9 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Isn’t it ironic that the house republicans spend money to do these investigations uncovering these horrific corruptions but continue to completely fund, many times increasing funding to these agencies, never defunding anything. It’s as though the left hand is completely aware of and continues to fund the right hands plan of amputating the left hand. It’s almost as idiotic as funding your enemy to attack you. Oh they do that too.

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Our political "leaders" and the institutions of government seem to be a microcosm of the worldwide insanity that we see. Clown world indeed. One has to wonder if we are looking at insane plans or planned insanity! Is there indeed a deeper and conscious evil at work here? Again, one wonders.

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9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Let's take a shovel to this snake". That says it for me!!!

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Actually it would be sorta sad. When I was a public health bacteriologist the CDC was a standup agency which worked very smoothly with the states. They offered correspondence courses in subjects like parasitology (was actually signed up for one before the draft changed plans). I have howled for many years about just what. this report said....mission creep. They are into every societal garbage imaginable. When they were a true C.D.C they rivaled the best. Would gov authorization bring them back I wonder? On the other hand, never understood why, as they were so good, we ever needed niad.

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I like snakes much more than these dysfunctional government agencies and affiliates.

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“Live not by Lies” an excellent book about resisting the lies of government and others for that matter.

While filling out paperwork at a recent doctor’s appointment, the question was asked: What is your gender identity? 🤔 To answer truthfully and not live by lies, I crossed out gender and added Sex, and marked Male.

Another question asked about my race, and listed several options: White or Caucasian; Black, African-American; Asian-American; Hispanic-American. I did not know that white skin is a race and my skin color is more like eggshell and not white, nor did I know if my ancestors came from the Caucus Mountains, so I wrote in: European-American. In the future, I will keep it blank, because I do not want to be part of the division game—I’m an American—Period. 🇺🇸

I am kind when asked about the flu vaccines or COVID shots, because I refuse to be arrogant or rude to people doing their jobs. I simply say I don’t take vaccines.

I hope Trump’s administration will gut the CDC and the other agencies. Either totally dismantle them or downsize them with a laser sharp focus that CANNOT create rules as if they are Laws, and CANNOT raid Americans homes as if they are foreign enemies.

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Kudos re: refusing to be arrogant or rude! No need, doesn't help.

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Back in 2021 when these tyrants started ramping up the pressure, I remember Zero Hedge ran a story about a nationwide knocking-on-doors campaign to inquire about vaccination status. The article, which in the time since I've had trouble finding again, showed example forms purporting to be what auditors were filling out for each contact made. This was another one of those giant red flag moments for me, admittedly neither the first in all of this, nor the last. But my thought was that this was creepy. Super creepy.

Here was HHS Sec'y Xavier Becerra insisting that yes, it was the government's business.


This is yet another cool, smug character who might pass for one of hell's minions. In this time of alarm and stress I did take note when Senator Rand Paul got Becerra before his committee. Perhaps it's a trick of light, but it does look like Senator Paul was able to induce a sheen of sweat on Becerra's face. And for his rhetorical victories against Becerra, Fauci, et al, I remain grateful.


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What I find quite perplexing, is that some Christians make fun of organic food and are all in with Big Pharma. I don't get this at all. Shouldn't they have more faith in gods creation and the fruits of the earth... than in any creation of man? My mum always said the human body has miraculous healing powers if you let it... I have found this to be very true.

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They're People first and Christians second and People are hardly the smartest or most competent organisms on the planet. Even chimpanzees can use touch screen tablets.




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Good point!

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Thank you.

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Vote Trump so we can get RFK, Jr to get rid of all these criminals and take them to trial and get back our taxpayer money for “misinformation”. Tried not to use foul language. Very hard with these $(:@&);/%*#*!!!!

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Just say fauci a few times. A foul word indeed.

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Yes! RFK Jr. can go after those criminals.

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I would like to know how that billion was divied up and how many fat cats were made from skimming off of that billion. I look at a lot of money being spent by the Biden administration as being directed into the pockets of friends, politicians and supporters of the administration.

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I think your wish may still come true,

This is not chicken feed.

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My reason was the stream of lies coming out of Fauci's mouth and the over the top fear mongering reeked of being played

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I’d like a refund, please.

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Good luck !

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They always want more…

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Yes they do. I wonder how much they paid themselves in salaries, luncheons, What the hell- just a billion dollars.

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It’s never just one or two things... its ALL the agencies, all the fees, all the line items, the expensive art and $1000 desk chairs, etc. The Federal Government is a glutton and it must be fed. No government should be able to bankrupt you and your neighbors without our consent. My elected representatives do not care what I think or want, but they want my wallet…and my bank account.

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A refund yes and many would like their loved ones back and others would like their health back. Sooooo evil

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It is the history of mankind, nothing new under the Sun, sadly. Change begins in our own hearts… with Christ.

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It was criminal what the FDA/CDC/HHS and the politicians did….but even worse OUR own medical “professionals”(MDs/DOs) simply bowed and asked “for another”…Those who KNEW what was going on was wrong stayed for the most part quiet and cowards… they failed to protect their patients. Oh sure…the same excuse they gave the same excuse a number of mass violators of humanity said following WW2…”I was ordered to do”… A fundamental breakdown in ethics!!…Many of these same retarded minds are STILL in place…and you can bet the deep State will use these ingrates again. Medical ethics needs a major change…DEI and politics must be totally purged from the building and their minds.

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The Mayo and many major medical institutions still are promoting this scam.

What will the accountability be?

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Great article on a little known topic. I will add this article to my Covid Collection. God, they waste money on everything. I wonder who got the contracts to make Covid tests and all the other useless crap.

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Nice job on the article. But is this really news? Seems to me we knew all this while it was taking place. What would be news if they suddenly had any accountability for their treachery and were removed from power and left to weave future webs of deceit on their fellow inmates.

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It is news that the House has issued a report with recommendations/mandates to the CDC. It will only make a difference is the President is Trump, and the house goes republican. Otherwise all is lost.

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This info will be big news to the previously uninformed sheep.

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The doctors who lost their license need to band together and sue these people out of their jobs, and every penny that the covid criminals have. Every news person/reporter and doctor, hospital... that pushed and took money for this needs to be in jail for years.

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Most of you know I am a retired RN with a retired license because of this horrible debacle of lives. I think part of my husband’s mental issues were worsened by Covid itself. Next PCP visit I want to ask him “Have you changed your mind about the ‘jabs’?” I’ve known him since he was an intern.

Thomas Marsh and all the rest of you I agree with what you wrote. I pray people will wake up. Thank you, Dr. Malone, for sharing what this report means. It astounds me so many fell for it. And the waste of money!! You are right! We need a change in government that works for we the people.

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Amen! Thank you !

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Our tax dollars working hard … Against Us!!!

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Dear Dr. Malone, What a breath of fresh air and so informative stating so many of the issues that my gut told me was probably not right. So much death and destruction our government has caused in the name of power and money. Just plain evil. They will have to answer to a higher power some day.

All those 3-letter agencies need to be completely re-vamped or completely go away. The Chevron Precedent was terrible and around way too long.

Early on as I was reading The Act of 1986 it became crystal clear that this was not right. Definitely a long planned PLandemic from start to finish.

My husband (with pre- existing conditions) at 88yr and myself at 83 did NOT take the jab, did not take any PCR fake tests, nor did we have any illness during the entire time. Instead we boosted our immune systems with natural products, organic foods, farmers markets etc.

I discovered Dr. Zelenko and took his advice with Quercetin, Zinc, Vit C etc. and had it on hand...just in case.

Our world, here and abroad has forever changed. Many awakened will be sheep no more. We Will Not Comply!

I know I have irritated many as they talk about 2 shots and a booster... My question was always...How is the booster different than the first two shots? No one could answer that question.

Fear is so powerful and doesn't let us think clearly. I spread my thoughts far and wide....respectfully ...some listened, did their own research and some didn't.

You 'In Conclusion' was spot on. IMHO.

You and Dr. Jill are truly blessed to share your expertise AND your experiences from your property. Truly enjoy all your posts....and send them far and wide. Thanks for reading my rant!

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