffering the mass psychosis doing her 3rd year of nursing. Unfortunately, she caved in to pressure and got Pfizered earlier this month......Anyhow, I discovered Bannon`s War Room-Pandemic early this year and , wow, did it open my mind to reality....Like a much calmer, more lucid Alex Jones, Steve Bannon has a global reach and amazing guests he sources from all aspects of politics, health, industry, defence, science and the financial system. You should give it a listen to on Rumble, it is where I discovered Dr Mike Yeadon, Dr Robert Malone, Joe Allen, Dr Peter Navarro and Dr Naomi Wolf and their counter-the-narrative advice on covid 19 and transhumanism, etc. Goodonya, Dr Malone! You and Mc Cullough and Zelenko and Geert et al need to be recognised officially as heroes of humanity when this is over. Keep punching.

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We’ve been to Carins! Beautiful! Had the best steak ever on outback tour!

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

YAY! Can’t wait for this podcast! This could eventually lead to some sort of open debate - not on CNN but on Joe Rogan’s podcast… listened to by millions! Fingers crossed! Congrats, Dr. Malone and thank you soooo much for everything you do for all of us!

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As far as Covid 19 I like Joe Rogans attempt to get the truth out. I love his questioning and his guests regarding this topic. But he is not connecting that our current government is behind this. Unfortunately he thinks Obama was the best president ever and doesn’t realize that this government we have right now is part of the problem. Obama is most likely behind all Biden’s missteps and he is pulling the strings here also Joe Rogan thinks Michelle Obama should run for president?! That would be a disaster more of the same w additional racial divide. Sorry to get so political. And to Dr. Malone thank you for doing the interview!

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Hi Kari, I understand and appreciate your point here. My hope is that the further we get into this, Joe and so many others will connect the dots to see the complicity of our current government.

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great move Dr Malone. Joe Rogan’s reach is massive. Thanks for all you do.

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Cannot wait!! So glad you did the Dark Horse Podcast It was a turning point for me!

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Twitter says they're sorry and please come back...

Hahaha just kidding. They still hate the truth.

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And GoogleTube ceremoniously pre-banned the podcast episode in absentia.

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Can Not Wait! GodBless GodSpeed Dr Malone ! 🙏🛐🙏

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Looking forward to your reveals and insight. Appreciate info based on research rather than ideology

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that's an interesting statement, would you say medical ethics falls under ideology?

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Dec 31, 2021·edited Dec 31, 2021

Remember the tens of thousands of Nazi doctors that were NEVER officially punished for what they assisted in over the reign of Hitler (1933-45)? Their diabolical actions never impugned the profession, people just ignored their complicity in the most shocking crimes of the 20th century, and went on trusting their MDs and specialists. Thalidomide didn`t affect that reputation, either, as was the case with so many other ethical breaches.

What we have witnessed from the bulk of the medical profession over the last 22 months has been WORSE than what we learned occurred under the Nazis. Doctors GLOBALLY have ignored the first rule, the hypocratic promise to do no harm. If you think this isn`t ideological, I fear you are very mistaken. Globalism is a very real goal and the ends justify the means. These people spent years obtaining their qualifications and they have either put ideology or personal worth ahead of their patient`s best interests. Her in Oz, they were all sent an email in March warning them that any advice to patients outside of the Government`s covid policy on vaccinations would be viewed as dis information and they would be de-registered as a result.

So, yes, idology once again trumps ethics.

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Thank you Scotty for your insights. I am most interested in Malone's keen senses on medical ethics.

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IMHO & experience: Ideaology has outcomes baked in. Why is it called ideaology? Ideology is a world-view, a philosophy, it has presuppositions, foundational bedrock, tenets cast in stone.

Medical ethics-Applied-which is What Really Matters is at the mercy of controlling $$$ ideology.

Ideaology does not serve ethics.

Medical ethics as Applied has become a contradiction in terms.

Research presents results based on, to affirm conditions observed, that can be replicated, to confirm some hypothesis most often.

Ideology is the polar opposite.

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Dec 31, 2021·edited Dec 31, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Good on you Dr Malone and especially Joe Rogan. I have been his fan for a long time, he is a comedian and he has been pulled into this dark underbelly of Big Pharma. So appreciative of his efforts but I wish him good things - don't let this evil consume any of us and it feels right now like it can. There are other things to focus on but to be honest I am at a loss. I never dreamed in all my years such evil existed and I don't even like to believe such horrible things - but I have been red pilled. Big Pharma and the Food Industry both poison my nation and the children to a point it takes my breath away. We are in a Stephen King Novel. Let's pray it is so evident now from the truth bringing sunlight - the monsters have to retreat! Fuck Pfizer and especially all the executives and FDA supporters of child vaccines.

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This. THE GREAT UPSET!!!!! Schwab can go to hell. 😊

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Dec 31, 2021·edited Dec 31, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Robert (I'm emotionally welling up). We need heroes like you so much. You are the angels helping keep us good people safe from the demons. McCullough, Marik, Chetty, the former Mike Yeadon (reading his slandered Wiki is sickening), Scott Atlas, etc. Absolute heroes. So much courage, compassion & sacrifice. Unfortunately, most of you did not comprehend this totalitarianism that established itself with the post-9-11 security state & wars. Us people from the Middle-East watched our slaughter on false claims (such as WMDs & Anthrax) and use of Al Qaeda forces against us in covert wars. Try to see the big picture of globalization (former called 'Internationalism'). Thank you again. Without individuals such as you, we would be completely lost.

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Looking forward to the interview and 1/23/22! Thank you for all you do. Peace...

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fantastic and congratulations 🎉 I can’t wait to listen to this one!

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I love everything about this!!!

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I added this on a previous post, but feel it is important to get out there, so please excuse me for reposting it:

Maybe you already did the Joe Rogan show, but in light of Canada not letting him in because he's unvaxxed, maybe you could mention that for the province that releases the information, case RATES are now HIGHER amongst the vaxxed than the unvaxxed.


I hope he spreads the word on this before they stop reporting it.


Martin I1 hr ago

Looks like they stopped reporting today as the numbers for the vaxxed continued to get worse.


Martin I22 hr ago

Ontario Canada, December 29, 2021. Rates per 100k:

Unvaccinated cases: 49.9

Partially vaccinated cases: 52.43

Fully vaccinated cases: 63.92

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