Apr 5, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert - listening to your interview with Shannon Joy. I pray that it is shared widely. Prayers for you and Jill always.

Please pray for me. My friend and I are meeting with one of our state senators later today to present evidence as to the harms of the shots. Our binder is 3 inches thick. I don’t see how she can ignore it, but times have changed, haven’t they. 😢

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I am praying - and hoping that it goes well. Even if you don't convince her this time around, if you can stay positive and pleasant - she will reflect on what you have said over time.

We don't always win with the first battle. THANK YOU!!!!

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Thank YOU for your encouraging words. I will take your advice.

I scored some vials of the white fibrous clots. Those should get her attention!

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Great job Laura! Tip of the spear Please give us a debriefing-roadmap as there are many willing to step up.

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Alan - I gave an update in a comment to this latest stack. It’s one of the first 60 in chronological order.


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thank you for your work, courage and leadership.

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Best Wishes for a successful meeting. I hope your Senators understand what they are up against!


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In the past three unfortunate and alarming years, in a suffocation of indelible sadness, I have lost my family, whom I see as suffocating themselves in covidianism and wokeism. I await the turning.

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You are not alone in your lose and we fell your pain. Those who would decimate America must destroy the family unit.

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Bless you -and- your family. May they one day realize how much you care for them and seek reconciliation. I have lost friends this way but am trying to not judge them as they were, in truth, deceived. Peace.

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wretchedcoder, I'm in debt to you today for reminding me -- because in my hurt I tend to forget-- that these loved ones have been gravely deceived. And that in the end I wish them only the light. Peace to you.

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I'm sorry for your losses. I grieve also for those who refuse to accept reality. One of the saddest for me is a Bible class teacher at my church. After being told he urged his class to get the booster and told them injuries are rare, I offered Dr. Peter McCullough's book to him. He declined, saying it is divisive and he didn't want to get involved. I keep thinking of the old saying, "so heavenly minded he's no earthly good." What would people like him have done in Nazi Germany?

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Basically a fancy way of saying the old saying, "good times make weak men, weak men make hard times, hard times make strong men, strong men make good times..."

What happens to this cycle when you introduce gender dismorphia as normal and cool?

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....and combine the weak men with weak women and make for the times we are living in. Over feminization - (safety, no hierarchy of values, etc.) leads to kids who look like they have fallen out of a Robert Crumb comic.

Strong = spiritually healthy = mastery of negative emotion - which is hard and Godly. Inflammation of negative emotion is easy, temporarily satisfying and Demonic.

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I tend to see this in terms of intellectual vs emotional decision making. I have the impression that women are prone toward emotional decision making. IMO there are a few women who do prioritize Intellectual answers. Personally (F) I try to minimize emotional encroachments to the extent I can (I think I'm pretty successful there). I also think there are issues (particularly today) with weak men and strong women. In summary I do favor analysis and action primarily on responsible intellectual bases. So surely do appreciate "strong."

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I have always thought females (generally speaking) to be emotionally reactive, more prone to control, and not in a good way, then males. That’s just my experience with human nature. It is not so much that males are more thoughtful, they just are not as over-reactive generally. Speaking from days long gone, I found a man’s ideas on ‘fixing’ something were specific to what was broken and what was a prudent fix. Women on the other hand were likely to make a mountain out of a mole hill and want measures to eliminate the problem without regard to the side effects, ultimate cost and unintended consequences. The 19th Amendment got us the 21st amendment. I grew up with moms in the home mothering every child in the neighborhood and thought that was normal, so I’m somewhat jaded. A hundred years later, in this decade, it is the women, more than men, that are taking the fight to those abusing their children. A few men are also, but the ladies are true heroes. Then we have what appear to be single moms enthusiastically showing up with their young kids at drag queen parties. Many more female GOP congressional members have a backbone today. At some point, and I think we know how, the later generations are not moored in the same reality we are.

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I agree we have some strong Mama Bears getting involved. As for the male participation - maybe their jobs and potential ramifications are impacting their decisions. That's why I couch this in "intellectual" vs "emotional." There are women into engineering, Math pursuits and advocacy efforts. There are men who seem to be pretty emotional. Personally I was an only child, no playmates and a grandmother who dictated no kisses, no hugs and stay your distance - you are a bug bag. My mother worked to support us 6 days a week. . So, definitely our experiences impact our views of the world.

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The Holy Scriptures have a lot to say about this... As I'm sure you are already aware. I always point to Deborah's continued reliance on Barak, her man-at-arms during her rule over Israel (Judges 4).

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God's intended order for society starts with the union of man and woman, both subservient to God. He defines the roles for each to the other and in society. Yes indeed, the Bible is replete with examples of one serving the other and how each has served in numerous roles for the betterment of society.

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023

Cold, indifferent data accumulation and intellectual analysis. You're right, we don't have enough of this intellectual thinking and action based on data analysis. We need more computer programmers, economists and scientists with their charts showing invisible nano particles' deadly activities and their limitless strands of 1s and 0s modeling humankind's (kind?), I stand corrected, humanity's activities and economic trajectories. Not useless artists, dancers, poets, playwrights and authors of inspiriting, uplifting novels and other wondrous works falsely and foolishly demonstrating (sometimes reporting actual cases of) the healing power of love; silly, useless, foolish feelings of empathy and love. And what about spirituality? What about anecdotal testimonies of enlightenment, spontaneous healings, near death experiences, and life saving Divine interventions? I've personally experienced some. Sorry, I should know better than to mention such nonsense, such insanity. Anyway, as you rightly suggest, there's just too much thinking rooted in feelings. That's our problem right there, too much love, that's what the data show anyway.

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Leslie, I noticed when reading your response, I felt sad that you are being sarcastic about things that are seemingly important to you. I appreciate statements that are rooted in your true perspective. Somehow it seems that the power we possess is weakened by making light of it.

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023

'Light' of it? I'm being sarcastic about the overreliance and importance of data and intellectual thought processes excluding, if not outright disdaining, feelings, intuition, creativity and miracles, for that matter, which are a fact of life.

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To be sure, there should be room for both. Are we reflecting on the wisdom of One World Order, Vaccinating into an existing pandemic or the ways to support a heartsick friend or a sick pet. Art, literature, bibles foster productive emotional engagements. The question is where to employ how much of each (if both can be productive). In my experience,most of the issues I pursue, to me, favor intellectual investigation with intellectual considerations to address.

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The Revelation of Jesus Christ, I think...

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Behold a pale horse! Preferred pronouns him/his.

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I’ve studied this phenomenon for some time now; it’s really good that you’ve brought the concept to your followers, Dr. Malone.

As I’ve said before, you’re one of my heroes, Doctor, and I so appreciate you and your insights! God bless -

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A couple years ago I saw a video regarding this subject and the gentleman drew this out to explain it clearly. I'll paste it below.


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For those who are YouTube averse, here is the Rumble version:


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Our son (1974) is a gen-x repairman extraordinaire! He can fix just about any broken thing except for himself. Damaged physically and mentally in a tour of duty in Somalia immediately following the “Blackhawk Down” incident, he is totally disillusioned regarding both humanity and our government/leaders. My own disillusionment as his once optimistic Boomer mom (1951) has escalated a hundredfold since the Plandemic. I hope and pray my gen-z granddaughters (2013, 2014) will be able to help create a better world. I also hope to live long enough to see it! Thanks for referencing this video.

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The disillusionment of your son is quite understandable; for anyone tagging along on this Twilight Zone misadventure can end up this way, even without seeing what he's seen.

Just the act of being 'red pilled' alone does it's fair share.

It also doesn't help ones PTSD when his truth happens to be a major inconvenience for the average person to hear.

I'm sure people don't understand why at times his emotions can go from zero to sixty in no time flat.

He's fortunate he has a mother who was able to see things for what they really are.

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Much appreciation to your son for his service and sacrifice, LJB. Blessings, hope, and peace to your family.

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I am curious how fifth generation warfare will affect the timing/duration of the fourth turning?

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I agree

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Seems to me that 5GW's purpose is to delay the turning "until it is too late". Seems very unlikely it can prevent the turning as the Truth always has a way of getting out, and unless killed or enslaved, people prevail. Eventually...

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Empires do not suffer emptiness of purpose at the time of their creation. It is when they have become established that aims are lost and replaced by vague ritual~Frank Herbert

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023

I read "The Fourth Turning" 20 years ago (plus another book), studied the 500 year patterns in the book, and concluded that the next existential crisis in America would be "People vs Corporations": https://petersavich.com/Duck/Analysis/PVC/pvc.php

20 years later, the title should perhaps be edited to "American People vs. WEF".

Only question is when did the crisis phase start? 9/11? 2008 financial meltdown?

Doc Malone's writing on 5th Gen. warfare really put this crisis into perspective. The amazing thing to me is that only folks like us on this thread know we're in an existential war against the WEF. Most Americans have never even heard of WEF, or thought much about it.

Was that the case for Americans in 1939 re the Nazis?

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Too busy grieving over the depression and not enough national newspapers covered WWII behind the scenes. The Jewish owned NYT purposefully omitted and even lied about the atrocities. Walter Duranty, its correspondent, was a sell out on Germany and the Soviet Union.

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Great observations. To be sure humanity is awakening from a stupor. The greedy and careless manner in which the governments of the world have treated the population is clearing the veneer from the edifice of totalitarianism and in horror we look at what we funded through taxation.

Around us was built a technological prison, in our favorite colors. 100% natural flavored too.

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To this analysis, I would add another analysis I've read from James Piereson, who argues we are also seeing a shift in a larger political cycle within the US. He says we have had 3 eras within US history, each roughly 80 years long and each defined by ideological rule of one political party over another. With one party always the "leader" and the other party the "loyal opposition" within a given historical era; one party setting the Overton window and the bounds of discussion, and the other party reacting to that and arguing for small concessions within those bounds.

We have been under Dem/liberal ideological rule for 80+ years now. Meaning, even when we had "Republican" leadership, they were not proactively - or even actively - conservative; they were defensively conservative (exemplified by William Buckley's "standing athwart history yelling stop"), and the democrat/liberal momentum continued even under ostensibly conservative leadership. This era is now coming to a close and we are shifting to a time when conservatives/Republicans will again be the ones setting the bounds of the discussion and Dems/libs will be the reactionary side.

IMO, the shorter cycle 4th turning is the catalyst for the new super-cycle era to begin. The liberal era has reached its logical conclusion: the government has grown too big and invasive; taxes are omnipresent and the tax code nearly impossible to navigate; social norms have slid so far left we now say men can have periods and babies; religion has been drummed out of civic life and is openly mocked by ruling elites; we now have one of the most extreme open abortion regimes in the world; we live in a never-ending cycle of profit-driven foreign wars, etc. All liberal goals. IMO, a signal we are near the end is that the Dem/liberal controlled government/establishment is now openly hostile to basic human rights like freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and medical autonomy.

IMO, 2008 marked the start of the 4th turning. Obama ran as a uniter but immediately pivoted to division and authoritarian leftism. That was well-hidden by the media and meaning-making institutions of the West. Trump's supporters exposed some of this, but couldn't overcome the weight of the elites and their propaganda tools. Until covid.

With covid overreach, the Dem/liberal lies couldn't be squared with what people directly experienced in their own lives. This led to more questioning of the establishment and its narrative. Maybe most importantly, covid overreach exposed the hidden agenda to reprogram children in the schools, essentially grooming them to be leftists of one sort or another. That caused balkanization and a reordering of America. So, IMO covid was the turning point and the current Dem/liberal order is in the process of falling apart.

Interesting irony: there is no better person to represent that turning and falling apart than Joe Biden, the poster child for the roughly 80 years of liberal/Dem "progress," government expansion, pandering, and corruption.

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So well thought out. Thank you.

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Thank you for this Dr. Malone. In a strange way, it gives me hope; albeit quite long term. I’ve always suspected this cycle - a cycle no one lives long enough to fully experience.

God help us all survive these horribly tumultuous times. And God help our children and ongoing generations surmount these times, especially the frightening physical affects of the vaxx.

As always, prayers and much gratitude to you and Jill.

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As unsettling as an "unraveling" may sound, it is true, there's comfort in knowing that sometimes it gets worse before it gets better.

Especially for the selfless who work tirelessly knowing there's a good chance that in spite of their sacrifices, they may never see fruits of their labor. The ultimate greater good.

Which leads me to my next point..

Dr. Malone, I appreciate your help with the National Citizens Inquiry up here. I haven't watched your testimony yet as I'm watching every minute of the 48+hrs(so far) in the order they were held. I'm only 27 hrs in....

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Thank you, thank you, thank you for bringing some light into the darkness. That was very profound and hopeful!

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Looks like a good read--just put on my kindle. I do think we are at an inflection point in the USA--it will be interesting to see how they line up to the historical parallels in the book.

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Most of the under 30 generation are lock step with the Commie Dem agenda. They are not open to discussion. The next generation will be even worse. America is toast!

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Dr. Malone helped create a new uncensored platform. Open to everyone. A forum covering C•19: it’s history, biology, public policies, treatment options, v-safety, + more.

Sign-Up: https://forum.demed.com/COVID/posts

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The power of the USD is what keeps this awful crap going. If the rest of the world abandons the petro-dollar reserve currency, the Deep State ends up broke. No money means no power. This impoverishes the USA but also any who hold USD's. This is a lot of small countries who peg their money to the USD, and individuals around the world who keep dollars in their mattress. We are witnessing, as is pointed out in the article, a departure from the USD like we have never seen before, a distancing. It is "our" own doing for the reasons mentioned.

Historically, all fiat currencies die. The end usually is hyperinflation and then either a takeover by the creditors (good money chasing out bad) or a war against them that either "resolves" the debts or sacrifices the country to them. Will this be China? Right now, smart powers are appearing to simply keep their distance and let the broken, corrupt USA Deep State controlled Biden Administration continue to commit suicide, taking us all with them.

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I think that the inflation will continue, credit is being pushed and used to survive, insane amounts of interest on cc debt(30%+), until the “benevolent” govt uses that debt as leverage for control.

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Very true, thank you Dr. Malone. There is also a spiritual element to this, please read this SHORT article in The Federalist today. Peace. I wish you and yours a blessed Resurrection Sunday. https://thefederalist.com/2023/04/05/we-are-all-made-in-the-image-of-god-not-made-into-it/

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