Vaccine manufacturers have weaponized our federal health agencies against our children for profit.

Mandating vaccines is criminal, and California and New York are in the fore front supported by amoral politicians. NIH admitted in the 1990's that 70 % of all the polio cases were caused by the live Salk polio vaccine. Too late for those who suffered the consequences. The exponential rise in autism cases paces the exponential rise in the number of vaccines being administered to our children and it is denied that it is the root cause. The RNA injections are just the newest layer of harm being administered to our children. When will rational medical thought prevail?

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the democrats in the USA now require med schools to admit idiots based on race, not merit.

https://meaww.com/wake-forest-university-north-carolina-medical-school-upheld-woke-medical-student-joked-hurt-patient yes, the woke vermin support racist sadists

Going to the hospitals in the USA is the 3rd leading cause of death

Democrats want that to be number one.

If they cant kill you in the womb, or mutilate your sex organs while a mentally ill teen, they will just kill you when you get sick.

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I believe this 100 %! I went to the ER at a local hospital on 11/30/23, because I had a sinus infection, wasn’t able to sleep, coughing green junk for over 1 week. I checked into the ER early in the morning on a Friday; I found out I was dehydrated & my potassium was low. I didn’t have any problem breathing in/out, but the nurse indicated my oxygen level was low (88% I believe it was), so she hooked me up with oxygen. Of course, the ER had to take a nose test for CV19, & of course, my test was “allegedly positive for CV19”. I was not surprised, since some of my family tested positive for CV19 previously. After 3 years of not getting covid, we evidently got it. But, when the ER doctor came in to chat, she immediately stated now you can get a vax shot. I told her “No”, that’s not happening; the look on her face told me everything I needed to know. She wanted me to get Paxolovid (sp?), & I said that’s NOT going to happen. I stayed one night in the hospital, on oxygen, & was given a steroid to protect my lungs (per the doctor’s on staff). I checked out the next day, & actually felt 100% better. I’m sure being “re-hydrated” helped me, & my oxygen level remained higher than 90 the entire time I was in the hospital. I really feel hospital Admin’s & some doctor’s will try to keep patient’s checked-in, & “offer meds” that could be harmful, possibly causing patients to get “sicker”, or death. I believe older, senior patients should have a family advocate with them during a stay at any hospital- I’ve lost my trust in medical care, & blame the almighty “green buck” as incentives to push Big Pharma meds! In my personal opinion.

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you are absolutely correct, I have been a nurse for 40 years, and for 30 years I have told people to make sure they have a friend of family member stay in the room, it might save your life, even if I was taking care of you

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Thank you for your response, I appreciate that! The covid mess sure changed our lives in so many ways!

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This right here is where the medical community loses me. I've been around this planet now starting my 7th decade and I've been told about the fact that there are viruses and bacteria present on and in our bodies literally in the millions at all times. Yet, miraculously, we are not sick. We don't "have" what ever disease these things tend to cause. Fast forward to covid testing. Now (and I'm not even talking about the problem with false positives which is huge) if one tests positive for the c virus it seems it automatically translates into you "have" covid even though you aren't ill and show no symptoms. Does this mean then that if there is a cold virus discovered up my nose I have a cold? Right, no it doesn't. How about the flu? No again. This whole thing is a steaming pile of horse manure!

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Exactly! I’ve been on this planet for 72 years, & never had a flu shot, nor have I been sick with any flu; my thought has been, “if it ain’t broke, don’t need to fix it”. When this “c-virus” began in 2020 (or appeared out of no where), I was so skeptical about the entire shenanigans, & believed it was all propaganda. I didn’t have any symptoms for the c-virus (according to those folks who mentioned their symptoms); I’m OCD about washing my hands; I used my jacket sleeves to open doors in public places; I began taking vitamin D3 years ago, along with Glucosomine joint health tablets, eat healthy foods (more beef), & made sure I stayed active, like walking & always had projects to do & keep busy. I think my cv test was false positive- period. I just know when something is out-of-wack-in my own body. I call this c-virus cow manure, & enough of the propaganda from the CDC, Health services & government agencies! I’m done with all of it!

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Offering vaccines is a box which must be checked on the electronic medical record. It serves to track physician compliance to the prevailing narratives.

Think of it as medical staff's social credit scoring tool.

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Yep! Medicine by the numbers! Reporting to Big Pharma to determine how effective their marketing is! Has nothing to do with good health!

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That is interesting- I was not aware of that, but I assume the doctor in charge at the time, would mark that box after time with a patient; I wonder how my decision to not get jabbed with any c-virus vax, actually affects medical staff? This would be most interesting to find out!

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I know how it affects the one who refuses that jab: there's now a diagnostic code for that refusal.

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I’m not sure what or how this translates to patients, or medical staff, but, it can’t be good!

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Hospitals are no longer for patient care, they are for profit, period!

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Such good testimony. You can sense the frustration in her voice! Appreciate the post, Dr Malone.

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They are also apparently training them to treat by checklist (to be enhanced by computer generated Dx an Rx). Too me too much is likely be missed (missing data. missing individual particulars) and likely to promoted Dr apathy. We need involved Dr advocates.

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a simple rule of thumb for today, if your doctor has their nose buried in the laptop while talking to you, get another doctor, they "might" be a good doctor, but the odds are low

Even today, I can look at a patient, while I talk to them, even if the computer is behind me

Just that good visual look can spot a lot of "problems" and save you AND the patient trouble later

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Good comments. My practice was listen to and talk to the patient - then discuss with them recommendations and their thoughts about the recommendations. If your doc is too busy, or can't remember the conversation, it's time for a new doc.

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now, I have to disagree about the remember part, its why I used to take notes (post-its saved my career) , I have had CRS since I was 12. I have no fear of dementia, I have been dealing with it all my life

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Just experienced this again for myself. Went from Dr to Dr who all were misdirecting my health issues towards my kidneys, my prostate, my bladder, my colorectal systems. Turns out nothing wrong with any of it.

Self diagnosis along with my chiropractor determined beginnings of disc degeneration from S1 through L1 was causing all my symptoms. Fantom discomfort all nerve related, and zero biologic. Glad I chose not to do the colonoscopy after all, as they probably would have offed me right then and there, and said i died from CV19.


I found that when i went to the gym and spent some significant time stretching hamstrings and hip flexors, or if I used my Teeter inversion table, the symptoms subsided. Biological issues wouldnt have affected by simple stretching techniques.

Being "self aware", That is when I paid a visit to the chiro, and he ordered my lumbar MRI

I had to pay for the MRI out of pocket because my health DIS-insurance was too much of a hassle and wait to get it approved.

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Change apathy to empathy…Just sayin’. 😁 Ed

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Agree. What I was trying to convey is that when patients become stick figures and one's obligation becomes dealing with them as directed by diktat, that Doc is subtly encouraged to have NO empathy. No need to encourage or advocate.

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Medicine is moving rapidly toward an AI model.

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All too true and new Doctors trained to stay within what AI instructs. This is a business not a profession.

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Healio, which is a Pro Big Pharma marketing arm, just published the following article, (3/1/2024) that encourages all medical professionals to learn how to ELIMINATE vaccine hesitancy. How to talk to parents to persuade them to have their children injected, injected and injected. Here is the article:


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Feb 27Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have a customer with a huge gym and health center in my town. I’ve been doing their carpentry for almost 40 years. There’s a manager there, that is a brilliant Jewish man and at times he helps me with small tech issues, he is a friend. I was doing a small job for him at his house and we got into a bit of a heated discussion to say the least. I told him that president Biden should never have forced large parts of the population to take an experimental vaccine. After a little back and forth he said because I’m unvaxed I should be locked up in my house and not able to go out into the public. I told Steve that my father volunteered to go over to Germany to help free his ancestors from Nazis with similar ideas as his, that he was shot in the back by a Nazi, shipped to England on his death bed, and had a lung ripped out of him. I told Steve because of my fathers sacrifice to help his relatives be free my father died when I was only 20. I also told Steve I would never, never comply with being locked up, forced to wear a mask or social distance by a want to be dictator similar to the one that locked his ancestors up. I went on to say the Nazis injected Jews with different chemicals to see what would happen, and this was why a part of the Nuremberg codes put informed consent into law. This code was implemented world wide for all. Steve was dumb founded and never brought up the subject of locking me up again. I still consider Steve a friend though I admit I look at him differently. J.Goodrich

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Bless you, James, for telling your truth so powerfully. Perhaps your friend, after some rumination, will take your perspective to heart.

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Ned I know many of us have friends and family that lost their minds during Covid. It shows how psychologically powerful produced government actions can have on people. Steve is a very smart honest good person. I was very surprised when he said I should be locked up.

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Please revised post. Ed

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No it wasn’t Steve Kirsch, Ed my good friend!!!

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Thank You for Your thoughts and Time . I “try”

to pay attention. 😁 Very Best, Ed

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You…locked up…They, I unfortunately believe, Kurt Schlichiter was precient. Safe Travels, Ed

Edit - Ever seen a pissed off (Momma’s Boy) Texan?

I missed that …I hope You are not talking about Steve Kirsch? Please reply…I will unsubscribe in less than a heartbeat. We must All stick together. Peace, Ed

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Steve K. would hardly be a manager at a health club...

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Sadly, James, I am not surprised at Steve's vitreol against you, I and anyone else who excercised critical thought, either back then, or now.

The programming is powerful enough to convince those susceptible that you are not worthy of freedom, you are not worthy of opinion, you are not worthy of life, being you do not comply. If that is not a Nazi puritanical dream, I don't know what would be.

These people who subjected themselves voluntarily to this, want everyone else to do the same, which will absolve them,of fault. They have been told that they wont be held accountable for their own actions which harmed themselves, if everyone around them did the same.

Group think

I did what i was told, therefore, it's not my own fault

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T, Steve is the guy who’s wife worked at the Carmel Factory!!

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it is very hard for the vermin to even want to leave the cult

but one can hope

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So There! Good on you James, for having the insight and knowledge to speak as you did. It's amazing that the very people who have history can be the same with blinders on. I stopped going to my Jewish chiropractor, who was one of the best, because I told him I would not comply any longer with the charade of masks and hand washing etc. He took me off the schedule.

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I do like Steve. The gym owners are also Jewish. They honestly are like parents to me, especially the husband. He was pushing me to take the shot and I thought they may not let me in to work there without it. I’m glad he didn’t because I may have made that mistake. I’ve talked to him since about all of the negative health consequences and he agrees but kinda brushes me off. It’s odd I think they have all been shot at least 4 times and are constantly getting Covid. BTW I built (renovated) the parents house in Mashpee, on cape cod 6 bedrooms 7 bathrooms, I went there to work and they wanted me to look at building a new tv stereo cabinet. Their 3 kids wives and children all left the house when I went in to measure. All of them were constantly sick also. Funny how people changed so much. I have built all of their kids homes. I’ll try to post a video of a basement at the daughter house I did recently. I built that house 10 years ago. Zillow estimate was 4.5 million last I checked. They made over 3 million in equity from what I did for them. That house is near Robert Krafts house in Chestnut Hill. Tom Brady lived near it also when he was here. https://share.icloud.com/photos/03c1RlmNrpVp2wQdCplsJeVFA

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You're a better man than I James, I couldn't get near those folks, non family, after their treatment of you.

The writing is on the wall, they are constantly sick but won't look at the reason. Sad. I hate to admit it, but I have the problem with one of my children. Perhaps his illnesses are not vax related, but it is a topic not really examined, and it hurts his parents. Both his illness, and his not looking.

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My sister is the same. She got lymphoma and I can’t be sure its vax related but I think the vaccine allowed it to grow inside her. We have deep discussions at times when I’m up for it. First she hates Trump. She does payroll for a huge women’s medical manufacturing company. She was telling me they have been handing out 1/2 a million dollar bonuses and I said I can’t fathom how a company can make so much money to hand out millions period. Then she said they make Covid test swabs and machines that can determine positive or negative results quickly. It hit me, it’s taxpayer money the company is getting. In fact I bet the companies buying this stuff are using tax payer money. She believes Covid has killed millions. When I tell her hardly anyone has died from the flu in 3 years she says oh come on Covid is much worse. I said if Covid is such a horrible pandemic the death rates in America should be up by millions right. She looked at me, I said they’re not, only because of death by vaccination. Well that was the end of that conversation… I’m sorry about your child.

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Feb 27Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Senate hearing was a spectacular gathering of intelligent, honest, conscientious people who encompass values of truth, integrity and morality at best. It continues to astound me that the masses can not see through all the lies and deception. My hope is that from all these presentations and testimonials humanity will wake up!

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The catch is likely making such impressive reveals available to such audiences and effectively attracting them to invest their time to watch listen, read - absorb the messages.

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That absorbing thing..... THAT'S the hard part.

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Watched all 4 hours of the hearing. All of the speakers were great and VERY informative.Still to be answered the question asked many times by Senator Johnson “Who do you think is behind it” I encourage you all to watch it and form your own conclusions

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Listening to that right now! She is fired up, and she should be!

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Barbara Loe Fisher's opening paragraph makes such a stunning and disturbing indictment:

"Of all developed nations in the world, America has the worst infant and maternal mortality rates, and is home to the most highly vaccinated, but the sickest and most disabled child and young adult populations."

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Freedom. What a concept! I remember it well...

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Feb 27·edited Feb 27

I believe wholeheartedly informed consent is a human right that was flushed down the toilet in order to put a needle in as many arms as possible. I said it to as many who would pay attention, they’re not telling us what the side effects are or the risks because no one would take the jabs.

I pinned this to my Twitter page 9/18/21 and it’s still there: If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, incentivized, lied to, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, paid, punished, criminalized and all of this is necessary to gain your compliance, you can be sure that thing is NOT in your best interest.

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The coordination between Federal agencies, our elected officials in Congress, Big Pharma, corporations, and social media, to censor American citizens is beyond my comprehension. I served in the U.S. Army to protect our freedoms against our enemies both foreign and domestic. It is now apparent that the enemies within our nation have revealed who they are. This not only saddens me greatly, but alarms me. I am deeply concerned that my children and grandchildren will no longer live in a nation of freedom, but rather under a tyrannical government which will demand control, even over our thoughts. 😞


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In 2011 the Supreme Court in the Bruesewitz vs Wyeth case, decided that vaccines are "unavoidable unsafe." This decision alone should be enough to allow people exemption from vaccines, if they so choose. Vaccines are unsafe and I don't believe they can ever be made safely, or WHY IN THE HELL haven't they been made safe? If you study the epidemiology and history of all the diseases, from which the vaccines have supposedly saved the human race, you will find it all to be a lie. Sanitation services ended the diseases for which we vaccinate, and if Bill Gates really cared one iota about Africans he would have spent all the money he spent on vaccines, getting the Africans clean water and dependable sanitation services. God made us with a very dependable immune system that has proven, if left intact, to be very efficient at preventing and fighting disease. It has already been proven that even with man made diseases, like Sars-CoV-2, that those individuals with intact immune systems faired quite well. What we need is to STOP MAKING DISEASES!!!!

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The government was set up to exist as the voice of the people in the United States. Now it exists for the benefit of greedy mercenaries who are out to extract as much money as possible from the American taxpayers- who are alreading supporting it financially. Every bureaucratic department appears to be on the take...and is self serving. Money-making is the Rule... and ethics are out the window. Our Constitution has been totally ignored and We the people...are kept totally in the dark..

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🙏❤️‍🩹Thank you for shining beautiful disinfecting sunshine on this warrior woman and all those who spoke at, organized, and listened to Senator Johnson’s Roundtable. I pray that the “elites” will take heed.

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deletedFeb 27·edited Feb 27
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I think I saw the video and definitely saw the 2-hour interview with Del Bigtree on The Highwire (https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/1986-the-untold-story/). You're probably right that the "elites" will ignore this testimony as they have done all other. But this testimony is for US to share. Perhaps with enough sharing, THEY won't be able to ignore much longer.

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deletedFeb 28
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Anti Vaxxer - Someone who knows what's in vaccines. Doctor - Someone who doesn't know what's in vaccines.

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It's proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the people who run Biden have trashed the 1st amendment, and various others, using our tax dollars to get it done.

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I’m generally a kind. very helpful (especially to the elderly), empathetic individual. Come at Me with a needle….Ed🤬

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the democrats in the USA now require med schools to admit idiots based on race, not merit.

https://meaww.com/wake-forest-university-north-carolina-medical-school-upheld-woke-medical-student-joked-hurt-patient yes, the woke vermin support racist sadists


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Dang, I have had couple of trauma-induced, moderately severe injuries. No doctor visit. No Thank You. I wish I could’ve but I’ll figure it out and let My body heal.

Edit - I did see one idiot (uk)

who recommended blood work…I’m like I crashed hiking and my right shoulder hurts lik #%^*. Ed

I refrained ; but thought, your mind functions at the speed of a slug.

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the general rule, a few decades ago, was about ten percent of all people in a profession are idiots, or thugs, or not remotely qualified (sometimes all 3)

thanks to democrat vermin, and republican cowards, that is about 20 to 25 percent now

which is why going to the hospital is the 3rd leading cause of death in the USA

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Ha, at the speed of a slug . . . made me laugh Ed. Thank you!

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Reply again - It is simply bizarre. We helped so many People of All Races, Creeds and Color. The Doctors I worked with were from all Nationalities from various backgrounds, Race, Creed and Color. Those Physicians had two things in common = A Brain and the Patients’ Best Interest in Mind, Body and Soul. Ed

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I spent so many hours working with Patients regardless of their ability to pay. It is a Dang shame.what healthcare has come to, in general…It makes Me “Upset” I went in to help people…Now, unfortunately I see, critical thinking is virtually non-existent. To All The Good Physicians Out There, Rock On !!! Ed

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Try and harm a child in front on my two Pups. Older video; however, some things remain the same. They were taughtTrained Children are sacred. Ed

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